Jehovah’s Day and the Cry of Peace and Security

– posted by meleti
1 Thessalonians 5:2, 3 tells us that there will be a cry of peace and security as a final sign before the arrival of Jehovah’s day. So what is Jehovah’s day?  According to this past week’s Watchtower study “As used here, “Jehovah’s day” refers to the period that will start with the destruction of false religion and will culminate in the war of Armageddon.”  (w12 9/15 p. 3 par. 3)
Not wanting to jump to any conclusions, and since no scriptural support was provided in the article for this statement, and given our dubious record when it comes to predicting any prophetic time line, we do well to ask ourselves, “What does the Bible actually teach about the sequence of events surrounding Jehovah’s day?”
To answer that, let’s look at what Peter said when quoting from Joel 2:28-32: “And I will give portents in heaven above and signs on earth below, blood and fire and smoke mist; 20 the sun will be turned into darkness and the moon into blood before the great and illustrious day of Jehovah arrives.”’ (Acts 2:19, 20)
Where does this fit into the prophetic timeline according to what is written?  After all, we don’t want to go beyond the things that are written.
Matthew quoted Jesus as saying there would be great tribulation.  We teach that the first century fulfillment of that—the siege and subsequent destruction of Jerusalem from 66 to 70 C.E.—is  a minor fulfillment.  Jerusalem’s destruction prefigures the destruction of the antitypical Jerusalem, which is modern-day Christendom.  So when Jesus spoke of the great tribulation in Mt. 24:15-22 he was not just talking about his day, but about the destruction of Babylon the Great.
Fine.  Now, Jesus then said that “Immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light…”  (Mt. 24:29)
Let’s be clear on this.  The Scriptures explicitly state that Jehovah’s day comes after the sun and moon are darkened. (Acts 2:20)  They also explicitly state that the darkening of the sun and moon comes after the great tribulation.  (Mt. 24:29)
Do we see the problem with claiming Jehovah’s day includes the destruction of false religion?
How can the destruction of false religion (the great tribulation) be the start of Jehovah’s day and yet still come before the sun and moon are darkened if those events themselves come before Jehovah’s day?
So unless the Governing Body can explain from Scripture how this is possible, we must conclude that the cry of peace and security comes after Babylon’s destruction.
This also makes more sense. Why would there be some very distinctive and identifiable global cry of peace and security while—as this same article puts it—“warmongering religion continues to be a disruptive force in the world”?  Would it not be more logical that in the aftermath of the destruction of false religion, the rulers of the world, while lamenting its loss, will justify themselves before the masses claiming that it was all for the long-term good; that despite the economic consequences, there would  now be real reason to hope for lasting peace and security?
Of course, that is just conjecture.  However, what is not conjecture is what the Bible explicitly states as to the sequence of events that identify Jehovah’s day, and what is stated indicates that Jehovah’s day is, and only is, Armageddon.

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  • Comment by Bob on 2013-10-20 08:33:30

    So do I. However, the Scriptures always take precedence over any teaching, since "All scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, reproving and setting matters straight" 2 Tim 3:16. We shall have to wait for more light to be shed on this matter, as there does appear to be some disparity.
    Do not be surprised at this, as we have been told that as time goes on, the light will get brighter and brighter. So hold your faith fast, and small details will be clarified.
    Also remember, that often instruction from Jehovah has seemed wrong. When the Israelites left Egypt, they eventually headed towards towards the Red Sea, where they could have been trapped. Some could have lost faith and ran in the opposite direction right into the path of Pharaoh and certain death. Those that held there faith safely passed through the parted Red Sea.
    Also, do not be alarmed at the discussion of this point, as we are told to be like the Beroeans of whom it is stated in the Bible "Now these were more noble-minded than those in Thessalonica, for they received the word with great eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily to see whether these things were so".

  • Comment by bill swift on 2016-02-02 12:31:32

    I believe you are correct. but you need only to know what the UN is going to do to bring about the NWO. it seems to match perfectly what the book of Revelation describes. one thing I noticed that no one is mentioning is the UN is not getting rid of false religion it is getting rid of all religion. that is their plan I ask people why are they getting rid of us also if the claim is false religion? the description is clear to me. Babylon is described as the Roman Catholic Church. and as you can see she (pope) is gathering all religions to herself to join her in one world religion. so we must get out of her. so if the stories about 501c-3 and the UN attachments are true. and if under disguise all religions accept the mark of the beast by deceiving members the God is punishing us cause we are not going to church on SUNDAY. so all religions under climate change agenda will force their members to go to church on Sunday or else. remember the Catholic church states that Sunday worship is HER MARK of Authority and she is above the Bible. it seems to be pointing that direction

  • Comment by bill swift on 2016-02-02 12:39:31

    if you don't mind about the new light reasoning. maybe we should say as time goes by scripture becomes clearer.
    the new light makes us look like fools when we use that. reason given is when Jehovah gives us new light and when it doesn't come true. we either blame the member for believing going ahead even though we are told no to question the GB cause its against Jehovah and we would be Kora and so on. instead of all the scriptures that tell us to test weather true or not or the boareans etc. Jehovahs word will come true weather we understand or not. also remember the 10 toes. club of rome has already laid plans to divide the world into 10 regions. that too is not spoken about

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