"No Blood" — An Apology

– posted by meleti
A comment was made under my recent post about our “No Blood” doctrine.  It made me realize how easy it is to offend others unwittingly by appearing to minimize their pain.  Such was not my intention.  However, it has caused me to look deeper into things, particularly my own motivations in participating in this forum.
First of all, if I have offended anyone due to remarks seen as insensitive, I do apologize.
As to the issue raised in the aforementioned comment and to those who might share the commenter's point of view, let me explain that I was merely expressing my personal feeling regarding how I view death for myself.  It is not something I fear—for myself.  However, I do not view the death of others that way.  I fear losing loved ones.  Were I to lose my dear wife, or a close friend, I would be devastated.  The knowledge that they are still alive in Jehovah's eyes and that they will be alive in every sense of the word in the future would alleviate my suffering, but only to a tiny degree.  I would still miss them; I would still grieve; and I would most definitely be in anguish.  Why?  Because I wouldn’t have them around anymore. I would have lost them.  They suffer no such loss.  While I would miss them all the remaining days of my life in this wicked old system, they would already be alive and if I should die faithful, they would already be sharing my company.
As David said to his advisers, perplexed at his apparent insensitivity to the loss of his child, “Now that he has died, why is it I am fasting? Am I able to bring him back again? I am going to him, but, as for him, he will not return to me.” (2 Samuel 12:23)
That I have a lot to learn about Jesus and Christianity is very true.  As to what was at forefront of Jesus' mind, I will not presume to comment, but the eradication of the great enemy, death, was one of the principle reasons why he was sent to us.
As for what each of us may feel is the most important issue in life, that is going to be highly subjective.  I know of some who were abused as children and who were further victimized by a system that seemed more interested in hiding its dirty laundry than in protecting its most vulnerable members.  For them, child abuse is the most important issue.
However, a parent who has lost a child that might have been spared by a blood transfusion is rightly going to feel that nothing could be of greater importance.
That each one has a different viewpoint in no way should be taken as disrespect for the other.
I have never been personally touched by either of these horrors so try as I may, I can only attempt to imagine the pain of a parent who has lost a child that might have been spared if blood had been used; or the agony of a child who has been abused and then neglected by those he counted on to protect him.
For each, the most important issue is rightly that which has most affected him.
There are so many horrible things that hurt us on a daily basis.  How can the human brain cope?  We are overwhelmed and so we have to protect ourselves.  We block out what is more than we can deal with to avoid going mad with grief, despair and hopelessness.  Only God can handle all the issues afflicting humankind.
For me, what has affected me most personally is going to be what interests me most.  This should in no way be taken as disrespect for the issues others feel are most important.
For me, the "no blood" doctrine is an important part of a much bigger issue.  I have no way of knowing how many children and adults have died prematurely due to this doctrine, but any death brought on by men meddling with God’s word so as to mislead Jesus’ little ones is despicable.  What concerns me to an even greater degree isn’t just thousands, but millions of lives potentially lost.
Jesus said, “Woe to YOU, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! because YOU traverse sea and dry land to make one proselyte, and when he becomes one YOU make him a subject for Ge·hen′na twice as much so as yourselves.”—Mat. 23:15
Our way of worship has become laden with rules like that of the Pharisees.  The "No Blood" doctrine is an excellent example.  We have extensive articles defining which type of medical procedure is acceptable and which is not; which blood fraction is lawful and which is not.  We also impose a judicial system on people which forces them to act contrary to the love of the Christ.  We strip away the relationship between child and heavenly Father that Jesus came down to reveal to us.  All of this falsehood is taught to our disciples as the proper way to please God, just as the Pharisees did with their disciples.  Are we, like them, making such ones subjects for Gehenna twice as much as ourselves?  We are not talking about a death from which there is a resurrection here.  This is once and for all.  I shudder to think what we may be doing on a global scale.
This is the topic that most interests me because we are dealing with a potential loss of life in the millions.  The penalty for stumbling the little ones is a millstone around the neck and a swift toss into the deep blue sea. (Mat. 18:6)
So when I was talking about things which interested me more, I was in no way trivializing the tragedy and suffering of others.  It is just that I see the potential for suffering on an even greater scale.
What can we do?  This forum started as a means for deeper Bible study, but it has become something else—a tiny voice in a vast ocean.  At times I feel like we’re in the bow of a massive ocean liner heading toward an iceberg.  We cry out a warning, but no one hears or cares to listen.

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  • Comment by Andrew on 2013-10-21 11:50:22

    It may be a tiny voice, but it is an important one. I have shared this blog with approximately 25 awakening Witnesses, and each one of them, without exception, has expressed the deepest gratitude that I did so. I don’t think any of them have the courage to post yet, but there are comforted by the realization that there are other Witnesses who share their uneasiness at the direction of the organization. Believing you are alone with these disquieting thoughts is a most painful experience, as you no doubt know. The “narrative” that we are regularly fed is that there is little dissent, and if there are those with questions, they are bitter and perhaps mentally unbalanced. Seeing, with your own eyes, a discussion with well thought out positions lacking any bitterness is, in itself, part of the awakening of many Witnesses, including myself. For many Witnesses, realizing that other Witnesses have exactly the same concerns that they have kept to themselves for many years is liberating. Witnesses awake at different rates; it may be that this voice remains tiny. It may be that it grows into a strong chorus of liberated Witnesses who can effect change, even if only in themselves, and in their local congregations.
    One of the unfortunate things about these past few years is that every time a thinking Witness leaves, or is forced to leave, it makes it all the more difficult for positive change to occur in the future. That is truly the sad part of all of this. I cannot imagine how much time, effort and money it takes you to maintain this blog. But speaking for several dozen awakening Witnesses, I express my deep gratitude for your courage, boldness, and your obvious love for the brotherhood.

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2013-10-21 15:33:52

      I really have to thank you for this encouragement, Andrew. It warms the heart to know that the work is appreciated and of benefit.
      It certainly does take a lot of effort and time, which cuts into my earning potential, so yes, money. But that is a small thing if we are helping others. One never knows without feedback. I feel compelled to write about these things because I love truth, but on the other hand, there is always the concern that one is acting presumptuously. It doesn't help that for decades we've all be indoctrinated with the thought that only a select few have the privilege of 'speaking out'.
      I can really sympathize with Elijah--though I dare not compare myself to him other than in this one point--when he came before Jehovah complaining that he alone was left. Jehovah both encouraged him and rebuked him. He must have been encouraged to know there were 7,000 others who had not bent the knee to Baal, but also humbled that his presumption that he alone had remained faithful proved false.
      I have known there were others, but it heartens me to see how many, and I concur with you that the number must continue to grow as more and more sincere lovers of truth take their stand.
      I would only wish that more would comment as that is part of the teaching process as in our Watchtower studies. All may do so anonymously which is recommended given the present climate in the Organization.
      Thank you again,

      • Reply by Shannon on 2013-10-23 12:43:04

        I meditated on that thought of Elijah being the only faithful servant of Jehovah yesterday . It made me think about how comforted Elijah must have been to know that he wasn’t the only one. I wonder why Elijah didn’t know they were others who were serving Jehovah. Maybe the same reasons that we don’t know that they are others. I have always questioned what I was taught; some of the doctrines that I questioned are covered well on this site. It’s a journey and although I feel lost and disappointed with this organization, Jehovah never loses his own people. I have many reasons on why I should leave…. I’m battling with reasons to stay. I tell myself If this is the tool (organization) that Jehovah is using then Jehovah will cleanse it. I try to tell myself that the thing is prophets and others alike still went to the temple even though it was heinous things going on there…… From my reading the congregation was organized to preach the Good news about Chirst . Not sure why the congregation is being run like a secular organization smh

  • Comment by Dorcas on 2013-10-21 16:06:43

    The wonderful thing I find here, dear brother Meleti, is that your comments and posts are VERY thoughtful and loving. I have never found a harsh word here, other than to those obviously trying to cause disturbance.
    Speaking only for myself, I find that coming to your site gives me real spiritual food. Something to ponder and pray about. Topics such as those discussed in yesterday's WT study feel like only "milk." For those of us who have been Witnesses for decades or all of our lives, we need something more. We can tell things are veering off course with the organization.
    As I've mentioned before, I believe you may be the "voice crying out in the wilderness" now but who knows to what end? Nevertheless, to some of us you have been a lifesaver. You have stopped me from just going along with whatever our organizations delivers. I have been shaken many times by the information from you and Apollos but I have never been anything but thankful to both of you for helping to open my eyes.
    I've always wanted to serve God in the best way possible, and doing so under the guise of "truth" that is not truth cannot help me do that. You have no agenda here, merely the fact that you are seeking truth just as I am. For that I am eternally grateful.

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2013-10-21 16:33:14

      It's so interesting you say that, because I said the very same thing to my wife about this week's study. In fact, it seems all we get these days is the milk of the word. I hear brothers and sisters lamenting from time to time that they don't feel they have a personal relationship with Jehovah, but how can they given the level of spiritual nutrition dispensed to us.
      I'm so glad we've been a help. But don't think it is a one-way street. Your words and emails have encouraged all of us as well. If we can help one another to draw closer to our heavenly Father through his Son who revealed Him to us, then what more can we ask for.

  • Comment by Chris on 2013-10-21 17:23:14

    Dear Meleti,
    I stopped going to meetings a couple of years ago and I have tried to return in some measure to placate my wife but every time I have gone I come away depressed.
    This is part due to the way I am viewed by others but mainly due to the food that is served. We are constantly told to appreciate the " meat and potatoes" of God's Word served at the meetings, but it is covered in such a heavy layer of bland or salty WTS gravy that it has become disguised and difficult to taste.
    Heaven forbid that we should ask for our meals without gravy, or try and bring our own sauce and vegetables.
    Rather than 'food at the proper time' we are placed on a restricted diet that we must adhere to, and we can only eat the extra supplements that come with the program.
    The bad spiritual meals served at the meetings leave us hungry, anxious and dependent because our spirit lacks the nutrition it needs.
    Real spiritual food is an unusual because it both deeply satisfies and leaves you hungry for more.
    It allows us to GROW.
    Sadly most of our brothers and sisters can't taste the difference
    So I must tell you what a genuinely refreshing menu I find here.
    I always come away satisfied by the posts and encouraged by the comments.
    Please don't be down-heartened by the 'comment' as it was clear that your reference to death was a personal one and if Examiner had taken the time to read your post properly he would have understood that.
    Your clarification and humility at answering him is heart warming.
    Also, no one could make the claim that you are drawing away disciples for yourself because when I come here I only taste God's Spirit and MY Spirit is richer for it.
    And,in the end,that is what it's all about, synchronizing our Spirit with God's Spirit.

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2013-10-21 18:35:03

      I can empathize. I'm finding it harder and harder to stay through to the end of the service meeting. That extra half hour at night would be no problem if we were treated to delightful thought-provoking Bible discussions instead of how to offer the latest magazines. This past week we spent 30 minutes on 6 paragraphs in the Jeremiah book. Now I'm not complaining about that. At least we are studying the Bible. What saddened me was that after the Bible study we spent a mere10 minutes on two full Bible books. Half an hour on 6 man-authored paragraphs contrasted with only 10 minutes on two books authored by God. Why not reverse that, or better yet, drop the service meeting altogether and make is a true Bible study period. We can teach people to preach as the field service groups or one-on-one at the door, which is far more effective in any case.
      But I fear I'm trying to put new wine in old wine skins. For now, I'm biding my time.
      I'm glad you enjoy the content of the site. This cyber-community of like-minded spiritual men and women is my most valued congregation. It keeps me from despair.
      Thank you for your support.

      • Reply by kev c on 2013-10-23 01:44:44

        I felt the same about the meetings meleti in the end i felt i just wasnt getting much out of them. I. Dont want to sound ungrateful but i felt like a university student. Sitting in a primary school. I think the whole format is wrong. If we call it a bible study why not study the bible. Why not pick a whole chapter for the week read it all in context do research. Read it again at the meeting and share what we have learned with our brothers.

        • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2013-10-23 09:18:56

          I could not agree with you more.

  • Comment by emilyjeff on 2013-10-21 19:23:16

    Meleti, I think you know how much your posts have helped me to find my way to the love of our Heavenly Father and His Son. What you and I and the other posters on your site are is to my way of thinking a kind of Christian community where no one is afraid to express their views as long as we do it in a way that shows respect for each other. It can be lonely out there when you think you are the only one who differs in opinion from the JW organization. I am an old movie buff, as well as a Trekkie, and one of my favorite films is Meet John Doe (1941). There is a speech from that movie about the “John Does” or the little people that made a great impression on me. I think of us trying to find our way as Christians as those “little people.” Below is an excerpt from that speech:
    “Yes, sir -- Yes, sir, we're a great family, the John Does. We are the meek who are -- who are supposed to inherit the earth. You'll find us everywhere. We raise the crops; we dig the mines, work the factories, keep the books, fly the planes and drive the buses. And when a cop yells: "Stand back there, you!" He means us, the John Does!
    We have existed since time began. We built the pyramids. We saw Christ crucified, pulled the oars for Roman emperors, sailed the boats for Columbus, retreated from Moscow with Napoleon and froze with Washington at Valley Forge.
    I know a lot of you are saying "What can I do? I'm just a little punk. I don't count." Well, you're dead wrong! The little punks have always counted because in the long run the character of a country is the sum total of the character of its little punks.”
    It’s a political speech really and I suppose dated, but if you change “the character of a country” to the character of a religion it is about us standing up for what we know to be right, even if it means giving up the safety of conforming to the rules set by the WT. After all it was the ordinary, little people that Christ came for. Jesus said: “Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. I came not to call the righteous, but sinners.” Mark 2:17 ESV We do need each other and each one of us counts. I admire your courage for speaking out and the warning you cry out is heard and we who visit your site do listen and care

    • Reply by Narwhal on 2014-08-03 14:45:39

      I have been deeply touched by this posting (by emilyjeff). I am also touched by much of what Meleti writes about, and Apollos and in the manner too.
      I have been a visitor to this blog for over 6 months now and I have to say, Meleti, the spark I find here, in most cases anyway, touches the spark that lies deep within my own heart; the spark and passion for truth, truth of Gods Word.
      Yes, there have been many times when I have tried to run far away from what I have read here; but I keep coming back. Years of one-sided indoctrination has had a huge impact on my own perception of certain things, well, probably most things; and this generates a kind of fear/anxiety. But, my sense of what is right with God is being challenged more and more, as I observe the behaviour of men claiming to be His representative. These men, in my own experience, have not been a spiritual refreshment, but rather, often very cruel, unkind, inconsiderate; and more concerned about 'image' rather than the deep needs of individual sheep-like ones.
      So, to hear the heart-felt expressions of other readers of your blog, as well as the encouragement received from your fine articles, is very reassuring. It is a commendable thing, that such ones keep hold of a desire to want to get to know the mind of God more accurately, despite the weights we have carried, placed on us by men.
      Fear of doing the wrong thing before Jehovah regarding His Will and His Word, still impacts on my thinking, you know, because we have been conditioned to believe that its wrong to think/look/ beyond that certain 'box' we've lived in for so long. So my prayer is that, at some point, my own journey will find Jehovah's reassurance and blessing, rather than His rejection and disapproval.
      I also hope to see how I can come to the great teacher, and receive the refreshment that he promises, because, I for one, am 'toiling and loaded down' and know plenty of others feeling the same way.
      I thank you, Meleti and Apollos, for your desire to share your knowledge and thinking ability regarding these things pertaining to the spirit; and for the genuine concern and love you have for the Truth's of Gods Word.

      • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2014-08-03 16:26:18

        Thank you for sharing these heartfelt thoughts with us. I feel the distress you are experiencing because I have--and still am--making the same journey. I am now coming to understand the fullness of Jesus' words:
        “If YOU remain in my word, YOU are really my disciples, 32 and YOU will know the truth, and the truth will set YOU free.” (Joh 8:31, 32)

  • Comment by Cassandra Page on 2013-10-22 02:53:40

    I'm reminded of a quote by Margaret Mead: "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."

  • Comment by kev c on 2013-10-23 01:19:16

    You cant please everyone meleti not even jesus could do that and he was perfect in word and deed. While i for my part feel desperatly sorry for the brothers and sisters who have had to deal with this sort of tragedy and yearn for the time when god will make all things new. In the meantime we all have to try our best to to press on to christian maturity. So we can serve god in spirit and in TRUTH and i have found your posts are helping me to do this. So keep up the good work.

  • Comment by saraybach54 on 2013-10-25 06:52:23

    Dear Brother Meliti,
    I have experienced both scenarios you use to illustrate your point...
    Without going into gory detail, my only child was 5 when he slammed through a glass panelled door, (38 years ago...)puncturing a lung... and as they took him away from me, I believed him to be as good as dead. My grief was such that I fainted... and when I woke, I refused to speak to anyone...
    But then my friend asked me a question, "What about the blood...?" and my answer came from, "somewhere else..."
    I said, "He can't have blood, but whatever happens, I know Jehovah will take care of him for me..."
    and something happened to me in that moment... It was as if an opening came in the crown of my head, like a camera shutter opening, and it literally felt as if someone was pouring oil into my body, only it was, "Peace..."... and I knew my son was ok... and for the first time in my life I, "Knew...", there was something more...
    Now I can't say why that happened to me... I'm no different to anyone else, but I came to believe it was because of my COMPLETE FAITH in my Heavenly Father... and NOT because of the blood...
    Yes blood (Life) is sacred, which is why Jehovah made the Law so clear... but yet again they miss the point... Jesus came to fulfill the Law... In Him all things are made Whole...
    He made it possible for us to see Jehovah as our Father, and in that relationship, to understand how He feels about ALL of us... When we understand the Whole Picture, we know there is nowhere else to go... and I don't mean, "The Organisation..."...
    I now trust my Heavenly Father every day and in everything... and it works... I don't need to read a Watchtower or go to a meeting to help me build that trust... The Lord showed me how... and it's all there in black and white for me to read when I need to...
    Every day is my ministry and every person I meet needs kindness and consideration... NOT preaching at...
    So please continue to write your stuff... and as long as we keep refining our thoughts and remember to be kind... our Lord will continue to send His Spirit Helper to guide us... x

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2013-10-25 08:07:02

      Thank you so very much for sharing that experience with us. You have hit on the key point. It is a point often lost to us in the Organization because we emphasize rules and regulations and measure our faith by compliance with the direction from men.
      I have never gone through a test such as yours, but I have witnessed others going through similar trials, and I have seen how our Father has sustained them because of their faith and their love for him.

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