Media, Money, Meetings, and Me

– posted by meleti

Hello everyone and thanks for joining me. Today I wanted to talk on four topics: media, money, meetings and me.

Beginning with media, I’m specifically referring to the publication of a new book called Fear to Freedom which was put together by a friend of mine, Jack Grey, who once served as a Jehovah’s Witnesses elder.  His main goal is to help those who are going through the trauma of leaving a high control group such as Jehovah’s Witnesses and facing the inevitable shunning from both family and friends that results from such a cruel and difficult exodus.

Now if you are a regular viewer of this channel, you will know that I don’t often get into the psychology of leaving the Organization. My focus has been on Scripture because I know where my strength lies. God has given each of us gifts to use in his service. There are others, like my aforementioned friend, who have the gift of being supportive of those in need emotionally. and he is doing a far better job of it than I could ever hope to do. He has a Facebook group called: Empowered ex-Jehovah’s Witnesses (Empowered Minds).  I will put a link to that in the description field of this video. There is also a web site which I’ll likewise share in the video description.

Our Beroean Zoom meetings also have group support meetings.  You will find those links in the video description field.  More on meetings later.

For now, back to the book, Fear to Freedom. There are 17 different accounts inside written by men and women. My story is in there as well. The purpose of the book is to assist those trying to get out of the organization with accounts of how others with very different backgrounds all succeeded in doing so.  While most stories are from ex-Jehovah’s Witnesses, not all are. These are stories of triumph.  The challenges I’ve personally contended with are nothing compared to what others in the book have faced. So why is my experience in the book?  I agreed to participate because of a single and sad fact: It seems that the majority of people who leave false religion also leave behind any belief in God.  Having put faith in men, it appears that when that is gone, there is nothing left for them.  Perhaps they fear ever again coming under anyone’s control and can’t see a way to worship God free from that risk.  I don’t know.

I do want people to successfully leave any high control group. In fact, I want people to break free of all organized religion, and beyond that, any group run by men which seeks to control the mind and heart.  Let us not surrender our freedom and become followers of men.

If you think this book will help you, if you’re experiencing confusion and pain and trauma as you wake up from the indoctrination of the organization of Jehovah’s Witnesses, or some other group, then I’m sure there is something in the book to help you.  There are bound to be a number of personal experiences that will resonate with you.

I have shared mine because my goal is to help people not to lose their faith in God, even while they are abandoning faith in men. Men will let you down but God never will. The difficulty lies in distinguishing God’s word from that of men.  That comes as one develops the power of critical thought.

It is my hope that these experiences will help you to find more than just an exit from a bad situation but rather entry into a far better one, an eternal one.

The book is available on Amazon in both hard copy and electronic format, and you can also obtain it by following the link to the “Fear to Freedom” website which I will post in the description of this video.

Now under the second topic, money. Obviously, it took money to produce this book.  I’m currently working on the manuscripts for two books.  The first is an analysis of all the doctrines unique to Jehovah’s Witnesses.  My hope is to provide exJWs with a tool to help family and friends still trapped inside the organization to free themselves from the veil of indoctrination and false teaching spouted by the Governing Body.

The other book which I’m working on is a collaboration with James Penton. It’s an analysis of the doctrine of the Trinity, and we hope it to be a thorough and complete analysis of the teaching.

Now, in the past, I have been criticized by a few individuals for putting a link in these videos to facilitate donations, but people have asked me how they can donate to Beroean Pickets  and so I provided an easy means for them to do so.

I understand the feeling that people have when money is mentioned in connection with any Bible ministry. Unscrupulous men have long used the name of Jesus to enrich themselves. This is nothing new. Jesus criticized the religious leaders of his day who became wealthy at the cost of the poor, the orphans, and the widows. Does this mean it’s wrong to accept any donations?  Is it unscriptural?

No. It is wrong to misuse the funds, of course. They must not be used for purposes other than those for which they were donated. The organization of Jehovah’s Witnesses is under fire for this right now, and let’s face it, they are hardly an exception.  I did a video about the unrighteous riches covering that very topic.

For those who feel that any donations are wicked, I would ask them to meditate on these words from the Apostle Paul who was suffering under false slander.  I’m going to read from The New Testament by William Barclay.  This is from 1 Corinthians 9:3-18:

“To those who want to put me on trial, this is my defence. Have we no right to food and drink at the expense of the Christian community? Have we no right to take a Christian wife with us on our travels, as the other apostles do, including the Lord’s brothers and Cephas? Or, are Barnabas and I the only apostles who are not exempt from having to work for a living? Who ever serves as a soldier at his own expense? Who ever plants a vineyard without eating the grapes? Who ever tends a flock without getting any of its milk? It is not only human authority that I have for speaking like this. Does the law not say the same? For there is a regulation in Moses’ law: ‘You must not muzzle the ox, when it is threshing the grain.’ (That is, the ox must be free to eat what it is threshing.) Is it about oxen that God is concerned? Or, is it not quite clearly with us in mind that he says this? Quite certainly it was written with us in mind, for the ploughman is bound to plough and the thresher to thresh in the expectation of receiving a share of the produce. We sowed the seeds which brought you a harvest of spiritual blessings. Is it too much for us to expect in return to reap some material help from you? If others have the right to make this claim on you, surely we have still more?

But we have never made use of this right. So far from that, we put up with anything, rather than risk doing anything that would hamper the progress of the gospel. Are you not aware that those who performed the sacred ritual of the temple use the temple offerings as food, and that those who serve at the altar share with the altar and the sacrifices which are placed on it? In the same way, the Lord gives instructions that those who preach the gospel should get their living from the gospel. As for myself, I have never claimed any of these rights, nor am I writing now to see that I get them. I would rather die first! No one is going to turn the one claim in which I take pride into an empty boast! If I preach the gospel, I have nothing to be proud of. I can’t help myself. For me it would be heartbreak not to preach the gospel. If I do this because I choose to do it, I would expect to get paid for it. But if I do it because I can do no other, it is the task from God with which I have been entrusted. What pay do I get then? I get the satisfaction of telling the good news without it costing anyone a penny, and of thus refusing to exercise the rights the gospel gives me.” (1 Corinthians 9:3-18 The New Testament by William Barclay)

I knew that asking for donations would cause criticism and for a time I held off doing so. I didn’t want to hamper the work. However, I cannot afford to carry on while funding this work out of my own pocket. Fortunately, the Lord has been kind to me and provides me with enough for my personal expenses without my having to rely on the generosity of others. Thus, I can use the donated funds for purposes directly connected with the gospel. Though I’m not nearly of the calibre of the apostle Paul, I feel an affinity for him because I too feel compelled to carry out this ministry. I could easily kick back and enjoy life and not work seven days a week doing research and producing videos and writing articles and books. I also wouldn’t have to endure all the criticism and barbs aimed at me for publishing information which disagrees with the doctrinal beliefs of a great percentage of the religious population. But truth is truth, and as Paul said, not to preach the gospel would be a heartbreak.  Besides, there is the fulfillment of the Lord’s words and finding many brothers and sisters, fine upstanding Christians, that now make up a far better family than I have ever known is reward as well. (Mark 10:29).

Because of timely donations, I have been able to buy the equipment when needed to produce these videos and maintain the facilities to do so. There has not been a lot of money, but that is okay because there has always been enough. I’m sure that if needs grow, then the funds will grow so that the work can continue. Monetary donations have not been the only support we’ve received.  I would like to take this opportunity to thank those who have offered to help out both by donating their time and skills in translating, editing, proofreading, composing, hosting meetings, maintaining websites, working on video postproduction, sourcing of research and display materials…I could go on, but I think the picture is clear.  These are also donations of a financial nature though not directly,  because time is money and taking one’s time that could be used to earn money is, in fact, a donation of money. So, whether by direct donation or by the contribution of labor, I am very grateful to have so many with whom to share the load.

And now to the third topic, meetings. We hold meetings in English and Spanish at the moment and we hope to branch out into other languages.  These are online meetings held on Zoom.  There is one on Saturday at 8 PM New York City time, 5 PM Pacific time. And if you are on the east coast of Australia, you can join us at 10 AM every Sunday.  Speaking of Sunday meetings, we also have one in Spanish at 10 AM New York City time which would be 9 AM in Bogotá, Colombia, and 11 AM in Argentina.  Then at 12 Noon on Sunday, New York City time, we have another English meeting.  There are other meetings as well throughout the week. The full schedule of all meetings with Zoom links can be found on  I’ll put that link in the video description.

I hope you can join us.  Here’s how they work. These are not the meetings you’re used to in land. In some, there is a topic: someone gives a short discourse, and then others are allowed to ask questions of the speaker. This is healthy because it makes it possible for all to have a part and it keeps the speaker honest, since he or she has to be able to defend their position from Scripture. Then there are meetings of a support nature in which different participants can share their experiences freely in a safe, nonjudgmental environment.

My favourite style of meeting is the Bible reading on Sunday at 12 Noon, New York City time. We start by reading a prearranged chapter from the Bible. The group determines what is to be studied.  Then we open the floor for comments. This is not a Question and Answer session like the Watchtower study, but rather all are encouraged to share whatever interesting point they can glean from the reading.  I find I rarely go to one of these without having learned something new about the Bible and Christian living.

I should inform you that we do allow women to pray at our meetings.  That is not always accepted in many bible study groups and worship services.  I am currently working on a series of videos to explain the Scriptural reasoning behind that decision.

Lastly, I wanted to talk about me.  I have said this before, but it needs to be repeated over and over. My purpose in doing these videos is not to get a following. In fact, if people were to follow me, I’d consider that to be a huge failure; and more than a failure, it would be a betrayal of the commission that has been bestowed upon all of us by our Lord Jesus. We are told to make disciples not of ourselves but of him. I was trapped in a high control religion because I was raised to believe that men older and wiser than myself had it all figured out. I was taught not to think for myself while, paradoxically, believing that I was. I now understand what critical thinking is and realize that it is a skill that one has to work at.

I am going to quote something for you from the New World translation.  I know that people love to diss this translation, but sometimes it hits the spot and I think it does here.

From Proverbs 1:1-4, “The proverbs of Solʹo·mon the son of David, the king of Israel, 2 for one to know wisdom and discipline, to discern the sayings of understanding, 3 to receive the discipline that gives insight, righteousness and judgment and uprightness, 4 to give to the inexperienced ones shrewdness, to a young man knowledge and thinking ability.”

“Thinking ability”! The ability to think specifically the ability to think critically, to analyse and discern and ferret out falsehood and distinguish truth from the lie. These are abilities that is sadly lacking in the world today, and not just within the religious community. The whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one according to 1 John 5:19, and that wicked one is the father of the lie. Today, those who excel at lying, are running the world. It is not much we can do about that, but we can look to ourselves and not be taken in anymore.

We start by submitting ourselves to God.

“The fear of Jehovah is the beginning of knowledge. Wisdom and discipline are what mere fools have despised.” (Proverbs 1:7)

We do not give in to seductive speech.

“My son, if sinners try to seduce you, do not consent.” (Proverbs 1:10)

“When wisdom enters into your heart and knowledge itself becomes pleasant to your very soul, thinking ability itself will keep guard over you, discernment itself will safeguard you, to deliver you from the bad way, from the man speaking perverse things, from those leaving the paths of uprightness to walk in the ways of darkness, from those who are rejoicing in doing bad, who are joyful in the perverse things of badness; those whose paths are crooked and who are devious in their general course” (Proverbs 2:10-15)

When we leave the organization of Jehovah’s Witnesses, we don’t know what to believe. We begin to doubt everything. Some will use that fear to get us to accept false doctrines that we used to reject, like hellfire to cite one example. They will try to brand everything we ever believed as false through association. “If the Watchtower organization teaches it, then it must be wrong,” they reason.

A critical thinker makes no such assumptions. A critical thinker will not reject a teaching simply because of its source. If someone tries to get you to do that, then watch out. They are exploiting your emotions for their own purposes.  A critical thinker, a person who has developed thinking ability and learned to discern fact from fiction, will know that the best way to sell a lie is to wrap it up in the truth. We must learn to discern what is false, and rip it out. But keep the truth.

Liars are very capable of seducing us with false logic. They use logical fallacies that seem convincing if one doesn’t recognize them for what they really are.  I’m going to put a link in the description of this video as well as a card above to another video that provides you with examples of 31 such logical fallacies. Learn them so that you can recognize them when they come up and not be taken in by someone seeking to get you to follow him or her down a wrong path. I am not excluding myself. Examine everything I teach and ensure that it complies with what the Bible actually says. Only our Father through his Christ is loyal and will never deceive us.  Any human, including myself, will fail from time to time. Some do so willingly and wickedly. Others fail unwittingly and often with the best of intentions. Neither situation lets you off the hook. It is up to each of us to develop thinking ability, discernment, insight, and ultimately, wisdom. These are the tools that will protect us from ever again accepting a lie as truth.

Well, that’s all I wanted to talk about for today.  Next Friday, I hope to release a video discussing the judicial procedures of Jehovah’s Witnesses and then to contrast them with the actual judicial process that Christ instituted.  Until then, thank you for watching.

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  • Comment by Jack on 2020-09-13 15:59:55

    Fine video Eric.

    • Reply by Jack on 2020-09-13 18:01:29

      Christ on financial support:

      (Luke 8:1-3) . . .Shortly afterwards he went journeying from city to city and from village to village, preaching and declaring the good news of the kingdom of God. And the twelve were with him, 2 and certain women that had been cured of wicked spirits and sicknesses, Mary the so-called Magʹda·lene, from whom seven demons had come out, 3 and Jo·anʹna the wife of Chuʹza, Herod’s man in charge, and Su·sanʹna and many other women, who were ministiering to them from their belongings.

      (Luke 10:7) . . .So stay in that house, eating and drinking the things they provide, for the worker is worthy of his wages. . .

      Absolutely a worker is due his wages, his support, especially by those who eat his spiritual bread.

      • Reply by Jack on 2020-09-13 18:42:00

        With regard to Media there are many of us who fear buying books or downloading books. We fear joining unapproved zoom meetings. We live in fear of losing our family.

        As for online Meetings, not possible.

        Our son is still in.

        • Reply by Jack on 2020-09-13 19:02:06

          And so my friend, your Beroean Pickets site is extremely valuable.

          • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2020-09-14 12:11:33

            Thank you Jack

  • Comment by Leonardo Josephus on 2020-09-14 11:28:24

    Waking up to the truth is not much different from coming into the truth on the first place.

    Coming in : -
    Something sparks our interest and we start listening
    We realise how those basic truths are indeed true (Jehovah's name, hellfire, state of the dead, the Bible is God's word)
    Our faith in God is restored.
    We start attending meetings, much of which sounds good, although we do not understand it all.
    We take it as read that they are doing their best to teach the truth of the Bible.
    We stop some bad habits and cease to celebrate birthdays and Xmas.
    We accept the teachings on blood.
    We realise this is the truth.
    We start telling others the things we have learned, although we find most of them will barely listen.
    We start sharing in house to house ministry.
    We get baptised.
    We cut off many friendships, viewing them as worldly and not loving Jehovah.
    We carefully read the Society's publications
    We are hooked.

    Coming out
    Something sparks our interest and we start searching (usually the Internet)
    We realise some of the things we were taught are not proven
    We note things at the meetings and publications which do not ring true.
    We question teachings such as 607 BCE (and therefore 1914),  the Organisations disfellowshipping and judicial arrangements, and others, carefully comparing the scriptures.
    We wonder whether the Organisation is really  interested in the truth of the Bible.
    We conclude that this is not the truth.
    Our faith in God is severely affected

    We find others to talk to, whether on line or otherwise, finding that it is nearly impossible to talk to fellow witnesses.
    We seriously cut down the amount of time we share in teh ministry and cut down our financial contributions.
    We note some strange baptism questions  and say that we would not have got baptised if those questions were there when we were baptised.
    We read books by Ray Franz , and any others we can find and realise we are not alone.
    We conclude that so many of the Organisation's teachings  are dogma, inventions of men
    We have found the truth. Jehovah's Witnesses are not the truth.
    Shocked, we wonder, where do i go now. The only friends I have are Witnesses.

    Something like that anyway.

    • Reply by Chet on 2020-09-15 21:03:54

      That about says it, Leonardo Josephus. I was raised knowing “the Truth”, but didn’t get involved until my teens. Fortunately, I was baptized when the baptism identified one as a non-denominational Christian, so I feel somewhat liberated and no need of a formal statement of disassociation.

      The sad thing is, all my friends were Witnesses and, even after 17 years out, I have not come close to replacing all of the friends I lost. As a successful “fader”, I am still accepted by some old JW friends, but the conversations are somewhat limited with far too many areas we have to avoid. Face it, the biggest common interest we had, is no longer held in common. A couple of friends have left and remain my friends to this day, which is the source of much comfort.

      But the process, at least for me, was almost exactly as you describe. I had studied and felt it was the Truth, but I also felt a hesitancy, perhaps because I never felt that my worship was centered, in any way, on a manmade group. What I did feel, is that the JWs were people practicing the “truth” as well as it was humanly possible to know. I felt that the Watchtower was right, with regard to the big things, no trinity, no Hell, no immortal soul, etc. so I felt them to,be trustworthy.

      However, as regards the matters of the Organization, I was always somewhat skeptical. I reluctantly went along with the elders being appointed by Holy Spirit, but I was never completely convinced and from the beginning of the elder arrangement, I could see that some of these men were not trustworthy. Some of these men were not even particularly good people.

      Even in my teens, I could see that some of these men were not particularly well-versed in the scriptures. Just before I was baptized, I paraphrased 1 Cor 15:24-25 “24 Then comes the end, when he delivers the kingdom to God the Father after destroying every rule and every authority and power.  25 For he must reign until he has put all his enemies under his feet.” to our Presiding Overseer and he had no idea what I was talking about. Hardly a minor detail regarding the 1,000 year reign.

      But leaving was not easy. Marriages have ended over this matter. Families have been shredded. Sometimes employment can be affected. Some have ended up so isolated that they eventually took their own lives. This is a huge challenge for anyone to face.

      Yesterday, I saw a YouTube video of an elder being ushered off the platform after he read that salvation came solely from Christ. Rom 10:9, 13 If you search for elder ushered from platform you’ll find it on YouTube. When it comes to today’s JW Organization, the Bible will always be secondary to their doctrine, as published in their literature.

      But that also points up where we need to go, once we leave the Organization: Christ. I am a non-denominational Christian and Christ is my savior.

      • Reply by Psalmbee on 2020-09-17 19:51:41

        Hi Chet,

        You said: 

        Yesterday, I saw a YouTube video of an elder being ushered off the platform after he read that salvation came solely from Christ. Rom 10:9, 13 If you search for elder ushered from platform you’ll find it on YouTube.

        That's fake news brother, the elder in question was actually an apostate!

        Here's the real deal. "Apostate" brother gives biblical talk in Kingdom hall gets removed (Mirror) - YouTube


        • Reply by Psalmbee on 2020-09-19 08:54:07

          The individual that gave the talk is labeled an apostate according to JW standards by the JW's. And as we all know that only makes him an apostate to them and no one else. I posted the video because the one that Chet and that woman posted had a misleading title and I wanted to make sure that anyone that watched knew what was really the case. With all the "disinformation" that is being spread we all need to be very vigilant and uproariously proclaim the accurate facts.


          • Reply by Chet on 2020-09-20 13:42:21

            Thanks for posting that, Psalmbee. This certainly gives a more accurate picture of what happened.

            Frankly, this is one of the most damaging things that could be published about the JW Organization. If this talk had been given at the time I was baptized, in the early ‘70s, it would not have raised even one eyebrow. Nothing he said was wrong from the standpoint of scripture and, from what I can tell, the only thing they could have objected to was the fact that he referred to negative events in the history of the Organization, but they cut his microphone when he stated that salvation comes from Jesus. Obviously, the Organization feels that it knows better and that the Bible is not able to provide the proper understanding.

            Other than some old NWTs I keep for the sake of nostalgia, the only Watchtower literature I have in my home is the book Worldwide Security Under the Prince of Peace. It is on page 10 of this book where they interpret Christ being the mediator between man and God as applying solely to the 144,000. In the case that anyone should ever ask, I have this at the ready to prove from Watchtower literature that the Jehovah’s Witnesses teach that most humans are not saved by Christ. They want us to believe that the salvation of most humans comes from our association with the 144,000, which conveniently enough, are said to be found only among Jehovah’s Witnesses.

            A deeper inquiry into the Organization’s history reveals something referred to as the “Mystery Doctrine”, which infers that the death of members of the Anointed plays a role in the ransom of others. If you care to search for this, be prepared to spend some time. It’s elusive at best, but apparently this thinking has surfaced from time to time in the Witness Organization over the years. I don’t know that it was ever an official teaching, but it has apparently influenced matters within the Organization at times.

            Such thinking, in my humble opinion, defines anti-Christian thinking. Jesus as savior is the keystone teaching of Christianity. Without that teaching, Christianity is rooted in nothing. We might as well be back under the Law of Moses, if we were to accept such a teaching. Coupled with a Memorial observation where most attendees reject the bread and wine, it becomes easy to question the claim of Jehovah’s Witnesses to be practicing Christianity. Jesus commanded all Christians to partake of the bread and wine, but Jehovah’s Witnesses restrict Christianity to 144,000 “anointed”, with everyone else being secondary observers.

    • Reply by Maria on 2020-09-16 04:30:40

      @Leonardus Josephus

      John 6:
      66 After this many of his disciples turned back and no longer walked with him. 67 So Jesus said to the twelve, “Do you want to go away as well?”
      68 Simon Peter answered him, “LORD, TO WHOM SHALL WE GO?” You have the words of eternal life, 69 and we have believed, and have come to know, that you are the Holy One of God.”


  • Comment by Latecomer20 on 2020-09-14 20:17:55

    I can only imagine how difficult it could be to reach for one's wallet after giving everything to an organization governed by men over perhaps a lifetime. I consider myself lucky as I almost came running back to 'the truth' very recently after pulling the eject lever some 30 years ago. I never got as far as baptism before walking away back then. A timely book from the public library (Millions Now Living Will Never Die by Allan Rogerson) and tactful questions about my beliefs from a co-worker, a former self exiled travelling Pentacostal minister from Trinadad. These alternative views exposed enough cracks in my indoctrination, that I stopped studying. I didn't stop believing that there was an almighty God and that Jesus was his son, which I thank the JWs for. I came from a non-religious household, a lot of bookworms, except me. In the words of Chancy Gardner in the film Being There, 'I like to watch'. Anyway, I still prayed occasionally and wouldn't you know it, I was praying to God asking if Iwas on the right path and the next morning my phone rang which I rarely answer and a young JW girl recommends me to check out the organization's website. I left her with a question she couldn't answer but said she would look into and get back to me the following week. I explained that when I studied with the Witnesses, were were taught the generation that saw 1914 would by no means pass away etc. The following week the young JW put an elder on the line, which I expected and though appropriate, and he explained the overlapping generations understanding, which I must admit, sounded plausible as I could relate it the fact my own father was born in 1913 (now dead) and I could get my teeth into that I could be considered his contemporary. Long story short, I started a Bible study with this elder, very likable guy, and also ordered a copy of Raymond Franz's Crisis of Conscience (5th edition) and started looking at YouTube and that's where I stumbled on Beroean Pickets YouTube videos. I've gotten so much out of the Mathew and Lost Sheep series and so many more text entries and videos. This website has changed my life. I was so close to blindly walking back into a Kingdom Hall (after the pandemic of course) and throwing my lot in with the witnesses and work my way to baptism. For a while there, it looked like the world was coming to its foretold end. I,m learning so much from Eric and all the contributors on BP, I can't begin to thank them. I'm so glad that the 'work' isn't going from door to door preaching the good news, that was never going to sit well with me. But what I can do is contribute to the site on a monthly basis. $50 US for now, see how that goes. I'm still working. If I can shoot a little more to this vital work, I will. I'm not rolling in dough but I feel it's something I can do to show my appreciation for not getting sucked back into to a misguided belief system. Mikey of Kim & Mikey (ExJW YouTube darlings or not) held up a funny quote attributed to Frank Zappa in one of their recent videos: "The only difference between a cult and a religion is how much real estate they own." Thanks for letting me ramble. I appreciate what you all are doing on this site. Hang in there!

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2020-09-14 21:40:09

      Thanks, Latecomer20. Good to have you with us.

    • Reply by Chet on 2020-09-15 21:12:30

      This pandemic has certainly been convenient to the JW’s narrative. I believe that significant things are happening around us, but that does not mean that I believe this is “the End”. No one knows, and we are all going to be surprised when eventually Christ returns. I’d be fine with tomorrow, but the Father hasn’t ask my advice on the matter, so I’m not holding my breath.

      It’s good to make your acquaintance.

    • Reply by Jack on 2020-09-15 22:46:36

      Thanks for the post.

      The Watchtower taught us much while we were in and now even more while out.

      Perhaps the scripture can also apply to us, "Out of Egypt I called my son," because we have learned much after leaving. Much about the folly of following men who put themselves in God's place.

      This hard earned truth is worth all the pain of leaving.

      Because Christ waits for us and we for him.

  • Comment by Zeek on 2020-09-24 18:14:44

    Listening to Jack Grey's interview which is linked to his new (book's) site:
    & It seems quite shockingly clear that he's now a HUMANIST AGNOSTIC without faith any more in the gospel of Jesus Christ.
    In that interview he says he does NOT believe in everlasting perfect life from God, but rather glorifies humanity's accomplishments!
    Why would Eric PARTICIPATE with such a HUMANIST (ANTICHRIST) author's work?

    • Reply by Zeek on 2020-09-24 19:49:55

      Upon reflection it could be to be 1 of the few (or perhaps sole?) still-Christian voice(s) in Grey's book, to give a Witness for Christ (especially for JW's on the verge of losing faith in the God & Christ)?

      Eric, could your chapter (of "Fear to Freedom") please be available to us here to read (on Beroeans, or on Faithlife perhaps)?

  • Comment by Mm on 2020-09-16 07:33:41

    Hi, I am italian and i am using google translate. I wanted to report that the following link does not work and it is not possible to read the related article:
    I didn't know where else to report it, sorry if it's the wrong place. I wanted to congratulate Eric and everyone else on what they do. God bless you

    • Reply by Jack on 2020-09-17 21:15:49


      That article was closed to comments when it was up. Not sure why it can no longer be read.

      God bless you also.

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2020-09-17 21:21:36

      I had to delete the original article and video due to a unsychronized sound track, then replaced it with a new article and video.

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Hello everyone.In the previous video, we learned that the view Jehovah’s Witnesses, Seventh-day Adventists, and other apocalyptic religions have concerning the great tribulation is false. Those religions need their…

When I first started to study the Bible for myself, I was like a man who is trying to walk while shackled to a heavy weight.  I had studied the Bible all my life through the lens of Watchtower publications. Now I…

  Jehovah’s Witnesses claim that “the “great crowd” of other sheep will survive the great tribulation and enter into God’s new world.” (ws14 1/15 p. 31 par. 18)In this video, we’re going to prove that the “great…

This is the third video in our series in which we compare the message of the Good News that Jesus preached with what the publications of Jehovah’s Witnesses teach.At the close of the last video, we saw that there…

Jesus referred to his message as “the good news”. Not just good news, but the good news! It is news so good that it surpasses any other news.  Why? Because it promises escape from all our enemies,…