C.T. Russell Hits Too Close to Home

– posted by meleti
Apollos forwarded this extract from Studies in Scriptures, Volume 3, pages 181 to 187.  In these pages, brother Russell reasons on the effects of sectarianism.  As witnesses, we may read this superb example of clear, concise writing and think how well it applies to "false religion", to "Christendom".  However, let us open our minds still further and read it without preconception.  For it is a most sobering piece of reasoning, from one whom we consider to be our modern day founder.
Let such consider that we are now in the harvest time of separation, and remember our Lord’s expressed reason for calling us out of Babylon, namely, “that ye be not partakers of her sins.” Consider, again, why Babylon is so named. Evidently, because of her many errors of doctrine, which, mixed with a few elements of divine truth, make great confusion, and because of the mixed company brought together by the mixed truths and errors. And since they will hold the errors at a sacrifice of truth, the latter is made void, and often worse than meaningless. This sin, of holding and teaching error at the sacrifice of truth is one of which every sect of the Church nominal is guilty, without exception. Where is the sect which will assist you in diligently searching the Scriptures, to grow thereby in grace and in the knowledge of the truth? Where is the sect which will not hinder your growth, both by its doctrines and its usages? Where is the sect in which you can obey the Master’s words and let your light shine? We know of none.
If any of God’s children in these organizations do not realize their bondage, it is because they do not attempt to use their liberty, because they are asleep at their posts of duty, when they should be active stewards and faithful watchmen. (1 Thess. 5:5,6) Let them wake up and attempt to use the liberty they think they possess; let them show to their fellow-worshippers wherein their creeds fall short of the divine plan, wherein they diverge from it and run in direct opposition to it; let them show how Jesus Christ by the favor of God tasted death for every man; how this fact, and the blessings flowing from it, shall “in due time” be testified to every man; how in “the times of refreshing” the blessings of restitution shall flow to the whole human race. Let them show further the high calling of the Gospel Church, the rigid conditions of membership in that body, and the special mission of the Gospel age to take out this peculiar “people for his name,” which in due time is to be exalted and to reign with Christ. Those who will thus attempt to use their liberty to preach the good tidings in the synagogues of today will succeed either in converting whole congregations, or else in awakening a storm of opposition. They will surely cast you out of their synagogues, and separate you from their company, and say all manner of evil against you, falsely, for Christ’s sake. And, in so doing, doubtless, many will feel that they are doing God service. But, if thus faithful, you will be more than comforted in the precious promises of Isaiah 66:5 and Luke 6:22—”Hear the word of the Lord, ye that tremble at his Word: Your brethren that hated you, that cast you out for my name’s sake, said, Let the Lord be glorified [we do this for the Lord’s glory]: but he shall appear to your joy, and they shall be ashamed.” “Blessed are ye when men shall hate you, and when they shall separate you from their company, and shall reproach you, and cast out your name as evil, for the Son of man’s sake. Rejoice ye in that day, and leap for joy; for, behold, your reward is great in heaven; for in like manner did their fathers unto the prophets.” But, “Woe unto you when all men shall speak well of you; for so did their fathers to the false prophets.”
If all with whom you worship as a congregation are saints—if all are wheat, with no tares among them—you have met a most remarkable people, who will receive the harvest truths gladly. But if not, you must expect present truth to separate the tares from the wheat. And more, you must do your share in presenting these very truths which will accomplish the separation.
If you would be one of the overcoming saints, you must now be one of the “reapers” to thrust in the sickle of truth. If faithful to the Lord, worthy of the truth and worthy of joint-heirship with him in glory, you will rejoice to share with the Chief Reaper in the present harvest work—no matter how disposed you may be, naturally, to glide smoothly through the world.
If there are tares among the wheat in the congregation of which you are a member, as is always the case, much will depend upon which is in the majority. If the wheat preponderates, the truth, wisely and lovingly presented, will affect them favorably; and the tares will not long care to stay. But if the majority are tares—as nine-tenths or more generally are—the effect of the most careful and kind presentation of the harvest truth will be to awaken bitterness and strong opposition; and, if you persist in declaring the good tidings, and in exposing the long established errors, you will soon be “cast out” for the good of the sectarian cause, or have your liberties so restrained that you cannot let your light shine in that congregation. Your duty then is plain: Deliver your loving testimony to the goodness and wisdom of the Lord’s great plan of the ages, and, wisely and meekly giving your reasons, publicly withdraw from them.
There are various degrees of bondage among the different sects of Babylon—”Christendom.” Some who would indignantly resent the utter and absolute slavery of individual conscience and judgment, required by Romanism, are quite willing to be bound themselves, and anxious to get others bound, by the creeds and dogmas of one or another of the Protestant sects. True, their chains are lighter and longer than those of Rome and the Dark Ages. So far as it goes, this surely is good—reformation truly—a step in the right direction—toward full liberty—toward the condition of the Church in the apostolic times. But why wear human shackles at all? Why bind and limit our consciences at all? Why not stand fast in the full liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free? Why not reject all the efforts of fallible fellowmen to fetter conscience and hinder investigation?—not only the efforts of the remote past, of the Dark Ages, but the efforts of the various reformers of the more recent past? Why not conclude to be as was the apostolic Church?—free to grow in knowledge as well as in grace and love, as the Lord’s “due time” reveals his gracious plan more and more fully?
Surely all know that whenever they join any of these human organizations, accepting its Confession of Faith as theirs, they bind themselves to believe neither more nor less than that creed expresses on the subject. If, in spite of the bondage thus voluntarily yielded to, they should think for themselves, and receive light from other sources, in advance of the light enjoyed by the sect they have joined, they must either prove untrue to the sect and to their covenant with it, to believe nothing contrary to its Confession, or else they must honestly cast aside and repudiate the Confession which they have outgrown, and come out of such a sect. To do this requires grace and costs some effort, disrupting, as it often does, pleasant associations, and exposing the honest truth-seeker to the silly charges of being a “traitor” to his sect, a “turncoat,” one “not established,” etc. When one joins a sect, his mind is supposed to be given up entirely to that sect, and henceforth not his own. The sect undertakes to decide for him what is truth and what is error; and he, to be a true, staunch, faithful member, must accept the decisions of his sect, future as well as past, on all religious matters, ignoring his own individual thought, and avoiding personal investigation, lest he grow in knowledge, and be lost as a member of such sect. This slavery of conscience to a sect and creed is often stated in so many words, when such a one declares that he “belongs” to such a sect.
These shackles of sectarianism, so far from being rightly esteemed as shackles and bonds, are esteemed and worn as ornaments, as badges of respect and marks of character. So far has the delusion gone, that many of God’s children would be ashamed to be known to be without some such chains—light or heavy in weight, long or short in the personal liberty granted. They are ashamed to say that they are not in bondage to any sect or creed, but “belong” to Christ only.
Hence it is that we sometimes see an honest, truth-hungry child of God gradually progressing from one denomination to another, as a child passes from class to class in a school. If he be in the Church of Rome, when his eyes are opened, he gets out of it, probably falling into some branch of the Methodist or Presbyterian systems. If here his desire for truth be not entirely quenched and his spiritual senses stupefied with the spirit of the world, you may a few years after find him in some of the branches of the Baptist system; and, if he still continues to grow in grace and knowledge and love of truth, and into an appreciation of the liberty wherewith Christ makes free, you may by and by find him outside of all human organizations, joined merely to the Lord and to his saints, bound only by the tender but strong ties of love and truth, like the early Church. 1 Cor. 6:15,17; Eph. 4:15,16
The feeling of uneasiness and insecurity, if not bound by the chains of some sect, is general. It is begotten of the false idea, first promulgated by Papacy, that membership in an earthly organization is essential, pleasing to the Lord and necessary to everlasting life. These earthly, humanly organized systems, so different from the simple, unfettered associations of the days of the apostles, are viewed involuntarily and almost unconsciously by Christian people as so many Heaven Insurance Companies, to some one of which money, time, respect, etc., must be paid regularly, to secure heavenly rest and peace after death. Acting on this false idea, people are almost as nervously anxious to be bound by another sect, if they step out of one, as they are if their policy of insurance has expired, to have it renewed in some respectable company.
But no earthly organization can grant a passport to heavenly glory. The most bigoted sectarian (aside from the Romanist) will not claim, even, that membership in his sect will secure heavenly glory. All are forced to admit that the true Church is the one whose record is kept in heaven, and not on earth. They deceive the people by claiming that it is needful to come to Christ through them—needful to become members of some sectarian body in order to become members of “the body of Christ,” the true Church. On the contrary, the Lord, while he has not refused any who came to him through sectarianism, and has turned no true seeker away empty, tells us that we need no such hindrances, but could much better have come to him direct. He cries, “Come unto me”; “take my yoke upon you, and learn of me”; “my yoke is easy and my burden is light, and ye shall find rest to your souls.” Would that we had given heed to his voice sooner. We would have avoided many of the heavy burdens of sectism, many of its bogs of despair, many of its doubting castles, its vanity fairs, its lions of worldly-mindedness, etc.
Many, however, born in the various sects, or transplanted in infancy or childhood, without questioning the systems, have grown free in heart, and unconsciously beyond the limits and bounds of the creeds they acknowledge by their profession and support with their means and influence. Few of these have recognized the advantages of full liberty, or the drawbacks of sectarian bondage. Nor was the full, complete separation enjoined until now, in the harvest time.
[Meleti: I had wanted to present the article without coloring whatever conclusions the reader might draw from it.  However, I felt compelled to add the boldface to the one paragraph, because it seems to me that it hits very close to home.  Please forgive this indulgence.]

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  • Comment by mdnwa on 2013-05-27 09:56:08

    Wow.... Not sure what to do with this information or how to process this. I started to feel this way late last year which left me in a state of confusion. Like to hear how others feel about this.

  • Comment by Dorcas on 2013-05-27 11:53:08

    This really flies in the face of what we're now taught, doesn't it? Our way is right, we have to toe the line, believe everything that comes to us through the literature, etc. I'm not sure why I'm only beginning to see this now even though I've been a Witness for over 40 years.
    I especially like this point: But if not, you must expect present truth to separate the tares from the wheat. And more, you must do your share in presenting these very truths which will accomplish the separation.
    Maybe Meleti is being used to do this very thing. I am beginning to see more clearly why my ancestors were drawn to Brother Russell and stumbled by the antics of Judge Rutherford.
    The last fews years I've become very troubled and confused. The more personal study I do, the more troubled I become. I daresay there are many who feel the same way. "Bondage to an organization." Now there's a thought.

  • Comment by B. on 2013-05-27 12:12:43

    sorry, my English is bad, but i read all the 6 "study of the scriptures" in 2010 / 2011. This part about the organizations was very good.
    I searched for Truth although I am "in the truth" but i need "something".
    And now, after Jesus made me free in 2012 (but i´m still "in" "physical", in a short time i will be out), i understand it complete.
    Lovely regards.
    Please TRUST in Jesus! (Ro 9:33; 10:11)
    HE IS (!) the WAY, THE (!) TRUTH (!), the LIFE

  • Comment by roryks on 2013-05-27 14:33:55

    C T Russell is no longer considered to be “our modern day founder.” The Society have gradually been easing away from him, and now, with the finality of their latest teachings on the faithful and discreet slave, they have succeeded in dropping him altogether. Russell has joined the ranks of the George Storrs and the Nelson Barbours.
    It could be, in years to come, that the Society will do the same thing with Joseph Rutherford – but until that time comes all they have managed to do is align themselves closely with a man who by all accounts…well, never mind.
    Your piece is about Charles Russell, and the Society could probably care less about whatever Russell wrote in the past. What he wrote, of course, was quite right. What he is describing in detail is precisely what the Organisation has since become. “Cult” or “Sect” are extremely emotive words to use, I know – but “cult-like” and “sectarian” are descriptions which certainly must give pause to those on the road to freedom. I urge you not to fear this freedom.

  • Comment by erick on 2013-05-27 20:20:22

    Our history as an organization has trod a well worn path. It started out as a movement for freedom for throwing off the shackles which had impeded the free expression of thought in other churches. Gradually especially during Rutherford's years and then later in Knorr's years it became more and more like the churches which had caused the original movement. This had been the experience of many religious movements.
    Now in 2013 we are very far from our roots which started as a movement for Christian freedom. The organization as it exists now is very against any free thinking. It has even gone further than it's old nemesis, the Catholic church. I would venture to say that the governing body exercises more authority among Jehovah's Witnesses than the Pope exercises in his realm of influence. It's sad to realize this but true. If you question this you need only express openly the opinion that something in the Watchtower is not right or biblical. You will quickly find yourself in the backroom with elders plying you with questions like "Do you believe that the FDS is Jehovah's one and only true channel? If you don't answer in the affirmative heaven help you.

    • Reply by JimmyG on 2013-05-27 20:57:25

      Good points Erick. The WT of today is more a reflection of Rutherford than Russell. Russell was anti- organisation and he was against using any religious title, hence the term 'bible students'.
      I spoke privately with an elder just a few days ago on a number of subjects, including what is termed 'apostasy'. He admitted that it's a pity that people are too afraid to even hint at questioning WT doctrine for fear of the consequences. Is this how it should be in Jehovah's organisation (supposedly)?

      • Reply by mdnwa on 2013-05-27 23:01:11

        I say hang onto that elder as a friend since unfortunately some are quick to toss that word around and to have an elder who is patient and wants to answer and not automatically panic... priceless.
        I've said it before I kind of wish we would have kept the "bible students" and the student aspect the way we were at first instead of thinking more of ourselves. I now wonder like you and others is this why we're trying to push Russell aside in our history.

  • Comment by emilyjeff on 2013-05-28 17:30:35

    I looked up the word religion in Webster’s online dictionary and one of the definitions that struck me as applicable to JW’s is as follows – “a personal set or institutionalized system of religious attitudes, beliefs, and practices.” I don’t believe Christ set up an “institutional system” that we need to go through to worship Him. He said “For my yoke is kindly and my load is light.” I would say the burdens placed on JW’s today could not be called kindly or light. And worse than that are the chains they have put on our minds and our free will. The over emphasis on the amount of hours we should spend in door to door preaching. The endless meetings and conventions. I think what Jehovah wants from us has been lost in the translation. If you read Micah 6:6-8 you can see what is really important. “What shall I bring to the Lord, the God of heaven, when I come to worship him? Will the Lord be pleased if I bring him thousands of sheep or endless streams of olive oil? Shall I offer him my first-born child to pay for my sins? No, the Lord has told us what is good. What he requires of us is this: to do what is just, to show constant love, and to live in humble fellowship with our God.”
    All religious institutions including the WBTS filter God and Christ through the
    imperfect human mind. Of necessity even with the best intentions corruption is sure to follow. It happens all the time. I’ve quoted this before and I still believe it fits the men on the GB: "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” We need to constantly go back to the Bible which we know is the true channel through which God speaks to us. I used to call what we believe the Truth but can no longer do this. At best we have a part of the truth but from what I have been reading in the recent Watchtowers that truth is being drowned out by the egos of the GB. It is beginning to feel like something out of George Orwell's novel Nineteen Eighty-Four where Big Brother is watching you and you fear to speak your mind or differ with the ruling body.
    It would be nice to think that somehow the organization can be put back on the right course but history tells a different story. Remember Martin Luther started out to reform the Catholic Church but ended up starting the Protestant Reformation instead.

    • Reply by junachin on 2013-05-29 12:52:43

      Organizations that start out challenging the status quo almost always end up preserving it, even if "it" is a new status quo, How ours might be "put back on the right course" is hard to say, but I would guess that it can't be done from the outside. Even if we who want change were a majority, there is no mechanism by which we can demand one, much less effect one. The organization would have to take the first step. It could easily, for example, consult at least some of the elders before publishing revised understandings like those found in the July WT, thus making use of the "multitude of counselors" at their fingertips. Alas, I don't think we'll be seeing that happen any time soon.

      • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2013-05-29 13:04:10

        I believe they are on a course from which there is no turning back. Perhaps it is the fatalist in me, or the realist, but I believe Jehovah is allowing all this to happen as a means to test and refine hearts. I now believe--particularly after the July 15 WT--that this trend will continue and worsen.
        When Babylon is attacked, it will affect his people, the wheat in amongst the weeds. Rather than thinking of collective salvation, as an organization, I believe the message in Scripture is one of individual salvation. Perhaps, as Apollos has speculated, that is why Jesus speaks of the wheat as separate stocks, but the weeds are bundled before they are burned.

        • Reply by junachin on 2013-05-29 13:26:51

          I agree. The stage is perhaps being set for a different type of test than we have thus far imagined. HQ has always imagined that Jehovah would use it to dispense life-saving instructions when the end finally comes, but what if He doesn't? What if the signs and wonders - or even angelic direction - make it clear to sincere Christians what they should do while leaving HQ out of the loop? Might the brothers at HQ resist such divine instructions on the basis that they didn't come through God's one and only channel? Might they counsel us to ignore such instructions on that basis?
          My head is beginning to spin. I think I'll go read the Bible a bit and cultivate my personal relationship with my Creator....and prepare for the meeting.

          • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2013-05-29 13:45:56

            Good point. The scriptural record shows that Jehovah has always used individuals who spoke under inspiration when he needed to reveal a course of action his people had to follow. There is no reason to believe he would depart from that standard. The Bible does say that in the last days, old men will dream dreams and young men will see visions. That hasn't happened yet, but his words cannot be issued forth without returning to him fulfilled. Given the very tainted history of the Governing Body, it is hard to see how he would use that source to speak under inspiration, but only time will tell.

          • Reply by apollos0falexandria on 2013-05-31 07:35:06

            Hi Junachin
            "I think I'll ... prepare for the meeting"
            In context I wasn't sure if you meant underlining your Jeremiah book, finding a highlight, etc, ... or preparing for THE meeting per Amos 4:12 :)

  • Comment by junachin on 2013-05-29 13:14:30

    The counterpoint to this is that Russell was forming some kind of organization himself, and indeed, a world-wide preaching campaign required one. Even if Rutherford hadn't made his power grab, it seems likely that the organization would have eventually followed the usual curve. Still, his inadvertently prophetic description of our organization, and his counsel to get out, is unsettling to say the least. Where would we go, and how would we avoid simply cooling off and becoming 'part of this world'? Until I find good answers to those questions, I'm not going anywhere.

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2013-05-29 13:39:23

      I concur. Perhaps we need to rethink our understanding of Peter's words at John 6:68. He didn't say, 'Where shall we go away to?', but "To whom shall we go away to?" We are still defining out faith by membership in one of the many sects of Christianity when we should be defining it by loyalty to Christianity itself. That is the religion that Jesus started, with him as its head. Under Russell's guidance, truth seekers emerged from the various faiths of his day and formed their own congregations, but they too believed some things which turned out to be false. Still, Jehovah blessed the individuals, not the organization they created. The organization was blessed, if that can be even said, by virtue of those comprising it, not the other way round. We are not blessed by being part of Jehovah's Witnesses' organization. Rather, any blessing from God the organization has, it gets through faithful individuals making up the collective.
      Even were we to leave and make up our own congregation, it would suffer from all that goes with human imperfection when brought to bear on any organization or administration.
      So, for the time being and until Jehovah reveals another path, we can stay where we are but remain faithful to Christianity not the dictates of a group of men. If that puts us into conflict with the organization at some point, that is a torture stake we will just have to bear.
      if called to take a stand, which we surely will be at some point, we will have to be courageous and stand for truth. Cowards and those liking and supporting a lie are on the outside. (Rev. 21:8;22:15)
      Not a comfortable situation to be in, but carrying around a torture stake is not meant to be comfortable.

      • Reply by mdnwa on 2013-05-29 14:06:45

        This sums up perfectly what I've always wanted to hear but never have. THIS response right here gave me courage and new perspective I shall carry with me from now on. Thanks Meleti, sometimes words this this can inspire and redirect to proper thinking more than you know.

  • Comment by crazyguy on 2013-05-29 21:56:42

    I have come to the conclusion that all who believe in the messiah are gods children 1john 5:1 and the parable of the wheat and the weeds shows that there are good Christian's in all christian organizations for who are we to judge, isn't that Jesus and the angels job. Those that continue to think that there is only one way or one organization that's spreading the good news about Christ and his kingdom, are they not possibly committing idolatry?
    And last but not least a scripture that has given me great pause is found at Luke 21:8 And he said, Take heed that ye be not deceived: for many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ (anointed); and the 'time draweth near': go ye not therefore after them. KJV

    • Reply by Anonymous on 2016-12-27 21:34:48

      The angels are separating the Children of Christ not Children of Adam.
      Beware of false messiahs. Many have Already Appeared and they are appointed to Be the son of Destruction .
      It's not to late ?? !be born again recieve the HS!! And live!! You have blasphemed and are excommunicated from Body of Christ.
      Please show up at the Judicial Meetings that will be arraigned.
      If you Disobey you Will suffer Maladection.
      Agape but no Shalom until you Repent!
      The kingdom of the Heavens....
      Is Here.

  • Comment by Chris on 2013-05-30 04:59:50

    I am inclined to agree simply because it is clear that Jesus has not judged those who claim to be his Christians yet. It certainly didn't happen in 1914-1919 as the society now pathetically acknowledge. So that being the case, it must be that all making the claim 'Christian' will be judged individually.

  • Comment by B. on 2013-06-04 14:57:07

    My question is: should we stay in (and be spiritually distant?), and endure? Or should we go out and endure? I don´t know. Does anyone seen the District-Convention-DVD 2012 "Walk by faith not by sight" in more detail? There are many parallel to today, aren´t there? I think it´s prophetic. (sorry for my english ;)

    • Reply by Rory on 2013-06-06 03:36:54

      You'll know what to do when the time comes, B. There will be no choice.
      It is fascinating observing the developments occurring on this blog. It is like watching the process happening in real time.

      • Reply by B. on 2013-06-06 16:16:41

        Thank You Rory!
        You wrote/have written (?): "It is fascinating observing the developments occurring on this blog. It is like watching the process happening in real time."
        Oh Yes, it is. And it´s very good, that we all can "speak" about or observate it here.

  • Comment by on 2013-06-08 21:43:32

    Meleti- I just wanted to check and make sure you are ok. You have been on quite the journey as seen here in your blog and it can't be easy knowing where we come from.

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2013-06-09 00:11:14

      Truth is truth.

      • Reply by Anonymous on 2016-12-21 07:44:36

        That's what you taught me! No matter the cost for Christ

  • Comment by smolderingwick1 on 2013-06-09 03:12:09

    Meleti Vivlon, nothing could be truer than what you said: “The organization was blessed—by virtue of those comprising it, not the other way round.”
    While I have the greatest respect for many associated in our midst, the true are the lowly and modest as stated in Micah 6:8 (quoted by emilyjeffs.) Perhaps the time is coming upon us all to know the spirit of Christ molding our hearts, and that his words in Matthew 24:23-28 apply more now than ever—especially concerning those who have risen to the top in this hierarchy pointing to itself as directed by Jehovah and Christ. Are they not setting themselves up for a greater and more adverse judgment?
    “Then (says Jesus, speaking of the tribulation leading up to his second coming) if anyone says to you, ‘Look! Here is the Christ,’ or, ‘There!’ do not believe it. For false Christs and false prophets (including our past and present Governing Body) will arise and will give great signs and wonders so as to mislead, if possible, even the chosen ones. Look! I have forewarned you. Therefore, if people say to you, ‘Look! He is in the wilderness,’ do not go out; ‘Look! He is in the inner chambers,’ do not believe it. For just as the lightning comes out of eastern parts and shines over to western parts, so the presence of the Son of man will be. Wherever the carcass is, there the eagles will be gathered together.”
    The lightning is the spirit appearing as suddenly as it needs to all and the carcass is where the spirit draws—not to food prepared by a hierarchy of self-proclaimed teachers—but those humble enough to be corrected and lowly enough to confess their mistakes. So my advice for all is to continue flying under the radar. Keep praying and reading your Bibles, and keep helping the fatherless and widows in their tribulation while the spirit purifies hearts contaminated by this wicked world.

  • Comment by Andrew on 2013-09-04 19:04:57

    I thoroughly enjoyed this discussion, and was amazed that something Russell wrote 100 years ago could be so relevant today.
    I was reading an article from the November 1884 Watchtower entitled “The Episcopal Church.” The 19th paragraph of that article opens up this way:
    “One trouble that seems to beset many is this, They have become so accustomed to a fixed doctrinal fence of narrow limits on every side, that to place them in the green pastures of truth with its wide range of liberty, bounded only by the great fence of God’s Word, alarms them, and they fear lest they should get lost with such liberty. They have heard that infidels roam in a large field without any fence whatsoever, and fear lest they should be getting into that field.” – (italics Russell’s)
    Substitute the word “apostate” for “infidel” and see if that strikes you as what probably a very large minority of Witnesses go through as they read things in the literature that make little sense, and that they fear they will have to defend in the ministry. It certainly represents almost exactly what I have gone through in the past few years. I continue to be amazed that Russell’s words can still be incredibly relevant 130 years later.
    I wonder if these words might make a good discussion topic, given the current obsession with apostates.

    • Reply by mdnwa on 2013-09-04 19:48:51

      While not perfect one thing I can appreciate is Russell stated he claimed no special revelation or vision for his teachings and no special authority on his own behalf. He stated that he did not seek to found a new denomination, but instead intended merely to gather together those who were seeking the truth of God's Word during this harvest time. Meleti made a good point earlier about even if people branched off and started new congregations there would still be issues that would arise which I agree but I will still admit... part of me would love to be part of smaller bible student focused groups that embraced conversation as civil as is done on this site with no one claiming to be the only understander or the bible nor any special place over the next man.
      Funny... Russell and many others were considered apostates or traitor to their prior faiths for seeking truth and accuracy but with that search exposed wrongs we now understand as truths. Ironically if any of us wanted to do the same or express our thoughts on errors in public without the lead of GB we would be considered going against the only direct channel and ostracized as apostates or being divisive.

      • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2013-09-05 08:22:48

        I too yearn for an environment where mutual respect and freeness of speech are the norm. Small bible study groups would be the ideal. The Devil will always try to work his way in, which is to be expected and indeed was foretold to happen. But that doesn't mean we shouldn't try and keep trying. Otherwise, the exhortation to "oppose the Devil and he will flee from you" would have no meaning. It seems that he enters by taking advantage of the human need to lead or be led. There would naturally be those who take the lead, but they would have to resist the tendency to go beyond that and become leaders themselves. Likewise, we should be submissive to those taking the lead, but never grant them authority as leaders. It's a fine line.

      • Reply by Anonymous on 2016-12-27 21:18:57

        Joseph R. Claimed to be a channel of God. I believe in Pastor Russell's later years he stamped his work with the gal:8stamp

  • Comment by smolderingwick1 on 2013-09-04 22:58:47

    PITTSBURGH, PA., OCTOBER, 1883. NO. 3.
    Webster defines sect to mean “A part cut off,” “Hence a body of persons who have separated from others by virtue of some special doctrine, or set of doctrines, which they hold in common.”
    Since we hold to a set of doctrines delivered to the saints by Jesus and the Apostles, and since we separate and cut ourselves off from all other religious jurisdiction and control, therefore it follows that we are a SECT. We “separate from sinners” and “have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness.” (‘Eph. 5:11‘; ‘2 Cor. 6:17‘). Because there is no concord between Christ and Satan, nor between a believer in Christ and an unbeliever in his ransom and Lordship, therefore we obey the Lords command, “Come out from among them and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean, and I will receive you, and will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.” (‘2 Cor. 6:17,18‘).
    In doctrine we hold firmly to the glad tidings preached by Jesus and explained by the Apostles, and will receive none other, even though it should be delivered by an angel from heaven. It is briefly stated by Paul thus: “I delivered unto you first of all, that which I also received [first of all], how that Christ died for OUR SINS according to the Scriptures.” (‘1 Cor. 15:3‘). This is the basis; and built upon it, is our realization that we are justified and cleansed from all sin in Gods sight, by his offering or sin-sacrifice who “died the just for the unjust.” Realizing this, “we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins.” (‘Eph. 1:7‘). All who accept of their share in this atoning sacrifice are properly termed Christians.
    This was the faith of the early church. True, they progressed beyond these first principles to the use of the “strong meat,” and to a comprehension, with all saints, of the deep things of God; but the “babes in Christ,” and those “who, by reason of use, had their senses exercised,” were all one family—“all one in Christ Jesus.” The more advanced in grace and doctrine bore the infirmities of the weak, each and all seeking to grow in grace and knowledge more and more. Where this apostolic rule was observed there could be no sect, no division in the body. It was only when error began to develop in the congregations that Paul wrote to some: I hear that there are divisions (sects) among you, and I partly believe it; for it is evident from what I learn of the worldliness and error coming in among you, that there would of necessity be divisions; for those true to the Lord could not have fellowship with such unfruitful works of darkness, but must rather reprove them. (‘1 Cor. 11:18,19‘).
    But while divisions were objected to in the true church, while all the apostles taught that there was one Lord, one faith, one baptism and one body—church of Christ—yet this church was a sect itself—a split off from the Jewish church—which was cast off and left desolate, and it was also separated from the world. It was “the sect everywhere spoken against.” (‘Acts 28:22 Thus, we see, that Christians are a sect or separated class—separate from the world—separate from sinners—separat from all others, in that they accept of Jesus, and salvation through his blood. But there should be no schism or division of this sect; all who are of it should be one. There is one fold and one Shepherd. (‘1 Cor. 12:25‘).
    It is not remarkable that Satan should seek to divide and separate the sheep and to put up fences, such as the denominational creeds prove to be, which would hinder some of the sheep from following the Shepherd into green pastures of fresh and living truth. This would be but wisdom on his part. But it is strange that he should be able to fetter the reason of so many, that they should think it a mark of spirituality to say, I am of Luther, a Lutheran; I of Calvin and Knox, a Presbyterian; I of Wesley, a Methodist, and so on; while Paul, on the contrary, to some of his day, who were in danger of this spirit of sectarianism, said: While one saith, I am of Paul, and I of Apollos, and I of Peter, are ye not carnal? Is it not in direct opposition to the spirit of Christ to think or act thus? “Is Christ divided?” Did Paul or Peter or Knox or Calvin or Wesley or anyone else than Christ die for your sins and redeem you? They, as servants of Christ and the church, should be esteemed very highly for their works sake, but to name the Bride after any other than the Bridegroom is manifestly improper.
    Oh, that all could see that in Gods sight there is but one church—whose names are written in heaven—and that God cannot and does not sympathize with or recognize any split in the real church. He does not recognize the narrow creeds in which so many of the sheep are confined and starving. As we have shown, he has placed but one fence around his fold. Inside of it there is plenty of room, both for the lambs and the fully matured sheep of Christ, to feed and grow continually.

  • Comment by Sheila Rae on 2013-11-18 16:34:19

    Caution, bro Russell, from the very start, taught (til his death) that the new covenant was not for Christians but only for the fleshly Jews who would be alive when Christ reveals himself to them in the future. After that, then (according to Russell) the new covenant would apply to Christians and also to the rest (non fleshly Jews) of humanity. This teaching is not founded upon Scripture for Jesus (a Judean) right before his death, had already brought in the new covenant when he demonstrated how he wanted his followers to celebrate his death. when passing the cup (before his Judean disciples) saying; "Drink out of it, ALL of you. for this means my blood of the covenant which is to be poured out in behalf of many for the forgiveness of sins." See Matt. 26:27-28 then compare with Romans 5:14-15, and verse 19. Hebrews 12:24 (note, where the new world translation says "rule as kings in life", other translations including the KIT interlinear does not use the word: kings. Meaning that we reign in life with Christ. And the apostle Paul confirmed that the new covenant had already come into power at 2 Corinthians 3:3-6 by saying that they were "ministers of a new covenant".

    • Reply by apollos0fAlexandria on 2013-11-18 17:05:50

      Hi Sheila.
      It's an interesting comment. I'm not certain I understood your initial caution. The article is not promoting the idea that Russell had the truth any better than the GB do today, but rather drawing attention to a particular aspect of his theology regarding organization.
      Nevertheless your points about his view of the New Covenant are of interest. Do you have references to support those points? I'd like to do some more research on that.

      • Reply by Anonymous on 2016-12-27 21:11:57

        What year exactly did Russell start claiming to be a channel ?
        What was his last real book?
        What was his teaching on this point
        We who are sealed are a royal priesthood. I Believe that rulership may limited to only Apostles of Christ .
        There are many Abodes!

  • Comment by Anonymous on 2016-12-21 07:39:43

    What an amazing article .Russell did what God wanted him to do. Expose the religious leaders and reject denominations (sects)
    A lone voice in the wilderness despite his faults...
    Very inspiring!

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