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Part 1 Why Important? An Overview Introduction When one speaks of the Bible book of Genesis to family, friends, relatives, workmates, or acquaintances, one soon realizes that it is a highly…
“Continue in the things that you learned and were persuaded to believe.”​ – 2 Timothy 3:14  [Study 28 from ws 7/20 p.8 September 7 – September 13] Preview.  This article will help us to appreciate…
- Daniel 8:1-27 Introduction This revisiting of the account in Daniel 8:1-27 of another vision given to Daniel, was prompted by the examination of Daniel 11 and 12 about the King of the North and…
“I tell everyone there among you not to think more of himself than it is necessary to think, but to think so as to have a sound mind.” – Romans 12:3  [Study 27 from ws 07/20 p.2 August 31 – September…
Daniel 7:1-28 Introduction This revisiting of the account in Daniel 7:1-28 of Daniel’s dream, was prompted by the examination of Daniel 11 and 12 about the King of the North and the King of the South…
[From ws 06/20 p.24 – August 24 – August 30] “Return to me, and I will return to you.” – MAL 3:7   “From the days of your forefathers you have turned aside from my regulations and have not kept…
[embed][/embed] Eric: Hello, my name is Eric Wilson. The video you are about to see was recorded several weeks ago, but due to illness, I was not able to complete it…
Examining Daniel 2:31-45 Introduction This revisiting of the account in Daniel 2:31-45 of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream of an Image, was prompted by the examination of Daniel 11 and 12 about the King of the…
“I myself will search for my sheep, and I will care for them.” – Ezekiel 34:11  [Study 25 from ws 06/20 p.18 August 17 – August 23, 2020] This article is based on the premise that the congregation of…
Which has the World’s Largest, Most Efficient, AI Computer Code Between You and Deep Blue[i], you may be wondering who has the best AI computer code. The answer, even if you rarely use or like…
[embed][/embed] When we speak of re-establishing the Christian Congregation, we are not speaking of setting up a new religion.  Quite the contrary.  We are speaking about…
“Unify my heart to fear your name. I praise you, O Jehovah my God, with all my heart.” – Psalm 86:11-12  [Study 24 from ws 06/20 p.8 August 10 – August 16, 2020] In last week’s review, we pointed out…