Examining Matthew 24, Part 9: Exposing the Jehovah’s Witnesses’ Generation Doctrine as False

Examining Matthew 24, Part 9: Exposing the Jehovah’s Witnesses’ Generation Doctrine as False

For over 100 years, Jehovah’s Witnesses have been predicting that Armageddon is just around the corner, based largely on their interpretation of Matthew 24:34 which speaks of a “generation” that will see both the end and the beginning of the last days. The question is, are they getting it wrong about which last days Jesus was referring to? Is there a way to determine the answer from Scripture in a way that leaves no room for doubt. Indeed, there is as this video will demonstrate.

Examining Matthew 24, Part 8: Pulling the Linchpin from the 1914 Doctrine

Examining Matthew 24, Part 8: Pulling the Linchpin from the 1914 Doctrine

As hard as it may be to believe, the entire foundation of the religion of Jehovah’s Witnesses is based on the interpretation of a single Bible verse. If the understanding they have of that verse can be shown to be wrong, their entire religious identity goes away. This video will examine that Bible verse and put the foundational doctrine of 1914 under a scriptural microscope.

1914 – A Litany of Assumptions

[For the original treatise on the whether 1914 was the start of Christ’s presence, see this post.] I was talking with a long-time friend a couple of days ago who served with me many years back in a foreign assignment.  His loyalty to Jehovah and his organization...

1914—Pulling the Linchpin

Sir Isaac Newton published his laws of motion and universal gravitation in the late 1600s. These laws are still valid today and scientists used them to achieve the pinpoint landing of the Curiosity rover on Mars just two weeks ago.  For centuries, these few laws...

The Last Days, Revisited

[Note: I’ve already touched on some of these subjects in another post, but from a different viewpoint.] When Apollo first suggested to me that 1914 was not the end of the “appointed times of the nations”, my immediate thought was, What about the last days?  It is...