This Week's Bible Reading

– posted by meleti
From this week's Bible reading, we have these insightful words from Paul.

(1 Timothy 1:3-7) . . .Just as I encouraged you to stay in Eph′e·sus when I was about to go my way into Mac·e·do′ni·a, so I do now, that you might command certain ones not to teach different doctrine, 4 nor to pay attention to false stories and to genealogies, which end up in nothing, but which furnish questions for research rather than a dispensing of anything by God in connection with faith. 5 Really the objective of this mandate is love out of a clean heart and out of a good conscience and out of faith without hypocrisy. 6 By deviating from these things certain ones have been turned aside into idle talk, 7 wanting to be teachers of law, but not perceiving either the things they are saying or the things about which they are making strong assertions.

We use this scripture and other similar ones whenever we want to quash speculation from the rank and file.  Speculation is a bad thing as it is a manifestation of independent thinking which is an even worse thing.
The fact is, neither speculation nor independent thinking are bad things; nor are they good things. There is no moral dimension to either.  That stems from how they are used.  Thinking which is independent from God is a bad thing.  Thinking that is independent from the thinking of other men—not so much.  Speculation is a wonderful tool for improving our understanding of the universe. It is only bad when we transform it into dogma.
Paul is warning Timothy about men how are trying to do just that.  These men had been speculating on the significance of genealogies and had prompted false stories as part of a different doctrine.  Who today fits that bill?
Paul restates the Christian way: “love out of a clean heart and out of a good conscience and out of faith without hypocrisy.”  The men he is condemning here started on their wrong course “by deviating from these things”.
Our teaching involving 1914 and all the prophetic fulfillments which we have tied to that year are based solely on speculation.  Not only can we not prove them, but the evidence available contradicts our conclusions.  Yet we hold to the speculation and teach it as doctrine.  Likewise, the hope of millions has been diverted from the truth based on speculation as to the meaning of texts such as John 18:16: “I have other sheep which are not of this fold…”  Again, no proof; just speculation transformed into dogma and imposed by authority.
Such teachings do not come from “love out of a clean heart and out of a good conscience and out of faith without hypocrisy.”
Paul's warning to Timothy resonates to this day.  We stand condemned by the very texts we use to condemn others.

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  • Comment by Andronicus on 2013-10-28 18:28:07

    During the Bible Highlights covering John chapter 10, I said that the “other sheep” cited in John 10:16 could apply just as well to the Gentiles being made “one flock” with the Jews.. I stated how the context, (Jesus speaking to the Pharisees), lent more weight to that viewpoint. You should have seen the look on most of the friends faces.

    • Reply by smolderingwick1 on 2013-10-28 22:32:54

      You were a braver man than I. Funny how many "know" these things yet fear to speak out because our hierarchical structure allows the dogmaticians to rule our minds. One negative single doubt, and the jaundice eye turns our way with that "bad attitude" stare.

  • Comment by SilverTop on 2013-10-28 18:48:57

    Because of illness as well as financial problems we didn't attend the DC. Its my understanding that at this years DC we were discouraged from such things as learning or using Hebrew, (i.e. using the name Yahweh, Yeshua, El Roi, etc...) we were told to avoid forming Bible-study groups and above all else, avoid web-sites that are not Watchtower approved. My question is this: WHY? What are the leaders of the WTBTS afraid of?
    I would think that studying the Bible, digging deep into the word of Jehovah God is a good thing. The more we pray for insight, and to be led by God's Holy Spirit, the better. I'm beginning to feel like I'd do better just reading the Bible at home and trying to serve Jehovah as best I can without the benefit of meetings, DC's and field service. That's something too, with the recent changes to our understanding of the faithful and discreet slave, the mistake in the new Bible, leaving out completely the Scriptures at John 8:1-11 ( I understand that there is some question as to the canonicity of these passages) however, they are usually included at the bottom of the page, so that reader has that option of reading them) How can I go out and talk to others and incidentily, we are told now to "lead people to Jehovah's organization" rather than to Jehovah God, through His Son Jesus. I find that I cannot in good conscience do that.
    I also think that I shall remain going to the meetings but participate very little and just trust in Jehovah to "clean his house" and straighten out all the problems and issues in "His" house. It seems to me that the WTBTS is desperately trying to hang on to absolute control of the average Jehovah's Witness and is mis-using it's position to accomplish this. What do others think?

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2013-10-29 08:52:47

      I agree with you. The fact is that they do not want us to deepen our understanding of Scripture independently from the publications. Doing so would inevitably lead us to conclusions which they do not wish us to reach.
      Like you, I once thought that Jehovah would clean house. That was because I believed this was his one true organization. I have come to see that that premise is flawed. Jehovah does have a people today, as he always has had, even in pre-Israelite times. However, fixing the organization would be, in my view, tantamount to sewing a new patch on an old garment.

    • Reply by smolderingwick1 on 2013-10-29 13:15:24

      I no longer believe that Jehovah will clean house. Nor does He need to. It was never His to begin with. WE called it His house. But WE failed to consider how little any house would mean to Him since abandoning the last one to the Jews. We also falsely changed the spiritual structure of the heavens. How? By including and excluding ourselves from the yet-to-be-revealed creatures of Revelation. By teaching that Jesus is still subservient to his Father—that ALL authority was somehow NOT given him according to his OWN words at Matthew 28:18. In fact it’s all through the Greek Scriptures which is ours to verify WITHOUT theologians to guide us!
      I guess I’m jaded. I’ve been around salesmen and politicians too long. I came into this organization with my brains intact. But somehow I cannot use my brain to appeal to others the way I was given the freedom to do. We’ve become just like them—those of us who bought the custom-made wares of governance. Now, as I look back I can see just about every scripture we ever used to prove Christendom false has fallen back upon us! How often did I quote 2 Peter 2:17-22 and not know the presumptive application we kept applying to everyone BUT us?!
      “These are fountains without water, and mists driven by a violent storm, and for them the blackness of darkness has been reserved. For they utter swelling expressions of no profit [or ‘overswellings of pompous vanity’ which attracts the same in us], and by the desires of the flesh and by loose habits they entice those who are just escaping from people who conduct themselves in error. While they are promising them freedom [as did the Pharisees and their Talmudic laws of Jewish Orthodoxy], they themselves are existing as slaves of corruption. For whoever is overcome by another is enslaved by this one. [These are the ambitious power brokers whose attitudes are hidden by a deception they don’t even see in their own hearts]
      “Certainly if, after having escaped from the defilements of the world by an accurate knowledge of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ [which means they once had the truth revealed which makes them even more accountable], they get involved again with these very things and are overcome, the final conditions have become worse for them than the first. For it would have been better for them not to have accurately known the path of righteousness than after knowing it accurately to turn away from the holy commandment delivered to them. [which they have by refusing to admit that Jehovah and Jesus did NOT direct them to make such presumptuous false promises] The saying of the true proverb has happened to them: ‘The dog has returned to its own vomit, and the sow that was bathed to rolling in the mire.’” [my brackets]
      Do not Jesus words apply to us even more today? “Look! I am sending YOU forth as sheep amidst wolves; therefore prove yourselves cautious as serpents and yet innocent as doves.” (Matthew 10:16)

      • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2013-10-29 14:35:21

        I agree with what you have said with the exception--assuming I'm understanding you correctly--that Jesus is not subservient to his Father. The granting to him of all authority must still be relative. Otherwise, this would have no meaning:
        (1 Corinthians 15:27, 28) . . .For [God] “subjected all things under his feet.” But when he says that ‘all things have been subjected,’ it is evident that it is with the exception of the one who subjected all things to him. 28 But when all things will have been subjected to him, then the Son himself will also subject himself to the One who subjected all things to him, that God may be all things to everyone.

        • Reply by smolderingwick1 on 2013-10-29 17:22:24

          Absolutely. And I am in total agreement with you Meleti. Subjection is relative—but only with respect to time, e.g., Paul's expression, "WHEN all things will have been subjected to him, THEN the Son will himself will also subject himself to the One who subjected all things . . ." How much time passes between the “when” and “then” is the absolute authority given by the Father to the Son.
          From a human perspective a father may give absolute control to his son through what is called a family trust—the father being the trustor, his son the trustee. If the father has business outside that requires arms length status (as in matters of state), to avoid any possible conflict of interest, the father’s trust must be blind. In other words, in a blind trust, the father cannot interfere or even render an opinion to the trustee despite having been its trustor. This allows the trustee (the son) complete authority to manage and distribute the estate to the beneficiaries without prejudice.
          As I observe this world and how it was built by its ruler, I also see the challenge put to the Father as well as why he has entrusted His Son with everything so as to answer Satan’s challenge. That way, we as beneficiaries of such a blind trust cannot be accused of ever having received assets from a tainted trust. (see the story of Job)

          • Reply by GodsWordisTruth on 2013-10-30 08:48:07

            Love the illustration! Well put!

  • Comment by JimmyG on 2013-10-29 03:32:38

    Silvertop, have you ever considered that the WT isn't God's organisation or even whether he uses any specific organisation at all? As I commented in Meleti's previous article for instance, why would the leadership of 'God's organisation' doctrinally deceive rank and file JWs? This cannot be put down to human imperfection (an excuse they have often used), as it is a deliberate and calculated action.

  • Comment by BeenMislead on 2013-10-29 10:32:57

    It seems like more often than not, after I come home from a meeting I am irritated and in a bad mood rather than encouraged and built up.
    The Watchtower Organization (the GB) wields a harsh spiritual whip!!
    1) No independent thinking!! - Don’t think for yourself, we’ll do the thinking for you.
    2) You must believe everything we teach! You will not question what we print in the Watchtower or any other publication! To do so is the same as questioning Jehovah!
    3) You must give us your un-questioning obedience!
    4) Constant pressure though guilt and fear to: Do more, do more, you are not doing enough!
    This is NOT Christian freedom!!!
    This is NOT Christian love!!!
    By the way did anyone notice that they are jumping on the Matt. 24:34 band wagon again in the Jan 15, 2014 Watchtower?
    In the last article entitled: “Let Your Kingdom Come” But When?
    They say:
    “This Generation Will Not Pass Away” is a third reason for “confidence that God’s anointed King will SOON take additional steps toward having the divine will done fully on earth”.
    They say:
    “Jesus was referring to two groups of Anointed Christians”.
    Of course they said the same thing with just as much conviction and assurance in the late 60’s and early 70’s about just ONE group of Anointed Christians. I am an eye witness of that. I was a teenager then and was told that I would NOT get old before the end comes all based on Matt. 24:34.
    This is the first time in a long time that I have seen them even refer to Matt. 24:34. They have for the most part been ignoring this scripture since 2010 when they came up with the “overlapping generations” explanation. Which is what caused me to state questioning and researching things. It seems to me that Matt. 24:34 is one scripture that actually proves 1914 is wrong!!
    See Exodus 20:5 for what the bibles definition of what a Generation is:
    “You must not bow down to them nor be induced to serve them, because I Jehovah your God am a God exacting exclusive devotion, bringing punishment for the error of fathers upon sons, upon the third generation and upon the fourth generation, in the case of those who hate me.”
    It won’t be long and they will have to say: oops!! Jesus evidently meant THREE groups of Anointed Christians!!

    • Reply by GodsWordisTruth on 2013-10-29 12:02:59

      I have given this much thought. Nothing is out of Jehovah's reach no matter how dark it seems. The Israelites often dealt with Bad leadership (Kings , Priests False Prophets) but they still went to the temple , kept the festivals etc .No doubt they saw the worship around them being tainted with false ideas and the false Prophets prophesying outright lies alongside Jehovah's true prophets and were discouraged. Elijah was discouraged and thought he was the only serving Jehovah perhaps because it looked like everyone was "drinking the Kool-Aid" .Jehovah corrected Him. Jehovah reads hearts. We have come to know the truth about God and who he really is thru this "organization". Corruption is everywhere and this organization is no exception. As we get deeper in the end we shouldn’t be shocked by what we are seeing. We have to pray, pray pray and keep Jehovah's word close. Salvation is through Jesus and not this organization. But to your point I also am angry and very irritated to the point I want to leave.

      • Reply by kev c on 2013-10-30 19:02:37

        That's what I found as well gods word is truth. The whole thing used to make me feel angry and irritated. When the meetings are supposed to be encouraging us to love and fine works. It brought out in me sad to say the works of the flesh rather than the fruits of the spirit. I think the truth is not in any organisation but in the bible. John 17 v 17. And the true worshippers are faithfull individuals rather than an entire denomination. John 4 v24. Also revelation chapters 1 and 2. Despite what others are doing and saying we can't let it affect us too much we need to keep on working out our own salvation and see the big picture

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