Going Beyond What Is Written

– posted by meleti
A seemingly minor change in the doctrinal thinking of Jehovah’s Witnesses was introduced at this year’s annual meeting. The speaker, Brother David Splane of the Governing Body, noted that for some time now our publications have not engaged in the use of type/antitype relationships. He emphasized that we should only use those type/antitype relationships which Jehovah himself has put in place and which are explicitly named in Scripture. He explained that others, like Puritans, Baptists, and Congregationalists found the study of typology to be thrilling so it was no wonder that the early Bible students felt the same. He spoke of our use of the “pyramid of Egypt” which we called “the Bible in stone” in explaining the “ages of mankind”. Then to show the proper attitude we should now have, he spoke of one early Bible Student, Arch W. Smith, who made a hobby out of studying the dimensions of the pyramid to draw antitypical parallels. However, in 1928, when The Watchtower dropped the use of the “a pyramid built by pagans” as a type, brother Smith complied. “He let reason win out over emotion.” (Let us file those words away for now, as they will be our guide soon.)
In summing up our new position on the use of types and antitypes, David Splane stated at the 2014 Annual Meeting Program:

“Who is to decide if a person or an event is a type if the word of God doesn’t say anything about it? Who is qualified to do that? Our answer? We can do no better than to quote our beloved brother Albert Schroeder who said, “We need to exercise great care when applying accounts in the Hebrew Scriptures as prophetic patterns or types if these accounts are not applied in the Scriptures themselves.” Wasn’t that a beautiful statement? We agree with it.” (See 2:13 mark of video)

Then, around the 2:18 mark, after giving the aforementioned example of Arch W. Smith, Splane adds: "In recent times, the trend in our publications has been to look for the practical application of events and not for types where the Scriptures themselves do not clearly identify them as such. We simply cannot go beyond what is written.

Unintended Consequences

Many of us older ones upon hearing this surely let go a great sigh of relief. We will recall some of the crazier types and antitypes—like Rachel’s ten camels representing the Word of God, and Samson’s dead lion representing Protestantism—and think, ‘At last we’re starting to rise above all that silliness.’ (w89 7/1 p. 27 par. 17; w67 2/15 p. 107 par. 11)
Unfortunately, what very few will have realized is that there are some stunning unintended consequences to this new position. What the Governing Body has done with this reversal is to knock the pins out from under the core doctrine of our faith: the salvation of the other sheep.
It would seem that the Governing Body members themselves are unaware of this development if we are to go by the fact that Brother Splane made repeated references to the other sheep in his discourse, without reflecting the tiniest hint of irony.   It is as if he himself is ignorant of the fact that our entire doctrine of the other sheep and the earthly hope for faithful Christians is entirely and exclusively built on a multiple set of type-antitype relationships which are not found in the Scriptures themselves. The evidence which will be revealed in the rest of this article will show that we have done exactly what David Splane said we should not do. We have most definitely “gone beyond what is written”.
This statement will likely be rejected out of hand by most Witnesses reading this for the first time. If you are one of them, I ask only that you give us the opportunity to prove this statement is based on facts borne out in our own publications.
As we’ve often been taught, the doctrine of the other sheep was first introduced in the mid-1930s by J. F. Rutherford. However, very few of us have ever read the articles in question. So let us do that now. It is worth our time, for this is a major teaching; indeed, it is a salvation issue.[i]

His Kindness, Part 1 – The Watchtower , August 1, 1934

Rutherford introduces this controversial idea by spanning two issues with a two-part article innocuously titled, “His Kindness”.

“Christ Jesus, the Vindicator, will destroy the wicked; but the kindness of Jehovah has provided a place of refuge for those who now turn their hearts toward righteousness, seeking to join themselves unto Jehovah’s organization. Such are known as the Jonadab class, because Jonadab foreshadowed them.” (w34 8/1 p. 228 par. 3)

Notice first that this place of refuge isn’t for the anointed, but for a secondary class known as “the Jonadabs”.

“This loving provision made by Jehovah being announced at the time of making of the covenant of faithfulness shows that the cities of refuge foreshadow God’s loving-kindness for the protection of the people of good will during Armageddon…” (w34 8/1 p. 228 par. 4)

God having now made known to his people that the word spoken by him, as recorded in Deuteronomy, applies since the coming of Christ Jesus to the temple, [circa 1918][ii] we may expect to find that the provision for the cities of refuge, as set down in the prophecies, have an antitypical fulfilment in close proximity to the time of taking the faithful followers of Christ Jesus into the covenant for the kingdom.” (w34 8/1 p. 228 par. 5)

One is left to wonder how “God…made known to his people” this antitypical relationship. Rutherford didn’t believe that the holy spirit was being used to reveal truths, but that Jehovah, since 1918, was using angels to speak to his congregation.[iii]
We can excuse Rutherford’s slip that the cities of refuge were set down in prophecies. They were a legal provision, but are never mentioned in any Bible prophecy. Still, we now have a second antitypical fulfillment. First, the Jonadab class, and now the antitypical cities of refuge.

“The setting up of the cities of refuge was notice to those who should have need therefor that God had made provision for their protection and refuge in time of distress. That was a part of the prophecy, and, being a prophecy, it must have its fulfilment at some later day and at the coming of the Greater Moses.” (w34 8/1 p. 228 par. 7)

What a wonderful example of circular reasoning this presents! The cities of refuge were prophetic because they have a prophetic application, which we know because they were prophetic. Rutherford then goes on without breaking stride to say in the very next sentence:

“On the 24th day of February, A.D. 1918, by the Lord’s grace and manifestly by his overruling providence and his direction, there was delivered, at Los Angeles, for the first time the message “The World has Ended—Millions Now Living Will Never Die”, and thereafter that message was proclaimed by word of mouth and by printed publication throughout “Christendom”. No one of God’s people understood fully the matter at that time; but since being brought into the temple they see and understand that those on the earth who may live and not die are the ones who now ‘get into the chariot’, as Jonadab at the invitation of Jehu got into the chariot with Jehu.” (w34 8/1 p. 228 par. 7)

One can’t help but be amazed at the unmitigated gall of the man to take one of his greatest humiliations and turn it into a triumph. The 1918 speech he is referring to as being delivered by the ‘manifest direction’ of God was arguably his greatest failure. It was built on the premise that 1925 would see the resurrection of the ancient worthies—men like King David, Moses, and Abraham—and the start of Armageddon. Now, almost a decade after the 1925 fiasco, he is still spouting the dictum as coming from God. Yet we know that the millions living in 1918 are gone. Even Rutherford’s attempt here to bring forward the starting date from 1918 to 1934 is a manifest failure in the light of history. The millions then living have died.
Paragraph 8 is the show-me-the-money moment, but Rutherford doesn’t limit his call for funds to the faithful.

“Jehovah’s commandment was that there should be given to the Levites forty-eight cities and suburbs. This shows that the peoples of “Christendom” have no right to crowd Jehovah’s servants, and particularly his anointed witnesses, out of the land, but must allow them freedom of activity and a reasonable amount for their maintenance. This also supports the conclusion that those who obtain literature…should contribute something to defray the expense of publication…” (w34 8/1 p. 228 par. 8)

The conclusion that the members of Christendom’s churches “must allow a reasonable amount” for the maintenance of the JW priestly class may seem gutsy to some, but it also suggests a troubling disconnect with reality. It also exposes a common danger with contrived typical-antitypical relationships: Where does one stop? If there is a real relationship between A and B, then why not between B and C. And if C, then why not D, and on and on ad absurdum. This is precisely what Rutherford proceeds to do in the following paragraphs.
In paragraph 9 we are told that there were six cities of refuge. Since six symbolized imperfection, that number here represents “God’s provision for refuge while imperfect conditions still exist on the earth.”
Then in paragraph 11, we are told why the Israelite cities of refuge represent the organization of Jehovah’s Witnesses.

“These cities of protection symbolized the organization of those who are wholly devoted to God and his temple service. There was no other place that the manslayer could find refuge or safety. This is strong proof that the Jonadab class who seek refuge against the day of vengeance must find it only in Jehu’s chariot, that is to say , in the organization of Jehovah, of which organization Christ Jesus is the Head and great High Priest.” (w34 8/1 p. 229 par. 11)

Jonadab never used a city of refuge, but the Jonadab class does need them. Jonadab climbed into Jehu’s chariot at his invitation, not because he was a manslayer. So Jehu’s chariot is a type for the antitypical Organization of Jehovah’s Witnesses. The Jonadab class, however, does double duty as both the antitypical Jonadab and the antitypical manslayer. All of this Scripturally unsupported supposition is strong proof?!

“The cities of refuge would be set up after the Israelites reached Canaan…This would seem to correspond to the time when the Elisha-Jehu work begins….In 1918 Jesus brought his faithful remnant then on earth across the antitypical Jordan river and into the “land”, or kingdom condition…The priest bearing the ark of the covenant were the first ones to enter the waters of the Jordan, and stood firm on the dry ground in the river until the people had crossed. (Josh. 3:7, 8, 15, 17) Before the Israelites crossed the Jordan river Moses, by the direction of Jehovah, appointed three cities of refuge on the east side of the river. Likewise also before the remnant were gathered into the temple the Lord caused to be delivered his message “Millions Now Living Will Never Die”, meaning, of course, that they must be subject to the conditions announced by the Lord. There also began an announcement that the Elijah work had ended. It was a period of transition from the Elijah to the Elisha work performed by the faithful followers of Christ Jesus.” (w34 8/1 p. 229 par. 12)

There is a virtual legion of antitypes in this one paragraph. We have an antitypical Elijah work ending; and antitypical Elisha work beginning concurrent with an antitypical Jehu work. There is also an antitypical Jordan river and an antitype to the priests carrying the ark and pausing in the river to dry it up. There is something antitypical about the three cities of refuge on the east side of the river as opposed to the other three on the west side. Some of this ties in with the antitype which became the “Millions Now Living Will Never Die” message.
It might be good to pause for a moment at this juncture and reconsider Brother Splane’s warning that we should not accept types and antitypes “where the scriptures themselves do not clearly identify them as such. We simply cannot go beyond what is written.” That is precisely what Rutherford is doing here.

Getting to the Heart of the Matter

From paragraph 13 thru 16, Rutherford starts to make his main point. The ones who fled to the cities of refuge were unwitting manslayers. They fled to escape the wrath of the avenger of blood—usually a close relative of the deceased who had the legal right to kill the manslayer outside of the city of refuge. In the modern day those who are unwitting manslayers are those who have supported the political and religious elements of the earth in their bloodletting.

“Among both the Jews and “Christendom” there have been those who have had no sympathy with such wrongdoing, yet by reason of circumstances have been forced into participating in and supporting these wrongdoers, to some degree at least, and are thus of the class that unwittingly or unawares are guilty of shedding blood.” (w34 8/1 p. 229 par. 15)

These unwitting manslayers must have an antitypical means of escape corresponding to the cities of refuge in Israel, and “Jehovah in his loving-kindness has made just such a provision as is needed for their escape.” (w34 8/1 p. 229 par. 16)

Of course, if there is an antitypical manslayer in need of an antitypical city of refuge, there must also be an antitypical “avenger”. Paragraph 18 opens with the words: “Who is “the avenger”, or the one who executes vengeance antitypically upon such wrongdoers?” Paragraph 19 answers: “The great kinsman of the human race by birth is Jesus...hence he was the kinsman of the Israelites.” Paragraph 20 adds: “Jesus Christ, the great Executioner, will certainly meet or overtake all the bloodguilty ones at Armageddon and will slay all such as are not in the cities of refuge.” Then paragraph 21 nails down the lid on what are the antitypical cities of refuges by saying, “Those…who would now escape to the city of refuge, must hasten thereto. They must get away from the Devil’s organization and take their place with the Lord God’s organization and remain there.”
(If, at this point, you’re recalling Paul’s words at Hebrews 2:3 and 5:9 and saying, “I thought Jesus was God’s loving provision for escape and salvation”…well…you’re obviously just not following.   Please try to keep up.)
In an article which points not to Jesus, but to a religious organization as the means for mankind’s salvation, there may well be a rare and definitely ironic moment of prophetic insight at the end of paragraph 23: “The plain declaration of the Lord is that “organized religion”, which has so greatly defamed this name, and those therein who have participated in the persecution of his faithful people and have defamed God’s name, shall be destroyed without mercy.”

A Distinction Is Made

Paragraph 29 makes a clear distinction between two classes of Christians each expecting a different form of salvation.

It does not appear from the Scriptures that the cities of refuge have any reference to those who become members of the body of Christ. There does not seem to be any reason why they should. There is a wide distinction between such and those who become of the class known as the ‘millions that will not die’, meaning those people of good will who obey the Lord God now but who are not accepted as a part of the sacrifice of Christ Jesus.” (w34 8/1 p. 233 par. 29)

While the claim that this “wide distinction” between the “body of Christ” and “people of good will” is Scriptural, the careful reader will note that no Scriptures are provided as support.[iv]
In the final paragraph of the study, it is reasoned—again, without any Scriptural support whatsoever—that there is a correspondence or a typical-antitypical relationship at work. The typical part was the order of things in that first the covenant at Mount Horeb was put in place, then years later when the Israelites settled in the land of Canaan, the cities of refuge were set up. The antitypical part was the completion of all members making up the new covenant which began when Jesus came to his temple in 1918. This method of salvation ended, and then the antitypical cities of refuge was put in place. The latter is the provision for the unanointed people of good will—the Jonadab class—to be saved from the avenger, Christ. The reason they are called Jonadabs is that the original Jonadab was a non-Israelite, (an unanointed Christian) but was invited into the chariot (Jehovah’s Organization) driven by Jehu, an Israelite (an anointed Christian aka spiritual Israelite) to work with him.

His Kindness, Part 2 – The Watchtower , August 15, 1934

This article extends the cities of refuge antitype into our current doctrine with two distinct salvation hopes, one heavenly and one earthly.

“Jesus Christ is God’s provided way of life, but not all men who get life will become spirit creatures. There are other sheep which are not of the “little flock”. (w34 8/15 p. 243 par. 1)

While the first class with a heavenly hope is saved by the blood of Jesus, the second class is saved by joining an organization or a specific denomination of “organized religion”, Jehovah’s Witnesses.

“The antitype of the cities of refuge is Jehovah’s organization, and he has made provision for the protection of those who place themselves fully on the side of his organization….” (w34 8/15 p. 243 par. 3)

The typical-antitypical parallels continue to abound in this second article. For example,

“It was the duty of the Levites in the cities of refuge to give information, aid and comfort to those seeking refuge. Likewise it is the duty of the antitypical Levites [anointed Christians] to give information, aid and comfort to those who now seek the Lord’s organization.” (w34 8/15 p. 244 par. 5)

Then drawing yet another typical-antitypical parallel, Ezekiel 9:6 and Zephaniah 2:3 are invoked paralleling the “mark in the forehead” with the anointed “giving them [the Jonadabs] intelligent information….” Similar parallels are drawn in paragraph 8 between Deut. 19:3; Joshua 20:3,9 and Isaiah 62:10 to show that that “the priestly class, meaning the anointed remnant now on earth, must minister unto the people…the Jonadabs”
Astoundingly, typical-antitypical parallels are even drawn from the ten plagues.

“In antitypical fulfillment of what happened in Egypt notice and warning to the rulers of the world have already been given. Nine of the plagues have been antitypically fulfilled, and now, before the falling of the vengeance of God upon the firstborn and upon the whole world, foreshadowed by the tenth plague, the people must have instructions and warning. Such is the present work of Jehovah’s witnesses.” (w34 8/15 p. 244 par. 9)

Paragraph 11 illustrates the major problem that arises when men take it upon themselves to create a prophetic parallel where none was intended, i.e., some parts just don’t fit.

“If the decision was that the slaying was without malice and was accidental or unwittingly committed, then the slayer should find protection in the city of refuge and must remain there until the death of the high priest.” (w34 8/15 p. 245 par. 11)

This simply doesn’t fit antitypically. The evildoer hanged next to Jesus did not kill accidentally nor unwittingly, yet he was still forgiven. This application of Rutherford’s only allows for unwitting sinners to enter, but we have the example of King David whose adultery and subsequent murder conspiracy were anything but unwitting, yet he too was forgiven. Jesus makes no distinction between degrees or types of sin. What matters to him is a broken heart and sincere repentance. This simply does not fit with the cities of refuge parallel which is why he never mentioned them as having any part with the Good News of Salvation.
But things get even worse in paragraph 11.

“At the death of the high priest the slayer might return with safety to his own place of residence. This would clearly seem to teach that the Jonadab class [aka the other sheep], having sought and found refuge with God’s organization, must remain in the chariot or organization of the Lord with the Greater Jehu, and must continue in heart sympathy and harmony with the Lord and his organization and must prove their proper heart condition by cooperating with Jehovah’s witnesses until the office of the high priest class yet on the earth be finished.” (w34 8/15 p. 245 par. 11)

This point is important enough that the author reiterates it in paragraph 17:

“Such [Jonadabs/other sheep] do not come with the provisions of the new covenant, and life cannot be granted to them until the last member of the priestly class has finished his earthly course. “The death of the high priest” means the change of the last members of the royal priesthood from human to spirit organism, which follows Armageddon.” (w34 8/15 p. 246 par. 17)

Jesus is referred to in the Bible as our high priest. (Hebrews 2:17) Nowhere do we find anointed Christians referred to as a high priest class, especially while on the earth. When our high priest died, he opened the way for our salvation. However, Rutherford has a different idea for the salvation of the other sheep or Jonadab class. He is here creating a super-clergy class. This isn’t your typical clergy a la Catholic church. No! This clergy is charged with your salvation. Only when they—not Jesus—have all passed away can the other sheep be saved, provided of course that the other sheep have remained in the antitypical city of refuge, the organized religion of Jehovah’s Witnesses.
Here we encounter another problem with made-up prophetic antitype: The need to bend Scripture to make it work. Even if it were true that the salvation of the other sheep is only achieved when the last of the anointed Christians dies, there is a sequence problem, for their salvation comes by surviving Armageddon. Matthew 24:31 clearly indicates that the Jesus sends forth his angels to gather his chosen ones before Armageddon. In fact, Armageddon is not even mentioned in Matthew 24, only the signs and events preceding it, the last of which is the resurrection of the righteous. Paul tells the Thessalonians that those alive at the end will be transformed and taken up “together with them”. (1 Th 4:17) There is nothing in the Bible to indicate that some of Christ’s brothers will survive Armageddon to be taken up only then. However, this Scriptural fact is very inconvenient to Rutherford’s agenda since it means that the need to stay inside the organization, the antitypical city of refuge, will end before Armageddon. How can the organization save us from Armageddon if the need to stay in it evaporates prior to Armageddon? That just won’t do, so Rutherford has to reinterpret Scripture to say that some anointed aren’t taken up until afterward so as to make his heavily contrived prophetic parallel work.
This agenda is very evident in paragraph 15.

“If after receiving these good things from the hand of the Lord any man is found exercising too much personal liberty, that is to say, not keeping with the bounds of Jehovah’s merciful provision made for him at the present time; not taking into consideration that he does not yet possess the right to life [as the priestly class do]…he loses the protection which Jehovah has provided for him. He must continue to appreciate the certainty and nearness of Armageddon [Remember, this was written 80 years ago.]…and also the fact that soon the priestly class [another unscriptural term] will pass from the earth….” (w34 8/15 p. 245 par. 15)

“Christ, the great [antitypical] Avenger and Executioner, will not spare any of the Jonadab company that get outside of Jehovah’s safety arrangement made for them in connection with his organization.” (w34 8/15 p. 246 par. 18)

Rutherford’s quiver of type/antitype pairings is not yet empty. Continuing in paragraph 18, he draws next on the account of Solomon and Shimei. Solomon required Shimei to remain in the city of refuge for his sins against Solomon’s father, David, or suffer death. Shimei disobeyed and was killed at Solomon’s order. The antitype is Jesus, as the greater Solomon, and any of the Jonadab class who “now venture outside of their own haven of refuge” and “run ahead of Jehovah” are the antitypical Shimei.

When Does the Antitypical City of Refuge Start?

The typical cities of refuge only came into being when the Israelites settled in the promised land. The antitypical promised land is the paradise to come, but that hardly works for Rutherford’s purpose. Therefore, other timelines have to shift.

“Therefore it is after 1914, at which time God enthroned the great King and sent him forth to rule. It is then that the holy city, the new Jerusalem, which is Jehovah God’s organization, descends out of heaven. It is that holy city which is the abiding place of Jehovah. (Ps 132:13) The time is when “the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God”. (Rev. 21:2,3)…The prophetic picture of the city of refuge could have no applications prior to the beginning of the reign of Christ in 1914.” (w34 8/15 p. 248 par. 19)

So the tent of God depicted in Revelation 21:2,3 has been with us for the past hundred years. It would appear that the whole “mourning, outcry, pain, and death will be no more” thing has been on backorder for some time.

The Other Sheep Identified

If any doubt remains as to the identity of the “other sheep”, it is removed in paragraph 28.
“Those people of good will, that is, the Jonadab class, are the sheep of the ‘other flock’ which Jesus mentioned, when he said: “And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd.” (John 10:16)” (w34 8/15 p. 249 par. 28)
Rutherford tells us that the doors have been closed to the heavenly hope. The only hope left is for life on earth as part of the other sheep or Jonadab class.

The city of refuge was not for the anointed of God, but such city and loving provision made for those who should come to the Lord after the temple class is selected and anointed.” (w34 8/15 p. 249 par. 29)

In ancient Israel, if a priest or Levite were to become a manslayer, he too would have to take advantage of the provision of a city of refuge. So they were not exempt from the provision, but that doesn’t fit with Rutherford’s application, so it is ignored. The antitypical cities of refuge are not for the priestly class of Jehovah’s Witnesses.

A Clear Clergy/Laity Distinction

To this day we say that we are all equal and there is no clergy/laity distinction in the organization of Jehovah’s Witnesses. This is simply not true and Rutherford’s words bear out that it hasn’t been true since we took the name “Jehovah’s Witnesses”.

“Be it noted that the obligation is laid upon the priestly class to do the leading or reading of the law of instruction to the people. Therefore, where there is a company of Jehovah’s witnesses…the leader of a study should be selected from amongst the anointed, and likewise those of the service committee should be taken f the anointed….Jonadab was there as one to learn, and not one who was to teach….The official organization of Jehovah on earth consists of his anointed remnant, and the Jonadabs [other sheep] who walk with the anointed are to be taught, but not to be leaders. This appearing to be God’s arrangement, all should gladly abide thereby.” (w34 8/15 p. 250 par. 32)

In Summary

Can there be any doubt that the entire doctrine of the other sheep—as Christians who are not anointed with God’s spirit; who do not have a heavenly calling; who are not to partake of the emblems; who do not have Jesus as their mediator; who are not children of God; who only achieve an approved state before God at the end of the thousand years—is entirely based on Rutherford’s concocted, inconsistent and wholly unscriptural belief that there is an antitypical correspondence with the ancient Israelite cities of refuge. To quote Governing Body member David Splane, Rutherford was clearly going “beyond what is written.”
Now, if you are reeling under this revelation and seeking some anchor for your faith, you may be reasoning “that was then, this is now”. Surely there has been new light, refinements, and adjustments to this doctrine. So while we don’t accept the antitypical application anymore, we do know from other Scriptures that the other sheep are exactly who we say they are. If so, then ask yourself what those proof texts are? After all, this is a core doctrine. Surely you can provide hard scriptural proof that doesn’t involve made-up types and antitypes to prove to someone that your belief is not based on speculation, but Scripture.
Okay, let’s give it a go. Type “other sheep” into the WT Library. Now go to Publications Index. Select “Index 1986-2013”.   (We’ll start with the most recent “new light”.)
Before clicking on “other sheep”, let’s try something. Click on “Resurrection”. Do you notice the “discussion” category? Notice how many references there are? The discussion category is typically where you would go for a full discussion on the topic. Under “Resurrection” there are 22 discussion articles and this is just for the 28-year period from 1986 to 2013. I tried this with other related topics:

  • Baptism -> discussion -> 16 articles

  • Holy Spirit -> discussion -> 9 articles

  • New Covenant -> discussion -> 10 articles

Now try it with “other sheep”. Remarkable, isn’t it? No discussion topic references at all. This is a key doctrine! This is a salvation issue! Yet, it is not discussed so as to provide proof and support from Scripture.
We have to go back to the previous index covering a time period of 55 years to get a paltry three topic references. Still, it’s not numbers that count, but facts. Let’s have a look at the top one. What Scriptural facts does it provide to prove all we teach about the redemption and salvation of the other sheep?

“At this point Jesus went on to make the remarkable but large-hearted statement: “And I have other sheep, which are not of this fold [or, “pen,” New International Version; Today’s English Version]; those also I must bring, and they will listen to my voice, and they will become one flock, one shepherd.” (John 10:16) To whom did he refer as “other sheep”?
4 Since those “other sheep” were not of “this fold,” they were not to be included among the Israel of God, the members of which have a spiritual or heavenly inheritance.”
(w84 2/15 p. 16 pars. 3-4 The Recent Pen for “Other Sheep”)

Everything is based on the unfounded assumption that “this fold” represents the Israel of God, or anointed Christians. What Scriptural evidence is given to prove this assumption? None. Let me restate that. NONE!
Nor is there anything in the context to show this. Jesus was talking to Jews, mostly opposers, at that time. He says nothing about the Israel of God, nor does he indicate in any way that he is referring to his disciples by using that term. It is far more likely and more in keeping with the context that he was referring to the Jews present and listening as “this fold”. Was he not sent to the lost sheep of the house of Israel? (Mt 9:36) Could the other sheep he’s referring to which were blended into “this fold” to become one flock under one shepherd not be the gentiles that would later become his followers?
Speculation? Sure, but that’s the point. We cannot know for sure, so on what basis do we build a doctrine that defines the very salvation Christians are striving for?
Rutherford built a doctrine by going beyond what is written and establishing false type/antitype relationships. Our “other sheep” doctrine is still built on a foundation of human speculation. We have abandoned the prophetic types, but have not replaced that foundation with the rock of God’s word.  Instead, we build on the sand of more human speculation.  In addition, we have continued to promote Rutherford's idea that salvation is dependent on continued membership in and support of an organization rather than on faith and obedience to Jesus Christ.
You may personally like the doctrine of the other sheep.  You may take great comfort in believing it. Perhaps you feel that you could never measure up to being one of the anointed brothers of Christ, but the scaled down requirements of being one of the other sheep is something you can attain to.  But that just won’t do. Remember David Splane’s reference to Arch W. Smith. He gave up his hobby of pyramidology because “he let reason win out over emotion.”
Let us not give in to emotion and personal desire, but instead allow reason to guide us to the truth revealed in God’s word about the true hope for Christians. It is a wonderful hope and very much to be desired. Who would not want to share in Christ’s inheritance? Who would not want to be one of God’s children? The gift is still being offered. There is still time. All we have to do is worship in spirit and truth; reach out and accept what our loving Father is offering; and stop listening to men who tell us we just don’t measure up. (John 4:23, 24; Re 22:17; Mt 23:13)
We must let the truth set us free.
[i] This article will be by necessity longer than normal. This is due to the fact that two 1934 Watchtower study articles are involved. The old articles had twice as much verbiage in them as modern ones do, so this will be akin to reviewing four study articles at once.
[ii] Square brackets are added to quotes throughout the article to clarify the identity of nouns or assist in understanding the meaning of a passage.
[iii] Rutherford’s position is outlined in The Watchtower, 9/1 p. 263 thus: “It would seem there would be no necessity for the ‘servant’ [essentially Rutherford himself] to have an advocate such as the holy spirit because the ‘servant’ is in direct communication with Jehovah and as Jehovah’s instrument, and Christ Jesus acts for the entire body...If the holy spirit as a helper were directing the work, then there would be no good reason for employing the angels … the Scriptures seem clearly to teach that the Lord directs his angels what to do and they act under the supervision of the Lord in directing the remnant on earth concerning the course of action to take.”
[iv] It should be noted that the designations, “the class known as ‘millions that will not die’”, “people of good will”, and “The Jonadabs” have been long abandoned by Jehovah’s Witnesses. Nevertheless, the publishers have kept the class distinction by simply renaming it to “other sheep”. This new name has something in common with the previous ones however: a complete lack of Scriptural support.

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  • Comment by Alex Rover on 2014-11-23 22:53:41

    Brilliant research. Thank you for your hard work Meleti.

    • Reply by InNeedOfGrace on 2014-11-24 12:35:48

      I second that. Some of it just makes me really angry to read tbh. To see how Rutherford unilaterally decided that only they were in an approved state, and the others still had to wait and go to the city of refuge just blows my mind.

  • Comment by GodsWordIsTruth on 2014-11-23 23:39:39

    Amazing. Faith Strengthening!
    Meleti when I took the brave step of visiting what I believed to be an apostate site I avoided all of your articles on this subject. I found it flat out offensive that a JW could be against this doctrines! I was severely annoyed at the hint that Society was wrong on this.
    Tonight I'm praising God to be set free from such a wicked and dangerous false doctrine ! I'm so happy that the shackles are off and the scales have fallen off my eyes.
    This is a true testament to Holy spirit in operation and to the Almighty God we serve and His Christ "who has revealed to us through the Spirit. For the Spirit searches everything, even the depths of God (1 Corinthians 2:10)

  • Comment by menrov on 2014-11-24 05:39:36

    Well done Meleti, I have tries to read a couple of these old WT's but it is very challenging as Rutherford had a tendency to use a million words with so many adjectives and adverbs that it is almost impossible to follow his reasoning. Therefore my compliments !!
    And yes, it is striking to become aware of the true foundation of one or the most characteristic doctrine of the organisation. I noticed the comment during the annual meeting regarding the abandonment of the type/antitype things but I still have to see if the organisation will walk their talk and actually revisit many of the doctrines that ae somehow still based on the old type/antitype approach.
    Will it make much difference to the current population of W's? I am afraid not much. Most of them have been engraved with a fear of not surviving Armageddon or that by abandoning the organisation, one will lose his relation with Jehovah. (to be honest, that is my biggest concern, this embedded fear).
    Again, a research very well done!!

  • Comment by JimmyG on 2014-11-24 06:21:19

    Rutherford's 1932 book 'Preservation' is also full of types/antitypes. Somehow he manages to find these in the book of Esther- all the main characters and their actions 'picture' something or other. This type/antitype nonsense continued during the Fred Franz era, leading some to believe that perhaps Franz was Rutherford's ghost writer.
    Just a small point on the following sentence: "Rutherford didn’t believe that the holy spirit was being used to reveal truths, but that Jehovah, since 1914, was using angels to speak to his congregation." I thought Rutherford believed that it was from 1919 that ho;y spirit was no longer needed, as the angels were speaking to the congregation?

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2014-11-24 08:42:36

      That may well be since that was when the 'servant' was supposedly appointed by Christ. I'll check into it. Thanks.

      • Reply by GodsWordIsTruth on 2014-11-24 11:29:06

        I want to say that I do not wish to offend anyone here.
        If Rutherford wasn't a false Christ (falsely anointed) please show me my error from the Scriptures. This man died in this error.
        Matthew 7:15-20New King James Version (NKJV)
        You Will Know Them by Their Fruits
        15 “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. 16 You will know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes from thornbushes or figs from thistles? 17 Even so, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. 19 Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20 Therefore by their fruits you will know them."
        He took the HS from his flock. Based on this article we can discern why.Everyone having access to the HS means that it could operate on anyone. ...And Rutherford could not have any of that.
        Meleti-I think it's amazing that you've been working on this article while I've been struggling with dissonance. EVEN it spite of everything I have come to know! This stuff is deeply entrenched! Satan is a master. Only God's word and the HS (that he denied) can uproot this mess. I pray that I can seize opportunities to help other fellow JW’s like you have helped save me and my family by snatching us from the fire.

        • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2014-11-24 15:45:54

          Just knowing we've helped a few in the journey we ourselves are making is reward enough for all the work.
          Thanks for the encouragement and your many thoughtful and sincere contributions to the site.

    • Reply by GodsWordIsTruth on 2014-11-24 11:13:09

      You are right .This is a recent little pet project of mine . He believed that the HS ceased in 1918! We recently discussed this a little bit on on discussthetruth.Com.This article came right on time and is the nail in the coffin !
      “But when the Lord Jesus comes to his temple and gathers his approved ones into the temple, is there any further need for the office of the holy spirit as a helper and advocate? If not, then the advocacy of the holy spirit would there cease. Jesus, being in the temple and with his chosen ones, would act for them directly.” (Watchtower, September 1, 1930 p. 263)
      “It would seem that there would be no necessity for the ‘servant’ to have an advocate such as the holy spirit, because the ‘servant’ to have an advocate is in direct communication with Jehovah and as Jehovah’s instrument, and Christ Jesus acts for the entire body.” (p. 263)
      “‘The servant’ is anointed to do a specific work. ‘The servant’ is made up of Christ Jesus the Head, the resurrected saints, and the called and chosen ones on the earth who have been brought into the temple and who have entered into the joy of the Lord. Individually those of the remnant on earth must have their standing before God in the beloved One Christ Jesus, and the beloved One is their advocate. Being in the temple, however, there would seem to be no good reason why there should be an advocacy in their behalf by the holy spirit, since the Lord is now with them.” (p. 263)
      “When the temple class is gathered the administration of the holy spirit as an advocate, it seems, would be at an end.” (p. 263)
      “The holy spirit that had been the guide of God’s people, having performed its functions, was taken away, and the Lord Jesus himself, being present, represented his people and advocated in their behalf before Jehovah God, that is, in behalf of those who had fallen into distress because of their failure to properly use their lips in proclaiming the truth.” (Salvation, 1939 p. 217)
      “But when the Lord Jesus comes to his temple and gathers his approved ones into the temple, is there any further need for the office of the holy spirit as a helper and advocate? If not, then the advocacy of the holy spirit would there cease. Jesus, being in the temple and with his chosen ones, would act for them directly.” (Watchtower, September 1, 1930 p. 263)
      “It would seem that there would be no necessity for the ‘servant’ to have an advocate such as the holy spirit, because the ‘servant’ to have an advocate is in direct communication with Jehovah and as Jehovah’s instrument, and Christ Jesus acts for the entire body.” (p. 263)
      “‘The servant’ is anointed to do a specific work. ‘The servant’ is made up of Christ Jesus the Head, the resurrected saints, and the called and chosen ones on the earth who have been brought into the temple and who have entered into the joy of the Lord. Individually those of the remnant on earth must have their standing before God in the beloved One Christ Jesus, and the beloved One is their advocate. Being in the temple, however, there would seem to be no good reason why there should be an advocacy in their behalf by the holy spirit, since the Lord is now with them.” (p. 263)
      “When the temple class is gathered the administration of the holy spirit as an advocate, it seems, would be at an end.” (p. 263)
      “The holy spirit that had been the guide of God’s people, having performed its functions, was taken away, and the Lord Jesus himself, being present, represented his people and advocated in their behalf before Jehovah God, that is, in behalf of those who had fallen into distress because of their failure to properly use their lips in proclaiming the truth.” (Salvation, 1939 p. 217)
      -Simon zealot my dear brother when you read this article tell me how could holy spirit directing the work of Judge Rutherford even though he denied it?
      Did Jesus choose this man to lead his people 1919 knowing he denied the operation of the holy spirit? Before you answer think about the instances where the Pharaisees denied the operation of the HS . What did Jesus say about that?
      How can you be anointed and deny the HS? How is that even possible?
      What about all those witnessess who died denying the HS ? Is this a salvation issue? For sure it is !
      Can someone help me figure out when exactly did the GB correct this false doctrine of the holy spirit’s ceasing operation in 1918? I'm telling you i can't find one article where they Did they clearly made it clear that they have abandoned this demonic doctrine.
      Btw The publications are Watchtower September 1, 1930 p. 262-264
      Preservation 1932 p. 51-52 and 193-194
      Salvation 1939 p. 216-217
      If I've misquoted him let me know. This man was no brother of Christ I'm sorry.

      • Reply by GodsWordIsTruth on 2014-11-24 12:55:23

        One other thing.. how did Rutherford believe he was being communicated with exactly? Thoughts invaded his mind somehow (creepy )After reading Apollos' article on this matter I thought to myself why was Rutherford associating with spiritist? (The angels and women lady I forget her name)
        "Surely the holy angels of Jehovah God,... are clothed with power to put questions in the minds of those on earth who are devoted to God. It is not necessary for us to know just how this is done, but there can be no doubt about the power of the deputies of the Lord. (Rutherford, J. F., Light book 1, 1930, p. 61, 62; The Watchtower, May 15, 1938, p. 157.)
        "... the remnant are instructed by the angels of the Lord. The remnant do not hear audible sounds, because such is not necessary. Jehovah has provided his own good way to convey thoughts to the minds of his anointed ones. (Rutherford, J. F., Preparation, 1933, p. 64; The Watchtower, October 15, 1933, pp. 247-8; The Watchtower, September 15, 1938, p. 286.)
        ... Jehovah would employ his power through his angels to put in the minds of his servants to take the course that he would have them take.
        God put it into the minds of his people to declare what constitutes Satan's organization and to serve notice upon each branch thereof.... Jehovah directs his own work, though we hear no audible voices. "(The Watchtower, November 1, 1937, p. 326, ¶14; 1938 Yearbook of Jehovah's Witnesses, Daily Texts and Comments, February 15.)
        This sounds an awful like telepathy
        But then he turns around and says:
        "Satan, "that old Serpent" is the arch deceiver, also all his wicked angels are deceivers, and the undisputed evidence shows that they continue to deceive men. They operate by gaining control of the mind of man"(The Watchtower, June 1, 1937, p. 165, ¶11; 1938 Yearbook of Jehovah's Witnesses, Daily Texts and Comments, May )
        The "slave" has not updated or revised this statements. This is our official position.Even if Rutherford was sincere. These are teachings of Demons. I pray that Jesus gives him an opportunity to repent if he was indeed sincere. Our teachings are rooted in these orgins. Even some of are teachings are truth even Demons speak truth sometimes.( I'm not calling anyone a demon btw)

      • Reply by BeenMislead on 2014-11-24 16:15:39

        @GodsWordIsTruth Said:
        "Can someone help me figure out when exactly did the GB correct this false doctrine of the holy spirit’s ceasing operation in 1918? I’m telling you i can’t find one article where they Did they clearly made it clear that they have abandoned this demonic doctrine."
        This is what they said in 1993:
        “Those who make up the one true Christian organization today do not have angelic revelations or divine inspiration. But they do have the inspired Holy Scriptures, which contain revelations of God’s thinking and will. As an organization and individually, they must accept the Bible as divine truth, study it carefully, and let it work in them. (1 Thess. 2:13) But how do they arrive at the correct understanding of God’s Word?
        The Bible itself says: “Do not interpretations belong to God?” (Gen. 40:8) If in their study of the Scriptures a certain passage is difficult to understand, they must search to find other inspired passages that shed light on the subject. Thus they let the Bible interpret itself, and from this they endeavor to understand “the pattern” of truth set forth in God’s Word. (2 Tim. 1:13) Jehovah leads or guides them to such understanding by means of his holy spirit.“ – (1993 Jehovah’s Witnesses—Proclaimers of God’s Kingdom Book, Pg. 708)

        • Reply by GodsWordIsTruth on 2014-11-24 17:01:36

          Thank you BeenMislead for comments here during my awakening. Every time I get a knee jerk reaction to shore up my former belief in the "slave" you post a series of quotes that instantly makes me rethink my position.
          "At that time, the lifesaving direction that we receive from Jehovah’s organization may not appear practical from a human standpoint. All of us must be ready to obey any instructions we may receive, whether these appear sound from a strategic or human standpoint or not. Now is the time for any who may be putting their trust in secular education, material things, or human institutions to adjust their thinking. The elders must stand ready to help any who may now be wavering in their faith.” (w13 11/15 p.20)
          This quote never says WHERE "Jehovah’s organization" will recieve instructions that I may consider the illogical from my "human" stand point ( which mind you is the only type of stand point I can have because. ... I'm human :/)
          In the WT recently in 2007 "it seems that resurrected ones of the 24-elders group may be involved in the communicating of divine truths today. Why is that important? Because the correct identity of the great crowd was revealed to God’s anointed servants on earth in 1935. If one of the 24 elders was used to convey that important truth, he would have had to be resurrected to heaven by 1935 at the latest. " (Jan 1 2007 27-28)
          I listened to a recent talk by Bro Herd where he recommended angels and women to the congregation. In this talk he expresses how he is reading old books in the library at bethel.
          This year has been about hailing and embracing WT history more than its been about the faux 100 year kingdom late last year I belive is when we began studying the JW history 101 brochure as I call it.And we know that they have been encouraging us to party all year.
          (International Conventions, gathering etc.) I didn't go to the convention for first time in my life because their was no focus on the spiritual menu.
          In your opinion me ask you is this double speak, a product of their factory of contradictions ( as INOG put it :) )or something else....namely the current GB is openly but subtly wants us to embrace the idea that they ALONE are actually in communication with the spirit realm.
          If I'm bring paranoid feel free to express that. I just want to know WHICH RESURRECTED JW THEY BELIEVE MAY BE COMMUNICATING WITH THEM and what is happening that this "seems" to be the case. E.g they believed that Russell communicated the finished mystery book from beyond the grave.
          I'm telling you if it "seems" that someone beyond the grave is communicating with me I'm getting on my knees or going to the nearest hospital.
          I only started researching this topic this week and then this article. ..
          What do you think?

        • Reply by BeenMislead on 2014-11-25 10:26:43

          You Said:
          “In your opinion me ask you is this double speak, a product of their factory of contradictions ( as INOG put it :) )or something else….namely the current GB is openly but subtly wants us to embrace the idea that they ALONE are actually in communication with the spirit realm.”
          Yes … I think they are delusional enough to think that they alone are actually in communication with the spirit realm. Fred Franz said as much in the Revelation Book. And they said it in a 2007 Watchtower.
          “It is fitting, then, that one of the 24 elders, representing anointed ones already in heaven, should stir John’s thinking by raising a pertinent question. “And in response one of the elders said to me: ‘These who are dressed in the white robes, who are they and where did they come from?’ So right away I said to him: ‘My lord, you are the one that knows.’” (Revelation 7:13, 14a) Yes, that elder could locate the answer and give it to John. This suggests that resurrected ones of the 24-elders group may be involved in the communicating of divine truths today.” – (1988 Revelation Climax Book, Chapter 20, Pg. 125, Par. 17, A Multitudinous Great Crowd)
          “What, then, can we deduce from the fact that one of the 24 elders identifies the great crowd to John? It seems that resurrected ones of the 24-elders group may be involved in the communicating of divine truths today. Why is that important? Because the correct identity of the great crowd was revealed to God’s anointed servants on earth in 1935. If one of the 24 elders was used to convey that important truth, he would have had to be resurrected to heaven by 1935 at the latest. That would indicate that the first resurrection began sometime between 1914 and 1935.” - (Watchtower 2007, 1/1, Pg. 28, Par. 11, “The First Resurrection”—Now Under Way!)

          • Reply by menrov on 2014-11-25 11:43:53

            This sentence: . If one of the 24 elders was used to convey that important truth, he would have had to be resurrected to heaven by 1935 at the latest
            If it was not one of the 24 elders, then it must have been a demon, right?
            There is not one little peace of scriptural proof about the identity of the 24 elders. The WT assumption that the 24-elder = 144000 = JW anointed is pure fantasy and wishful thinking. In the bible we can read the the 144000 are singing a song to the 24 elders, ruling out that they are the same and the 144000 are in front of the thrones to sing the song...Rev. 14:3
            Just as delusional the Pope is in believing he represents Jesus on earth (at least e refers to Jesus as his master), so the GB to pretend they have the exclusive right to channel communications between Jehovah and the JW's.

        • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2014-11-25 12:12:58

          Plus, there's the fact that one of the 24 elders spoke to John. Now if they represent the resurrected anointed and if that resurrection began in 1918 or 1919 as we teach, then who was speaking to John in 96 C.E.?

  • Comment by kev c on 2014-11-24 07:34:00

    As far as im concerned the same is true of daniel chapter 4 with the tree dream and its banding for 7 times . Daniel explained it clearly represented nebuchadnezzars rulership . Why do we have to have an antitypical fullfilment of that . The 1914 doctrine is based on it . As for jehu and his chariot and the way they have made something from the account .????????????? Although when its says he is driving it with madness i can see another fullfillment of that .

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2014-11-24 08:46:20

      You gave me my Monday morning laugh. "Driving with madness." Thanks for brightening my day!

    • Reply by GodsWordIsTruth on 2014-11-24 11:43:35

      Lol@driving with madness. I have always enjoyed your comments on this site Kev.I know I've said it before. You are so forth right and sincere.
      Thank you for keeping us "honest". You have been very outspoken about Rutherford for awhile.I just couldn't see it before.
      If Meleti would have posted many of these articles when I first visited this site I would have ran for the hills lol .Apollos and Meleti said something to the effect of gradually waking people up when I posted my first comment here.I was deeply concerned for my family. It's very hard for me to shut up because I'm not so much as a teacher but I'm a hard core preacher at its core.
      I've been compared to John the Baptist by my family They say I have about as much tact as he did lol.
      Hey wild appearance, wild honey locust and John proclaim his messiah. :)
      I don't prefer to beheaded lol but I would gladly be beheaded for proclaiming my Christ. I think the trick to helping others (based on my experience) is not trying to pry the scales from the eyes of others and just let the HS let them fall off. Or at leaSt loosen them up a bit ;)
      For there is a time "to tear apart and a time to sew together; A time to be silent and a time to speak" Ecclesiastes 3:7
      I pray God helps me know the difference.

  • Comment by life2come on 2014-11-24 09:23:24

    Despite Splane's words, I doubt they will avoid the temptation in the future to provide more type/antitypes explanations...one doesnt have to go back too far, lest we forget the 7 shepherds, 8 dukes, the Assyrian study article. Using these analogies makes them appear to the R&F as having superior wisdom from Jehovah, despite the errors that subsequently appear to the awakened.

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2014-11-24 09:36:36

      A valid argument, life2come. Playing Devil's Advocate for the moment, I think they would argue that the 7 Shepherds 8 Dukes is not a type/antitype relationship, and that all they are doing it providing the interpretation of a prophecy already in place by God. Now, taking off my "advocate's cap", I would counter that argument by saying that the principle behind the disavowal of types and antitypes is that we have no place creating an antitypical interpretation where none exists in Scripture--to paraphrase Splane's word. That principle applies equally if we are taking a prophetic parable, vision, or other symbolic representation and applying an interpretation to it that does not clearly exist in Scripture. If we want to do that and call it what it is, speculation, all is well. But the organization doesn't do that. Their interpretations become doctrine.
      In short, I agree with your assessment and thanks for showing us how even as recently as these articles, they are failing to comply to the spirit of their own words.

      • Reply by life2come on 2014-11-24 09:58:27

        I don't think the R&F go that deeply into dissecting the differences between "type/antitype" vs "interpretation of prophecy already in place". :-)

        • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2014-11-24 10:11:25

          Most wouldn't know an antitype if it bit them on the ankle. Likely why Splane spent so much time during his talk explaining the difference. :)

      • Reply by ilovejesus333 on 2014-11-24 22:01:08

        WOW!! This article is sooooo good.
        I had heard Bro Splanes talk on the "types and anti types" and initially felt he should be commended for bringing this to our attention but after a while something just didn't add up, something in his talk lacked the element of truth, of being above board. Unfortunately I couldn't put my thoughts into words. But after reading your article Meliti everything has become much clearer. So thank you for all the hard work putting this together.
        At least now the GB can cherry pick themselves what part of scripture may become typical and anti typical.
        Back in the good ole days when we had the book study on Tues. evenings i can remember the Babylon Book and studying it with gusto for the meeting that week. Now there was a book, something to get your teeth into. It was so deep, everything foreshadowed something else, this pictured that, this type was typical of that anti type etc..
        How wonderful to be privvy to this abundant knowledge and deep truth that no one outside in the world poscessed. But we did. And wasn't our comments vociferous during the study examining every fine detail. Coming home I would be ten feet tall, elated having been part of this spiritual banquet, being attended to by the faithful discreet slave with their spiritual food and wasn't it meaty too.
        Quote - Remember David Splane’s reference to Arch W. Smith. He gave up his hobby of pyramidology because “he let reason win out over emotion.”
        Oh yes we most certainly were emotional back then, not only had we the "truth" we also had HIDDEN TRUTHS that no one else had, so why should we even contemplate leaving the "city of refuge" Where else could one find deep truths like this?
        Can you see where all this is going?
        It's the typical way the organisation keeps it's hold on us. But not any more we're in the digital age and we now have Meliti and all the people who subscribe and comment here stimulating and encouraging one another, not with speculation or assumptions or types and anti types but with common sense and scripture.
        Anyway I don't see how this "new light" is going to work though, after all most of JW core doctrines are based, not on scripture, but on types and anti types still.
        Alex Rovers comment; - City of refuge still exists in June 2014.
        Ah well that's typical of the organisation, sorry I meant anti typical. Oops I'm beginning to lose the plot now, Isn't it so easy to get mixed up!!
        My meagre attempt at hunour

  • Comment by Alex Rover on 2014-11-24 09:37:28

    Apparently this CURRENT doctrine:
    Remain in God's love chapter 7 paragraph 25
    Do you value that provision? How can you show that you do? One way is by inviting others to join you in the antitypical city of refuge, especially in view of the fast-approaching “great tribulation.”—Matthew 24:21; 2 Corinthians 6:1, 2.
    June 2014 printing.

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2014-11-24 10:11:57

      That revelation gets a well deserved YIKES!

    • Reply by GodsWordIsTruth on 2014-11-24 11:49:29

      Thanks for that quote. I'm not understanding this at all. Bro. Splane clearly said.....
      Perhaps they are imploding. ...

      • Reply by InNeedOfGrace on 2014-11-24 12:33:59

        They are a factory of contradiction. Remember their talk about how we don't need to explain every single part of an illustration, upon which Anthony Morris went ahead and broke down illustrations like they said they wouldn't do anymore? ;)
        Another good one was that they are now stuck with their view of the anointed. If there cannot be an evil slave, can there be foolish virgins? The 50% not being ready would have been a perfect way out to describe the increase in partakers, but they are hamstrung -_-

        • Reply by GodsWordIsTruth on 2014-11-24 12:58:34

          Factory of contradictions =teachings of men
          You are very right INOG

  • Comment by Meleti Vivlon on 2014-11-24 09:43:44

    [This is done in the spirit of Jesus' words at Mt. 16:18]
    Have you noticed that when they are introducing a new doctrinal interpretation, the Governing Body uses David Splane to explain it?
    I believe, and correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe they do this because they know that "they've got some 'splaning' to do".

    • Reply by Christian on 2014-11-24 15:20:04

      I think your right Meleti
      Though I’m sure that most of the GB haven’t HERD of many Rutherford’s teachings LETT alone those of Russell, and they would be at a LOSCH to SPLANE them as you say.
      Maybe they are hoping that their attempts to freshen up their image with JW Org. and a few younger brothers will help, but alas a house built on SANDERSON is bound to fall.
      Their recent re-avowing of 1914 as “scriptural” is another effort to JACKSON up a failed teaching with threats and intimidation.
      Once again they MORRIS the point that an organization that is not based on truth cannot succeed!

      • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2014-11-24 15:38:46

        LOL!!! I've unleashed a monster. :)

  • Comment by The Way on 2014-11-24 11:17:06

    You mean to say that Splane is the antitypical Peter, upon whom rock-solid doctrinal frameworks would be build? :-)
    BTW, in the first paragraph you have "the study of typography" instead of "the study of typoLOGY."

    • Reply by GodsWordIsTruth on 2014-11-24 11:47:13

      "You mean to say that Splane is the antitypical Peter, upon whom rock-solid doctrinal frameworks would be build? :-)"
      Too funny lol!!

      • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2014-11-24 15:11:45

        No, but that works too.
        I was referring to what some view as evidence of a sense of humor in Jesus when he did a play on words. Peter in Greek means little rock or pebble, so he was saying in effect, "You may be the pebble, but on this boulder I'm going to build my congregation."
        Okay, it works better in Greek, I'm sure. ;)

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2014-11-24 15:09:11

      Oops! I'll fix that right away. Thanks.

  • Comment by Christian on 2014-11-24 14:51:06

    Was there ever a truer word spoken than when Jesus said of the Pharisees "They are blind guides of the blind. If one blind person leads another blind person, both will fall into a ditch."
    The challenge for Christians in this time of the wheat & the weeds is to identify Pharisee like behaviour today.
    We can mince words all we like to avoid passing judgement or be seen to condemn the GB, but it seems abundantly clear that these men are 'Pharisee like' in both their proclamations, and their treatment of those who seek to know Christ
    Darn it I've just used an anti-type, Doh!

  • Comment by on 2014-11-24 18:01:50

    I mentioned to a brother the other day that if Anthony Morris hadn't been a member of the GB and had given a talk in my KH like the one he gave at the branch meeting, I would not invite him back. At the Cicuit Assembly I attended Sunday, the C.O. spent part of his concluding talk doing damage control because the pioneers told him the comments about the points Brother Morris made in his talk were getting out of hand. He said we should listen to "Jehovah's channel", no matter how it's presented. Go figure!

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2014-11-24 18:52:11

      We are required to march in lockstep.

  • Comment by omionmen on 2014-11-25 05:46:02

    The Truth will definitely prevail.
    On reading your excerpts on Splane talk, even before reading your analysis, the first type/antitype that propped up in my mind was the " other sheep". Although I do not have access to that article by Rutherford, I have read series of type/antitype in respect of " other sheep".
    Nevertheless, I see this crop of GB leading a major doctrinal reform(my opinion anyway).They boldly rejected the end to anointed call of 1935, I never really believed that albeit I taught it from platform on many memorial nights with many misgivings.
    If what resulted from the " tail-wagging dog" instead of "dog-wagging-tail" talk by F. Franz as reported by R.Franz is anything to go by, maybe Splane's remarks on type/antitype will result in something really truthful.
    Many times I have asked myself :have God not gotten 144000 people since 33CE to date? My answer is He has gotten more than that, I may be wrong but that's my feeling.
    My prayer is that the Teaching Committee/Writing Committee should continue to apply this new resolve and review all doctrine s based on such premises and make amends.
    As for me, I have not completely lost faith in reform, no earthly Christian organization has it 100% right.
    I enjoy your posts and that of others
    omionmen from Nigeria

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2014-11-25 08:45:24

      I agree. Given the fact they only counted men in the first century and that the bible reports on two early baptisms there could easily have been well over 10,000 baptized before the work ever reached the pagan community. It seems virtually impossible that it took two millennia to reach a paltry 144,000.
      I used to hope that these doctrinal false teachings would get sorted out in time. Jehovah sent prophets repeatedly to his nation of Israel with the purpose of turning them back from sin, but eventually, he had to reject and destroy the whole nation. I would be pleased if the entire Governing Body were to turn away from the falsehood we've inherited from our past. I would be at the front rejoicing. I'm normally an optimistic person, but thinking realistically, I don't see this ever happening.
      I've come to believe the problem isn't just with the false doctrine. In fact, the false doctrine is a symptom, not the disease--to use a medical metaphor. The false doctrine will always present itself and go from bad to worse as long as the disease persists. The disease is organized religion of which we are at the forefront being one of the most organized religions on earth. I'm not down on organization. By organized religion, I refer to the structure that turns a form of worship into an organization. For this to happen, there must always be an internal government.
      So 'organized religion' is just another form of the government of men. It is in fact the worst form of that government because the men have to sit in the seat of god to hold their authority over their subjects. So organized religion rules in God's place, and as such is a usurper of the authority of God over men. That is why it is held most accountable by God to be eliminated first, before the political rulers are dealt with.

      • Reply by lifetocome on 2014-11-25 09:10:22

        Matthew 23:10

      • Reply by kev c on 2014-11-25 15:19:56

        I totally agree with that reasoning Meleti. I also think that organised religion is political. It's a government. A rulership set up by men. In fact, I said that to someone the other day. At least the politicans are honest about the fact they are trying to rule us .kev

        • Reply by Andrew on 2014-11-26 10:04:24

          Rutherford did not believe Jehovah's Witnesses were a religion. One of his many definitions of religion was "fear of creatures." Revently at the door, I shocked my service partner when a householder asked me my religion. I replied, "I have no religion. I'm a Christian." The householder was very curious and we had a lengthy conversation. My service-partner told an elder what happened, and the elder told me I could be disciplined for saying this at the door. I told him I did not fear such discpline, since I did not have a religion, and had no fear of men. So far he has left me alone.
          How many Witnesses are in "fear" today? Of my congregation of 80, I would estimate 60 of them are living in fear. They are horrified at the way the elders are abusing the flock, but are afraid to speak up. Our congregation is made up of very close relatives, and they are afraid of losing the association of their family.
          Three of the elders in our congregation are cruel, vindictive, self righteous control freaks. If you disagree with them on the smallest point, they will punish you in various ways, primarily by taking away any "privileges" you had in the congregation. The other three are terrified to stand up to them. They really are trying to rule over the brothers and sisters. They are bullies, and what we have in our congregation now is something called "religion."

        • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2014-11-26 10:24:12

          Thank you for sharing that with us all, Andrew. I wish what you depict were the exception, but I know firsthand of far too many congregations where the situation is distressingly similar. All is well and the semblance of peace and unity prevails as long as everyone does what they are told by the men in charge. But resist in even the tiniest detail and one sees the true nature of the so-called shepherds manifest itself.
          “There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts fear out, because fear restrains us. Indeed, the one who is fearful has not been made perfect in love.” (1Jo 4:18)
          In particular, those elders who are afraid of speaking up are showing a lack of love for the flock and for their Lord and Master. Love for the Christ would make them courageous and they would stand up for the flock. Fear of man restrains them.
          They forget that while Jesus is loving and merciful to some deserving ones he is harsh and quick to punish others.
          “He said to him, ‘Out of your own mouth I judge you, wicked slave. You knew, did you, that I am a harsh man, taking up what I did not deposit and reaping what I did not sow? 27 Moreover, these enemies of mine that did not want me to become king over them BRING here and slaughter them before me.’”” (Lu 19:22, 27)

      • Reply by anderestimme on 2014-11-25 16:26:59

        It's interesting that in the first century, we're told, everybody was anointed because, well, first come first served. But now with partakers on the increase, the explanation is that at this point the ongoing anointings are selective. So why wouldn't they have been in the first century? It doesn't add up.

        • Reply by on 2014-11-25 18:20:01

          Were Christian children in the first century belived to be of the anointed? Has the WT ever mentioned if they were or not?

          • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2014-11-26 08:02:10

            With the exception of Cornelius and friends, the spirit always came upon persons of any age following baptism. I don't recall any scripture speaking of children being baptized, but presumably age wouldn't matter. Of course, the anointing by spirit wasn't a guarantee of anything, because the prize is won through faith.

  • Comment by yobec on 2014-11-25 13:29:14

    I think this type and antitype "hype" originated with Russell and his teaching of the" parallel dispensation" He believed that the exact time that Jehovah dealt with the nation of Israel starting with Abraham and the death of Christ time wise, corresponded with the Gospel Age and the conclusion of the system of things.
    Rutherford just built on it with his types and antitypes and went way out of the ballpark with his own beliefs in this matter. I remember seeing an illustration in one of his old books that depicted the 10 camels as depicting the " Jonadab " class.
    Fred Franz then took over and continued with this line of teaching and took it to a new level. Most of the book studies of the 1970's had to do with over a hundred different type, antitype and parallel scenarios.
    If now however, the G.B. is admitting that we have no right to claim types and antitypes to scriptural events unless the scriptures themselves say so, then, what are they doing with their continued teaching of the FDS being chosen in 1918? This supposed appointment to distribute spiritual food is based on a 3 1/2 year parallel from the first century?

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2014-11-25 13:55:55

      I believe that they no longer use the 3 1/2 year parallel involving Jesus' cleansing of the temple. So they've removed the type/antitype parallel but left the doctrine in place on which it is based.
      This is akin to removing the foundation of a building while leaving the building in place, floating in midair.
      It works for a while, like in the Roadrunner cartoons, but sooner or later, Wile E. Coyote realizes there's nothing underneath him and comes crashing down.

      • Reply by yobec on 2014-11-25 14:10:55

        LOL. That's funny. Do you suspect that they are no longer using the cleansing of the temple analogy because it has not been mentioned lately or is there an article that I have missed on the subject.

        • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2014-11-25 14:32:31

          I recall there was mention of it in 2012 at the annual meeting. David Splane's part, if memory serves. They finally acknowledged that Jesus cleansed the temple twice, once at the 6-month mark and again after 3 1/2 years. Since the 3 1/2 year type was from his anointing to his cleansing of the temple and the antitype was his 1914 enthronement and his 1918 spiritual temple cleansing, the first literal cleansing was an inconvenient fact they basically ignored. So finally in 2012 they fessed up and admitted there were two cleansings, so poof, there goes the type. Besides, the appointment comes in 1919 which is 4 1/2 to 5 years later depending on which event--usually some convention or some convention discourse--marks the occasion, so there never really was a correspondence time-wise.
          In this new era of reason over emotion, we are more than willing to acknowledge that we got the premise wrong. That doesn't mean we're willing to drop the conclusion based on the premise. That would be a bridge too far.
          So they quietly dropped the temple cleansing 3 1/2-year type, but kept the antitype, called by a different name, i.e., evident fact. "Evidently" the slave was appointed in 1919, because, well, that's the year Rutherford got out of prison, don't you know?
          What else could that mean but that he was appointed by Jesus?

  • Comment by yobec on 2014-11-25 22:56:15

    I actually remember them saying some 30 years ago that there was 2 cleansings of the temple,but somehow, the prophetic type was the second one Hmmm... Anyways, the 1919 was also supported with types and antitypes. If you recall, they said that just as Cyrus liberated the Jews from ancient Babylon which enabled them to return to Jerusalem and practice pure worship, similarly, the"Greater Cyrus", that is Jesus, came to release them from captivity from Babylon the great and enabled them to return to pure worship. However as per Splane's latest, this would be going beyond the things that are written HMMM... What about the connection that they now make between Jesus's apostles feeding the many and how it applies antitypically to the G.B. ? How is it that they don't think that this is also going beyond what is written?
    Anyways, good article Meleti, keep them coming.

  • Comment by kev c on 2014-11-26 05:56:59

    To be honest i think david splane. Is speaking common sense here in that qoute from the AGM. Well done david . He doesnt seem to have the same mindset as some of the others. Based on those comments anyway. To qoute him. Who is to decide if a person or an event is a type if the word of god doesnt say anything about it. Who is qualified to do that ? ....................we simply cannot go beyond the things written . Hold on the governing body are claiming to be gods spokesman. The faithful and discreet slave. Yet they have consistantly done that very thing. Not only in these anti types but also in the countless rules they expect all to follow many of which have no scriptural foundation at all. We were told here that it didnt matter wether it was written in the bible if the governing body says it its from god. And they are gods channel of communication today.

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2014-11-26 08:03:02

      Yes, how often that is the case. The words sound good, but often their actions belie their words, as you point out.

    • Reply by kev c on 2014-11-26 10:49:40

      The other thing i would like to know is how do they know they are Gods channel of communication. What happens how does god communicate with them. Does god speak face to face to them in thier private meetings. Like moses. Or in dreams like joseph. Or an angel. Like daniel. Or do they hear voices telling them what direction to take. By thier own admission gifts of prophesy have ceased. What makes them so sure that. They are speaking for god. And why do the vast majority of witnesses believe it. Even without any visible proof. Actually when paul said do not go beyond the things written. These were the. Sort of ideas he was warning against. We shouldnt lookup to others and judge them righteous we just dont know. What goes on in private or whats in the heart. Only the lord knows and its he that will declarre others righteous in his own due time see 1 corinthians 4 v 1 to 7.

    • Reply by anderestimme on 2014-11-26 12:10:24

      The idea that the GB is the FADS makes them into a rival authority to scripture. That's not new and it probably wasn't meant to have that effect, but that's how it is. In that sense, it's funny how much the organization has come to resemble the Catholic church of a few centuries ago.

  • Comment by search4truth on 2014-11-26 14:03:05

    Wow, another nail in the coffin. Thanks Meleti for the time spent on reseach and writing this article. More then a year ago I've realized that to get a full grasp of the some of the unique Jw doctrines I have to go back in time to the source , so I started to dig in the old mags and books searching for the articles dealing with issues like blood, Fds and such, only to discover Rutherford's false reasonig and unscriptural explanation on many topics . I'm quite young in my 30's so I have heard something about Jehu/ Jonadab class growing up in the org, but I've never realized that this was used as a base for the two class doctrine. Btw can anyone explain to my how to get on Wt library the discussion category? I'm not for some reason able to get same results on the search topic like you have Meleti.

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2014-11-26 14:25:52

      Hi search4truth. I'm sure that these Rutherford doctrines are the main reason they haven't digitized articles prior to 1950. They don't want the rank and file to gain approved access to them. I know of one brother who was actually brought on the carpet for downloading old WT publications.
      I'm using the TW Library program off the CDROM. The online library, wol.jw.org, only goes back to 2000.

      • Reply by Christian on 2014-11-26 14:46:22

        Hi search4truth. You might find this site interesting.
        The Watchtower Archives (rated M)
        You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll cringe with embarrassment, but you wont be surprised!
        Not coming to a Kingdom Hall near you soon

        • Reply by on 2014-11-26 21:11:42

          Thanks for the link. In our Kingdom Hall you can find any publication ever printed by the Wt , but I never seen anybody to use it. I think most of the Jw's are not bothered or are too busy to do any deeper research in the past. My group overseer has a bigest library full of old Wt stuff I ever seen in my live, very knowledgable elder and very kind. He offered me many times that I can ask him any question or to discuss my doubts , but I've always politely declined as I see it as a potential trap.

      • Reply by Anonymous on 2017-08-25 16:23:43

        I haven't been in the "backroom" over it...yet, but I have been frowned on when i made the "mistake of letting ones know I have them downloaded.
        I still talk about having them but I recorded it saying " a friend gave the digital file."

    • Reply by menrov on 2014-11-27 05:17:03

      You can also find a lot here: http://www.jwfacts.com/watchtower/historical-publications.php

    • Reply by menrov on 2014-11-27 05:18:23

      Or here: http://www.watchtowerdocuments.com/documents/1920-1949.html

  • Comment by ilovejesus333 on 2014-11-26 20:33:23

    Thanks for that amazing link Christian, I've been searching for something like this for ages; cheers

  • Comment by kev c on 2014-11-27 08:47:05

    Brothers. We just have to read the NT. To see that they are wrong about a great many things. After a while the issue becomes not so much about proving them wrong. But finding out what is right and and the best reading material is the bible. Kev. Looking forward to studying 2 corinthians 11 this week.

    • Reply by search4truth on 2014-11-27 09:31:47

      'issue becomes not so much about proving them wrong, but finding out what is right ' Thanks Kev, you are right, it's good attitude to have.

  • Comment by Room 215 on 2014-12-13 08:49:09

    It's a lot easier for them to say this after the passing of the old guard, the "type-antitype' proponents, i.e. Karl Klein, and especially Fred Franz. The latter buit a whole book, "You May Survive Armageddon Into God's New World", which purported to identify 43 examples of these. I imagine Albert Schroeder must have bitten his tongue during Freddie's lifetime, In any case, it's one -- many their only -- welcome changes.

    • Reply by Room 215 on 2014-12-13 08:50:37

      apologies for the typos;

      • Reply by Anonymous on 2017-08-25 15:59:50


  • Comment by Approaching the 2015 Memorial – Part 1 | Beroean Pickets on 2015-03-19 09:00:36

    […] The application of these typical/antitypical prophetic parallels is not to be found anywhere in Scripture.  To put that another way for clarity’s sake: nowhere in the Bible is application made to link Jehu’s invitation to Jonadab nor the cities of refuge with anything in our day.  (For an in-depth analysis of these two articles see “Going Beyond What Is Written“) […]

  • Comment by WT Study: “This Is the Way You Approved” | Beroean Pickets on 2015-05-04 11:42:42

    […] Essentially what we have is the followup from Bro. David Splane’s talk at the 2014 annual meeting, during which he outlined a new policy of not going “beyond what is written”. (See Meleti’s earlier article.) […]

  • Comment by oloong on 2015-05-15 14:44:34

    I seem to have come to similar conclusions in my post on the Discuss the Truth forum @
    My position is a bit more radical. I feel Rutherford's telling millions of people they would never die was a lie. It is one that corresponds to Satan's original lie: You will NOT die. Both have led to the continued deception of millions now and in the past who have followed the course of false worship.
    On the other hand, the Beroean Pickets seem to be a latter day C.T. Russell. Eventually you may form a new religion based on the teachings of the Watchtower, moving on to a clarification of Bible truth, much in the same way that he separated from the Seventh Day Adventists. But this would mean something that I have always felt is true, that the message of the Bible is simply an eternal one. The end of the world is the end of our individual lives, as Jesus said: 'Look out that it does not take you by surprise, for on a day that you do not expect it will be instantly upon you', since every Christian since 33 C.E. has died and received the reward. We, too, upon dying, will receive that reward. When and if Armageddon comes in the literal sense is of no consequence. Our merit before God is how we live our lives, not what religion we belong to.
    This would mean, that as the WTBS itself is finding out and having to adjust its teachings, everything goes back to the original beliefs of Christianity. There was never a New Truth. There was never a revealing of Sacred Secrets imparted to a Select. What was true before Bro. Russell has always been true. We are not living in a special Time of the End. It was all a misunderstanding that grew into a lie.

  • Comment by Morning Worship Part: The “Slave” Is not 1900 Years Old | Beroean Pickets on 2015-06-13 08:01:41

    […] group of Christians is based on a typical/antitypical application not found in Scripture. (See “Going Beyond What Is Written.”) Our belief in 1914 as the start of Christ’s presence is based on an antitypical application of […]

    • Reply by Ronald McDoogle on 2017-08-25 22:24:48

      Yes I agree. While I'm not necessarily unhappy with the 7 times of Daniel 4 having a wider fulfilment in the Gentile Times, it is odd that the GB should come out and speak of abandoning the type/antitype teachings in their entirety unless they are explicit in scripture, when one of the main teachings of JW theology (1914) is based upon an antitype. Seems rather inconsistent.

  • Comment by WT Study: Be Watchful – Satan Wants to Devour You | Beroean Pickets on 2015-06-28 11:52:31

    […] The foremost and most damaging of these was the one involving Jehu and Jonadab and the Israelite cities of refuge. In the mid-1930s, this resulted in the creation of a clergy/laity division by forming a secondary and subservient class of Jehovah’s Witnesses called the Other Sheep that has existed to this day.  At what point do the men who continue to perpetrate this deception become those “liking and carrying on a lie”?  (Re 22:15b NWT)  God knows; we do not.  However, it is a deception that Satan surely likes.  And a powerful deception, it is.  So much so that recently the Governing Body was able to revoke its whole premise by disavowing the use of fabricated prophetic antitypes without anyone noticing that this undermined the entire belief structure unique to Jehovah’s Witnesses.  (See “Going Beyond What Is Written“) […]

  • Comment by Be Determined to “Let Your Brotherly Love Continue”! | Beroean Pickets - JW.org Reviewer on 2016-03-03 18:48:03

    […] Notice that this is a first fulfillment. What is their basis for claiming a second fulfillment? A careful review of our publications will reveal none. Essentially, there is to be a second fulfillment because the Governing Body says so. Yet, this same body recently told us that secondary applications—what are also called antitypical fulfillments—are going beyond the things that are written and from now on would be rejected as inappropriate. (See Going Beyond What Is Written) […]

  • Comment by The Spirit Bears Witness with Our Spirit | Beroean Pickets - JW.org Reviewer on 2016-03-15 19:31:36

    […] thing would have been to admit he got it wrong and that 144,000 was a symbolic number. Instead, as this article shows, he chose the latter. What he came up with was an entirely new interpretation of who the […]

  • Comment by “We Want to Go with You” | Beroean Pickets - JW.org Reviewer on 2016-03-19 21:01:31

    […] Assertion 2: “Like the figurative ten men, those with an earthly hope…” Only works if there is a class with an earthly hope. (See Going Beyond What Is Written) […]

  • Comment by Working Together with God – A Cause for Rejoicing | Beroean Pickets - JW.org Reviewer on 2016-03-27 02:04:21

    […] [i] See “Going Beyond What Is Written.” […]

  • Comment by You Can Share in Strengthening Our Christian Unity—How? | Beroean Pickets - JW.org Reviewer on 2016-05-17 13:27:58

    […] What irony!  There is perhaps no event in the JW calendar that divides us more than the commemoration of Christ’s death.  The demarcation between chosen ones and those not making the cut is manifested publicly.  This divide is not found in Scripture, but was introduced by Judge Rutherford in the mid-1930s and is unique to the theology of Jehovah’s Witnesses.  It is also completely false.  (See Going Beyond What Is Written) […]

  • Comment by The Rise and Fall of JW.org | Beroean Pickets - JW.org Reviewer on 2016-06-19 11:39:09

    […] [iv] For a full review of Rutherford’s dual salvation doctrine, see “Going Beyond What Is Written”. […]

  • Comment by Parents, Help Your Children Build Faith | Beroean Pickets - JW.org Reviewer on 2016-11-20 18:03:16

    […] [ii] The fact is, the JW doctrine of the other sheep is based wholly on an series of antitypical interpretations made in 1934 in The Watchtower, which have since been disavowed by the Governing Body.  (See “Going Beyond What Is Written”.) […]

  • Comment by 2016, Dec 12-18 – Our Christian Life and Ministry | Beroean Pickets - JW.org Reviewer on 2016-12-13 17:55:08

    […] are wrong and go beyond what is written. They should not form the foundation of doctrine.  (See Going Beyond What Is Written)  Given this, are we to expect that Witnesses under Rutherford in the 30s arrived at a true […]

  • Comment by They Broke Free From False Religion | Beroean Pickets - JW.org Reviewer on 2017-01-23 15:30:25

    […] [iv] See Going Beyond What Is Written. […]

  • Comment by Stop the Presses! | Beroean Pickets - JW.org Reviewer on 2017-08-07 12:14:51

    […] refuge established under the law of Moses.  (For a consideration in detail of those articles, see Going Beyond What Is Written.)  Since those articles were published, there has been no further clarification. In other words, […]

  • Comment by Examining Matthew 24, Part 7: The Great Tribulation - Beroean Pickets - JW.org Reviewer on 2020-04-12 08:58:19

    […] fulfillments in the Scriptures, unless the Scriptures themselves clearly identify them. David Splane himself says that to do so would be to go beyond what is written. (I will put a reference to that information in the description of this […]

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