Understanding Headship in the Congregation

– posted by meleti

[w21/02 Article 7: April 19-25]

[From the WT article]
What is the role of sisters in the congregation? Is every brother the head of every sister? Do elders and family heads have the same type of authority? In this article, we will consider these questions in the light of examples found in God’s Word.

Now bear in mind that the theme of the article is "Headship in the Congregation".   So before getting underway, ask yourself if you can find any scripture that refers to congregation elders in any role that is a headship role?

Okay, with that in mind, let us begin.

Referring to the role of women in the congregation, paragraph 3 states, "We can deepen our appreciation for them by considering the way that Jehovah and Jesus view them."  Great words, but does the organization truly consider and view women as Jehovah and Jesus do?  And why do they always have to say "Jehovah and Jesus".  To say, "this is how Jesus views women" is to say, "this is how Jehovah views women." There is no need for the redundancy unless one wishes to draw attention away from Jesus' godly appointed role.

After listing the true value of sisters within the congregation arrangement in paragraphs 4 thru 6, the article concludes, "As the preceding paragraphs show, there is no Scriptural basis for thinking that sisters are inferior to brothers."

Again, great words.  The organization is great in honoring women in word, but not in deed.  As proof, consider that this series of three articles which is based on 1 Corinthians 11:3 makes no reference to the equality afforded women in both praying and teaching the congregation which is revealed just two verses farther on.  1 Corinthians 11:5 we reads, ". . .but every woman who prays or prophesies with her head uncovered shames her head. . .”  First century women both prayed and prophesied (sounded fourth the word of God) in the congregation.  Why don't Jehovah's Witnesses allow their women to do the same?

Paragraph 9 states, "It is true, however, that Jehovah has appointed men to take the lead in teaching and worship in the congregation, and he has not given women that same authority." (1 Tim. 2:12)

At a superficial reading it would appear that Paul in writing to Timothy is contradicting his own words written to the Corinthians.  Of course, that cannot be, yet the organization makes no attempt to explain the apparent contradiction.  To understand what Paul meant in writing to Timothy, see this article: The Role of Women in the Christian Congregation (Part 5): Does Paul Teach Women are Inferior to Men?

In carefully worded prose, the article is trying to find scriptural support for the authority which the Organization confers on elders.

"For example, Jehovah wants family members to obey the head of the family. (Col. 3:20) And he wants those in the congregation to obey the elders. Jehovah expects both family heads and elders to make sure that those under their care are spiritually healthy. Both also care for the emotional needs of those under their authority. And like good family heads, elders make sure that those under their care receive help in times of crisis." (par. 11)

Notice how family heads and congregation elders are put on the same level.  Yet, elders are not mentioned in the headship hierarchy  found at 1 Corinthians 11:3.  Yet, the Organization gives them an enormous level of authority, way beyond any authority the Bible confirms on such men.  For example, there is no command to obey the elders.  Hebrews 13:17 is translated "be obedient to those who are taking the lead among you..." but the word, peithó, in Greek does not translate as obey, but rather as "trust", or "be persuaded".  That is a significant difference, isn't it?

Paragraph 11 closes with the admonition "not to go beyond things that are written".  Then immediately, in paragraph 12, that is exactly what they do by stating erroneously that "Jehovah has assigned the elders to act as judges, and given them the responsibility of removing unrepentant sinners from the congregation.—1 Cor. 5:11-13." Paul is there addressing the congregation, not the elders.  He wouldn't contradict the direction from Jesus at Matthew 18:15-17 which lays the authority for dealing with unrepentant sinners at the feet of the entire congregation, not a committee of three elders.

Finally, we come to the role of the Governing Body explained to us in a sidebar on page 18.  It starts off telling us that "The members of the Governing Body are not masters over the faith of their brothers and sisters."  Really?!  Again, great words which do not match the reality.  A master tells the slave what he can do and what he cannot do.  A master makes rules.  A master punishes his slaves when they disobey his rules or contradict him.  A cruel master does not allow himself to be admonished by his slaves.  Such a master considers himself above his slaves.  Do not those words fit the reality better?

Any international corporation needs a Governing Body.  But the Body of Christ, the Christian congregation does not.  It is for that reason that there was no first century Governing Body, and why neither the term nor the  concept is found in the Christian Scriptures.  For more information on this, see this series of articles: Identifying the Faithful Slave – Part 1



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  • Comment by Solla Sollew on 2021-04-19 18:02:33

    This WT study demonstrates how the organisation are masters at gaslighting by publishing words that contradict its real world actions.

  • Comment by Leonardo Josephus on 2021-04-20 03:21:29

    Fair point Eric on paragraph 3 - Jehovah and Jesus. I have done it myself. And it indicates uncertainty as to who we are obeying. Either they are trying to make a point that they are including Jesus (when most of the time he is not given the respect he deserves), or they are trying to undermine Jesus authority by saying, in effect, we teach what Jesus taught but it is really from Jehovah. Better to simply say that this is what God's word says.

    • Reply by Ad_Lang on 2021-04-20 18:31:35

      I agree: it would be just right to say "Jesus" here, as every individual belongs to him and he is the head of every individual in the congregation. Another one of many consequences of the apparent obsession with giving directions, telling others what to do. This seems quite a common theme in the Watchtowers nowadays.

      The reality they cannot bear: Jesus is the only one to give us directions, and he only gave such authority to a limited number of his disciples, 13 apostles. These have written letters contained in the Bible. These are all the directions we need. Until Jesus' return, this is what we'll have to work with. To do so and be content with it, that is what it means to have faith in Jesus. Those who seek more direction simply lack such faith.

      A bit like the manna when the Israelites were roaming in the desert.

  • Comment by marielle on 2021-04-20 08:52:11

    - Cet article laisse entendre à juste raison, que l’assemblée, le corps de Christ, selon
    Éphésiens 5 : 23 « ...le Christ est chef de l’assemblée+, son corps, dont il est le sauveur »

    Est l’ensemble des assemblées JW dont Christ est le Sauveur.

    Mais ce sujet précis du corps de Christ, mis en apposition de l’assemblée, n’est pas abordé.

    Nous ne pouvons pourtant pas dissocier l’assemblée, du corps de Christ !

    Ce lien, n’était pas fait non plus, dans la
    TG août 2020 p 20
    Au sujet de
    I Corinthiens 12 : 12,27
    Désormais appliqués à l’assemblée des JW avec tous ses membres.
    I Cor. 12 : 12
    « Tout comme le corps est un alors qu’il a beaucoup de membres et que TOUS les membres, bien que nombreux, forment UN SEUL CORPS, AINSI ÉGALEMENT EST LE CHRIST »

    Verset 27
    « Or vous êtes le corps du Christ+, et chacun de vous, pris individuellement, en est un membre ».

    Ce lien avec le corps de Christ était fait quand ces versets concernaient les oints, mais devient absent du raisonnement quand ils élargissent leur interprétation, et parlent de l’assemblée.
    Ou bien ce corps, n’est envisagé que sous l’angle de l’unité.

    Pourquoi le sujet du seul corps de Christ n’est-il pas abordé ?

    Parce que nous devrions participer au pain de Christ, qui est son corps.
    I Corinthiens 10 : 17.

    Ils font encore comme s’il y avait deux corps.
    1) Christ et les 144 000 oints.
    2) Christ et les assemblées JW. Parfois l’organisation comme dans la dernière vidéo d’Izak Marais.

  • Comment by James Mansoor on 2021-04-23 20:25:45

    Hi Meleti

    Paragraph 17 really shocked me because there’s no mention about the head of the congregation.

    If the husband is supposed to be the head of his wife, then who is the head of the congregation?

    If the wife has a problem who does she approach her husband or his father? When there is a problem in the congregation who should they be approaching and asking for help Jehovah or Jesus who is the head of the congregation?

    I have been reading your posts for a long time.

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2021-04-24 07:33:34

      You make an excellent point James.

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