Visions of Zechariah – How They Affect You

– posted by meleti

[From ws10/17 p. 21 –December 11-17]

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“Return to me…and I will return to you.”​—Zec 1:3

According to this article, there are three lessons to learn from the 6th and 7th vision of Zechariah:

  • Do not steal.

  • Do not make vows you cannot keep.

  • Keep wickedness out of God’s house.

Let’s stipulate that we are against stealing, against making vows we cannot keep, and against wickedness, both inside and outside God’s house.

Often, the problem with these articles is not to be found in the core elements, but in the subtlety by which they are given application.

The year 537 B.C.E. was one of rejoicing for Jehovah’s dedicated people. – par. 2

The Israelites were in a covenant relationship with God, but they are never referred to as a dedicated people. So we have to acknowledge that this is an unscriptural distinction.  So why is it used?  We will try to answer that momentarily.

Before we do, let’s tackle the first lesson from Zechariah’s 6th vision.

Do not steal

Every culture would agree that stealing is wrong.  The same can be said for hypocrisy.  It is a particularly repugnant form of lying, so when the person telling you not to steal is himself shown to be a thief, you are bound to feel a bit disgusted.

“Do you, however, the one teaching someone else, not teach yourself? You, the one preaching “Do not steal,” do you steal?” (Ro 2:21)

Let us take an imaginary scenario to illustrate:  Assume that a mortgage broker lends money to a group of people to build a community center, then halfway through the term of the mortgage, he forgives the loan, but he also assumes ownership of the property.  However, he doesn’t come out and tell the owners that he's doing this.  He doesn't get their permission to assume ownership. He just does it.  Impossible you might think, but you don’t know all the facts. This broker has a means to force the group to comply with his wishes.  He claims that a powerful figure with the power of life and death is backing him.  With this power behind him, he pressures the group to make a monthly “voluntary donation” in perpetuity for the same amount they were previously paying in mortgage payments.  Then, when the market is good, he sells the community center and forces the group to go to a different community center for their events, one that is significantly farther away.  However, he continues to expect them to make their same monthly “voluntary donation”, and when they fail to do so, he sends one of his boys around to cajole and threaten them.

Farfetched?  Sadly, no!  This really isn’t an imaginary scenario. In fact, it has been playing out for some time now.  There was a time when the local Kingdom Hall belonged to the congregation.  They had to vote on whether to sell it should that be advisable.  If sold, they determined as a congregation by democratic vote what to do with the money.  Not anymore.  We are getting reports of halls being sold out from under the feet of the local congregation, not only without any consultation, but without even any warning.  One local congregation in my area was informed at a recent Sunday meeting that this was to be their last in the hall; one they'd attended for over thirty years.  The Local Design Committee run by the Branch Office had just up and sold the hall  This was the first official notice given. They now had to travel a substantially longer distance to another town to attend meetings.  And the money from the sale?  It disappears into the coffers of the Organization.  Yet the now-displaced congregation is still expected to keep up their monthly pledge.

All Kingdom halls are now considered to be the property of the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society, and yet all congregations are expected to pass resolutions to pay into the worldwide fund, and if they do not, the Circuit Overseer will put pressure on the Body of Elders to make this happen.

The facts are (1) each of the thousands of halls that existed prior to this arrangement were owned by the local congregation; (2) no congregation was consulted about passing ownership over to the Organization; (3) no congregation was allowed to opt out of this arrangement; (4) halls are being sold without the permission of nor consultation with the local congregation; (5) the money that the congregation has donated to pay for the hall is taken from them without even consulting them; (6) any congregation that refuses to comply  will be disbanded, find its noncompliant elder body removed and its members reassigned to neighboring congregations.

Actually, this qualifies as more than stealing.  It fits the definition of racketeering.

Do not make vows you cannot keep

This is the second lesson learned from the visions of Zechariah, but here’s the thing.  This lesson was for the Israelites among whom swearing an oath was common.  Witnesses are told that “All God’s people need to keep pace with Jehovah’s fast-moving organization.” (km 4/90 p. 4 par. 11)  It would seem that the Governing Body does not follow its own advice.  They are going with old information.  Our Heavenly Father progressively reveals truth and almost 600 years after Zechariah was given his visions, God's Son showed us a higher standard with regard to humans making sworn oaths.

““Again you heard that it was said to those of ancient times: ‘You must not swear without performing, but you must pay your vows to Jehovah.’ 34 However, I say to you: Do not swear at all, neither by heaven, for it is God’s throne; 35 nor by earth, for it is the footstool of his feet; nor by Jerusalem, for it is the city of the great King. 36 Do not swear by your head, since you cannot turn one hair white or black. 37 Just let your word ‘Yes’ mean yes, your ‘No,’ no, for what goes beyond these is from the wicked one.” (Mt 5:33-37)

The “ancient times” our Lord is referring to would be the times of Zechariah and prior to that.  However, for Christians, making a vow is not something God wants us to do.  Jesus says that it is from the devil.

James says the same thing to Christians.

“. . .Above all things, though, my brothers, stop swearing, yes, either by heaven or by earth or by any other oath. But let YOUR Yes mean Yes, and YOUR No, No, so that YOU do not fall under judgment.” (Jas 5:12)

Saying “above all things” really adds emphasis, doesn’t it?  It’s like saying, “if you do nothing else, avoid making vows.”

Given this, how likely is it that Jesus required us to make a “vow of dedication”?  Do you think this is an exception?  That all vows are from the wicked one except a vow of dedication?

Why not have a look for yourself?  See if you can find any scripture that tells Christians to make a sworn oath or vow of dedication to God prior to baptism.  We’re not saying that being dedicated to Jehovah or Jesus is wrong. But making that dedication by swearing an oath is wrong.  So says our Lord Jesus.

This is a point that the Jehovah’s Witnesses do not get.  In fact there is a whole subtitle and six paragraphs in this study devoted to making us feel beholden to God and the Organization because of making this vow.  The real problem with this position is that it makes Christianity into an exercise of pure obedience rather than an expression of love.

For example, when someone on the job or at school flirts with us, do we see this as an opportunity to “take pleasure in [Jehovah’s] ways” by rejecting such advances? (Prov. 23:26) If we live in a divided household, do we ask Jehovah for his help to maintain the Christian personality even when no one else around us is making such an effort? Do we daily approach our loving heavenly Father in prayer, thanking him for bringing us under his rulership and for loving us? Are we making time to read the Bible daily? Did we not, in effect, promise that we would do such things? It is a matter of obedience. – par. 12

All these things we should do because we love our heavenly Father, not because we swore an oath.  We pray because we love to talk with our Father.  We read the Bible because we love to hear his voice.  We don’t do these things because we swore an oath.  What father wants obedience, not out of love, but out of obligation?  It’s repugnant!

Now we can see why paragraph 2 falsely called Israel a “dedicated people”.  The writer wants all Witnesses to view themselves the same way.

(In a rather exquisite bit of irony, this issue of the Watchtower contains an article on page 32 that asks the question: "What Jewish practice caused Jesus to condemn the swearing of oaths?")

Keep wickedness out of God’s house

Jehovah’s Witnesses are taught to view themselves as the modern-day counterpart to Israel of old, what they like to call God’s first earthly organization.  So the vision of the two women with wings carrying wickedness far away to Babylonia is used to encourage Witnesses to remain clean as defined by the Organization, to inform on others, and to shun all who disagree.  Thus they maintain what they view as a spiritual paradise.

Wickedness cannot and will not be allowed to creep into and dwell among Jehovah’s people. After we have been brought into the protective and loving care of God’s clean organization, we have the responsibility to help maintain it. Are we moved to keep our “house” clean? Wickedness in any form does not belong in our spiritual paradise. – par. 18

If this is the case, why are secular and judicial authorities as well as the press in countries like Australia, Britain, Holland, the United States and others saying that Jehovah’s Witnesses protect pedophiles by failing to report them to the “superior authorities”? (Ro 13:1-7)  How does that qualify as a spiritual paradise, one where wickedness has flown far away?

If we say one thing, but practice another, are we not acting as hypocrites?

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  • Comment by lost in space on 2017-12-10 23:27:21

    Sadly, yes GB. Woe to hypocrisy and offspring of vipers. So true once again Meleti.

  • Comment by Leonardo Josephus on 2017-12-11 04:25:31

    The Organisation has, I believe, technically held on to our Halls in the UK for many years. However it is not long since all our new build funds, which had been lent to them for some time, were handed over, in exchange for their promise to carry out the major part of the maintenance, and on the basis that these funds would be used to help build halls where needed and in places where the brothers did not have the funds.
    How much has been done with those funds ?
    Will they keep those promises ? There is already much evidence that when the costs arise, the local congregation will be expected (AKA "given the privilege") of assisting with those expenses.

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2017-12-11 08:08:47

      A local hall had $80,000 earmarked to resurface the parking lot and renovate the hall. They were coerced after repeated C.O. visits to hand it over with the promise that the Local Design Committee would see to the work. Now, some years have passed and the hall is being sold and they are being sent to a different hall in a town miles away.

      • Reply by Psalmbee on 2017-12-11 09:51:02

        Meleti your article on JW jingoism back in July of this year relates very well with this one. I just reread it again. Thank you for your hard work and dedication to defending what is right. (Trooperism, if that's not a word I just coined it and your picture is next to the definition) (Pr 19:20)

      • Reply by Robert-6512 on 2017-12-11 12:17:52

        Matt. 9:36: "On seeing the crowds [Jesus] felt pity for them, because they were skinned and thrown about like sheep without a shepherd."

        WT has taken away Jesus as the shepherd, redeemer and mediator of the R+F, "skins" them by taking their money and KHs, and throws them about by moving them arbitrarily from one KH to another without the slightest care or concern, like they were merely pawns in a bureaucratic chess game.

        Sure hope Jesus has pity on them, because WT clearly does not.

      • Reply by wild olive on 2017-12-11 16:55:27

        Seems like it was always the intention to sell that hall. It could be something that might wake some of the brothers up, it's one thing to contribute small amounts of money over time, but if someone comes along and takes 80 grand off of you in one hit , that might just be a wake up moment for some, get to see the true nature of the beast .

      • Reply by Thaddeus on 2017-12-12 22:46:44

        A member of the LDC was telling me of a very similar experience that happened to a Congregation in Texas. They confiscated their money, sold their Hall and split them up by sending them to 3 different Congregations.

      • Reply by Leonardo Josephus on 2017-12-13 06:01:40

        It is a bit like:-
        Reduce the circuit assemblies.
        Stop using local hired halls
        Send us to the now even more underused assembly halls 2 hours drive away.
        Ask us to pay more to use them than the local hall we had used for years.
        And, of course, some cannot cope with the drive so they do not even go.
        Not to forget the "please help us maintain this lovely place too ". Also, of course, the same long drive away.
        And no refreshments or food provided. Now that would be a miracle !

  • Comment by Psalmbee on 2017-12-11 09:22:33

    They operate just like the oldest profession in the world; Prostitution! You got it, You sell it, You still got it! (Je. 2:20)

  • Comment by katrina on 2017-12-11 09:50:15

    for the love of money is the root of all evil. The WT religion is no better than the others they demonize.

  • Comment by rogerkirkpatrick on 2017-12-11 18:32:54

    This was the basis of a lawsuit filed by Jason Cobb, deleted Presiding Elder of the Menlo Park Congregation. He never expected his lawsuit to go forward, he simply wanted the details placed into the public record. See the following link:

    • Reply by Psalmbee on 2017-12-12 10:35:30

      Ever since the new "lower class" GB took over (1999-2001) it's been nothing but Corporate advantage for them. I just posted a comment about the three new corporations they incorporated a few articles back. These guys are ruthless to say the least. They know their time is short just like Satan. No wonder the "kingdom proclaimers" only search for uneducated prospects. Another thing to be aware of is the difference of being one of Jehovah's Witnesses and being a kingdom proclaimer. If you don't think there is a difference you got another think coming! I didn't read all of what you posted Roger, I didn't have to. I can tell you that the lawsuit is a step in the right direction. If you want to see the WTBTS crumble, start at the top where the corporate crooks are. All these child abuse cases are camouflage to keep the focus off the Brass and their dealings. Mark my words when it does come tumbling down we are gonna find out that they have been in bed with all the governments of the world that would allow them to be. The curtain is slowly raising.

      • Reply by wild olive on 2017-12-12 16:57:28

        Hi Psalmbee
        Your comment highlights something I have been suspicious of for a long time.
        I believe what you say about the top brass in JWorg to be correct , now while I don't have any solid proof , where there is smoke there's fire.
        When it was revealed that JWorg had a connection to the UN , that started me looking closer , and certain patterns emerge. The only reason JWorg quit the UN is because it was called out by a British news paper, otherwise they would still be connected.
        At the moment the world is obsessed with political correctness, it is a form of thought control , its well established that if you control people's speech you also control their thinking. How convenient it it is for corrupt government to have 8 million people who won't say boo to anything wrong that they do, how pleased they must be with the mind set that JWorg has put these 8 million people into, completely compliant , no questions asked , no challenge given , no spine , nothing, totally emasculated.
        Ime sure they would like it kept that way too, it wouldn't surprise me one bit if a deal has been struck with the leaders of this political correctness and the JWorg top brass to further this condition, because for now it works both ways.

        • Reply by Leonardo Josephus on 2017-12-13 04:12:06

          The more you lie, the more harder it is to cover over it. The UN is certainly one case of misleading information. Replies to the Australian and Canada Coummissions/Courts cannot be covered over, for they are on public record. On July 4 2017 discussed a number of cases in the God's Kingdom Rules book, one of which, in paragraph 13 involved a friendly settlement involving Brother Stefanov in Bulgaria in 2001. This friendly settlement was based on a very misleading promise which was publicly reported as follows :-
          "...this deal by Bulgaria is such that when the European human-rights court gave two weeks ago a decision, that the Bulgarian government must register Jehovah's Witnesses, that Jehovah's Witnesses cannot be classified as a destructive sect or religion, so Jehovah's Witnesses do not tell what a particular individual does, so this deal means this, that every individual has a full freedom of conscience to do, and Jehovah's Witnesses do not tell in a centralized way what someone does or does not do. And that's what that deal means."
          How is it possible to not change a doctrine of Jehovah's Witnesses and yet allow each individual freedom to choose the medical treatment he receives, when taking blood transfusions (knowingly) will be subject to judicial action leading (probably) to disfellowshipping or disassociation.
          One wonders what else will surface.

        • Reply by Psalmbee on 2017-12-13 10:55:56

          Hi Wild Olive, your suspicions I must say are correct. The thing is is that the top brass of JW.ORG. is not the top brass of the Corp, that's just the name of their website. The writing committee oversees Jw.Org. Now I know we all use that term when we talk about the organization but that is no where near the top level. They have a very tangled web that's constantly being weaved. Have no doubt, Satan is using his "legal system" to the fullest extent of the Law.

      • Reply by Thaddeus on 2017-12-12 23:22:52

        What do you mean by the new "lower class" gb?

        • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2017-12-13 08:09:27

          If I may interject here.

          Most of the GB members who were around when the Proclaimers book was published (1990) were of the old class. That means they came by their anointing honestly, much as we have. At the time they partook, they didn't believe God had chosen them by some mysterious process. They partook because that is what all Christians were expected to do. All were to consider themselves children of God. Whatever they came to believe in later years, at the time of their baptism, most were partaking because that is what we taught.

          This new group are all from the era of "personal selection", meaning that they have had to believe that God chose them out from among thousands of others. This means they got some unexplained "awareness" that Jehovah was "speaking" to them in some way. Now we know that is not how this happens. So then why did they partake? Did they really hear voices in the night, like these two fellows claim. (See Or is this the result of some form of mental instability? (Are the voices in their head?) Or did they coldly choose to partake, because they recognized it as a requirement if they wanted to ascend the ladder to the top?

          Whatever the case, this new and possibly final crop of Governing Body members all got here based on an erroneous interpretation of Romans 8:16, which seems to be why I'm hearing the term GB 2.0 more and more.

          • Reply by Leonardo Josephus on 2017-12-15 04:14:10

            I read an interesting experience concerning John Wesley (it also seems to have applied to his brother Charles). John recalls being asked, (by a Moravian Pastor) "Does the Spirit of God bear witness with your Spirit that you are a child of God" and "do you know Jesus Christ" and "Do you know that he has saved you". Wesley, although a missionary at the time, could only reply in basic terms, such as "I know he is the saviour of the world, and "I hope he has died to save me".
            Reading on the book related that he received further help from the Moravians, while later experiences led him to the conviction that Christ had taken away his sins and saved him from the law of sin and death.
            It made me wonder if, being so tied down with rules and regulations, and fear, whether we are
            missing something that all Christians should hope to experience.

          • Reply by Thaddeus on 2018-01-02 09:06:01

            I got ya.
            Thanks for the explanation.

        • Reply by Psalmbee on 2017-12-13 10:31:43

          Thaddeus, I don't know how much you know about the ever changing history of the WTBTS. They have changed it so much that it's a study within itself. So to put it real simply the GB that used to be very reclusive handed over power to the Corporate side of the company or should I say it was taken from them. Now what we have is a front and center GB with the Corporation going recluse. A total redesign right in front of everyone's eyes and most didn't see it. To put it another way: P.T. Barnum couldn't hold a candle against the masquerade being put on by the WTBTS. Sorry for the short answer but to explain it fully would take up way to much space.

          • Reply by Thaddeus on 2018-01-02 09:06:25

            Thanks for the explanation.

  • Comment by Thaddeus on 2017-12-12 22:28:26

    "Actually, this qualifies as more than stealing. It fits the definition of racketeering."

    Looks like J.F. Rutherford had one thing right,
    "Religion is a snare & a racket"

  • Comment by kyaecker on 2017-12-16 23:28:51

    Thank you for the commentary on this article. I wonder how Jehovah feels about an organization that steals ones life from them by fostering a belief in a false doctrine? If I had a nickel for every lie and false prophesy...

    • Reply by Psalmbee on 2017-12-17 09:07:03

      Hi Kyaecker, yeah what Jw's try to do is take away what God created everyone with; Individuality. You lose that and you're just a zombie. (Ps 6:9) Also Faith on the march book page 179 2nd paragraph!!

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