W12 3/15 p. 12, par. 9 - Does perfection imply superior discernment?

– posted by meleti
The article stated: “Being perfect, he [Jesus] could discern the unspoken indignation of a Pharisee, the sincere repentance of a sinful woman, and the self-sacrificing attitude of a widow….  However, a servant of God does not have to be perfect to be a good observer.”  We seem to be stating that being perfect would grant one superior wisdom and discernment.  What is the basis for making such a statement? If being perfect grants one wisdom and discernment, then why was perfect Eve so easily deceived?

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  • Comment by Apollos on 2012-05-07 10:50:36

    Yes, I noticed this one also. The comment was made by one sister "Being perfect, Jesus could read hearts."
    So that's what the end of the 1000 years will be like apparently. It's a fine motivation to work toward purity of thought as well as action, since everyone will know your inner feelings and motivations.
    "I sentence you to be exposed before your peers" [Pink Floyd - The Wall]

  • Comment by junachin on 2012-05-08 18:40:07

    No no no, Apollos, it only works perfect to imperfect. When you're perfect, you can perfectly mask your inner feelings and motivations so that the other perfect person, who is perfectly discerning your inner feelings and motivations, will be perfectly deceived. Like Eve.

  • Comment by Meleti Vivlon on 2012-05-08 20:04:43

    I don't know about the two of you, but I feel so much better knowing that.

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