WT Study: Making Wise Choices During Youth

– posted by meleti

[Watchtower study for the week of March 17, 2014 – w14 1/15 p.17]

Par. 1 – “WE LIVE in momentous times.  As never before in history, millions from all nations are turning to true worship.”  This paints our work as of historic importance; as something which has never before happened.  The article is referring to the millions who converted to become Jehovah’s Witnesses.  Yet, where did these millions come from?  The great majority of this number are to be found in Europe and the Americas. These are countries who were all Christian before C.T. Russell was even born.  So what we are talking about is the conversion of millions from one form of Christianity to another, not from Paganism to Christianity.  This would still be an achievement of truly historical significance if they had all converted from Christian religions teaching falsehoods and suffering under the yoke of a tyrannical ecclesiastical hierarchy to the one true Christian religion teaching only Bible truth and utterly free from human rule, subject only to the Christ.  If only this were the case.
The fact is that two thousand years ago there were no Christians, but now a third of humanity calls itself Christian.   Two thousand years ago, with the exception of the Jews, the world worshipped pagan gods.  How many pagan religions are still around?  The conversion of the world to Christianity could not have happened without the aid of the holy spirit.  What began in Pentecost and continued for centuries was truly a momentous time with millions from all the nations turning to true worship.  Yes, much of it went apostate. Yes, weeds were sown among the wheat.  But that process continues down to this day and within our particular brand of Christianity.  It takes a special kind of hubris to discount all that and place our work as the greatest event of Christian history.
Par. 3 – The thrust of this article is to encourage young people to enter the pioneer service, bethel, or some other aspect of “full time” service as Jehovah’s Witnesses.  I wouldn’t want to discourage anyone from following his/her dreams and spiritual goals.  However, let those dreams or goals be soundly based on Scripture and not the product of men’s reasoning.
The subtlety with which the reasoning of men can masquerade as God’s is evident in our use of Eccl. 12:1 which encourages young ones to “remember your Grand Creator in the days of your youth.”  That exhortation was given in the days of Israel when there was no Bethel home and no worldwide construction program and no pioneer service and certainly no worldwide preaching work.  We use it to encourage the preaching work, but if we are going to take counsel given to Jews in the days of King Solomon and apply it to our day, shouldn’t we look at how it applied then?  How was a young Jew to ‘remember his Grand Creator in the days of his youth?’  That is the question we should be looking to answer.  The peril of the oversimplification of that answer is evident from the following paragraphs.
Par. 5,6 – The account of Yuichiro is encouraging, is it not?  Now would it be as encouraging if he were a Mormon missionary?  Obviously not, but why? Well, because the Mormon’s don’t have the truth.  Isn’t that the way any Jehovah’s Witness would reason?  Yuichiro, for all his good intentions, would be teaching the Mongolians falsehoods, thus negating all the good he is doing.  As a Jehovah’s Witness, on the other hand, Yuichiro would be teaching the Mongolians Bible truths.  So we view this as an example of remembering our Grand Creator in the days of our youth.  However, if Yurchiro is obedient to the Governing Body—and we’ve no reason to doubt otherwise—he will have been teaching the Mongolians that they have very little hope of joining Jesus in heaven to rule over the restored earth in the New World.   That isn’t the good news that the apostles taught.  He will also have taught them that Jesus has been reigning for 100 years already.  As they progress they will learn that the 1914-1919 era is the basis upon which the Governing Body claims divine appointment.  Like his Mormon counterparts, he will have also taught them to put unconditional faith in the teachings of a group of men at headquarters.  While the Mormons hold that their leader speaks directly to God, we say that the Governing Body receives direction from God as his sole channel for talking to his people.  Based on the latest information, Yuichiro will loyally be teaching his Mongolian Bible students to obey the Governing Body unconditionally.  It is unlikely however that he will alert them to the fact that once baptised in dedication to Jehovah God and his earthly organization, any attempt to leave could result in their suffering the loss of all their friends and family.
I am not trying to lump us in with the Mormons, or any other Christian religion for that matter.  This isn’t about “he who has the fewest false teachings wins”.  Our salvation doesn’t depend on picking the religion with the fewest falsehoods.   Admittedly, no religion can know all the truth, because Jehovah hasn’t revealed all the truth yet.  We see a hazy outline in a metal mirror.[1]  But God has revealed the truths that we need to know to be saved.  What is important—no, what is critical—is that we teach the truth we do know and can know.  To teach falsehood in ignorance is no excuse in this day and age, and will not save one from punishment.  To teach falsehood knowingly is utterly reprehensible.

(Luke 12:47,48 NET) That  servant who knew his master’s will but did not get ready or do what his master asked will receive a severe beating. 48 But the one who did not know his master’s will and did things worthy of punishment will receive a light beating.[2]

The tragedy is that if Yuichiro were to start teaching the whole truth from the Bible, he would be persecuted by the very faith he has so loyally supported.
Par. 9 – This paragraph opens with sound Bible counsel: Seek first God’s Kingdom and his righteousness.”  Then it says: “Jehovah dignifies us with freedom of choice.  He does not say how much of your youth you should devote to preaching about the Kingdom.”  First of all, it wasn’t Jehovah who said this, but Jesus.  (Isn’t it interesting how deftly we can move Jesus into the background.)[3] Second, Jesus says to “seek first the Kingdom and his righteousness.”  He says nothing about preaching.  Yet, whenever this scripture is referenced, we immediately think of the preaching work—so great is the power of years of indoctrination.  To us, the only way to seek the kingdom is to get out there and preach in the door-to-door work.  There is nothing wrong with preaching. It is a command we have from our Lord Jesus. However, our myopic focus on it blinds us to the other ways in which we are required to “seek first the Kingdom”.  For example…
Par. 10 – “Find happiness in serving others.”  Again, fine counsel because it is scriptural.  Certainly, preaching the good news—the real good news—is one way to serve others.  However, there are other ways that are approved of by God.  You only have to read James 1:27 and 2:16 as well as Matthew 25:31-46 to see this. However, if a young man or woman were to devote time to such activities, would he or she receive the same encouragement and accolades as are heaped on pioneers?  The fact is were a young Christian to dedicate some time to charitable works in his neighborhood, he would likely be counseled that his time could be better spent in the preaching work.  (I have personally witnessed this happen.)
We would not want to discourage any young person from striving to bring the good news of the Christ to people, particularly in foreign lands where there is a greater need.  But let it be the true message of hope.  Let him teach what Christ taught and let him make known the true freedom that comes from knowing and obeying God and His Christ.  What we teach should not bring men into servitude to other men.

(Galatians 4:9-11 NET) But now that you have come to know God (or rather to be known by God), how can you turn back again to the weak and worthless  basic forces?  Do you want to be enslaved to them all over again?10 You are observing religious days and months and seasons and years. 11 I fear for you that my work for you may have been in vain.

[1] 1 Corinthians 13:12
[2] I am going to start quoting from the NET Bible because it is “open source”.  To my knowledge we have not infringed on copyright in the way we have referenced the Society’s publications, but I do not think that will stop the legal desk from taking action if this site comes to their notice, so we have decided to proceed with greater caution. (John 15:20)
[3] It is noteworthy that in this article, Jehovah’s name appears 40 times, while Jesus is only mentioned 5 times.  Yet the King of the kingdom we are supposed to be putting first is Jesus.  It is Jehovah’s will that we honor the son, that we focus on him.

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  • Comment by Vassy on 2014-03-17 03:39:09

    Although I personally take part in the preaching work, I reiterate here what I stated in another post that there is no evidence that rank-and-file (to use the Society's parlance) first Century Christians were urged/required/demanded to go in field service (door to door) as we do it today. This was a task that only a few took part in (missionaries, evangelizers, apostles, prophets) because they alone were qualified for this job. This is not to say that they were not required to preach, no, but their preaching was only informal (to relative, neighbours, acquaintances etc). Today, however, the preaching activity is viewed as a COMMAND, and if someone dedicates less or few hours for it, he or she is viewed as spiritually weak.

  • Comment by menrov on 2014-03-17 09:44:42

    I agree that in principle there is nothing wrong for a young person to help others to learn to read the bible. In fact, I could even promote it as long as it is voluntary. A free choice. Therefore it is unfortunate the the WT make use of this kind of statements, as in Par. 3: The only acceptable way to “remember” Jehovah is to serve him fully. (Deut. 10:12) and then to link this to preaching or serving the organisation somehow.
    Also, as in Par. 4 to state that one is considered wise when: These are vital decisions, but you are wise to choose first whether you want to serve Jehovah as fully as possible. (Deut. 30:19, 20)
    If you do not make that choice, you should consider yourself not wise.....
    Same as in PAR 5 where one can read: Gently, he said to me: ‘Go home, Yuichiro. Sit down at your desk and think carefully about what Jehovah has done for you.
    Wow....how to play on you sense of guilt. Almost like Do not ask what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country.....
    9 Seek first God’s Kingdom and his righteousness., Agree but this was said in opposite the the nations who were pursuing (seeking) material things. Jesus advised to seek the kindom first. In other words, do not wait to learn about Jesus and His kingdom until too late. But I would expect that everyone who has been baptized has found the kingdom already.
    Playing with words? 11 Our greatest happiness comes from serving Jehovah; whereas the verse included say TRUSTING Jehovah gives happiness.
    Why make people scared or presume everyone who does not love Jehovah according to the standards of the organisation, will have bad intentions: People who do not love Jehovah may try to plant love for the world in your heart. (1 John 2:15-17)
    Like above mentioned, what should I feel if my parents do not serve Jehovah I must be unhappy?? And what makes an elder a spiritually qualified person?
    What a blessing you have if your parents love Jehovah! Also, the elders in your congregation are spiritually qualified men who can guide you.

  • Comment by menrov on 2014-03-17 10:12:41

    Regarding the use of lines / texts from the publications or RNWT, I understand your concern and often it is better to avoid issues. Nevertheless, I think that in case one is a baptized JW, he can freely use ll material. I work for a company and I ca use (non confidential) material as long as I state where it comes from. That is in my view exactly what we do, we use and state where it comes from.
    But like I said, I fully understand your concern. Keep up the good work.

  • Comment by Joel on 2014-03-17 11:06:41

    "but now a third of humanity calls itself Christian. "
    I was also thinking about this last week.
    First of all, let me say that I definitely wouldn't try to detract from the command to preach - it was clearly an important directive from Jesus to make the good news known.
    One of the things that never felt quite right though was this idea, that the witnesses are the only ones with the truth and in line to be saved. I suppose I have never really believed that, but the amount of time we put into the ministry is truly enormous in the context of day to day life. With the end so close at hand and a growing human population, far outstripping the growth of witnesses, it might seem that in fulfilling this command to preach to all nations, without a real injection of help from God, we are on a never ending treadmill?
    I think we fail to temper the idea of working hard in preaching with Paul words at Eph 4:11
    "and He gave some as apostles, and some as prophets, and some as proclaimers of good news, and some as shepherds and teachers,"
    The key thought conveyed to me being, that we are all different and have unique gifts we are given that we can contribute. There are problems when you try to squeeze everyone into the same mould in my opinion. It is akin to being very good with your hands, but being forced into work as an accountant, or being a great book keeper and being forced into work as a bricklayer (as you can see, no disrespect to accountants worldwide was intended). We can all help in different ways.
    Then, when you put this into the context of worldwide Christianity as you do in the article, although the wheat and weeds have grown together, are there really many people of the nations on this planet that have never heard of Jesus? have no awareness of Christians? access to a bible, the internet or both? Have not seen a film, or read a book about Jesus and his life? It is probably more likely someone would take a dim view of Christian fruitage, than be completely unaware that Jesus is Gods son and gave himself to save us.
    I'm sure there are a lot of people who would benefit from a view of real christianity, or who are struggling just to provide for their families in some parts of the world. I don't doubt there are some who have never heard the good news, but when Jesus comes I think that most people of the nations will know exactly what is happening, hence, they "will beat themselves in lamentation".
    When Jesus gave the comission to his followers (admittedly when preaching to the Jews), he told them to enter into a city, give them the good news and if they were not received - to leave. It seems like the main thing is that the message was heard. The onus may really be on an individual to seek out truth for themselves, or not.
    Of course we must still do whatever we can to make sure we are free of the bloodguilt.

    • Reply by menrov on 2014-03-17 11:47:01

      Joel, you addressed some of my personal issues. Thinking about Eph. 4:11, it shows that from Jesus perspective, there are many capacities in which someone can serve Jesus and the kingdom. It is not all about preaching but it is the total mix of qualities that are available to serve the kingdom.
      Also, Jesus is the one who is righteous and as such will judge. He can read the heart. During his life, He showed many times that faith in His position was far more important than to know much about the bible. In that sense, I agree with you that it is important that the message is heard so people can make a personal decision.
      In the end, each individual is personally accountable for his actions and choices.
      As Christians, we all should be ready to help these individuals when they express their desire to learn about Jesus, God, Kindom and to be baptized.
      And in the end, it is faith that saves, not works. Faith will drive to actions but these actions can range from preaching to serving old people, to helping widows to helping orphans to helping the weak and sick people etc. It s about loving your neighbour..Doing that as a result of your faith, is what is valuable. But even people who did not know the law but were doing the things in the law, were considered good as they showed that the law was in their hearts.

    • Reply by GodsWordIsTruth on 2014-03-17 16:55:07

      “When Jesus gave the commission to his followers (admittedly when preaching to the Jews), he told them to enter into a city, give them the good news and if they were not received – to leave”
      That is an interesting thought. We are working our territories to death . The other night on the local needs part, the brothers and sisters were discouraged from preaching on street because it was not within the boundary of our congregation’s assigned territory . Those brothers and sisters were indirectly counseled to obey the direction of the elders / slave in what is “least” because it could mean their lives one day. He proceeded to speak at length about which businesses/streets were “banned” because they COULD belong to other congregations.
      The publishers were engaging in “street witnessing” . There are actual PEOPLE coming and going all the time on this street! Sometimes being “organized” to preach has its drawbacks. I am sure that those friends were trying to diversify their ministry( or trying to keep from falling asleep in the dead door to door ministry).

  • Comment by kev c on 2014-03-17 11:38:45

    I think articles like this put a lot of pressure on young people its all based again around this thought that we are on the brink of armageddon .Wheres the balance .unfortunatly many young people have lost out on their chance to learn skills that could have made it much easier to make a living raise a family ect .Any that make these choice seem to be accused of materialism . I wish they would avoid extremes either way .kev

  • Comment by miken on 2014-03-17 11:56:36

    "As never before in history, millions from all nations are turning to true worship.”
    The Mormons, Adventists and Seventh Day Adventists would say exactly the same or more so as they have increased numerically substantially more in recent decades than JW's.

  • Comment by Sargon on 2014-03-17 12:56:34

    The preaching work is not even the most important work for Christians. What is the most important work? Showing love. This is backed up by scripture.
    Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’[a] 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’[b] 40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”
    34 “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. 35 By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”
    Also the Golden Rule:
    12 So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.
    When James talked about faith and works what did he use to make his point?
    14 What good is it, my brothers and sisters, if someone claims to have faith but has no deeds? Can such faith save them? 15 Suppose a brother or a sister is without clothes and daily food. 16 If one of you says to them, “Go in peace; keep warm and well fed,” but does nothing about their physical needs, what good is it? 17 In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.
    Paul says
    If I speak in the tongues[a] of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. 2 If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. 3 If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast,[b] but do not have love, I gain nothing.
    Galatians 13
    You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh[a]; rather, serve one another humbly in love. 14 For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.”[b] 15 If you bite and devour each other, watch out or you will be destroyed by each other.
    9 Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. 10 Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.
    No mention anywhere of hours of service being the most important thing. Showing love was the most important thing. Our view of what is most important is organizationally self-serving.

  • Comment by smolderingwick1 on 2014-03-17 13:53:21

    Perhaps my biggest hangup in considering this article is the "unity-at-all-costs," that winning converts is all about winning the 'us' versus 'them' argument. Even the Christian couples school is all about unity at the expense of an open discussion so that each might grow to maturity at their own pace and conscience. We have definitely become a groupthink organization that double-thinks its own dogma as truth.
    Starting to read George Orwell's 1984 again. I believe Jesus would have given such a parable upon his return. But I somehow doubt his return will be so kind as not to strike out at the obvious.

    • Reply by umbertoecho on 2014-03-17 15:37:39

      What a great name, when will it flare up? We studied this book at university with all it's implied connotations in our lives, from economy, politics to religion.....It is still an excellent read isn't it?. Do you remember how betrayed the main protagonist is? The dobbing in (to use an Australian word) is exactly the same as in so many high control environments religious and non religious.

      • Reply by smolderingwick1 on 2014-03-17 16:52:38

        You read 1984? Then for sure you are more advanced than our governing body, who, had they read it they would know how closely they characterize, even epitomize its plot line, they would know how indictable they will be upon Christ's return. How will any Pharisaical leaders defend themselves with so much history with all its truisms of life staring at them?
        “Stop judging that you may not be judged; for with what judgment you are judging, you will be judged; and with the measure that you are measuring out, they will measure out to you. Why, then, do you look at the straw in your brother’s eye, but do not consider the rafter in your own eye? . . ..Many will say to me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and expel demons in your name, and perform many powerful works in your name?’  And yet then I will confess to them: I never knew you! Get away from me, you workers of lawlessness!" (Matthew 7:1-23)

  • Comment by umbertoecho on 2014-03-17 15:30:15

    It is evident that the GB are becoming very possessive of all "their" current and potential adherents. This is why they are so demeaning toward Christ and the new standards of spirituality and love that he taught to his disciples, in order for the message to continue on...
    To constantly ignore Jehovah's approval of His Son will effectively keep people in the mindset of ...."a jealous God.." or rather...." a jealous and greedy Governing Body...". They really do want all the attention disguised though their methods may be, it is becoming more blatant. I venture to say, that at times, I have thought they were very jealous of the Catholic Church and it's sway over the masses. It seemed that way as I read between the lines, then compared self congratulatory quotes issued by the organization. I felt bad for thinking this but don't anymore.
    What I am trying to say inarticulately; is that the GB are knowingly by- passing the importance of Christ in an obvious take over bid in the realm of spiritual seniority......to keep all eyes focused upon them and them alone. I believe they wield the name of Jehovah like the worst of threats to us in subtle and non subtle ways.. To give the correct attention to Jesus Christ as is written in every bible,,,,, would undermine their authority over followers.
    I shudder when I see how misapplied God's name is and how hidden is the name of His Son for the average witness. There is something terribly wrong going on...
    I do word counts too Meleti, in order see where the lay of the spiritual land is.

    • Reply by GodsWordIsTruth on 2014-03-17 17:06:03

      umbertoecho -
      I thought the same thing when the upcoming branch visit/special weekend program was announced.( or "the GB on tour " as I call it ) The GB is more visible now than ever before. ( appearing in the WT's an in "special" meetings/visits) My congregation is still reeling about the annual mtg .The coordinator at my hall is in love with the GB and makes no bones about it he is especially excited about this event. Especially since he feels that observing the GB "gives us a glimpse to what Jehovah must be like " ( he actually said that on the platform)

  • Comment by Chris on 2014-03-17 16:59:30

    "self congratulatory quotes issued by the organization"
    This has always niggled me. I have lost count of how many articles or convention parts seem to lay the self congratulation on with a trowel.
    Why do they feel the need to praise themselves? Is it because they are self appointed, so they need to reinforce this by telling us how wonderful they/we are?
    There are many fine humble brothers and sisters in the congregations but I have also met many arrogant, self serving individuals.
    I had a long (and potentially dangerous) phone conversation with the brother who initially studied with me and after I highlighted the numerous false prophecies uttered in God's name his parting comment was " I was talking to a Bethelite who said that when you listen to one of the governing body pray you are reminded how humble and childlike they are, and how much they love Jehovah" he then went on to say that their example makes him "realize it is God's organization".
    I felt sick. How can you argue with men who love to have physical representations of Jehovah and who worship men & the temple of " the Organization"
    It is true, we have our own form of the Catholic Church.
    -We have our own popes & cardinals (8 at last count)
    -We have our own Vatican (Brooklyn, soon to be in Warwick?)
    -We have our own catechism
    -We have our own Bible variation (not quite the Duoay, but designed to reinforce belief)
    -We love titles ("Worldwide Order of Special Full-Time Servants of Jehovah's Witnesses" as one example)
    The humility that the organization breeds is actually a form of smug self satisfied pride from a self appointed self serving group of men and I would bet my last dollar that if you ever backed a member of the GB into a doctrinal corner they would come out swinging with verbal insults of God's proclamation against apostates. They are not the humble sheep they would like us to believe they are.
    Did I say wolf?

  • Comment by Chris on 2014-03-17 17:14:15

    I forgot to mention vows & oaths such as the oath requirement for dedication and the vow of poverty Bethelites and others must make.
    Whatever happened to the humility expressed in Luke 17:7-10 " we are good for nothing slaves, what we have done is what we ought to have done"

  • Comment by Samaritan Woman on 2014-03-23 10:05:35

    This article is less offensive than most which is great but what I find irritating is that when advising young people of who they should go to advice it qualifies parents with " believing" as though only JW parents want what is good for their children. In p.15 it says:
    " What a blessing you have if your parents love Jehovah! Also, elders in your congregation are spiritually qualified men who can guide you."
    As a person raised by unbaptized parents this bothers me because it is implied that only Witnesses can give you good direction and is an attempt to undermine the authority and influence parents have over their children.

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