Avoid Testing Jehovah in Your Heart

– posted by meleti
Something extremely troubling happened yesterday in the Friday sessions of this year’s district convention.
Now, I have been going to district conventions for over 60 years. Most of my better, life-altering decisions—pioneering, serving where the need is greater—have come as a consequence of the spiritual boost one gets from attending a district convention.  Up to the late 1970s, these yearly conventions were exciting things.  They were full of parts on prophecy and were the primary forum for the release of new understandings of Scripture.  Then came the simultaneous release of the Watchtower in all its languages.  From that point onward, it seemed more appropriate that new light should be dispensed to the worldwide brotherhood in its pages rather than from the convention platform.[i]  The district conventions stopped being exciting and became somewhat repetitive.  In the last 30 years, the content hasn’t changed much, and there is now little attention given to the revelation of prophecy.  The development of the Christian personality and adherence to our code of conduct are the dominant themes these days.  There is no great depth of Scriptural study and while some of us older ones miss the ‘good old days’ of deeper study, we are content to benefit from the uplifting atmosphere that develops as a  consequence of three days of immersion in Christian fellowship and spiritual feeding.
It’s like going to the yearly congregation picnic.  Mary brings her homemade coffee cake and Joan, her signature potato salad, and you play the same games and talk about the same things and still you wouldn’t miss it, because it is predictable and comforting and yes, upbuilding.
I’m not saying there have not been welcome improvements at our conventions.  The elimination of long discourses in favor of shorter symposium parts has helped pick up the pace.  The acting in the dramas shows a marked improvement; at least in my part of the world.  Gone are the exaggerated gesticulations that detracted from the theme.  Even the stilted speech patterns that were characteristic of district convention talks have all but disappeared.
Yesterday’s sessions might have been described as a pleasant, if uninspired, orchestral composition, had it not been for the discordant interruption presented by the afternoon part, “Avoid Testing Jehovah in Your Heart”.
I have come away from a district convention feeling many things, but I have never felt troubled. I have never felt disturbed in my spirit.  I will not be able to say that anymore.
The talk dealt with three core issues.
First, it seems that there are those who are tired of the same old spiritual fare and would like a richer menu.  To be fair, I must count myself in among their number.  Meatloaf, week after week, is still nutritious, but it is hard to get excited by it, no matter how good it tastes.
Second, there are those who disagree with some of the Scriptural interpretations which the governing body has published.  Our current position on disfellowshipping was discussed, and although I don’t recall it being specifically mentioned, interpretations like our current stand on the meaning of ‘this generation’ were surely on their mind when compiling this outline.
Finally, there are those who are engaging in Bible study on their own.  Web site study groups were mentioned specifically.
It appears the talk theme is derived from Ps. 78:18,

“And they proceeded to test God in their heart
By asking for something to eat for their soul.”

Early in the part, Jesus words at Luke 11:11 were read: “Indeed, which father is there among YOU who, if his son asks for a fish, will perhaps hand him a serpent instead of a fish?”
Jesus is using this illustration to teach us something about how Jehovah answers our prayers, but the Scripture was misapplied to the dispensation of new light from the faithful slave class.  We were told that thinking that the governing body[ii] had made a mistake was equivalent to thinking Jehovah had handed us a serpent rather than a fish.  Even if we kept silent and just believed in our heart that something we are being taught is wrong, we are like the rebellious Israelites who were “testing Jehovah in our heart”.
By saying this, they are making Jehovah responsible for every interpretative misstep they have ever made.  If every teaching from the governing body is like a fish from God, then what of 1925 and 1975?  What of the multiple changes to the meaning of Mt. 24:34?  Fish from Jehovah, all?  When we completely abandoned our teaching on the meaning of ‘this generation’ in the mid-90s, what then?  If the food was from Jehovah, why would we abandon it?    If these abandoned beliefs were not from God—who cannot lie—then how can we liken them to food from God?  Historical fact shows them to be the result of faulty human speculation.  How can we now turn around and ignore this reality by stating that every morsel of food coming forth from the governing body is food from Jehovah which we must not even question in our thoughts, for fear of testing the Almighty.
How does such an application of Jesus' words honor our God, Jehovah?  And for this words to come from the convention platform?  Words fail me.
Moving on, the speaker dealt with what appears to be a growing problem for the governing body, brothers who want better spiritual food.  Tired with the milk of the word, they would like some meat.  I’m assuming from the context that these ones are tired of hearing about materialism, worldly association, pornography, dress and grooming, obedience, ways to improve our preaching, et cetera.  It’s not that they are saying it is wrong for us to cover these subjects, even as repeatedly as we do.  It is just that they’d like something else, something deeper.  Something meaty.
To such ones, and our name is legion, they make another misapplication of Scripture.  They refer to the Israelites who complained about the manna.  Excuse me!?  Let’s think this through!
The Israelites had rebelled against Jehovah’s express command.  As a consequence, they were condemned to walk around the wilderness for 40 years until everyone over the age of 20 died off.  It was a death march, plain and simple.  The manna was prison fare and they should have been content with it, as it was more than they deserved.
The governing body is, what?...comparing us with rebellious Israelites condemned by Jehovah to die?  Is asking for a little spiritual meat showing a lack of appreciation?  Are we being disloyal to Jehovah; ‘testing him in our heart’ for even thinking this way?
How dare we ask for more food!  What the Dickens are they on about?!

'Please, sir, I want some more.'

The master was a fat, healthy man; but he turned very pale. He gazed in stupefied astonishment on the small rebel for some seconds, and then clung for support to the copper. The assistants were paralysed with wonder; the boys with fear.

'What!' said the master at length, in a faint voice.

'Please, sir,' replied Oliver, 'I want some more.'

The master aimed a blow at Oliver's head with the ladle; pinioned him in his arm; and shrieked aloud for the beadle.

The board were sitting in solemn conclave, when Mr. Bumble rushed into the room in great excitement, and addressing the gentleman in the high chair, said,

'Mr. Limbkins, I beg your pardon, sir! Oliver Twist has asked for more!'

There was a general start. Horror was depicted on every countenance.

'For MORE!' said Mr. Limbkins. 'Compose yourself, Bumble, and answer me distinctly. Do I understand that he asked for more, after he had eaten the supper allotted by the dietary?'

'He did, sir,' replied Bumble.

'That boy will be hung,' said the gentleman in the white waistcoat. 'I know that boy will be hung.'

(Oliver Twist – Charles Dickens)

Manna is not used in the Bible to depict the food that is dispensed by the faithful and discreet slave.  Jesus used it illustratively to depict the bread which is his perfect flesh for the redemption of mankind.  Like the manna which saved the condemned adult Israelites from dying of starvation, his flesh is the true bread from which we get everlasting life from God.
Our application of this scripture is yet another in a growing line of misapplications wherein we seize any old scripture and apply it to the topic at hand as if its mere application were proof enough.  This particular talk was rife with them.
Perhaps the most egregious point was the final one.  It seems that there are a growing number of web sites which brothers use to deepen their understanding of scripture.  They specifically mentioned study  sites and sites where brothers are learning Greek and Hebrew with a view to understanding the Bible better; as if the NWT weren’t all we’d ever need.  Previously, the Kingdom Ministry spoke about this.

Thus, “the faithful and discreet slave” does not endorse any literature, meetings, or Web sites that are not produced or organized under its oversight. (km 9/07 p. 3 Question Box)

Great.  No problem.  No one seemed to be asking for their endorsement in any case, so it was no great loss.  Apparently, that wasn’t the message they were trying to get across.  So the talk made it clear that individual witnesses engaging in such study groups are being “selfish and ungrateful” for Jehovah’s provision through the faithful slave class.  Reference was made to Korah and the rebels who put themselves in opposition to Moses and were swallowed up by the earth.  If we engage in any kind of extracurricular study with others in the congregation that is not part of our congregation arrangement, we are being ‘disloyal to Jehovah’ and ‘testing Jehovah in our heart’.
Huh?  Are they actually condemning sincere Bible study because they didn’t organize it?  It seems so.
In case you’re thinking that they’re referring to apostates, it was quite clear during the talk that they are not.  They are talking about loyal Jehovah’s witnesses who are not content to limit their Bible education to the restrictions imposed by the organization.  For example, I would love to have the time to learn Hebrew and Greek so that I could read the Bible in its original languages.  However, were I to do so, according to this talk, I would be “testing Jehovah in my heart.”  What a remarkable allegation.
In fact, according to the governing body, as a consequence of our Bible study and use of the Beroean Pickets web site, we are on the path that Korah took.  We are displaying a selfish and ungrateful attitude towards Jehovah’s provisions and are in fact testing his patience.  Our sin seems to be that we have been ‘carefully examining the Scriptures as to whether these things are so’. (Acts 17:11) It is a very odd feeling to be so roundly condemned by those I have held in such high esteem all my life.
What Scriptural proof did they put forward for condemning Christians who come together to study God’s word?  Mt. 24:45-47.  Read it and tell me if there is any realistic application of that study that would allow for the condemnation of individuals who wish to study the Bible on their own outside of a meeting or in meeting preparation?
There was a religious organization that so zealously guarded its own decrees that it prohibited the very reading of the Bible and enforced its prohibition by damning such heretics to burn in a fiery hell.  Of course, that’s not us.  Oh no, that could never be us.
Now you can see why this is so troubling to me.  I am not an emotional man. Certainly not one given to tears.  Yet, as I sat there listening to this talk, I felt like crying.  The purest, most beautiful thing I have ever known is the truth as taught to me by Jehovah’s people.  The organization has been the bright star in my life; the brotherhood, my refuge.  The assurance that we have the truth and enjoy Jehovah’s love and blessing is the rock I cling to in the turbulent sea that is this old world.
This talk threatened to take that away from me.
It has about as much place in a district convention as a boil does on porcelain skin.

[i] Before the 1980s, foreign language magazines were released four to six months after their English language counterparts.  District conventions continue to be held from June to December around the world.  So back then, the world-wide release of a new Scriptural interpretation was bound to be staggered no matter which medium was used.

[ii] They used the term ‘faithful slave’, but I find it difficult to impute what was said in this talk to the thousands of faithful anointed ones around the globe.  Therefore, for clarity, I am 'substituting ‘governing body’ throughout.

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  • Comment by junachin on 2012-07-02 21:39:17

    While "Insight" makes no mention of manna symbolizing spiritual food received from God through the GB, a search in the WTL of 'manna spiritual food' shows that it's not really a new (mis)application. I can see a general parallel between Jehovah having cared for the day to day food requirements of his people in the wilderness and his caring for our daily spiritual needs today, but when we compare the Israelites' complaints about something provided directly by Jehovah to modern-day complaints about something provided indirectly through a fallible earthly organization, I think it is safe to say that we've made a false analogy.
    *** it-2 p. 310 Manna ***
    "Symbolic Use. Although the manna was a divine provision (Ne 9:20), it did not sustain the lives of the Israelites forever. Christ Jesus made a point of this, and then he added: “I am the living bread that came down from heaven; if anyone eats of this bread he will live forever; and, for a fact, the bread that I shall give is my flesh in behalf of the life of the world.” (Joh 6:30-33, 48-51, 58) Christ’s faithful followers avail themselves of this heavenly manna, or “bread of life.” They do so in a figurative manner by exercising faith in the redeeming power of Jesus’ flesh and blood laid down in sacrifice. Their doing so opens up to them the prospect of living forever, whether in the heavens with Christ or in the earthly Paradise.
    Christ also used the jar of manna symbolically when he assured his spirit-anointed followers that those who prove to be conquerors would receive “the hidden manna,” an imperishable food supply or that which results from such a supply, in their case, immortality and incorruptibility in heaven.—Re 2:17; 1Co 15:53."
    *** w04 2/1 pp. 13-14 Jehovah Provides Our Daily Needs ***
    Spiritual Food Day by Day
    4 Our prayer for daily bread should also remind us of our need for daily spiritual food. Although very hungry after a long fast, Jesus resisted Satan’s temptation to turn stones into bread, saying: “It is written, ‘Man must live, not on bread alone, but on every utterance coming forth through Jehovah’s mouth.’” (Matthew 4:4) Jesus here quoted the prophet Moses, who told the Israelites: “[Jehovah] humbled you and let you go hungry and fed you with the manna, which neither you had known nor your fathers had known; in order to make you know that not by bread alone does man live but by every expression of Jehovah’s mouth does man live.” (Deuteronomy 8:3) The way in which Jehovah supplied the manna provided the Israelites not only with physical food but also with spiritual lessons. For one thing, they were to “pick up each his amount day for day.” If they gathered more than enough for the day, the remainder began to smell and breed worms. (Exodus 16:4, 20) Yet, this did not occur on the sixth day when they had to gather double the daily amount to cover their needs for the Sabbath. (Exodus 16:5, 23, 24) So the manna impressed upon their minds that they had to be obedient and that their lives depended not just on bread but on “every expression of Jehovah’s mouth.”
    5 We likewise need to feed daily on spiritual food provided by Jehovah through his Son. To this end, Jesus has appointed a “faithful and discreet slave” to provide “food at the proper time” for the household of faith. (Matthew 24:45) That faithful slave class not only supplies an abundance of spiritual food in the form of Bible study aids but also encourages us to do daily Bible reading. (Joshua 1:8; Psalm 1:1-3) Like Jesus, we too can obtain spiritual sustenance by daily putting forth effort to learn about and to do Jehovah’s will.—John 4:34.
    *** yb92 p. 158 Kenya and Nearby Countries ***
    Literature sent from Nairobi and the visits of brothers from the branch office were like manna from heaven—spiritual food at the right time and a refreshing source of encouragement to the Witnesses in Uganda.

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2012-07-03 21:27:30

      A friend emailed me a defense of this talk. He's in a position to know, and he feels that the governing body is concerned about there being too many different interpretations flying around the web and causing disunity. That's a valid concern, for sure. We don't want to be promoting division nor sects. These are things specifically condemned in the Bible. However, those putting together convention parts are intelligent, spiritual men, skilled in the art of teaching. If they had wanted to say that, they would have. Instead, they used the part to condemn honest-hearted Christians who only want to study the Bible and have a thirst for a wider variety of spiritual food. Their sin seems to be that they want to study topics which are not endorsed by the governing body. They are not getting with the program.
      While I agree that we need to speak in unison, I don't believe that unity trumps truth. Whatever the case, this part used misapplication of Scripture to cast judgment on faithful Christians. Their end may be righteous, but their means is not. The end does not justify the means in Jehovah's organization. He is almighty God. He doesn't need to use unrighteous means to achieve a righteous result. Maybe they should stop worrying about unity and start worrying about the truth told with accurate knowledge. Jehovah is powerful enough to see that unity is maintained if we adhere to his truth, don't you think?
      I'm going to venture something here. Perhaps with the recent deaths of the last remaining old-time governing body members, the new body is no longer restrained. (2 Thess. 2:7) I have no idea where this may lead.

  • Comment by Steve on 2012-12-04 21:57:38

    How far should the need for unity take us and to what extent must we be united?
    What I mean is, to what extent is error for the sake of unity acceptable? Could we not be united in recognizing that different ones have different views on certain issue and there is no need for dogmatism? In fact, is this not the very thing the Society has us doing on the issue of blood fractions? To some they are acceptable, to others they are not, yet ones agree to disagree and so remain united.

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2012-12-04 23:31:25

      You and I are of one mind on this.

  • Comment by Who was the Slave from 1919 on? « Beroean Pickets on 2012-12-30 21:38:21

    [...] was below the word of God, never on a par with it.  That is why the recent statements in our 2012 district convention and circuit assembly programs bothered me so much.  It seemed that they were grasping at an [...]

  • Comment by on 2013-03-23 01:10:24

    Can we agree to disagree?

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2013-03-23 08:40:14


    • Reply by junachin on 2013-03-24 02:12:19

      Just curious. What are you disagreeing with?

  • Comment by A Disturbing Trend | Beroean Pickets on 2013-03-28 15:58:30

    [...] about nothing.  Perhaps.  However, when you couple it with the recent urging from last year’s district convention and our most recent circuit assembly program to treat the teachings of the Governing Body as we do [...]

  • Comment by Question from Readers, August 15, 2014 Watchtower | Beroean Pickets on 2014-05-10 07:08:56

    […] all along. According to the Governing Body, I and others like me have been sinning for decades by testing Jehovah in our heart just for holding to this contrary, albeit correct […]

  • Comment by A Weapon of Darkness | Beroean Pickets on 2014-05-27 10:47:32

    […] we were told that just thinking the Governing Body was wrong about some teaching was tantamount to testing Jehovah in your heart as the sinful Israelites did in the wilderness. In the 2013 circuit assembly program we were told […]

  • Comment by ¿QUIÉN ERA EL “ESCLAVO” A PARTIR DE 1919? | LA TORRE VIGILADA: EL BLOG DE LAVASORI on 2014-12-19 17:58:12

    […] de Dios, nunca a la par con él. Es por eso que las recientes declaraciones en nuestros 2.012 convenciones de distrito y montaje de circuitos programas me molestaban tanto. Parecía que estaban agarrando a una […]

  • Comment by WT Study: Do You Appreciate What You Have Received? | Beroean Pickets on 2015-02-23 07:52:55

    […] to believe me. That would be following in the footsteps of the Governing Body which now demands our utter compliance. No, I will not do that. Rather, I urge you—if you have not already done so—to engage in an […]

  • Comment by The Rise and Fall of JW.org | Beroean Pickets - JW.org Reviewer on 2016-06-19 11:38:53

    […] in the stadium of the 2013 District Convention with a heavy heart while listening to the talk “Avoid Testing Jehovah in Your Heart”, where we were told that to doubt the teachings of the Governing Body was equivalent to putting […]

  • Comment by bill swift on 2016-07-20 15:18:45

    I was just looking up where to find rebelling against the slave is like rebelling against Jehovah and your page came up.
    I have noted many notes and comments from many of these websites. am a firm believer that truth stands on its own. and the way you put fish for serpents was just another good example I will show our brothers. they don't want to hear what I have to say. but peer pressure was never a problem for me. I can speak regardless what anybody says. the bad thing is out of all the brothers and sisters that allow me to speak to them don't care. they basically say they are in a happy place. I often ask the same question. why the same material. what about the mark of the beast and so on. based on what I seen and my own experience they are controlled and are to lead us without question taking the mark. remember it is MY PEOPLE who are destroyed cause a lack of knowledge and the priest are the ones to blame

  • Comment by “The Word of Our God Endures Forever” | Beroean Pickets - JW.org Reviewer on 2017-11-05 12:08:53

    […] years back, during the Friday sessions of the 2012 District Convention, there was a talk titled “Avoid Testing Jehovah in Your Heart”.  It was a significant turning point for me.  Conventions were never the same after that.   […]

  • Comment by Chet on 2019-10-18 00:04:47

    My father had some very bad experiences with the Witnesses and left, before I was born. He all but refused to talk about it with the family, but a friend of mine visited me while I was visiting my parents and spent most of one night talking to my dad. The friend had been to Bethel and “seen behind the curtain”, coming to realize that the JWs were essentially another church. My father opened up to him and that discussion, years ago, has helped me, as my friend revealed what was discussed.

    The single most important thing my father said was that “you can’t own truth”. The Witnesses, are far from devoid of bible truths. While I no longer agree with all of their doctrines, I will be the first to say that they are in possession of many truths. But they are also in possession of many falsehoods, the chief among these being the notion that they somehow have a monopoly on truth. They don’t.

    I’ve taken the time to listen to other voices and was surprised to learn that the Earthly Hope is not all that uncommon among Christians. I’ve found that there are many diligent people examining the scriptures and working to learn as much as they can from God’s word. I’ve seen some exegetical analysis of prophecy that was quite compelling. Perhaps there are church members whom are only going through the motions in order to please men (which is what I was taught), but there are many whom sincerely seek to please God.

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