A Journey of Discovery Through Time - Part 3

– posted by Tadua
This third article will conclude establishing the signposts we will need on our “Journey of Discovery through Time”. It covers the time period from the 19th year of Jehoiachin’s exile to the 6th Year of Darius the Persian (Great).

There is then a review of the important signposts that have become visible under “Questions for Reflection (Reasoning from the Scriptures)” in preparation for getting underway and following our route on our “Journey of Discovery through Time” in the fourth article of the series.

Summaries of Relevant Scriptures – After the 19th Year of Jehoiachin’s exile (continued)

bb.  Summary of Daniel 4

Time Period: Middle to latter part of Nebuchadnezzar’s reign? (Reigned 43 Regnal years) After Jerusalem’s final destruction, and the capture of Tyre and Egypt.

Main Points:

  • (1-8) Nebuchadnezzar praises the Most High God and recalls having a dream and asking Daniel to interpret.

  • (9-18) Nebuchadnezzar relates the Dream to Daniel.

  • (19-25) Daniel gives interpretation of the dream of the Luxuriant Tree which is cut down and banded.

  • (26-27) Daniel warns Nebuchadnezzar to repent of his pride, so that the dream does not befall him.

  • (28-33) Nebuchadnezzar does not listen and 1 lunar year later while boasting of his achievements Jehovah strikes him so that he acts as a beast of the field in fulfilment of the dream.

  • (34-37) Nebuchadnezzar is restored to kingship at the end of the days.[i]

cc.   Summary of Daniel 5

Time Period: 16th day, 7th month (Tishri) (of 539 BC approx. October 5th modern calendar) (17th Regnal Year of Nabonidus, 14th Regnal Year of Belshazzar).

Main Points:

  • (1-4) Belshazzar has a feast and uses the golden and silver vessels from Jehovah’s Temple.

  • (5-7) Writing on the wall leads to Belshazzar offering the 3rd place in the kingdom.

  • (8-12) Belshazzar becomes increasingly frightened until the Queen (mother?) suggests calling Daniel.

  • (13-21) Belshazzar repeats promise of reward to Daniel, who reminds him what happened to Nebuchadnezzar.

  • (22-23) Daniel condemns Belshazzar.

  • (24-28) Daniel interprets the writing on the wall.

  • (29) Daniel rewarded.

  • (30-31) Babylon falls that night to Darius the Mede and Belshazzar is killed.

dd.  Summary of Daniel 9

Time Period: 1st year of Darius the Mede (v1)

Main Points:

  • (1-2) 1st Year of Darius the Mede, Daniel discerns when was the end of the 70 years from Jeremiah and events which had taken place. (see Jeremiah 25:12) (Prophecy understood when fulfilled).

  • (3-19) Daniel realises repentance is required to end devastations of Jerusalem. (see 1 Kings 8:46-52[ii], Jeremiah 29:12-29)

  • (20-27) Vision given by angel of 70 weeks prophecy for Jesus arrival.

ee.  Summary of 2 Chronicles 36

Time Period: Death of Josiah to 1st year of Cyrus the Persian (the Great (II))

Main Points:

  • (1-4) Jehoahaz king for 3 months before King of Egypt takes him to Egypt and puts Jehoiakim on throne.

  • (5-8) Jehoiakim wicked in eyes of Jehovah and Nebuchadnezzar comes to remove.

  • (9-10) Jehoiachin made king by the people. Then taken to Babylon by Nebuchadnezzar who makes Zedekiah king.

  • (11-16) Zedekiah acts badly in Jehovah’s eyes and rebels against Nebuchadnezzar. People ignore warnings.

  • (17-19) Jerusalem destroyed by King of Babylon as a result of ignoring warnings.

  • (20-21) Servants of Babylon until Cyrus starts to reign. To fulfil Jehovah’s word by Jeremiah, while desolate paid off Sabbaths (not kept), until completion of 70 years. (to fulfil 70 years)

  • (22-23) To fulfil Jehovah’s word through Jeremiah, Jehovah roused Cyrus to release in his 1st Year. (see 1 Kings 8:46-52[iii], Jeremiah 29:12-29, Daniel 9:3-19)  “22 In 1st year of Cyrus the King of Persia, that Jehovah's word by the mouth of Jeremiah might be accomplished, Jehovah roused the spirit of Cyrus the King of Persia, so that he caused a cry to pass through all his kingdom and also in writing saying.23.This is what Cyrus the King of Persia has said 'All the kingdoms of the earth Jehovah the God of the Heavens has given me, and he himself has commissioned me to build him a house in Jerusalem, which is in Judah. Whoever there is among you of all his people, Jehovah his God be with him. So let him go up.”.

ff.     Summary of Jeremiah 52

Time Period: 1st Year of Zedekiah to 1st Year of Evil-Merodach

Main Points:

  • (1-5) Zedekiah becomes king, rebels against Nebuchadnezzar, leading to siege of Jerusalem from 10th month, Year 9 of Zedekiah (v4) to 11th Year (v5). See Ezekiel 24:1, 2. (10th day, 10th month, 9th year of Jehoiachin exile).[iv]

  • (6-11) Fall of Jerusalem in 4th month 11th year of Zedekiah. Zedekiah’s family killed.

  • (12-16) Burning of Jerusalem and Temple. Most Jews exiled; a few labourers remain with Gedaliah.

  • (17-23) Pillage of remaining Temple objects, (copper basin etc.)

  • (24-27) Execution of High Priest Seraiah and 2nd Priest.

  • (28-30) Various times of exile stated along with number of exiles taken at each exile.

  • (31-34) Release of Jehoiachin in 1st Regnal Year of Evil-Merodach (son of Nebuchadnezzar).

gg.   Summary of Ezra 4

Time Period: (2nd Year Cyrus?) to 2nd Regnal Year Darius the Persian (the Great) (v24)

Main Points:

  • (1-3) Samaritans try to join Jews in rebuilding of Temple and are rejected by Zerubbabel.

  • (4-7) Opposition from Samaritans and others during later part of reign of Cyrus through till Darius of Persia.

  • (8-16) Complaint by opposers to Artaxerxes (Bardiya?)

  • (17-24) Artaxerxes stops the rebuilding of the temple, until 2nd Regnal Year of Darius the Persian.

hh.  Summary of Ezra 5

Time Period: (2nd Year of Darius the Persian (the Great) as per Haggai and Zechariah)

Main Points:

  • (1-5) Haggai and Zechariah start prophesying and encourage rebuilding of Temple. Zerubbabel and Jeshua start its rebuilding.

  • (6-10) Letter to Darius by opposers in attempt to stop the rebuilding.

  • (11-16) Zerubbabel’s letter to Darius to defend actions of the Jews.

  • (17) Darius requests a search in the palace archives, to make judgement.

ii.      Summary of Zechariah 1

Time Period: 2nd Regnal Year of Darius the Great (Persian) (v1)

Main Points:

  • (1-2) Jehovah’s word to Zechariah in 8th month of 2nd Regnal Year of Darius the Persian.

  • (3-6) Jehovah implores the Jews to return to him.

  • (7-11) Vision on 24th day 11th month 2nd Regnal Year of Darius, Angels report no disturbance on the earth.

  • (12) Angel asks: when will Jehovah show mercy to Jerusalem and Judah, which have been denounced for the previous 70 years.

  • (13-15) Jehovah says he wanted to help them, but they put themselves in that predicament because of their continued sinful actions.

  • (16-17) Promises to return to Jerusalem with mercies and see the temple rebuilt.

  • (18-21) Vision of horns.

jj.      Summary of Haggai 1

Time Period: 1st day 6th month 2nd Regnal Year of Darius the Persian. (v1)

Main Points:

  • (1) Jehovah’s word to Haggai on 1st day 6th Month 2nd Regnal Year of Darius the Persian.

  • (2-6) People were saying they did not have time to build Jehovah’s house, yet people have nice panelled houses for themselves.

  • (7-11) Jehovah wants his house built. Jehovah withheld the dew and crop growth because they had not rebuilt the temple.

  • (12-15) Jews motivated to start on 24th day 6 month 2nd Year of Darius.

kk.  Summary of Haggai 2

Time Period: 21st day 7th month 2nd Regnal year of Darius the Persian. (v2 and Chapter 1)

Main Points:

  • (1-3) Haggai asks Jews who saw the house of Jehovah in its former glory and can compare it with the current one.

  • (4-9) Jehovah promises to back them in rebuilding Temple.

  • (10-17) 24th day 9th Jews were not blessed because they were unclean and disobedient.

  • (18-23) Jehovah asks them for a change of heart and he will then bless and protect them.

ll.      Summary of Zechariah 7

Time Period: 4th Year of Darius the Great (Persian) (v1)

Main Points:

  • (1) 4th Day of 9th month of 4th Regnal Year of Darius.

  • (2-7) Priests asked if they should weep and practise abstinence on the 5th month as they had for many years. Jehovah asks that when fasting and weeping in 5th and 7th months for the last 70 years, did they fast for him or for themselves.

  • (8-14) Jehovah reminds them why they were exiled. (14) It was because they would not listen, (13) the land became desolate and an object of astonishment. Verse 8: They are reminded to judge with true justice.

mm.              Zechariah 8:19

Time Period: (4th Regnal Year of Darius the Great based on Chapter 7)

Main Points:

  • Fast of the 4th month (see Jeremiah 52:6) remembering severe famine in Jerusalem.

  • Fast of the 5th month (see Jeremiah 52:12) remembering the fall of Jerusalem.

  • Fast of the 7th month (see 2 Kings 25:25) recalling the murder of Gedaliah and the final clearance of Judah.

  • Fast of the 10th month (see Jeremiah 52:4) remembering the start of the siege of Jerusalem.

nn.  Summary of Ezra 6

Time Period: (2nd) to 6th Regnal Year of Darius the Great (v15)

Main Points:

  • (1-5) Darius issues a new order to rebuild the Temple.

  • (6-12) Opponents given orders not to interfere, but rather help.

  • (13-15) Building of Temple completed by 6th Year of Darius the Great (Persian)

  • (16-22) Festivals and inauguration of the Temple.

Figure 2.4 - From 19th Year Jehoiachin’s Exile to 8th Year Darius the Great.


Key discoveries from a brief review of the Bible Chapter Summaries

Questions for Reflection (by Reasoning on the Scriptures)

These brief review questions are in multiple choice format. The answers are given at the bottom. No cheating!!!

  1. Jeremiah promised certain exiles they would be able to return. In whose reign were they exiled according to Jeremiah 24, Jeremiah 28 and Jeremiah 29?

    1. Reign of Jehoiakim?

    2. Brief reign of Jehoiachin?

    3. 11th Year of Zedekiah and Jerusalem’s Destruction?

  2. The Jews had definitely started to ‘serve Babylon’ by when, according to 2 Kings 24 & Jeremiah 27 & Daniel 1

    1. 4th Year Jehoiakim?

    2. With Jehoiachin’s exile?

    3. 11th Year Zedekiah and Jerusalem’s Destruction?

  3. According to Jeremiah 24, 28 & 29, by when were Jews were already in exile and serving Babylon?

    1. 4th Year Jehoiakim?

    2. With Jehoiachin’s exile?

    3. 11th Year Zedekiah and Jerusalem’s Destruction?

  4. According to Jeremiah 27 and Jeremiah 28 who would have to serve Nebuchadnezzar for 70 years?

    1. Judah only?

    2. Surrounding Nations Only?

    3. Judah and Surrounding Nations?

    4. No-one?

  5. When according to Jeremiah 52 and 2 Kings 25 & 25 were the largest amounts of exiles taken (by a large margin)?

    1. 4th Year Jehoiakim?

    2. With Jehoiachin’s exile?

    3. 11th Year Zedekiah and Jerusalem’s Destruction?

    4. 5 years after 11th Year Zedekiah?

  6. When does Matthew 1:11,12,17 suggest the Deportation started?

    1. 4th Year Jehoiakim?

    2. With Jehoiachin’s exile?

    3. 11th Year Zedekiah and Jerusalem’s Destruction?

  7. When does Ezekiel start the exile according to Ezekiel 1:2, Ezekiel 30:20, Ezekiel 31:1, Ezekiel 32:1,17, Ezekiel 33:21, Ezekiel 40:1, and according to Esther 2:5-6?

    1. 4th Year Jehoiakim?

    2. With Jehoiachin’s exile?

    3. 11th Year Zedekiah and Jerusalem’s Destruction?

  8. When would the 70 years for Babylon be completed according to Jeremiah 25:11-12

    1. Before Babylon’s fall?

    2. With Babylon’s Fall (by Cyrus)?

    3. Some unspecified time after Babylon’s fall?

  9. When was Babylon’s rule ended according to Daniel 5:26-28

    1. Before Babylon’s fall?

    2. With Babylon’s Fall (by Cyrus)?

    3. Some unspecified time after Babylon’s fall?

  10. When would the King of Babylon be called to account according to Jeremiah 25:11-12 and Jeremiah 27:7?

    1. Before 70 years?

    2. On completion of 70 years?

    3. Sometime after 70 years?

  11. Why was Jerusalem’s devastated according to 2 Chronicles 36, Jeremiah 17:19-27, Jeremiah 19:1-15, Jeremiah 38:16-17 (All that apply)?

    1. Ignoring Jehovah’s Laws, doing what was bad?

    2. Because Non-repentant?

    3. Refusing to server Babylon?

    4. To serve Babylon?

  12. What was required before Jerusalem’s devastations could finish according to Deuteronomy 4:25-31, 1 Kings 8:46-52, Jeremiah 29:12-29, Daniel 9:3-19?

    1. Fall of Babylon?

    2. Repentance?

    3. Passing of 70 years?

  13. What was the purpose of the Dream of the Cut Down Tree given to Nebuchadnezzar? (Daniel 4:24-26,30-32,37 & Daniel 5:18-23)

    1. A nice story?

    2. To teach Nebuchadnezzar a lesson in humility?

    3. To create an anti-type for future fulfillment?

    4. Other?

  14. Please read Zechariah 1:1,7 & 12 and Zechariah 7:1-5. When was Zechariah 1:1,12 written? (see Ezra 4:4,5,24)[v]

    1. 1st Year of Cyrus/Darius 539 BCE / 538 BCE?

    2. 11th month, 2nd Year of Darius the Mede? 538 BCE / 537 BCE?

    3. 11th month 2nd Year of Darius the Persian (the Great) 520 BCE?

    4. 9th month 4th Year of Darius the Persian (Great) 518 BCE?

  15. How long had this denunciation been going on? (Zechariah 1)

    1. 50 years

    2. 70 years

    3. 90 years

  16. Why did the angel ask for mercy on Jerusalem and the cities of Judah? (Zechariah 1)

    1. Judah and Jerusalem still under domination of Babylon

    2. Jews still exiled and not yet released from Babylon

    3. Temple not yet rebuilt allowing restoration of true worship

  17. Working back from the answer to (14) with the years from (15) what year do you come to?

    1. 11th month 609 BCE

    2. 9th Month 607 BCE

    3. 11th Month 589 BCE

    4. 9th Month 587 BCE

  18. What major event occurred during the year chosen in (17) (see Jeremiah 52:4 & Jeremiah 39:1)

    1. Main Exile

    2. Nothing

    3. Siege of Jerusalem started

    4. Other

  19. When was Zechariah 7:1,3,5 written (also see Ezra 4:4,5,24)

    1. 1st Year of Cyrus/Darius 539 BCE / 538 BCE?

    2. 11th month, 2nd Year of Darius the Mede? 538 BCE / 537 BCE?

    3. 11th month 2nd Year of Darius the Persian (the Great) 520 BCE?

    4. 9th month 4th Year of Darius the Persian (Great) 518 BCE?

  20. How long had they been fasting in the 5th month and the 7th month? (Zechariah 7)

    1. 50 years

    2. 70 years

    3. 90 years

  21. What restarted in 2nd Year of Darius the Persian according to Ezra 4:24 & Ezra 5:1,2 & Ezra 6:1-8,14,15?

    1. End of Babylon’s Rule

    2. Return from Exile

    3. Rebuilding of the Temple

  22. Working back from the answer to (19) with the years from (20) what year do you come to?

    1. 11th month 609 BCE

    2. 9th Month 607 BCE

    3. 11th Month 589 BCE

    4. 9th Month 587 BCE

  23. What 2 major events occurred during the year chosen in (22) (see Jeremiah 39:2 & Jeremiah 52:12)

    1. Deportation of Jehoiachin

    2. Deportation from Egypt

    3. Destruction of Temple

    4. Murder of Gedaliah

Note: Answers to all multiple-choice questions (1-23) above are the choice(s) that is / are in italics.

Now we have established our signposts and the order in which to follow them and become familiar with the environment we will be travelling through.

We are now fully equipped to move on to make our important discoveries on our “Journey of Discovery through Time” in the fourth article of our series.

A Journey of Discovery through Time – Part 4



[i] Some have argued that the 7 times could be 7 seasons (Babylonians had two seasons, winter, and summer) i.e. 3.5 years but the wording here and referencing Daniel 7:12 ‘for a time and a season’ would more likely indicate ‘a time’ was one year, with a time and a season = 1.5 years.

[ii] 1 Kings 8:46-52. See Part 4, Section 2, “Earlier Prophecies Fulfilled by the events of the Jewish Exile and return”.

[iii] 1 Kings 8:46-52. See Part 4, Section 2, “Earlier Prophecies Fulfilled by the events of the Jewish Exile and return”.

[iv] Year of Jehoiachin exile = Year of Zedekiah until capture of Jerusalem in 11th year Zedekiah.

[v] Approximate Years given based on generally agreed secular and JW dates.

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  • Comment by Theextremebiblicist on 2019-12-05 18:59:45

    Please note that Zechariah 1 and & are references to Darius the Mede, not Darius the I.

    The last deportation occurred in the 23rd year of Nebuchadnezzar II (Jer. 52:30). That is when the 70-year exile began. Thus the Jews were to be in exile up to 74 years after the fall of Jerusalem. Zechariah 1 indicates that 70 years after the destruction of Jerusalem expired in year 2 of Darius the Mede. It was not time for them to be released yet. Gedaliah was killed in year 20 and began to be mourned the following year, 2 years after the fall of Jerusalem. Thus 70 years of mourning in the fifth month for Gedaliah expired in year 4 of Darius the Mede. The jews were clearly still in exile. But they would not come out of exile for another 2 years. Thus Darius I reigned a full six years before Cyrus took over the entire kingdom of the Medes and the Persians. In no way is this a reference to Darius I, the Great. The Jews had long returned by the 2nd year of Darius I.

    Furthermore, the timeline has been corrected so that the 1st of Cyrus correctly falls in 455 BCE. So it is very important that you realize that the VAT4956 was created during the Seleucid Period to "hide in plain sight" references to the original timeline. That is, the VAT4956 is a diary that has over 100 references to year 37 of Nebuchadnezzar II to 568 BCE. That's the date of the revised chronology. But in Line 3 there is a reference that is a day too early. Hermann Hunger thus notes "an error for the 8th." It says the moon was 1 cubit in front of the Rear Foot of the Lion (GIR ar sa UR-A) on the 9th of Nisan. This is considered a scribal error until you consider the second "error" in Line 14. This line is also a day too early as noted by P.V. Neugebauer. Line 14 says the Moon was 1 cubit in front of the Bright Star Behind the Lion's Foot (MUL KUR sa TIL GIR UR-A). Turns out this position is in the same lunar cycle as Line 3, so we know this was by no means a haphazard error but intention. But why would someone want to insert two references to another year at this specific place in the zodiac? For one thing, the Moon passes parallel to these two stars and very close to them, so it is an ideal place to compare precise lunar positions. As noted, an error of 1 day was noted in each line. The year these positions match, though is 511 BCE. Thus it becomes clear why these two 511 BCE references were placed into this text. when 511 BC dates year 37 of Nebuchadnezzar II, year 23 falls in 525 BCE. The 70-year exile would thus end in 455 BCE.

    So this text actually forces us to consider not only that the NB Period was revised but that 511 BCE should date year 37 of Nebuchadnezzar II and not 568 BCE. Per the Bible, 455 BCE must date the 1st of Cyrus.

    REVIEW Zechariah 1 and 7 to determine that the Jews are still in exile.

    What happened was that Xerxes claimed he was his own son and 30 years were added to the reign of his father, Darius I. An attempt was made to make up for these years and so years were removed from the Neo-Babylonian period, but only 26 years could be squeezed out. 2 years were removed from Nebuchadnezzar II, 16 years removed from Evil-Merodach. 2 years removed from Nabonidus, and the entire 6-year rule of Darius the Mede. When this is corrected, Zechariah 1 and 7 make perfect sense. These scriptures establish not only was there a 70-year exile, but that these 70 years did not end until the 5th year of Darius the Mede.

    So assigning Zechariah 1 and Zechariah 7 to Darius the Great is completely incorrect. Thanks for your attention to this matter.

    Additionally, please note that those who were deported in year 23 were the remnant of Jews left over from Nebuchadnezzar's invasion in year 23. The Bible clearly says that a small remnant of those who had "escaped from the sword" would return to Judea (Jer. 44:14,28). Please comment on those two scriptures:

    44:18 "14None of the remnant of Judah who have gone to live in Egypt will escape or survive to return to the land of Judah, to which they long to return and live; none will return except a few fugitives."

    44:28 "28 Yet a small number that escape the sword shall return out of the land of Egypt into the land of Judah, and all the remnant of Judah, that are gone into the land of Egypt to sojourn there, shall know whose words shall stand, mine, or their's."

    Thank you for posting on this topic. Let me know if you need deteails about how to correct the Greek timeline.

  • Comment by Theextremebiblicist on 2019-12-05 19:02:58

    Here is how you simply correct the Greek Period:

    "Doubling the Cube, the most famous of the collection, is often referred to as the Delian problem due to a legend that the Delians had consulted PLATO on the subject. In another form, the story asserts that the Athenians in 430 B.C. consulted the oracle at Delos in the hope to stop the plague ravaging their country. They were advised by Apollo to double his altar that had the form of a cube. As a result of several failed attempts to satisfy the god, the pestilence only worsened and at the end they turned to PLATO for advice."

    Wikipedia: Plato (/ˈpleɪtoʊ/; PLAY-toe[2] Greek: Πλάτων Plátōn, pronounced [plá.tɔːn] in Classical Attic; 428/427 or 424/423 – 348/347 BC) was an Athenian philosopher during the Classical period in Ancient Greece, founder of the Platonist school of thought, and the Academy, the first institution of higher learning in the Western world.



    A famous eclipse seen by Pericles in the Athens harbor in the first year of the Peloponnesian War, which was also the first year of the Olympic cycle, was close enough to totality to create darkness and stars but not close enough for the crescent to disappear. Here's a quote about that:

    "A close study of the NASA Canon of Eclipses, in conjunction with the use of currently available astronomy software, and in comparison with the primary historical records makes it quite clear that the total solar eclipse of January 18, 402 BCE is the only eclipse that can possibly fit all the facts." http://www.adamoh.org/TreeOfLife.wan.io/OTCh/GreekEra/PericlesSolarEclipseOfJanuary18BCE402.htm

    Of course, if we date the PPW to the Summer of 403 BCE, Plato would have been 25 years of age if he was born in 428 BCE. That is, rather than being consulted 2 years before his own birth in 430 BC per the current revised Greek timeline!

    If the PPW actually occurred in 403 BCE, then the 10th year of the war would have occurred in 394 BCE. That is the year a 30-year peace agreement ended. If we assume this was the original 30-year peace agreement entered into at the time of Xerxes' invasion of Greece, then the actual date for that invasion would have been 424 BCE. Per Herodotus, there was a solar eclipse over Persia that occurred in the early Spring of that year. A solar eclipse over Persia did indeed occur in the 1st month of Spring on March 21, 424 BCE. There is no eclipse in 480 BCE when Xerxes' invasion is currently being dated.

    If 424 BCE was actually the original year of Xerxes' invasion, then 10 years earlier would date the Battle of Marathon to 434 BCE. Two Greek sources link the death of Darius with the Battle of Marathon. The Bible says Darius I died in his sixth year (rather than after 36 years as revised Greek history claims), the same year the temple was completed at Jerusalem by his successor, Xerxes, who is called "Artaxerxes" in the Bible. (Ezra 6:14,15) The temple took 21 years to build beginning the 1st of Cyrus; currently dated from 537 to 516 BCE. If we add 21 years to 434 BCE, the 1st of Cyrus would instead correctly fall in 455 BCE.

    434 + 21 = 455 BCE

    455 BCE is when Martin Anstey in 1913 in his "Romance of Bible Chronology" claims the 1st of Cyrus should be dated per strict Bible chronology. He thus asserted that the Persian Period was some 82 years too long (537 vs 455 BCE). A close look at the archaeology from the Persian Period confirms that Darius I only ruled for six years and that Xerxes and Artaxerxes were actually the same king, rather than father and son.

  • Comment by A Journey of Discovery Through Time – Part 2 - Beroean Pickets - JW.org Reviewer on 2020-05-07 13:04:03

    […] Please continue with us in our Journey of Discovery through Time…..  A Journey of Discovery Through Time – Part 3 […]

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