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Gary Breaux Anoita Zvikumbiro Zvinotyisa Pamusoro peDare Rinodzora! We’re about to take a hard look at a very recent Morning Worship presentation delivered by Gary Breaux, a Helper to the Service Committee, working with the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses at Watch Tower headquarters in Warwick, New...

Stephen Lett Anotaura Nezwi Remutorwa This video will focus on the September 2022 monthly broadcast of Jehovah’s Witnesses presented by Stephen Lett of the Governing Body. The goal of their September broadcast is to convince Jehovah’s Witnesses to turn a deaf ear to anyone who...

PIMO Hapasisina: Kupupura Kristu Pamberi pevanhu (This video is aimed specifically at Jehovah's Witnesses, so I will be using the New World Translation all the time unless otherwise stated.) The term PIMO is of recent origin and was coined by Jehovah’s Witnesses who find...

Rufu Runouraya naBarbara J Anderson (2011)

Kubva ku: Pakati pezvose zvakasarudzika zveZvapupu zvaJehovha zvinokwezva ndezvekurambidza kwavo kuwedzerwa kweropa dzvuku - ropa - rakapihwa nevanhu vane hanya ku .. .

Kuparidza Ruvengo

Mufananidzo kubva muchinyorwa cheNharireyomurindi chinoratidza ramangwana revasingatendi paAmagedhoni. Chinyorwa chaKurume 15, 2015 "Chii ISIS Chaizvo Chinoda" neThe Atlantic chidimbu chakajeka chenhau chinopa nzwisiso chaiyo yezvinotungamira musangano uyu wechitendero. Ini zvakanyanya ...

June 2015 TV Broadcast pa

[chinyorwa ichi chakapihwa naAlex Rover] Musoro weJW.ORG June 2015 TV Broadcast izita raMwari, uye chirongwa ichi chinoratidzwa nenhengo yeDare Rinodzora Geoffrey Jackson. [i] Anovhura chirongwa achiti zita raMwari rinomiririrwa muchiHebheru nemavara e4, ...

Mai TV Broadcast pa

Nhoroondo Inotepfenyura Hama Lett anovhura mwedzi uno nhepfenyuro yeJW.ORG TV nenyaya yekuti ndeye nhoroondo. Anobva aronga zvikonzero zvinoverengeka zvatingazviona sezvakakosha munhoroondo. Nekudaro, pane chimwe chikonzero nei asinganyore. Aka ndekekutanga ...




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