English Zoom Meetings

We read from a passage of Scripture selected by the group (we choose a Bible book to read through) and then ask all to comment freely, but respectfully. Our goal is to worship in spirit and in truth. (John 4:23, 24) Our Zoom gatherings open and close with music and prayer. Both men and women are encouraged to comment and to pray. To learn more about our meetings, see the Meetings FAQ lower down on this page.

Please see the links above for meetings in other languages.

Saturday Night (Americas) / Sunday Morning (Far East)

Every Saturday @ 8PM, New York time

Next meeting in your time zone: [CONVERT frequency: weekly, day: 6, hour: 20, minutes: 00, timezone: America/New_York]

Hosted by: Bill
The Bible Reading begins at Galatians 4:1

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Sunday Meeting (Americas+Europe)

Every Sunday @ 12 noon, New York time

Next meeting date + time in your time zone: [CONVERT frequency: weekly, day: 0, hour: 12, minutes: 00, timezone: America/New_York]

Hosted by: Corey W.
The Bible Reading starts at John 17:6

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Wednesday Meeting (Far East)

Every Wednesday @ 7PM, Sydney, Australia time

Next meeting date + time in your time zone: [CONVERT frequency: weekly, day: 3, hour: 19, minutes: 00, timezone: Australia/Sydney]

Hosted by: Serena
Reading: From Luke 24:1

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Meeting times may sometimes change, and Daylight Saving Time also effects meeting times. Remember that North America enters and leaves daylight saving time on different dates than other parts of the world.

Meetings FAQ

What are your meetings for?

We gather with fellow Bible-believers to read Bible passages and share our comments. We also pray together, listen to upbuilding music, share experiences, and just chat.

What is the format of your meetings?

The meeting is moderated by a different person each week who directs the meeting and keeps order.

  • The meeting opens by listening to an upbuilding music video, followed by an opening prayer (or two).
  • Next, a portion of the Bible is read, then participants use Zoom’s “raise hand” feature to give their comments on the passage, or to ask others for their view on a particular question. Meetings are not to debate doctrine, but merely to share viewpoints and to learn from one another. This continues for about 60 minutes.
  • Finally, we end with another music video and a final prayer (or two). Many people stay around afterwards to chat, while others just hang around to listen.
  • Note that in our meetings, just like in the 1st century, Christian women are welcome to offer prayers and act as meeting moderators. So please do not be shocked. Also, we do not consider that those who share their prayers with the group are representing the group in prayer, but rather are simply sharing their worship of our Heavenly Father. 

Once a month, the English groups also celebrate the Lord’s Evening Meal (on the first Sunday of each month) by partaking of the emblems of bread and wine. Other language groups may have a different schedule.

How long do meetings last?

They last an hour but people are free to stay afterwards to encourage one another. 

Which Bible translation do you use?

We use many different translations. You may use any one you wish!

Many of us use BibleHub.com because we can easily switch to the same translation as the Bible reader and the Interlinear translation is also easily available.


Do I have to put my camera on?


Do I have to participate, or may I just listen?

You are welcome to just listen.

Is it safe?

If you are concerned about anonymity, use a false name and keep your camera off. We do not record our meetings, but since anyone can turn up, there’s always a risk that a viewer may be recording it in some manner.


Whom may attend?

Anyone is welcome to attend as long as they behave well and respect others and their views.

What sort of people attend?

Generally the participants are current or former Jehovah’s Witnesses, but some have no connection to the Witnesses at all. The participants are generally non-trinitarian Bible-believing Christians who also do not believe in hellfire nor in the immortal soul. 

How many people attend?

Numbers vary depending on the meeting. The largest meeting is the Sunday 12 noon (New York time) meeting which usually has more than 100 attendees. About half show their faces.

The Lord’s Evening Meal

When do you celebrate the Lord’s Evening Meal?

On the first Sunday of each month. Some zoom groups may choose a different schedule.

Do you celebrate on Nisan 14?

This has varied over the years.

When you celebrate the Lord’s Evening Meal, must I partake of the emblems?

It is entirely up to you. You’re welcome to just observe, but we recommend that participants in the Lord's Supper be baptized in the name of Jesus according to the Bible book of "Acts of the Apostles."

What emblems do you use? Red wine? Unleavened bread?

Most participants use red wine and unleavened bread, although some use Passover matzo crackers in place of bread. If the Bible writers did not think it important to specify what type of wine or bread should be used, then it is inappropriate for us to dictate strict rules.


Is Eric Wilson your pastor or leader?

No. Although Eric owns the Zoom account and fronts our YouTube channels, he is not our leader or pastor. Our meetings are hosted by various regular participants on a schedule. All strive to a oneness of mind based not on religious dogma, but on an exegetical understanding of Scripture as guided by holy spirit. Some regulars also attend other Bible study groups.

Jesus said:

“And you should not be called ‘Master [Leader; Teacher; Instructor]’ because you have only one Master [Leader; Teacher; Instructor], the Christ.” –Matthew 23:10

How are decisions made?

When needed, attendees discuss how to arrange things and make decisions collectively.

Are you a denomination?


Do I have to join or become a member?

No. We have no list of members.

What languages are meetings held in?

We currently host meetings in the languages listed below. If you would like to express interest in meetings in other languages, please contact us.