Innocent Doves and Cautious Serpents

– posted by meleti
There have been quite a few excellent comments made under Apollos’ post, “An Illustration” about the situation many are facing in the congregation as they make their newfound knowledge known to others.  An innocent , newly converted Jehovah’s Witness might not think that the free exchange of Bible truth among the brothers could be hazardous, but that turns out to be very much the case.
This brought to mind Jesus’ words in a way I had never thought to apply them before.

(Matthew 10:16, 17) . . .“Look! I am sending YOU forth as sheep amidst wolves; therefore prove yourselves cautious as serpents and yet innocent as doves. 17 Be on YOUR guard against men; for they will deliver YOU up to local courts, and they will scourge YOU in their synagogues.

The parallel between the persecuting Jewish leaders and the persecuting clergy of Christendom is enticingly obvious.  All we have to do is change “local courts” to “Court of the Inquisition” and “synagogues” to “churches” to make the application fit.
But should we stop there? What if we changed “local courts” to “judicial committees” and “synagogues” to “congregations”?  Or would that be going too far?
Officially, our publications have limited the application of Jesus’ words at Matthew 10:16,17 to Christendom, which is the name we give to all false Christianity—we being, of course, true Christianity and therefore not in Christendom.[i]
Are we right to exclude ourselves from the application of these words?  The apostle Paul did not think so.

“I know that after my going away oppressive wolves will enter in among YOU and will not treat the flock with tenderness, 30 and from among YOU yourselves men will rise and speak twisted things to draw away the disciples after themselves.” (Acts 20:29, 30)

“From among YOU yourselves men will rise…”  The application is clear.  Additionally, when applying these word to the Christian congregation, he gave us no time limit. There is no implication that all this would change a hundred years before the end, when a true Christian congregation would spring into existence completely free from ‘oppressive wolves speaking twisted things to draw away the disciples after themselves’.
Both from this site and within our personal sphere of knowledge, we are aware of congregation after congregation where sheep-like Christians are being treated harshly by those acting either in the modern-day capacity of wolves, or if not then acting in ignorance based on a misdirected zeal and faith in men.
As we have come to learn Bible truths that had been hidden from us for many years, we are anxious to share them with family and friends. However, just like the Jewish Christians in the first century, it has resulted in persecution and even being expelled from the synagogue (congregation).
Jesus said that we were being sent forth as sheep among wolves. Sheep are harmless creatures. They are incapable of tearing the flesh from their victims. That is how wolves act.  Knowing this, Jesus gave us some valuable counsel.  By telling us that we should be as innocent as doves, he was not speaking about the quality of innocence which should be the status quo for all Christians.  He was being specific to the topic of sheep dwelling among wolves. A dove is never seen as a threat.  A dove is nothing to be worried about.  The wolves will attack those who they see as a threat to their authority.  So within the congregation we must appear innocent and non-threatening.
At the same time, Jesus told us to proceed cautiously like a serpent. Any illustration employing a serpent to a modern Western mentality is going to have to deal with negative connotations, but we have to put those aside to understand what Jesus was saying.  Jesus was using the metaphor of a serpent to show how his disciples would have to act when there were such wolfish men about.  A serpent has to sneak up on its prey cautiously, always wary of other predators, as well as wary not to spook the prey. Christians have been likened to fisherman. The fish they catch are their prey. However, in this case the prey benefits from being caught. Likewise by comparing the situation of a Christian as a sheep among wolves proceeding cautiously like a serpent, Jesus was doing a good job of mixing metaphors. Like the fisherman, we are seeking to catch prey for the Christ.  Like the serpent, we are operating in a hostile environment, so we have to proceed with great caution feeling our way so as not to fall into a trap. There are those who will respond to the new truths we have found. They will perceive the pearls of truth we share as items of great value. On the other hand, if I may continue in a mixed metaphor vein, if we are not cautious we may actually be giving our pearls to swine, who will step all over them and then turn on us and tear us to bits.
It would shock many a Jehovah’s Witness to think that Jesus’s words about being “on your guard against such men” could actually apply within the Organization today. However, the facts speak for themselves—and do so over and over again.

[i] Christendom conjures up the idea of a kingdom ruled by men.  A monarchy, meaning “ruled by one.”  For some churches, there is truly one man ruling. In others, it is a committee of men, but they are seen as an individual, a single voice when acting as that committee or synod.   Historically, Christendom is the domain or rule of men in the name of Christ.  Christianity, on the other hand, is the way of the Christ, which puts him as head over every man. Therefore, Christianity makes no allowance for humans to rule other humans and exercise headship over them.  We were once this way, long before we were known as Jehovah’s Witnesses.

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  • Comment by smolderingwick1 on 2013-11-08 21:23:57

    What I find incredible is that everything Jesus addressed with his disciples had to do with things shared within his own congregation of "the only true religion," those who shared his Jewish heritage, even as he sent his disciples out, not to a delinquent nation of pagan worshipers but one starving under a hierarchy of self-empowered rulers.
    Jehovah's Witnesses, on the other hand, are being sent out mostly to those who look upon us as a mere curiosity, those who may not even have a clue what heritage might even exist let alone what would necessitate being cautious as serpents yet innocent as doves, a dichotomy of creature characteristics.
    Jesus real message relates to the congregation to which he belonged, the governance of which wished for and executed his persecution and death. Does it not bring back his words, "A slave is not greater than his master. If they have persecuted me, they will persecute you also."???

  • Comment by kev c on 2013-11-09 04:54:30

    Dear meleti its incredible to think that in the congregation we've always applied those verses in matthew 10. With regard to the persecution we expected from people in the so called world when we carried out our ministry. While this I suppose is partly true. The point that jesus was trying to get across. Was to be aware of the persecution. That was and still is much closer to home. He was warning them about the attidude of people who claimed to be in a religion which worshipped god. Even taking it as far as members of our own individual family. This is the risk when we speak and stand up for the truth about jesus and what he said. However he also said we may have to accept the persecution that comes with it ie picking up the torture stake. And told us not to fear those people who can kill the body but cannot destroy the soul. I think though there is a time to speak and a time to keep quiet. And we do have to be cautious as serpents and innocent as doves. After all what's the use in stirring up needless persecution against ourselves. The object is to live a calm and quiet life full of godly devotion and try our best to lead others to salvation in jesus. Thanks for the timely reminders meleti it is very much appreciated. Kev

  • Comment by Observer17 on 2013-11-09 11:25:17

    Hi Meleti,
    You mentioned above:
    "There have been quite a few excellent comments made under Apollos’ post, 'An Illustration' about the situation many are facing in the congregation as they make their NEWFOUND KNOWLEDGE known to others. An innocent , newly converted Jehovah’s Witness might not think that the free exchange of Bible truth among the brothers could be hazardous, but that turns out to be very much the case..."
    Continuing that thought, the "cognitive dissonance" being experienced in and among the family of Jehovah's Witnesses today, because of certain "newfound knowledge" that is spreading, is quite simply amazing to me.
    For example, I found this poignant comment recently made by someone, that describes that very thing happening to him. A scene that shocked him personally, that I believe is being repeated, over and over again, in and among Jehovah's Witnesses today, in many congregations around the world.
    The experience (given by a long-standing Jehovah's Witness sharing his "newfound knowledge" or information on the Watchtower Society's secret UN activities of late, to his father who is an "elder") which goes like this:
    "...After I revealed the information on the UN/NGO scandal to Dad by showing him newspaper articles from 2001, he was initially NAUSEOUS and DIDN'T WANT TO HEAR ANY MORE. A day later he told me he refuses to hear my side of the argument, and will be shunning me once things are official. In his mind THERE IS NO CONTRADICTION that he will be spending his time trying to persuade people of other faiths to challenge their convictions, while refusing to hold his own beliefs to even the slightest scrutiny."
    I think this experience says it all, regarding the brothers (and especially the elders) when they are faced with "newfound knowledge" that contradicts long-held beliefs that they have been taught. And yes as you stated above, it could be very "hazardous" to those who wish to share it.

  • Comment by Come Lord Jesus on 2013-11-09 14:09:25

    The Dec 2013 Awake! provides some fine advice on judging the Watchtower study articlesand news item provided by the faithful slave as "food at the proper time:
    Quoting directly:
    The Bible says: “Does not the ear itself test out words as the palate tastes food?” (Job 12:11) Here, then, are some tips that will help us to test out the words we hear and read:
    PROVIDER: Does the report come from a credible, authoritative person or organization? Does the program or publication have a reputation for seriousness or for sensationalism? Who provide the funds for the news source?
    SOURCES: Is there evidence of thorough research? Is the story based on just one source? Are the sources reliable, fair, and objective? Are they balanced, or have they been selected to convey only one point of view?
    PURPOSE: Ask yourself: ‘Is the news item primarily to inform or entertain? Is it trying to sell or support something?’
    TONE: When the tone of a news item is angry, spiteful, or highly critical, it suggests that an attack is under way and not a reasoned argument.
    CONSISTENCY: Are the facts consistent with those in other articles or reports? If stories contradict one another, be careful!
    TIMELINESS: Is the information recent enough to be acceptable? Something thought to be correct 20 years ago may be discounted today. On the other hand, if the news item is a breaking story, it may lack complete and comprehensive information.

    • Reply by kev c on 2013-11-09 15:04:28

      That's is unbelievable just read it on line now. I think they must be laughing when they write these articles. Good counsel though this time. Fair does. Makes me wonder if they are trying to show people the door. Its so obvious.

    • Reply by A searcher for truth on 2013-11-09 19:29:11

      Yes, very good.
      What is good for the gander is good for the goose, as the saying goes if I remember it correctly.
      In other-words, what the Watchtower Society prints in it's information, can be also applied to them as well as to what they have printed.
      There have been many examples over the years of what they have printed that can be directed at them as well.
      For instance I remember reading this article years ago and recently been reminded again on one of the JW forums of this Awake article that made the statement of :"No one should be forced to worship in a way that he finds unacceptable or be made to choose between his beliefs and his family"

      • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2013-11-09 22:45:16

        I believe it goes, "What's sauce for the gander is sauce for the goose."

        • Reply by anderestimme on 2013-11-11 19:21:57

          Actually it's "What's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander".

          • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2013-11-11 20:01:35

            Seems my dyslexia extends to sayings and verse.

            • Reply by smolderingwick1 on 2013-11-11 20:50:20

              It's a thorn in the side to keep us all humble

  • Comment by A searcher for truth on 2013-11-09 19:30:39

    That was in the Awake! July 2009, page 29

  • Comment by SilverTop on 2013-11-09 22:40:18

    I have several questions, matter of fact, my husband and I are BOTH scratching our heads trying to figure this out. I'm not super-smart, I don't know and so I ask questions. Why are there Scriptures missing in the new silver Bible. Luke 16:9 - 20; and John 7:53; and finally John 8: 1 - 11?
    I've read about the Manuscripts Codex Sinaiticus,, Codex Vaticanus and the Sinaitic Syriac codex that omits verses. I really don't understand all this. Is the Bible I've been given by the WTBTS a real Bible? Is it a valid Bible? We have read Revelation 22: 18, 19 and take that very seriously. We read the Bible daily and we believe what it says about Jehovah (Yehovah or Yahweh) and Jesus (Yeshua) , We are ready to go to a good book store and purchase two American Standard English Bibles and use them at the Kingdom Hall. Also, I don't quite understand why we are constantly told to point people to the Organization and not to Jesus. Isn't Jesus the "Truth, the Way and the Life..." Didn't Jesus himself say that " man cometh unto the father except thru me..." It seems like everything that originally brought us to what we believed was the truth has now changed and we don't know what to think. I alternate behind just sitting quiet and waiting for Yahweh to 'clean house' and straighten out the problems in the congregations or to leave. But, as the Scriptures say, "To where shall we go away..." Please brothers, do any of you have any thoughts? Brother, if this post is in the wrong place, then please remove it where it needs to be. I thank you all so much for your help and understanding. We don't know what to do or where to go.

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2013-11-09 22:49:50

      I'll leave the question of the missing texts to Apollos as he's more up on things like that than I. However, as to the point about Jehovah cleaning house, I've come to believe that the house is much larger than the Organization of Jehovah's Witnesses. We think of ourselves as Jehovah's organization, so if follows that if there are bad elements, he'll clean house. But if Christianity is the true religion, than all the organized sects that make up Christendom and cause disciples to follow men rather than God deserved to be cleaned up. Once he removes human rule, there will be no organizations of any kind, just faithful followers of the one true Lord.

    • Reply by Knowthetruth on 2013-11-10 02:58:25

      Hi SilverTop,
      When you quote "To where shall we go away..." I assume you're referring to John 6:68. If so, I wonder if it's our conditioning that causes us to think 'To where' when Peter actually said 'To whom'. In dealing with my own 'disquieting thoughts' I would often misquote this verse to myself. Now, as I cautiously reveal some of my concerns to others, I often hear it misquoted back to me. I guess 'To where' fits in much better with the idea of going to a place or an organisation for truth. However, 'To whom' focuses us on the idea that real truth is found in a person... I think you already know who he is ;-)

    • Reply by kev c on 2013-11-10 04:14:07

      Dear silvertop I studied john 8 in detail last week with regard to john 8 v 1(o 11 I read 1 commentry which claimed that the verses do belong in the bible. But scholars are not sure where in johns gospel. It also claimed that it was removed and declared spurious because some felt that jesus was condoning adultery. Could be. But it could also be just speculation I don't recall them offering any proof. As for john 6 whom shall we go away to. The brothers regularly miss the context. It says YOU have the sayings of everlasting life. And have come to believe that you are the son of god. Its clearly refering to jesus himself. Hope this is some help. At tleast on those points. Kev

    • Reply by apollos0fAlexandria on 2013-11-10 14:43:41

      Hi SilverTop
      There's a pretty good explanation on the John 7:53 - 8:11 passage here:
      It appears that these passages cannot be traced to manuscripts any earlier than 4th or 5th centuries, so the earlier manuscripts that do not contain them should naturally take precedence, especially considering that those earliest entries that do contain them often included marginal notes that indicated doubtful authority.
      It would seem to be wise to omit them altogether rather than include them as "optional" passages as was done with the previous NWT. To do so could cause some to doubt whether we can trust what has been handed down to us.
      Of course the same thing also applies to the insertion of the Divine Name in the Greek scriptures. With no manuscript evidence that God inspired to the Christian writers to use it in His Word, it allows for the same uncertainty to creep in. If we claim that we can be certain that it was there despite the manuscript evidence, then how far can we actually trust the manuscripts?
      No, we need to be confident that God has preserved His Word just as he intended it. And we can have that confidence if we simply stop imposing our own theology over His authority.

  • Comment by A searcher for truth on 2013-11-10 06:50:47

    Yes I have been in the same quandary as to where to go after leaving the JW organization behind because we all need association for encouragement and being up-built, but I do not know whether the following scripture can be applied this way but I am reminded that the farsighted ones actually go where the food is an gather together to feast on it. However I am not quite sure whether this is what Jesus had in mind.
    I will quote it here,
    Matthew 24
    27 For as the lightning comes forth from the east and shines as far as the west, so also will be the coming of the Son of Man.
    28 For wherever the dead body may be, there the eagles will be gathered.
    Now some translations actually say vultures, but an eagle apparently will go for a dead body if it is still fresh and so you could find a flock of eagles on the one body if they are hungry enough.
    However vultures are more incline to congregate around a dead body to consume it, than are the eagles as the eagles do prefer fresh prey and are solitary birds of prey, as far as I know anyway.
    But the application would be the same as the farsighted vultures would observe the prey and gather to it to feast upon it.
    The point I am trying to make is that spiritual food can be like a figurative spiritual carcass that is spotted on the Internet and other places, maybe in small groups such as the "Home Christian" groups that I have heard about and read some of there beliefs.
    But today there are many sites that have spiritual content that are relating to the teachings of Jesus and the Bible and there are now also many forums on-line to congregate on and they even organize meetups and small conventions to share what they have learned. I personally have not being to any of these meetups but I would like to in my area if it is at all possible.
    I am particularly keen to meetup with those in my area who read and are interested in the writings of the for instance, as their writings do resonate with me.

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2013-11-10 09:16:08

      It is worth of note that the events depicted at Mt. 24:27, 28 follow the great tribulation. When organized religion is destroyed, Christendom will be one whopping big carcass.

    • Reply by kev c on 2013-11-10 10:37:25

      Yes searcher for truth it is important to meet toghether. The purpose. Is to encourage one another. And icite one another to love and fine works. It must be remembered though its jesus christ that has the sayings of everlasting life. So if we are talking about the spiritual content of the meetings they must revolve primarily around attaining a sure and truthful understanding of his teachings and they are found in the bible. At this point we must ask ourselves a question. Where do I find associates who are actually doing that. And we need to flock there. I sincerely believe that many on this forum have that mentality. And I feel its good to seek out those brothers and sisters on a local level that have the same mentality as indeed I have done. And indeed although the context of matthew 18 v 20 touches on matters of judgement. The rule probably still holds true that whenever even two or three are gathered toghether in jesus name he is with them. Kev

    • Reply by smolderingwick1 on 2013-11-11 00:18:35

      Hi searcher for truth,
      Just to let you know I too got pretty excited when I first encountered the "Anointed Witnesses/ Ambassadors Substituting For Christ" site at and almost began communicating with them until a sister alerted me to the meaning behind their website signature, "Elaia Luchnia:"
      Apparently Elaia is represented by the two olive trees and Luchnia the two lampstands "before the Lord of the earth” in Rev. 11:4. Cross-referencing to include Zechariah’s vision of one luchnia and two elaia on either side of the lampstand (Zech. 4. All I can say is that a legit as it sounds, anyone presuming to set themselves up as the two witnesses of Revelation is no better than those who would presently seat themselves on the throne of Christ.
      “Be on the watch for the false prophets that come to YOU in sheep’s covering, but inside they are ravenous wolves. By their fruits you will recognize them."--Matthew 7:15-20
      "And many false prophets will arise and mislead many..." -- Matthew 24:11
      "Then if anyone says to YOU, ‘Look! Here is the Christ (literally - the anointed),’ or, ‘There!’ do not believe it. For false Christs (anointed) and false prophets will arise and will give great signs and wonders so as to mislead, if possible, even the chosen ones." -- Matthew 24:23-24
      "Beloved ones, do not believe every inspired expression (lit. spirit), but test the inspired expressions (lit. spirits) to see whether they originate with God, because many false prophets have gone forth into the world." (1John 4:1)
      We pray Pray and check God's word as did the Beroeans: "for they received the word with the greatest eagerness of mind, carefully examining the Scriptures daily as to whether these things were so." --Acts 17:11-12
      Jesus commends those in Ephesus. Why? Ffor 'outing' the false apostles among them: "‘I know your deeds, and your labor and endurance, and that you cannot bear bad men, and that you put those to the test who say they are apostles, but they are not, and you found them liars." -- Revelation 2:2

      • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2013-11-11 00:55:22

        Thank you so much for this clarifying comment. I had wondered about the site, but it takes time to fully investigate these things and that is in short supply right now, so the contributions that you and others are making to our collective fund of knowledge is most beneficial.
        I am coming to realize the danger to spirituality presented by all organized religion, because each sect, group, cult or major religion must have men heading it up and controlling it. It is yet another form of human government and all such governments stand in opposition to Jehovah.

      • Reply by apollos0fAlexandria on 2013-11-11 08:29:11

        I had also previously highlighted some dishonesty on the anointedjw website, when the issue first came up here some time ago. As far as I'm concerned I only need to see one blatant lie and my interest in a site is permanently over. I'm not talking about differences of opinion or honest mistakes. I'm talking about when someone unwittingly gives a clue that they are being knowingly deceptive. No Christian site will do this.

        • Reply by kev c on 2013-11-12 13:11:09

          That what worries me about dec 13 awake. Apollos

        • Reply by Knowthetruth on 2013-11-28 19:03:13

          Hi Apollos,
          Is the 'dishonesty' you are referring to a reference to your comment on another article that they claim their local elders and circuit servant know who they are, yet they are still in good standing? If so, would you not agree that the fact that something is unlikely does not necessarily make it a lie?
          I believe the term 'good standing' is open to interpretation in any case. Some may think of it in terms of qualifying for an assignment, others may view it as not being disfellowshipped. The organisation's definition seems to fluctuate depending on the context.
          As it happens, I asked them a direct question regarding their 'website signature'. They said they used it because there are two of them, not because they believe they are the two witnesses of Revelation.
          Unlike our organisation, they also seem very open to correction. They invite comments, respond publicly to criticisms and recently published an apology regarding an error in one of their articles.
          As with this site, I do not agree with every point they make, but I find their focus on the plain and open teachings of Jesus most refreshing. Perhaps their fruits are worth another look? (Matt 7:20)
          Warm regards,
          P.S. Thank you for your insightful articles and comments... This site is an oasis for those of us who dare to follow the Borean example.

          • Reply by apollos0fAlexandria on 2013-11-29 08:32:25

            It is a strong thing to accuse someone of a lie, so I do not do so lightly. I take your point that "the fact that something is unlikely does not necessarily make it a lie". But just as 'good standing' can vary in its usage, so can the definition of a 'lie'. Whilst there may be an unusual circumstance that enables them to write what they did about their standing and for it to be somehow 'technically true', the impression that they clearly wanted to give to their readership is that the organization is okay with their published writings and point of view. This, as you well know, is disingenuous at best.
            On this site we make no bones about whether what we write would be approved by the upper JW hierarchy. There are clearly times when it would not, and I am aware that many will not read our material simply because it falls outside of the sanctioned channel. That is their choice. We have clearly stated that our reasons for anonymity are because of organizational policy, not out of some false claim of modesty. I for one would like to simply have an open discussion forum where we are all known to one another in person.
            Anyway, what I wrote about anointedjw is simply my own reaction to what I read. Each person will make up his or her own mind as far as whether they are being honest. Perhaps if they would publish something that would clarify further what they meant by being in good standing and at the same time being known to their local elders and circuit servant, then I might take another look.
            Kind regards,

  • Comment by Come Lord Jesus on 2013-11-10 08:46:25

    The so-called missing verses are explained under "spurious verses." Try a search of that on the site.

  • Comment by SilverTop on 2013-11-10 11:03:37

    Thank you all very much. You're right of course, on reading that particular Scripture, it DOES say. " whom..." and not to what. Well, I'm going to and look up the "spurious verses" and see what that says. This site is such a blessing and I do thank you for it. Agape

  • Comment by GodsWordisTruth on 2013-11-10 20:28:29

    I noticed that this verses were missing last week and came up with the same conclusion as Apollos. I've decided personally not use This Bible because of the inconsistent translation rules by the WTS.
    The insight book reads:
    The Spurious Passage at John 7:53–8:11. These 12 verses have obviously been added to the original text of John’s Gospel. They are not found in the Sinaitic Manuscript or the Vatican Manuscript No. 1209, though they do appear in the sixth-century Codex Bezae and later Greek manuscripts. They are omitted, however, by most of the early versions. It is evident that they are not part of John’s Gospel. One group of Greek manuscripts places this passage at the end of John’s Gospel; another group puts it after Luke 21:38, supporting the conclusion that it is a spurious and uninspired text.
    If it was "obviously" an uninspired text...why put it there in the first place.
    This along with the random insertion of Jehovah 's name drove me to this conclusion.
    I've always used other translations anyways. A brother at my hall was about to read one of the "Read" scriptures at my hall and prefaced his reading by saying he was going to using the King James version. The conductor abruptly cut him off and said no brother use the NWT. I just shook my head. What does it matter? I'm so over this Bible among other things.

    • Reply by kev c on 2013-11-11 06:40:06

      Oh no not the use of different bibles. The flack we took for that. Are you not happy with jehovahs provisions. Is gods name in that bible then. Big brother is watching all of us

  • Comment by SilverTop on 2013-11-12 19:52:59

    I looked at the site, and after reading what has been written here, I don't want to read their writings. WBTS gives me enough headaches as it is. :) Seriously though, I appreciate the knowledge and obvious wisdom here on this site. The Scriptures cited are helping to make a reasonable, intelligent and difficult decision. Jesus is INDEED the Truth, the Way and the Life, not a man-made organization. Salvation is through him, not the WBTS. I admit to having a bit of uneasiness at saying this, but I no longer believe that the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society is the only organization Jehovah God is using today. But the evidence is piling up. I wouldn't have thought I'd been brainwashed or manipulated into believing a falsehood, but here I am, afraid to think what I think, and definitely afraid to say what I think. I will lose my sister, and she is all the blood family I have in the world. If she had any inkling as to how I really feel... For now I will continue to lay this matter at the foot of the throne of Jehovah, pray for strength, insight, and wisdom and guidance.

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2013-11-12 19:59:26

      We are all at various stages of where you are now, my brother.

      • Reply by SilverTop on 2013-11-12 20:24:04

        Actually, brother, I'm a sister. :)

        • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2013-11-12 23:54:53

          My apologies. :)

    • Reply by kev c on 2013-11-13 13:45:17

      Just reading about your sister silvertop. Here's some interesting scriptures that may help in the future. Proverbs 16 v23. Proverbs 15 v 28 a. Proverbs 25. V 11. Proverbs 21 v 5. Proverbs 17 v 27. Gods blessing

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