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https://youtu.be/hHcsPlGeVDY The Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses released update #2 on JW.org. It introduces some radical changes in the disfellowshipping and shunning policy of Jehovah’s Witnesses. It is the latest in a number of what the Governing Body...

隆重推出名为“Beroean Voices”的新 YouTube 频道

https://youtu.be/tXP5jkq8hx0   We here at the Beroean Pickets YouTube channel are very pleased to announce the launch of a new addition to our Beroean family of YouTube Channels, called “Beroean Voices.”  As you may know, we have channels in Spanish, German,...


https://youtu.be/4Uud0u5J67Y In a surprise move, the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses has decided to use the November 2023 broadcast on JW.org to release four of the talks from the October 2023 Annual Meeting of the Watchtower, Bible and Tract Society of...


到目前为止,我们在报道耶和华见证人 2023 年 XNUMX 月年会时已经考虑了两场演讲。 到目前为止,这两个谈话都没有包含你可能称之为“威胁生命”的信息。 这种情况即将改变。 下一场研讨会演讲由杰弗里 (Geoffrey) 发表...


在上一个视频中,我们看到了耶和华见证人的中央长老团如何歪曲马太福音 18:15-17 的意思,荒唐地试图让它看起来支持他们的司法系统,该系统基于法利赛制度,其最终惩罚是回避,...

纪念卡尔·奥洛夫·琼森 (1937 – 2023)

Carl Olof Jonsson,(1937-2023)我刚收到卢瑟福政变的作者 Rud Persson 的电子邮件,告诉我他的长期朋友和研究伙伴 Carl Olof Jonsson 于今天早上 17 月 2023 日去世, 86 年,琼森弟兄 XNUMX 岁了……


9年2023月7日,德国汉堡国度会堂发生大规模枪击事件。 一名与会众分离的成员在开枪自杀之前杀死了 7 人,其中包括一名 XNUMX 个月大的胎儿,并打伤了许多其他人。 为什么是这样? 的国家...


耶和华见证人是真基督徒吗? 他们认为他们是。 我以前也这么认为,但是我们如何证明呢? 耶稣告诉我们,我们通过他们的行为认出人的真实面目。 所以,我要给你读一些东西。 这是发送给...的短文本


https://youtu.be/CTSLVDWlc-g Would you consider the Organization of Jehovah’s Witnesses to be the “low-hanging fruit” of the world’s religions?  I know that sounds like a cryptic question, so let me give it some context. Jehovah’s Witnesses have long preached that the...


https://youtu.be/JdMlfZIk8i0 In my previous video which was part 1 of this series on the Sabbath and the Mosaic law, we learned that Christians are not required to keep the Sabbath as ancient Israelites did. We are free to do so, of course, but that would be a...


我们作为基督徒的得救是否取决于遵守安息日? 像前耶和华见证人马克马丁这样的人宣扬基督徒必须遵守每周的安息日才能得救。 正如他所定义的,遵守安息日意味着搁置 24 小时的时间......

守望台隐藏证据以保护 144,000 名受膏基督徒的教义

https://youtu.be/cu78T-azE9M In this video, we’re going to demonstrate from Scripture that the Organization of Jehovah’s Witnesses is wrong to teach that pre-Christian men and women of faith do not have the same salvation hope as spirit-anointed Christians. In...


在之前的视频中,标题为“你怎么知道你被圣灵恩膏了?” 我提到三位一体是错误的教义。 我断言如果你相信三位一体,你就不会被圣灵引导,因为圣灵不会引导你进入……


我经常收到来自基督徒同胞的电子邮件,他们正在努力摆脱耶和华见证人的组织,寻找回归基督的道路,并通过他找到我们的天父耶和华。 我尽力回复收到的每封电子邮件,因为我们都是...


https://youtu.be/kaE6ATdyNo8 From time to time, I get asked to recommend a Bible translation. Often, it’s ex-Jehovah’s Witnesses who ask me because they have come to see how flawed the New World Translation is.  To be fair, while the Witness Bible has its flaws, it...


https://youtu.be/U3tSnCJjsAU Following the release in English and Spanish of my last video on the question of whether or not it’s proper to pray to Jesus, I got a fair bit of pushback.  Now, I expected that from the Trinitarian movement because, after all, to...


https://youtu.be/2tBPpHVLmBE Hello everyone! I’m often asked whether it is proper for us to pray to Jesus Christ. It’s an interesting question. I’m sure that a Trinitarian would answer: “Of course, we should pray to Jesus.  After all, Jesus is God.” Given that logic,...


https://youtu.be/T1Qhpcpx740 This video will focus on the September 2022 monthly broadcast of Jehovah’s Witnesses presented by Stephen Lett of the Governing Body. The goal of their September broadcast is to convince Jehovah’s Witnesses to turn a deaf ear to anyone who...

不再是 PIMO:在人面前承认基督

  https://youtu.be/b19_Uc2r99o (This video is aimed specifically at Jehovah's Witnesses, so I will be using the New World Translation all the time unless otherwise stated.) The term PIMO is of recent origin and was coined by Jehovah’s Witnesses who find...


https://youtu.be/a1V5pjUciHQ We all know what “propaganda” means. It is “information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view.” But it may surprise you, as it did me, to learn where the...


https://youtu.be/WVVpLWAlJDU This video exposes the true nature of the Organization's campaign to suppress any challenge to the authority of the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses.


https://youtu.be/DqWVMF-5YQU The Lord’s Evening Meal: Remembering our Lord as He Wanted Us To! My sister who lives in Florida hasn't been going to meetings at the Kingdom hall for over five years. In all that time, no one from her former congregation has visited her...


https://youtu.be/4sl_i7mCvjo Jesus told his disciples that he would send the spirit and the spirit would guide them into all the truth. John 16:13 Well, when I was a Jehovah’s Witness, it wasn’t the spirit that guided me but the Watch Tower corporation. As a...


https://youtu.be/KHn66Af8C2c Each time I’ve released a video on the Trinity – this will be the fourth one – I get people commenting that I don’t really understand the Trinity doctrine. They are right. I don’t understand it. But here’s the thing: Each time someone has...

杰弗里杰克逊使 1914 年基督的临在无效

在我上一个视频“杰弗里杰克逊的新光块进入上帝的王国”中,我分析了管理机构成员杰弗里杰克逊在守望台圣经书社 2021 年年会上的演讲。 杰克逊在 ...


https://youtu.be/b7WoFbjV7HY Within hours of the closing of the 2021 Annual Meeting of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, a kind viewer forwarded me the entire recording. I know other YouTube channels got the same recording and produced exhaustive reviews of the...

拯救人类第 6 部分:了解上帝的爱

https://youtu.be/b520Yo4QGMk In the previous video of this series titled “Saving Humanity, Part 5: Can we Blame God for our Pain, Misery, and Suffering?" I said that we would begin our study concerning the salvation of humanity by going back to the beginning and...

JW.org 改写历史以掩盖过去的失败,这说明了什么?

https://youtu.be/2ZEW9-YDC2Q In the October 2021 issue of The Watchtower, there is a final article titled “1921 One Hundred Years Ago”.  It shows a picture of a book published in that year.  Here it is. The Harp of God, by J. F. Rutherford.  There is something wrong...

有没有证据表明圣灵已经离开了 JW.org?

https://youtu.be/HfnphQ229fk I don't have time to comment on all the mistakes the Watchtower Society makes in its publications, but every now and then something catches my eye and I cannot, in good conscience, overlook it. People are trapped in this organization...


https://youtu.be/de5kvDguhK0 The purpose of this video is to provide a little bit of information to assist those who are seeking to leave the organization of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Your natural desire will be to preserve, if possible, your relationship with your family...

JW 新闻:为什么管理机构继续否认他们要求每月承诺?

https://youtu.be/ISPB0yIjEh0 In a recent video, which I’ll reference above as well as in the description field of this video, we were able to show how the Organization of Jehovah’s Witnesses has come to a crossroads with its donation arrangement, and sadly, taken the...


当我成为耶和华见证人时,我从事挨家挨户传道。 我曾多次遇到福音派人士,他们会用“你重生了吗?”这个问题来挑战我。 说句公道话,作为证人,我真的不明白出生意味着什么......


电视转播了乔治·弗洛伊德 (George Floyd) 之死对前警官德里克·肖万 (Derek Chauvin) 的谋杀案审判。 在明尼苏达州,如果各方同意,电视转播审判是合法的。 然而,在这种情况下,检方并不希望审判......


几周前,我得到了 CAT 扫描的结果,结果显示我心脏的主动脉瓣已经形成了一个危险的动脉瘤。 四年前,也就是我妻子因癌症去世仅六周后,我进行了心脏直视手术——特别是 Bentall ...


https://youtu.be/D6t04qhfEPA In our last video, we studied how our salvation depends on our willingness not only to repent of our sins but also on our readiness to forgive others who repent of the wrongs they have committed against us. In this video, we are going to...


https://youtu.be/ukjhzuj-eQo We have all been hurt by someone in our life.  The hurt may be so severe, the betrayal so devastating, that we can never imagine being able to forgive that person.  This can pose a problem for true Christians because we are supposed to...


https://youtu.be/O_5_OqnnF6M In my last video on the Trinity, we examined the role of Holy Spirit and determined that whatever it actually is, it is not a person, and so could not be the third leg in our three-legged Trinity stool.  I got a lot of staunch defenders of...


https://youtu.be/v_-xlptNL1U Eric Wilson: Welcome.  There are many who after leaving the organization of Jehovah's Witnesses lose all faith in God and doubt that the Bible contains his word to guide us to life. This is so sad because the fact that men have misled us...




数百年来,男人一直误解和滥用女人在基督体内扮演的角色。 现在该推迟所有对基督教世界各个教派的宗教领袖所养育的性别的偏见和偏见,并注意上帝要我们做的事情。 该视频系列将通过允许圣经自言自语,同时揭示男性在创世记3:16履行上帝的话语时所做的许多曲折尝试,探索女性在上帝伟大旨意中的作用。


最近,耶和华见证人组织发布了一个录像带,其中一名成员谴责叛教者和其他“敌人”。 该视频的标题为:“安东尼·莫里斯三世:耶和华将“赶快出去”(赛46:11)”,可通过以下链接找到:



为了使会众保持清洁,耶和华见证人不接纳所有悔改的罪人。 他们以耶稣以及使徒保罗和约翰的话为基础制定这项政策。 许多人将此政策描述为残酷的。 证人是因为仅仅服从上帝的命令而遭受不公正的侮辱,还是他们以圣经为借口练习邪恶? 他们只有严格遵守圣经的指示,才能真正声称自己得到了上帝的认可,否则,他们的行为就可以将他们确定为“无法无天的工人”。 马太福音7:23)

哪有 该视频和下一个视频将尝试明确回答这些问题。


https://youtu.be/rh0rmzixuhs Hello everyone and thanks for joining me. Today I wanted to talk on four topics: media, money, meetings and me. Beginning with media, I’m specifically referring to the publication of a new book called Fear to Freedom which was put together...


埃里克:你好,我叫埃里克·威尔逊。 您即将看到的视频是在几周前录制的,但是由于生病,我直到现在都无法完成。 这将是分析三位一体主义的几个视频中的第一个。 我正在和Dr ....做视频。


当我们谈论重建基督教会时,我们并不是在谈论建立新的宗教。 恰恰相反。 我们正在谈论的是回归到一世纪存在的礼拜形式,这种礼拜形式在当今时代已广为人知。 ...


我刚读过2个哥林多前书,保罗在讲关于被肉刺伤的故事。 你还记得那部分吗? 作为耶和华见证人,我得知他很可能指的是他视力不好。 我从不喜欢那种解释。 好像...


大家好。 我一直在收到电子邮件和评论,询问视频发生了什么。 好吧,答案很简单。 我病了,所以产量下降了。 我现在好多了。 不用担心不是COVID-19,只是带状疱疹的情况。 显然,我有...


证人领导层使用绵羊和山羊的寓言声称“其他绵羊”的得救取决于他们对管理机构指示的服从。 他们声称,这个寓言“证明”了有两级救赎系统,其中有144,000人升入天堂,而其余的人作为罪人在地球上生活了1,000年。 这是比喻的真实含义吗?还是证人都错了? 加入我们,检查证据并自己决定。


耶和华见证人争辩说,组成统治机构的人(目前为8人)是对马太福音24:45-47所提到的忠实谨慎的奴隶的预言的实现。 这是准确的还是仅仅是出于自我的解释? 如果是后者,那么忠实谨慎的奴隶是谁?谁是谁?在路加福音的平行叙述中,耶稣指的是其他三个奴隶呢?






