Midweek Meeting Comments – Dec. 30, 2013 – Addendum

– posted by meleti
There is something from this week’s School Review that I just couldn’t let slip by.

Question 3: How do we enter into God’s rest? (Heb. 4:9-11)  [w11 7/15 p. 28 pars. 16, 17]

If after reading Hebrews 4:9-11 you answered that we can enter into God’s rest by being obedient to him, you would be wrong.
You see, we enter into God’s rest by…well, why don’t I just let The Watchtower say it.

What, then, does it mean for Christians to enter into God’s rest? Jehovah set aside the seventh day—his rest day—in order to bring his purpose respecting the earth to a glorious fulfillment. We can enter into Jehovah’s rest—or join him in his rest—by obediently working in harmony with his advancing purpose as it is revealed to us through his organization. (w11 7/15 p. 28 par. 16 God’s Rest—What Is It?)

I should point out that those are not my italics. They come right from the WT article.
The article continues:

On the other hand, if we minimized the Bible-based counsel that we receive through the faithful and discreet slave class, choosing to follow an independent course, we would be placing ourselves at odds with God’s unfolding purpose. (w11 7/15 p. 28 par. 16 God’s Rest—What Is It?)

Those last italics are mine.
So we enter into God’s rest by working in harmony with his organization which reveals his unfolding purpose to us through the faithful and discreet slave class, which are the eight men of the Governing Body.  If however we fail to do this, but follow a course of action which is independent of the Governing Body, we will not enter into God’s rest, but die in the metaphorical wilderness like the rebellious Israelites of Moses’ day.  (Okay, their wilderness was not metaphorical, but you get my drift.)
I agree that we should never be independent from Jehovah.  We depend on our God and Father for all things.
Question: What if the Governing Body is the one following a course of independence?  This is the question few of us ever ask, because we assume that the Governing Body is never independent of God, but is always working with him and that his purpose is therefore revealed through them.  This is certainly the point they are making in this article.  We must obey them because Jehovah is revealing his unfolding purpose through them.  The irony of this position is brought home in the following article, “God’s Rest—Have You Entered Into It?”, for which this one is merely the setup.  That article is trying to get us to accept two vital points on which strict obedience it required, otherwise we’ll die.  (Isn't that what "not enter into God's rest" means?)
The points are: Don’t doubt the Governing Body just because just because God hasn't revealed everything to them up front, and make sure you always support their position on disfellowshipping.
The failed revelations and predictions of the organization are explained away as mere “refinements in our understanding of certain Bible teachings”.
There is a certain audacity that one has to admire[i] about a group of men who will publish a statement like that to be distributed to the world in a many dozens of languages and in tens of millions of copies.  It is widely known that we said the great tribulation would begin in 1914, would culminate in 1925, then later, that it would likely come in 1975.  All failures—to name only a few.  We redefined “this generation” multiple times to help in our lawless[ii] time calculations, and we’re still redefining it as per our February 2014 Watchtower.  This is only a sprinkling of some of the more egregious failures, which we blithely label “refinements” and then charge the rank and file to accept unquestioningly or else be cut off from God’s rest.
Of course, if we don't wholeheartedly accept such failures as mere refinements, we are in danger of getting cut off long before God's rest comes.  Disfellowshipping is the punishment for independent thinking (independent from the GB that is).  Of course, this stick would have no force to quell contrary thinking if it were not carried by all in the rank and file. Therefore, we are told convincingly that if we don’t help them to enforce the punitive extent to which the process of disfellowshipping is put as a means to control those who would presume to follow a course of independence from them (not from God mind you, but from men) we also are being disobedient and will die in the wilderness.
Fear is a powerful motivator.
Again, the audacity of such printed declarations is mind boggling.

[i] I do not mean “admire” in a laudatory sense.

[ii] I say ‘lawless’ because our Lord and King clearly prohibited us from such things at Acts 1:7.  Yet we pursue an independent course of disobedience which has resulted in the spiritual shipwreck of thousands.

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  • Comment by BeenMislead on 2014-01-03 12:28:22

    Excellent article Meleti !!!
    The “generation” of Matthew 24:34
    1969 Version: (All Persons old enough to remember)
    “After drawing attention to the many things that mark the period from 1914 onward as the “time of the end,” Jesus said: “This generation will by no means pass away until all these things occur.” (Matt. 24:34) Which generation did he mean?
    Jesus had just referred to persons who would “see all these things.” “These things” are the events that have taken place since 1914 and those yet to occur down to the end of this wicked system. (Matt. 24:33) Persons born even as much as fifty years ago could not see “all these things.” They came on the scene after the foretold events were already under way.
    However, there are people still living who were alive in 1914 and saw what was happening then and who were old enough that they still remember those events. This generation is getting up in years now. A great number of them have already passed away in death. Yet Jesus very pointedly said: “This generation will by no means pass away until all these things occur.” Some of them will still be alive to see the end of this wicked system. This means that only a short time is left before the end comes! (Ps. 90:10) So now is the time to take urgent action if you do not want to be swept away with this wicked system. – (Watchtower 1969 Feb. 15 p. 101)
    2014 Version: (Two groups of anointed Christians but not all)
    “In his detailed prophecy about the conclusion of this system of things, Jesus said: “This generation will by no means pass away until all these things happen.” (Read Matthew 24:33-35.) We understand that in mentioning “this generation,” Jesus was referring to two groups of anointed Christians. The first group was on hand in 1914, and they readily discerned the sign of Christ’s presence in that year. Those who made up this group were not merely alive in 1914, but they were spirit-anointed as sons of God in or before that year.—Rom. 8:14-17.
    16. The second group included in “this generation” are anointed contemporaries of the first group. They were not simply alive during the lifetime of those in the first group, but they were anointed with holy spirit during the time that those of the first group were still on earth. Thus, not every anointed person today is included in “this generation” of whom Jesus spoke. Today, those in this second group are themselves advancing in years. Yet, Jesus’ words at Matthew 24:34 give us confidence that at least some of “this generation will by no means pass away” before seeing the start of the great tribulation. This should add to our conviction that little time remains before the King of God’s Kingdom acts to destroy the wicked and usher in a righteous new world.—2 Pet. 3:13.” - (Watchtower 2014, January 15 p.30-31, “Let Your Kingdom Come”—But When?
    Wow!! Talk about deja vu!! (French, literally means "already seen").
    The rhetoric that “little time remains” based on Matt. 24:34 returns after 45 years!!
    This is exactly what they said in the late 60’s and early 70’s. Notice the similarities between the 1969 Watchtower version and the 2014 Watchtower version.
    1969 version: they said this generation is getting up in years now, and only a short time is left before the end comes!
    2014 version: they are saying that the second group are themselves advancing in years, and little time remains before the ushering in of the new world!
    Also, when they say “We understand that in mentioning “this generation,” Jesus was referring to two groups of anointed Christians.”, notice they don’t provide any scriptural support for that because there is none! They should change “We understand” to “We speculate”, because that is what it is speculation.
    There is a Chinese Proverb that comes to mind:
    “Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me.”

    • Reply by anderestimme on 2014-01-03 15:13:32

      It wasn't just the 60s and early 70s. After the dust of the 75 fiasco settled, the "generation" card was still being unapologetically played.
      *** g88 4/8 pp. 13-14 The Last Days—What’s Next? ***
      "...These definitions allow for all those who were born around the time of a historic event and all those who were alive at that time....
      Likewise today, most of the generation of 1914 has passed away. However, there are still millions on earth who were born in that year or prior to it. And although their numbers are dwindling, Jesus’ words will come true, “this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened.” This is yet another reason for believing that Jehovah’s thief like day is imminent."

      • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2014-01-03 16:00:23

        Ah, but brothers, you are being much too hard on them. They did finally get it right in 1997.
        *** w97 6/1 p. 28 Questions From Readers ***
        What did Jesus mean by “generation,” both in his day and in ours?
        Many scriptures confirm that Jesus did not use “generation” with regard to some small or distinct group, meaning...only his loyal disciples....
        In that statement, Peter was clearly not being precise as to any fixed age or length of time, nor was he tying the “generation” to any certain date.
        It must be acknowledged that we have not always taken Jesus’ words in that sense. There is a tendency for imperfect humans to want to be specific about the date when the end will come. Recall that even the apostles sought more specifics, asking: “Lord, are you restoring the kingdom to Israel at this time?”—Acts 1:6.
        With similar sincere intentions, God’s servants in modern times have tried to derive from what Jesus said about “generation” some clear time element calculated from 1914. For instance, one line of reasoning has been that a generation can be 70 or 80 years, made up of people old enough to grasp the significance of the first world war and other developments; thus we can calculate more or less how near the end is.
        However well-meaning such thinking was, did it comply with the advice Jesus went on to give? Jesus said: “Concerning that day and hour nobody knows, neither the angels of the heavens nor the Son, but only the Father. . . . Keep on the watch, therefore, because you do not know on what day your Lord is coming.”—Matthew 24:36-42.
        So the recent information in The Watchtower about “this generation” did not change our understanding of what occurred in 1914. But it did give us a clearer grasp of Jesus’ use of the term “generation,” helping us to see that his usage was no basis for calculating—counting from 1914—how close to the end we are.

        So there you have it. After decades of failures, of continual refinements until at last they had to abandon the whole thing, the future finally looked brighter in 1997. It seemed they had at last wised up. They had learned from their mistakes.
        Alas, it was too good to be true. 2007 comes along; then a refinement in 2010; and another in 2012 (if memory serves) and now the latest in the Feb. 2014 WT.
        Yes, it seems they have learned from their mistakes. They have learned from their mistakes and they can repeat them exactly.

        • Reply by GodsWordIsTruth on 2014-01-03 17:01:10

          I know that this has been said many times before.... but it becomes more apparent with each passing day that the 1914 doctrine is such an anchor. It weighs down every other teaching of the WTBS. I thought that 1914 being wrong was not a “big deal” previously before discussing the WTBS teachings in the open on this site . I could not have been more wrong.

          • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2014-01-03 17:03:35

            I completely agree. I felt as you did when I first realized it was wrong. At first it was just one more thing, like 1975. No big deal. Doesn't affect me much. However, like you, I've come to see that it affects almost everything to do with the faith of Jehovah's Witnesses.

  • Comment by Sargon on 2014-01-03 17:36:27

    1914 is the entire basis for the perceived authority of the GB. If 1914 is gone, then any reasoning person would see that they have no real authority.

  • Comment by Jude on 2014-01-03 21:00:43

    "On the other hand, if we minimized the Bible-based counsel that we receive through the faithful and discreet slave class, choosing to follow an independent course, we would be placing ourselves at odds with God’s unfolding purpose."
    So given that the faithful and discreet slave was appointed in 1919 and there was no faithful and discreet slave in existence when the book of Hebrews was written, those early 1st century Christians did not follow Bible-based counsel from the faithful and discreet slave. They followed a course independent of the faithful and discreet slave and placed themselves at odds with God's unfolding purpose. They failed to enter his rest.

    • Reply by Jude on 2014-01-03 21:05:52

      I just realized something very disturbing! According to the organization's current understanding of the identity and time of appointment of the F&DS, Jesus left the earth without appointing a faithful and discreet slave to feed his disciples . . . for almost 2000 years!

      • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2014-01-03 23:47:21

        Or, he appointed the slave in 1919, then departed, though how he could depart while remaining present is a mind-bender.

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2014-01-03 23:46:24

      Good point. Sound reasoning.

  • Comment by Jude on 2014-01-03 21:22:05

    "We can enter into Jehovah’s rest—or join him in his rest—by obediently working in harmony with his advancing purpose as it is revealed to us through his organization."
    Not through his word the bible, no. Through his organization. Because, as Jesus said:
    "Sanctify them by means of the truth, your organization is truth."
    And in the Psalms it is written:
    "Your organization is a lamp to my foot and a light to my roadway".
    And Paul wrote to Timothy:
    "and that from infancy you have known the organization's publications, which are able to make you wise for salvation through the faith in connection with the faithful and discreet slave. Every publication of the organization is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness, that the man of God may be fully competent, completely equipped for every good work."

    • Reply by Jude on 2014-01-03 21:30:27

      For some reason this Proverb comes to mind:
      "Under three things the earth has been agitated, and under four it is not able to endure: under a slave when he rules as king, . . . a maidservant when she dispossesses her mistress." (Proverbs 30:21-23)
      A slave [faithful and discreet slave] acting as a king and a maidservant [earthly organization] who dispossesses her mistress [heavenly organization].

      • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2014-01-03 23:48:24

        You are on fire today, Jude.

      • Reply by on 2014-01-04 06:47:15

        Why don't we just call the so called FDS what it really is?
        Why do we pretend this is Gods Organisation?
        Why don't we say who this organisation really belongs to?
        To be fair on all the above, we are no worse than all the other churches in so called Christendom; if not worse, because we've hijacked the name of God and constantly finger point at everyone else.
        In Revelation, when we are instructed to get out of BTG, do you think developments like this make it time for us to vote with our feet?

      • Reply by GodsWordIsTruth on 2014-01-04 13:10:57

        The GB are men like us. They exact obedience and faith from us....I'm not sure if it is for a self serving purpose or they truly believe that God is guiding them as they pen these "truths". If it is latter... do they actually put faith in their own words? Who are they obedient to? Their teachings change so much... do they put as much faith and stock in their own words as much as they require us to? I know they say as clarifications/ adjustments to be their former thinking are revealed to them by God we should loyal accept these new revelations... is it beyond holy spirit that they are being revealed? Because Jehovah gives us all that... Why do they speak for everybody? I guess it's their organization/company they can do what they please. Personally, I'm going to pray that even though my spirit is grieved by these things that it does not become a complaining spirit. I find myself complaining alot. It's negative and discouarging

        • Reply by apollos0fAlexandria on 2014-01-04 15:14:51

          Good comment GodsWordIsTruth.
          I keep trying to take stock of this myself. Until such time that we face the judgement seat, we are all brothers and sisters, and we should "speak injuriously of no one" (Titus 3:2). If this applies to secular authorities and governments then how much more so to our brothers and sisters, even if they assume authority that may or may not be theirs to take. But really that's not our business. It doesn't mean we have to do or believe things that are anti-scriptural or against our consciences, but it is necessary to separate the issues.
          I always try to give the GB the benefit of the doubt in my own mind. Although the term "self-delusion" might sound derogatory, it seems better than ascribing bad motive to people. Trying to work out what really drives people is ultimately an exercise in speculation. But in all honesty I've never seen any evidence that any theological mastery over us has been executed with malicious intent.

          • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2014-01-04 17:01:52

            Good point and I completely agree that we should not speak injuriously of others. The word itself signifies not speaking so as to cause injury. Love always seeks the best interests of its object. We do unmask a number of false doctrines on this site, and some have taken that negatively, accusing us of causing injury--of speaking injuriously of glorious ones--but since truth ultimately results in freedom, such accusations are unfounded.
            I don't want to disagree with my esteemed brother Apollos. I know him to be a man who does not like to pass judgment on others, and I admire that. Personally, I find it a challenge to maintain a neutral stance in the face of wrongdoing, be it intentional or otherwise. The way I have learned to deal with this is not to judge at all.
            Assuming that they are acting out of self-delusion is one way of dealing with the incongruity of men who are lauded on the one hand as righteous while simultaneously expounding falsehood. But that is also a form of judgment. If I condemn, I judge. If I excuse, I judge. I don't know where their heart is. All l know is that what they are doing is wrong and a sin.
            I have personally witnessed abuses of power at all levels of the Organization. Were these men misguided, or evil. Not for me to say. However, Jehovah has given all of us, not the right, but the duty to condemn evil acts. Jehovah condemns the teaching of lies and falsehood. If I see a man doing such I know he stands condemned and must repent. That judgment has already been rendered. Whether he does so our of fear, out of ignorance, or out of maliciousness may not be apparent to me. And the individual judgment of the man is not mine to make, but God's. Nevertheless, that he is sinning is evident by the fact he teaches the falsehood. Ignorance is no excuse. (Acts 2:36-38)

            • Reply by GodsWordIsTruth on 2014-01-04 19:47:20

              Great thoughts brothers....
              If you put Jehovah’s Witnesses in a search engine, I guarantee that you find blogs, sites, articles etc. devoted to the demise of the GB and the WTBS . The inability to share our faith with other JW’s (iron sharpening iron), the false doctrines and restrictive practices are at the root. JW’s are limited to sharing the collective “faith” and “truths” of the organization as written by the GB with others in the field ministry and with each other. These eight men have taken on the sole responsibility of teaching millions of people and since they feed off each other there is no real iron sharpening. That with the fact that they are imperfect, I don’t think they will ever change. They have the same information available as everyone else if they wanted to examine the bible instead of shoring up their teachings. I see it as more of a refusal to change. I hope I am wrong.
              The bible discussion on this site is just that a discussion. Unlike other sites , it is respectful of the GB and their organization. I really appreciate that is not filled with vitriol messages, people organizing a take down of the organization, or ridden with bitter comments( even though some of us may be bitter, at least I am ). Tone of sites like that are unchristian and unbearable. I used to think “Hey if people hate us that bad we must be the true religion …it was foretold by Jesus that we would be hated”. However, I can’t just pick on websites ran by others. I cringe when I read publications from the WTBS ( under the guise of proclaiming judgments from Jehovah) resort to name calling and judging particularly the Catholic church . It comes off to me as the wrath of a jilted girlfriend/boyfriend. In the end….I am perfectly fine with committing the judgment to Jesus . I just want to study the bible with others in peace and find out the truth.
              To the anonymous commenter…I know how you feel. The more I discover the more I go through waves of anger, guilt and grief. I am just grateful to Jehovah that I have a vessel to learn . Whether BTG is false religion ,organized religion or opposers of the Christian way of life Jehovah will judge. I am coming to appreciate by means of this site that Jehovah being an organized God does not mean he needs an organization to reach people. He doesn’t need any man made thing to accomplish his will. So I am not sure that at this point that physical movement or geography is necessary.
              What is false religion anyway? Is there a true religion ? Nobody has it all right. I believe in spite of the WTBS’s imperfections that they are sincere. I believe that is why there are 4 slaves in the parable in Luke. When the master arrives those assuming this responsibility over God’s people ( JW and Non JW alike)will be judged. Maybe the GB are evil slave. Or maybe because of their sincere efforts WTBS and others like it will just get beaten up .

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2014-01-03 23:47:51


  • Comment by miken on 2014-01-04 09:43:42

    Recorded at Acts 1:7 Jesus tells his disciples "It does not belong to you to get knowledge of the times or seasons which the Father has placed in his own jurisdiction". He also told Christians to keep awake and be ready " because at an hour you do not think it to be , the son of man is coming". Matt 24:44. Jesus words recorded at Luke 21:8 are very specific, "Lookout that you are not misled, for many will come on the basis of my name, saying, 'I am he' and ,'The due time has approached', Do not go after them".
    When will the GB really 'get it'?

  • Comment by smolderingwick1 on 2014-01-05 02:12:27

    The great equalizer is coming. That's my theory anyway. Everyone who thought they knew everything they needed to know will be humiliated by what they didn't know. And those who knew they didn't know and even thought themselves stupid for not knowing will be exalted for being so humble as to confess that they couldn't understood the blessing given them as in Jesus words in Matthew 25:37-39:
    "Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty, and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and receive you hospitably, or naked, and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to you?"
    As Jesus said of those entrusted with the duties of a slave in Luke 12:47, 48:
    "Then that slave that understood the will of his master but did not get ready or do in line with his will will be beaten with many strokes. But the one that did not understand and so did things deserving of strokes will be beaten with few. Indeed, everyone to whom much was given, much will be demanded of him; and the one whom people put in charge of much, they will demand more than usual of him."

  • Comment by anderestimme on 2014-01-06 09:56:52

    I get the feeling that willful blindness is not going to look good on anybody's resumé on Judgment Day. But I also think having enough love of God and neighbor to be willing to repudiate one's self and carry one's torture stake - even if it's not quite the shape and size it should be - will cover a multitude of sins. In any case, I've got my own rafter to whittle.

    • Reply by apollos0fAlexandria on 2014-01-06 13:06:49

      Nice comment. Well put.

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