
Wheat field

We are non-Trinitarian Christians (and don't believe that Jesus is God). We are mostly former Jehovah’s Witnesses but welcome people from all faiths who are freeing themselves from the clutches of religion. We host online Bible study gatherings in many languages, publish books, and run several YouTube channels. Learn about us.

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Hello everyone.It seems that whenever I do a video explaining why all Christians should be partaking of the bread and wine at the Lord’s Supper, I get comments like these:“But I don’t want to go to heaven. I just want to…

Hello everyone.If you are a loyal member of the religion of Jehovah’s Witnesses, you need to stop for a moment and ask yourself a few important questions. Questions like: Why were circuit overseers directed to tell…

Hello everyone.In the previous video, we learned that the view Jehovah’s Witnesses, Seventh-day Adventists, and other apocalyptic religions have concerning the great tribulation is false. Those religions need their…

When I first started to study the Bible for myself, I was like a man who is trying to walk while shackled to a heavy weight.  I had studied the Bible all my life through the lens of Watchtower publications. Now I…

  Jehovah’s Witnesses claim that “the “great crowd” of other sheep will survive the great tribulation and enter into God’s new world.” (ws14 1/15 p. 31 par. 18)In this video, we’re going to prove that the “great…

This is the third video in our series in which we compare the message of the Good News that Jesus preached with what the publications of Jehovah’s Witnesses teach.At the close of the last video, we saw that there…