Midweek Meeting Comments – Mar. 17, 2014

– posted by meleti

Congregation Book Study:

Chapter 4, par. 10-18
Paragraph 10 makes the unsupported assertion that Jesus is the archangel.  In the Bible, Jesus is never called the archangel.  Only Michael is.  If Jesus is Michael, then he is only one of the foremost princes. (Dan. 10:13)  That means there are others in the group of foremost princes with Jesus.  It is hard to imagine Jesus as having equals. It is certainly inconsistent with everything John reveals about him.
Paragraph 16 states that now is not the time for performing miracles.  I think we have to be careful with sweeping statements like this. The time for performing miracles is whenever Jehovah says it is.  We are preaching the greatest war of all time, the supernatural destruction of our human system of things.  The things prophesied to happen before and during that time fall very much into the category of miracles. We have no idea how Jehovah may choose to use his power in the near future.  For all we know, miracles could happen again any day now.
Paragraph 18 quotes Lord Acton who said, “Power tends to corrupt; absolute power corrupts absolutely.”  The paragraph then states that “many people see [this] as undeniably true.  Imperfect humans often abuse power…”  How many of our brothers and sisters will read these words and nod their heads in agreement as they think of worldly rulers, all the while subconsciously excluding our leadership?  Yet have we not seen the corrupting influence of power exhibited at the local level, the traveling overseer level, the branch level and now even at the top of our ecclesiastical hierarchy?  There is a reason that Jesus told us not to be called "leader".  We dance around that by never referring to the Governing Body members as leaders. But if they deny the name, but live the role, can they really say they are obeying Jesus' command?  What is a governing body if not a body that governs.  And what is governing if not leading.  A Governor is a leader.  If they are not our leaders, then we can disregard any non-scriptural or unscriptural direction they gives us with impunity.
Those who would deny that there is any abuse of power need only compare us to worldly leaders.  If I openly criticize in print or by spoken word the decisions of the president of the United States, what will happen to me?  Nothing.  I won’t lose my job.  My friends won’t refuse even to say hello to me in the street.  My family will not cut off all association with me.  Now if I do the same thing with regard to some teaching or action of the Governing Body, what will happen to me?  'Nuf said.

Theocratic Ministry School

Bible Reading: Genesis 43-46
I find it curious that roughly the same amount of space in the Bible is devoted to telling this story of Joseph as is used to cover the first 1,600 years of human history.  There are tera-volumes of data concealed from us about the pre-flood days while significant detail is revealed about this one man’s life.  Obviously, the purpose of the Bible isn’t to record human history.  Its purpose to a very great extent is to record the development of the seed or offspring by which mankind will be redeemed.  The rest we will learn in the “sweet by and by” when the billions of dead are restored to life.  One more thing to look forward to.
No. 2 Who Will Be Included in the Earthly Resurrection?—rs p. 339 par. 3—p. 340 par. 3
No. 3 Abijah—Do Not Stop Leaning Upon Jehovah—it-1 p. 23, Abijah No. 5.
We like to think in absolutes.  Don’t give me grey; I want black and white.  We like to think that all other religions are condemned by God, while we have his favor. We are the true faith; all others are false. Therefore, Jehovah blesses us, but does not bless others.  If we meet someone in the territory who believes God helped them through some crisis, we smile patronizingly, because we know—we know—that cannot be true, because they are part of false religion.  Jehovah God helps us, not them.  Oh, he may answer their prayers if they are praying for help in understanding the truth.  He’ll answer them by sending us to their door, but beyond that, no way.
Abijah’s situation shows another reality however. Abijah leaned upon Jehovah and was victorious in war.  Nevertheless, he went walking in the sins of this father, allowing sacred pillars and male temple prostitutes to continue in the land.  Jehovah helped him even though his heart was not complete toward God.  (1 Kings 14:22-24; 15:3)
For many of us that degree of mercy and understanding is uncomfortable.  The thought that people who are not Jehovah’s Witnesses might be saved is unacceptable.  Many people in other religions have similar attitudes toward those who are not of their faith.  It seems we all have a lot to learn about mercy, judgment and Jehovah’s way.

Service Meeting

15 min: Demonstrate Tactfulness When Preaching
15 min: “Will You Seize the Opportunity?”
From paragraph 3: “Will gratitude for the ransom move us to share zealously in the campaign to publicize the Memorial?  Auxiliary pioneering…is another fine way to demonstrate thankfulness.”
They have been reading off the names of those who have filled out auxiliary pioneer applications in our hall.  Each name is greeted with a round of applause.  Such accolades have long troubled me.  Whatever time we devote to God in the preaching work is between Him and us.  Why do men have to get involved?  Why are we expected to complete a form requesting men to grant us “the privilege” of putting in extra hours?  Why not just put in the extra hours?
I recall years ago when we were reviewing a brother for the appointment of elder, the Circuit Overseer noticed that he frequently put in auxiliary pioneer hours without actually applying to be an auxiliary pioneer.  He just put in the hours as a publisher.  The C.O. was concerned that this might indicate a bad attitude.  I was so appalled that I didn’t know what to say.  Fortunately, the discussion moved on quickly and the brother was appointed, but it gave me a brief glimpse into the organizational mindset of what is truly important to them.  It is not submission to God but to man that carries weight in our organization.
Paragraph 4 opens with the now infamous question: “Will this Memorial be our last?”  Given the subject matter of next week’s Watchtower, it seems that the Governing Body is once again stirring the pot and getting the faithful hyped up on “end of times” hysteria.  Having lived through 1975, I am appalled that we are starting to beat this drum once again.  It seems that Jesus’ warning—“At an hour that you think not to be it, the Son of man is coming”—means nothing to us. (Mat. 24:44)
To be clear, I have nothing against maintaining a wakeful and waiting attitude.  How could I? That's the command of Jesus.  However, creating an artificial sense of urgency based on speculative prophetic interpretations has always led to discouragement and stumbling.  We do this to encourage loyalty to men.  (See "State of Fear")

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  • Comment by Sargon on 2014-03-17 20:20:54

    What does it mean to keep on the watch? To our organization it means attempt to predict the end. What Jesus meant was to watch yourself and keep your senses so that you are not found in a naked state. Yes Christ followers are to keep watch, not on world events, but on themselves. We aren't to be concerned about when the end will come. It's not important. In fact, even Jesus doesn't know. Instead we are to always be ready by maintaining our Christian faith at all times. Thus we don't need fear tactics to motivate us to further activity.

    • Reply by Anonymous on 2014-03-17 20:37:41

      Those who are really keeping on the watch should know about the folly of making date predictions and refrain from doing so. As a matter of fact, Jesus warned his followers not to go after those who would claim that the time is at hand:
      "And he said, “See that you are not led astray. For many will come in my name, saying, ‘I am he!’ and, ‘The time is at hand!’ Do not go after them." - Luke 21:8, ESV
      The above text is very interesting in light of the fact that C.T. Russel actually published a volume of "Studies In The Scriptures" containing date predictions and which was entitled . . . "The Time is At Hand!" ( https://archive.org/details/TheTimeIsAtHandByCharlesTazeRussell )
      A good question worth asking is this: Would Jesus choose as his faithful and discreet slave an organization or group of men who were essentially preaching 'The Time is At Hand' when he himself specifically told his followers not to go after men making such claims?

      • Reply by BeenMislead on 2014-03-18 10:04:36

        They teach that they were appointed as God’s channel of communication (the “faithful and discreet slave”) starting in 1919. See the January 15th 2014 Watchtower:
        “Jesus then used his kingly authority to appoint a “faithful and discreet slave.” This slave would provide a regular supply of wholesome spiritual food to all who make up the “one flock” under Jesus’ care. (Matt. 24:45-47; John 10:16) Since 1919, a small group of anointed brothers have loyally carried out the weighty responsibility to feed the “domestics.” – (w14 1/15, Pg. 13, 100 Years of Kingdom Rule—How Does It Affect You?)
        That being the said it would be in keeping with the scriptural admonition of Acts 17:11 and 1 John 4:1 to examine what was being taught by the organization in 1919.
        In 1919 Rutherford was president and in charge of the organization. Here is some of what he was teaching:
        - Millions now living will never die
        - Armageddon was coming in 1925
        - The faithful ones of old such as Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob were going to be resurrected in 1925.
        These were all falsehoods. Would Jehovah appoint a slave that was teaching falsehoods?
        Here is proof from the organizations own publications:
        "The period must end in 1925. The type ending, the antitype must begin; and therefore 1925 is definitely fixed in the scriptures. Every thinking person can see that a great climax is at hand. The Scriptures clearly indicate that the climax is the fall of Satan's empire and the full establishment of the Messianic kingdom. This climax being reached by 1925, and that marking the beginning of the fulfillment of the long promised blessings of life to the people, millions now living on earth will be living then and those who obey the righteous laws of the new arrangement will live forever. Therefore it can be confidently said at this time that millions now living will never die." - (Golden Age, Jan. 4, 1922, Pg. 217, Rutherford at the Hippodrome)
        “Seventy jubilees of fifty years each would be a total of 3500 years. That period of time beginning 1575 before A.D. 1 of necessity would end in the fall of the year 1925, at which time the type ends and the great antitype must begin. What, then, should we expect to take place? In the type there must be a full restoration; therefore the great antitype must mark the beginning of restoration of all things. The chief thing to be restored is the human race to life; and since other Scriptures definitely fix the fact that there will be a resurrection of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and other faithful ones of old, and that these will have the first favor, we may expect 1925 to witness the return of these faithful men of Israel from the condition of death, being resurrected and fully restored to perfect humanity and made the visible, legal representatives of the new order of things on earth.” - (Book - Millions Now Living Will Never Die, 1920, Pg. 89)
        The following scriptures reinforce the fact that Jehovah does not direct in falsehoods:
        “Into your hand I entrust my spirit. You have redeemed me, O Jehovah the God of truth.” - Ps. 31:5
        “upon the basis of a hope of the everlasting life which God, who cannot lie, promised before times long lasting,” - Titus 1:2
        “in order that, through two unchangeable things in which it is impossible for God to lie, we who have fled to the refuge may have strong encouragement to lay hold on the hope set before us.” - Heb. 6:18

        • Reply by Sargon on 2014-03-18 13:55:10

          “Jesus then used his kingly authority to appoint a “faithful and discreet slave.” This slave would provide a regular supply of wholesome spiritual food to all who make up the “one flock” under Jesus’ care. (Matt. 24:45-47; John 10:16) Since 1919, a small group of anointed brothers have loyally carried out the weighty responsibility to feed the “domestics.” – (w14 1/15, Pg. 13, 100 Years of Kingdom Rule—How Does It Affect You?)
          I believe this quote will be the basis for their new doctrine. They need to keep 1914 relevant so they can still have authority. So very soon I predict the new teaching will be that Jesus has NOT been invisibly present since 1914. Instead they will teach that Jesus presence will be visible and come at a future date. Then they will then re-iterate that even though Christ presence has not yet begun, he did used his kingly authority to appoint them as the FDS in 1919.

          • Reply by umbertoecho on 2014-03-19 01:01:25

            Do you think they could prove that in writing, something emblazoned on a wall would be nice. Or maybe they could find a bit of archaeological stone, some "tablet" or something equally unreadable to prove it. Sorry. I forgot. I am supposed to believe they are the only decent and true religion on earth and have faith in these self appointed men....can't do this anymore.

  • Comment by Anonymous on 2014-03-17 20:29:49

    "Why are we expected to complete a form requesting men to grant us “the privilege” of putting in extra hours? Why not just put in the extra hours?"
    Because without being granted the privilege of putting in extra hours you wouldn't be given the renown position of "pioneer" along with the special perks - a special textbook, special training, special meeting with the C.O. - that go along with it.
    Don't you recall how Jesus praised those contributing lots of money in the temple? He gave them special privileges that he didn't give the widow who gave a small contribution. Likewise those JWs today who have lots of time on their hands and can pioneer are to be given special recognition and privileges. But the JW whose free time is greatly constrained and gives out of his want is not to be given any special recognition.

    • Reply by umbertoecho on 2014-03-19 00:50:40

      Dear anonymous,
      A very snappy and witty twist on things here. I like a bit of humor

  • Comment by Nick O on 2014-03-17 21:41:43

    This is not the first time we have heard that this might be our last memorial.
    However we would not find it in the Watchtower Library were it not quoted in the book 'God's Kingdom Has Approached'
    *** ka chap. 17 pp. 351-352 par. 43 The “Slave” Who Lived to See the “Sign” ***
    The Watch Tower, under date of March 1, 1918, in its first paragraph of the leading article “In Memory of Our King,” said: “Whether the coming Memorial will be the last on earth, we do not, of course, know; but we do know that we are one year nearer the full consummation of our hopes. If it please the Lord to have us celebrate this Memorial other years, then we shall do so gladly.”

  • Comment by imacountrygirl2 on 2014-03-18 00:16:31

    Anonymous, I am confused about the account of the widow who gave her small contribution. Would you mind sharing the scripture to which you are referring?

    • Reply by Anonymous on 2014-03-18 00:27:51

      I was referring to the account of the widow's mite . . . in a cynical way to make a point. LOL.

      • Reply by imacountrygirl2 on 2014-03-19 08:00:23

        Anonymous, I believe the word you are seeking is "sarcasm", rather than cynical.
        A number of years ago, a young friend of my son's had an extremely annoying habit of using sarcasm very frequently. I even used to say sarcastic things myself, I thought it was funny.
        When I saw firsthand the hurt it caused, and the confusion it caused to his friends around him, I determined to do my best not to be sarcastic, as it is using words that mean the opposite of what you really want to say in order to insult someone, to show irritation, or to be funny. It's not always self-evident; and without some kind of indication that it is sarcasm before you say it, it can cause un-necessary pain and sufferng to others.
        Once we let a word go forth out of our mouths, we can never undo the damage it may cause to someone else. Saying "I was only joking" later does not erase hurt in someone's elses heart.
        This is not intended to hurt you in any way, it's just a cautionary experience I'm sharing that I've had in my own life, that taught me a valuable lession about love.
        Your loving sister

        • Reply by smolderingwick1 on 2014-03-19 11:37:54

          Evidence of legitimate sarcasm in the Bible:
          And it came about at noon that E·li′jah began to mock them and say: “Call at the top of YOUR voice, for he is a god; for he must be concerned with a matter, and he has excrement and has to go to the privy. Or maybe he is asleep and ought to wake up!” (1 Kings 18:27)

          • Reply by imacountrygirl2 on 2014-03-19 14:44:19

            smolderingwick1, I am sensing a rebuke from you. If I have spoken in error, please help me correct my thinking. That is why I am here, to learn and to be sharpened by fellowship with my brothers and sisters. I welcome your input, only please do so in a way that clearly explains my erroneous thinking.

            • Reply by smolderingwick1 on 2014-03-19 18:26:19

              Dear imacountrygirl2,
              On the contrary. Just pointing out that sarcasm has its place, just as a hyperbole might well exaggerate a point that would be impossible to fulfill such as the impossibility of a camel getting through the eye of a needle. Jesus used many hyperboles, usually against flawed opinions and beliefs. However, I do agree that sarcasm is a tiresome form of wit and would be unkind if all we used it for was to critique and exaggerate the shortcomings of others. So, no, I was in no way rebuking you.....just putting sarcasm into its proper perspective.
              Christian love,

        • Reply by anderestimme on 2014-03-19 16:02:39

          Hey Country Girl,
          I can't speak for SW1, but whenever I hear someone characterizing sarcasm as entirely negative, I think of scriptures like the following:
          (Job 26:2) “O how much help you have been to one without power! O [how] you have saved an arm that is without strength!"
          (Zechariah 11:13) At that, Jehovah said to me: “Throw it to the treasury—the majestic value with which I have been valued from their standpoint.” Accordingly I took the thirty pieces of silver and threw it into the treasury at the house of Jehovah.
          (2 Corinthians 12:13) For in what respect is it that YOU became less than the rest of the congregations, except that I myself did not become a burden to YOU? Kindly forgive me this wrong.
          As you can see, sarcasm is found in the Word of God and was even used by God himself. Like other literary devices, it can be highly effective in making a certain kind of point. However, like dynamite, which is good in tunnel construction but bad at, say, wedding receptions, sarcasm can be highly damaging when improperly used. So instead of condemning sarcasm as inherently harmful, I think it would be better to simply caution others about the dangers of its improper use.
          Come to think of it, sarcasm is probably bad at wedding receptions also, though it would be useless in tunnel construction....

          • Reply by imacountrygirl2 on 2014-03-19 18:27:56

            anderestimme, Thank you for the laugh about dynomite....I needed that today!
            Before I made my comment, I did a bit of research about sarcasm, it's definition and its intent.
            I appreciate your perspective and I hope we can agree respectfully to disagree on this one. As I stated, I have used sarcasm myself and thought it was quite funny. When I was the butt of sarcasm, it wasn't quite so funny anymore. When I saw how it affected children though, I decided not to use it anymore. I am not condemning it, and everyone is free to speak as they wish. I do not want to cause dis-unity over this, because it's not worth it. I think it can be endearing when it is between people who know each other well and who love each other no matter what they say to each other and who can laugh together over it.

          • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2014-03-19 19:32:29

            I can think of one or two weddings where dynamite might have actually improved things.

            • Reply by anderestimme on 2014-03-20 13:22:45

              Amen to that! I've been to a few where I would gladly have blown myself up just to end the suffering. Unfortunately, all I could do was utter a few sarcastic remarks...

          • Reply by smolderingwick1 on 2014-03-19 21:50:51

            I remember one wedding talk where the marrying Sam compared the bride to an extremely sought after antique car. While he was likely well meaning in his approach and likely faced a bit of resistant silence from his own wife after the fact, the wedding talk left a huge silence in its humorous wake. I could almost hear the rolling eyes! :/

    • Reply by smolderingwick1 on 2014-03-18 00:43:50

      Then he saw a certain needy widow drop two small coins of very little value there, 3 and he said: “I tell YOU truthfully, This widow, although poor, dropped in more than they all did. 4 For all these dropped in gifts out of their surplus, but this [woman] out of her want dropped in all the means of living she had.” (Luke 21:2-4)

  • Comment by on 2014-03-18 03:44:12


    • Reply by on 2014-03-20 12:54:39

      Thanks anonymous for the apostate jibe your obviously a person whose read 1 corinthians 4 verses 3 to 6 now thats sarcasm kev

  • Comment by on 2014-03-18 06:27:46

    Will you sieze the opportunity .this buisness of naming names from the platform Appeals to the fleshly nature of some brothers .I remember one of our brothers was annoyed when his name wasnt mentioned along with others who were pioneering . In our hall if we gave a talk away they used to announce it oh brother x is giving a talk away or when he got back brother x has brought the love back .when i got sick of this practice i told them they wernt to mention my name again matthew 6 . Ourbrother didnt like it . The truth is that the society is run like a big buisness they even call pioneering a career .the filling forms in .the appointment the hour requirement the reports the local managers .the area managers ie the CO .The overtime ie aux . The disciplinary system Where people get fired the desire to go further up the ladder . The bullying ive seen it all . How sad .kev

  • Comment by InNeedOfGrace on 2014-03-18 10:41:17

    Meleti I appreciate your comment about Michael and miracles. I have often wondered about the same things. I think we lack humility in being overly dogmatic about things which scripture is not abundantly clear about.
    Sure there is some evidence for both these statements. There is however also things which speak against it. To go around with the claim we have the truth and you are all wrong about this is not only wrong, but also very arrogant.

    • Reply by menrov on 2014-03-19 15:18:03

      I have share my views already elsewhere on this blog that Jesus is not Michael. And today I was thinking about Abaddon. I had to explain a while ago during TS who Abaddon is. The Insight book, that I was supposed to use as source, says this is Jesus. If true and the other statement from the organisation the Jesus is Michael, then in Revelation times Jesus is no longer call Jesus (forget chapter 1 of Revelation) but call Michael and sometimes called Abaddon......
      Must be me but I lost all logic.......

  • Comment by Illumination4us on 2014-03-19 12:00:00

    Just heard from the C.O. last night that all District Overseers over the age of 70 are being put out to pasture. They're being replaced by younger, more energetic brothers, according to him. These older men are being assigned to local congregations as Pioneers.

  • Comment by imacountrygirl2 on 2014-03-19 19:31:19

    Dear smolderingwick, thank you for your most kind comments. I have to confess that I get overly emotional on some matters, though I'm sure that confession is not a surprise. I strive for balance, but I don't always get there. You are absolutely right, there is a time and a place for everything under the sun. Ecclestiastes 3:1-22.
    Your loving sister

  • Comment by Alex Rover on 2014-03-20 21:54:59

    2 Co 5:14,15 which is referenced in the last part states beyond doubt that Jesus died for all, and thus all are under obligation to live for Christ.
    Conclusion 1. Jesus didn't die for only 144k
    Conclusion 2. All should live for Christ unto death. The same requirement form those who belong to Christ.

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