Our Commenting Policy

– posted by meleti
We have been getting emails from regular readers concerned that our forum might be degenerating into just another JW bashing site, or that an unfriendly environment might be surfacing.  These are valid concerns.
When I began this site back in 2011, I was unsure about how to moderate commenting. Apollos and I discussed it repeatedly, going back and forth, trying to find that safe place in the middle between the rigid thought control we were accustomed to in the congregation and the disrespectful, sometimes abusive, free-for-all that some other sites are known for.
Of course, when we started out, our only goal was to foster a safe online gathering place for the peaceful pursuit of Bible knowledge. We had no idea that in short order the Governing Body was going to take the unprecedented step of bearing witness about themselves—despite Jesus' warning at John 5:31—and appoint themselves as his Faithful and Discreet Slave.  We were also unprepared for the change in attitude that now requires unquestioning obedience to their directives. Indeed, at the time I was still of the mind that Jehovah’s Witnesses were the one true Christian faith on the face of the earth.
A lot has changed since that year.
Due to the ever increasing dispersion of knowledge made possible via the internet, brothers and sisters have been learning of the Organization’s tragic mishandling of child abuse. They have been shocked to discover that it was a member of the U.N. for 10 years until outed in a newspaper article.[i]   They have been disturbed by the growing cult of personality surrounding the members of the Governing Body.
And then there are the doctrinal issues.
Many joined the organization out of a love for truth, identifying themselves as being “in the truth”. To learn that our key doctrines—like “the generation of Mt. 24:34”, 1914 as the start of Christ’s invisible presence, and the other sheep as a separate class of Christian—have no basis in the Bible, has created great mental distress and brought many to tears and sleepless nights.
One might compare the situation to being aboard a large, well-stocked luxury liner out in the middle of the ocean when a cry goes out that the ship is sinking.  One's first thoughts are: "What do I do now?  Where do I go?”  Based on many of the comments as well as private emails I get, it seems that our little site has morphed from a pure research site into something more—a sort of port in the storm; a place of solace and a spiritual community where awakening ones can commiserate with others who are going through, or have gone through, their own crisis of conscience.  Slowly, as the fog clears, we've all learned that we are not to look for another religion or another organization.  We do not need to go to some place.  What we need is to go to some one.  As Peter said, "To whom shall we go away to?  You have the sayings of everlasting life."  (John 6:68)  This site is not an alternative to the Organization of Jehovah's Witnesses, nor do we encourage anyone to return to the snare and racket which is organized religion.  But collectively we can encourage one another to love the Christ and to approach the Father through him. (John 14:6)
Speaking personally, I'm delighted with the change of focus that we are seeing here, subtle though it may be.  I'm also pleased to learn that many have found comfort here.  I would not want anything to jeopardize that.
For the most part the conversations and comments have been upbuilding .  Differing views are expressed on subjects where the Bible is not definitive, but we have been able to dialogue and even recognize our differences without rancor, knowing that in the core values, the truth of God's word revealed to us by the spirit, we are of one mind.
So how can we safeguard what has come into being?
First, by adhering to Scripture. To do that we have to allow others to critique our work.  For this reason, we will continue to encourage commenting on every article.
The name Beroean Pickets was chosen for two reasons: The Beroeans were noble-minded students of Scripture who eagerly but not credulously accepted what they learned.  They made sure of all things. (1Th 5:21)
Second, by being skeptics.
“Pickets” is an anagram of "skeptic". A skeptic is one who questions all things. Since Jesus warned us against false prophets and false Christs [anointed ones] we do well to question every teaching coming from men.  The only man we should follow is the Son of man, Jesus.
Third, by maintaining an environment that is conducive to the flow of the spirit.
This last point has been a challenge over the years.  We have had to learn how to yield without compromising, all the while striving to avoid the extreme of authoritarianism from which we have fled.  There has obviously been a learning curve.   However, now that the nature of the forum has shifted, we need to reexamine our status quo.
This site—this Bible study forum—has become akin to a large gathering at a household. The owner of the house has invited people from all walks of life to come and enjoy fellowship. All feel safe and comfortable.  Free and unfettered discussion is the result.  However, in only takes one overbearing personality to destroy the carefully cultivated ambiance.  Finding their tranquility disrupted, the guests start to leave and the uninvited individual soon commandeers the narrative.  That is, if the host allows it.
The rules governing commenting etiquette for this forum have not changed. However, we will be enforcing them with more vigor than before.
Those of us who founded this forum are very interested in providing a place of sanctuary where the increasing numbers of those who are “skinned and thrown about” in a spiritual sense can come for solace and comfort from others. (Mt 9:36) As a responsible host, we will evict any who do not deal kindly with others or who seek to impose their point of view rather than instruct from God’s word. The universally accepted principle is that when in the house of another, one must abide by house rules. If one objects, there is always the door.
Inevitably, there will be those who cry “Censorship!”
That is nonsense and merely a tactic to try to continue having their way.  The fact is, there is nothing keeping anyone from starting up his or her own blog. It should be noted, however, the purpose of Beroean Pickets is not, nor has it ever been, to provide a soapbox for every blowhard with a pet theory.
We will not discourage anyone from sharing opinions, but let them be clearly stated as such. The moment an opinion takes on the character of a doctrine, then to permit it makes us like the Pharisees of Jesus' day. (Mt 15:9) We each must be willing to back up any opinion with Scriptural support, and respond to a challenge for same without evasion. Failing to do so causes frustration and is simply not loving.  It will no longer be tolerated.
It is our hope that this new policy will benefit all those who come here to learn, upbuild and be upbuilt.
[i] In 1989, The Watchtower had this to say about the United Nations: “The ten horns” symbolize all the political powers now on the world scene and that support the United Nations, the “scarlet-colored wild beast,” itself the image of the Devil’s bloodstained political system.” (w89 5/15 pp. 5-6) Then came 1992 and its membership as a Nongovernmental Organization in the UN. Articles condemning the U.N. dried up until after the Organization's U.N. membership role was exposed by The Guardian in its October 8th, 2001 issue. Only then does the Organization renounce its membership and return to its denunciation of the UN with this November 2001 article: “Whether our hope is heavenly or earthly, we are no part of the world, and we are not infected by such spiritually deadly plagues as its immorality, materialism, false religion, and worship of “the wild beast” and its “image,” the United Nations.” (w01 11/15 p. 19 par. 14)

Archived Comments

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  • Comment by Vincent Gomez on 2015-11-27 08:55:47

    Just wanted to say thank you. Very good words. Any mature person knows exactly what you are saying. We know when we have crossed the line. No one should have to explain how we crossed that line. Thanks again.

    • Reply by Katrina on 2015-11-27 23:08:47

      I care about JW and love them I just don't like the GB sorry to say I don't and if this is called JW bashing then I am guilty the GB gives me the creeps and I don't trust them. They have hurt to many JW.

      • Reply by Harrison Webster on 2015-11-28 04:56:19

        I too wish to thank you Meleti and your helpers on this Site, it has given me comfort from my first visit, which was at a time when I felt so alone in my realization that the religion of my birth was not what it claimed to be, to find like minded JW's was an immense relief.
        I think that the only way this place can remain doing such a wonderful, even life-saving work is to control the tendency to slide in to a place purely of criticism of religion which is showing itself for what it is, so such words are not necessary.
        Thank you again for making this a safe place to find spiritually uplifting thoughts among Christlike people. It is unique.

        • Reply by Katrina on 2015-11-29 02:33:58

          well said Harrison!

  • Comment by Mike on 2015-11-27 10:19:21

    Although I was not one who contacted you or others regarding commenting if I'm finally honest I will admit I stopped reading comments and even some of the posts as the tone of the site does seem to be on that slippery slope of going down the other JW bashing sites. It reminds me of others who originally started out with good intent only to see the longer they operated the more distant they are to where they started. I always use places like PETA who had a noble cause as a prime example who maybe had good intent but now is a facade and far removed from its original beginnings and have to think some if not majority of JW bashing sites started out exposing for truth sake or to encourage ones like me but years later have twisted that purpose unintentionally becoming like the same leaders of the JW org they had an initial issue with.
    What's ironic in this is this is coming from a guy who is no longer a JW and will never be in its current state. Also, this is coming from someone who three years ago gave credit to this site for allowing me to see others who were like me questioning and breaking free to a certain extent. However, since that time my thought process and balanced view on things, thanks to prayers and application, has got better and just like a person in a room cannot smell orders until they leave and come back when I left reading the site for a while and came back I did notice a change in how I thought about the site.
    What I mean is while the intent is there I find majority of the comments to be less encouraging and more critical. While I understand the "beroean" reference they no doubt researched certain points to make sure teachings were in harmony with the bible this site seems to want to challenge EVERYTHING JW's teach, talk about, etc and it quickly turns into a negative vibe. I even found it somewhat curious why some were still elders, pioneers, etc within the org putting on one face while out the other side of their face behind closed doors were secretly criticizing. I found that stumbling as I made a choice so I would not live a double life and I found ones who were to be way more spiritual not do so because "it wasn't that simple or easy" when in actuality many just didn't want to give up comforts or position or communication with family, which I would have respected them more for just saying then leaving it in generalities.
    I find this site less about upbuilding spiritual truths and new points of learning, encouragement, etc and more of lets find ways to tear down what was just discussed by JW's this week, here's why they are wrong, here's my issues with them. I would leave many times feeling down than refreshed. I made the choice to leave so now that I had give me points WITHOUT the JW slant since many either left already, on the fence or regardless if they know it or not already checked out mentally although there in body. If we've already established they, like all religions, teach things not scriptural, and these things weigh down it's members or past members in my case, then why not refresh us and others by just posting different spiritual points to discuss instead of posting comments, article points, etc from JW publications? By doing so you may not THINK you are bashing but to anyone else it DOES come off as bashing or overly critical. I one time compared the comments and posts from another site and sad to say the bash site was VERY similar.
    Listen... in this world today we live ANY constructive critique is taken as an insult and "judging" however my point is out of love and concern. I was DF three times, twice kept out for over two years but both times after was told by other elders at new halls both were not right and were unfair and unloving by even their own admissions. I've had elders chastise me for non issues as well as family members for personal feelings, not based on the bible. I've seen my family members suffer from depression due to the org and its members as I have also and after leaving the org three years ago have had to live a lonely sometimes life, which is the result of making EVERY friend a JW and thinking every other Christian is false. Since I left the org I got help I needed and my issues, while still there, are not even CLOSE to that level and I thank God for his strength. So out of anyone I have every right to dislike or take issues with JW's however I still smile when they want to give me a WT and do not talk down about them. Sure someone might ask why I am not and I will tell them but I stay balanced saying I appreciate the work ALL Christians do.
    I came to understand that EVERY Christian organization is flawed and look forward to Jesus return to set things straight and clean out his people. I cannot got back to JW org because I could never teach again the men in NYC are F&DS (which I believe was a question not a title to wear IMHO), could not teach to shun people who need help the most, or that ONLY JW's can be saved and instead feel that those who apply bible teachings and worship the one true God and follow his Sons footsteps are truly his people. But while I have those thoughts I also feel weird about other Christian groups that still for some reason teach its ok to celebrate thanksgiving, holidays, Jesus is God, trinity, etc, etc that I know as a bible student is wrong. I will eventually need to decide do I choose an organization as I now come to understand why association IN PERSON AND NOT JUST ONLINE is crucial, more so than ever today, since association with fellow spiritual ones helps upbuild and encourage but if I do I promised myself to choose one that has core teachings I believe and leave the other outlining things to God.
    When I see this site I don't see any attempt to have ones meet to study or encourage. The bible mentions God rejects lukewarm people more than those hot or cold so why would we think we could have one foot in an org while behind their backs criticizing everything about them? I feel you either stick with an org and accept the mistakes as part of it and try to upbuild within or if you cannot then move on, don't bash them to others and find others who share your views but focus on upbuilding. I love to see this site lose the tone and all the JW references and just be a site of spiritual encouragement where ones from all over, not just ex JWs can find refreshing relief. Change the format where all new posts are about subjects that others can chime in on and all can learn. Don't just take a slant to debunk JW teachings but use it to encourage and upbuild. In this way I feel it would be more help. So sorry for the book but I really am concerned about the tone and direction this site is headed as call me overly cynical I just see this differently that I stepped away for a while and see where its headed and I worry any help it might be thinking it is doing could end up doing more harm with individuals who are already confused, feeling low spiritually or on the ropes spiritually. I pray for all in these hard times and hope my well meaning is not confused with anything else.

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2015-11-27 11:06:28

      >>When I see this site I don't see any attempt to have ones meet to study or encourage.
      Perhaps you haven't noticed the "Find Friends" menu. It is interesting that when we first set up this menu, we were immediately criticized for trying to start up our own religion. It seems that we are damned if we do and damned if we don't. However, that puts us in good company. (Mt 11:16) We are also in good company when you considered the many times Jesus openly criticized the religious leaders of this day and twice violently ejected evildoers from the temple.
      We need to view the big picture. You and I have come to our senses for some time now, so continuing to show the falsehood of the WT Org seems like we're beating a dead horse, but we have to be mindful of the millions of Jehovah's Witnesses still under their spell. I'd love to not have to write another WT Commentator article. They tire me out. But I cannot think of myself and my wants, but what is needed for the flock. If we put faith in Jesus and seek to follow him, we all become responsible to feed the little sheep.
      However, your point is well taken. I may very well be advisable to divide up the message between two sites.

      • Reply by Gogetter on 2015-11-27 16:13:17

        My experience on this site has always been a source of refreshment and up building. I feel you do an excellent job not only with how you scripturaly critique the current "spiritual food " found in the watchtower magazines but your fairness in moderating the comments made by those here as well.
        I say this because before finding this site ( oddly from a very negative one) I have visited many ex-witness sites filled with much hate,anger, and disgust of all things concerning Jehovah's Witnesses from those who have left the organization some 10-30 or more years prior not willing to move on with their lives. This site in no way can be compared to any of those.
        Your work is very important for all truth seekers but especially for your brothers and sisters who are still in the organization for various reasons and serve as a venue for the type of open Bible discussion that is not afforded us in the congregation today. You give a fair and Bible based analysis of all things JW and often that will require you to call it like it is,and some may find that offensive,so be it as Jesus did this many times with the Pharisees of his day.
        In my opinion if anyone is being directed by the spirit to feed Christ sheep today you, Apollos, Menrov and others certainly fit the bill.
        Although others who post and comment here make valid scriptural points while never being affiliated as one Jehovah's Witnesses, it really takes someone who has or is currently one to understand all that it means to be in this organization.
        That is what gives this site a sense of authority and a place of refuge for many who are spiritually "dazed and confused " by those who profess to be the sole channel of communication between Jehovah and man.
        Sorry for the long post, but in a nutshell my Brother don't change a thing!

    • Reply by LV Reyes on 2015-11-27 11:47:32

      Jesus is our great exemplar. As we put our faith in him we do well to learn from his teachings regarding worship and godly conduct.
      When Jesus taught, sometimes he came down on religionists of his time, calling the pharisees offspring of vipers. Oftentimes, he also gave instruction as to how not to pray and worship--like not making prayers for show, or saying something was korban so that they need not help their parents out. Jesus showed us with his example that it is good and right to denounce wrongdoing.
      If the WTB&TS has done some wrongdoing, we should not be reluctant to not denounce it due to a feeling of loyalty to an organization, or be turned off from hearing the truth about the matter simply because it is unpleasant to talk about wrongdoing by someone or something we've held dear and are members of.
      Jesus also told his disciples how to follow in his footsteps--How to love one's neighbor, how to show kindness even to those we don't like, how to rise above the inhumanity that exists in this world. Jesus showed the way all those putting faith on him should go, should act and should prove to be children of Our Heavenly Father.
      The JW 0rganization hierarchy has been teaching and reinforcing the unbiblical idea that some followers of Christ can merely hope to become "friends" of God, and not "children by adoption" as the Apostle Paul taught. Denying the wonderful relationship we can have with Our Heavenly Father, the men in charge of the JW 0rganization make themselves to be like the pharisees who traverse land and sea to make a disciple yet they make this person a candidate for judgment rather than mercy and forgiveness through faith in Christ.
      I am not of the opinion that we should not speak of the badness we know is there because it is unpleasant to consider. Rather, let's call those in error to account for the badness they promote; let's call the men in the Watchtower to repent and seek to put God first and not themselves and their earthly organization.
      Jehovah sent his prophets to tell His people to turn around from their badness. He didn't look the other way, but he was merciful with them. Our Heavenly Father is a God of mercy and he shows His loving kindness to those who seek Him. So also today, may all of us seek truth and listen to God's call to come to his side as we are accepted as children through our faith in the ransoming power of our Lord Jesus Christ's sacrifice.

  • Comment by Ron Gentile on 2015-11-27 10:36:07

    Thank you. Kindness and gratitude go a long way to encouraging respect for others and creating a safe place for us all to be spiritually nourished. Col 4:6
    I deeply appreciate that you provide a place where we can share scripturally based spiritual insights without resorting to "beating" our fellow slaves.
    "So, then, let us pursue the things making for peace and the things that are upbuilding to one another." - Ro 14:9

    • Reply by Willy on 2015-11-28 02:35:41

      Ron Gentile,
      Those are also my feelings about this calm haven. Meleti provides for all of us, specialy when you are in the process of awakening and really don't know where to find answers.
      I found comfort in very thoughtfull and kind responses from my brothers and sisters on this website and the sisterwebsite. Ps. 150:6

  • Comment by Buster on 2015-11-27 11:34:45

    I love this site. It gives us a chance to exchange our thought and use the Bible, of course we should all heed every one due respect and never go overline the line, for my personal opinion, I don't believe this site has done it, sure we all get excited overtime and for me personally some say I get comical, but hey we all have our quirks.
    But again some might say we are bashing , i dont even think we are going there, for example when I talk to some brothers and they say that, I always say I respect your opinion, and in a recent family gathering they were trying to convenice me of a topic, and I spoke to them using the Bible and there (organization) magazine's to prove the in correctness of it, and one of my family members said " You ain't gonna change what I believe", I said wait I don't ever want to do that, but I thought we were talking, and then I said wait a minute don't you go and so that every Saturday, the to change people belief to what the aka Organization says to do.....Silence.
    We all know the Organization is getting more rocky then the last rocky movie ( bad pun) but really since last week repeat of the organization and I quote David Spanes Masterful of talking about our Current!!! Understanding of the Overlapping Generations.
    Let's all try to love one another and use we all got our own opinions but let's all talk and rrspectt one another. I ain't saying we are not here, I think everyone here is awesome and this site is mega awesome.
    Love to all from Buster

  • Comment by AFRICAINE on 2015-11-27 12:31:50

    Hello to you all from a very hot Johannesburg city ! I thank you for the concern and the measures you intend to put into place - I have been a strong advocate of the site and have linked many to it - I was one who voiced a concern about the way the site was appearing to morph - And I will certainly ensure that I contribute in a wholesome way for the benefit of all - Lets just keep groping for God and Truth ......He is not far off from us !
    Warm regards to you all -

  • Comment by Father jack on 2015-11-27 14:26:23

    Yeah i do agree that ex witnesses need to move on . Its a normal reaction though to feel angry and upset by the way many of us have been and continue to be treated . So i can understand why that would be reflected in many of the comments . However we must not forget that our utterances should be gracious . Not always easy for imperfect men and women . I think from now on i will try to focus on the true meaning of the scriptures . As that will upbuild others .

  • Comment by life2come on 2015-11-27 18:24:07

    I dont post much although I read this site regularly. I have gotten SO many good spiritual insights, gems, if you will, from the articles and the comments. The gems have come in the form of what appears to be insightful reflection, personal experiences, deep research, and yes, even sarcastic words from time to time. In all, I am grateful to have stumbled across this website. Yes, at times, there is some "verbal pushing and shoving" but I can overlook it and keep picking up my spiritual gems! Thanks Meleti!

  • Comment by The Real Anonymous on 2015-11-28 07:39:35

    Meleti, I sent you a private email on this topic.

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2015-11-28 17:27:23

      Got it. Unfortunately I'm pressed for time at the moment so haven't replied.

  • Comment by Claudelle on 2015-11-28 09:52:36

    This is a fair and honest approach. I am comfortable with your' approach. There is no need to say more

  • Comment by ilBereano on 2015-11-28 13:37:19

    We are living now the time of the "end", or the "day of judgement"
    the main reason we are living during the time of "judgement" (which started with "God's house" ) is the fact that the hidden things (good or bad) are made known publicly Ecl. 12:14 /Luke 12:2
    During this time God is doing certain actions among (and with) his people, as it is written / Micah 2:
    12 I will surely assemble, O Jacob, all of thee; I will surely gather the remnant of Israel; I will put them together as the sheep of Bozrah, as a flock in the midst of their pasture;
    >>> they shall make great noise by reason of the multitude of men. <<<
    13 The breaker is gone up before them: they have broken forth and passed on to the gate, and are gone out thereat; and their king is passed on before them, and Jehovah at the head of them.
    the revealing of the hidden thing is a cause of the "great noise" the sheep are making (vers 12)
    now, an important commandment of Jesus Christ has a new value for those who has been awakened.. that is
    " But seek ye first
    -- his kingdom,
    -- and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." Matt 6:33
    those who are obeying the above Jesus command [as Father's will is (Matt 17:5)] will find the new value of this, and only they will be also those who will act as Micah 2:13 says ....
    ... with christian love for Father's worshipers (John 4:23,24)

    • Reply by Father jack on 2015-11-29 03:02:57

      Whats this all about . Mate

  • Comment by AR on 2015-11-28 20:37:37

    Love the wt reviews articles and comments.Have increased my own understanding on different bible subjects. Really grateful for And Thanks for the reminders on commenting etiquette , Romans 1:11,12 thanks Meleti and the other brothers involved & brothers and sisters commenting.

  • Comment by Susan on 2015-11-29 08:56:14

    I think this site is awesome, your moderation has always been gracious and you're providing a unique service in reviewing WT articles because it models a responsibility to think, and not just accept uncritically the things that any ministry, organization, or person tells us. Thanks for your devoted work and continuing commitment to integrity in the midst of such emotionally charged issues!

  • Comment by Dawn Ann on 2015-11-29 16:42:11

    I may not always comment often but I read and visit regularly. I remember several months back when I was so confused and depressed from the realization of false teachings in the JW organization, I fell upon this site and it was a great source of comfort. I enjoy reading all the articles and comments. This gave me a sense of sanity as I felt I was losing my mind.
    Meliti, you are a Godsend and I truly appreciate all the hard work you and the brothers have put into making this site a place of refuge. I, unfortunately, have not completely left the organization for fear of being disfellowshipped. I attend meetings very sparsely. My husband is not enlightened to the "real truth" yet and we've had many fights over this. It's comforting to know that I can come here and feel a sense of oneness as ones commensurate on how we were misled by the JW organization that we trusted. It's important that you continue the WT articles. We are all at different stages in our epiphanies.
    I have read the back and forth disagreements and completely support the new rules. At the end of the day, this is your site and as guests in your home, we should be respectful and, if we have a differing opinion, scripture should be used to support that opinion. I have watched you handle the dogma from others with poise and patience, and I truly believe God is using you to bring many out of a cult to having a personal relationship with Jesus and our Father.

    • Reply by MarthaMartha on 2015-11-29 18:28:45

      Dawn Ann, I completely agree with you. Well said!
      I stumbled on this site almost 2 years ago...it has opened my eyes, comforted and supported me and I am truly grateful to Meleti and all those involved in keeping it going.
      This site is essential to those jws who are beginning to search. I remember being so confused, disillusioned, and not knowing where to turn. Knowing I couldn't find the answers in the WT literature, I wanted to search the internet, but the sites I briefly looked in on were definitely not what I needed. The tone was aggressive, sarcastic and angry, and lived up to the warnings we had been fed from the platform.
      One day I was thinking.... I just want to be like the Beroeans and search for truth. I put Beroeans into the search engine and there I was. It was truly a godsend as you described it.
      It' was so important to me that the site was run by and for JWs. That first step out of the restrictions I'd been controlled by for decades was very difficult. The respect for Gods word and the respect for each other was a huge reassurance and it wasn't long before I felt at home and stopped feeling guilty!
      It seems to me that there will always be new readers coming from within WT and they need to feel safe and believe that the scriptures will come first, for them to stay and find the help they need.
      These rules are fair and reasonable. I don't comment often but I hope I can live up to them. We must not frighten away our brothers and sisters who are tentatively dipping a toe into the real truth. I understand that some who comment here who have never been a jw might get frustrated at those of us who realise the issues but stay in the organisation for whatever reasons.... But I feel that only a JW can understand the peculiar situation that we face, so respect and kindness is essential. We must move at our own pace and within our own circumstances. Carry our own load.
      Sometimes I've been disturbed by some of the more 'energetic' disagreements on here and have thought it might be better to stop reading.... But Meleti and co always moderate things in such a kindly and patient way that I've been reassured. I need this association and I need these articles. The Watchtower commentary and the ensuing comments from all of our friends here reassures me that there are others who think like me and I'm not completely alone in silently screaming "what!!!!" during the meetings! :)
      Dawn Ann, I understand your position and feel for you. I am still active for family circumstances, but thankfully my husband shares most of my my views. It was a bit dicey at first but with patience and love we ended up in the position where we agree and are in sync with our position. I hope things work out well for you.
      Sisterly love

      • Reply by Dawn Ann on 2015-12-02 23:05:26

        Thank you MarthaMartha for your reassurance. So glad your hubby is on the same page. I will hope with patience and love like you did, and hopefully the light will go on for him. Much love, Dawn Ann

  • Comment by Humiliore on 2015-11-30 00:18:21

    In defence of the format of this site, it has filled a hole for me that the Witnesses simply will not.
    When I come here I am free to agree, disagree or debate any topic that has a solid scriptural basis. No judgements are formed, and no one is labelled an "apostate". No one is openly hostile, and almost everyone is willing to consider fresh ways of looking at things, for we all search for truth. In the end, Christian love trumps any differences in interpretation we may have.
    This love has drawn me back time and time again, because you all know the pain, and the price, that nonconformity to the Watchtower brings. There is always someone here that will listen to and comfort the tired soul.
    That being said, I am incredibly grateful for each and every one of you. This site has given me food for thought and strength in Christ to keep going. There is no perfect way of running a forum such as this, but we are certainly on the right track.

  • Comment by sopaterofberoea on 2015-11-30 07:37:56

    I am very grateful for all involved in making this site a success, especially Meleti and Apollos, and those who take time from their lives to contribute articles. Also all those commenting. The time and resources devoted to research and maintaining this (while attempting to make a living) is truly a labor of love.
    I discovered BP in early 2014, and joined (also DTT) in early summer under a different alias. I commented daily for about 3 months, then decided to back away. Speaking candidly, at that time there were a few very active commenter's that had either been d'fd or completely faded, with very strong opinions. They seemed to judge those continuing to remain involved in the congregation for personal reasons, including (at the time) the brothers moderating this site. I recall a comment that "we can't slave for two masters." Another comment suggesting that those of us who remained involved were acting hypocritically. I felt personally attacked. I strongly felt (and continue to feel) the decision to remain involved is personal to each of us, and no one should feel pressured or judged by another for their personal decision. Judging another does not build up (Heb 10:25), it tears down. The final straw for me was when a post was made suggesting that I was "counting time" while making posts (which was immediately removed by the DTT moderator as inappropriate). Even though removed, the insult remained as the commenter's agenda was clear, to attack and judge those who choose to remain involved.
    For the next year, I would occasionally stop in the room to read articles and comments, but did not login to contribute. Over time, I noticed that those that had been doing the judging apparently moved on. Given their absence, I felt comfortable getting involved again. Perhaps in the future, Jehovah may use me to contribute in a larger way to the success of this site.
    I'm not at all bothered by comments that challenging JW theology. I'm not bothered by comments that challenge any theological position, provided the argument has some scriptural merit. As for speculation, so long as the commenter makes it clear from the start that their opinion is pure conjecture, it allows us to get into their mind and visualize things from a different perspective. For me, no harm done.
    But I do feel a line in the sand should be drawn when it comes to comments intended to judge those who choose to remain involved for personal reasons. We each have our own story, our own family circumstances, even secular connections with brothers. We are each at various stages of awakening. Speaking for myself, I feel certain that my having access to friends and family who are beginning to think for themselves is much better than me being out of their lives completely.
    There is an art to helping someone break through the barrier of learning to think for themselves. For example, when I feel I have established a close connection with a deep thinking friend I may ask: "What are your shelf items?" Every JW has them, even a CO (though I don't recommend asking him this question). What usually follows is a lively discussion, allowing the individual to experience what freedom of thought feels like. I always sympathize with their "beef", so they then realize that a mature brother, one in the truth all his life, actually shares their view. If they ask me my shelf items, I share beefs such as beards, the Sodomites being resurrected (or not), the 7,000 year creative day, 1975, the generation of 1914 not passing away, the "two witness" rule being used in cases involving child abuse.
    I next find opportunity to introduce them to a neutral research site such as Bible Hub. I show them how to use it, especially how to find original word definitions. I believe helping them learn to teach themselves is the prerequisite to any awakening. And they feel comfortable, because a mature brother uses the site. I ask questions like "Do you feel Jehovah would be concerned with you studying the Bible in the original languages?" Are we not actually imitating the Beroeans? (Acts 17:31)
    The point I'm attempting to convey here is that for those of us who choose to remain on the inside, Jehovah can use us to help individual's begin their own awakening process. We must be cautious as serpents, but we can develop the skill of a stealth pilot who successfully flies sortie after sortie under the radar of the GB. Should a missile finally hit the plane, I personally plan to use the ejection button and take my ministry public, using whatever means available, especially the media and book publishing. Perhaps even the court system.

    • Reply by sopaterofberoea on 2015-12-07 03:49:30

      Correction, Acts 17:31, should have read Acts 17:11.
      When I mention the court system (last sentence), I specifically refer to testing the constitutionality of JW policy in three specific areas:
      1. Coercion of members to refuse a blood transfusion, with the threat of sanctions (involuntary disassociation) for any failing to comply.
      2. Coercion of members to shun their own disfellowshipped or disassociated family, with the threat of sanctions (disfellowshipping) for any failing to comply.
      3. Coercion of members to shun an individual (or family) who withdraws membership from the religion for personal reasons, with the threat of sanctions (disfellowshipping) for any failing to comply.
      I envision that today's liberal Supreme Court would view such membership "rules" as unconstitutional needing reform. The GB and branch attorneys are obviously dragging their feet on reform. #1 is a veritable minefield with huge legal ramifications. Reforming #2 and #3 requires the GB relinquish powerful control mechanisms. In their mind this control is critical to maintaining unity.
      A more accurate way to describe what they term as "unity" is...... "forced uniformity with the threat of sanctions for any failing to comply."
      True unity is voluntary, it requires no threat of sanctions to be maintained.

  • Comment by Sean on 2015-11-30 18:06:35

    Hi Meleti, good points raised. Focusing on what the true importance of what this site is about is the key. It is easy to get negative as many of us are frustrated at feeling boxed in; but this site provides refreshment and openness to the scriptures which is liberating. I am now even telling my wife and daughter that I always take the borean approach to the scriptures, particularly when they say I shouldn't be critical about what we are fed at the KH. It's a name I like to use now, because everyone knows how the boreans were noble minded in thoroughly checking the scriptures.

  • Comment by Meg on 2015-11-30 19:34:23

    I very much appreciate this site, and the ability to comment and share thoughts, and I very MUCH enjoy the weekly reviews of the WT lessons. Please don't stop!

  • Comment by CX516 on 2015-12-03 05:40:55

    Hi Mileti
    Since coming across your site 6 months ago, it's now my 'go to' site for intelligent and stimulating writing and comments. Thank you for keeping the topics and comments well curated!

  • Comment by Brenda Evans on 2015-12-03 11:17:02

    Hello Meleti and everyone
    I am just repeating the sentiments of others here and want to say a thank you to you guys.
    It is a free place to share spiritual and observations in a free manner. And of course, it goes without saying, just how upbuilding it can be when spiritual things are shared with the back up of the Scriptures. There is so much a person can take in the slightest of reply and even just quoting a Scripture shared with others - there is so much in this.
    And on a site like this, there is such a wealth of thought and Scripture people bring to it. And are free to share also.
    So thank you for this.
    Thank you.

  • Comment by An Open Letter | Beroean Pickets on 2015-12-09 08:15:42

    […] encouraged by the heartfelt outpouring of support that came as a result of the recent article, “Our Commenting Policy.” I had only wanted to reassure everyone that we were not about to change that which we had […]

  • Comment by happy2bfree on 2016-01-10 18:33:15

    Love this site. Thank you to you dear ones making it possible and putting forth every effort to make this a safe and healthy environment. The comments are just as enjoyable to read as the articles and I recognized the difference in forum here to many other sites whose articles were instrumental in my own awakening. I felt comfortable with the spirit here as opposed to other sites.
    Much love to you all!

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