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[This week’s review of the Watchtower study (w13 12/15 p.17) has been provided by one of the forum members following a good deal of research.] It would appear that some feel the calculation the…
Congregation Book Study: Chapter 3, par. 1-10 The theme this week is the holiness of Jehovah.  God is not insecure nor does he need the celestial equivalent of Yes Men chanting up his holiness.  Like…
[This is a review of highlights from this week’s Watchtower study (w13 12/15 p.11).  Please feel free to share your own insights using the Comments feature of the Beroean Pickets Forum.]  …
Congregation Book Study: Chapter 2, par. 21-24 The juice in this week’s Bible study comes from the box on page 24, “Questions for Meditation”.  So let us follow that counsel and meditate on these…
He has told you, O earthling man, what is good. And what is Jehovah asking back from you but to exercise justice and to love kindness and to be modest in walking with your God? – Micah 6:8…
[This is a review of highlights from this week’s Watchtower study. Please feel free to share your own insights using the Comments feature of the Beroean Pickets Forum.]   As I read this week’s study…
Congregation Book Study: Chapter 2, par. 12-20 Paragraph 18 of the study lists what we call the four cardinal attributes of Jehovah. I heard an illustration years ago that helped me to understand how…
[This is a review of highlights from this week’s Watchtower study. Please feel free to share your own insights using the comments feature.] Par. 4-10 – Oh, that the counsel expressed here were the…
Congregation Book Study: Chapter 2, par. 1-11 This week’s theme is “friendship with God”.  James 4:8 is quoted in paragraph 2, “Draw close to God, and he will draw close to you.”  …
Par. 7 – “In giving direction to fellow believers, elders provide encouragement and counsel based either on the Scriptures themselves or on Scriptural principles.”  What is the difference between…
[Please feel free to share any encouraging thoughts you have on this week's study material, or to shed light from the Scriptures on any teachings that may conflict with God's word.] Congregation Book…
While we were studying this in today’s meeting, something jumped out at me that I’d completely missed before.  I couldn’t let it lie; hence, the addendum. Feel free to correct me on this if you see a…