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On, one can find the official position of Jehovah’s Witnesses regarding the protection of children.  (This does not rise to the level of a policy paper, something which the leadership of JW.…
[From ws3/18 p. 14 – May 14 – May 20] “Be hospitable to one another without grumbling.” 1 Peter 4:9 ““The end of all things has drawn close,” wrote Peter. Yes, the violent end of the Jewish system of…
Treasures from God’s Word and Digging for Spiritual Gems – “Pick up your Torture Stake and Keep following me” (Mark 7-8) Prepare your Children to follow Christ This is a short meeting item to try and…
[From ws3/18 p. 8 – May 07 – May 13] “Why are you delaying? Rise, get baptized.” Acts 22:16 [Mentions of Jehovah:18,   Jesus:4] In earlier reviews, we recently dealt with this troubling aspect of…
Hello all.  After reading Ava’s experience and being encouraged, I thought I would do the same, in the hope that someone reading my experience may at least see some commonality. I am sure there are…
Treasures from God’s Word and Digging for Spiritual Gems – “Jesus has the power to resurrect our dead loved ones” (Mark 5-6) As there is little to comment on this week and the main subject is "Jesus…
[From ws3/18 p. 3 – April 30 – May 6] “Baptism … is also now saving you.” 1 Peter 3:21 In the first two paragraphs we are treated to another suggested ‘good example’, that of “a young girl” getting…
[embed][/embed] Hello, my name is Eric Wilson. This is the ninth video in our series: Identifying True Worship.  In the introduction, I explained that I had been…
Treasures from God’s Word and Digging for Spiritual Gems – “Healing on the Sabbath.” (Mark 3-4) Two good questions are asked here. Do others view me as being rule-oriented or as being…
[From ws2/18 p. 23 — April 23 - 29] “Keep Walking by Spirit.” Galatians 5:16 The whole problem with the concept of a spiritual person as the Organization defines it can be ascertained from the first…
Treasures from God’s Word and Digging for Spiritual Gems – “Your sins are forgiven.” (Mark 1-2) Mark 2:23-27 What is the principle that Jesus brought out here? In verse 27 he says “The Sabbath came…
For readers of this site who live particularly in Europe, and especially in the UK, the not-so-catchy acronym that is causing a bit of a stir is GDPR. What is GDPR? GDPR stands for General Data…