Ravenous Wolves

– posted by meleti

(Matthew 7:15) 15 “Be on the watch for the false prophets that come to YOU in sheep’s covering, but inside they are ravenous wolves.

Until reading this today, I had failed to notice that the ravenous wolves are false prophets.  Now “prophet” in those days meant more than ‘foreteller of future events’.  The Samaritan woman perceived Jesus to be a prophet even though he had not foretold the future, but only things of the present and past that he couldn’t have otherwise known had it not been revealed to him by God.  So prophet refers to one who reveals things from God, or who speaks inspired utterances.  A false prophet, therefore, would be one to pretends to speak things revealed by God to him. (John 4:19)
Now the way to recognize these ravenous wolves is by their fruits not their behavior. Obviously, these men can hide their true nature very well; but they cannot hide the fruits they produce.

(Matthew 7:16-20) . . .By their fruits YOU will recognize them. Never do people gather grapes from thorns or figs from thistles, do they? 17 Likewise every good tree produces fine fruit, but every rotten tree produces worthless fruit; 18 a good tree cannot bear worthless fruit, neither can a rotten tree produce fine fruit. 19 Every tree not producing fine fruit gets cut down and thrown into the fire. 20 Really, then, by their fruits YOU will recognize those [men].

There is no way of knowing if a fruit tree is good or bad until the harvest time.  Even as the fruit is growing, one doesn’t know whether it will be good or not.  Only when the fruit is ripe will anyone—any average Joe or Jane—be able to tell if it is good or bad.
The false prophets hide their true nature.  We have no idea they are “ravenous wolves”.  However, after enough time goes by—possibly years or decades—the harvest arrives and the fruit is ripe for the picking.
I am constantly amazed by the depth of wisdom Jesus was able to pack into just a few well-chosen words.  He has done just that with these six short verses recorded by Matthew.
We all know men who purport to be prophets, revealers of God’s will.  These men give the appearance of godly devotion.  Are they true prophets or false prophets? Are they sheep or ravenous wolves?  Will they lead us to Christ or devour us?
No one should answer that question for you.  Why would you take someone’s word for it, when all you have to do is taste the fruit to know. The fruit does not lie.

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  • Comment by GodsWordIsTruth on 2014-01-17 09:59:22

    That is a powerful scripture . I enjoyed the comments on that scripture as well. It is amazing that the situations that befall all Christians ( non JW alike) Jesus had the foresight and knowledge to be able to help us today in our service to God. I never applied this scripture to JW's . I believed like many of us that it was foretold that a great apostasy would occur ( and it has) and that JW's emerged out of that dark era as true Christianity (based on the consideration the Revelation book ). Now that I look back .. I have no idea why I believed that idea was in any way consistent with the scriptures . The thing is ...no one , no religion , no organization and not even me has it all right . However, I am confident that Jesus will set matters straight and it’s nice to know that he warned us in advance.
    I appreciate you for posting this . I have discontinued reading the comments in the daily text everyday. That was a hard habit to let go but it was necessary because for the last couple of years it started my morning off horribly especially since I disagree with the watchtower comments that follow behind the scriptures . The comments usually reiterate false doctrine or allude to the my “secondary citizenship” . I never realized until recently that most of the time the comments really have nothing to do with the context of scripture . I still miss the consideration of a scriptural thought every day and because of that I have replaced it with just reading the scripture of the text being considered for that day. However this was a nice brief way to start off the day :)
    What prompted you to read this scripture today Meleti ?

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2014-01-17 10:52:15

      Unlike you, I never got into the habit of reading the daily text. My parents never did it, and so I didn't form the habit at an early age. Even when I started pioneering and "made the truth my own", I wasn't able to get into the habit, though I did try several times. Likewise, I never prepared for the midweek meeting. I have trouble studying things I already know. My mind wanders. It has made it difficult to follow public talks since they are rarely interesting nor cover anything that hasn't been covered many times before. So I will usually end up reading a scripture the speaker introduces and then finding something in it of interest and go off on a tangent that can last for minutes, by which time I've completely lost the trend of his talk.
      Now that I'm truly trying to "make the truth my own", I try to get my day off to a good start by reading a chapter or two per day from the Greek Scriptures, before starting to work. Often I only get into it partway as something I read gets me doing some research or just thinking along new lines--like today.
      It is a source of great joy, and so easy, yet so often disregarded in the face of so many pressures of life.

      • Reply by GodsWordIsTruth on 2014-01-17 12:01:23

        Daily Bible reading is a good habit to develop. I read chapters of the bible every other day . I have always been overwhelmed with keeping up with the WT’s and Awakes, Studying for the meetings , FS, daily text reading new releases , and the yearbook. I can honestly say I did it more out of routine and the fear of falling behind the ever moving “celestial chariot”. Additionally, the information I studied made for good conversations in FS and I could answer the question , “ Did you get a chance to read the new wt or the new release ?”.
        Now that I am off that treadmill reading the bible without publications is hard to get used to. It is definitely more rewarding because my sole focus is on the bible and what it contains and not piecing together doctrine. The bible actually feels like reading a new release. Every day I am learning something new. I am reading with a new perspective as a personal letter not as a book written for someone else. I totally agree with you about the same talks over and over. It is hard work to study the bible versus studying the cliff notes (publications) of someone else’s study of the Bible
        I really appreciate your work on this site.

    • Reply by imjustasking on 2014-01-17 15:06:52

      Don't feel bad about not reading the days text. That is the number one thing a person HAS to do, if they are to break free from the mental shackles of the WT.
      You see in my opinion the Days Text is only there to reinforce teachings of the WT. This has the effect of undermining whatever you may come to realise about the teachings of the Society. In my case the end result was cognitive dissonance.
      I found that I was able to make more sense of the Bible after I stopped reading the Days Text, because I didn't have the conflicting WT thoughts, that at the time seem plausible swirling about in my head.
      As far as Bible reading is concerned, try the New Living Translation. I came across it as I was helping a sister to break free (from WT), so that she could help her teenage son. It really is very good. It has these side bars throughout that are placed at key scriptural passages to challenge you the reader to think how the topic might apply to you. They are very thought provoking topics that draw on real life 20 th century experiences, to rhetorical questions for self reflection. I cannot recommend it highly enough and does a far better job than the Days Text.
      Just my $0.02 worth!

      • Reply by GodsWordIsTruth on 2014-01-17 16:40:03

        That $0.02 is very valuable to me! Thanks imjustasking for the suggestion. I did not realize how perfunctory my worship had become. I don’t believe worship is the right word for what I have been doing all these years … service? Sacred service defined by the GB . I believed that devoting most of my time in Field Service, stellar mtg attendance and studying the bible w/ publications was the way to salvation. My prayers were mostly that Jehovah could help me accomplish those things. Instead of attempting meticulously follow the organization’s rules/principles/laws, I pray that I can concentrate on the spirit of the law of God.

  • Comment by Sargon on 2014-01-17 13:13:48

    I tried reading the Bible once as a kid but got bored. The district convention on God's Word is Truth bothered me, because there we were told that truth doesn't change. I had a chance to attend a special convention with a GB member present and while I was thoroughly impressed by the brotherhood, I was disturbed by the organizational propaganda. I also knew that corporate policy was what prevailed in my congregation and not true love. I decided to begin reading the Bible alone and without any WT publications. I also used the JW library phone app to compare translations. I started with the Gospels and quickly realized that we were not practicing what Jesus taught. I love reading the bible now, because it actually has meaning. The message of love and freedom from law is refreshing. I could also see how we have become like the Pharisees and why serving God according to the tradition of the GB is burdensome and makes us self righteous and judgmental. I've never studied for the mid- week meetings or read the daily text, and I only underlined my WT so that nobody would question me. I no longer feel guilty about my superficial WT study because I know Jehovah won't destroy me for not underlining my magazine.

  • Comment by imjustasking on 2014-01-17 15:46:46

    Matthew 7:16-20 - for a long time a brother and I could not get our heads around this (when we thought that JW's were the true religion), but the words of Jesus are very emphatic and clear. A good tree CANNOT produce rotten fruits. Now ask yourself, which Christian organisation does NOT produce rotten fruit? They ALL do, to a lesser or greater extent. Therefore, ALL Christian denominations must be in line to be cut down.Will Jesus overlook JW's? Well with the countless child molestation cases, murders, adultery etc I think we are as much in line to be cut down as anybody else.
    So this begs the question, if all the trees are to be cut down, where are we to go? Simple. Jesus Christ. He is the true vine and if we attach ourselves to him, we can't go wrong.
    I am now convinced Christianity was never meant to be a big monolithic tree like structure. Such a model is inherent with problems and no matter how well intentioned a leadership may be, inevitably such a structure will grow to have a life of its own and its membership and leaders end up serving the needs of the structure/organisation. Introduce money into the equation and you have a recipe for disaster. Ergo God and Christ are neglected and instead Mammon is served.
    We see history repeating itself right in front of our eyes. What is happening to JW's is what happened to all the other Churches before us.
    It is said that organisations go through 3 phases. Storming, Norming and Conforming.
    Storming - challenge the establishment. New ideas pushed forward
    Norming - solidifying beliefs. Formalising a doctrine
    Conforming - Making sure all adherents are obedient and believe the same thing.
    JW's in the above life cycle are in the Conforming stage. Sad.
    What did the angel say at Revelation - 'get out of her my people'.
    Is it time that we took heed to these words?

    • Reply by Joel on 2014-01-17 19:26:13

      I found your comment very interesting and I have had similar thoughts of my own. Being raised a witness, I honestly think it has it's pluses. But as strong as some of those plus points may be, they haven't proved enough for me. So, I look around and I see the thousands of Christian denominations - and I realise I will never in a lifetime be able to look into them all. Still, I tried to look at as many as seemed necessary, to improve my knowledge if nothing else (silver lining). I review websites, videos, etc. Some have doctrines I can't accept, many of course display the cross in their places of worship, some seem too orthodox, celebrate Christmas, etc. So, until I am pushed in a direction, I'm a Christian and I begin to think that is the main thing I need to keep working on. Perhaps that is why Jesus said "wherever 2 or 3 are gathered together in my name"? It isn't necessary for there to be hundreds or even 10 to worship acceptably.
      Then I also think of those words in Revelation and it occurs to me that perhaps they are all indeed for the chop, but what exactly is involved in "getting out of her" - and I don't like to speculate because I would hate to give someone a bad idea.
      I do wonder though, because there seems to be a parallel between what Jesus said to the Pharisees in Matt 23:35 "And so upon you will come all the righteous blood that has been shed on earth, from the blood of righteous Abel to the blood of Zechariah son of Berekiah" and Babylon the Great, because "in her was found the blood of prophets, and of saints, and of all that were slain upon the earth."
      Jesus also foretold the weeds and the wheat grow together in the fields, but I think Matt 25 expands on this further:
      "37 Then the righteous will answer him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink?"
      "44 Then they also will answer, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison, and did not minister to you?’ "
      The contrast between the 2 is obvious - the righteous think nothing of themselves, are humble and surprised if they have done anything to be worthy and the unrighteous think they have done everything they can and are presumptuous, just like the Pharisees. Its not the only time you read this thought in the scriptures.

  • Comment by Joel on 2014-01-17 18:16:26

    "I am constantly amazed by the depth of wisdom Jesus was able to pack into just a few well-chosen words."
    Yes, very well said. Jesus words are so well chosen and I am starting to see that more and more as I try to read the bible for myself.
    One of my favourites is Matt 24:35 "Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away."
    1) If that isn't a prophecy fulfilled to this day, then I don't know what is! Jesus speaks a prophecy within a prophecy to confirm another prophecy!
    2) he also says it because, no one knows the day or the hour, only the Father and he tells us things will seemingly be continuing on and on as normal. Knowing how long it may seem, we need to endure to the end nonetheless, so he provides the most infinite context and assurance he can offer to a physical creation
    3) he knows it is actually POSSIBLE for creation to pass away?
    4) he knows that there are to be a New Heavens and a New Earth?
    5) a parallel idea to "my word will not return to me without results"?
    and that's just at a very basic level the possible meaning it conveys to me, leaving out most of the surrounding prophecy and many other scriptures. Absolutely amazing.

  • Comment by kev c on 2014-01-19 17:52:50

    Its interesting meleti that in the parallel account at luke 6 V 43 to 45 the fruits have to do with the things that are spoken by these people and that reveals what is in their heart also the context of both accounts warn of the tendency to be judgemental and critical of others which may give us another indication of poor fruit especially if we practice the very same things we have condemned others for and i personally believe god judges individuals god will not condemn any entity but the men at the helm the mouth piece if they are mis representing him

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