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Congregation Book Study: Chapter 5, par. 18-21, box on p. 55 Theocratic Ministry School Bible Reading: Exodus 11-14 Jehovah brings the final plague. He could have done this at the start; a really…
[Watchtower study for the week of April 14, 2014 – w14 2/15 p.8] This week’s Watchtower study continues the discussion on the 45th Psalm, focusing on the marriage of the King. We used to have a…
It was just brought to my attention that there is a site out there which looks somewhat like ours.  I won't post the link as it is not the type of site I wish to promote.  The similarity comes down…
I watched a documentary by Ben Stein titled Expelled  which exposed what happens to sincere, open-minded scientists who dared to challenge any aspect of the doctrine of Evolution.  I say doctrine,…
The 2014 memorial is almost upon us. A number of Jehovah’s Witnesses have come to the realization that it is a requirement for all Christians to partake of the memorial emblems in obedience to Jesus…
Congregation Book Study: Chapter 5, par. 9-17 Theocratic Ministry School Bible Reading: Exodus 7-10 I’m curious how the magic practicing priests were able to duplicate the first three plagues. Has…
[Watchtower study for the week of April 7, 2014 – w14 2/15 p.3] This week’s Watchtower study covers the 45th Psalm. It is a beautiful prophetic allegory of our Lord Jesus becoming King. I hope you…
“I tell you the truth, this generation will not pass away until all these things take place.” (Mat. 24:34 NET Bible) At that time Jesus said, "I praise You, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because…
Congregation Book Study: Chapter 5, par. 1-8 This provides just a glimpse of Jehovah’s awesome power. Imagine how big a tennis ball appears to the naked eye when seen across the length of a football…
[Watchtower study for the week of March 31, 2014 – w14 1/15 p.27] The title of this week’s study highlights one of the key problems affecting Jehovah’s Witnesses as a religion from the days of…
In preparing the last post on disfellowshipping, I spent a good deal of time working out how to apply the procedures Jesus gave us at Matthew 18:15-17 based on the rendering of the NWT,[1]…
Congregation Book Study: Chapter 4, par. 19-23, box on p. 45 From paragraph 21: “Jehovah simply has no interest in service performed out of coercion or out of morbid fear of his awesome power. He…