创世记(创世记1:1 –创世记2:4):第5-7天

创世记1:20-23 –创造的第五日

“上帝接着说:'让水涌出一大群活着的灵魂,让飞来的生物飞越大地,飞越天堂的脸庞。 And God proceeded to create the great sea monsters and every living soul that moves about, which the waters swarmed forth according to their kinds and every winged flying creature according to its kind.'上帝开始创造伟大的海怪和每一个活动的活着的灵魂,水根据它们的种类涌动,每个有翅膀的飞行生物也根据种类而涌动。 And God got to see that it was good.”上帝知道这很好。”

“有了上帝,上帝就祝福他们,说:'要富有成果,成为许多人,把海盆的水填满,让飞行的生物在地上变得更多。” And there came to be evening and there came to be morning, a fifth day.”到了晚上,到了第五天。






再次使用希伯来语单词“ bara”,意为“创造”。

The Hebrew word “tannin” is translated as “great sea monsters”.希伯来语单词“单宁”被翻译为“巨大的海怪”。 This is an accurate description of the meaning of this Hebrew word.这是对这个希伯来语单词含义的准确描述。 The root of this word indicates a creature of some length.这个词的词根表示某种长度的生物。 It is interesting to note that older English translations often translate this word as “dragons”.有趣的是,较早的英语翻译通常将此单词翻译为“龙”。 Many old traditions tell of large sea monsters (and land monsters) which they called dragons.许多古老的传统都提到大型海怪(和陆地怪兽)被称为龙。 The descriptions given to these creatures and occasional drawings are often very reminiscent of drawings and descriptions which have been given to sea creatures such as plesiosaurs and mesosaurs and land dinosaurs by modern scientists.对这些生物的描述和偶尔绘制的图样常常让人联想到现代科学家对诸如蛇颈龙,中龙和陆地恐龙等海洋生物所做的图样和描述。

With the seasons and sun and moon and stars, the flying creatures and the great sea monsters would be able to navigate.随着季节,太阳,月亮和星星,飞行的生物和巨大的海怪将能够航行。 Indeed, for some of them, their mating time is determined by a full moon, for others the time to migrate.确实,对于其中一些人来说,他们的交配时间是由满月决定的,对于其他人来说,是迁徙的时间。 Even as Jeremiah 8:7 tells us就像耶利米书XNUMX:XNUMX告诉我们的一样 “即使是鹳在天堂–它也知道它的指定时间; and the turtledove and the swift and the bulbul – they observe well the time of each one's coming in”以及斑鸠,雨燕和the –他们很好地观察了每个人进来的时间。”.

还必须指出一个微妙但重要的区别,即飞行中的生物飞过地球 在脸上 是指天空(或穹苍)的广阔,而不是在穹苍之中或之上。

God blessed these new creations and said they would be fruitful and many, filling the sea basins and the earth.上帝保佑这些新造物,说它们将富有成果,并且将充实海盆和大地。 This showed his care for his creation.这表明了他对创作的关心。 Indeed, even as Matthew 10:29 reminds us,确实,即使马太福音XNUMX:XNUMX提醒我们, “两只麻雀难道不卖出价值不高的硬币吗? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground without your Father's knowledge “.然而,在没有你父亲的知识的情况下,没有一个人会倒在地上。  Yes, God has concern for all of his creations, especially humans, which was the point Jesus went on to make, that he knows how many hairs we have on our head.是的,上帝一直关心他的所有造物,尤其是人类,这就是耶稣继续提出的观点,他知道我们头上有多少根头发。 Even we do not know that total unless we are completely bald with absolutely no growing hairs, which is extremely rare!甚至我们都不知道总数,除非我们完全秃顶,完全没有长发,这是极为罕见的!

Finally, the creation of the sea creatures and flying creatures was yet another logical step in sustainably creating the interconnected living things.最后,海洋生物和飞行生物的创造是可持续地创造相互联系的生物的又一个合乎逻辑的步骤。 The light and dark, followed by water and the dry land, followed by the vegetation, followed by clear luminaries as signs for food and direction for the animals and sea creatures to come.光明与黑暗,接着是水和干燥的土地,接着是植被,接着是清晰的灯具,作为动物和海洋生物进食的食物和方向。

创世记1:24-25 –创世的第六日

24And God went on to say: “Let the earth put forth living souls according to their kinds, domestic animal and moving animal and wild beast of the earth according to its kind.”上帝接着说:“让地球按照生命的种类,生出活着的灵魂,让牲畜,动产的动物和地球上的野兽按照种类来释放。” And it came to be so.事实是这样。 25 And God proceeded to make the wild beast of the earth according to its kind and the domestic animal according to its kind and every moving animal of the ground according to its kind.上帝开始按照地上的种类来制造地上的野兽,并根据地上的种类来制造家畜,并且根据地上的种类来制造地上的每一个活动的动物。 And God got to see that [it was] good.”而且上帝看到了[很好]。”






创世记1:26-31 –创世的第六日(续)


26 上帝接着说:“我们要照着自己的形像,照我们的形像造人,让他们顺服大海的鱼,天上的飞物,家畜,大地和每一个动静。在地球上移动的动物。” 27 And God proceeded to create the man in his image, in God's image he created him;上帝照着他的形像创造了这个人,他照着他的形像创造了他。 male and female he created them.男性和女性,他创造了它们。 28 进一步,上帝保佑他们,上帝对他们说:“要富有成果,成为许多,把大地填满,征服它,使海洋中的鱼,天堂的飞行生物以及在行星上移动的每个生物都服从于地球。”

29 And God went on to say: “Here I have given to YOU all vegetation bearing seed which is on the surface of the whole earth and every tree on which there is the fruit of a tree bearing seed.上帝接着说:“在这里,我已将全地表面上所有植物的种子和每棵有种子的果实的树木赐给你们。 To YOU let it serve as food.对你来说,让它充当食物。 30 And to every wild beast of the earth and to every flying creature of the heavens and to everything moving upon the earth in which there is life as a soul I have given all green vegetation for food.”我已赐给地球上的每一个野兽,天堂的每个飞行生物以及地球上所有活着的灵魂,我已将所有绿色植物作为食物。 And it came to be so.事实是这样。

31 (非常好)。 And there came to be evening and there came to be morning, a sixth day.到了晚上,到了第六天。



On the latter part of the sixth day, God created man in His likeness.在第六天的后半段,上帝以他的形像创造了人。 This implies with his qualities and attributes, but not to the same level.这暗示着他的素质和特质,但并不相同。 The man and woman he created were also to have authority over all the created animals.他所创造的男人和女人也应对所有被创造的动物拥有权威。 They were also given the task of filling the earth with humans (not overfilling).他们还承担了向人类填充人类(而不是过度填充)的任务。 The diets of both the humans and the animals were also different to today.人类和动物的饮食都与今天不同。 Both humans were given green vegetation only for food.只是给人类提供了绿色植物作为食物。 This means that no animals were created as carnivores and potentially it means there were no scavengers either.这意味着没有动物被制作为食肉动物,并且可能意味着也没有清除剂。 Furthermore, everything was good.此外,一切都很好。



创世记2:1-3 –创造的第七日

“因此,天地和他们所有的军队都完成了。 2 到了第七日,上帝已经完成了他所做的工作,于是第七天,他就停止了自己所做的一切工作。 3 上帝继续祝福第七天,使它成为神圣的,因为在那一天,他已经不再为上帝创造的一切工作而安息了。”


On the seventh day, God had completed his creation and so he rested.在第七天,上帝完成了他的创造,所以他安息了。 This gives a reason for the later introduction of the Sabbath day in the Mosaic Law.这提供了后来在摩西律法中引入安息日的原因。 In Exodus 20:8-11, Moses explained the reason for the sabbath saying摩西在出埃及记XNUMX:XNUMX-XNUMX中解释了安息日说的原因 “记住安息日以保持其神圣, 9 您要提供服务,并且必须完成所有工作六天。 10 但第七日是耶和华你的上帝安息日。 您,您或您的儿子,您的女儿,您的奴隶男人,您的奴隶女孩,您的家畜或您大门内的外国居民,您不得做任何工作。 11 For in six days Jehovah made the heavens and the earth, the sea and everything that is in them, and he proceeded to rest on the seventh day.耶和华在六日之内创造了天地大地,海洋以及其中的一切,于是第七天便安息了。 That is why Jehovah blessed the sabbath day and proceeded to make it sacred.”这就是为什么耶和华祝福安息日,并使其成为神圣。

There was a direct comparison between God working for six days and the Israelites working for six days and then resting on the seventh day as God had done.上帝工作了六天与以色列人工作了六天,然后像上帝所做的那样在第七天休息,这是直接的比较。 This would add weight to the understanding that the creation days were each 24 hours long.这将增加理解的时间,即创建天数均为XNUMX小时。


创世记2:4 –摘要



这句话 “耶和华上帝创造地和天的那一天” has been used by some to suggest that the creation days were not 24 hours but longer periods of time.有人用它来暗示创建天不是1小时,而是更长的时间。 However, the key is “in the”.但是,关键是“中”。 The Hebrew word “Yom” used on its own in Genesis chapter XNUMX, is here创世记第一章单独使用的希伯来语单词“ Yom”在此处 合格 与“是”,使 “是的”[II] 意思是“白天”,或更通俗地说是“何时”,因此是指集体的时间段。

This verse is the concluding verse to the history of the heavens and the earth contained in Genesis 1:1-31 and Genesis 2:1-3.这节经文是创世记XNUMX:XNUMX-XNUMX和创世记XNUMX:XNUMX-XNUMX所载的关于天地历史的结论性经文。 It is what is known as a这就是所谓的 TOLe点” 短语,它前面的段落的摘要。

字典定义 TOLe点” as “history, especially family history”.作为“历史,特别是家族史”。 It is also written in the form of a colophon.它也以书香形式书写。 This was a common scribal device at the end of a cuneiform tablet.这是楔形文字平板末端的常见抄写器。 It gives a description that includes the title or description of the narrative, sometimes the date, and usually the name of the writer or owner.它提供的描述包括叙述的标题或描述,有时包括日期,通常是作者或所有者的名字。 There is evidence that colophons were still in common use in the time of Alexander the Great some 1,200 years after Moses compiled and wrote the book of Genesis.有证据表明,在摩西编辑并撰写《创世纪》后约XNUMX年,亚历山大大帝时代仍广泛使用树脂。[III]




时间: “当天”,“人造的地球和天堂”表明写作是在事件发生后不久进行的。

作者或所有者: 可能是“耶和华上帝”(可能按照最初的十诫写成)。



  • 创世记2:5 –创世记5:2 –亚当写或属于亚当的书简。
  • 创世记5:3 –创世记6:9a –由挪亚撰写或属于诺亚的平板电脑。
  • 创世记6:9b –创世记10:1 –诺亚的儿子所写或属于的平板电脑。
  • 创世记10:2 –创世记11:10a –由闪写的或属于希姆的碑。
  • 创世记11:10b –创世记11:27a –由Terah撰写或属于Terah的手写板。
  • 创世记11:27b –创世记25:19a –由以撒和以实玛利写或属于的平板电脑。
  • 创世记25:19b –创世记37:2a –雅各布和以扫所写或属于的平板电脑。 以扫的家谱可能在以后添加。

创世记37:2b –创世记50:26 –可能是约瑟夫在纸莎草纸上写的,没有纸浆。






Moses was educated in the house of Pharaoh.摩西在法老的家中受教育。 As such he would have become learned in reading and writing cuneiform, the international language of the day, as well as hieroglyphics.这样,他将在阅读和写作楔形文字,当今的国际语言以及象形文字方面变得博学多才。[IV]

In quoting his sources he showed exceedingly good writing practice, that is carried on today in all good scholarly works.在引用他的资料来源时,他表现出了极好的写作习惯,而今天所有的优秀学术著作都采用这种做法。 Given his training, he could have translated the cuneiform if needed.经过他的训练,如果需要,他可以翻译楔形文字。

The accounts in Genesis are not just a straight translation or compilation of these older documents which were his sources.创世记中的叙述不仅是这些旧文献的直接翻译或汇编,这些原始文献都是他的出处。 He also brought place names up to date so that the Israelites, his audience would understand where these places were.他还更新了地名,以便以色列人和他的听众了解这些地方在哪里。 If we look at Genesis 14:2,3,7,8,15,17 we can see examples of this.如果我们看创世纪2:XNUMX我们可以看到这样的例子。 For example, vXNUMX “例如,vXNUMX“贝拉国王(即Zoar)”,v3 “锡丁低地,即盐海”等等。

还增加了一些解释,例如创世纪23:2,19,我们被告知 “萨拉(Sarah)死在迦南地的基里亚斯·阿尔巴(Kiriath-arba),也就是说希伯伦(Hebron)”,表明这是在以色列人进入迦南之前写的,否则就不需要加入迦南了。

There are also names of places that no longer existed.也有不再存在的地点名称。 As an example, Genesis 10:19 contains the history of Canaan son of Ham.例如,创世记XNUMX:XNUMX包含了汉姆儿子迦南的历史。 It also contains the names of the cities, which were later destroyed at the time of Abraham and Lot, namely Sodom and Gomorrah, and which no longer existed in the time of Moses.它也包含城市的名称,后来在亚伯拉罕和罗得的时代被毁,即所多玛和蛾摩拉,而在摩西时代已经不复存在。



  • 创世纪10:5 “海洋民族通过这些民族在各自国家内的氏族扩散到他们的领土,每个民族都有自己的语言。”
  • 创世纪10:14 “非利士人来自哪里”
  • (往上看)
  • 创世纪16:14 “它仍然在那里, [夏甲的泉水或泉水逃到] 在Kadesh和Bered之间。=
  • Genesis 19:37b “他是今天摩押人的父亲。”
  • Genesis 19:38b “他是今天亚Am人的父亲。”
  • Genesis 22:14b “直到今天,有人说,'必在耶和华的山上供奉。'”
  • (往上看)
  • 创世纪26:33 “直到今天,这个小镇的名字一直是贝尔谢巴。”
  • 创世纪32:32 “因此,今天以色列人不吃附着在髋关节窝上的肌腱,因为雅各布的髋关节窝在肌腱附近被触碰到了。”
  • 创世记35:6,19,27地理说明。
  • 创世纪35:20 “直到今天,那根柱子都是雷切尔陵墓的标志。”
  • 创世记36:10-29以扫的家谱可能在以后增加。
  • 创世纪47:26 “-今天仍然有效-”
  • Genesis 48:7b “就是伯利恒。”



This is something some “mainstream” scholars dispute, however, others say it was possible.这是一些“主流”学者的争论,但是,其他人则认为这是可能的。 Whether an early version of written Hebrew existed or not at that time, the book of Genesis could also have been written in cursive hieroglyphics or an early form of the hieratic Egyptian script.不管当时是否存在希伯来文的早期版本,《创世纪》都可以用草书象形文字或埃及语文字的早期形式来写。 We should not forget that additionally, as the Israelites had been slaves and living in Egypt for a number of generations it is also possible, they also knew cursive hieroglyphics or some other form of writing anyway.我们不应该忘记,由于以色列人曾是奴隶并在埃及生活了几代人,因此他们也有可能,他们也知道草书象形文字或其他某种形式的写作。

However, let us briefly examine the evidence available for early written Hebrew.但是,让我们简要地检查早期希伯来语的可用证据。 For those interested in more detail there is a particularly good 2-part video in the Patterns of Evidence series (which are highly recommended) entitled “The Moses Controversy” which highlights evidence available.对于那些对细节感兴趣的人,在“证据模式”系列中有一个特别好的两部分视频(强烈推荐),标题为“摩西之争”,着重介绍了现有证据。 [V]

4 key items would all need to be true for Moses to have been able to write the Book of Exodus as an eyewitness account and to write the book of Genesis.要使摩西能够作为见证人写出埃及记和写创世记这四个关键项目,就必须是正确的。 They are:他们是:

  1. 出埃及之前,写作就必须存在。
  2. 写作必须在埃及地区。
  3. 文字需要有一个字母。
  4. 它需要像希伯来语那样的写作形式。

书面文字(1)题为“原始中国”[六] [七] have been found in Egypt (2).在埃及已经发现(3)。 It had an alphabet (4), which was quite different from the Egyptian hieroglyphs, although there are some obvious similarities in some characters, and (XNUMX) those inscriptions in this script can be read as Hebrew words.它有一个字母(XNUMX),与埃及的象形文字有很大的不同,尽管某些字符有一些明显的相似之处,并且(XNUMX)此脚本中的那些铭文可以读作希伯来语单词。

这些碑文(1)都记载在阿曼涅姆三世(Amenemhat III)统治的11年内,这很可能是约瑟夫时代的法老。[八] 这是在十二期间th 埃及中王国王朝(2)。 这些铭文分别是西奈半岛46和西奈半岛377,西奈半岛115和西奈半岛772,均来自西奈半岛西北部的绿松石矿区。 另外,瓦迪·埃尔·霍尔1号和2号以及拉洪·奥斯特拉孔(La Fas Ostracon)(来自Faiyum盆地附近)。

This could perhaps indicate Joseph as being the originator of the script and alphabet (perhaps under the inspiration of God), as he knew hieroglyphics as the second ruler in the Egyptian Kingdom, but he was also a Hebrew.这也许表明约瑟夫是脚本和字母的始祖(也许是在上帝的启发下),因为他知道象形文字是埃及王国的第二个统治者,但他也是希伯来语。 God also communicated with him, so that he could interpret dreams.上帝也与他沟通,以便他可以解释梦想。 Furthermore, as the administrator of Egypt, he would have needed to be literate and used a quicker form of written communication than hieroglyphs to achieve this.此外,作为埃及的行政长官,他将需要素养并且使用比象形文字更快的书面交流形式来实现这一目标。


  1. Does it match the look of Hebrew?它与希伯来语的外观匹配吗? The answer is yes.答案是肯定的。
  2. Is it readable as Hebrew?像希伯来语一样可读吗? Again, the short answer is yes.同样,简短的答案是肯定的。[九]
  3. Does it match the history of the Israelites?它与以色列人的历史相符吗? Yes, as around the 15是的,大约XNUMX岁th 公元前世纪,它从埃及消失并出现在迦南。


There is much more evidence to examine to back up these answers of “yes” than in the summary above.与上面的摘要相比,有更多的证据可用来支持这些“是”的答案。 This is only a brief summary;这只是一个简短的总结; however, it suffices to give evidence that Moses could have written the Torah但是,足以证明摩西本可以写律法书[X] (圣经的前五本书)包括当时的创世纪。


Perhaps more important is the internal evidence of the Bible about the literacy of the Israelites of the time and Moses.也许更重要的是圣经有关当时以色列人和摩西的读写能力的内部证据。 Note what Jehovah instructed Moses and Moses instructed the Israelites in these following scriptures:请注意以下这些经文中耶和华指示摩西和摩西指示以色列人的内容:

  • 出埃及记17:14 “耶和华现在对摩西说了这句话”填写 这是本书中的纪念,并在约书亚的耳朵中提出来……”
  • 申31:19 “现在 你们自己把这首歌讲给以色列人听。”
  • 申命记6:9和11:20 “而且你必须 他们[我的诫命]放在房屋的门柱和门上。
  • 另请参见出埃及记34:27,申命记27:3,8。

These instructions would all have required literacy on the part of Moses and also on the rest of the Israelites.这些指示都将要求摩西和其他以色列人进行扫盲。 It also could not have been possible using hieroglyphs, only an alphabetic written language would have made all this possible.使用象形文字也是不可能的,只有字母文字才能使所有这些成为可能。

摩西在申命记18:18-19中记录了耶和华上帝的应许, A prophet I shall raise up for them from the midst of their brothers, like you;我要像他们一样,从他们的兄弟中间为他们兴起一个先知。 and I shall indeed put my words in his mouth, and he will certainly speak to them all that I shall command him.我的话确实要放在他的口中,他一定会对他们说我要他吩咐的一切。 19 而且必然发生的是,一个不听我说他会以我的名字说话的人,我本人将要求他交代。”


Finally, perhaps it is fitting therefore that the last word here goes to Jesus, recorded in John 5:45-47.最后,也许合适的是,这最后的词归于耶稣,记载在约翰福音XNUMX:XNUMX-XNUMX中。 Talking to the Pharisees he said与法利赛人交谈时,他说 “不要以为我会控告你父亲; there is one that accuses you, Moses, in whom you have put your hope.摩西是指责你的人,把希望寄托在其中。 In fact, if you believed Moses you would believe me, for that one wrote about me.实际上,如果您相信摩西,您就会相信我,因为那是关于我的信。 But if you do not believe the writings of that one, how will you believe my sayings?”.但是,如果您不相信那个人的著作,您将如何相信我的话?”。

Yes, according to Jesus, the son of God, if we doubt the words of Moses, then we have no reason to believe in Jesus himself.是的,根据上帝的儿子耶稣所说,如果我们怀疑摩西的话,那么我们就没有理由相信耶稣自己。 It is therefore vital to have confidence that Moses wrote the book of Genesis and the rest of the Torah.因此,至关重要的是要有信心摩西写了《创世纪》和《摩西五经》的其余部分。



本系列的下一篇文章(第5部分)将开始研究创世纪2:5 –创世纪5:2中发现的亚当(和夏娃)的历史。


[I]的 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colophon_(publishing)  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jerusalem_Colophon

[II] https://biblehub.com/interlinear/genesis/2-4.htm

[III] https://www.britishmuseum.org/collection/object/W_1881-0428-643 , https://www.britishmuseum.org/collection/object/W_1881-0428-643

[IV] 1888年在埃及的泰勒-阿马纳(Tell-el-Amarna)发现了当时与埃及政府往来的巴勒斯坦官员楔形文字片。 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amarna_letters

[V] https://store.patternsofevidence.com/collections/movies/products/directors-choice-moses-controversy-blu-ray This is also available on Netflix either free or for rental.这也可以在Netflix上免费或租赁获得。 Trailers of the series are available on Youtube for free viewing at the time of writing (August 2020)该系列的预告片可在Youtube上获得,撰写本文时可免费观看(XNUMX年XNUMX月) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2l1l5DTlqS_c8J2yoTCjVA

[六] https://omniglot.com/writing/protosinaitc.htm

[七] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proto-Sinaitic_script

[八] 有关约会约瑟夫到阿梅涅姆哈特三世的证据,请参见 “证据模式–出埃及” 蒂姆·马奥尼(Tim Mahoney)和 “出埃及记,神话或历史” by David Rohl.由David Rohl。 To be covered in more depth with Joseph and Genesis 39-45.有约瑟夫和创世纪XNUMX-XNUMX更深入地介绍。

[九] 艾伦·加德纳(Alan Gardiner)在他的《闪族字母的埃及起源》一书中指出 “未知剧本的字母字符的情况不胜枚举……这些名称的含义被翻译成闪族字母(如希伯来语),在17种情况下是简单或合理的。他指的是Petries在1904-1905年在Serabit El-Khadim发现的原始犹太人脚本。

[X] 创世记,出埃及记,利未记,数字,申命记,通常被称为律法(律法)或五经(五本书)。

