Jehovah's Witnesses or Jesus' Witnesses? Exegetical analysis

A popular Mexican saying goes that "having a good relationship with God, you can put angels aside."

This saying is applied to labor relations to imply that as long as someone has a good relationship with the top managers of the hierarchy, the middle managers can be ignored. However, from a religious point of view, it seems that this principle of ignoring the hierarchy doesn't work, does it? That is, can we go directly to Jehovah while ignoring the Lord Jesus?

The Scriptures seem to contradict each other when it comes to this matter.  On the one hand, we have Jehovah in the Old Testament who defines himself as a jealous God, who demands exclusive devotion; but on the other hand, in the New Testament, we have the same Jehovah who seems to tell us (Does God tell us or command us?) that we should serve the Lord Jesus.

Nowadays, we have a religious movement that boasts of being the only true religion, because by its message, doctrine, structure and even the name, Jehovah's Witnesses, directly identifies them with the only true God. On the other hand, the Scriptures give us a lot of information about the Lord Jesus, his first disciples and the first churches. What happens when we compare the current Jehovah's Witnesses with the first Jesus' Witnesses?

My dear Christian Fellow Brothers and Sisters: it is your turn to translate my research by using Google Translator. My English is not really good and I am sorry.  Please help out by clicking on the following link -----> ¿Testigos de Jehová o Testigos de Jesús? Análisis exegético.  Send the results to my friend, Meleti at

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