Week of Dec. 23-29, 2013

– posted by meleti


The purpose of this regular feature of our site is to provide forum members with the opportunity to share deeper insights into the Bible based on whatever is being featured as the meetings for the week, specifically the Bible Study, Theocratic Ministry School, and Service Meeting.  We will also release a weekly Saturday post on the current Watchtower study which will also be open for comments.
We deplore the lack of spiritual depth in our meetings, so let us use this as an opportunity to share valuable scriptural insights with one another.  Let it be encouraging and upbuilding, though we need not shy away from unmasking any false teaching that may show up in the week's material.  Still, we will do so without being disparaging, letting the scriptures speak for themselves, for God's word is a powerful weapon for "overturning strongly entrenched things". (2 Cor. 10:4)
I will try to keep my comments brief as I principally wish to provide a discussion area for each week's meetings so that others can contribute.

Bible Study

The second paragraph under study 24 states that "Over a century ago, the second issue of the Watchtower magazine stated that we believe we have Jehovah as our backer and that we "will never beg nor petition men for support"—and we never have!"
This may be true, but since our finances are not open to public scrutiny, how can we be sure?  It's true that the contribution plate is not passed around, but are we using subtler ways of "petitioning men for support"?  I ask, because I don't know for sure either way.
Under study 25 we make the point that Kingdom Halls are built because donations are made which are then loaned interest-free to the local congregation building a hall.  (The "interest-free" aspect is a relatively recent feature.)  Nevertheless, what is the reality?  Let's say that a congregation receives one million dollars to build a new hall.  Headquarters is down one million in donated funds.  Years go by and the one million is repaid, but the congregation now has a new hall.  Then let's say the congregation is dissolved for whatever reason.  The hall is sold.  It is now worth two million because property values have risen and the hall was built with volunteer labor, so it was worth more from the get-go than was actually invested in it.  Where does the two million go?   Who actually owns the hall?  Is any money returned to the donators?  Do they get a say in the disposition of the funds?
Headquarters has its donated one million dollars back, but what happens to the additional two million from the sale of the hall?

Theocratic Ministry School and Service Meeting

As I said in the introduction, these posts are really intended to be placeholders for the comments from our membership.  I won't make any comment on this week's TMS or SM, but there is much there to comment on.
So feel free to share any scriptural insights on the subjects covered in our meetings for this week.  We ask however that you try to keep it topical so that we don't range too far afield week by week.
Many of us would love to meet together physically, but we cannot.  So for the time being, we can meet and fellowship in cyberspace.
May the Lord be with us as we gather together.

Archived Comments

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  • Comment by Come Lord Jesus on 2013-12-24 04:52:48

    Thank you, Meleti, for establishing a forum where Jehovah's Witnesses can freely share the fruits of Bible research, mediation and congregation experience as ministers of the good news.
    This week's Bible Highlights from Revelation Chapters 7 to 14 allow us to examine the bookend references to the 144,000. Jesus had been given an assignment by his Father to collect the lost sheep of Israel (Matt 10:6). Nevertheless, he saw “other sheep, which are not of this fold; those too I must bring in, and they will listen to my voice, and they will become one flock, one shepherd.” (John 10:16)
    At last, Jesus reveals to John the fulfillment of this promise. At the outset of Revelation 7, four angels hold back the destruction for the final sealing of the “slaves of our God,” then naming 12,000 out of each of the physical tribes of Israel (the man and his twelve sons.) And immediately after this (Rev. 7:9), “a great crowd, which no man was able to number out of all nations and tribes and peoples and tongues.”
    But wait, one of the sons of Israel is missing, Dan! His place is taken by Joseph's son Manas'seh.
    We are left to wonder why and observe from Bible history that both Jehovah and Jesus in his role of “eternal father” have lost sons. In the case of Dan, Jeroboam set up two golden calves to take the place of Jehovah's worship in spirit and truth. 1 Kings 12:29 states: “Then he placed one in Bethel, and the other he put in Dan.”
    That gives us due warning not to worship the idol of Bethel, or to follow the way north “as far as Dan to worship the one there.” (v 30.)
    In Revelation 14 we again see a similar number of 144,000 standing on Mount Zion, having the name of Jesus (the Lamb) and the name of his Father written on their foreheads. This sealing with the name of the Lamb signifies the ownership of them as slaves “bought” or purchased by ransom. Revelation 14:4 states “These were bought from among mankind as firstfruits to God and to the Lamb.”
    Meleti -
    That's my highlight of the week. May all our brothers and sisters share in this great spiritual feast by voicing theirs in the ministry, in the congregation and in this weekly forum.

    • Reply by apollos0fAlexandria on 2013-12-25 08:53:37

      I appreciated this comment CLJ. I'm not certain I grasped the implications of all your points, but it provided food for thought.
      It has occurred to me before that "Bethel" is a somewhat unfortunate choice of name for our HQ's. The literal meaning is nice enough, but when you study the history of the actual Bethel of the Bible it could be construed as quite the warning for our day. This was actually on my list to write a short article on at some point.

      • Reply by Come Lord Jesus on 2013-12-25 11:59:58

        Thanks, Apollos, for picking up on the Bethel meme.
        Your take on 144,000 being sealed with the name of the Lamb on their foreheads is of interest.
        Review question for Bible Highlights this week: By what designation are the 144,000 sealed in their foreheads in the manner of slaves? (Rev 14:1-4)
        What percentage of the 7 or so million attending the TMS this week would answer correctly? Does this indicate an imbalance in our teaching on the respective roles of both Jesus and Jehovah in this "new creation"?

    • Reply by smolderingwick1 on 2013-12-27 16:58:21

      Talk # 2 on the TMS—“Ways in Which True Christians Can Show Genuine Hospitality”
      The setting was a “worldly” workmate, knowing the sister didn’t celebrate Christmas and thinking she might be lonely, invited her over for a meal and refreshment. The sister kindly refused saying that she is not alone but has all kinds of friends who show her such hospitality.
      Years ago when I gave the public talk, “Following the Course of Hospitality,” I would’ve never given it a second thought. But now as I read the one cited text of Hebrews 13:2, “Do not forget hospitality,” I see how the footnote renders the Greek word, (φιλονεξία or philonexia) to mean “kindness to strangers.” Which is true, since the verse concludes, “for through it some, unknown to themselves, entertained angels,” I then wonder within myself how ungracious the sister was to refuse her workmate’s random act of hospitality in favour of explaining how only true Christians know how to show genuine hospitality.

  • Comment by Dakota on 2013-12-24 10:25:29

    I'm new to this site, and look forward to commenting, and starting a few posts.Just saying hi for now, and well tell you about myself soon.

    • Reply by apollos0fAlexandria on 2013-12-25 19:23:06

      Hi Dakota
      Welcome to the site. We look forward to your comments.

  • Comment by SilverTop on 2013-12-24 16:13:45

    Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Finally a place where the word of God is uplifted, and ALL can share in the spiritual meal!!

    • Reply by GodsWordIsTruth on 2013-12-26 14:08:23

      Silvertop I share your sentiments :) At this time I am still attending the meetings regularly… However, this site will definitely give me an outlet to discuss what we are being taught vs. what the bible says. It is so discouraging to sit there and disagree with about 50% ( maybe higher) of what it is being taught from week to week and not have a safe place to voice it.

  • Comment by miken on 2013-12-25 11:58:08

    It's true that the contribution plate is not passed around, but are we using subtler ways of "petitioning men for support"?
    Well we have our annual not so subtle appeal for support see WT Nov 15, 2013,pages 8-9 How Can We Help to Meet The Needs of Others.

  • Comment by bjfox1 on 2013-12-25 19:18:37

    I while back while surfing the net, I came across this article at : http://www.anthonymathenia.com/spanish-jws-upset-over-bethel-move/
    It spoke about the poor Witnesses in Spain who were told the Society could not fund a Branch office for them and thought they could make donations to build one for themselves. After the convention the 1983 yearbook said:
    ' At the close of the con­ven­tions, peo­ple were lin­ing up to con­tribute their jew­els, gold and sil­ver rings and bracelets, so that these could be turned into cash to finance the new project. At the con­ven­tion in San Sebastián in the Basque coun­try, an elderly sis­ter handed over a heavy gold bracelet. When asked if she was sure that she wanted to donate such a valu­able item, she answered: “Brother, it is going to do far more good pay­ing for a new Bethel than it will on my wrist!” '
    Then what did the Society do in 2009 for their loving efforts? Closed it down, sent their printing presses to Germany, sold the branch and kept the money.

  • Comment by miken on 2014-01-08 10:58:34

    "Jehovah as our backer and that we “will never beg nor petition men for support”—and we never have!”
    Really, well how crazy is this? http://jwindiagift.org/

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