“Joel Dellinger: Cooperation Builds Unity (Luke 2:41)”

– posted by meleti
There is a video on JW.org titled “Joel Dellinger: Cooperation Builds Unity (Luke 2:41)”

The theme text reads: “Now his parents were accustomed to go from year to year to Jerusalem for the festival of the Passover.” (Lu 2:41)

I fail to see what that has to do with building unity through cooperation, so I have to think it was a misprint.  After listening to the whole video, Joel makes no mention of this verse. Mind you, he makes no mention of any verse to support the theme directly; but that’s okay, because it’s fairly self-evident that cooperation does build unity.

Unity is a very important thing in the organization. They talk about unity far more than they talk about love. The Bible does say that love is the perfect bond of union, but the organization is telling us that cooperation is what is needed. (Col 3:14)

I don’t know about you, but I’ll stick with love.  After all, if you’re doing something wrong, I won’t cooperate with you, but I’ll still love you, and I can still be united with you, even if we have differing views.

Of course, that doesn’t work for the organization because they don’t want us to disagree with them. They want us to do what they tell us to do.

By way of example, Joel sites Hebrews 13:7 which reads:

“Remember those who are taking the lead among you, who have spoken the word of God to you, and as you contemplate how their conduct turns out, imitate their faith.” (Heb 13:7)

He says that “remember” can also mean “mention”, which he uses to instruct us to keep the elders in our prayers.  He then moves directly onto verse 17 of that chapter, where the New World Translation reads, “Be obedient to those who are taking the lead among you and be submissive…”  He then instructs us to obey the elders and submit to them.

Let’s not jump to any conclusions here. Going back to verse seven, let’s read the part he skipped over. First there's the phrase, "who have spoken the word of God to you."  So if the elders are teaching false teachings, like 1914 as the beginning of the invisible presence of Christ, or that the other sheep are not God's children, then they are not speaking the word of God to us.  In that case, we shouldn't "remember" them.  Further, the verse continues, “As you contemplate how their conduct turns out, imitate their faith.” This gives us the obligation, not just the right, the obligation—because this is a command—to evaluate the conduct of the elders. If their conduct turns out to be indicative of faith, then we are to imitate it. It follows however that if their conduct shows a lack of faith, we are most certainly not to imitate it. Now, with that in mind, let’s move on to verse 17.

“Be obedient” is a mistranslation which is found in almost every Bible translation, because almost every translation is written or sponsored by an organization that wants its followers to obey its ministers/priests/clergy. But what the writer of Hebrews actually says in Greek is “be persuaded by”.  The Greek word is peithó, and it means “to persuade, urge.” So again, personal discretion is involved. We have to evaluate what we’re being told. This is not the message Joel is trying to get across.

Around the 4:15 minute mark, he asks: “But what if some theocratic direction we receive does not make sense, takes us by surprise, or doesn’t suit us personally? In such cases, the latter part of the verse comes into play where we’re directed to be submissive. Because, as the verse implies, in the long run, yielding to theocratic direction is for our own good.”

“Theocratic” means “ruled by God”.  It does not mean, “ruled by men”. However, in the mind of the organization as expressed by the speaker, the term can apply equally to Jehovah or the organization. If this were the case, then the writer of Hebrews would have used a different word in verse 17.  He would have used the Greek word, peitharcheó, which means “to obey one in authority, obey, follow”.  The Bible commands us not to follow men, because if we follow men they become our leaders, and our leader is one, the Christ. (Mt 23:10; Ps 146:3)  So what Joel is asking us to do is in direct contradiction of the command of our Lord Jesus.  Perhaps that is one of the reasons why Joel never mentions Jesus.  He wants us to follow men. He masks this by saying that this is theocratic direction from Jehovah, but the theocratic direction from God is to 'listen to his son'.  (Mt 17:5)  Besides, if the direction from the organization were really theocratic, then it would never be wrong, because God never gives us false direction. When men tell us to do something, and it turns out bad, they cannot claim the direction was theocratic.  The direction that we have from the organization is androcratic.  Let’s just call a spade a spade for once.

Let us examine the difference between theocratic rule and androcratic rule.

Under theocratic rule, we have one governing body, Jesus Christ, who was put in place by his Father Jehovah. Jesus is our leader, Jesus is our teacher. We are all brothers. Under Jesus we are all equal. There is no clergy and laity classes. No governing body and rank-and-file. (Mt 23:8, 10)  The instruction we get from Jesus covers any and all circumstances that we may face in life. That is because it is based on principles. We are guided by our conscience. You can talk about your One-A-Day vitamins where everything you need is packed into a single pill. God's word is like that.  So much packed into so little space.  Take your Bible, find the first chapter of Matthew and the last chapter of Revelation and pinch the pages between your fingers, dangling the Bible from them. There it is!  The sum total of everything you need to live a successful and happy life.  More than that. Everything you need to get a firm hold on the real life that is everlasting.

In a nutshell, you have the essence of theocratic rule.

Now let’s consider androcratic rule.  Joel boasts of hundreds and even thousands of letters going out from headquarters to all the branches and elders around the world. In one year, the paper output of the organization dwarfs the accumulated writing the Christian writers amassed over 70 years during the first century. Why so much? Simply because the conscience is taken out of the equation, replaced by a multitude of rules, regulations, and what Joel likes to mistakenly refer to as “theocratic direction”.

Rather than us all being brothers, we have an ecclesiastical hierarchy that governs us.  His closing words say it all: "We have an abundance of clear direction and timely reminders.  Jehovah is leading us through the elders who are taking the lead among us.  His presence is as clear to us as it was to the Israelites who were following the piller of cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night. So as we finish up the final leg of our wilderness journey, may we all be resolved to cooperate fully with any theocratic direction we're given.”

Joel takes the head of the congregation out of the equation. It is not Jesus who is leading us according to Joel, but Jehovah and he doesn’t do this through Jesus; He does it through the elders. If Jehovah is leading us to the elders, then the elders are the channel Jehovah is using. How could we not give the elders absolute and unconditional obedience, if Jehovah is using them to lead us. Apparently, his presence is as clear to us as it was to the Israelites. How odd, since it was Jesus who said that he would be with us until the conclusion of the system of things.  Shouldn't Joel be talking about the clear presence of Jesus?  (Mt 28:20; 18:20)

Jesus is the greater Moses, but if you want to replace Moses – that is if you want to sit in the seat of Moses – then you have to replace Jesus. There is no room on that seat for more than one person. (Mt 23:2)

How can any true Christian give a 10-minute talk that emphasizes theocratic direction without making a single mention of Jesus Christ?  “He that does not honor the son does not honor the Father who sent him.” (John 5:22)

When you want to sell a falsehood, you dress it up in words that describe how you want it to appear.  Joel is selling androcratic direction, but he knows we wouldn't openly buy into that, so he cloaks it in the guise of theocratic direction.  (This technique goes back to the garden.)


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  • Comment by Mr Noodle on 2017-11-22 12:47:28

    What a brilliant summation of their little propaganda video Meleti.
    You have 'persuaded' me once again to watch out for these men and their lawless rejection of the one who purchased them with his own blood.
    So very well written

  • Comment by John of ARC on 2017-11-22 12:55:13

    The Walsh court case (1954), where Haydn Covington, Fred Franz and Grant Suiter testified, shows clearly how the Organization prioritize unity (“at all costs”) ahead of righteousness. Unity in the Christian Congregation is when we, as limbs, connect under the Head, Jesus. Not by blind obedience. Increasingly, the Organization seems like one gigantic Stanley Milgram experiment (psychological experiment on obedience), the question being “how much pain are we willing to inflict on others” by hard style shunning, denying freedom of speech and covering up crimes (e.g. child abuse and domestic violence). In the aforementioned study, the vast majority of people was willing to inflict tremendous pain to others, when supervised and ordered to do so by what they perceived to be an Authority (doctor in white lab coat). We all need to ask ourselves: where do I draw the line, if I am personally responsible to Christ?

    • Reply by eve04 on 2017-11-22 13:33:49

      I saw that experiment on PBS. Very interesting. I believe they have even sent some brothers to seminars on mind control. If this organization. when Knorr took over was built on a Business model no wonder things are the way they are.

  • Comment by eve04 on 2017-11-22 13:30:47

    I didn’t watch the video. So much is being spoken about loyalty and unity. I watched on one of the Y-tube channels a report on the BBC of the Child abuse cover up within the organization. I believe they are preaching loyalty and unity because the know the pooh is about to hit the fan. So, the more they drive loyalty and unity into the brothers and sisters they will feel that they are being persecuted.
    It’s just appalling how much they leave Christ out. It is mind boggling for these men to claim to have such spiritual insight, that they don’t see this. However, Jesus said he would send a helper and if they are leaving Jesus out of the picture then they can’t receive the helper the Holy Spirit to help them see anything. It will be interesting when the go into the book Jesus the Way, Truth and Life. It also may be an excellent time too prick some ears.

  • Comment by Mike West on 2017-11-22 13:40:03

    The willingness of so many of our brothers and sisters to blindly follow the Governing Body and their hierarchal structure always brings to my mind the Israelites demand for a human king in 1 Samuel 8. In vs. 8 Jehovah says 'it is I they have rejected'. Then in vs. 11-18, Jehovah outlines all of the subsequent organizational demands the human king would demand. How similar today with the GB's demands to follow them as the only spokesmen for Jehovah (rarely mentioning our King Jesus as you succinctly point out Meleti), and so many friends submitting to this visible human rulership. The honest hearted friends who point this out are nearly always branded 'apostate' and driven from the org. It is interesting to compare the GB and the JW hierarchy's attitude to Diotrephes in 3 John 9,10.

    • Reply by Filius90 on 2017-11-22 17:43:35

      Whats happening is the present Governing Body is asserting themselves more than ever with (JWs at least). That's why we're hearing more emphasis put on them as "Christ Brothers" and will join as future "Executioners" and so on. In their minds they have to display some sort aggressive authority to gain everyone's confidence. This is precisely why the School for Kingdom Evangelizers is the big thing now. The graduates are to "lovingly" reinforce policy, policy, policy and to push that the Governing Bodies credentials measure up.

      The individual in the video above is the same person in the annual meeting video that said he "wondered about what the conversations between the angels and the Kings in heaven are like and how proud they are about the construction work" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k0_6GweYEpUWhat at the 1:15 36 sec mark.

      What I would like to know is how are "THEY" currently called kings if the thousand year reign hasn't started? Isn't it supposed to be 144,000 not 143,993? I'm being facetious, but seriously it all sounds like they're literally putting they're crowns in front of Christ crown.

    • Reply by Hypatia on 2017-11-22 17:55:41

      Most people don't want to think for themselves. It is more comfortable to say they followed direction, then they aren't the ones in the wrong.

  • Comment by Joseph Anton on 2017-11-22 14:21:35

    I have no idea how nobody back at HQ has connected the rigorous application of the 'Sons of Korah' warning concerning our attitude toward the Governing Body, (anyone get through a convention in the last five years where 'Korah' wasn't mentioned?) and Christ's condemnation in the opening of Matthew 23.

  • Comment by MarthaMartha on 2017-11-22 14:58:33

    It breaks my heart to read and hear the words said in this talk. How can they leave Jesus out of the chain of command? How dare they exclude the son of God and anointed leader? Are they blind to what they're doing? How is it possible that this religion that I was brought up in has strayed so far from what is Christian?
    It's got to the point where I'm now openly telling friends who ask how I am, that I'm dismayed, disillusioned and disenchanted with the idea that we are to obey, unquestioningly, men who admit to being imperfect, uninspired and fallible.
    The evidence builds day by day, that this organization is far from being what they claim. The deliberate obfuscation of truth in front of the courts, the cold hearted lack of care for children's safety out of the organization, the barely concealed lies told even on the JW website, the blatant begging for funds, the constant demand for loyalty to men. It's beyond belief.
    I have to attend the circuit assembly this weekend, and I honestly feel that I'm attending to say goodbye. At the moment I'm only attending Sunday meetings for my husband's sake but I'm dying inside with the feeling that I should break with this falsehood.
    I'm torn between carrying on with my gradual fade, or blasting out in a glorious declaration of disassociation with this deceitful organisation. ?
    The support I've received from all of you here on Beroeans through the years I've been waking up has honestly saved my sanity. Thank you, all of you.
    Meleti, once again you hit the nail on the head. Bravo.
    Love to all of you who love truth.

    • Reply by eve04 on 2017-11-22 16:32:00

      Your comments on this article are truly how I feel. I continue to pray for all who have joined this site. This organization is horrible.

      • Reply by Devora on 2017-11-22 17:02:18

        Amen..Amen to All these expressions...

    • Reply by Warp Speed on 2017-11-22 17:43:17

      Hi Martha,

      It sounds like my wife and I are at about the same point as you are now. Our planned "gradual fade" is getting to be enormously painful really quickly. What a dilemma, stick to the plan or just be done with the Org for good?

      Stay strong Martha,


      • Reply by MarthaMartha on 2017-11-23 04:54:43

        Thanks WS I will try to stay strong. ?
        I have to say, your name warp speed doesn't give the impression of a gradual fade. It sounds more like Captain Kirk in the Enterprise saying " warp speed factor 8" and whoosh.... They're gone.
        As for me.... Scottie is shouting " she canna take no more Captain!"
        She always does though, doesn't she.
        Thanks all of you for your encouraging thoughts. It's so good to have company in this battle.

        • Reply by Devora on 2017-11-23 08:09:14

          MM,we appreciate and need healthy humor!I was in a group of girls in highschool who pretended we were the Star Trek crew,I was Bones,we had lol innocent fun...but Today's JW's(the'in'ones)?I remarked to some,a few years ago,"did you notice there's very little humor among us anymore?",they'd reply something like,'well we live in tough times',it kept getting grim; less of true happiness..a lot of repression and controls makes the subjected,beaten ones'hunker down'.Lots in this general area started to wear more somber'funeral style'clothes too.(& I've been in 6 halls..observed). Have you others here--who still attend--notice these changes in the flock's persona?(and how can someone become happier..with someone- else "over"you, blocking the way to the Christ?)

          • Reply by MarthaMartha on 2017-11-23 09:30:34

            There's still healthy humour around here with me and my husband. We laugh at each other constantly. ?

            As for in the cong... Everyone seems to be wary of saying something that will expose your "weak spiritual state".
            What a shame.... Jesus showed a healthy sense of humour, and irony! Let's continue to follow his lead. ?

          • Reply by MarthaMartha on 2017-11-23 09:33:25

            Oh yes, we have the dreary dress brigade here too. I feel as though I've stepped into Stepford sometimes. There are a small few of us who manage to dress modestly but at the same time show a joyful spirit and love of colour.
            I will not be made to be grey. Or gray as you say it over the pond. ?

            • Reply by Warp Speed on 2017-11-23 10:33:16

              That's funny. You and Mrs. Warp would get along real well. She too hates all the dreary colors that almost everyone wears! On a different note, rest assured that the "canned" fs demos are just as unrealistic and don't work in the U.S. either.....

        • Reply by Warp Speed on 2017-11-23 10:38:51

          We tried to remain on "impulse engines" only for a short time. Mrs. Warp and I have now engaged the warp drive to get away from the JW World. We have surmised that there's no intelligent life down there........

          • Reply by MarthaMartha on 2017-11-23 12:09:20

            It's life, Jim, but not as we know it.

    • Reply by Leonardo Josephus on 2017-11-23 03:52:15

      Hi Martha
      There must be so many of us who can relate to what you have said. I am still going because I have family still in, although my wife is pretty disillusioned. You say you are dying inside - that is about how it is. I do not feel I am quite dead yet, but what I get out of the meetings is very small, just the occasional item, and I shall be glad when we get onto the new book Jesus, Way and Truth and Life. The Kingdom book has been a real trial, and has just not felt like spiritual food at all. Not to mention the artificial ministry presentations at the beginning of the month (or does that work in the USA ? ).

      • Reply by MarthaMartha on 2017-11-23 04:51:32

        Thanks Leonardo, i know what you mean by the occasional item being useful. I try to view it as though I had to attend a church for a family wedding. Some things said there may be true and if it's in line with the Bible I accept it happily.
        I don't attend the midweek meeting... Just couldn't stomach the innacuracies in the Kingdom book. As for the video presentations.... My word. ? maybe in America, as you say!?
        My husband is also disillusioned and occasionally speaks out about his issues. We'll see what happens as time goes on; we will end up leaving or be kicked out.

        • Reply by lost in space on 2017-11-23 17:39:09

          Dear Warp Speed and Martha,we have been listening to your messages of comfort, counsel for some months, and can identify the plights of both of you. Empathy and anquish waves both wash over and can ride us high or fall flat on our faces with information given to our fellow JW family. Love and kind conscientious sharing of facts, using their own literature should expose the poisoned dark arrows that have shot poison doctrine into the Bibles teaching. Strength to strength

          • Reply by Warp Speed on 2017-11-23 18:39:24

            Hi Lost in Space,

            Thank you for the kind words and thoughts.?
            So nice to have you here on the forum!

          • Reply by MarthaMartha on 2017-11-24 04:14:14

            Thank you, Lost in Space.
            Your kind words are strengthening and comforting.

  • Comment by Filius90 on 2017-11-22 15:32:29

    Excellent coverage. It seems the title of Tina Turners song "Whats Love Got to Do With It" should be the 2018 yearly text.

  • Comment by Maxwell on 2017-11-22 15:48:23

    In sworn testimony before the Australian Royal Commission (ARC) Geoffrey Jackson said the following as quoted directly from the transcript:
    "Now, the Governing Body realises that if
    we were to give some direction that is not in harmony with
    God's word, all of Jehovah's Witnesses worldwide who have
    the Bible would notice that and they would see that it was
    wrong direction."
    To me that means that a JW is under no obligation to obey something that is out of harmony with the Bible. Of course I am not naive. If anyone objects to something as being unscriptural they are immediately branded as an apostate.

  • Comment by Hypatia on 2017-11-22 17:52:42

    I wonder how much of this is due to fear? How many brothers who were elders and bethelites have left over the last couple of decades? What is happening to their numbers in the developed world where their money comes from? They see this so they feel they have to counteract people thinking for themselves and so they start pushing unity at all costs and how all this is Satan's influence. In a way I pity them as they can't see the forest for the trees. They have gone so far down this path they can't figure out how to change ..and they fear change. They have fallen into the trap that more people, more money, more hours must mean success, not the quality of the love we have amongst ourselves.

  • Comment by Thaddeus on 2017-11-22 21:07:44

    Hi Meleti,
    Thank you for the time and work you invest in fine articles such as this.
    You state: "Be obedient” is a mistranslation which is found in almost every Bible translation,..."

    The link you provided to Bible hub, Strongs Concordance, states in the definition of "peitho":
    "3982 (peíthō) involves "obedience, but it is properly the result of (God's) persuasion" (WS, 422)."

    So, admittedly it involves obedience BUT it (being obedient to the elders) is properly the result of God's persuasion.
    What are your thoughts on what "God's persuasion" is or involves? This is an important point since the RESULT of this persuasion is the Congregation being OBEDIENT to those "taking the lead".
    I look forward to your reply.

    • Reply by John of ARC on 2017-11-23 04:38:14

      Thaddeus’ question was directed to Meleti concerning the meaning of Peitho in Heb 13:17, and I felt in inappropriate to “go in between” on a direct question.

      • Reply by MarthaMartha on 2017-11-23 05:13:35

        Oh why??? I was just enjoying it!

      • Reply by Thaddeus on 2017-11-27 00:07:25

        I didn't mean to be asking about the meaning of "Peitho".
        I'm asking what the term "God's persuasion" means and what is involved?

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2017-11-23 08:03:07

      A reasonable question, Thaddeus. I wrote an article on the difference between the two Greek words which are both translated "obey" in key texts in the Bible. You can see it here: To Obey or Not to Obey--That is the Question.

      • Reply by Thaddeus on 2017-11-27 00:07:00

        Thanks for the reference. I didn't see a discussion about what "God's persuasion" is and what it involves. Did I miss it? If not, what are your thoughts on it?
        I hope I'm being clear on what I'm asking.
        Thank you for your reply and I appreciate your time. Time is valuable.

        • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2017-11-27 08:29:45

          Sorry Thaddeus. I missed the point of your question. While Hebrews 13:17 uses a Greek word that means to persuade (not specifically "God's persuasion", but just 'persuasion' or 'urging'), the context focuses on persuading others by the force of God's word. So the writer of Hebrews isn't telling elders to persuade others based on their personal feelings, wants, or desires, but rather to use the power of God's word to persuade them to do what is right.

          So "obey" could also apply as long as the elder is imparting God's instructions and not his own. But the line needs to be strongly drawn and so the writer avoids using the other greek word for obey which requires unconditional (unexamined) obedience.

    • Reply by wild olive on 2017-11-26 23:23:17

      Hi Thaddeus
      What you say is valid if the elders are actually taking a lead , as , in my opinion , JW elders are only following a program , which could still be followed if there where no elders around.
      In fact my first experience with
      " organised worship " was in South Africa at the age of 7, two special pioneer sisters took all the meetings in turn , yet they were not elders or ministerial servants, how would that fit into Paul's counsel?
      Again , in my opinion, worship can't be programmed as prayers can't be programmed. Take a look how meetings were conducted in the 1st century 1 Cor 14 :26 , hardly a schedule, a true elder would need to take the lead in helping all these different things come out rather than following a schedule .

  • Comment by MarthaMartha on 2017-11-23 05:11:52

    I watched the video.
    What I find intriguing is the way once again, a random account in the Hebrew Scriptures, (this time the wandering in the wilderness), is brought up as an example for us of following ' theocratic direction'.

    For one thing.... The cloud and pillar of fire were miraculous representations of Jehovah's direction. You couldn't take issue with that. I don't see any miraculous indication of direction today. Just humans giving endless instructions to humans.

    Second.... Moses was directly appointed by God. He didn't appoint himself after not knowing who he was for almost 100 years. The miracles he performed also left no doubt he had Gods backing. I don't see miracles or direct appointments today. Also the elders and the GB are not Moses. Someone else has that position.

    Third.... The Israelites wandered the wildnerness as a PUNISHMENT for disobedience. How do we relate to that?
    On one hand we're told we are the only true religion; Gods earthly organisation is instructing us; we alone have the truth and evidence of God's blessing.
    But at the same time we're asked to swallow the idea that we are on a wilderness march and should be ready to obey any change of direction whether it sounds crazy or not.
    Since the whole purpose of the cloud and fire was to lead the disobedient Isrealites on a mystery tour until a whole generation died.... It worries me that a brother on JW broadcasting sees us as a correlation to that!
    Mind you, I do sometimes feel as if I've been on a Magical Mystery Tour for the last 60 years. ?

    You have to laugh......

    • Reply by Devora on 2017-11-23 07:59:53

      MM I almost did laugh!at the Bizarro video-if it were not so offcourse; unChristian;tragic.Meliti used the Sword of the Spirit with his God-given power of reasoning--exactly as we are,to cleave these false teachings wide-open for more,hopefully to awaken them..as WO,Eve,you and the others very skillfully present on here),but, on a different note...turkey dinner,anyone?

      • Reply by MarthaMartha on 2017-11-23 09:27:02

        Ha! Sounds delicious!
        Completely by accident, we are having turkey for dinner tonight. Not roast turkey though, and I only realised it was Thanksgiving Day when I heard it on the BBC radio.
        Happy Thursday people.

        • Reply by Warp Speed on 2017-11-23 10:43:39

          If we had a real warp engine we could be at your house for dinner tonight?

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2017-11-23 08:07:02

      "You have to laugh...otherwise, you cry." :)

    • Reply by Thaddeus on 2017-11-26 23:59:15


  • Comment by Robert-6512 on 2017-11-23 07:06:57

    This is a little off topic, but in view of today's date, I wanted to ask readers: How many of you feel that WT's rationale for its objections to having a traditonal Thanksgiving dinner is extremely weak?

    To me, their point seems to be, not that it's "bad" but that by doing anything at all that the world also does, no matter how benign, it must somehow be corrupt. It smacks of creating an artificial difference merely for the sake of being able to brag about and flaunt how different they are. It's a rule that seems needlessly strict and isolationist, with no real spiritual justification or benefit, except to enforce "cooperation" with yet one more WT rule, as the main article here discusses.


    • Reply by John of ARC on 2017-11-23 07:17:16

      Think you are on to something. Think the same applies to e.g. birthdays (at least if you strip out lights on cake) and cheering/saluting with glasses. The link with idolatry on such things are as weak as wedding rings (and non-existing today) and seems to be put in place to prevent JWs to socialize with non-JWs family, colleagues and friends. Imo, part of isolationistic and controll strategi.

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2017-11-23 08:14:04

      I remember an article from long ago (or perhaps it was in a book) where the fringes the Israelites were to wear were used as a comparison for our many prohibitions for celebrating even the most innocuous of holidays (Mother's Day comes to mind.) Jehovah gave the command about the fringes so that it would be clear who was an Israelite and who was not. However, this is another typical/antitypical application which is not found in Scripture. The Israelites were a nation, we are not.

      They had laws, we have principles. These things should be left to the conscience of each one, but then the governing body couldn't be said to govern. The rulers could not rule unless there were rules that the ruled had to obey. So we are told what to do and what to think and conscience is just a word.

    • Reply by Warp Speed on 2017-11-23 10:41:45

      I love turkey...

    • Reply by AndereStimme on 2017-11-28 12:53:30

      Here's a quote from the Awake! about Thanksgiving Day. Notice how it inadvertently undermines the argument for conventions.

      *** g76 11/22 p. 12 A National “Day of Thanks”—The Dream and the Reality ***
      The belief, still held by some, is that observing a ‘thanksgiving day’ is a Bible command, since Jehovah God instituted a harvest festival with the Mosaic law given to the Jews. (Lev. 23:15-17) Actually, all three of Israel’s primary festivals were directly associated with harvests.—Ex. 23:14-17.
      However, with the teachings of Jesus Christ came a new view of the prescribed Jewish celebrations. Just before his death, Jesus commanded but one celebration. He required his followers to memorialize his death. This observance was made all the more outstanding by its being the only one.—Luke 22:19, 20.
      The apostle Paul, in fact, became concerned about Jewish Christians who still were “scrupulously observing days and months and seasons and years.” He remarked: “I fear for you, that somehow I have toiled to no purpose respecting you.” (Gal. 4:10, 11) Why was Paul so concerned? Because, despite his hard work, these former Jews were clinging to religious observances that God no longer desired. They were missing the “spirit” of Christianity.

  • Comment by John of ARC on 2017-11-23 09:41:37

    I think the concept of obedience (as in Heb 13:17) needs to be analyzed alongside legitimacy. If we had to acquiesce to Heb 13:17 on a stand-alone basis, we would all be Catholics, adhering to apostolic succession and the trinity, sitting, waiting wishing for New Light to arrive and fix things. If we compare Heb 13:17 with John 10:3-5, we need to ascertain if those calling on obedience are in unity with Christ. We will know if they (elders, GB) are, if they hold Christ’s commandments and preach his word (on their deeds we will recognize false teachers). As analysis and information on this forum establish, this does not seem to be the case on an organisational-wide basis, although it could on an individual one (one elder reaching out in love to another individual). The lying on November Broadcast (2wit-rule) and in the Canadian Supreme Court on the consequences of shunning are particularly telling, as presented recently by Meleti. Consequently, Jesus will not hold it against us if we need to “flee” from false shepherds to maintain a clean conscience or not losing our minds; cf. Ezekiel 34, and David living with Philistines to save his life. Reading Henry Kissinger’s book World Order, he makes an interesting point on the relationship between use of force and legitimacy. Where legitimacy is limited/non-existent, more force/violence/obedience is required to keep people in check. Where legitimacy is strong, as with Christ, (almost) no force is needed to guide well-intentioned people with law written in their hearts.

    • Reply by Menrov on 2017-11-23 09:42:30

      [ B-2,Verb,G3982, peitho ]
      "to persuade, to win over," in the Passive and Middle Voices, "to be persuaded, to listen to, to obey," is so used with this meaning, in the Middle Voice, e.g., in Acts 5:36-Acts 5:37 (in Acts 5:40, Passive Voice, "they agreed"); Romans 2:8; Galatians 5:7; Hebrews 13:17; James 3:3. The "obedience" suggested is not by submission to authority, but resulting from persuasion

      1) persuade
      1a) to persuade, i.e. to induce one by words to believe
      1b) to make friends of, to win one's favour, gain one's good will, or to seek to win one, strive to please one
      1c) to tranquillise
      1d) to persuade unto i.e. move or induce one to persuasion to do something
      2) be persuaded
      2a) to be persuaded, to suffer one's self to be persuaded; to be induced to believe: to have faith: in a thing
      2a1) to believe
      2a2) to be persuaded of a thing concerning a person
      2b) to listen to, obey, yield to, comply with
      3) to trust, have confidence, be confident

      to convince (by argument, true or false); by analogy, to pacify or conciliate (by other fair means); reflexively or passively, to assent (to evidence or authority), to rely (by inward certainty)

      First 30 of 55 occurrences of G3982 πείθω
      Matthew 27:20
      Matthew 27:43
      Matthew 28:14
      Mark 10:24
      Luke 11:22
      Luke 16:31
      Luke 18:9
      Luke 20:6
      Acts 5:36
      Acts 5:37
      Acts 5:40
      Acts 12:20
      Acts 13:43
      Acts 14:19
      Acts 17:4
      Acts 18:4
      Acts 19:8
      Acts 19:26
      Acts 21:14
      Acts 23:21
      Acts 26:26
      Acts 26:28
      Acts 27:11
      Acts 28:23
      Acts 28:24
      Romans 2:8
      Romans 2:19
      Romans 8:38
      Romans 14:14
      Romans 15:14

      • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2017-11-23 10:48:25

        Thanks Menrov.

  • Comment by Worldling on 2017-11-23 15:53:15

    At the 1:37 or 1:38 mark this guy mentions the 6 governing body committees!!

  • Comment by lost in space on 2017-11-23 16:36:34

    Hi our older brother Meleti,right on target with the expose of the current dynamic among the leaderships within the "B"org.. When our girls were younger, I composed a song for their bedtime. To the tune of "one, little two little indians".Here it is:" When Jehovah looks down to the earth he sees- mummies and daddies and happy families, boys and girls and happy grannies all living together forever . When Jesus rules the Kingdom there will be LOTS of happy families...Jehovah, Jesus and the angels in heaven all living together FOREVER.?? thankyou Meleti for reminding me to sing again! What a God loving family does. ❤❤

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2017-11-24 08:37:32

      Hi Lost in Space. Thank you for sharing that. You're not lost anymore. :)

  • Comment by tyhik on 2017-11-24 03:29:09

    Meleti, thank you for the overview.

    Everything has been told about the content of the video already, so I'll whine about the presentation style, sorry. From the video 45s mark, after listing periodic publications: "Like a gourmet multi coursed meal, these regular provisions from Jehovah's organization not only delight us, but they keep us alive spiritually, energized to move on in our service to Jehovah."

    Am I the only one who feels that the target group of this propaganda is either young children or adults with subaverage intellectual abilities? In addition to the message and the selection of pompous words, the talking style in videos is like that. I'm sure it would irritate my teenager daughter when I'd talk with her like that Joel or, my absolute "favorite", Lett. Add to that the recent proliferation of "simplified editions", the overall lack of real content and constant bashing of higher education and what do we get? Where is the org heading to? To developing countries? Are they assuming that the people's IQ in developing countries is lower or what?

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2017-11-24 08:47:15

      You raise a good question, Tyhik. There is a noticeable dumbing-down of the quality of teaching. Splane's recent monthly broadcast demonstrates the same style, like they were instructing children. It's baffling.

      • Reply by Robert-6512 on 2017-11-24 12:04:50

        Or, maybe not so baffling. The more simplistic the teaching, the less interest and curiosity it engenders. How many people are going to do extended research and look up reference works like interlinear translations, comparison texts and commentaries, when the base material is boring people to tears?

        They want people to be bored. Bored people ask no questions and accept the status quo. They don't *want* to make deeper inquiry; they simply want to breathe a sigh of relief and hurry out of the KH as fast as possible, content that it's finally over. Just like Catholics listening to the mass in Latin. Nobody asks what the Latin means; they just wonder when it will be over.

  • Comment by wild olive on 2017-11-27 21:31:20

    I personally look at these broad casts and wonder what is going on?
    I found the answer in the most unlikely place.
    If ever you get a chance read the book " The Gulag Archipelago " by Alexander Soylnetzen,his experience as a ardent supporter of the soviet regime and then his realisation that all was not well with the leadership, and then his imprisonment and mistreatment by the establishment , is almost a carbon copy of what an awakening JW goes through.
    He speaks about the work and effort he put into as he calls it
    " pushing out the message", he talks about his realisation of the abuses that were been meted out against any " dissenters", then himself thrown into a gulag for trying to tell the leaders how to make changes to policy for the benefit of the people, how to in order to silence him , they put him in the gulag. Of course there is a lot more detail to it than what I've said here, but the essence of what he went through could easily describe what many on this site have been through and are going through right now at the hands of JWorg. Now this really got me thinking . How can it be that a man supporting and then protesting against a political regime, have an almost identical experience to JW who awakens and then finds themselves hated and shunned for nothing more than being truthful? The reason is that any totalitarian regime has built in redundancy, and that redundancy lies directly at how much the leaders can get the proletariat to obey them, once the proles no longer obey ,the power of the leaders evaporates. The leaders knowing this ,will then do anything to hang onto control, doing their best to hide any problems or abuses .This just goes to show that JWorg is not an arrangement that has its origins with Jehovah, it is nothing more than a totalitarian religious regime, and while it has nicely dressed and well spoken people just like Joel Dillinger , The underlying structure is something devoid of any spiritual connection, it's the same as the soviet regime , just the terminology has been changed. So what is going to happen more and more , will be teaching parts like this , that constantly push obedience and unity , and they are going to become more insistent and more manipulative as time goes on, so if your scratching your head in disbelief now , what's on the way will be a lot more extreme.
    The only "cure" for the problem is to relinquish control and let Jesus rule through people's consciences, the GB might just wake up and realise that, that of course will be a miracle of the Holy Spirit , but given the trend and the track record , that's a definite maybe. And just as the Soviet Union had to collapse to reform , the same may have to happen to JWorg.

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2017-11-27 22:33:53


    • Reply by tyhik on 2017-11-28 02:57:03

      Wild Olive, I agree. I was born and grew up in former Soviet Union. Before the big political changes came, I was old enough to learn to live in that society. It was something very similar to what is going on with witnesses. Everybody knows that you can speak freely as long as you speak "right things". Everybody knows the things you must not say out loud. Everybody knows that those doubting or not agreeing should not voice their concerns, but wait for the new and even brighter light from the government. If you don't understand the new light, it's your fault. There are really parallels between soviet and the WT societies, from the government down to the atmosphere in the congregations.

      I remember once when a group of witnesses were talking before a meeting, an older brother said something like: "Communists cheated me. They promised me communism for 50 years and it did not come. Liars." I was very close to saying that yeah, happens, witnesses have promised Armageddon for 100 years already. But my "training" was already good enough so I said nothing. Shame on me. Yeah, there are many, many similarities between the totalitarian and JW societies.

      All this reminds me of a joke from the soviet time, kind of a guideline for life of a soviet person. Would also work for witnesses:
      - Don't think.
      - If you think, don't say it.
      - If you say it, don't write it.
      - If you write it, don't sign it.
      - If you sign it, don't wonder.

      • Reply by wild olive on 2017-11-28 17:51:09

        Thank you for these marvellous confirmations of my observation.
        I guess what Ime trying to say, especially to new ones to this site, is to grasp with both hands the fact that JWorg is not of divine origin, it is unequivocally not Jehovah's arrangement , I personally grappled with this for years, only truly realising in the last 2 years or so , what the above comments confirm.
        It is my personal appeal to all not to waste any , time , emotion or feelings that attach you to the idea of JWorg been " Jehovah's organisation ", it is completely false and not worth any thing from you.
        The only part that is worthwhile are the people in it who need upbuilding and help.

      • Reply by wild olive on 2017-11-29 18:17:40

        Have to ask Tyhik
        Having your experience living in the old Soviet Union, and knowing the similarities with JWorg, why did you become a JW ?

        • Reply by tyhik on 2017-11-30 08:29:05

          @wild olive. The thing is, when you are an unsuspecting newcomer, everything looks nice and smooth and rosy. Serious bible students, morally clean people, everybody is so welcoming. The teeth will come out when you start voicing your doubts. I admit I did not smell the similarity before I started to argue with elders about the doctrine.

          I have never been baptized as a witness. I was only an unbaptized publisher for 1.5 years and then stepped back.

          • Reply by wild olive on 2017-11-30 21:01:53

            Thanks for that Tyhik
            I never thought I would ever say this , but Ime glad you never got baptised as a JW, and you have the good sense to distance yourself from JWorg.
            Interesting how everything is good until you ask the hard questions, shows how shallow JWorg really is, all is sweet as long as you do as your told , nothing like the 1st century brotherhood at all, Jesus never stopped people questioning him, neither did the apostles. I remember back in the early 70s regularly the watchtower study would go overtime by half an hour or more because so much would get discussed , I miss those days . No thinking now or querying anything now , as you said in a comment below " are the articles for people with reduced intelligence " or is their intelligence been reduced on purpose ? Ime inclined to think yes.

            • Reply by tyhik on 2017-12-05 05:19:37

              "... nothing like the 1st century brotherhood at all, Jesus never stopped people questioning him, neither did the apostles."

              Exactly. Sure Jesus did not answer all the questions, but when he denied, the reason was the heart condition of the ones asking. With WT, the problem is not the heart condition of the one asking, but the fact of asking itself.

    • Reply by John of ARC on 2017-11-28 06:03:07

      This is spot on, Wild Olive! Sixsmith’s book on Russian history and Jonathan Glover’s book Humanity tell similar stories; some people being purged in the Soviet and sent to Siberia or executed often still believed in communism and the goodness of Stalin, although Stalin himself had signed their order for exiles or execution. An important read on this subject is G. Orwell’s Prevention of Litterature: http://orwell.ru/library/essays/prevention/english/e_plit

      This essay, is a strong read, and helped me understand the org in a new light.
      Quote from essay: “A totalitarian state is in effect a theocracy, and its ruling caste, in order to keep its position, has to be thought of as infallible. But since, in practice, no one is infallible, it is frequently necessary to rearrange past events in order to show that this or that mistake was not made, or that this or that imaginary triumph actually happened. Then again, every major change in policy demands a corresponding change of doctrine and a revelation of prominent historical figures. This kind of thing happens everywhere, but is clearly likelier to lead to outright falsification in societies where only one opinion is permissible at any given moment. Totalitarianism demands, in fact, the continuous alteration of the past, and in the long run probably demands a disbelief in the very existence of objective truth. ”

      Ps: the pressure to inform elders of wrongdoings (often cutting short speaking f2f beforehand) is quite similar to Soviet system of informing. BTW, it goes against how God considers Joseph, not handing in Mary for mandatory shunning/stoning, cf Mat 1:19.

      • Reply by wild olive on 2017-12-01 04:45:14

        Hi JofA
        I read your link to Orwells article, I can't believe how many similarities there are that Orwell describes, I was totally blown away, you only mentioned two, I stopped counting around 10,and yet he in no way had JWorg in mind when he wrote it. Just goes to show how easily men can corrupt truth if they think they have some kind of divine right .
        Unless the GB gets back in the yoke with Jesus, well the judgement in the bible awaits them , and those who shut down their consciences.

        • Reply by John of ARC on 2017-12-01 09:50:07

          I was really startled reading this essay as well. I also find the parallel between “animal farm” and the purge of Trotsky strikingly similar to what happened with the likes of Ray Franz and Barbara Anderson and Roger Bentley. It is a hard wake-up call to realize that the WT society with its secrecy, cover-ups and star chamber courts have so much in common with a quintessential, totalitarian state. Orwell refers to John Milton’s Areopagitica, a fundamental essay on freedom of speech. As you point out below, WT studies are now always on time with limited/no opportunity for discussion and questions. I wonder wether the book studies were discontinued to prevent open dialogue (yes, I am paranoid). Freedom of speech and transparency are one of the few checks and balances to hold human rulers in a theocracy responsible. IMO, the GB does everything in its power to remove these checks and balances, giving them all power and no accountability for its decisions. I am indeed very concerned on behalf of brothers and sisters who do not see this, and follow the man made rules. Many understand its wrongness, but still go along with the majority (Bolsheviks, if you like). Moral proofing, cognitive dissonance and by-standard effect all come into play.

          • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2017-12-01 13:01:18

            John, I'm sure that is why the Book Study arrangement ended. Small groups operating under the oversight of a single elder are hard to control. Moving the book study into the hall where all the elders are present makes it impossible to start thinking freely without being caught out right away. It's all about control.

            • Reply by wild olive on 2017-12-01 18:04:27

              Yes Meleti have to agree, it was definitely a control measure. I even extended the back of my house to accomodate the group study which I conducted at the time, now I have a big house and no one in it , quite ironic.
              This highlights to me how far we have come from the 1st century, they had the blessing and confirmation of Christ and they met in small "uncontrolled " groups, seems like Jesus knew something about human nature and how easily sectarianism can happen.
              Just as a side thought to this , while it's true that many across Christendom are leaving mainline churches , there is what's known as
              " house churches " coming back hot and strong,I would encourage some research on this phenomenon, seems like people are waking up to
              " organisations".

    • Reply by Leonardo Josephus on 2017-11-28 14:48:47

      Brave and boldly spoken. Far too much truth in what you say for comfort, but good to know there are others here feeling the same.

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