All Topics > JW Policies

Norway Defunds Watch Tower for Violating Human Rights Would you consider the Organization of Jehovah’s Witnesses to be the “low-hanging fruit” of the world’s religions?  I know that sounds like a cryptic question, so let me give it some context. Jehovah’s Witnesses have long preached that the...

Deadly Theology by Barbara J Anderson (2011)

From: Of all of Jehovah’s Witnesses’ peculiar ideology that attracts the most attention is their controversial and inconsistent prohibition of transfusions of a red biological fluid—blood—donated by caring people to...

Applying the Two-Witness Rule Equitably

The two-witness rule (see De 17:6; 19:15; Mt 18:16; 1 Tim 5:19) was intended to protect the Israelites from being convicted based on false accusations.  It was never intended to shield a criminal rapist from justice.  Under the law of Moses, there were provisions to...




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