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[This was originally a comment made by Gedalizah.  However, given its nature and the call for additional commenting, I have made it into a post, since this will get more traffic and result in an…
Some have come to question our motivation in sponsoring this forum. In striving for a deeper understanding of important Bible topics, we have often come to be at odds with the established doctrine…
Here's an interesting quote from the book Unbroken Will, page 63: The judge, Dr. Langer, noted this statement [made by brothers Engleitner and Franzmeier] and asked the two Witnesses to answer the…
[This post is by way of an essay, and I would very much appreciate getting feedback from regular readers of this forum to help in better understanding what Isaiah is referring to.] In last week’s…
It astonishes me how easily we can take an idea we have and misappropriate the citing of scriptures to support it.  For instance, in this week’s Watchtower in paragraph 18 we have this statement […
When Jesus shocked the crowds, and apparently his disciples, with his speech about their needing to eat his flesh and drink his blood, only a few remained.  Those few faithful ones hadn’t understood…
This past week’s Watchtower study went to great lengths to show from Scripture that we, men and women both, are steward for the Lord. Par. 3 “…the Scriptures show that all who serve God have a…
John speaking under inspiration says: (1 John 4:1) . . .Beloved ones, do not believe every inspired expression, but test the inspired expressions to see whether they originate with God, because many…
I’ve always understood that the “little flock” referred to in Luke 12:32 represents the 144,000 kingdom heirs. Likewise, I’ve never before questioned that the “other sheep” mentioned in John 10:16…
This week's bible reading caused me to think of a recent post.  From the outline for this circuit assembly part on maintaining "oneness of mind", we had this line of reasoning: “Meditate on the fact…
Jomaix’s comment got me thinking about the pain that elders can cause when they abuse their power.  I don’t pretend to know the situation that Jomaix’s brother is going through, nor am I in a…
This week's Watchtower study from the November 15, 2012 issue is "Forgive One Another Freely".  The final sentence in paragraph 16 reads:  “Hence, what [the judicial committee] decide in such matters…