Jehovah Blesses Obedience

– posted by meleti
I was doing my daily Bible reading a few days ago and came to Luke chapter 12. I’ve read this passage many times before, but this time it was like someone had smacked me in the forehead.

“In the meantime, when a crowd of so many thousands had gathered together that they were stepping on one another, he started by saying first to his disciples: “Watch out for the leaven of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy. 2 But there is nothing carefully concealed that will not be revealed, and nothing secret that will not become known. 3 Therefore, whatever you say in the darkness will be heard in the light, and what you whisper in private rooms will be preached from the housetops.” (Lu 12:1-3)

Try to envision the scenario.
There are so many thousands gathered round that they are stepping on one another.   Close to Jesus are his most intimate associates; his apostles and disciples. Soon he will be gone and these will take his place. Crowds will look to them for guidance. (Acts 2:41; 4:4) Jesus is well aware that this apostles have an improper desire for prominence.
Given this situation, with the crowd of eager followers pressing in on them, the first thing Jesus does is to tell his disciples to watch out for the sin of hypocrisy. Then he immediately adds to the warning the revelation that hypocrites do not stay hidden. Their secrets told in darkness are revealed in the light of day. Their private whisperings are to be shouted from the housetops. Indeed, his disciples will do much of the shouting. Nevertheless, there is a real danger that his own disciples will fall prey to this corrupting leaven and become hypocrites themselves.
In fact, that is precisely what happened.
Today, there are many men who portray themselves as holy and righteous. To maintain the hypocritical façade, these men must keep many things secret. But Jesus’ words cannot fail to come true. This brings to mind an inspired warning from the apostle Paul.

“Do not be misled: God is not one to be mocked. For whatever a person is sowing, this he will also reap;” (Ga 6:7)

An interesting choice of words, is it not? Why would what you plant metaphorically have anything to do with mocking God? Because, like the hypocrites who think they can hide their sin, men try to mock God by thinking they can conduct themselves improperly and not suffer the consequences. Essentially, they think they can plant weeds and reap wheat. But Jehovah God cannot be mocked. They will reap what they sow.
Today the things whispered in private rooms are being preached from the housetops. Our global housetop is the internet.

Hypocrisy and Disobedience

Brother Anthony Morris III recently spoke on the subject of Jehovah blessing obedience. The reverse is also true. Jehovah will not bless us if we are disobedient.
There is an important area in which we have acted both disobediently and hypocritically for many decades. We have been sowing a seed in secret believing it would never see the light of day. We reasoned we were sowing so as to harvest a crop of righteousness, but we are now reaping bitterness.
In what way have they been disobedient? The answer again comes from Luke chapter 12, but in a way that is easy to miss.

“Then someone in the crowd said to him: “Teacher, tell my brother to divide the inheritance with me.” 14 He said to him: “Man, who appointed me judge or arbitrator between you two?”” (Lu 12:13, 14)

You may not see the connection right away. I’m quite sure I would not have, had it not been for news items that have been very much on my mind for the past few weeks.
Please bear with me as I try to explain this.

Handling the Question of Child Abuse in the Congregation

Child sexual abuse is a serious and pervasive problem in our society. Only God’s kingdom will totally eradicate this scourge which has been with us since virtually the start of human history. Of all the organizations and institutions on earth today, which ones come to mind most readily when child abuse is mentioned? How regrettable that it is often Christian religions which news broadcasts feature when reporting on this scandal. This is not to suggest that there are more child molesters in the Christian community than outside of it. No one is alleging that. The problem is that some of these institutions do not deal with the crime properly, thereby greatly exacerbating the damage it causes.
I do not think I would be stretching credulity to suggest that the first religious institution that comes to the mind of the public when this issue is mentioned is the Catholic Church. For many decades, pedophile priests have been protected and shielded, often shunted off to other parishes only to commit their crimes yet again. It seems that the church’s main goal has been to protect its name before the world community.
For some years now, another widely publicized Christian faith has also been making headlines worldwide in this same area and for similar reasons. The Organization of Jehovah’s Witnesses has been forced unwillingly to share a bed with its historic rival over its mishandling of child abuse cases within its ranks.
This might seem very odd at first glance when you consider that there are 1.2 billion Catholics in the world against a scant 8 million Jehovah’s Witnesses. There are many other Christian denominations with a far larger membership base. These would surely have a proportionately larger number of child abusers than do Jehovah’s Witnesses. So why are other religions not mentioned alongside Catholics. For instance, during recent hearings by the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse in Australia, the two religions that received the greatest attention were Catholics and Jehovah’s Witnesses. Given that there are 150 times more Catholics in the world than Jehovah’s Witnesses, either Jehovah’s Witnesses are 150 times more likely to commit child abuse, or there is some other factor at work here.
Most Jehovah’s Witnesses will see this focus as evidence of persecution by Satan’s world. We reason that Satan doesn’t hate other Christian religions because they are on his side. They are all part of false religion, Babylon the Great. Only Jehovah’s Witnesses are the one true religion and so Satan hates us and brings persecution upon us in the form of trumped up accusations by apostates falsely alleging we have protected child molesters and mishandled their cases.
A convenient self-deception this, for it overlooks one very important fact: For Catholics, the child abuse scandal is pretty much restricted to its clergy. It is not that members of the laity – all 1.2 billion of them – are free of this grave perversion. Rather, it is that the Catholic Church has no judicial system for dealing with such ones. If a Catholic is accused of child abuse, he is not brought before a committee of priests and judged as to whether or not he can remain in the Catholic Church. It is up to the civil authorities to deal with such criminals. It is only when a clergyman is involved that historically the Church has gone out of its way to conceal the problem from the authorities.
However, when looking at the religion of Jehovah’s Witnesses we find that sins of all members, not just the elders, are dealt with internally. If a man is accused of child abuse, the police are not called in. Instead he meets with a committee of three elders who determine whether or not he is guilty. If they find him guilty, they next must determine if he is repentant. If a man is both guilty and unrepentant, he is disfellowshipped from the Christian congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses. However, unless there are specific laws to the contrary, the elders do not report these crimes to the civil authorities. In fact, these trials are held in secret and even the members of the congregation are not told there is a child molester in their midst.
This explains why Catholics and Jehovah’s Witnesses are such strange bedfellows. It’s simple math.
Instead of 1.2 billion against 8 million, we have 400,000 priests against 8 million Jehovah’s Witnesses. Assuming that there are just as many potential child abusers among Catholics as there are among Jehovah’s Witnesses, this means that the Organization has had to deal with 20 times more cases of child abuse than has the Catholic Church. (This helps explain why our own records reveal an astonishing 1,006 cases of child abuse in the Organization in a 60-year history of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Australia, though we number only 68,000 there.)[A]
Assume, only for the sake of argument, that the Catholic Church has mishandled all of its cases of child abuse among the priesthood. Now, let say that Jehovah’s Witnesses have mishandled only 5% of their cases. This would put us on par with the Catholic Church in terms of number of cases. However, the Catholic Church is far more than 150 times richer than the Organization of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Besides having 150 times more contributors, it has been squirreling away money and hard assets for something like 15 centuries. (The artwork in the Vatican alone is worth many billions.) Nevertheless, the many cases of child abuse the Church has fought or quietly settled over the past 50 years has put a serious strain on Catholic coffers. Now imagine a potentially equal number of cases coming against a religious organization the size of Jehovah’s Witnesses, and you can see the potential scope of this problem.[B]

Disobeying the Lord does not Bring Blessings

What does any of this have to do with the words of Christ as recorded in Luke chapter 12? Let’s begin with Luke 12:14. In answer to the man’s request for Jesus to adjudicate his affairs, our Lord said: “Man, who appointed me judge or arbitrator between you two?”
Jesus Christ was about to be appointed judge of the world. Yet as a man, he refused to arbitrate the affairs of others. There we have Jesus, surrounded by thousands of people all looking to him for guidance, refusing to act as judge in a civil case. What message was he sending to this followers? If no one had appointed him to judge simple civil matters, would he presume to judge even more serious criminal ones? And if Jesus wouldn’t, should we? Who are we to assume a mantle that our Lord rejected?
Those who would argue for a judiciary in the Christian congregation might refer to Jesus’ words at Matthew 18:15-17 as support. Let us consider that, but before we start, please bear in mind two facts: 1) Jesus never contradicted himself and 2) we must let the Bible say what it means, not put words in its mouth.

“Moreover, if your brother commits a sin, go and reveal his fault between you and him alone. If he listens to you, you have gained your brother. 16 But if he does not listen, take along with you one or two more, so that on the testimony of two or three witnesses every matter may be established. 17 If he does not listen to them, speak to the congregation. If he does not listen even to the congregation, let him be to you just as a man of the nations and as a tax collector.” (Mt 18:15-17)

The parties directly involved are to resolve the matter themselves, or failing that, to use witnesses—not judges—in step two of the process. What about step three? Does the final step say anything about involving the elders? Does it even imply a three-man committee meeting in a secret setting from which observers are excluded?[C] No! What it says is to “speak to the congregation.”
When Paul and Barnabas brought a serious matter that was disrupting the congregation in Antioch to Jerusalem, it was not considered by committee nor in private session. They were received by the “congregation and the apostles and the older men.” (Acts 15:4) The disputing was conducted before the congregation. “At that the entire multitude became silent…” (Acts 15:12) “Then the apostles and the older men together with the whole congregation…” resolved on how to respond. (Acts 15:22)
The Holy Spirit operated through the entire Jerusalem congregation, not just the apostles. If the 12 apostles were not a governing body making decisions for the entire brotherhood, if the entire congregation was involved, then why today have we abandoned that Scriptural model and put all the authority for the worldwide congregation in the hands of just seven individuals?
This is not to suggest that Matthew 18:15-17 authorizes the congregation as a whole or in part to handle crimes like rape, murder and child abuse. Jesus is referring to sins of a civil nature. This lines up with what Paul said at 1 Corinthians 6:1-8.[D]
The Bible clearly explains that criminal cases are, by divine decree, the jurisdiction of worldly governmental authorities. (Romans 13:1-7)
The disobedience of the Organization in circumventing God’s divinely appointed minister (Ro 13:4) by presuming to handle crimes of sexual perversion against innocent children internally, and by frustrating the police from performing their duties to protect the civilian population, has resulted not in God’s blessing, but in reaping a bitter harvest of what they have sown for many decades. (Ro 13:2)
By appointing elders to sit in judgment in civil and criminal cases, the Governing Body has imposed a burden on these men that Jesus himself was not willing to assume. (Luke 12:14) Most of these men are ill-suited for such weighty matters. To commission janitors, window washers, fishermen, plumbers, and the like to deal with criminal activity for which they lack both the experience and training is to set them up for failure. This is not a loving provision and clearly not one which Jesus imposed on his servants.

Hypocrisy Exposed

Paul considered himself as a father to those whom he’d brought up in the truth of God’s word. (1Co 4:14, 15) He used this metaphor, not to supplant the role of Jehovah as the heavenly Father, but rather to express the type and extent of his love for those he called his children, though they were in actuality his brothers and sisters.
We all know that a father or mother will willingly give their life for their children. The Governing Body has expressed fatherly love for these little ones in the publications, on the broadcast site, and most recently by GB member, Geoffrey Jackson, before the Royal Commission in Australia.
Hypocrisy is exposed when deeds do not match words.
The first impulse of a loving father would be to comfort his daughter while imagining just how badly he was going to hurt the abuser. He would take charge, understanding his daughter was too weak and broken emotionally to do this herself, nor would he want her to. He would want to be “streams of water in a waterless land” and a massive crag to provide her with shade. (Isaiah 32:2) What kind of father would inform his wounded daughter that “she has the right to go to the police herself.” What man would say that in doing so she might bring reproach on the family?
Time and again our deeds have shown that our love is for the Organization. Like the Catholic Church, we too wish to protect our religion. But our heavenly Father is not interested in our Organization, but in his little ones. That is why Jesus told us that to stumble a little one is to have tied a chain around one’s own neck, a chain attached to a millstone which God will throw in the sea. (Mt 18:6)
Our sin is the sin of the Catholic Church which in turn is the sin of the Pharisees. It is the sin of hypocrisy. Instead of openly acknowledging cases of gross sin in our ranks, we have hidden this dirty laundry for more than half a century, hoping that our self-image as the only truly righteous people on earth might not be tarnished. However, all that we have “carefully concealed” is being revealed. Our secrets are becoming known. What we said in the darkness is now seeing the light of day, and what we ‘whispered in private rooms is being preached from the internet housetops.’
We are reaping what we have sown, and the reproach we were hoping to avoid has been magnified 100-fold by our failed hypocrisy.
[A] Even more shocking is that not a single one of these cases was reported to the authorities by the Australia branch nor by the local elders involved.
[B] We may just be seeing the effects of this in a recent announcement made to the worldwide bethel community. The Organization is cutting back on support service staff like cleaners and laundry staff. All construction of RTOs and branches is being reconsidered with most being halted. The flagship at Warwick will likely continue however. The reason given is ostensibly to free up more workers for the preaching work. That has a hollow ring to it. After all, cutting back on 140 regional translation offices doesn't seem to benefit the worldwide preaching effort.
[C] In judicial cases, the Shepherd the Flock of God manual for elders directs that “observers should not be present for moral support.” – ks p. 90, par. 3
[D] Some will point to 1 Corinthians 5:1-5 for support of the judicial arrangement as practiced by Jehovah's Witnesses. However, there are no details whatsoever in that passage that support the judicial procedures in practice today. In fact, no mention is made of the older men making the decision for the congregation. To the contrary, in his second letter to the Corinthians Paul states, "This rebuke given by the majority is sufficient for such a man…” This indicates that it was to the congregation both letters were directed, and that it was the congregation members who individually made the determination to disassociate themselves from the man.  No judgment was involved, for the man's sins were public knowledge as was his lack of repentance. All that remained was for each individual to determine whether or not to associate with this brother. It seemed that the majority applied Paul counsel.
Bringing this forward to our day, if a brother were arrested and tried for child abuse, this would be public knowledge and each member the congregation could determine whether or not to associate with such a man. This arrangement is far healthier than the secretive one in place within the congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses around the world to this day.

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  • Comment by AndereStimme on 2015-09-25 13:54:21

    we have hidden this dirty laundry for more than half a century, hoping that our self-image as the only truly righteous people on earth might not be tarnished
    No one expected to be here a half century later. The short-sighted policies and decisions were almost certainly influenced by "end is near" thinking. Thinking it does belong to us to know times and seasons also has consequences.

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2015-09-25 15:28:48

      An excellent point, Andere.

  • Comment by Skye on 2015-09-25 16:26:47

    When I discovered the appalling record of child abuse within the Organisation of Jehovah's Witnesses, I did not turn a blind eye. I took what I thought was appropriate action, as did many others. I also made the decision to discontinue field service arrangements and finally meeting attendance, because I believed that to take part in these activities would serve to direct people to an environment where children were at risk.
    I no longer carry any of WTs guilt. Like many others who have left different religious organisations and cults, I have repented of being involved in false teachings. The important thing now is to make sure that we are never misled again.

    • Reply by menrov on 2015-09-27 04:24:39

      I share these sentiments !! Take care.

  • Comment by Anonymous on 2015-09-25 17:48:06

    This article is spot on and mirrors my thoughts exactly. The latest videos would appear to be trying to convince everyone that we are beyond reproach in these cases and are quite simply damage control. I have provided links. The video "I Gave Up on Religion" is interesting. How someone can go from teaching others to think for themselves and have critical thinking skills to then having an organisation do their thinking for them is beyond me. It's when people are feeling low/depressed that they are at their most vulnerable and they become low hanging fruit ripe for the picking of any religion/cult which will tell them what they want to hear. For someone to feel that they have truth there must be two things. They have to hear someone tell them it's truth, and the listener thèn detemines whether they will accept it as truth. But that does not mean you have the truth, as God is the final authority on that. Sincerity of belief does not mean you have the truth. You might be just having your ears tickled. And the truth isn't always going to make you feel good. Sometimes it hurts, very badly. The whole issue here is that Jehovah told the truth (you will die) but Satan told a lie. He has been deceiving from the beginning, and is very good at it. In my mind it's never been about sovereignty. It's all about who stands for truth and light, or lies and darkness. For unless one has the whole truth, they are certainly in a measure of darkness. 1 John 2:21

  • Comment by Leaving Quietly on 2015-09-25 18:06:27

    I have to respond to the claim that the matter Paul brought to Jerusalem was in an open forum. After the false brothers stood up from their seats and brought out the accusation, notice what Acts 15:6 says:
    "So the apostles and the elders gathered together to look into this matter."
    This implies something aside from the entire multitude. The question is whether "the entire group" in verse 12 refers to just the apostles and the elders, or the entire congregation there. But, the discussion into the circumcision issue appears to be limited to the apostles and the elders with at least Paul and Barnabas present. And whether the apostles and elders gathered together behind closed doors, or off to the side in the same room is not stated. But, it's clear that it was the apostles and elders who deliberated the matter, and then the entire congregation agreed with the conclusions drawn. Of note, though: the issue was public, and the result was public. No secrets. The only thing that MAY HAVE BEEN private was the deliberation and intense discussion to come to the conclusion.

    • Reply by menrov on 2015-09-27 04:22:23

      Indeed, it could well be that the apostles and elders got together to discuss a bit separate from the crowd / congregation / church. Which makes sense in my view as this was a serious topic and making it a group discussion would never lead to an outcome. But if I read verse 12 it gives me the impression the group was present, close to the discussion of the apostles and elders. That would mean / confirm that all happened in the open or in a very transparent way.

  • Comment by Anonymous on 2015-09-25 18:49:23

    As always, it is important to keep in mind what the Bible actually says. I cannot recall any specific scripture that literally says, "Jehovah blesses obedience." Meleti, if you know of such a passage, it would be helpful it if you could cite that for us.
    Certainly, the sentiment SEEMS reasonable, but simply being reasonable alone is not enough to presume that it's something that God wishes us to believe. It is much like the saying, "Cleanliness is next to godliness." The Bible doesn't say that, and as desirable as it for people to be clean, there is no scriptural basis for claiming that being physically clean, in and of itself, mean God approves of us.
    The reason for this caution comes from Luke 17:7-10: "Who of YOU is there that has a slave plowing or minding the flock who will say to him when he gets in from the field, 'Come here at once and recline at the table'? Rather, will he not say to him, 'Get something ready for me to have my evening meal, and put on an apron and minister to me until I am through eating and drinking, and afterward you can eat and drink'? He will not feel gratitude to the slave because he did the things assigned, will he? So YOU, also, when YOU have done all the things assigned to YOU, say, 'We are good-for-nothing slaves. What we have done is what we ought to have done.'"
    Does this sound like God is inclined to bless our obedience? Not really. The tone of this passage is that obedience is expected from Him, but not that we are going to necessarily be better off because of it. We may be WORSE off for NOT obeying, but that is entirely a different matter altogether.
    Religious people are frequently inclined to cite God's blessings, or invoke God's blessings, or suggest outright that God will or has blessed someone. Some will even superstitiously invoke the blessings of God when someone sneezes.
    We ought to be careful. Assuming that God may in fact choose to bless certain individuals, lacking any divine revelations on the matter, we cannot dogmatically presume that He actually chooses to bless anyone, much less presume that person is us. Perhaps a certain person's course of life turns out well because they made good choices, which naturally leads to good results. Obtaining a beneficial outcome and being blessed by God might externally appear to others as if they are one and the same thing, but they're not.
    Why does any of this matter? Because, if God truly blesses obedience, above and beyond simply expecting this from his servants on general principles - without the need or promise of some divine blessing - then there would be this added, compelling interest for us to obey. However, if that is NOT the case, and God doesn't (necessarily) specifically bless obedience, then anyone who claims He does is in fact MISLEADING AND USING US. Moreover, they would in fact be speaking on behalf of God in a matter He did not ask anyone to speak about. The Bible is clear that God doesn't appreciate it when people do that.

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2015-09-25 20:08:22

      >> Meleti, if you know of such a passage, it would be helpful it if you could cite that for us.
      I would do so if that were a point I was trying to make, but it is not. I am taking the teaching Anthony Morris is promoting to show that they are condemned by their own words.
      Based on this and your comment on my last article, I get the impression that you think the articles are supposed to prove what the title says. That is not my intent. The purpose of this article is not to promote the idea that Jehovah blesses obedience, nor is it to disprove the notion either.

      • Reply by Anonymous on 2015-09-25 20:46:09

        It is not my intent either. However, since the GB chose to give their program that title, and you chose to discuss it, it does seem fair to bring up the subject. My point was that when the GB makes a statement like "Jehovah blesses obedience" they may be using that title in a way that would tend to manipulate others. Surely if the Bible contained such a quotation, they would cite it, but they don't. We must also ask, if Jehovah blesses obedience, then obedience to whom? To Jehovah? To the GB? To anyone that demands obedience from us? How far does Jehovah's blessings for obedience extend? That is all I am getting at.

        • Reply by 1984 on 2015-09-26 03:01:14

          You make a good point regarding Jehovah expecting obedience from us with no strings attached. Unconditional obedience, absolutely, because that is his right and our obligation. However, the account in Genesis 3 sets the tone for the whole bible. Without being able to site a scripture that specifically says that, it's pretty clear to me that obedience is the whole point, and the blessings do come, even if good people suffer bad things and vice versa. In fact, I feel obedience is really the universal issue being resolved now, not Jehovah's sovereignty (I think that's a red herring to make the GB unassailable.). Jehovah's sovereignty was never in doubt. Even if Jehovah had destroyed Adam, Eve, Satan and every witness to those events in the Garden of Eden and started all over again that would still have been his right, and if anything would have underlined his sovereignty (but of course he didn't because love stayed his hand - but it wouldn't have denied his sovereignty to do so.) And Jehovah is still sovereign today, regardless of whether anybody acknowledge that or not. Rather, I see the whole six thousand years since as a lesson in obedience, because Jehovah has given us the most precious gift of all - free will (which also includes the gift of life, the ability to love, feel, think, reason, worship, obey etc.) The only way we can use this precious gift for all eternity in a way that is acceptable to Jehovah and beneficial to all is to see all the consequences of it's misuse firsthand. We learn through use, just as Jesus also learned obedience as a man through the things he suffered. Ultimately, Jehovah wants us to chose to love and obey him and have that precious God-given gift forever, whether you believe that to be on Earth or in Heaven.

          • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2015-09-26 07:23:56

            I agree with your reasoning, 1984.
            While the purpose of my article wasn't to prove that Jehovah blesses obedience, I did take that as a foregone conclusion. I also agree with you that the sovereignty issue is a GB red herring, used to support their own claim to authority.
            As evidence that God blesses obedience we have Hebrews chapter 11. The pivotal text of that chapter in my humble opinion is this one:
            “Moreover, without faith it is impossible to please God well, for whoever approaches God must believe that he is and that he becomes the rewarder of those earnestly seeking him.” (Heb 11:6)
            Throughout the chapter we have many examples of men and women of faith, but their faith wasn't simple belief. We might define faith this way.
            Faith = Believe and Do.
            Abel didn't just believe in God, but he obeyed by worshipping God as he wanted to be worshipped. By that he demonstrated faith. Cain also believed in God, but he refused to obey God, preferring his own way. He lacked faith.
            Abel believed that God would reward him (bless him) though it is possible that he didn't know how. The Bible doesn't tell us that Jehovah told Abel that if he worshipped him in a particular way he'd get a resurrection. Perhaps he did, but the fact it is not mentioned goes to the heart of Hebrews 11:6: Faith means we believe in the person, the character, of God. We believe God is good and will not forget those who earnestly seek him out.
            If we truly have faith in our Father, we don't need to know what the reward will be. Our obedience isn't dependent on knowing details. We know God is good. (Mr 10:18) That knowledge tells us that he will bless those who obey him. That's all we need to know.

        • Reply by menrov on 2015-09-27 04:13:22

          Well, the bible as we know it does not contain that exact phrase. However, it has various passages that carry that message. for example: Isa 56:2 The people who do this will be blessed, the people who commit themselves to obedience, who observe the Sabbath and do not defile it, who refrain from doing anything that is wrong.
          I guess the point Is, that the Father will bless those who obey HIM and not the people that have made themselves prophets or His spokesmen. The Father says:
          Luk 9:35 Then a voice came from the cloud, saying, “This is my Son, my Chosen One. Listen to him!”
          Simple, straightforward: listen to HIs Son. Through the Son we can come to the Father. Not va an organization or men.
          The fact that the WTS made themselves synonym for acceptable worship, synonym for road to life, synonym for relationship with the Father, synonym for bible knowledge (truth)... they can make the claims as in the title under discussion.

    • Reply by peely on 2015-09-26 12:41:12

      "if you know of such a passage, it would be helpful it if you could cite that for us."
      God IS inclined to bless our obedience to Him, and to His Son only. Since God created man, the establishment of exclusive obedience to God has not changed. Sure, the wicked can and will prosper, but the end of the matter is a different story.
      "For in the day that I brought them out of the land of Egypt, I did not speak to your fathers or command them concerning burnt offerings and sacrifices. 23 But this command I gave them: ‘Obey my voice, and I will be your God, and you shall be my people. And walk in all the way that I command you, THAT IT MAY BE WELL WITH YOU'. 24 But they did not obey or incline their ear, but walked in their own counsels and the stubbornness of their evil hearts, and went backward and not forward. 25 From the day that your fathers came out of the land of Egypt to this day, I have persistently sent all my servants the prophets to them, day after day. 26 Yet they did not listen to me or incline their ear, but stiffened their neck. They did worse than their fathers." Jer 7:22-26

  • Comment by Hamilton Grey on 2015-09-25 18:56:02

    Excellent reasoning brother, i would like to clarify one point, as an Australian resident i have been very aware of the Royal Commission into child sex abuse. Your comment:
    - "the two religions that received the greatest attention were Catholics and Jehovah’s Witnesses." -
    is not entirely accurate as the Royal Commission was set up to examine child sex abuse across a broad organisational spectrum, the commission is investigating all organisations in Australia that have had contact with children. At the present time the commission is looking at two separate private schools accused of covering up child sexual abuse and is receiving media attention here in Australia at the moment.
    The link below is the Royal Commission home page and outlines its objectives and has links to all its hearings so far, many may not be aware the commission is still actively in session. In no way does this contradict the points you have made regarding the society and it's miss handling of child abuse, i will be very interested in the commissions judgement against the organisation. But please be aware the Royal Commission here in Australia has not payed special attention to the Catholic Church and Jehovah’s Witnesses above any other organisation accused of child sex abuse.

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2015-09-25 20:24:37

      I am well aware that other organizations, secular institutions, and even other religions have been investigated. That is why I was careful to choose the wording I did.

      • Reply by Hamilton Grey on 2015-09-25 23:02:57

        Your words are as quoted, so my point being the Catholics and JWs didn't receive the "greatest attention" by the Commission. With due respect that's the point I'm clarifying.

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2015-09-26 09:58:20

      >>But please be aware the Royal Commission here in Australia has not payed special attention to the Catholic Church and Jehovah’s Witnesses above any other organisation accused of child sex abuse.
      I see your concern, and to alleviate it, I assure you that I wasn't suggesting that the royal commission was paying undue attention or singling out Catholics and Jehovah's Witnesses. I understand that their scope is very broad, encompassing potentially any Australian institution. Perhaps there are secular and educational organizations that have a worse record than either Catholics or Jehovah's Witnesses. I simply don't know. However, to the best of my knowledge — be mindful that I'm only referring to religious organizations here — both Catholics and Jehovah's Witnesses got the most attention of all religions that were evaluated. Assuming the commission acted fairly, and I have no reason to think otherwise, this would mean that among the religious component of its investigation, these two faiths stood out as deserving the most attention.
      So when I said that "the two religions that received the greatest attention were Catholics and Jehovah's Witnesses" I meant that excluding all other non-religious organizations and confining ourselves only to the religions that were investigated, the Commission dutifully and fairly found that these two most deserved the commission's focus.
      If I am wrong about that and other religions got equal or greater attention, then please let me know and I'll amend my statement.

      • Reply by Claudelle on 2015-09-27 00:18:11

        No they were not at first. But they were in the end Meleti. That was the incredible thing that happened as the days rolled by.

    • Reply by Claudelle on 2015-09-27 00:15:13

      What creates the most challenging of all problems, as stated by the Royal Commission, is that they have such a system set up, a system that they will not budge from. That is the two witness rule, the lack of a female mentor in the Judicial Hearings, and the patriarchal approach of the GB concerning how much a woman is allowed to assist. A woman my question and gather evidence with the victim. She is not, absolutely not, allowed to decide whether a sin or crime has been committed.
      This has made the RC deem that the problems within this religion are dealt with in such an entrenched manner, that it only allows for the men to decide if something is true or false/
      Other organizations have women in their system with equal value in terms of "discovery" and in metting out a decision. Hence, the problem is quite unique with the WTBTS method of dealing with the sexual abuse of children and minors. This has disturbed Justice McClellan and Angus Stewart to the point of them shaking their heads in frustration. That and the stubborn refusal of WT to thoroughly consider such an out dated thousands, year old system of dealing with crimes or sins........ " Would you today as JWs consider stoning an equally strong and relevant commanded in the OT, in the light of today's modern society?"
      Therefore, essentially it really is about "institutional responses to sexual abuse" At he end of the day. These men looked guilty, stubborn, and lacked their own unique conscience. They were told in the RC, that this religion had revealed some mighty serious problems. Unique ones.

    • Reply by Junia on 2015-09-28 15:58:58

      Hamilton, do you know when the Commissions judgement will be made? I assume the hearing is over

      • Reply by Hamilton Grey on 2015-09-30 03:06:54

        Hi Junia, the commission started in January 2013 by opened its doors so to speak by inviting submissions by anyone who was sexually assaulted, particularly those who suffered abuse while in the duty of care on an organisation. These could be submitted in writing, electronically or even verbally, depending on what the victim felt most comfortable with. As far as I'm aware the commission has not set an end date as it will work through each and every testimony until their work is complete. This is why the governor general of Australia appointed 6 commissioner's to handle the huge work load. On the commissions home page justice Peter McClellan gives a wonderful video summary of the commission's mandate.

  • Comment by Chris on 2015-09-25 19:32:14

    Can I reveal a few spoilers about the annual meeting?

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2015-09-25 20:25:18

      Go for it.

      • Reply by Chris on 2015-09-25 20:47:43

        There is no more Theocratic Ministry School. It will be one be called "Christian Life and Ministry" The Public Edition of the Watchtower is now going to be Bi-Monthly. (Every two months)And there's a new "Organized to do Jehovah's Will". There is a Simplified edition of the Bible Teach book. And there is a new study edition of the NWT. And more branch closings.

        • Reply by Chris on 2015-09-25 20:48:53

          Also they are cutting the cooking and laundry positions in bethel. Bethelites will have to make their own meals and do their own laundry.

          • Reply by Chris on 2015-09-25 20:55:03

            Also some of these wil be said at the meeting and the letter the next day.

          • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2015-09-26 10:01:53

            Is it cooking or cleaning that is being cut? I can see bethelites doing their own cleaning, but most don't have full kitchens for preparing all their own meals. Additionally, that would mean eliminating breakfast which includes morning worship.
            It certainly promises to be a most interesting annual meeting this year.

  • Comment by Alien Resident on 2015-09-25 19:34:45

    Yes, well presented, Meleti, what an object lesson in hypocrisy, Jesus said his kingdom was no part of this world? I guess that would by this exposure will no doubt be a warning to sincere Christians, just as the nation of Israel ' that their house was abandoned by God' why would it be any different today!! Thanks brother, appreciate the article.

  • Comment by Wild Olive on 2015-09-25 23:13:33

    I had tears in my eyes after reading this post.
    My last elders school was in 2005 at the Moe Kingdom Hall in Victoria.When the part came up about handling child abuse I couldn't understand why there was so much resistance to involve the police or any proffesional in that field, I knew then and there that the policy's where faulty but because of indoctrination couldn't articulate why.
    I brought it up during the lunch break only to find others equally confused as myself,now the fruit is borne of those blunders and Ime one of the ones that supported it, how could I ever have believed that rubbish to be Jehovah's arrangement.
    This article has given me the final reason to dissassosciate myself, the work of the Pharisees is evident in , not just the handling of these unfortunate child abuse cases but all disfellowshipping done by secret committees, Jesus words where straight to the point at Joh8:43 -47 , on the basis of those words anyone who supports, endorses, goes along with a judicial committee , is under demonic influence and it's not for me anymore.

    • Reply by peely on 2015-09-27 11:24:36

      When we leave the organization in response to Jesus' call to "get out" it is true fulfillment of Isa 2:2,3, not the counterfeit call declared by the Watchtower -
      "It shall come to pass in the latter days
      that the mountain of the house of the Lord
      shall be established as the highest of the mountains,
      and shall be lifted up above the hills;
      and all the nations shall flow to it,
      and many peoples shall come, and say:
      “Come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord,
      to the house of the God of Jacob,
      that he may teach us his ways
      and that we may walk in his paths.”
      For out of Zion shall go the law,
      and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem."
      The return of "Jacob" from captivity is the final remnant to be gathered.
      "O house of Jacob,
      come, let us walk
      in the light of the Lord." Isa 2:5
      This "obedience" demanded by a wicked slave, aka "faithful and discreet slave" shows no love for their own brothers in Christ through the difellowshiping and trampling or oppression through their own doctrine. The words of Paul go unheeded:
      Romans 15:14 - "I myself am satisfied about you, my brothers, that you yourselves are full of goodness, filled with all knowledge and able to instruct one another.""
      Instead of instructing one another, the book of Obadiah shows the real truth:
      "The pride of your heart has deceived you,
      you who live in the clefts of the rock,
      in your lofty dwelling,
      who say in your heart,
      “Who will bring me down to the ground?” Obadiah 1:3
      "Because of the violence done to your brother Jacob,
      shame shall cover you,
      and you shall be cut off forever.
      11 On the day that you stood aloof,
      on the day that strangers carried off his wealth
      and foreigners entered his gates
      and cast lots for Jerusalem,
      you were like one of them.
      12 But do not gloat over the day of your brother
      in the day of his misfortune;
      do not rejoice over the people of Judah
      in the day of their ruin;
      do not boast[e]
      in the day of distress." Oba 1:10-12
      "All your allies have driven you to your border;
      those at peace with you have deceived you;
      they have prevailed against you;
      those who eat your bread have set a trap beneath you—
      you have no understanding." Oba 1:7
      The "bread", the spiritual tainted food delivered by this harlot is becoming unpalatable.
      "And the angel said to me, “The waters that you saw, where the prostitute is seated, are peoples and multitudes and nations and languages. 16 And the ten horns that you saw, they and the beast will hate the prostitute. They will make her desolate and naked, and devour her flesh and burn her up with fire, 17 for God has put it into their hearts to carry out his purpose by being of one mind and handing over their royal power to the beast, until the words of God are fulfilled. And the woman that you saw is the great city that has dominion over the kings of the earth.” Rev 17:15-18 1 Pet 2:9,10; Rev 17:14; 21:24
      The restoration of God's chosen "Jacob" is a joyous occasion! We look ahead, not back to the darkness where we came from.
      Thus says the Lord:
      “In a time of favor I have answered you;
      in a day of salvation I have helped you;
      I will keep you and give you
      as a covenant to the people,
      to establish the land,
      to apportion the desolate heritages,
      saying to the prisoners, ‘Come out,’
      to those who are in darkness, ‘Appear.’
      They shall feed along the ways;
      on all bare heights shall be their pasture" Isa 49:8,9

      • Reply by peely on 2015-09-28 08:43:50

        A day later and I see the spelling and grammar errors. My apologies.

      • Reply by Skye on 2015-09-28 17:30:42

        If we are going to quote Isaiah 2:2,3, then we must include verse 4.
        Isaiah 2:2,3,4 "It will come to pass in the latter days that the mountain of the Lord's Temple will be established as the highest mountain and will be exalted above the hills and all nations will stream towards it. And many peoples will say, 'Come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob, and He will teach us His ways and we will walk in His paths'; for from Zion instruction will go forth, and the message of the Lord from Jerusalem; and He will act as international arbiter for the nations and will rebuke many peoples. And they will beat their swords into ploughshares and their spears into scythes. A nation will no longer raise a sword against other nations, nor will they ever again learn to make war."
        This prophecy of Isaiah will be fulfilled in the days of the Messianic Kingdom, yet to come. As we know JWs preach that it is being fulfilled now, as do some other religions. However, we do not live in a world free from the terrors of war. We can learn how world peace will come to the earth through the Good News of the Kingdom of God as taught by Jesus Christ - this is the only Gospel that we must preach. To learn about the Good News of the Kingdom, start with the book of Matthew.
        (Latter days or last days in this section of scripture refers to the days of Messiah) See biblical commentaries.

        • Reply by peely on 2015-09-29 00:00:59

          Hi Skye,
          Have you ever thought that there is the possibility of Christ’s Kingdom being established in the first century?
          “You have said so,” Jesus replied. “But I say to all of you: From now on you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of the Mighty One and coming on the clouds of heaven.” Matt 26:64
          Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Matt 28:18
          For he must reign until he has put all his enemies under his feet. 1 Cor 15:25
          The Lord says to my lord: Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet.” Ps 110:1
          But Stephen, full of the Holy Spirit, looked up to heaven and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing at the right hand of God. Acts 7:55
          If we focus on the spiritual battle between the seeds of Gen 3:15, then we can “see” it has been raging from that early time period and will culminate with the finish of Armageddon. It is not a war we look for in Satan’s domain, but a divisive sword within the spiritual realm. Matt 12:26; Eph 6:12; 1 Tim 1:18
          "For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ." 2 Cor 10:3-5
          Our “swords” and “spears” are the words of truth against Satan’s own use of swords and spears that can “kill”. Eph 6:17; Rev 1:16; Heb 4:12; Rev 16:13
          "My soul is in the midst of lions; I lie down among them that breathe out flames, the sons of men, whose teeth are spears and arrows, and their tongue a sharp sword." Ps 57:4 Rev 16:13-16
          As King over the God’s House that he has continued to build upon, it is with faithful anointed ones that are sealed for their testimony to Christ within their lifetime, that he fights this continuing battle of truth over lies. Each anointed one must choose his side of the battle. Rev 17:14; 2 Tim 2:3
          The Thousand Years of Christ’s Kingdom are of a symbolic timeline, one of completeness in establishing testimony to truth. The teaching of the Watchtower that two wars are fought against Satan is another lie. Rom 9:28
          As Armageddon culminates, we can literally see results of this war as many leave the organization verbally declaring Christ as truth – their individual use of the sword. Heb 4:12; Rev 2:16; Isa 2:4 We see the battle at its peak as the “remaining ones of the woman’s seed” are the final target for Satan to deceive.
          It is true, the swords and spears of Isa 2:4 will no longer be needed once the Messianic Kingdom comes to an end and God’s Kingdom is ushered in. Dan 2:44
          "He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of his father David, and he will reign over Jacob’s descendants forever; his kingdom will never end.” Luke 1:32,33
          "Come, descendants of Jacob,
          let us walk in the light of the Lord" Isa 2:5

          • Reply by Skye on 2015-09-29 14:33:43

            Peely, My previous comment still stands. My interest is in the Bible as I am sure it is for you too. However, unlike you, I have absolutely no interest in the website you post, and for that reason I see no point in continuing this discussion with you at this time; but I thank you for your reply. No doubt we will speak again. I wish you well, my friend. Skye.

  • Comment by Buster on 2015-09-26 04:27:59

    Again, if the news is true about the cutbacks and stopping all the supposed building. Then the Organization has been in a big lie.
    Again you might say Buster you have gone too far. No not really far enough, I re-watched the May broadcast over 25 times, so what is up with this More money going out then coming in. And all these Rto's being build, and over 16,000 buildings/kingdom halls needed, and yeah Mr. Lett said well we gave you New Bibles ( woo hoo) well it been nearly 30 years since the last Revision of the Bible. I mean we all know the last 5 years there been a almost Money Driving need for the Big O, why I mean they ain't growing in numbers.
    After the May broadcast I have kept asking Why, Why, Why!!! Why the need for money and all this building, and if they stop all the building, so where is all that money going and all the millions you sold all there properties ( maybe all the lawyer and child abuse fees n). If this does not make many of the Rank and File start saying what the Deuce is going on here, I don't know what will. Well I forgot Obey what ever decision... Again Obey!!! Obey indeed.

    • Reply by Skye on 2015-09-26 13:15:39

      Just curious, Buster, why did you watch it over 25 times?

      • Reply by Buster on 2015-09-26 14:26:25

        Well I might have when overboard on that, I rewatched it a lot because I was doing some research that I did on discuss the truth website. And I was rewatching it ( all the broadcast many times) but for this one I had to get every second if it doent, I can quote much of it from memory, remember my friend we must Obey....Just Kidding :)

  • Comment by Justanotherpubliaher on 2015-09-26 10:12:26

    As always, I enjoy your articles. Thanks for all the research and effort put into them.
    Just a side note the sentence that begins with "They were received by the “congregation and the apostles and the older men.” (Acts 15:2) " I believe you meant to quote Acts 15:4 rather than verse 2

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2015-09-26 11:58:12

      Good catch. Thanks. I'll correct that now.

  • Comment by Buster on 2015-09-26 14:32:07

    Again if all this stuff is true about the stopping of buildings and layoffs ( and I hear and seen from multiple sources it sure looks like it) it is very ironic that the watchtower is about buildings and Assembly being built, Woops I guess that New Light might be Old Light Fast. And when I go to tbr kingdom hall I will love to.see all the people give answers and say man they will be shocked in a few weeks.....And hopefully start to question and wonder what the heck is the Big O doing with the money.
    Proverbs 4:18 ain't gonna help you hear, Guardians of Doctrines.

  • Comment by Susan on 2015-09-26 15:38:08

    In the 2012 Candace Conti vs. WTS childhood abuse trial, the court initially ordered the WTS to pay $20 million. Appeals reduced it to $10 million, then $2 million, then an undisclosed settlement. That will put a dent in your budget.
    Likewise, the 2014 Jose Lopez case, WTS ordered to pay $13.5 million, part of that just for refusing to cooperate with the court! It may still be under appeal?
    The negligence brought to light from these 2 cases is disturbing.

    • Reply by Anonymous on 2015-09-27 18:05:55

      Speaking of JW "budgets", I found quite by accident a PDF from the WT in Sweden. They are suing the government of Sweden for religious discrimination, because - get this - the government gives monetary grants to OTHER religions but not to the WT. The WT wants to receive money from the secular authorities of this world, because everyone else does, so why not them?
      I am trying to think of an expression that fits. Something like, awesome, jaw-dropping, stunning, you've go to be kidding me, etc. If you read it, I am sure you will supply your own colorful description.
      You can find it with a google search under "European Association of Jehovah’s Christian Witnesses" and "Sweden" and "12 June 2014". I could also upload a copy if Meleti allows such things.

      • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2015-09-27 18:18:52

        Interesting. Here's the link for those interested in learning more.

        • Reply by Menrov on 2015-09-28 01:40:44

          Thanks for sharing. I read this on page 4 paragraph 17:
          Jehovah’s Witnesses who are members of the religious order known as the Worldwide Order of Special Full-Time Servants of Jehovah's Witnesses (“the Order”) lead a consecrated life of worship and devotion. On a daily basis they participate in community prayers, community meals, labour and work, private prayer and meditation, and the study of the Bible. They do not carry on any activities for monetary compensation. They care for the spiritual needs of the congregations of Jehovah’s Witnesses throughout the country (Sweden).
          What are COMMUNITY PRAYERS? All these persons work in Bethel in Sweden so cannot mean the local community. How do they take care of the spiritual needs of the congregations?
          Just curious.

          • Reply by BN on 2015-09-28 02:04:40

            Haven't most of them moved to Denmark, when they closed the Headquarters in Sweden and Norway? As far as i know , there is only a few, if any? now left here in Norway and the Bethel estate outside Oslo was for sale, ev sold now....

  • Comment by Dawn Ann on 2015-09-28 01:18:50

    Thank you Meliti for another great article. What I found interesting is the ratio of JWs to Catholics on child abuse cases. I also appreciated the point you brought out from the scriptures how the early Christians handled matters. I detest the hypocrisy of the Organization but what's even worse is their unwillingness to change current policies on reporting child abuse cases. Mr. Jackson (just can't call him a brother, sorry) seemed to suggest for the courts to decide whether it should be mandatory to report such cases. How in good conscience can these men who are supposed to be our Shepherds hide and keep secret the very things that are destable to Jehovah???

  • Comment by 1984 on 2015-09-28 05:29:24

    Thanks again Meleti. The reality is the WS thought the end would come and all of this would go away, never to see the light of day, but they are reaping what they sow now whether they like it or not. And that smacks of a human organisation. An organisation being led by holy spirit would be exemplary – ahead of it’s time rather than reactionary. Now they are lagging behind on so many fronts – playing catch-up and addressing things with the benefit of hindsight rather than foresight. One of the things that gives the bible the hallmark of authenticity is it’s timelessness in so many regards, and the fact it contains knowledge of things that only Jehovah could have known. In other words, although it contains the human element – the words of men told from the perspective of it’s writers – it is not simply a product of it’s time. When you consider the hash the Watchtower Society has made of things over the last 100 years and some of the outrageous things they have taught and practiced during that time it really helps one to appreciate the harmony, candor and consistency of the bible and it’s message, compiled over thousands of years!

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2015-09-28 08:10:13

      Indeed it does, 1984.

  • Comment by sopaterofberoea on 2015-11-03 10:23:24

    Thank you Meleti for the excellent research and sound reasoning. I concur completely with your view. 1984, I concur with your thoughts as well. Decades ago, policy was created without the benefit of consulting with professionals that would have surely guided the organization in such a way as to avoid such serious liability. Instead of spending a few dollars (protecting the organization's assets) by consulting with legal specialists "outside the box", our leadership arrogantly pressed forward at under the counsel of a very ineffectual legal staff, inept and unskilled in trial law. The GB was convinced that all the wins in the SC (in the 1940's) were divine evidence that that Jehovah had their back. They didn't need outside consulting. We had the rabbit's foot, we were charmed. Another win in 1988 (upholding our right to shun) and another in 2002 (upholding our right to remain anonymous when preaching from door to door) and all the more evidence, Jehovah has our back, we can do no wrong.
    What if, back in the late 40's, when tossing around the concept of banning blood transfusions, the GB (Knorr and Franz) had first consulted with specialists that litigate wrongful death? Attorneys highly skilled in this specialty. What if they asked for an opinion, specifically, what might be the legal ramifications of such a policy? Without question, they would have been advised that implementing such a teaching carried grave risks, a very slippery slope. The most grave of risks? Once the first member dies for refusing (a function of obedience to the policy) you can never rescind this teaching. You can never change your mind, it can't be replaced with new light, you men will have hang your hat on this teaching until Armageddon.
    The same could be said regarding the handling abuse of children in the congregation. Go back to the 60's and 70's. I remember, I was there. Abuse was not an uncommon happening in a congregation. I personally know 15 victims of abuse. Most congregations I grew up around had a dark secret or two. What if at the time this was becoming a growing problem, the GB had consulted with outside specialists, experts in litigating abuse within institutions such as schools, associations, churches, etc? Without question, they would have been given good advice regarding how to avoid potential liability. We could have thus created a policy that protected the congregation and the organization's assets. They would have certainly been advised against applying the "two witness" rule in determining guilt of a crime. Once an abuser (who denied the allegation and faced no consequences) abused for the second time, the institution has great exposure. This exposure is magnified exponentially if the abuser was serving in a trusted capacity in the congregation. Add to this he was likely never reported to the authorities to for justice to occur for the victim.
    Just as was the case with the blood ban, the moment the policy became responsible for the first victim, there was exposure, the GB could never go back. The two-witness ruls could never be retracted or replaced with new light. Victims harmed because of this policy would have a very legitimate cause of action should the GB rescind this teaching. The GB would in effect be saying, "we made an error in interpretation of scripture, and we did not have the backing of Jehovah's holy spirit when we mandated the policy" (which unfortunately made the victim vulnerable to the abuse). Yes, the GB desperately needs the government to step in and force change in our policies on blood and on child abuse. Bro Jackson himself alluded to this when he said that the authorities would be doing JW's a favor if they would dictate reporting as mandatory.
    Yes, a favor. I believe this is what Bro Jackson is thinking: When the government steps in and forces change in both our blood and our abuse policies, the GB can spin it that they were never wrong, their interpretation of scripture was sound, and that they felt it was Jehovah's thinking all along. They can claim that Satan's system has forced compliance with the superior authorities. A favor indeed.
    But how does Jehovah see this? Giving the GB a free pass on this would be tantamount to Jehovah saying he views the material assets of the organization worth more than the lives and suffering of the victims.
    The chickens have come home to roost.

  • Comment by Out of Africa on 2015-11-10 11:27:35

    "Our sin is the sin of the Catholic Church which in turn is the sin of the Pharisees. It is the sin of hypocrisy."
    At Matthew 24:48-51 Jesus warned of the Evil slave. I have been wondering why vs 51 says that the evil slave will be assigned 'his place with the hypocrites'.
    Thanks, I now have the answer.

  • Comment by Anonymous on 2016-12-21 21:35:00

    "Today the things whispered in private rooms are being preached from the housetops. Our global housetop is the internet."
    Amen Meleti!!!

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