Watchtower Topic Summary for 2014

– posted by meleti

The purpose of this recurring post is to provide a brief summary of each issue of The Watchtower studied throughout 2014. It is our hope to thus provide some insight into the true nature of the "food at the proper time" provided to Jehovah's Witnesses


w13 11/15 (December 30 - February 2)

THEME: Be obedient to our leadership because Armageddon is close.

Article 1: Advice on Prayer.  The end is near.

Article 2: Don't doubt.  Be patient. The end is near.

Article 3: Obedience.  Salvation depends on staying in the Organization.

Article 4: Obedience. Salvation depends on obeying the elders.

Article 5: Counsel to elders.

w13 12/15 (February 3 - March 2)

THEMES: Don't doubt us.  Avoid apostates.  Make sacrifices.  You are not to partake.

Article 1: Beware apostates.

Article 2: Donate to and serve the Organization.

Article 3: We have the right date.  You shouldn't partake.

Article 4: As in article 3, right date, don't partake.

w14 1/14 (March 3 - April 6)

THEMES: We're in the last days.  The end is near.  Make sacrifices.

Article 1: 1914 is true, Jehovah is king since then. (Christ too.)

Article 2: Authority of Governing Body reaffirmed.  Don't doubt.

Article 3: Make sacrifices.

Article 4: Make sacrifices because the end is near.

Article 5: New proof that the end is near ("this generation' - Take 7).

w14 2/14 (April 7 - May 4)

THEMES: We are special.  It's good to be one of the other sheep.  Stick to the Organization.

Article 1: Partial prophetic misapplication of Ps. 45 to reinforce role of anointed.

Article 2: Partial prophetic misapplication of Ps. 45 to reinforce role of other sheep.

Article 3: Stick with the Organization to get God's protection.

Article 4: Reinforce teaching that other sheep are not God's children.

w14 3/14 (May 5 - June 1)

THEMES: Make sacrifices. Don't get discouraged.  Provide for the Elderly and full-timers.

Article 1: Be self-sacrificing.

Article 2: Don't be discouraged by failed expectations.

Article 3: Provide for elderly, but help full-timers avoid this duty.

Article 4: More instruction on helping the elderly.


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  • Comment by GodsWordIsTruth on 2014-01-28 14:33:04

    Meleti- I know that this section was designed but this article to discuss they study articles but I decided to read the article “They Offered Themselves willingly—In the Philippines” first. I was an avid reader of the magazines up until about 4 months ago....
    I came across the paragraph in the very beginning of the article...
    “Relates Marilou: “My new job demanded so much of my time and energy that my appetite for spiritual activities diminished. I felt that I was robbing Jehovah.” She explains: “I could no longer give Jehovah the time I had dedicated to his service.” Unhappy about that situation, Gregorio and Marilou sat down one day to talk about the direction their lives were heading. Says Gregorio: “We wanted to make a change but didn’t exactly know what to do. We discussed how we could use our lives more fully in Jehovah’s service, especially since we have no children. We prayed to Jehovah for guidance.”
    This reminded me of my conversation with Apollos the other day . Talk about guilt trip! Robbing Jehovah? How? He did not say he was not taking part in spiritual activities but they had diminished. Apparently since they did not have children they felt like ( not moved or motivated) they should do more . It also reminded me of Chris’ comment on the other post regarding dedication “The organization promotes dedication as if it were some form of paying off our debt by monthly installments.” This sister felt unhappy because in her words “ I could no longer give Jehovah the time I had dedicated to his service”. Our “dedication” to “Jehovah” is tied up in the organizations demand for our time and resources . I love the experiences in the magazines but the subliminal messages may contribute to why we never feel good enough....... After all... who wants to feel like they are robbing the living God?

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2014-01-28 14:58:59

      Whenever I am trying to understand my relationship with Jehovah, I try to use the example of a father with a son. After all, the simile is not mine, but Christ's.
      To rob someone, you must be taking what is theirs. What righteous father feels his children owe him indentured service? Any father expects his children to show him respect and honor. A good father has a right to expect that. He also expects them to live by the code of conduct he imparted to them; to use the gifts they possess to the best of their ability. All of that is so nicely encapsulated in Micah 6:8.
      This idea of punching some kind of theocratic time-clock has nothing to do with rendering to God what is God's.
      I quite agree with you. If they increased their time in the field ministry out of love for God, then good. But if they thought they had robbed their heavenly father and had to return what was not theirs, I don't see how they honor him with that attitude. How would an earthly Father feel if this children did things for him based on such an attitude?
      As Anderestimme and Chris pointed out, the concept of dedication is scriptural but it has been misapplied to subjugate minds and hearts.

      • Reply by GodsWordIsTruth on 2014-01-28 15:56:06

        Exactly. Whoever this couple "related" this experience to.... they could have given them encouragement like you have outlined in your comment . ( It could have perhaps changed the whole subject matter of the article )Instead it was reprinted for all publishers to read to reinforce the idea that we may be guilty of robbing God. The title says that they “willingly” offered service but is seems they did so primarily out of guilt.

        • Reply by apollos0fAlexandria on 2014-01-29 08:33:56

          The weird thing is that, even when you can see through it, the tactic still works. It's like one of those optical illusions that, even when you know your eye is being tricked, your brain still sees the effect. Despite agreeing with your comments absolutely, I can still be made to feel guilty about not doing enough service through articles like these.
          Maybe some of us are more predisposed to be guilted into things than others.
          I didn't used to read these life stories much, but now I tend to do so. It's usually when there is a lull in the WT study, and I flick around in the magazine to find something more interesting.

  • Comment by Ross on 2014-02-03 23:43:31

    The above example serves as an interesting illustration of the difference between those having received a spirit of slavery causing fear again, and those having received a spirit of adoption as sons, and the glorious freedom associated with it.
    Perfect love throws fear outside, because fear exercises a restraint.
    If the fear of God is the start of wisdom, the love of God cannot but be the end of it.
    Indeed, he that is under fear has not yet been made perfect in love; now there
    is something beautiful to look forward to.
    We love because He first loved us.

    • Reply by on 2014-06-01 18:31:24

      Could be just the way we are apollos our individual make up moulded by genetics and experience .im different they would have a hardjob trying to put me on a guilt trip .Kev

  • Comment by Sargon on 2014-04-19 14:02:26

    During this season we have not received a single article about the love of God and Christ and how that should move us to show love to others. No articles showing the superiority and power of faith. No articles encouraging us to be thankful for the gift of everlasting life. Just paranoia and guilt based articles. No wonder the congregations are quickly losing the loving spirit. People either read these articles and feel guilty and depressed or they completely tune them out.

    • Reply by SilverTop on 2014-04-20 13:04:09

      You, my dear Sargon, have stated beautifully the feeling of many I'm sure. I haven't been to a meeting in about three weeks now, didn't go this morning. The Watchtower magazine has become a means to "guilt" people into compliance with the Watchtower leadership. However, I also feel that it is just a matter of time before Jesus, as head of the Christian congregation acts to "clean house" and then we will see a return to TRUE Biblical teachings and genuine Christian love in the Kingdom Halls.
      I am grateful for a site like this where I feel I receive real Christian fellowship and genuine concern and love.

      • Reply by Saskawoo on 2014-06-01 11:12:20

        So the problem isn't with the organization, its with Jesus, who is delaying "fixing" things?
        I dont mean to be rude but isn't that just a little presumptuous? And why, of all religions, would this one be worthy of some kind of special treatment? Unfortunately, it is no different from all the rest. The revolutionary thing about Jesus was his emphasis on the responsibility of the individual (in my opinion). I am sorry but I just dont see the organization changing in the way you describe, SilverTop. Maybe i am wrong, but one of the things I've always had trouble swallowing was the idea that the Witnesses were somehow better than everyone else just because they were part of an organization.

        • Reply by Saskawoo on 2014-06-01 11:16:06

          I should add the "wait on Jehovah" statement always makes me slightly uncomfortable, as though we are saying "well we WOULD have everything figured out, except JEHOVAH hasn't conformed to our timeline yet". Ugh... Just, so uncomfortable. :(

        • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2014-06-01 12:32:21

          Hi Saskawoo,
          I understand your feelings and I even agree. But we mustn't let our own frustrations color our speech or we run the risk of giving offense.
          (Colossians 4:6) . . .Let your words always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you will know how you should answer each person.
          Especially so is this with the written word in a public forum. I say this to myself as much as to anyone else.

      • Reply by on 2014-06-01 18:14:55

        Nice caring comment silvertop thanks very much i would certainly go back if there was a return to genuine love .kev

  • Comment by Katrina on 2014-06-01 14:50:33

    Most JW do not think for themselves they have the org doing all that for them, its become like a regime of mind control, and the will go along because its easy, safe and lazy.

  • Comment by Jannai40 on 2014-06-01 15:08:13

    SilverTop, you said "I am grateful for a site like this where I feel I receive real Christian fellowship and genuine concern and love." These words have proved to be so encouraging for me today. A kind sister rang me this afternoon and quoted Hebrews 10:25 and asked me what I thought of Paul's words about not forsaking our meeting together. (I haven't been at the Kingdom Hall for about six months.) Anyway I thought about what the sister said and felt a bit downhearted and then read your words and realised that I am gathering with fellow believers here and I'm so grateful for that and to all the kindness that Meleti has shown to me. My journey has not been an easy one but at last I have found peace by truly getting to know my Heavenly Father and brother, Jesus Christ, through God's Word, the Bible.

  • Comment by Katrina on 2014-06-01 15:54:30

    you take Jesus authority over the org you are doomed by the Pharisee's ruled organization!

    • Reply by Saskawoo on 2014-06-01 18:22:10

      Point taken, thanks.

      • Reply by Saskawoo on 2014-06-01 19:50:47

        Also, I apologize to you, Silvertop, and thank you for the kind correction, Meleti.

        • Reply by SilverTop on 2014-06-01 21:40:53

          Saskawoo, truth is, I've only just now read your statement. I accept your apology, no worries. Besides, opinions are like noses...everybody's got one. :)

  • Comment by yobec on 2014-06-01 21:32:37

    good article Meleti

  • Comment by SilverTop on 2014-06-01 21:56:58

    Dear Friends,
    Just wanted to share something a bit disturbing, at least to me it is, perhaps someone can give me a bit of insight on this...Haven't been to a meeting in a good while. Anyway, long story short, we get a phone call informing us that if we want to go to the upcoming District Convention, we need to "hurry up and purchase your parking ticket." Seems that any vehicle that does not have a parking ticket will not be allowed to enter facility here in Southeast Texas. Also, any friends with 'mobility issues' will be required to rent a wheelchair as canes, walkers will not be allowed. Seem like canes and walkers are viewed as weapons?!?
    Now correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't the WTBTS just gain a few millions from the sale of some prime real estate? Oh yeah, and the new donation arrangement that will put even more money in their collective pockets. This latest incident just does it for me...again, my opinion, but I think the WTBTS is doing everything they can to get as much money as they can before the organization itself just 'shuts down'.
    Also, I'm the first to admit when I'm wrong. With all that I've read on this site, other sites, and the writings of Ray Franz and a couple of other people, I am convinced that this can't possibly be an organization that Jehovah and Jesus would have anything to do with. Again, thank you Brothers and Sisters, I don't know what I would do without this site. You all are a voice of reason in a sea of confusion.

    • Reply by Sargon on 2014-06-02 09:45:35

      I was thinking the same thing. In my financial management class, when one approaches retirement they would do exactly what the watchtower is doing. Choose investments that supply regular income, sell large expensive home and move to a smaller one. The watchtower has demographics we are not privy too. Likely they see that growth in western countries has declined and the membership is aging. I also think that there is a battle at headquarters between those who believe the end is very near, and those who don't. The ones who don't believe the end is near may want to take the organization in a new direction, with a new message so that they can recruit again. To save more money, I wouldn't put it past them to make awake and watchtower public editions available only online. In the ministry they would focus on tracts. Of course this is wild speculation on my part.

    • Reply by on 2014-06-02 13:48:49

      Not that iknow much about convention parking silvertop but its obvious to me that the society have done a deal for the parking at the arena site it makes good buisness sense to buy in bulk then sell them on individually to the brothers there will probably be a marginal profit in this even if they are cheaper than for a normal event .i suppose they reason that the brothers money is better of in the societies pocket than anyone elses. I think the sad thing in all this is that the religion seems to be becoming much more money orientated . Its moving in the direction like a lot of things in this world that if you havent got the money or dont want to spend the money then you cant go .perhaps the donations arent what they were. They seem to be finding different ways of getting finance right across the board .ive been in buisness for 25 years and one of the things ive noticed about people and money is that if people are happy with the service provided then most dont mind paying but if they are not that happy then they dont really want to hand the money over could be telling that kev

  • Comment by ¿Wheresenoch? on 2014-06-04 11:18:52

    Every move made by wbts is a shrewd one centrally focused on making a profit. It has 2 be. They are real estate moguls! Lets face it, big business doesnt get much bigger. Everyone knows catholicism is the worlds wealthiest religion. This is just a theory: over the decades despite our best efforts 2 look different from our arch-nemesis 'the catholic church,' we somehow some way began 2 mirror &mimic them. Excommunication, vows of poverty, child abuse cover-ups, amassing wealth, clergy/laity subtleties, & our latest endorsement of a sanitized version of tithing. I sat at the hall next 2 another df'd brother when we were both handed a slip of paper requesting us 2 state what amount we would be able 2 contribute monthly. It was all i could do 2 keep from bursting into laughter! You mean 2 tell me we cant comment or get a kingdom ministry, & no one will speak 2 us yet our money is always welcome here?? (Ec 5:10)

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