Show Concern for the Feelings of Others

– posted by Tadua

“All of you have …. fellow feeling.” – 1 Peter 3:8.

[From ws 3/19 p.14 Study Article 12: May 20-26, 2019]

This week’s study article is a rarity. One for which we can all benefit from the encouragement it contains.

That is, except for Paragraph 15 which appeals to Hebrews 13:17. The NWT (and a number of other Bibles, to be fair) translate this scripture as “Be obedient to those who are taking the lead among you and be submissive,”

The Greek word translated “obey” is “peitho” which means “to persuade, have confidence in”. This would imply to be persuaded or have confidence in someone because of their example and reputation.

The Greek word translated “taking the lead” is “hegeomai” which means “properly, to lead the way (going before as a chief)” . We could also say as a guide. This conveys that the leader is going there first, trail blazing, risking their lives to ensure you are safe to follow them.

Properly, the passage should therefore be translated, “Have confidence in those leading the way”.

The 2001Translation reads similarly “Also, have confidence in those who are taking the lead among you and submit to them, because they’re watching over your lives!”

Note how it is not obligatory in tone, but rather assuring the audience to follow these ones who are setting the example, because these ones know they will have to account for their actions. The onus in this account is on those leading, to do it properly, so that others will be happy to follow.

Sadly, the tone of the NWT and many Bibles is, do as you are told by those in charge of you. Two vastly different messages, I am sure you will agree.

Bear in mind that during his last hours with his disciples, Jesus Christ took the time to emphasize to his disciples that his followers should follow a new commandment: to love one another.

Which understanding of Hebrews 13:17 do you think Jesus Christ would agree with?

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  • Comment by Chet on 2019-05-22 09:54:15

    If we back up 10 verses, there is some good perspective. Hebrews 13:7 9Remember those who led you, who spoke the word of God to you; and considering the result of their conduct, imitate their faith.”

    Some of the elders I’ve known have had tumultuous lives. Many have had children that were a major disappointment to them and I’ve seen some spectacular flame-outs, including one fellow that tried to kill his wife. Others have ended up bitter and cynical after years of serving on numerous committees and endless “shepherding” busywork.

    But then there were the quiet ones; persons of faith that went about their lives without fanfare or prominence. I met some wise people among the Witnesses, many were just average folk going about their lives. One fellow of my acquaintance was the son of a C.O. and he told me years ago that the guys with lots of prominence and impressive field service records tended to burn out. I never forgot that. Some of the most successful Christians I have ever met were quiet people that simply lived as decent and Christian of a life as they were able without seeking organizational prominence.

  • Comment by lost in space on 2019-05-23 04:15:46

    Both Tadua and Chet, very interesting observations!! Thanks.

  • Comment by lost in space on 2019-05-23 04:16:46

    Both Tadua and Chet, very interesting observations. Thanks.

  • Comment by Alithia on 2019-05-24 18:49:39

    I have an illustration of a “beach life saver” that I think embodies and illustrates how we should understand the original words in scripture of “peitho” and “hegeomai”.

    A life guard (In Australia at least) is a voluntary position which has no judicial, police powers, or ability to prosecute for failing to obey their directions of authority. Nevertheless they are greatly respected, appreciated and admired in the role they perform.

    People are happy to obey their directions immediately without question.
    The reason being everybody knows that they are unselfishly “looking over their souls”. In their tower and on the beach they are constantly looking for dangers such as rips, sharks or swimmers who might have gone out of their depth or are otherwise in danger of drowning. Or if an external danger is posed such as a surfer, or boat is straying into the swimming area defined by the flags.

    If a lifeguard using his mega-phone warns swimmers to leave the beach because of a shark sighting people obey instantly. Or if they warn swimmers they are straying outside the swimming flags they obey sheepishly and move over in a safer place. No-one resents being told what to do by the lifeguards! Even though they have no authority over them in the police sense.
    This is because people are convinced, and persuaded by the evidence that it is in their best interest to obey. Because where flags are set up and there are life guards there are no drownings.

    They observe the guards who are fit, strong swimmers, trained in sea rescue, reading the sea, have a vantage view of the environment, and are there for this one reason to ensure the safety of the swimmers and no other reason. They are approachable and easy to speak to.
    They have competitions where their skills are put on display further strengthening the confidence of the public in their directions when given.
    They never tell people for instance to leave the beach for no reason just telling them to trust them, they tell you there is a shark close by or a rip is developing or whatever.

    The Org is not like that. They have demonstrated their incompetence in their role. Huge numbers under their watch weaken, get into trouble spiritually, and "drown" in the sea of doubt, bitter disappointment and atheism! Many become defiant and embittered towards God! They are poor swimmers spiritually speaking themselves, and could not save themselves let alone anyone else in trouble. That is why they refuse a debate or a civil discussion around spiritual matters because their incompetence will be seen. They do not even want to get their toes wet in this scenario!

    They often give no reason for their directions, or they give weak and beggarly reasons. They are demonstrably unfit for their role. They are spiritually weak, untrained, unskilled, and pass on this to the elders they appoint. In this state the elders can do no better than to bark orders and demand obedience because they cannot engender confidence in them by the brothers in the congregations. And they threaten punishment if their directions are not followed promptly and in an unquestioning fashion.

    Fellow feeling, you have one leader only the Christ, Org? I think not.

    Love to all from Alithia.

    • Reply by Psalmbee on 2019-05-25 09:06:55

      Thank you Althia for the illustration. Greatly appreciated!

      (1Jn 3:23)


    • Reply by Chet on 2019-05-25 09:28:25

      I find it telling that many ex Witnesses become agnostic or atheist. That suggests to me that their Org background didn’t really teach them much about God, but taught them that they had to rely on men. When they lost faith in the men taking the lead over them, then there was no faith left. Their fruitage, as an organization, is not positive.

      • Reply by Leonardo Josephus on 2019-05-26 15:37:21

        So true, Chet. When a relative left, she said she had great trouble praying to God. The claim to be God's organisation, and the constant "Jehovah says" , means that we find we have been looking at the wrong place, and have fallen for the idea that the GB are indeed speaking for Jehovah. When we lose the trust in men,we must start all over gain. It is not easy.

  • Comment by Atromitos on 2019-07-08 03:28:49

    Greetings all

    I'm newly awakened after 33 years a JW.

    Been lurking here for about a week, reading and watching.

    I felt compelled to register, so I could thank Tadua for such a wonderfully considered article. Also, Alithia, what a beautiful way to illustrate the real way to take the lead.

    I enjoyed all the comments, and feel refreshed by you all. This is helpful for me as I'm still trying to break free from years of conditioning. When I observe these conversations, your deep research, your love and respect (for even the awkward personalities) I can't feel the condemnation that I'm apparently supposed to feel.

    I still attend meetings, but feel increasingly out of step.

    I will continue to observe and if it is permitted, ask questions?

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