Admitting Our Mistakes, Kinda...

– posted by meleti
In the January 1, 2013 Watchtower, on page 8, there is a box entitled "Have Jehovah's Witnesses Given Incorrect Dates for the End?"  In excusing our wrong predictions we state: "We agree with the sentiment of longtime Witness A. H. Macmillan, who said: "I learned that we should admit our mistakes and continue searching God's Word for more enlightenment."
A fine sentiment.  Couldn't agree more.  Of course, what is implied by this is that we have done just that very thing—admitted our mistakes.  Only, we haven't really.  Well, a roundabout way, but not always—and we never apologize.
For example, where is the admission in our publications that we misled people regarding 1975?  Many made life altering decisions on the basis of that teaching (my parents included) and suffered hardships as a result.  Of course, Jehovah lovingly provides and he did, but the fact that he covered for them, doesn't excuse the error of men.  So where was the admission of guilt, or at least of error, and where was the apology for the part they played?
You might say, but why should they apologize?  They were just doing the best they could.  We all make mistakes.  It could be argued that we should have known better and that we are individually responsible.  After all, the Bible clearly says no man knows the day or hour.  Quite true.  So how can we blame them?  We should have rejected this teaching out of hand knowing that it conflicted with God's inspired word.
Yes, it could be argued that way, except for a couple of little things.
1) This is what we were told about Jesus warning:

(w68 8/15 pp. 500-501 pars. 35-36 Why Are You Looking Forward to 1975?)

35 One thing is absolutely certain, Bible chronology reinforced with fulfilled Bible prophecy shows that six thousand years of man’s existence will soon be up, yes, within this generation! (Matt. 24:34) This is, therefore, no time to be indifferent and complacent. This is not the time to be toying with the words of Jesus that “concerning that day and hour nobody knows, neither the angels of the heavens nor the Son, but only the Father.” (Matt. 24:36) To the contrary, it is a time when one should be keenly aware that the end of this system of things is rapidly coming to its violent end. Make no mistake, it is sufficient that the Father himself knows both the “day and hour”!

36 Even if one cannot see beyond 1975, is this any reason to be less active? The apostles could not see even this far; they knew nothing about 1975.

2) We are told we should consider the words handed down in our publications to be on a par with God's word because they come from "Jehovah's Appointed Channel of Communication".  See Are We Nearing a Tipping Point?
Apparently, some brothers in 1968 were raising a hand of caution in the face of all this 1975 talk by pointing to Jesus words about no one knowing the day and hour and they were being chided for "toying with God's word".  Given that and given that we are expected to believe what we are taught if we do not want to be testing Jehovah in our heart, it is hard to ridicule such ones for jumping on board the organizational bandwagon.
There was significant pressure to conform.  Many did.  We were wrong and now we are being told that whenever we have been wrong in the past, we have freely admitted it.  Except, we haven't.  Not really.  And we never, ever, apologize.
Have we changed our modus operandi with this latest Governing Body?  Do we freely admit our mistakes now?   Let's be clear.  We're not talking about a tacit admission of error framed with a buck-passing phrase like "some have thought..." (as if the mistake wasn't made by the Governing Body at all, but some unnamed group)  or with the dismissive passive tense like "at one time it was believed that...".  Another tactic is to blame the publications themselves.  "This understanding differs from what was previously printed in this publication."
No, we're talking about a simple, plain admission that we were wrong about our previous understanding.  Do we now do that as the January 1, 2013 Watchtower implies?
Not really.  The most recent tactic is to simply state a new understanding as if there were nothing that had preceded it. For example, the latest "new truth" about the "ten toes" of Nebuchadnezzar's vision of the immense image is the fourth "new truth" on the subject.  Since we've reversed ourselves on this three times, we must have been wrong the first and third time—assuming we are correct this time.
I'm sure most of us would agree that we don't really care that much if this understanding of the "ten toes" is right or wrong.  It doesn't really affect us one way or the other.  And we can understand the Governing Body's reticence in admitting that they've flip-flopped on this interpretation a total of four times.  No one likes to admit they've been wrong before.  Fair enough.
To put this clearly, we don't mind that the Governing Body has made mistakes.  That's inevitable, especially for imperfect humans.  We do mind that they don't admit to them, but even that is understandable.  What human likes to admit he's been wrong.  So let's not make an issue of that.
What we are taking issue with is the public statement that the Governing Body has 'learned that it should admit its mistakes'.  That is misleading and dare we say it, dishonest.
If you take exception with that statement, then please use the comment section of this site to list the publication references where there is evidence to back up their assertion.  We would consider it an honor to be corrected on this matter.

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  • Comment by Dorcas on 2012-11-02 21:13:38

    Maybe they have learned that they SHOULD admit their mistakes, but they haven't learned HOW TO admit them. I had much more to say but I deleted it.

  • Comment by hezekiah1 on 2012-11-03 00:09:31

    Thanks Meleti for a very interesting post. I don’t think it is just the GB that cannot apologize. I notice that same trait with many in appointed positions. Perhaps they are just following the lead given.
    I am glad you included the reference to the 1968 Watchtower. I hadn’t realized how similar those days are to today. To be sure, the Bible requires us to live within limits to be acceptable to Jehovah. Even with those limits we still have a lot of freedom. I have never had a problem with that. Yet it seems that the GB in a similar way to the years leading up to 1975 would like to get us to conform more and more to an ideal. It seems they would like us to make life altering decisions in order to conform. For example, the witch hunt over those who go to post secondary education, the push for young ones to go in to full time service, not to live in a larger than average home etc etc.
    Now don’t get me wrong, if you choose to do those things I applaud you if you do so for the right reason (Our love for Jehovah). However if we do so just to conform to an ideal I really have a problem with that.
    My parents as well made some life changing decisions in the days leading up to 1975. Some of those decisions have had a life long consequence. They have survived but I wonder why nothing has ever been published to say we were wrong in this view?
    I wonder if there are some today who forgo post secondary education now in order to go into full time service that may in future look back on this time and wish they had in order to secure a job. Perhaps family situation changed. Aging parents are in need of care, or little ones come along. Will anyone say sorry these ones then?
    Also, regarding your point re blaming some vague third party for past mistakes, it is about time to own up to these mistakes as Brother MacMillan pointed out.
    “Some previously thought…”? Who are the some? Are they not the same publishers who wrote this? Then why not just say that?
    I respect the GB for who they are and what they do on my behalf. I know they try their best to be accurate and I am grateful for that, but please, when you’re wrong just say so. I would respect them even more for that.

  • Comment by Pauline Spearing on 2012-11-10 09:08:57

    How do the GB justify their claim to be, "Directed by the Holy Spirit..."...?
    (John 16:13-15) and therefore the only direct link to Jesus through His Spirit...?
    I am afraid they are directed by their, "Traditions..."...(Mark 7:10-15)
    The Lord alone is, "The Truth..." (John 14:6) not any fallible earthly organisation, run by men who are either too afraid to speak up for fear of being labelled, "Apostate...!!", or men who's Ego's have led them astray...(1 Timothy 1:3-7)
    Bro Russell warned against, "Organisation...", saying that all we needed was sincere and prayerful consideration of God's Word... and to gather in small groups, to upbuild and encourage one another with the scriptures. (Zion's Watchtower - 1895)
    They argue that they need to be organised to distribute the literature...thus spreading the good news of the kingdom...!? But I don't recall the early Christians having any such machine...? They had no need to record the hours they spent talking to people about the good news of their salvation through Christ's sacrifice... They individually relied totally on Christ's Holy Spirit to guide them as to where/who and what to say... (John 16:12)
    When they were wasn't to swear loyalty to an organisation... It was, "...a request made to God for a good conscience..." (1Peter 3:21)
    I could go on... but I've made my point...
    My greatest regret is that I left it so long to be a modern day, "Boroean...", but as the man said, "Perfect Love throws fear outside..." and I am no longer afraid to research for myself... "The Truth...", (really did, finally,) "...set me free..."...
    with Love and Respect...
    Pauline Spearing (London)

  • Comment by Shahida on 2012-11-15 14:25:50

    I agree with the comments.
    While on a Zone Visit in my country,a few years back, Bro Gerrit Losch gave one of the best talks I've ever was entitled 'Your leader is one, Christ'..he explained how the members of the GB, and Branch Committees are equal and that they have a rotating chairmanship...that Jehovah uses imperfect humans....the problem is that,having served at Bethel,I know that the reality is very different...we do have human leaders and some are more equal than others...
    Since, the leaders are imperfect,they are bound to make mistakes...but then why are those who question or disagree their decisions even in the most respectful way, viewed as disloyal troublemakers?
    The claim to be 'spirit directed' is very serious ,and should not be taken lightly because it makes millions base every decision in almost all aspects of their lives ,on the directives from imperfect men.
    If those taking the lead followed the law of love, and let Jehovah's servants use their Christian conscience, they would hardly ever be in a situation that would require them to Paul says in 2 Cor 1:24 says ' Not that we are the masters over your faith but we are fellow workers for your joy, for it is by your faith that you are standing'

  • Comment by Pauline Spearing on 2012-11-15 14:37:17

    What a lovely scripture...!!
    Thank you...!

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