Appreciating Jehovah as Our Potter

– posted by meleti

[From ws6/16 p. 6 for August 1-7]

“O Jehovah, . . . you are our Potter; we are all the work of your hand.”—Isa 64:8

If you are finding that these reviews are getting a bit repetitive, it is simply because, being reviews, they are tied to the topics that week after week are fed to the flock of Jehovah’s Witnesses around the world.  While last week’s study inferred that these studies are part of a banquet of rich food, the fact is that they are repetitious and superficial in nature.  One can go months without learning anything truly new and inspiring at the congregation meetings.

(By contrast, I participate in a weekly on-line study group with fellow Christians in which we read a single chapter of the Bible and all are invited to share their thoughts without fear of judgment.  I learn several new points every week.  The difference between this and the diet I was fed for decades is outstanding!)

This week’s Watchtower study continues the de-emphasizing of Jesus’ role that was evident last week with the 28 to 0 ratio of “Jehovah” to “Jesus” references.  This week the ratio is close to 20 to 1, with ”Jehovah” referred to 46 times by name and 25 times by the title “God”, while “Jesus” is only mentioned 4 times, all in paragraph 10.

This may not seem inappropriate to the average Witness fed on a steady diet of WT publications.  Indeed, more than a casual mention of Jesus makes JWs somewhat uncomfortable.  “We don’t want to sound like evangelists” will be the thought.  Yet, if we pay attention while reading the Christian Scriptures, we’ll start to realize just how much emphasis these place on Jesus.  Indeed, if a WT writer were to imitate the writing style of Paul, or John, or James, I’m sure he’d be taken off the writer list.

If you think I'm exaggerating then try this the next time you're with a group of your Witness friends, like in a field service car group.  Mention Jesus instead of Jehovah, whenever appropriate. For instance, if you're out in service, you might say:

“I could hardly get out of bed this morning, but the power of the Lord Jesus got me going.” (1Co 5:4; Eph 6:10)

Or if talk turns to life in the New World, you could say:

“Won’t it be great in the New World when everyone bows before the Lord Jesus?” (Phil 2:9-11)

If you're doing the cart work, you could say:

“You know, even if no one talks to us while we stand here beside the cart, we are still magnifying the name of Jesus and bearing witness to his name, just by our presence.” (Acts 19:17; Re 1:9)

In my experience, any ongoing conversations stop abruptly while minds whirl trying to process what to say next.

Well, enough fun.  Let’s get down to the study.

A Baiting Article

This is what we might like to call a “Baiting Article”.  Its purpose is to prepare the soil of the mind for a second article, the “Switch Article”.  This week we are taught something we can all readily agree upon.  Our God Jehovah shapes us through discipline and guidance and instruction.  Next week comes the “switch”. Discipline, guidance, and instruction from the Organization is slipped in as coming from Jehovah.  Marginalizing Jesus is part of the process, because if we only focus on Jehovah who is far away and not Jesus who is here with us all the days until the end, then that vacuum can be filled by the Organization. (Mt 18:20; Mt 28:20)

For example, look at paragraph 4.  Yes, God calls people. Yes, he chooses his servants.  But in the example of Saul, it was Jesus who appeared to him.  It was Jesus who spoke to Ananias and said, “this man is a chosen vessel to me to bear my name to the nations.”  Yet, no mention whatsoever is made of our Lord when drawing from this account.  It's like Jesus wasn't even involved and the only name being borne to the nations was Jehovah's.

The Father Who Is Not a Father

Jehovah is spoken of as our Father scores of times in the Christian Scriptures.  Logically, we are spoken of as his children, since to call someone your father when you are not his child makes no sense.  Never—not once—are Christians called his friends.  This is rather inconvenient for the Governing Body which lately has been working hard to convince us that we are not God’s adopted children, but can only aspire to friendship with Jehovah.  Perhaps this increased emphasis on friendship with God is part of an effort to curb the rising tide of partakers we’ve seen over the past decade.[i]

However, the emphasis the Christian Scriptures place on the father/child relationship means it cannot be ignored, so a blurring of the meaning of the term takes place in the publications.  For instance,

“They consider it an honor to address Jehovah as Father” – Par. 3

The publishers would have us hold an absurd idea in our mind, that we can address God as Father even though we are not his children.  Some would contend that all humans are his children, because he created our forefather, Adam.  However, if we accept that viewpoint there is no distinction between the Christian and the Pagan, is there?  This is not an honor, as the article states, but a simple fact of biology.  Thus the father-child relationship Jesus taught us to desire is perverted.  The Organization would have us believe we can still pray, “Our Father in the heavens, let your name be sanctified…” while holding in our mind the contrary thought that the Father we are addressing is really just a good friend.  (Mt 6:9)

The fact is that Mankind has been orphaned from God.  We want back into the family, and the only way back in is through adoption.  If we are not God’s children, then we remain orphans and the idea that we can still have the honor of calling Jehovah "Father" is just nonsense.

Perhaps you are unconvinced.  Perhaps the article’s use of Isaiah 64:8 has confused the issue for you.

“O Jehovah, you are our Father. We are the clay, and you are our Potter; we are all the work of your hand.” (Isa. 64:8)

Jehovah is spoken of in the Hebrew Scriptures as the Father of the nation of Israel, and it is in this context that Isaiah speaks. (De 32:6, 18) Neither he nor any of the other prophets ever presented Jehovah as the adoptive father of individuals, nor did they speak of a personal one-on-one father and son relationship as Jesus did.

Make no mistake, however.  We are God’s children in a very, very real sense, if we put faith in the name of Jesus.  We have this authority and no man nor group of men can take it away from us.

“However, to all who did receive him, he gave authority to become God’s children, because they were exercising faith in his name.” (Joh 1:12)

Inside Is Light—Outside Is Darkness and Despair

I’ve had a few conversations of late with long-time friends who acknowledge that some of what we teach is false and that our conduct with regard to handling child abuse and our past involvement in the UN is reprehensible. Still, they will not leave.  They wait on Jehovah to fix things.  Why will they not act, not stand up for truth?  Often, it is because they’re terrified of leaving.  They have no friends on the outside and cannot countenance losing their social support structure.  They also genuinely believe that if they leave, they will only have worldly people to associate with and that will lead them into immoral lifestyles and sin.

This viewpoint has been carefully fostered by such statements as this one:

“Therefore, the environment in which Jehovah is now molding us is viewed as a spiritual paradise that is presently taking shape. We feel safe and secure despite the wicked world around us. Moreover, in this setting, those of us who grew up in loveless, dysfunctional families finally experience real love.” – Par. 8

So we are again reassured that real love is only to be found inside the Organization.  The Organization is a spiritual paradise where we can be safe and secure.  Outside, is a desert of  darkness; a wicked world where we would be alone, unloved, unsafe, and insecure.

Bollocks, balderdash, and another word that starts with “b”.

Speaking from personal experience as well as from firsthand observation of others, true Christian freedom comes when one looks, not to men nor their institutions, but to the Christ for a “safe and secure” environment.  Our love of God protects us from immoral influences, far better than the fear of reprisals from a human organization.   As for the claim to being a spiritual paradise where we can “finally experience real love”, let’s put that to the test.

The Christian congregation is to be distinguished by what type of love?  Is it conditional love?  The kind of love that says, “We will love you as long as you are one of us?”

Jesus warned us about confusing that type of love for the love he exemplified. He said:

“For if YOU love those loving YOU, what reward do YOU have? Are not also the tax collectors doing the same thing? 47 And if YOU greet YOUR brothers only, what extraordinary thing are YOU doing? Are not also the people of the nations doing the same thing?” (Mt 5:46, 47)

I've had various ones relate how they have been supported in the congregation by some who cared for them in times of trouble.  That's wonderful.  But is it the kind of love that Jesus spoke of?  He told us to love our enemies.

“However, I say to YOU: Continue to love YOUR enemies and to pray for those persecuting YOU; 45 that YOU may prove yourselves sons of YOUR Father . . .” (Mt 5:44, 45)

This is the type of love the children of God have and readily display.

In the past few years of working on this forum, many have written in to share their personal experiences.  I also know a number personally and have borne witness to their stories. Then there is my own.

If you stop attending meetings, this "real love" the article boasts of will evaporate faster than dew in Death Valley.  If you express doubts about some of the WT teachings, you will experience persecution.  Notice that Jesus didn't say to love those whom you are persecuting, because real love will never cause us to persecute anyone. But to have love for those who are persecuting you, well, that is a challenge, isn't it?

I have known more real Christ-like love since I distanced myself from the Organization than I ever experienced in it.

The Potter Organization

Rather than wait till next week, the switching begins now.

Jehovah molds his servants today primarily by means of his Word, his holy spirit, and the Christian congregation. – Par. 11

Jehovah uses the Christian congregation and its overseers to mold us on a personal level. For example, if the elders discern that we are having spiritual problems, they try to help us—but not on the basis of human wisdom. (Gal. 6:1) Rather, they humbly look to God, asking for insight and wisdom. With our situation in mind, they act on their prayers by doing research in God’s Word and in our Christian publications. This can equip them to render help tailored to our needs. If they come to you to offer kind, loving help, such as about your style of dress, will you accept their counsel as an expression of God’s love for you? In doing so, you prove to be like soft clay in Jehovah’s hands, ready to be molded to your benefit. – Par. 13

"Your style of dress"!?  Of all the examples of spiritual molding that they could come up with to show how Jehovah molds us, the one they settle on is personal dress and grooming!

This is just a very transparent attempt to reinforce an Organization agenda.  Conformity of dress is important in a high control environment, so here we are led to believe that this doesn't come from men, but it is Jehovah who is molding us to dress a certain way.  If we resist, we are not allowing God to mold us.

We will continue this review in the following article next week.


[i] See w12 7/15 p. 28 par. 7: “Jehovah has declared his anointed ones righteous as sons and the other sheep righteous as friends”

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  • Comment by 1984 on 2016-07-31 21:18:51

    Touché Meleti. I grew up in a VERY dysfunctional family. I guess it was one of the reasons I was attracted to the JW "family". Maybe I was looking for love, but I was looking for truth first and foremost. And the scripture which always grated on me the most was John 13:34,35 - for an organisation that flagged this as its identifying mark at the exclusion of all other religions, or the entire rest of the world, I just couldn't see it, and it set my teeth on edge every time they used it. I pressed on regardless because I at least thought I had the truth if not the love. But it turned out that "the truth" was false and just part of an elaborate lie. So now I know why I could never see or feel the love - because love is the fruitage of truth. And it turns out that John 13:34,35 applies to the individual, not an organisation - to whoever demonstrates this love, wherever they are.

    I am happy to say that I at least met and married the love of my life as a JW though, and for that I consider the whole exercise worthwhile. And I am happy that, even though she was raised a JW, her Christian qualities transcend the organisation and its indoctrination - a rare quality indeed. We left together and we are now experiencing the relief and freedom that comes from shaking off the shackles of that organisation, and the joy of getting to know all the "worldy" people that Watchtower loves to demonise, including those with their own Christian faith. And it turns out that there is good to be found everywhere. It helps to follow Jesus simple directions - share the love, and don't presume to judge!

  • Comment by Karen on 2016-07-31 22:57:08

    Thank you 1984 for sharing some of your personal experience.

    There is a real danger in getting too far away from acknowledging the raw emotional roller coaster of grief that individuals are experiencing following their departure from the WT. While it is good to discuss even debate at times bible topics and WT articles, sometimes those of us who are newly 'awakened' can become lost in all the detail. I found that I had been so overloaded with WT publications and ever changing 'new thinking' that my brain had reached saturation point. After leaving I read everything I could including, books on mind control, surviving cults and so on, my brain became over burdened... I could only read a few lines and then my brain would switch off actually physically hurting....

    Sometimes it is just reassuring to read someone's story of how they are feeling, what they are thinking, or how they are surviving now they are out of the organisation's thought controlling clutches. Recently I was sharing some thoughts with a dear friend of mine regarding the difficulties in disclosing your doubts and concerns with close friends. Those 'friends' who are usually witnesses and as such duty bound to 'report' you aka ..... 'assist' you by running to the elders for help..... Hence conditional friends.... As you say Meleti 'We will love you as long as you are one of us'... The repercussions of such 'help' causes fear and alienates us from our once dear 'friends' .... friends with strings attached ......

    Many who have left do not have so called 'worldly' friends, after all we have been effectively brain washed as to the dangers of making friends with the world.... Who do we turn to where do we go?? As humans we need to share thoughts and be comforted when grieving. Not many professionals are comfortable or even equipped with dealing with former cult members.

    We need to feel okay with the fact that there are some genuinely kind and loving individuals out there in 'our' world.... We simply need to rid ourselves of the fear and the guilt of reaching out to them .... We are not being disloyal to Jehovah or his Son Jesus by doing so.. As we were brain washed into believing...

    Sites such as this can be very comforting for the many who are leaving, if we remember to every now and then, spend some time sharing personal stories for those who can, or wish to... As well as providing the very well researched and informative 'facts'

    Thank you again to everyone responsible for such a great site as Beroean Pickets....

    • Reply by 1984 on 2016-08-02 05:40:29

      Thanks for your reply Karen, and I agree with everything you say. It sure is an emotional roller coaster leaving, and we've had to deal with some volatile emotions. It's not over yet because we have family still under the Watchtower spell, and there are also many friends that we we miss. Our oldest and dearest friends have been accepting to a point, mostly because we left quietly, not all guns blazing, and they have enough respect for our soundness of mind and the Christian qualities we showed as JWs to know that this is a decision we have not made lightly. When pressed we mostly stick to the findings of the ARC, but of course there is much much more I wish I could tell them. (I had personally "undedicated" myself from the organisation prior to the ARC - in May last year - a little private ceremony I had at home that I found very cathartic.) But we are careful not be seen as openly critical or attacking Watchtower and being written off as just disgruntled or lacking faith, because we still want to reach the hearts of those we love and who are open minded enough to take the time to hear alternative views to Watchtower's, based firmly on the scriptures and true Christianity.

      In the end, it is my firm belief that every JW is going to have to face their own mortality in this system, and I want to be there to help them avoid the worst excesses of what I went through last year (which was diagnosed as PTSD but which was bordering on suicidal.) Watchtower has a built-in expiry date by way of being false prophets (how many generations can you stretch "this generation" out to after all?), so this is something that most witnesses are going to have to navigate at some stage, and I hope I can be there to help them find the real truth, centred on Jesus and the scriptures, as well as the joy of thinking for themselves and discovering the freedom which comes with release from bondage to organised religion.

      So I guess that is the difficult path we have to take as Christians - the path of integrity, and it is a painful journey at times, but worthwhile to find the freedom that comes from Christ. This year has been a better year, and hopefully next year will be better again. Mostly I am enjoying reading the scriptures free from Watchtower influence, and enjoying the relief that comes from the joy that brings, as opposed to the constant guilt, fear and cognitive dissonance I lived with as a JW. And we are slowly getting to know some wonderful people outside the Watchtower bubble, sometimes through our kids, (their school, friends and families), other times through connecting with the local community, and also reconnecting with some old friends who left "the truth" which has
      been a real joy.

      I hope things work out for you also Karen as you navigate your way through own personal journey. This forum has been a huge help for me. I have been very grateful for Meleti's clear thinking analysis and the many insightful comments that follow. Being a JW is a very unique experience that only other ex-JWs can understand, so I see this site as somewhat of a decompression chamber. It has played a big part in helping to restore my dignity and self-worth, as well as rebuild my faith. At the end of the day we have to stand on our own two feet, but it helps to have found a true brotherhood here. I just wish we could meet in person sometime!

  • Comment by Karen on 2016-07-31 23:00:34

    I am happy for you 1984 that you found the love of your life within the organisation and you managed to leave together and remain together. There are too many tragic stories of loves lost, families destroyed and alienated due to the pressure and dictates of this organisation.... This cult known as JW, as the ARC rightly acknowledges WT as such ....

  • Comment by Colette on 2016-08-01 09:08:31

    May I ask where in the bible does the concept of a spiritual paradise appear? It was one of the first things that I noticed was not scriptural. Jesus said we would be hated on account of his name and 2 Timothy 3:12 says that all those desiring to live with godly devotion with Christ Jesus will be persecuted.

    It seems to me that the teaching of a spiritual paradise was created by the gov body to excuse the way things are going as we all know it doesn't in reality exist in the congregation. And it is ludicrous to think of a spiritual paradise with Jesus as head while children are being molested in that same 'paradise'. Maybe they mean it is a pedophile's paradise??? Or a fool's paradise.

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2016-08-01 09:43:40

      Good point, Colette.

      I knew the idea of a JW spiritual paradise was false, but I never thought to consider that it was also unscriptural.


    • Reply by AndereStimme on 2016-08-02 00:04:20

      Well, if you care to muddle through it, here's the rationale:

      *** w04 10/15 p. 8 Paradise—For You? ***

      A Vision of Paradise

      4 In this connection, note what the apostle Paul wrote: “I know a man in union with Christ who . . . was caught away as such to the third heaven. Yes, I know such a man—whether in the body or apart from the body, I do not know, God knows—that he was caught away into paradise and heard unutterable words which it is not lawful for a man to speak.” (2 Corinthians 12:2-4) That passage comes right after verses in which Paul defended his apostleship. Moreover, the Bible does not speak of any other person who had such an experience, and Paul is the one who tells us of it. So it was likely Paul who had this vision. In this supernatural experience, what “paradise” did he enter?—2 Corinthians 11:5, 23-31.

      5 The context does not suggest that “the third heaven” refers to the atmosphere around our globe, nor to outer space or to any parallel universes, as postulated by astrophysicists. The Bible often uses the number three to represent emphasis, intensity, or added strength. (Ecclesiastes 4:12; Isaiah 6:3; Matthew 26:34, 75; Revelation 4:8) Thus, what Paul saw in vision was elevated or exalted. It was spiritual.

      6 Earlier Bible prophecies offer us insight. After his ancient people proved unfaithful to him, God determined to let the Babylonians come against Judah and Jerusalem....

      [Par. 7]...after the 70 years. With God’s blessing, conditions changed for the better.

      8 What a transformation! From desolation to paradise. Yet, this and other reliable prophecies showed that there would also be a change in people, comparable to a desolate land becoming fruitful. Why can we say that? Well, Isaiah was focusing on “the very ones redeemed by Jehovah,” who would return to their land “with a joyful cry” and attain to “exultation and rejoicing.” (Isaiah 35:10) That applied, not to the literal soil, but to people.

      9 This historic prototype helps us to understand what Paul saw in vision. It would involve the Christian congregation, which he termed “God’s field under cultivation” and which was to be fruitful. (1 Corinthians 3:9) When was that vision to be fulfilled? Paul called what he saw a ‘revelation,’ something future. He knew that after his death an extensive apostasy would develop. (2 Corinthians 12:1; Acts 20:29, 30; 2 Thessalonians 2:3, 7) While apostates prevailed and seemed to overshadow them, true Christians could hardly be likened to a flourishing garden. Yet, the time would come for true worship to be elevated again. God’s people would be restored so that ‘the righteous ones could shine as brightly as the sun in the kingdom of their Father.’ (Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43) That actually came to pass a few years after God’s Kingdom was established in heaven. And with the passing of the decades, it becomes very evident that God’s people enjoy a spiritual paradise, which Paul foresaw in that vision.

      Well, there you have it. Bible commentary par excellence. I particularly liked the part about parallel universes.

      • Reply by Colette on 2016-08-02 08:30:14

        :-) Damn I forgot about the "new light". Well it took them nearly 100 years to find a 'basis' for this teaching, so it must be true. Why? Because they say so...

  • Comment by Keaton on 2016-08-01 12:10:29

    We all know this So called Religion has lost it , for over 140 years, but it is going Full cult mode. Our father Yahweh, goes Not accept deceit and lies, and this Article of Course Continues down its course of it, Of Course the Congregation is gonna me the main focus as last week infamous article was on the Bible/////// Excuse me Publication's.

    Of Course the Newly Released Article for November Watchtower 2016 drops this Old Nugget of Information That Geoffrey Jackson must have Not Received his Provision from his Jah Deity, when he answered at the Royal Commission.

    9. What is the only channel that is being used to help us understand God’s Word?

    9 Some may feel that they can interpret the Bible on their own. However, Jesus has appointed the ‘faithful slave’ to be the only channel for dispensing spiritual food. Since 1919, the glorified Jesus Christ has been using that slave to help his followers understand God’s own Book and heed its directives. By obeying the instructions found in the Bible, we promote cleanness, peace, and unity in the congregation. Each one of us does well to ask himself, ‘Am I loyal to the channel that Jesus is using today?’

    Of course No Scriptures being Sighted about being Loyal to a channel. Maybe they forgot to write a verse. So I guess they are Inspired.... Yeah of something all Right.

    so John 14:26 is invalid.
    New International Version
    But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.

    But we Got our So Called Spirited Directed Organization.... Yup same thing.

    only channel, and you need them understand the Bible

    wait was that Not the Main topic on the Jude video about Russell's Studies Books and how if you Read the whole Article said you need this books to understand what the bible says and reading the Bible alone was wasting time..... wow the More Things Bright Light New Light the More Pure Garbage they stay the same.

    [ PS great job on the Article ]

    Love to all and may our All Mighty father Yahweh and his Mighty Son Yahshua give us strength from all this Deceit.

  • Comment by Leonardo Josephus on 2016-08-03 06:57:42

    Very interested in your on line discussion group while I am sorting myself out.

  • Comment by lazarus on 2016-08-03 16:34:10

    Like your review Meleti, especially highlighting the lack of mention of our Master, Jesus. The stats Jehovah/Jesus are mind blowing.

    I like the suggestion to use Jesus in conversation. I have been doing that for some time now and your right in that, it's almost as the Christ is a stumbling block in the minds of the brothers, he's almost a foreign person. Couple of months ago I had a part on the school. How to get close to God! 2 ways it mentioned 1) creation 2) the bible. The read scriptures didn't lend to mentioning the Christ but a auxiliary scripture did. So I dutifully read the read scriptures but I concluded by tying in the final scripture as the best way in coming to know God was by reading the Gospel account's etc. I must admit I was more nervous doing this 5 min part than I had been in decades.

    Whatever happened in giving some context in the WT studies. The key verse. Isaiah 64:8 And now, O Jehovah, you are our Father. We are the clay, and you are our Potter; and all of us are the work of your hand. " Read the whole chapter, note this molding takes place after the desolation of the Juresalem.
    To appreciate this chapter , you should read Isaiah 29. Before God abandons his city he addresses the leaders those with power over “Jerusalem,” saying to them: as an eg, Isaiah 29: 15,16
    “Woe to those who go to great lengths to conceal their plans from Jehovah. Their deeds are done in a dark place, while they say: ‘Who sees us? Who knows about us?’ How you twist things! Should the potter be regarded the same as the clay? Should what is made say about its maker: ‘He did not make me’? And does what is formed say about its former: ‘He shows no understanding’?” It shows that in the prophecy of Isaiah those who refuse to acknowledge Jehovah as the Potter prior to the destruction God brings upon them are the same as those who humbly admit they are the clay in the 64th chapter. Good to get Context.

    A personal thought.
    It could be that this has a modern day application with the leaders of the WT, in that yes God has used the JW juggernaut to have his name known and a preparation of a people along with others for the real parousia of the Christ in the future. If you read Isaiah 29 the Wt compares the leaders to Christendom based on the 1914-1919 understanding. However were starting to see this isn't the case. So one must conclude, seeing judgement 1st begins in the house of God. That the leaders of are in the firing line.. I like the end verses, those who Jehovah favours in revealing his truths to , Isaiah 29:this is what Jehovah, who redeemed Abraham, says to the house of Jacob:“Jacob will no longer be ashamed,And no more will his face grow pale. 23 For when he sees his children,Who are the work of my hands, in his midst,They will sanctify my name;Yes, they will sanctify the Holy One of Jacob,And they will stand in awe of the God of Israel. 24 Those who are wayward in spirit will acquire understanding,And those who complain will accept instruction.

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2016-08-03 19:30:11

      Thanks for giving us the context, Lazarus. That was excellent!

    • Reply by Colette on 2016-08-04 00:08:57

      I have recently been pondering the words about the man of lawlessness at 2 Thess 2:8. It shows that when the lawless one is revealed he will be done away with and brought to nothing by the manifestation of Jesus' presence. This would tie in with the revealing and destruction of Babylon the Great and with the fact that only then will the wheat be separated from the weeds. Would this be a correct understanding?

  • Comment by Deo_ac_veritati on 2016-08-04 11:27:13

    Yep, the lack of Jesus name in the meetings lately is astounding. I've been doing some tracking during the mid-week meetings since the CLAM format started and have noticed a majority of them either mention Jesus' name only a few times in passing, or, even more astoundingly, not at all.

    What left me even more incredulous was a recent WT study wherein an elder commented that we should "strive to imitate the governing body" (no, I will NOT capitalize the words in their title). As I sat there, incredulous, I looked around to see if anyone else seemed even mildly disturbed by this little piece of advice - but instead found many others in the congregation simply nodding their heads in agreement. I approached the elder after the meeting and asked him how he felt that this comment could be reconciled to Psalm 146:3 - "Do not put your trust in princes. Nor in a son of man, who cannot bring salvation." He declined to answer directly, but went on about how the anointed were the branches of the vine, etc. etc. so it made sense for us to emulate those branches - frankly, I can't remember the specifics, as by that time my eyes were probably glazing over with the complete illegitimacy of it all.

    Having woken up, I continue to be increasingly flabbergasted by the stuff coming off the platform and the comments in reply. Would love to get out altogether, but with a spouse who is "all in" and a child who would lose their friends, I am stuck at this point - at times depressingly so....

    As always, thank you for a great review Meleti - reading your weekly posts (along with the scriptures of course) is one of the few bright spots in my day to day life anymore.

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