2017, August 14 – August 20, Our Christian Life and Ministry

– posted by Tadua

Treasures from Gods Word – The Watchman’s heavy responsibility.

Ezekiel 33:7 – Jehovah appointed Ezekiel as a watchman (it-2 1172 para 2)

The reference correctly states that the prophet/watchman had to warn people otherwise he was blood guilty.

But what about the prophet/watchman who gave false warnings?

There is a fable (ascribed to Aesop) about the little boy who cried wolf too often. When the wolf finally came, people ignored the warning and as a result, the sheep died. In this, the little boy was complicit in the death of the sheep because of his false warnings.

Do we have a modern-day equivalent?

See for yourself: Starting with 1914, then 1925, then 1975, and more recently, before the end of the twentieth century, the Organization of Jehovah's Witnesses cried wolf, the arrival of Armageddon.  As each deadline passed, the story was revised. The current pronouncement is ‘it is imminent’, and ‘we are living in the last day of the last days’.

What has been the result of this ‘crying wolf’?

Many sheep have lost their faith in God as a result. There have been large exoduses of Witness's after each of the dates past, and there is increasing evidence of one such large exodus being under way at present. When the wolf finally comes (a.k.a Armageddon), in God's due time, rather than the time foretold by the Organization, many sheep may lose their lives as a result. As the story concludes: “Nobody believes a liar … even when he is telling the truth!”

Only God's anointed true prophets gave true prophecies and warnings. (See Deuteronomy 13:2; 19:22.) So in the Organization's own words (last sentence of reference) they are ‘about as useless as a blind watchman or a voiceless dog’.

Digging for Spiritual Gems

Ezekiel 33:33

Ezekiel wrote “and when it comes true, … they will have to know that a prophet has been among them”, by extension, when it fails to come true, they will know that a false prophet has been among them.

Video – Avoid What Erodes Loyalty – Fear of Man

Early in the video, which is set in the future, a scenario according to the Organization’s view of the future, is portrayed. Whether such a scenario will play out remains to be seen.

For instance, the sister mentions ‘When our message changed from the good news to a judgement message’.

Where in the Scriptures does Jesus (or indeed the apostles) say that there will come a time when the message will be changed from that of good news to a judgment message?

In fact, if you search the WT Library for PC’s you will find very little about this phrase anywhere.

One reference is w2015 7/15 p. 16 par. 8, 9 which says about the great tribulation, Although we do not fully understand all that will happen during that time of test, we can expect that it will involve some measure of sacrifice...This will not be the time to preach the “good news of the Kingdom.” That time will have passed. The time for “the end” will have come! (Matt. 24:14) No doubt God’s people will proclaim a hard-hitting judgment message. This may well involve a declaration announcing that Satan’s wicked world is about to come to its complete end.”  The only scriptural backing given for this is Revelation 16:21 where they interpret hailstones as a message of judgment. The only other references  to this phrase (going back to 1999 in the publications) all refer to past messages of judgment by his prophets or to the fact that witnesses preach the good news along with the warning message of judgment currently.

What message does the Bible contain on this subject?

2 Thessalonians 2:2 says we should not be shaken from our reason to the effect that the day of the Lord is here. Galatians 1:6-9 is even stronger saying “even if we or an angel out of heaven were to declare to you as good news something beyond the good news we declared to you, let him be accursed”. If to declare other good news is to be accursed, what will happen to those who change the good news into a message of judgment?

The one warning message is one for the Organization to heed, as it claims to be the house of God. 1 Peter 4:17 warns that ‘it is the appointed time for judgment to start with the house of God’. Even in Revelation 14:6,7 when the hour of judgment arrives there is an ‘angel flying in mid heaven’  who will have ‘everlasting good news to declare to those who dwell on the earth..’.

Therefore there is no authorization or scriptural basis to change from a message of good news to one of judgment.

So maybe the real scenario is the brother who no longer was with them in the bunker rather than being disloyal to the Organization because of fear of man, had researched his bible and realized that preaching a message of judgment not supported by the Scriptures was wrong and, preferring to remain loyal to his God and to Christ his Savior, he declined to play any further part in the Organization’s activities.

Congregation Book Study (kr chap. 16 para 6-17)

Paragraph 7 shows how the number and format of meeting arrangements came about. There is no scriptural basis for the number, days and format. It all came from suggestions of various prominent witnesses at one time or another.

Paragraph 9 informs us that the public talk outlines were restricted to outlines supplied by the Organization in 1982. Just by coincidence though—which they omit to mention—is that this tighter control coincided with the unscriptural disfellowshipping of former Governing Body member Ray Franz and his friends in that same year.

Paragraphs 10-12 inform us that the Watchtower study meeting started 1922, and for many years had no questions. The conductor asked for questions from the audience, which would then be answered by other members of the audience. This at least would be much better than today’s carefully crafted questions, which avoid any in-depth discussion of the material and the Scriptures.

Paragraphs 13-14 discuss the Congregation Book study. How we would enjoy modern Berean Circles for Bible Study, with the Bible as the textbook,[1] as opposed to a congregation book study of a book containing rewritten, incorrect history and the like, such as the Kingdom Rules book.

Paragraph 15 mentions the then Theocratic Ministry School, the one meeting that has had a long term benefit on all participants and attendees. Now sadly replaced by a glorified meeting for field service, called ‘Apply yourself to the Christian Ministry’, whose material and training is a shadow of the former Theocratic Ministry School. Why was the format of this meeting changed so dramatically a few years ago? We are not told. It couldn’t possibly be because schools in many countries now have to have the teachers vetted for a criminal record particularly relating to children, could it? So scrapping the TMS would avoid this scrutiny of elder bodies and possible revelations about how some paedophiles are serving as appointed men.


References for 20th Century end-of-world predictions:

g61 2/22 p. 5 "...a war of God against all wickedness, followed by a paradise earth without death...all will be realized in the twentieth century."
km Dec. 1967 p. 1 "'this good news of the kingdom,' a work he [Fred Franz] described as 'a startling feature of ony this twentieth century.'"
kj chap. 12 p. 216 par. 9 "Shortly, within our twentieth century, the “battle in the day of Jehovah” will begin against the modern antitype of Jerusalem, Christendom."
w84 3/1 pp. 18-19 par. 12 "Some of that “generation” could survive until the end of the century. But there are many indications that “the end” is much closer than that."


[1] If this is what you truly desire, fell free to contact this site, and join with others to meet online and discuss the bible with like minded Christians.

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  • Comment by Rynda on 2017-08-15 14:48:30

    "Only God’s anointed true prophets gave true prophecies and warnings. (See Deuteronomy 13:2; 19:22.) So in the Organization’s own words (last sentence of reference) they are ‘about as useless as a blind watchman or a voiceless dog’".
    With the track record of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, it is painfully apparent that they are NOT Yah's true anointed prophet, nor are they a Watchman. I would venture to say that since 2000 up til now, the WTB&TS has exerted itself more in matters of exercising control over the 'rank and file' JW's, gaining glory and praise for themselves, (The GB) and in removing Yeshua ha Mashiach out of the equation and placing themselves into the role of Yah's spokesman.
    The whole idea of 'changing the message' should give one serious pause. As the Scripture brings out at Galatians 1: 6-9, to dare to change the message of the Gospel from one of hope and redemption into one of judgment will cause one to become accursed in Yah's eyes!
    There are so many other issues that have convinced me that the WTB&TS is NOT Yah's "Organization". In fact, I think, and this is purely my opinion, the organization of The Most High, consists of all those people who love, trust and rely on Yahuweh, the Most High and approach him through His son, Yeshua ha Mashiach. These people are all over the world, and come from all walks of life, and the one thing they have in common is a thirst and a hunger for righteousness, and a desire to be in a relationship with their Creator. The Most High knows His people, and where ever they are, He can and will find them; not a single sheep will be lost.

    • Reply by PraytoJahDaily on 2017-08-16 10:52:14

      "See for yourself: Starting with 1914, then 1925, then 1975, and more recently, before the end of the twentieth century, the Organization of Jehovah’s Witnesses cried wolf, the arrival of Armageddon As each deadline passed, the story was revised. The current pronouncement is ‘it is imminent’, and ‘we are living in the last day of the last days’.
      What has been the result of this ‘crying wolf"

      Something cannot be considered 'late' unless lines were drawn with events expected to transpire on certain 'dates'. That would necessitate 'beating' fellow slaves, to keep them in line, after each of these 'dates and predictions' failed to come true.

      “But if ever that evil slave says in his heart, ‘MY MASTER IS DELAYING’+ 49 and he starts to beat his fellow slaves and...."

      • Reply by Ifionlyhadabrain on 2017-08-16 15:33:23

        Dead right mate , I was waiting for a bus , the other day , it didn't turn up at all , so how can it be late ! Hahaha ha ok a minus for that one then , ok so they didn't give an actual date but suggested Armageddon was likely due sometime in 1975, so we have a time frame , the post office ......... there's a parcel here we are delivering on between the hours of 8 and 5 ,,,,,,,,,,,, ok ill stay in all day and wait for it, but it doesn't come ,,,, is it not late because he didn't give a specific time let's say 1 o clock ,? The time frame of 1975 is Jan 1st to Dec 31 if it doesn't come by the 31st at 12 midnight it's either late , or like the post office we could have misunderstood the message ,

      • Reply by Thaddeus on 2017-08-16 21:32:19

        What reference do you have in mind when you say "more recently, before the end of the twentieth century,..."
        I don't recall an article about that.

        • Reply by Dajo on 2017-08-17 03:33:25

          And if the wicked system of this world survived until the turn of the century, which is highly improbable in view of world trends and the fulfillment of Bible prophecy, there would still be survivors of the World War I generation." Watchtower 1980 Oct 15 p.31

          "Shortly, within our twentieth century, the "battle in the day of Jehovah" will begin against the modern antitype of Jerusalem, Christendom." The Nations Shall Know That I Am Jehovah p. 216
          "Some of that "generation" could survive until the end of the century. But there are many indications that "the end" is much closer than that!" Watchtower 1984 Mar 1 pp.18-19

          "He was laying a foundation for a work that would be completed in our 20th century". Watchtower 1989 Jan 1 p.12.

          • Reply by Yehorakam on 2017-08-17 07:42:08

            Hey Dajo. Good point. You know, I just woke up this morning, had my coffee and had a revelation ?...Aren't we already 17 years into the 21st century? Yikes! Off by a century in their predictions. Can't even pick the right century. Naaah...nothing to fuss over. Here a century, there a century...

            I lost 40 years with them. I'm just glad I got out while I still have a few years left...and glad that the WT is no longer my retirement financial adviser!

            Much love,

        • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2017-08-17 07:59:04

          Good question, Thaddeus. I should have included the references in the article. I'll do that now, but here are the references.

          g61 2/22 p. 5 "...a war of God against all wickedness, followed by a paradise earth without death...all will be realized in the twentieth century."
          km Dec. 1967 p. 1 "'this good news of the kingdom,' a work he [Fred Franz] described as 'a startling feature of ony this twentieth century.'"
          kj chap. 12 p. 216 par. 9 "Shortly, within our twentieth century, the “battle in the day of Jehovah” will begin against the modern antitype of Jerusalem, Christendom."
          w84 3/1 pp. 18-19 par. 12 "Some of that “generation” could survive until the end of the century. But there are many indications that “the end” is much closer than that."

  • Comment by Amitafal on 2017-08-16 03:18:23

    Well written Tadua - couldn't put it better myself. Good scripture to remember Ezekiel 33:33 if we want to try to 'wake up' others when they tell us Armageddon imininent . As for the school being taken out of the title of Mid week meetings - well spotted! Looking forward to next weeks article.

  • Comment by Ifionlyhadabrain on 2017-08-16 04:10:11

    Tadua you say the TMS has gone , what of the weekly bible reading it contained ,? I've been half expecting them to do away with that in favour of a more tailored approach , I haven't been in ages .

    • Reply by eve04 on 2017-08-16 05:08:57

      Hi Brain The weekly bible reading is still done. Reading only, no meaning/explainations put into it.

      • Reply by Ifionlyhadabrain on 2017-08-16 17:47:24

        Cheers , from brother brain , haha haha . Let's have a laugh , as well , after All we have a "happy god "

  • Comment by Leonardo Josephus on 2017-08-16 05:29:11

    Unbelievable ! After all the calls for dates, and changing the "generation" teaching to the ridiculous "overlapping generation" version, the annual conventions use the word "imminent". Guess what ? The R & F and elders quote this in their talks and comments saying the F & DS say it is imminent.
    No doubt in some years time they will blame everyone for not relying on Jesus words - that no one knows the day or the hour - when "imminent" comes back to bite them.
    The end will come when Jehovah and Jesus decide. No earlier and no later. When will we learn.
    It reminds me of the old saying:-
    Fool me once - shame on you.
    Fool me twice - shame on me.
    Fool me four times - *******

    • Reply by tyhik on 2017-08-16 10:42:33

      @Leonardo. I'm afraid 'imminent' won't come back to byte them. It's a conveniently stretchable term compared to concrete times predicted in the past. After all, people have been waiting for the end for about 2000 years, so 'imminent' may well be stretched over decades. But then there is a new GB and a new generation of witnesses, who won't have learned a thing from their past and everything will repeat.

      I can imagine it was much harder for the GB to sell the overlapping generation theory in the first place than to extend the overlapping generation from fathers-sons to grandfathers-grandsons and sell that to witnesses in the future. So no hope there. One day, Jesus will come and make an end to this nonsense. Meanwhile, there is Internet and it is to stay.

      @Tadua, great thanks for your hard work.

      • Reply by Amitafal on 2017-08-18 02:23:09

        Thanks for correcting 'imminent' for me. Should have worn my glasses to override the various predictive texts that popped up.

  • Comment by eve04 on 2017-08-16 05:48:22

    Excellent review. How can a message change to judgement when Jesus said he did not come to judge the world, but that would be future when he returned. John 12:47. Again if no one knows day or hour and the day will come as a thief in the night, how will they know when to change this message to judgement? 2 Peter 3:10 and 2 Thess 5:2.

    Aesops fable about the boy who cried wolf is one I always remembered. This Organization fits it. Can’t be a true prophet if your message is wrong. By their own admission the are infallible and haven’t served perfect food. The true prophets of old may have been infallible as men, but their message was not nor were they” roving about” to find it. It was directly, truthful, accurately given to them by God.

    You are so right about the CLAM meeting being a glorified TMS. At first I liked the change and then I realized glorified TMS. The sad part of it is, it is the Christian Ministry meeting, but how many times is Jesus mentioned, rarely.

    Interesting points about format changing when Ray Franz was DF’D, and why it is no longer called a school.

  • Comment by Rufus on 2017-08-16 08:42:24

    The Watchtower Study has been an "assimilation" (make the Truth your own) since at least 1932. The photo in the "Bible Study" portion from Ghana 1931 has a photo of Charles Taze Russell on the wall. Clearly until the name change away from Russellites in 1931, this virtually all male group of Africans were studying with that influence of a man and his philosophy. So in 1931 we changed names, but we did not escape the homage to one man and his wandering thoughts. Today that man has seven heads, but the assimilation of his thoughts continues.

    • Reply by Robert-6512 on 2017-08-16 12:07:26


      You wrote, " in 1931 we changed names, but we did not escape the homage to one man [Russel] and his wandering thoughts. Today that man has seven heads [the GB of today]".

      I just had a really creepy thought. Please read Revelation 13, reproduced below. Now, consider this interpretation of it:

      (1) Wild beast = WT organization

      (2) Seven heads = 7 members of GB

      (3) Ten horns = current GB + Russell, Rutherford and Knorr

      (4) Blasphemous names on their heads = self-proclaimed role as "FDS, sole channel of communication between God and men, replacement of Mediator for the 'non-anointed' other sheep", etc.

      (5) The dragon gave the beast power and authority = Satan is well-pleased to have a false religion pretending to be a true one, exercising authority over millions of people, one that misleads Christians and acts as an anti-Christ.

      (6) One of the heads was slaughtered but the death-stroke got healed = Rutherford was arrested and WT operations were curtailed but they got out of it.

      (7) All the earth followed the beast with admiration = all the "earth" that is part of the WT organization looked on with admiration and wonder when the WT Society recovered from the shutdown of its operations. When it apparently recovered, they saw this as a sign from God, and quite literally "worshiped" this beastly organization. That worship continues to this day, in the form of unquestioned obedience and loyalty to a group of imperfect men. JWs will literally do anything the GB says, even give up their lives in human sacrifice to their doctrines and policies.

      (8) A mouth was given for it to speak blasphemy = WT has continually claimed to receive "new light" from God, and that the light is getting brighter, but the passage from Proverbs 4:18 is quoted out of context and wrongly applied, and in any case its WT interpretation is in conflict with 1 John 1:5 that says God is light and there is no darkness in Him. If "old" light came from God to the WT (since WT is supposedly the channel of communication with God), but the light had to be revised and corrected with "new" light, then the light from God must have had "darkness" in it. That is, God would have had to lie for all this to fit. But God does not lie. So, the entire notion of "new light" is blasphemy against God.

      (9) The beast wages war with the holy ones = WT attacks anyone who claims to be 'anointed' or partakes of Memorial emblems, unless THEY approve first. They also minimized and dismissed all the 'anointed' ones in the world other than the GB, claiming that all those other anointed were merely 'domestics' that have no say in how the organization runs. This is 180 degree about-face from prior.years, when they used to claim that all the anointed in the world were part of the FDS. Now, they are nobodies.

      (10) No one who worships the wild beast [WT] stands written in the scroll of life = does not need an interpretation.

      ... hmm ... could it be so ?

      13:1  And it stood still upon the sand of the sea. And I saw a wild beast ascending out of the sea, with ten horns and seven heads, and upon its horns ten diadems, but upon its heads blasphemous names. 2 Now the wild beast that I saw was like a leopard, but its feet were as those of a bear, and its mouth was as a lion’s mouth. And the dragon gave to [the beast] its power and its throne and great authority. 3 And I saw one of its heads as though slaughtered to death, but its death-stroke got healed, and all the earth followed the wild beast with admiration. 4 And they worshiped the dragon because it gave the authority to the wild beast, and they worshiped the wild beast with the words: “Who is like the wild beast, and who can do battle with it?” 5 And a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies was given it, and authority to act forty-two months was given it. 6 And it opened its mouth in blasphemies against God, to blaspheme his name and his residence, even those residing in heaven. 7 And there was granted it to wage war with the holy ones and conquer them, and authority was given it over every tribe and people and tongue and nation. 8 And all those who dwell on the earth will worship it; the name of not one of them stands written in the scroll of life of the Lamb who was slaughtered, from the founding of the world. 9 If anyone has an ear, let him hear. 10 If anyone [is meant] for captivity, he goes away into captivity. If anyone will kill with the sword, he must be killed with the sword. Here is where it means the endurance and faith of the holy ones.

      • Reply by Rufus on 2017-08-16 14:04:48

        Perhaps you should leave Russell out of this. Post-1919 the three extra heads might be identified as Rutherford, Knorr and Franz through 1975. On Jan 1, 1976 the GB took control, and they have seven heads.

        • Reply by Robert-6512 on 2017-08-16 14:52:14

          You may be on to something. After all, Russell was a Bible Student, and Rutherford (for all intents and purposes) waged war against Russellites/Bible Students, saying that anyone that believed Russell was engaging in creature worship, etc.

          Rutherford hated Russell's legacy, and did everything in his power to destroy it.

          Rutherford also 'set up' those in Germany during WW2, infuriating Hitler and then abandoning those people to prison camps and gas chambers. Why? They were not JWs, but BIBLE STUDENTS. WT adopted the JW name in 1931, but in 1945 - 14 years after the supposedly "united organization" took on this name, those people that survived and escaped the camps were called the German version of "Earnest Bible Students" - NOT Jehovah's Witnesses.

          In Rutherford's eyes, those German Bible Students were expendable, so he threw them under the bus. Besides, their deaths provided fortuitous circumstances, so that he could point to them as "martyrs" and showcase their courage as a WT recruiting tool. In all this, Rutherford has their blood on his hands.

          So yes, there is a clear dividing line between Russell and Rutherford. Your classification of Rutherford, Knorr and Franz as those "three horns" might be more correct.

          Given that, what do you think about the likelihood that any of this is a proper understanding? Like I said at first, I just had a creepy thought about all this. I am not sure if it's true or valid or not.

      • Reply by Yehorakam on 2017-08-16 20:41:42

        No mean to offend Robert, but your interpretations gave me a laugh because to me they seem so stretched, they sound like a Watchtower explanation. You certainly have an active imagination, and I suppose we all have the freedom to speculate. It was an interesting post anyways. ?

        • Reply by Robert-6512 on 2017-08-16 21:57:38

          No problem; no offense taken. I didn't mean for it to be taken all that seriously, but when I started looking for parallels, there were just so many of them. You're right; this is how crazy bible interpretations get started. People just make stuff up out of thin air.

          Like I said above, it was just a creepy thought that jumped into my head after I read what Rufus wrote.

      • Reply by Amitafal on 2017-08-18 02:32:27

        Robert never thought of Rev 13 that way before. If you can come up with this thought it just shows how man can interpret the scriptures and make it fit whatever he fancies. So the WT Org has been doing this for many many years- hence their changing of 'this generation' and Armageddon being ' imminent' .

  • Comment by Yehorakam on 2017-08-16 21:53:55

    Just a side point on "When the wolf finally comes (a.k.a Armageddon), in God’s due time, rather than the time foretold by the Organization, many sheep may lose their lives as a result."

    I don't worry about that because no REAL sheep will be lost. Those that truly are sheep when Armageddon comes will inherit the Kingdom. The sheep are only the spirit anointed. Even still, those anointed that are alive at that time will have to give up their lives to receive their reward (Rev 6:11). If they though righteous don't escape death, how much less the unrighteous who are not sons of the Kingdom!

    The truth is there will be no survivors of Armageddon. The majority of mankind, the "unrighteous" will sleep in death because of the plagues accompanying the first 6 trumpet blasts. They will die before Armageddon and therefore escape eternal destruction. They will ALL return in the ressurection of the unrighteous. No need to worry either that these will be lost. They'll be resurrected a little later and be given another chance. That will only leave two groups alive when the seventh trumpet sounds (the last trumpet), 1) those that are wicked to the core (the sons of the wicked one) who deserve eternal destruction (Rev 9:20,21), and some anointed that are still alive. When the angels go out to gather the chosen ones right before Armageddon, there are only two groups alive, those that merit eternal life and those that merit eternal destruction. (Mat 13:37-43). The large majority of people will escape eternal destruction at Armageddon because they will be safely sleeping in death. If our Father lets anyone escape death during the plagues (Rev 9:6), he does it for the sole reason so that they will be around for Armageddon and meet an eternal destruction.

    This can give many Witnesses, ex-Witnesses and non-Witnesses comfort. The org teaches that all that die in Armageddon face eternal destruction. That in fact is true. But they give the impression that all those of other religions, all those that have left the truth will live to see Armageddon and therefore die forever for not having heeded their words. All those that have heeded Jesus' words will inherit the Kingdom. The rest of the people like the nice Muslim next door, and your nice agnostic uncle, and the nice Witnesses will die before Armageddon, and therefore not face eternal destruction.

    Just think, why would our Father resurrect "good" unrighteous people from the past and then condemn the same kind of "good" unrighteous people to eternal destruction at Armageddon just because they happen to be born and live in a certain time period? He doesn't work that way.

    Neither does he let people off from the consequence of Adamic sin, physical death. Nobody escapes it, not even the chosen ones. The teaching that people will survive Armageddon and therefore somehow cheat death is against God’s declaration that if you sin, you WILL die a physical death.

    The Witnesses have taught a lie that you can survive Armageddon, and they have not taught that every imperfect human must die a physical death. They also fail to see that most will fall asleep in death before Armageddon begins. But, it's not surprising. The gb don't have holy spirit helping them. Any possible true corrections that have come to them, have come because of those with holy spirit writing in to question things. I think they will eventually eliminate the series "Questions from Readers" because to observers with intelligence, they can right away see that changes may come only because some brothers and sisters outside of Brooklyn have their thinking caps on whereas the GB didn't. If it wasn't for a reader with some spirit and courage to write in, perhaps the GB would have never let go of some unscriptual teaching or practice. I often wonder if no one had written in about Gog of Magog, would the gb EVER have seen that it wasn't Satan? Certainly makes them look bad when changes come because of "Questions from Readers." When that happens they aren't leading. I think they'll silently drop that Q of R title and just make changes prompted by readers in the WT.

    Much love,

    • Reply by tyhik on 2017-08-17 16:18:59

      @Yehorakam. You said "The org teaches that all that die in Armageddon face eternal destruction. That in fact is true."

      I'm not sure what is the backing of that claim. However, if you agree with me that Rev 19:19-21 describe the events of Armageddon then there are hints that even those killed then can be resurrected. Note that while the false prophet and the wild beast will be hurled into the lake of fire (final destruction), the rest won't.

      Rev 19:19-21
      19 And I saw the wild beast and the kings of the earth and their armies gathered together to wage war against the one seated on the horse and against his army.+ 20 And the wild beast was caught, and along with it the false prophet+ that performed in front of it the signs with which he misled those who received the mark of the wild beast+ and those who worship its image.+ While still alive, they both were hurled into the fiery lake that burns with sulfur.+ 21 But the rest were killed off with the long sword that proceeded out of the mouth of the one seated on the horse.+ And all the birds were filled with their flesh.+

      • Reply by Yehorakam on 2017-08-19 07:52:05


        Hey Tyhik. Sorry I'm getting back to you late, but I didn't see your post until yesterday, and shortly thereafter I drilled a hole through a water line in my house. ? So that kept me busy almost all yesterday. All is well now. I'd like to respond to your post but don't want to get off topic on this page nor add another long comment. Do you have an email I can reach you?

        • Reply by tyhik on 2017-08-19 13:15:32

          Hi Yehorakam. I contacted Meleti, asking to forward my e-mail address to you.

    • Reply by Ifionlyhadabrain on 2017-08-17 19:53:48

      Yehorakam I pretty much agree with those statements , the witnesses think they are going to sail through Armageddon because they belong to the organisation , but the bible says it is reserved for all mankind to die once and then a judgement, jesus said prove faithful o death and I wil give you the crown of life , we have to follow jesus into death , after all the hope of a christian is the THE RESURRECTION , nothing else

      • Reply by Robert-6512 on 2017-08-17 20:52:15

        IOHAB, WT often reiterates the Rutherford mantra, "millions now living will never die". They have the idea that JWs living through Armageddon won't die. But your statement "we have to follow Jesus into death" got me thinking. Suppose resurrected people did not look like they did when they died, but were all resurrected as young adults in good health with a sound mind and body? That would sure simplify their future lives, by not having to gradually get better. Imagine how hard it would be to 'fix' someone who had some deadly disease, or had an amputation or something really bad. How do you 'gradually' fix a missing leg? Wouldn't that be really traumatic for the person in question?

        If everyone had to die, and was brought back as sound persons, then everyone could start out together "on the same page". So much simpler!

        • Reply by Yehorakam on 2017-08-17 21:38:49

          It will be interesting to see what directions Christ will give during that time. My joy overflows to think of how Christ's rule will surpass that of Solomons by like a 1000x. Christ is the truly "beloved" of Jah (Jedidiah) who will build an everlasting house. He is the "King of Peace" (Salem) and the "King of Righteousness" (Melquizedek). What he does will leave even the heavenly family in awe, never mind humans!

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