2016, Dec 19-25 – Our Christian Life and Ministry

– posted by meleti

Covering Chapter 5 Paragraphs 18-25 of God’s Kingdom Rules

Are we guilty of making wild and unsubstantiated claims? Consider the following:

Ever since then, Christ has guided his people to focus their efforts on gathering the prospective members of this great crowd that will emerge, alive and safe, from the great tribulation. – par. 18

The claim is that we are guided by Jesus Christ. Now the statement that “Christ has guided” Jehovah’s Witnesses to gather the great crowd of Revelation 7:9 may seem presumptuous and self-serving to an outsider, but to be fair, any other Christian denomination makes similar claims.  Catholics call the Pope the Vicar of Christ. Mormons consider their apostles to be prophets of God.  I’ve seen fundamentalist preachers who pause in the middle of a sermon to thank Jesus for a message they just received from him.  Are Jehovah’s Witnesses part of this club, or is it true that Jesus Christ is in fact guiding them to gather a great crowd of other sheep with an earthly hope out from among the nations?

How does one prove whether this is true or not? How does one apply the Bible command to not believe every inspired expression, but to test each one to see if it is from God as 1 John 4:1 says?

There can be only one standard to go by—the Bible itself.

The idea that the great crowd has been gathered since 1935 is based on the assumption that the other sheep of John 10:16 refers, not to the gentiles that joined the Christian congregation from 36 C.E. onward to form 'one flock under one shepherd', but rather to a secondary group of Christians with an earthly hope that only came into existence approximately 1,930 years after Jesus spoke of them.  Next we have to assume the great crowd of Revelation 7:9 are these selfsame other sheep, even though the Bible makes no connection between the two. Yet another assumption requires us to disregard the location of the great crowd. The Bible clearly puts them in heaven, in the temple and before the throne of God. (Re. 7:9, 15)  (The word for “temple” here is naos in Greek and refers to the inner sanctuary with its two compartments, the holy, where only the priests could enter, and the Holy of Holies, where only the high priest could enter.)

Is it not a pleasure to contemplate the way Christ has guided God’s people to such a clear Scriptural hope for the future? – par. 19

“A clear Scriptural hope”?!  If you’ve been regularly studying this book, God’s Kingdom Rules, since it started being considered in the Congregation Bible Study, you can attest to the fact that no Scriptures have been used to prove the JW hope for either the other sheep or the great crowd.  The Scriptures do show that the hope for both is to rule in the Kingdom of the Heavens with Christ; but as for an "earthly" hope, no scriptures have been provided.  So to claim “a clear Scriptural hope” seems to be an attempt to get everyone on board with the doctrine hoping that no one notices this is a lie.

What Loyalty to the Kingdom Requires

If there was one criticism that Jesus repeatedly leveled against the religious leaders of his day, it was the charge of hypocrisy. Saying one thing while doing another is a sure way to bring the reproach of God down upon one. With that in mind consider the following:

 As God’s people continued to learn about the Kingdom, they also needed to grasp fully what it means to be loyal to that heavenly government. – par. 20

What heavenly government is being referred to here? The Bible does not speak about loyalty to a heavenly government. It does speak about loyalty and obedience to the Christ. Christ is the king. He has not set up any form of government bureaucracy such as is common in the governments of men. He is the government. So why not just say that? Why use the term “government” when what we really mean is our King Jesus? Because that’s not what we mean. Here’s what we mean:

The spiritual food from the faithful slave has consistently exposed the corruption of big business and has warned God’s people not to give in to its rampant materialism. – par. 21

Since the “faithful slave” is now considered to be the men of the Governing Body, loyalty to the heavenly government really means obedience to the direction of the Governing Body a.k.a. the faithful slave.

This so-called faithful and discreet slave has, according to these paragraphs, warned us against the corruption of big business, rampant materialism, false religion, and involvement in the political system under Satan. Naturally, to avoid any charge of hypocrisy, the organization of Jehovah’s Witnesses with its corporate arm, the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, would have to have avoided all these aforementioned ills.

At one time, each congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses that built a Kingdom Hall owned that Kingdom Hall. The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society held no property outside of its own branch offices and headquarters. However, a few years ago a major change took place. All property mortgages or loans owed by various congregations worldwide were forgiven. However, in exchange the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society became the landlord of all these properties. With over 110,000 congregations worldwide the number of Kingdom Halls owned by the corporation now numbers many tens of thousands and is valued at many billions of dollars. It therefore counts itself among the largest landowners in the world. Since there is absolutely no scriptural reason for it to take possession of all these properties, it seems hypocritical for it criticize big business and rampant materialism.

As to the warning against false religion and the accusation that all such religion is part of “Babylon the Great”, we must first consider whether the doctrines of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society constitute false teachings. If the teachings on blood, disfellowshipping, 1914, 1919, the overlapping generations, and the other sheep are false, how can Jehovah’s Witnesses avoid being tarred by the very brush with which they are painting everyone else?

As for the claim that we avoid involvement in “the political part of Satan’s organization”, what does the so-called faithful and discreet slave have to say about their 10-year membership in what is to Jehovah’s Witnesses the most reprehensible part of Satan’s political organization, the United Nations?

The holy spirit guided Christ’s followers to just such a view in 1962, when landmark articles on Romans 13:1-7 were published in the November 15 and December 1 issues of The Watchtower. Finally, God’s people grasped the principle of relative subjection that Jesus had revealed in his famous words: “Pay back Caesar’s things to Caesar but God’s things to God.” (Luke 20:25) True Christians now understand that the superior authorities are the secular powers of this world and that Christians must be subject to them. However, such subjection is relative. When the secular authorities ask us to disobey Jehovah God, then we answer as did the apostles of old: “We must obey God as ruler rather than men.” – par. 24

Granted, this subjection to the superior authorities is relative, yet if the laws of the local government do not conflict with God’s laws, then Christians have a civic responsibility to set a higher standard for obedience and subjection.  While we focus on the issue of neutrality we all but ignore another important issue.  Are we bringing honor to God’s name by promoting peace and security in the community?

What about reporting crimes?  Is there a government on earth that doesn’t want its citizenry to cooperate with law enforcement to promote a crime-free environment?  Ironically, while our publications have much to say about neutrality, they have virtually nothing to say about civic responsibility in this regard.  In fact, a search in the WT Library over the past 65 years on “reporting crimes” brings up only one reference that is pertinent to this topic.

w97 8/15 p. 27 Why Report What Is Bad?
But what if you are not an elder and you come to know about some serious wrongdoing on the part of another Christian? Guidelines are found in the Law that Jehovah gave to the nation of Israel. The Law stated that if a person was a witness to apostate acts, sedition, murder, or certain other serious crimes, it was his responsibility to report it and to testify to what he knew. Leviticus 5:1 states: “Now in case a soul sins in that he has heard public cursing and he is a witness or he has seen it or has come to know of it, if he does not report it, then he must answer for his error.

This law was not restricted to crime within the nation of Israel.  Mordecai was praised for revealing a seditious plot against the King of Persia.  (Esther 2:21-23)  How does the Organization apply these verses?  Reading the rest of the August 15, 1997 article reveals that the application is restricted to within the congregation. There is no direction given to Jehovah’s Witnesses about reporting crimes such as sedition, murder, rape, or child sexual abuse to the superior authorities.  How could the slave that is supposed to be giving us food at the proper time not feed us this information over the past 65 years?

This helps us understand how the growing worldwide scandal into our mishandling of child sexual abuse and the almost complete lack of reporting by JW officials came about.  There simply was no direction from the slave on applying Romans 13:1-7 to this or any other crime.

So it seems that the claim made in paragraph 24 that “the holy spirit guided Christ’s followers” to properly understand Romans 13:1-7 is a gross misrepresentation and a lie—based on the definition given to us by Governing Body member Gerrit Losch.

It would appear that all this self-praise is yet another example of “talking the talk without walking the walk.”

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  • Comment by Menrov on 2016-12-20 02:12:36

    Hi, regarding Romans 13. Where does it say it is relevant obedience? I know that that is the view of the WBTS but reading these verses again, I lack to see an escape. Nor does it say it is absolute. It does say in verse 5: Wherefore it is necessary to be subject, not only because of the wrath, but also because of the conscience, 6 for because of this also pay ye tribute; for servants of God they are, on this very thing attending continually"
    Governments are servants of God. If the WBTS also believe they are servants of God, does this mean obedience to them is relevant?!?!
    Peter said in acts 5:27 When they had brought them, they stood them before the council, and the high priest questioned them, 28 saying, “We gave you strict orders not to teach in this name. Look, you have filled Jerusalem with your teaching, and you intend to bring this man’s blood on us!” 29 But Peter and the apostles replied, “We must obey God rather than people.
    Peter and the apostles were given a task to teach about Jesus to others. It was Jesus Himself who gave that task. In other words, this was about freedom of speech and thought/mind/worship. Obeying in this case the authorities would mean to become a slave to that authority with respect to you speaking and thinking. Further, Peter and apostles made that argument themselves.
    The WBTS believes they can use these verses to set the standard for all its members and apply it to a large set of rules. For example: where does it say a Christian cannot vote as this would mean disobeying God? I am not saying that one should or should not vote. It is in my view a personal decision. Is working for a government agency like say state department / ministry of foreign affairs be an act of disobedience to God? Sounds extreme but the WBTS teaches that all governments are ruled by Satan.

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2016-12-20 08:18:23

      Hi Menrov,

      I agree with the points you make and that the WTB&TS interpret Romans 13:1-7 to their convenience. However, I don't get the point concerning relevant and absolute obedience, since I can see no third option. However, reading your words helped me to see something clearer. The Sanhedrin were also subject to God and since God had appointed Jesus Christ as Lord, they were now subject to Jesus Christ, whether they wanted to recognize his authority or not. So they were under the same command as the apostles to make known the name of Jesus. Thus, they were rebelling against their commander.

      Likewise, all governments are appointed by God, so they are all subject to his authority. If they instruct people to do things that go contrary to the instruction from God, they make themselves rebels. So before a Christian obeys them, he must determine if he is obeying God through them, or being asked to join in their rebellion by putting the commands of men over those of God.

      As you say, this is a matter for the individual using his Bible-trained conscience. Since the Governing Body--by name and by action--have constituted themselves into a government over men, they fall into the same category as did the Sanhedrin, or for that matter, any worldly government today where men seek to govern other men.

      • Reply by tyhik on 2016-12-20 09:22:34

        Meleti: "Since the Governing Body–by name and by action–have constituted themselves into a government over men..."

        All governments are appointed by God, though apparently most of them don't recognize it. I believe for many reasons the Governing Body is not appointed by God, though they themselves think so. Romans 13:3-5 makes me believe the Governing Body is not covered there.

        • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2016-12-20 09:52:10

          The appointment by God is not direct, but by dispensation, since really only God should rule humankind. Thus we can say that men like Hitler and Stalin were not appointed directly by God, but allowed to rule for a time and are held accountable for their actions. Under such a system, all human authority is really one and the same. It is permitted by God, even when it is really, really bad.

          So the authority of the Catholic Church is one with the authority of the Jewish leaders of Christ's day is one with the Emperor of Rome is one with the President of the United States is one with the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses. All are authorities which men have set up over other men for maintaining order. They serve God's purpose to a point, for without them there would be chaos. But all are accountable to God.

          If you want to be part of the organization of Jehovah's Witnesses, then you must submit to its commands, just as if you wanted to be part of the Mormon Church. Many of the JW requirements are acceptable and can actually contribute to a better life than many experience in this system of things. Of course, the same can be said for almost any Christian denomination around today. This is similar to the authority structure of Jesus' day. He told his disciples to obey them, but obviously only to a point.

          “Therefore all the things they tell YOU, do and observe, but do not do according to their deeds, for they say but do not perform.” (Mt 23:3)

          Nevertheless, strict obedience to all the commands of the Governing Body will result at some point in disobedience to God's commands. Each one must determine for himself or herself where that line is drawn.

          • Reply by tyhik on 2016-12-20 10:41:14

            The Romans passage mentions a few specific things related to governing people for the public good like bearing sword and collecting taxes. Honor and fear in a reasonable amount may help government to fulfill its duties for public good. Now, if there is a gang of robbers racketing in addition to the government collecting taxes, the robbers are not covered by that passage. Because there is already a government, appointed or allowed God's servant, which must just fulfill its role. There is no need for two at the same time.

            So even if spiritual government would be covered by Romans passage then there is already a spiritual governor, the king Jesus Christ. No more spiritual governors needed, because there are no roles they would fulfill that are not already covered by the king Jesus.

            You said: "If you want to be part of the organization of Jehovah’s Witnesses ..."

            It does not matter whether I want to pay taxes to government. I must pay, because God wants so. Being part of JWs is a voluntary business.

            Meleti, wouldn't your view mean that JWs were partly right in 1929-1962 with their interpretation of this passage?

            • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2016-12-20 11:20:30

              I think I see your point, but the Governing Body is not a spiritual government. There can be no spiritual government outside of Jesus, so any who put themselves up as a spiritual government are bogus. The Catholic Church was apparently the first Christian church to do this, but it eventually transcended that role to become a secular government as well. So the lines get blurred.

              They may call themselves a spiritual government, but any government that imposes the will of men over the will of Jesus is not spiritual, but secular. It is of this world.

              Within any country, the authority of the Governing Body becomes a government of its own. For example, in Malawi, the government required all citizens to carry a political party card. The Governing Body overruled that law issuing a law of its own. Christ was not involved in either the law of Malawi, nor the law of the Governing Body, yet he allowed these two rival governments to war with each other, and as a consequence there were many casualties.

              In Korea there is a law governing military service which allows conscientious objectors a way out. However, the Government of Jehovah's Witnesses defines that way out as unacceptable. So a number of Witnesses obey one government over another, but both are allowed to rule unrighteously by Jesus Christ, and both will answer to him for imposing their own laws over his.

              • Reply by tyhik on 2016-12-20 12:13:36

                I agree that the GB is not a spiritual government, that's just what they want to present themselves. Let's assume that the GB is a secular government and therefore covered by Romans passage. Then in cases like Malawi and Korea, if a Witness chooses, not because of his conscience but say out of fear, not to follow the ruling of the GB, then he should be guilty of going against that passage? I don't think so.

                We can leave it at that. I've never really given a deeper thought to that Romans passage before. Thanks for the insightful comments and the article.

                • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2016-12-20 14:03:22

                  In the case you present, the witness would not be guilty of going against Romans, because his conscience ruled by Christ would guide him. So if he decided not to buy the party card based on his conscience and understanding of Scripture, he would do so out of obedience to Christ and "God would make him stand." (Romans 14:4) Nevertheless, he would suffer persecution from the secular authority of the state, but Matthew 5:11, 12 would apply. He would not be violating Romans 13:1-7 which does not require absolute obedience.

                  On the other hand, if he decided to buy the party card, because his conscience told him that to do so would not compromise his neutrality, then he would still suffer persecution, but this time from the opposing secular authority of the Governing Body. Again both Romans 14:4 and Matthew 5:11, 12 apply.

                  If the Christian wanted to free himself from the oppression of the secular authority, his only option is to leave. This is what the brothers in Malawi did, by fleeing the country to refugee camps. By the same token, if he wanted to flee the oppression of the secular authority of the Governing Body, he would have to flee it, which means resigning from the Organization. Remaining in the organization means conforming to all its laws or suffering the consequences of disobedience. This was the point Russel made here.

                • Reply by Dajo on 2016-12-24 05:44:15

                  I for one cannot "leave it at that". After decades of following rules, giving instructions, sitting in (false judgment) .. and hurting emotionally, mentally and spiritually many people - just say "Oh well the GB is always with us, imperfect blah blahh baa baa oops nearly sounding like a sheep,
                  NO. They are worse than any worldly government. At least we can send a letter to our local representative, we can ask questions and get answers. The GB of the Corporation are untouchable, superior and never to be questioned. They live in a place creating destruction and they have hijacked a position they do not own.
                  Am I angry? That is subsiding and I feel very sorry for them and those that bow down to them.

                  • Reply by GodsWordIsTruth on 2016-12-27 20:50:25

                    They will implode! I'm ready...so ready for Jericho!!
                    Otherwise Im waiting for the call to storm the beach .

                    I promise this never Gets Old
                    which is the problem with the ?? GB?

                    They will pursue the Mental disabled (NOT diseased as they like to say) to the depths of the pit even after stoning them spiritually. They will try to "kill" you with leaking information from the judicial case.

                    The questioning leads to accusations and then you have to give people up for a lesser punishment....???

                    Has anyone see the movie "The Firm?"

              • Reply by GodsWordIsTruth on 2016-12-27 15:20:08

                Meleti can you mix this up better
                The symbols are super obvious
                Numerology is obvious

                Please edit I'll explain what happened to my friend (in person only) later?

                Apollos can you add a dream layer before he edits??? carefully Apollos so WE KNOW what we mean ....ok?

                Apollos will you watch the SP episode I meant the unedited version lol :)

                • Reply by GodsWordIsTruth on 2016-12-27 15:32:44

                  The gospel: in the beginning was Yshua and the word was divine ....

                  Secrets: He's God
                  Secret: He's messiah

                  Proclaim Underground. : he rise up with the lord Christ Christ who gives Christ the spirit of Christ and amen

                  Paul Gal1:8- He died and Rose on the 3rd Day/day he's coming back from father to the earth ? and Christ Christ

                  Look for him in the sky like Superhero

          • Reply by GodsWordIsTruth on 2016-12-27 15:05:42


      • Reply by robert6512 on 2016-12-22 18:44:44

        One minor point, I believe the original poster meant to say "relative" subjection, not "relevant" subjection

        As far as governments being "appointed" by God, I don't believe that. Governments are God's "ministers" or "servants" only in a sense. They serve a purpose, which is to prevent chaos and anarchy on the earth. Imagine the world before the flood. A world ruled by bullies and tyrants that answered to no one. Or, imagine the modern world in chaotic places, like Lebanon or other places in the middle east experiencing constant warfare. Think of the whole earth that way. That's what the world would be like without human governments. Even if they are flawed and fail to uphold justice the way they should, they are far better than the alternative. Without governments holding back the worst of human behavior, mankind could even be at risk of destroying itself. So, preventing such a horrible scenario benefits mankind - sinful though they are - and in that sense, they do serve God's purposes. But does God somehow 'pick and choose' which governments rule at any given time? I doubt it.

  • Comment by Leonardo Josephus on 2016-12-20 09:56:24

    Why report what is bad ? Interesting reference to Lev 5:1. There are few scriptures to support the idea, and if this is one let us hope that someone on the GB picks up their grey Bible and reads it again. Why ? Because it has been changed to what most translations had it as meaning in the first place, namely a call to testify if you were aware of a wrong doing as in "Does anyone know who ran over my cat (apologies if you have suffered from this particular event) - please come forward if you know anything about it". It is not a call to squeal on a wrongdoer regardless of circumstances.
    Let us hope the meaning gets clarified eventually.

    • Reply by GodsWordIsTruth on 2016-12-27 15:44:51

      At least the cover got brighter hehehe

  • Comment by Smoldering Wick on 2016-12-20 13:06:39

    "At one time, each congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses that built a Kingdom Hall owned that Kingdom Hall. The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society held no property outside of its own branch offices and headquarters . . . . now numbers many tens of thousands and is valued at many billions of dollars. It therefore counts itself among the largest landowners in the world. Since there is absolutely no scriptural reason for it to take possession of all these properties, it seems hypocritical for it criticize big business and rampant materialism."

    If I recall correctly the Catholic Church owned properties throughout Italy until a deal was struck to sell them all to Mussolini in exchange for Vatican City and a mountain of cash, the hidden transparency of which resulted in Mafiosa-style investing resulting in many assassinations. I doubt anyone will come out of this clean and without some very painful awakenings. I believe Satan's demand to have us all sifted as wheat still stands. (Luke 22:31)


    • Reply by GodsWordIsTruth on 2016-12-27 14:38:26

      Is this accurate??!!

      Did they assainate competing gospels??


  • Comment by lazarus on 2016-12-21 06:17:33

    Thanks Meleti for your constant write ups, much appreciated.

    I'll keep this brief :)

    Did you notice the photo of N Knorr , Rutherford and hayden covington . What's interesting is H. Covington was of the other sheep. This is of interest because he was the Vice President from the years 1941-1945. Why is that of interest? Well according to the latest adjustment to the Faithful and Discreet Slave teaching in 2013. The GB = F & D slave. So, H Covington part of the GB was also part of the F & D Slave, right, one of the 144,000. And also one of the other sheep.

    How does one explain this? Why appoint someone from the other sheep as VP. Was he appointed by Christ by the Holy Spirit to VP. No or Yes.

    • Reply by GodsWordIsTruth on 2016-12-27 14:47:10


  • Comment by Candace on 2016-12-21 08:31:14

    I love it when things work out for the best. Recently our cong had a disfellowshipping of a 'brother' because he was guilty of torturing cats and feeding them to dogs. I only found out by accident when I watched the news and saw his face on TV. If the elders have reported it, I would say this is a big improvement for the organisation compared to how things were done before.

    On another topic, the midweek meeting lately and the latest Awake magazine issue 12 (Disease, How to reduce the risk) is making me feel a bit... unsatisfied? Out of all the feature articles in the Awake there was only one scripture, would you believe it. I was trying to build a presentation and there wasn't any scripture quoted except for Prov 22:3 right at the end?? Normally I expect another article to talk about our hope for the future - like When Disease will be no more, something like that. It made me think, especially when the sister I was working actually said 'these magazines are turning into public service announcements more than about the bible', why do our magazines and meetings make me feel like I am at a school assembly? (watching cartoons, videos, magazine about current affairs but hardly any bible topics). I hope this is only a temporary glitch /end of rant

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2016-12-21 08:43:43

      I recall, Candace, about 15 years ago, an Awake! article titled, "Do You Need Insurance?". It was the feature article shown on the cover. I stopped showing the Awake at the door, because too many people thought I was selling insurance. From that point on, I only used articles that spoke about the kingdom since I wasn't giving up my time going door to door just to speak to people about social issues. My only purpose was promoting the kingdom of God. Sometimes it was a challenge to find an article that related to the kingdom in any way.

      Of course, that was before I realized that the hope we were preaching as the kingdom hope was not the one the first century Christians were preaching.

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