Unbroken Will

– posted by meleti
Here's an interesting quote from the book Unbroken Will, page 63:
The judge, Dr. Langer, noted this statement [made by brothers Engleitner and Franzmeier] and asked the two Witnesses to answer the following question: "Is the president of the Watchtower Society, Rutherford, inspired by God?"Franzmeier said yes, he was.  The judge then turned to Engleitner and asked for his opinion.
"By no means!" replied Engleitner without a second's hesitation.
"Why not?" the judge wanted to know.
The explanation Engleitner then gave proved his thorough knowledge of the Bible and ability to draw logical conclusions.  He said: "According to the Holy Scriptures, the inspired writings end with the book of Revelation.  For that reason, Rutherford cannot be inspired by God.  But God most certainly gave him a measure of his holy spirit to help him understand and interpret his Word by means of thorough study!"  The judge was obviously impressed by such a thoughtful answer from this uneducated man.  He realized that he was not just repeating something mechanically that he had heard, but had a firm personal conviction based on the Bible.
A wonderfully insightful piece of wisdom, isn't it?  Yet Rutherford claimed to be the faithful and discreet slave, and by virtue of that, claimed to be God's appointed channel of communication.  How can God be speaking through a man or group of men, if the words, thoughts and teachings he relays through them are not considered as inspired.  Conversely, if their words, thoughts and teachings are not inspired, then how can they claim God is communicating through them.
If we argue that it is the Bible which is inspired, and when we teach the Bible to another, we become the means by which God communicates with that person or group of people.  Fair enough, but wouldn't that make all of us God's appointed channel of communication and not just a select few?

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  • Comment by Ruiz on 2013-03-04 15:33:41

    Bro. Leopold E. is one of Christs Brohers.(an Anointed One) of the !914 Anointed group. He was born in 1905 and baptized in 1932 before 1935,right before the calling of the Other Sheep was revealed by on e of the 24 Elders in heaven.

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2013-03-04 15:37:16

      Interesting background on the brother. Thank you. But I'm curious about the last thing. Are you being facetious or serious?

  • Comment by Ruiz on 2013-03-04 15:36:41

    There is also another great video that is out on our dear JW brother Leopold. Its callled "Ladder In The Lions Den" Google it!

  • Comment by robcrompton on 2013-03-05 06:49:02

    Meleti, you say:
    "If we argue that it is the Bible which is inspired, and when we teach the Bible to another, we become the means by which God communicates with that person or group of people. Fair enough, but wouldn’t that make all of us God’s appointed channel of communication and not just a select few?"
    Indeed - and surely this would also imply that when one comes to realise that there is something wrong with some aspect of doctrine or practise, then one has a duty to say something and not simply to wait for the governing body to come to a realistion that adjustment is needed.
    Or, to put it another way, if it is right to "wait for Jehovah" to give new light, why must it be assumed that he will give it to only, if at all, to a select few? Understanding carries with it a duty to share - so keep up the blogging!

  • Comment by Ruiz on 2013-03-06 17:44:59

    Heres something to really consider. 1975+ 40yrs= 2015yr. 40 wooul parralel with Adams creation in 4026 B.C.E-40yrs=3986 B.C.E. of Eves creation. The year 2015 woul d likely take us into the 1,000yr Reign Think about!

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2013-03-06 18:01:02

      I'm afraid we may be falling for the same bait that has trapped us time and again, from Russell and Rutherford, down to our day: the deceptive allure of numerology. In this instance, we don't know that there were 40 years from Adam's creation to Eve's. If there were, there is nothing to indicate that has any significance. Just because the number 40 comes up a few times in the Bible doesn't mean if was intended to be used to compute the end. But the clincher for me is Acts 1:7: "It does not belong to YOU to get knowledge of the times or seasons which the Father has placed in his own jurisdiction;"
      It is simply outside of our jurisdiction to get knowledge of when the end will be. By attempting to do so in the past, we were treading on God's territory and were burned repeatedly for the intrusion.

  • Comment by Ruiz on 2013-03-10 23:25:55

    I know what you mean, this is my personal insight and not our Governing Body's. I ONLY gave you an VERY elementry view of this according to Jehovahs Time Table. I could go much deeper than just saying 1975+40= 2015yr. And its all scriptural too what I would have to explain.But I just left you with ONLY a pinch of of a hint to what I know. I try not to say to much because some things are just to deep for Brothers and sisters to accept or take in. So i just leave them with a spiritual sentiment from Jesus when he said,"I have many things yet to say to you,but you are not able to bear them at present."(John 16:12) Another one to consider is the year 2033.Let this one fact not be escaping your notice,beloved ones,that one day is with Jehovah as thousand years and a thousand years as one day."<-----SACRED SECRET REVEALED! Jesus said "Break down this temple and in three days I will raise it up."(John 2:19) Were all ready upon the completion of the 2nd 1,000 thousand years or 2nd day within 20 yrs from now,before we enter the 3rd Day.

  • Comment by Ruiz on 2013-03-11 14:42:17

    But one thing for sure is,I WILL NEVER EVER go ahead of our loving Faithful And Discreet Slave! And im sure they know what I know as far as this info i posted here.Im just to deep for many brothers here ive noticed. I will always patiently wait for Jehovah through is Governing Body he is using here on earth. After all,they have gotten us this far safe,and they will get us out of here to the end with Jehovahs holy spirit guiding them.Remember! we are still in the midst of Jehovahs 40 period cleanse since it started in 1975.And we are being TEST in a 40 period aswell. Jehovah DOES NOT CHANGE! (Mal 3:6)

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