A New Partaker

– posted by meleti
The 2014 memorial is almost upon us. A number of Jehovah’s Witnesses have come to the realization that it is a requirement for all Christians to partake of the memorial emblems in obedience to Jesus’ command which Paul restates at 1 Corinthians 11:25, 26. Many will do so privately, while others have chosen to partake at the congregation memorial. These latter ones will likely do so with a significant degree of trepidation given that our current teaching implies that anyone partaking has A) either been chosen directly by God, or B) is acting presumptuously, or C) has a screw loose. I fear that most observers will assume either B or C, though I can’t say that A is any better. Few, if any, will assume that the brother or sister in question is partaking simply as an act of obedience.
Partaking of the emblems is an act of submission, not pride; of obedience, not presumptuousness; of accurate knowledge, not self-delusion.
In the days that follow, these faithful ones are likely going to be confronted with enquires—some, just curious; others intrusive; and still others, probing. In the current climate inside the Organization, the safe response is to hold one’s tongue and simply state that the decision was a deeply personal one. Period! However, while exercising due caution, there will likely be opportunities to help some sincere but misguided ones to a better understanding of what the Bible really teaches on this subject. To that end, may I present a wholly fictitious, but I hope realistic, scenario of what some will have to go through.

[What follows is a collaboration between myself and Apollos]


It was the evening of April 17, 2014 at the close of the Service meeting. Brother Stewart, the coordinator of the body of elders had called for a brief elders meeting. The eight brothers making up the local body headed into the conference room shortly after the meetings close. Their wives were prepared for a possible late shift, knowing the meaning of “brief” in this context.
Farouk Christen was among the last to enter. At 35, he was the youngest member of the body, having served for only three years. The son of a Danish father and an Egyptian mother, he caused them great pain when he became baptized as one of Jehovah’s Witness at age 18 and shortly thereafter began to pioneer.
The reason for the unscheduled meeting had not been officially unannounced, but Farouk had a pretty good idea of what was going to unfold. Just three days earlier, he had swallowed his fear and partaken of the bread and wine at the memorial. The look of stunned perplexity on Godric Boday's face was still fresh in his mind. Godric had been one of the elders serving the emblems, and was his closest friend on the body. He could also recall the stifled gasps and whispered remarks from the seats across the aisle and from behind him. Having inherited his father’s fair skin, he was sure that the flush on his face betrayed his inner feelings to everyone. Ironically he was doing one of the most natural things any Christian should do, and yet he felt like an outlaw.
His thoughts were interrupted by the words “Let’s open with prayer.” The COBE bowed his head, said a brief prayer, then slowly scanned the faces of those present, avoiding direct eye contact with Farouk. After a pause, he looked directly at the young elder. “You know we all love you, brother Christen?” Not waiting for an answer, he continued, “There have been a number of concerns expressed by different ones about what happened at the memorial. Would you care to comment on that?”
Fred always used first names at these meetings. Farouk understood that this present deviation did not bode well. He cleared his throat, then after offering a brief silent prayer of his own, he answered. “I’m assuming you’re referring to the fact that I partook of the emblems?”
“Of course,” said Fred curtly, “Why didn’t you tell us you were going to do that? You left us totally unprepared.”
There were nods and murmurs of agreement from several others around the table.
“May I first ask you a question, brother Stewart?” asked Farouk.
Fred gave the slightest of nods, so Farouk continued, “Am I to understand that you’ve called this meeting because you’re upset I didn’t give you brothers a heads-up about what I was going to do? Is that the only issue here?”
“You should have told us first that you were going to do that!” Brother Carney interjected, and would have continued had not Fred raised a controlling hand.
“Brothers, I’m sorry,” Farouk said. “I apologize if you feel offended because you feel excluded from this decision. But you must understand that it is a deeply personal one…one which I arrived at after a lot of praying and soul searching.”
This fired Brother Carney up again. “But what made you do it? You don’t think you’re one of the anointed, do you?”
Farouk had been a ministerial servant when Harold Carney was appointed. He remembered his surprise at the announcement that the bombastic Carney was to serve as an elder. He’d hoped that his reservations were unfounded, that Harold had matured and come to a point where he could control his tongue. For a time that seemed to be the case, but lately the old fires of self-importance were burning again.
Stifling any desire to put Harold in his place, he quietly said, “Brother Carney, I really don’t think that is an appropriate question, do you?”
“Why not?” Harold responded, evidently astounded at this challenge to his righteous indignation.
“Brother Carney, please,” Fred Stewart said, trying to assume a calming voice. Turning to look at Farouk he explained, “The brothers are just perplexed because, well, you’re so young comparatively.”
Fred Stewart was a large man who wore a kindly face. However Farouk had seen another side to him over the years – the autocratic Fred, making decisions for the body with little regard for protocol. Most were simply afraid to stand up to him. Not only was he the third generation of his family to be “in the truth”, but he had also served as an elder for almost four decades and was well connected. Nevertheless, while Farouk honored him as a brother, he was not intimidated as the others were. As a result he had locked horns with Fred on more than one occasion when it was clear that a scriptural principle was being compromised or ignored.
His answer, when it came was measured. “My brothers, if you feel I have done something wrong then please show me from the Bible where I have erred so that I can correct myself.”
Mario Gomez, a quiet brother who rarely spoke up at the meetings, uncharacteristically asked, “Brother Christen, do you really feel you are one of the anointed?”
Farouk attempted an expression of surprise, even though this question had been inevitable. “Mario, do you realize what you’re asking me? That is, what you’re implying?”
Harold interjected, “Nowadays a lot of brothers seem to be taking the emblems; brothers who really shouldn’t be...”
Farouk raised his hand to interrupt. “Please Harold, I would like to finish talking with Mario." Turning to Mario, he continued, "You ask if I really feel I'm one of the anointed.  We are taught in the publications that one should only partake if God calls you.  Do you believe that?"
"Of course," Mario replied, sure of himself.
"Very well, then either God called me or he didn't.  If he did, then who are you to judge me?  I've always respected you, Mario, so to have you question my integrity hurts me deeply."
This prompted Harold to clear his throat noisily. He was sitting with his arms crossed and was noticeably turning a deeper shade of red. Farouk decided this would be a good point to prompt some direct responses. Looking at Harold directly he said, “Perhaps you think I am delusional.” A slight shake of the head from Harold. “Or perhaps you think I am acting presumptuously?” Harold raised his eyebrows, and gave a look that spoke volumes.
Throughout this exchange, Farouk had been leaning forward, elbows on the conference table, speaking earnestly. Now he leaned back, slowly looked around the table trying to catch everyone’s eye, then he said, “My brothers, if I am delusional then I would by definition have no way of knowing it. Isn't that true? So I would be partaking because I really believed I should. And if I am acting presumptuously, then I would also be partaking because I really believed I should. And if I’m partaking for the scriptural reason, then I partake because I really believe I should. As I said before, this is a very personal decision. It is between myself and my God. Is it really appropriate to grill a person on this matter?”
“No one is grilling you,” said Fred Stewart, trying to assume a reassuring tone.
“Really?  Because it sure feels that way.”
Before Fred could say more, Harold leaned forward, his face now fully flushed with barely repressed anger. “You want us to believe that Jehovah selected you out of all the brothers in the circuit, even ones who pioneered all their lives and are twice your age?”
Farouk looked towards Fred, who in turn asked Harold to sit back and calm down. Harold did sit back, but his demeanour was anything but calm. He crossed his arms once more and let out another disgusted grunt.
Farouk said imploringly, “Brother Carney, you may believe whatever you wish. I’m not asking you to believe anything. However, since you brought it up, there are two possibilities. One, that Jehovah, as you say, chose me. In that case it would be wrong for anyone to be critical of God’s decision. Two, Jehovah didn’t choose me and I am acting presumptuously. In that case, Jehovah is my judge. “
Like a dog with a bone, Harold could not leave it alone. “So which is it?”
Farouk looked around again before answering. “What I’m about to say, I say with all due respect to you and to all the brothers here. This was a personal decision. It is really no one else’s business. I consider it a private matter and I do not wish to speak of it further.”
Again, the usually quiet Mario spoke up. “Brother Christen, I would like to know very much what you think about the Governing Body’s position on partaking.” It’s like he’s been coached, Farouk thought.
“Mario, don’t you see how impertinent that question is?”
“I don’t think it’s impertinent it all, and I think we all deserve an answer to it.” His tone was kind but firm.
“What I’m saying is that it is inappropriate for you to even ask such a question of a fellow elder.”
Fred Stewart then said, “I think it’s a valid question, Farouk.”
“Brothers, Jehovah spoke with Adam and Eve every day and not once did he question their loyalty and obedience. It was only when they gave visible signs of wrongdoing by hiding from him that he asked them if they had eaten the forbidden fruit. We imitate our God Jehovah by not asking probing questions unless there is just cause to do so. Have I given you brothers just cause to doubt my loyalty?”
“So you’re refusing to answer.”
“Brothers, you have known me for almost 9 years. In all that time, have I ever given you cause for concern? Have I ever shown myself to be disloyal to Jehovah, or Jesus, or any of the teachings in the Bible? You know me. So why are you asking me these questions?” Farouk asked with finality.
“Why are you being evasive? Why won’t you answer?” The COBE said insistently.
“Simply put, because I feel that answering would grant you the right to ask a question which is inappropriate. My brothers, I firmly believe that it introduces a spirit which has no place in our meetings.”
Sam Waters, a kindly old brother of 73 spoke up now. “Brother Christen, we only ask you these questions because we love you and care for you. We only want what is best for you.“
Farouk smiled warmly at the older men and replied, “Sam, I have the greatest respect for you. You know that. But in this well-meaning expression of yours, you are wrong. The Bible says that "love does not behave indecently. It does not become provoked.” He threw a glance at Harold Carney as he said this, then back at Sam. “It does not rejoice over unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth. It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things…”  I'm asking you all now to show love to me by "believing and hoping all things". Do not doubt my loyalty if I've given you no cause to do so."
He now looked at all the brothers present and said, “Brothers, if you truly love me, you will accept me for what I am. If you truly love me, you will respect my decision as a deeply personal one and leave it at that. Please do not take any offense at what I am about to say. I will not discuss this matter further within this body. It is personal. I ask you to respect that.”
There was a heavy sigh from the far end of the table. Fred Stewart said, “Then I guess that ends this meeting. Brother Waters would you like to close with prayer?” Harold Carney looked as if he was about to say something, but Fred gave him a slight shake of the head, and he turned away disgruntled.
The following Saturday, Farouk and his friend, Godric Boday, were together out in field service. At midmorning they took a coffee break in a small café they both enjoyed. Sitting there with coffees and pastries, Farouk said, “I was a little surprised at the elders meeting on Thursday that you didn’t say anything.”
Godric looked a little sheepish. It was obvious that he had been thinking this over. “I'm truly sorry about that. I just didn’t know what to say. I mean…I mean…I really didn’t know what to say.”
“Were you surprised?”
“Surprised? That would be quite an understatement.”
“Sorry Godric. You're a good friend, but I felt it best to play my cards close to the chest on this one. I wanted to tell you ahead of time, but I came to the difficult conclusion that it might be best not to.“
Godric stared into his coffee which he was cradling in his hands, and said, “Do you mind if I ask you a question? I mean, you don’t have to answer if you’re not comfortable with it.”
Farouk smiled, “Ask away.”
“How did you know you weren’t one of the other sheep anymore?”
Farouk took a long, deep breath, let it out slowly, then said, “I know you well, and I trust you as one of my closest friends. Even so, I have to ask this: Can I assume anything and everything we talk about now stays between us?”
Godric looked a little surprised, but answered without hesitation, “Absolutely. You should never have any doubt.”
Farouk reached down into his service bag, pulled out his Bible, placed it on the table and slid it over to Godric. “Have a look at John 10:16 and tell me where it says that the other sheep have an earthly hope.”
Godric read silently, looked up and said, ”It doesn’t.”
Farouk pointed at the Bible with his finger and said, “Read the whole chapter and tell me where it says anything about an anointed class and an earthly class. Take your time.”
After a couple of minutes, Godric looked up with a puzzled expression and said, “Maybe it says it in some other part of the Bible.”
Farouk shook his head. “Trust me on this one. That’s the only place in the Bible where the phrase ‘other sheep’ is even mentioned.”
His disbelief showing, Godric asked, “What about in Revelation where it talks about a great crowd of other sheep?”
“It talks about a ‘great crowd’, but not a ‘great crowd of other sheep’. That phrase does not appear anywhere in the Bible. You’ll find it in the magazines, of course; all over the place, but not the Bible. When you get home, do a search in the Watchtower Library. You’ll find it’s simply not there.”
“I don’t get it,” Godric said.
“Look at verse 19. Who is Jesus talking to?”
Godric looked back at the Bible briefly. “The Jews.”
“Right. So when Jesus said, ‘I have other sheep, which are not of this fold’, who would the Jews have understood he was referring to when he spoke of 'this fold'?”
“We’ve always been told that he was referring to the anointed.” Godric seemed for the first time to be grasping the ramifications.
“That is what we are taught, quite true. However, when Jesus said those words there were no anointed as of yet. Up to that point, he had not mentioned anything about an anointed class, even to his closest disciples. And the Jews to whom he was speaking would never have understood that. Jesus was sent to the lost sheep of Israel. The Bible actually uses that phrase. Later, there would be other sheep added that were not of the fold of Israel.“
With dawning comprehension Godric quickly said, “You mean the Gentiles? But ...” Then he trailed off, clearly caught between two opposing thoughts.
“Right! Doesn’t it make more sense that he was talking about the other sheep being the Gentiles who would later be added to the existing fold, the Jews, and become one flock under one Shepherd with one hope? Viewed this way, there is perfect harmony with other scriptures—especially the way things unfolded as recorded in Acts. Viewed the other way, the scripture is out of context and isolated.”
“You’re not suggesting that we all go to heaven, are you?”
Farouk could see that his friend was not ready to accept such a leap. He raised his hand and said, “I’m not saying anything of the kind. Whether we go to heaven or stay on earth is not for us to decide. We have linked the taking of the emblems with that eventuality. However, taking the emblems guarantees nothing. Here, have a look at 1 Corinthians 11:25, 26.”
Godric read the verses. When he finished, Farouk said, “Notice, he says ‘keep doing this in remembrance of me’; then he adds, ‘whenever you eat this loaf and drink this cup, you keep proclaiming the death of the Lord, until he comes.’ So it seems the purpose is to proclaim the death of the Lord. And it seems that it is not optional. If Jesus Christ tells us to keep doing something, who are we to say, ‘Sorry Lord, but your command doesn’t apply to me. I have an exemption. I don’t have to obey.’?”
Godric was shaking his head, struggling with the concept. “But doesn’t that only apply to the anointed?”
Farouk answered, “We are told that there is a small class of anointed ones to whom that applies. We are also told that a much larger class of non-anointed ones should not obey the command. However, have you ever tried to prove that to anyone from the Bible? I mean, seriously looked into the Bible and tried to find proof that there is a whole group of Christians, millions upon millions, who are completely exempt from obeying this command. I’ve tried, and I can’t find it any place.“
Godric sat back and mulled this over for a while, munching on his pastry. He was deep in thought, and failed to notice the plentiful crumbs falling onto his shirt and tie. When he finished, he looked back at his friend and was about to speak when Farouk pointed at his shirt front. Godric looked down with a little embarrassment when he saw the mess.
Brushing the crumbs away, he seemed to settle on a new thought. “What about the 144,000? We can’t all go to heaven," he said confidently.
“It really doesn’t change anything. I’m talking about obeying the command to partake, not purchasing a ticket to heaven, if you get my drift? Besides, how do we know that the number is literal? If we accept that it is literal, then we have to accept that the 12 groups of 12,000 is also literal. That means that the tribes from which the 12,000 are taken are also literal. And yet, there was no tribe of Joseph ever. My point is that if Jesus had wanted to exclude a major group of Christians from partaking he would’ve made it clear and laid down that rule. Disobeying Jesus Christ can be a life-and-death choice. He wouldn’t put us in a position to make such a choice based on the interpretations of imperfect human beings regarding symbolic visions. That just doesn't fit with the care that we know he has for us. Wouldn't you agree?”
Godric thought hard for a few seconds. He took a long sip of his coffee, reached absentmindedly for his pastry, then paused when he realized he’d already finished it. He withdrew his hand. ”Wait a minute. Doesn’t Romans tell us that the spirit gives testimony that someone is anointed?”
Farouk reached across the table for the Bible and opened it. “You’re referring to Romans 8:16.” After finding the verse, he spun the Bible around so the Godric could see it. Pointing to the verse he said, “Notice that the verse says that the spirit bears witness that we are God’s children, not that we are anointed. Do you consider yourself one of God’s children, Godric?”
“Of course, but not in the same sense as the anointed.”
Farouk nodded acceptance of this, then continued, “Does this verse say anything about a particular kind of child?“
“What exactly do you mean?”
“Well, perhaps in context we could expect the rest of the chapter to shed some light on the understanding that there are two types of sons and two hopes. We've got some time. Why not look for it yourself?” Farouk asked as he reached for his yet untouched pastry.
Godric turned back to the Bible and started to read. When he was done he looked up and said nothing. Farouk took that as his cue. “So, according to Paul either one is of the flesh with death in view or of the spirit with eternal life in view. Verse 14 says that ‘all who are led by God’s spirit are God’s sons.’ You’ve already admitted to believing you are one of God’s sons. That’s because the Holy Spirit in you causes you to believe that. Without that, according to Romans chapter 8, all you would have to look forward to is death.”
Godric said nothing, so Farouk continued. ”Let me ask you this. Is Jesus your mediator?”
“Of course.”
“So, you believe you are one of God’s sons and you believe that Jesus is your mediator.”
“Uh huh.”
“Do you realize that what you believe runs contrary to what we are being taught in the publications?” Farouk asked.
Not for the first time this day, Godric looked genuinely shocked, “What are you talking about?”
“I’m being completely serious, Godric. We are taught that the anointed have Jesus as their mediator, but that he is not the mediator for the other sheep—based on our teaching that the other sheep are class of Christian with an earthly hope. In addition, we are taught that the other sheep are not God’s sons. You must remember that we just had a Watchtower article on that very subject, and there yet another one coming up as the last study in the February issue? We keep teaching that the other sheep are only God’s friends.”
“Will there be anything else, gentlemen?” They hadn't noticed their waitress approach.
“Let me get this,” Farouk said, pulling out a $10 bill and handing it to the waitress. “Keep the change.”
After she left, he continued, “I know this is a lot to think about. Do the research. Find out what the Bible actually says. See if you can find anything in the Christian Greek Scriptures that talks about an entire class of Christian that has an earthly hope and does not go to heaven, and most important of all, is exempt from obeying Jesus' command of partaking of the emblems.”
The two friends stood, gathered their belongings and headed for the door. As they were walking back to the car, Farouk put his hand on his friend’s shoulder and said, “The reason I took the emblems—the reason I couldn’t give at elders meeting—was that I believed I had to obey the command of Jesus Christ. That’s it. Plain and simple. No mysterious revelation from God in the night that I was called to heaven. I just came to see in the Bible that a command has been given to all Christians; one that leaves us no option but to obey. Think about it and pray about it. If you want to talk more, you know you can always approach me. But again, don’t share this with anyone else because it would be very upsetting to a lot of our brothers and sisters. And it wouldn’t turn out well for either of us either.”
Godric nodded his agreement. “Yes, I can see why that would be.”
Farouk’s heart was in a turmoil. Had he just lost a friend or gained a stronger one? Only time would tell. Clearly, it would take Godric some time to process all this new information.
As he had done many times before, Farouk thought, How strange that all of this should be occurring within the Christian congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses.

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  • Comment by KeepOnSeeking on 2014-04-09 20:52:41

    Absolutely beautifully expressed. Thank you, Meleti and Apollos. This article will certainly prepare our brothers and sisters who are sure to face ridicule for obeying Christ in the coming weeks.

  • Comment by imacountrygirl2 on 2014-04-09 21:32:40

    "How strange that all of this should be occurring within the Christian congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses."
    How sad that we have come to this.

  • Comment by search4truth on 2014-04-09 21:52:36

    Just to finish this story. Godrick went home thinking all night about what his dear friend told him. Next day his conscience bothered him greatly as he felt that his dear brother stray from the truth. He decided to best thing to do is to help lovingly of course, adjust his friend thinking with the help of elders. Next day Farouk was called to attend judicial hearing. End of story. Anyway thanks for the great article great advice there. I'm not yet decided if I'm going to partake or not but I realize that this is something I should take seriously. It's a shame that we have to hide our true believes and play this game. It makes me feel like caged animal.

    • Reply by Sargon on 2014-04-09 22:07:38

      Haha. Funny postscript. But I don't think he would get turned in. I've openly disproven 1914 and cast doubt on the 144,000 to my friends and said I disagreed with the application of Matthew 24:45. Those are capital offenses. Yet my friends haven't turned me in. Many people are doubting our teachings and hoping for change. As long as you keep things private and people like you, you will probably be left alone.

  • Comment by on 2014-04-09 22:40:26

    Partaking apart from the congregation has been the basis for disfellowshipping in the past, at least since the Bethel apostasy of the 1980 period.

  • Comment by Joel on 2014-04-10 04:53:38

    It is a well thought out and well written take on events. I guess I either will, or will not find out what it is like soon enough. I hate being the focus of attention, but I do feel like I must do it, 1) out of obedience, remembering Jesus in the manner he requested and 2) because of 1 Cor 11:26, where Paul brings in the idea that you are "proclaiming" or in other words, providing a witness to the Lords return. If I can't do that amongst Christians, then surely something is wrong. It will be worth it just to be obedient, but if it makes a single person stop and think, that will be a bonus. Compared to what many have done, it is nothing at all and it is one thing we cannot do "virtually"!
    Thank you.

  • Comment by miken on 2014-04-10 06:20:10

    We still believe that Jesus returned invisibly in 1914 so with reference to 1 Cor 11:26 why are we still having a memorial?

    • Reply by Christian on 2014-04-10 07:32:47

      Because the FDS said so, silly :)

    • Reply by GodsWordIsTruth on 2014-04-10 08:52:28

      I have made the same point many times . It falls on deaf ears or the person gets visibly uncomfortable searching for a response

    • Reply by Anointed1 on 2014-05-21 10:56:47

      We will keep having the memorial as lomg as there are ones of heavenly hope amongst us. Those with heavenly hope are commanded to continue to partake in rememberance of Christ Jesus.
      When all anointed have died and gone to heaven then there will be no more memorial of Christ's death as there will be no one left to partake.

      • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2014-05-21 11:40:42

        Only that according to Paul, not all will die, but some will be alive at the presence of Christ and will be transformed. (1 Cor. 15:52)

        • Reply by Anointed1 on 2014-05-22 09:42:05

          I believe what Paul meant was that most anointed would not fall asleep in death.
          All anointed would fall asleep in death if they died prior to kingdom being established in heaven. Then after Christ permitted to sit on his throne as King, at end of Gentile times - then only during that time (last days) any anointed who die would not be resting in grave awaiting resurrection but would intantaneously receive their heavenly hope.

        • Reply by Anointed1 on 2014-05-22 09:45:26

          Sorry meant to say in last posting that Paul meant most anointed would fall asleep in death. etc (as May 22 at 9:42 AM)

  • Comment by Meleti Vivlon on 2014-04-10 07:42:26

    An excellent point.

  • Comment by GodsWordIsTruth on 2014-04-10 08:50:52

    I really appreciate how this article was written . Having holy spirit and being armed with a “script” should make this a lot easier for me. My age is going to be a huge problem along with the fact I have an overzealous “Saul” like COBE. This should be interesting to say the least.

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2014-04-10 09:17:39

      >>I have an overzealous "Saul" like COBE.
      I've seen the type all too often.
      I wish you well, but you have Jesus with you.
      (Matthew 5:11, 12) 11 “Happy are YOU when people reproach YOU and persecute YOU and lyingly say every sort of wicked thing against YOU for my sake. 12 Rejoice and leap for joy, since YOUR reward is great in the heavens; for in that way they persecuted the prophets prior to YOU.

    • Reply by on 2014-04-10 11:47:24

      I would recommend that you keep it simple and if asked why you are partaking simply quote, (Galatians 4:6, 7) "Now because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of his Son into our hearts, and it cries out: “Abba, Father!” So you are no longer a slave but a son; and if a son, then you are also an heir through God."
      Then, you might possibly add something like, "This has recently happened to me as well. God's spirit is calling out to me as a son."

      • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2014-04-10 14:33:25

        Or in this case, a daughter. :)

        • Reply by on 2014-04-10 14:40:37

          Oops! My apologies. :)

    • Reply by GodsWordIsTruth on 2014-04-10 14:58:19

      You are absolutely right Daytona. That is exactly what I am going to do. God has called me as His daughter :)
      Even though the brother in this article is fictitious I am comforted by the fact that it can be done . The light is indeed getting brighter for me on this path as the Memorial draws near ;)
      I don‘t want my excessive nervousness about the Memorial take away for the reason for the season…Our Lord Jesus Christ. I am hoping that my private celebration the day before takes away a lot of my nervousness and strengthens my personal resolve.

    • Reply by InNeedOfGrace on 2014-04-10 23:41:45

      I will pray for you. In a couple of days it will be my first partaking too. I understand your feeling. I did notify my body ahead of time, so I feel less stressed out now and can focus more on the significance of the occasion.

      • Reply by GodsWordIsTruth on 2014-04-11 06:20:58

        Thanks INOG.
        I will stay in prayer for you and all new partakers. Perhaps, I should have notified the body well in advance.... I didn't think of that.

        • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2014-04-11 08:16:20

          I can understand the logic behind the decision to inform the elders in advance of one's partaking for the first time. However, how sad that this should be viewed as necessary. They have no right to know nor any need to know. They have no authority whatsoever in this, yet you are quite right in believing that many will not view it that way. Partaking has become a grasping at power in the minds of the brothers. I daresay that for some partakers, that is precisely the appeal as well.
          We've created a two-tier system of honor and authority, with some destined to rule and the rest to be ruled. Until recently, we taught that the ruling class, called the Faithful Steward, was made up of partakers. Many began to partake in recent years, swelling the numbers. These then began to use their new perceived status to write in with "suggestions". Brother Splane discouraged this practice openly at the annual meeting a few years aback. (I can't help but wonder if this contributed to the idea of the Governing Body as the FADS.)
          Of course, all of this is wrong, but it is a consequence of teaching a false doctrine. Partaking is about obedience to the master. We do so to proclaim him until he arrives. No one needs permission and no one should expect to be notified in advance that one of the King's subjects is going to obey the order of the king. What? Are the elders there to give us permission to obey the Christ?

          • Reply by miken on 2014-04-11 08:50:05

            "We’ve created a two-tier system of honor and authority, with some destined to rule and the rest to be ruled"
            However God is not partial, Acts 10:34,35..

      • Reply by Chris on 2014-04-14 05:20:07

        Hello. I am partaking for the first time tonight. My friends want to see so they want me to sit next to them. I talked to the elders. They are cool with it. They said it was a personal decision. I just hope I'm not to nervous and pass it by. I can't go through that guilt again. :(

        • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2014-04-14 07:57:15

          The first time is the hardest because you will be overcoming years of powerful psychological conditioning, but you are right in doing so. You will be pleasing our Lord by proclaiming him until he arrives.

  • Comment by kev c on 2014-04-10 11:59:32

    I really dont see why anyone should have to provide an explanation like as if they are some sort of criminal . Apart from the point of sharing the real truth with them . Ive had it with them and been on the end of things like this its like room 101 in 1984. All it did for me was stress me out and make me feel alienated from the religion and those brothers . I think of the scriptures like before a quarrel breaks out take your leave . And theres a time to keep qiuet just as jesus did at his trial . Why should anyone have to put up with them trying to trap you in your speech like i had. . Sorry to be so negative kev

    • Reply by kev c on 2014-04-10 13:10:49

      In fact i would even go as far to say that matthew 7 v 6 may apply here i think it did in my case especially if its connected to verses 1 to 5 which speaks of those who are judgemental . Sorry again kev

      • Reply by GodsWordIsTruth on 2014-04-10 21:59:58

        I just had a thought....
        Calling yourself an adopted son of God ( or anointed) can be inflammatory among JW's.
        One of the reasons Jesus was killed was because according to the religious leaders he kept calling himself the Son of God .
        Satan's questions in Matthew 4 centered around "If you are a son of God....
        He knew Jesus was God's son so why did he say that?
        Why is professing to be a son of God a contentious issue? Satan has sought to destroy this relationship/sonship beginning with Adam .

    • Reply by GodsWordIsTruth on 2014-04-10 16:28:05

      I always appreciate your forthright comments Kev.
      I agree . The Pharisees are recorded many times in the Bible interrogating and following Jesus and his disciples all over the place. They were waiting for Him to violate their oral laws so that they can accuse them especially in front of others.

  • Comment by GodsWordIsTruth on 2014-04-10 12:00:32

    Thank you very much for your kind words Meleti

  • Comment by smolderingwick1 on 2014-04-10 15:00:41

    The best answer is, "I've already seen my psychotherapist."
    It worked for me :)

    • Reply by GodsWordIsTruth on 2014-04-10 16:11:20

      Hahaha SW1 ! Believe me they would actually be more accepting of that answer so that they can just write me off as crazy and not count me as legit . ( I am not implying that they do that btw)

  • Comment by on 2014-04-10 15:00:55

    Beautifully written, Meleti. When we covered John chapter 10 during the Bible Highights, I mentioned from the platform that John 10:16 could just as well apply to the Gentiles. I got a few strange looks from the audience, but no backlash. I don't think anyone had the knowledge or courage to challenge that from the Scriptures..

    • Reply by niteflyer on 2014-04-11 04:30:54

      Wow I wish I had been that brave...

  • Comment by KeepOnSeeking on 2014-04-10 15:18:43

    For those partaking privately, what kind of wine do you usually use?
    As a first timer this year, I bought a bottle of Chianti per the December 2013 Watchtower's suggestion. I want to make sure that it is totally acceptable, though.
    I bought some "Kosher for Passover" Yehuda Matzos imported from Jerusalem. The only ingredients are flour and water, so I feel safe on that end.

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2014-04-10 15:30:22

      I'm putting my trust in the Organization's research on this one, but if anyone has better information, I'd appreciate knowing it.
      *** w85 2/15 p. 19 The “Other Sheep” and the Lord’s Evening Meal ***
      Unleavened bread: Bread, such as unseasoned Jewish matzoth, made only with wheat flour and water may be used. Do not use matzoth that are made with added ingredients such as salt, sugar, malt, eggs or onions. You can make your own unleavened bread using the following recipe: Mix one and a half cups of wheat flour (if unobtainable, use rice, corn or another grain flour) with one cup of water, making a moist dough. Then roll dough to wafer thickness. Place it in a baking pan and liberally fork it with small holes. Bake it in a hot oven until it is dry and crisp.
      Wine: Use an unadulterated red grape wine such as Chianti, Burgundy, or a claret. Avoid dessert wines that have been fortified or altered with brandy, such as sherry, port or muscatel. Do not use wines with spices or herbs added to them, like Dubonnet and other aperitif wines. A homemade red wine may also be used if it has not been sweetened, spiced or fortified.

      • Reply by Gedalizah on 2014-04-10 17:24:30

        Just a thought on choosing red wine ..... one of our brothers discovered that blood is sometimes used in red wine to improve the colour (and flavour, presumably). The only way to be sure that the wine is suitable for Christians to drink is to check with the bottler/dsitributor, or to choose wine labelled as suitable for vegetarians/vegans. It's surprising that this possibility of red wine being tainted has not (so far as I'm aware) been mentioned by the Society.

  • Comment by KeepOnSeeking on 2014-04-10 21:20:07

    Thanks, Meleti. I did some research on the Chianti I bought, and it does hold up to those standards.

  • Comment by AFRICAINE on 2014-04-11 01:24:38

    With respect Gedalizah - Blood in Commercial wine ! No...please dont put stuff like this on any forum. - "one brother discovered" - I live in a prominent wine producing region of this Planet. Blood does not get used in red wine and would have no enhancing value on colour [it wont stay red] and flavour [it would be toxic besides] Please check your facts .....This does not do you and our collective reputation any good.
    Repectfully -
    - Cape Town
    - South Africa

    • Reply by Gedalizah on 2014-04-11 02:44:13

      Your consternation is understandable, Africaine - I was deeply dismayed when I first learned of the possibility of blood or blood derivatives in wine myself - so I researched the issue at the time (about a year ago). In view of your faintly contemptuous reaction, I've just repeated the exercise .... by Googling " blood used in wine" . Why not carry out the research - as I did?
      (I found a number of references to this occasional practice by wine producers, so it is hard not to feel that a word of caution is in order when choosing wine.) With respect and kind regards

  • Comment by Meleti Vivlon on 2014-04-11 08:21:49

    Africaine makes a good point, Gedalizah. On this forum, we do not make statements without providing credible evidence to back them up. We do not tell the readers to do the research for themselves. Why have hundreds do research that could be done by one and lovingly provided for the rest to benefit from. So if you have proof that blood is being added to wine, provide the reference links for others to view so they can verify the accuracy of what you say, or challenge it if they feel it is not credible or reliable. But please, no more bold statements without backup evidence. That is what we get in our publications.

    • Reply by Bobcat on 2014-04-11 11:06:08

      Here is some info on this via a quick Google search:
      Look a few lines into the sub-topic "Non-vegetarian/vegan additives."
      It appears it would mostly not be a problem in the USA or Europe.

    • Reply by InNeedOfGrace on 2014-04-11 13:14:48

      Good point Meleti ;) That must be my biggest pet-peeve ever.
      This story of the wine reminds me of the story that the red sauce of steaks not cooked well done is blood too.
      Btw on another note, I don't think anyone here has a clue the many applications blood actually has in products we use everyday. I know a company in my home country who makes a business just gathering the blood from farms to transform it for usage in other products. I was stunned to learn in how much products it's actually used.

    • Reply by Gedalizah on 2014-04-11 14:23:49

      Fair enough, Meleti. Here are some of the references I found confirming the use - mostly in times past - of blood as a clarifying agent (though not, as I'd mistakenly "remembered" for any effect on flavour or colour).
      The impression I gained was that the practice has not altogether died out, though recently produced wines from Europe and USA are almost certainly safe owing to legislation. I wonder - was it really so wrong of me to suggest a measure of caution in choosing wine for use in observing the Memorial?

      • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2014-04-11 16:47:29

        Was someone suggesting it was wrong of you to suggest a measure of caution? I don't think so. We do appreciate our providing the reference links so we can follow up and confirm your research.

    • Reply by anderestimme on 2014-04-11 15:31:47

      Apparently the Europeans aren't as safe as they might think.

  • Comment by JB on 2014-04-11 10:35:21

    Meleti, Apollos, you've got such excellent writing ! I can't imagine something put in a nicer and easier way to follow and digest.
    But after reading this excellent scenario I couldn't help but asking, truly candidly, a question to Faroukh :
    Why is he with the congregation of JW's ? Not being a part of a congregation's directions a some point in time, with his personal research, seem to approach him to the truth closer than it could ever be with the direction of the organization's teaching. And if he found "2 or 3" like him, which looks like the case for even greater numbers, through humble and honest research, he would continue finding the truth with Jesus being "amongs them".
    So my question about Faroukh, why do you think he is with an organization not giving the right direction ?
    As I mentioned, this is really a candid question, with a need to understand motivations, and I'm not challenging anyone.

  • Comment by search4truth on 2014-04-11 14:02:27

    This is excerpt from the Perimeno website explaining why we still celebrate annual Memorial ?That question was posed in a Watchtower article back in 1956, when it asked: "But why was eating [the Lord's evening meal] not discontinued after October, 1914, when the Lord Jesus came into his kingdom at Jehovah’s right hand in the heavens? Why was it not discontinued, at least, after Jehovah God came to his spiritual temple accompanied by Jesus Christ as his 'messenger of the covenant' in the spring of 1918?" (Actually, Malachi's prophecy was fulfilled in the first century, and not in 1914-1918.) The answer the Watchtower provided was: "Well, at the time of either of those events Jesus Christ did not take his followers from their fleshly condition into his personal presence. He left them in the flesh and hence they were still “absent from the Lord.” (w56 1/15 pp. 58-61 pars. 10-19) A more recent Watchtower clarified this further by explaining: "When does the Lord ‘arrive’? When he comes to take the last of his anointed bride class to their heavenly home." (w10 3/15 p. 27 par. 16)
    According to the Society's custom of celebrating the Memorial, it is not so much about proclaiming the death of the Lord until he arrives, as it is proclaiming his "anointed bride class" until they depart. It has become their celebration, an evening when they get to identify themselves and demonstrate before all onlookers that they are the only ones who are in the new covenant with God, while also exclusively claiming Jesus as their mediator.

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2014-04-11 16:53:23

      "Well, at the time of either of those events [1914 and 1918] Jesus Christ did not take his followers from their fleshly condition into his personal presence." The cheeky contempt the writers of the publications have exhibited at times for the reasoning ability of their readers never ceases to amaze me. We teach that it was the very next year that Jesus did just this, take his followers to heaven, "into his personal presence." So by our own teaching we have shown that the memorial should not have been celebrated past 1919.

  • Comment by imacountrygirl2 on 2014-04-12 00:17:30

    Melete you said :So by our own teaching we have shown that the memorial should not have been celebrated past 1919.
    Does this make a mockery of the up-comiing Lord's Evening Meal? Should this knowledge of the Watchtower's teachings affect a Christian's view of whether to partake or not at the KH Celebration?

  • Comment by Meleti Vivlon on 2014-04-12 01:10:29

    It makes a mockery of our reasoning but not of the evening meal. True, we do not commemorate it correctly, but whether one wishes to partake there is a matter of conscience, I believe. Perhaps others would differ with me on that.

  • Comment by SilverTop on 2014-04-12 23:06:54

    This may sound like a silly question, but can we use Manischewitz Concord Grape Wine for the Passover celebration? It says on the bottle Kosher for Passover. Also, my husband has a bottle of Kedem Grape Juice which is also Kosher. Or should we jut buy a bottle of Chianti, ( the one in the little basket?) Thanks so much. We will be keeping the Memorial at home this year, just going to the Kingdom Hall to put I face time. I fact, that's the only reason we go is so the face count is kept up
    Thanks for your help brothers!

    • Reply by InNeedOfGrace on 2014-04-13 21:49:30

      Just bought a bottle of Manischewitz Concord Grape Wine myself. Opened a thread about it on the forums. If anyone else feedback on this?

  • Comment by Meleti Vivlon on 2014-04-13 09:29:30

    I downloaded this description from their web site:
    Strict Kosher requirements are followed during Passover, and all food and wine consumed must be certified Kosher for Passover, meaning they contain no leavened foods or grains. In the case of Manischewitz wines, this means Kosher for Passover wines are produced using real cane sugar, instead of corn syrup.
    I know that the wine has to be unsweetened, meaning no added sugar, but I'm no expert on wine making. Perhaps someone else could throw some light on the subject...?

  • Comment by Chris on 2014-04-13 13:10:44

    I suppose that's the contrast between the bread and the wine. The bread is unleavened by yeast but the wine needs to have yeast and sugar to become wine.
    From what I know adding sugar feeds the yeast & helps to increase the alcohol content and doesn't affect the sweetness as it is used up in the fermentation.
    Sweet wines are achieved by halting the fermentation before the sugar is consumed or by the addition of syrups or spices.
    That begs the question about the use of sugar (if any) in 1st century wine-making and it's alcohol content? compare John 2:10
    That's all I know....hiccup!

    • Reply by smolderingwick1 on 2014-04-14 20:58:47

      Yeast naturally occurs on the skins of fruit, grapes being the focus of wine. Grape sugar (also called dextrose) needs the yeast for its transformation into alcohol. While there is usually sufficient sugar to raise alcohol content to acceptable levels, (11-13%) adding more sweetener will eventually kill the yeast before it hits 15% thereafter increasing the sweetness. I know because I make it.

  • Comment by KoalaBlue on 2015-03-08 22:52:45

    If Farouk was truly heartfelt about his resolve to partake of the emblems, then he would have stated his understanding of the scriptures to his fellow elders on the night they questioned him. There are several flaws in your fictitious transcript. He would want the light to shine through. He would want them to understand. Farouks behavior was mysterious and secretive. The truth is not secretive.

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2015-03-09 08:16:36

      Truth is simply truth. It cannot act in any way, secretive or otherwise. I believe you mean that a man who has the truth should not keep it a secret. In answer I would submit Jesus as our exemplar who knew when to speak up and when to remain silent as he did when facing his own "judicial committee".

  • Comment by Der neue Gesalbte – wenn ein Zeuge Jehovas anfängt, von den Symbolen zu nehmen | BI-aktuell on 2016-03-11 04:54:52

    […] Artikel ist eine Übersetzung des Artikels „A New Partaker“ unserer Brüder und Freunde von Beroean […]

  • Comment by Sheryl Jeanne Bogolin on 2018-10-13 08:15:20

    This explanation of Farouk's thought process before partaking helps me understand my daughter's decision to partake. Which she always refers to as an "invitation" by Jesus that she would not/could not deny. So well written! I could just imagine myself in that room of elders "grilling" Farouk.

  • Comment by Der neue Gesalbte - wenn ein Zeuge Jehovas anfängt, von den Symbolen zu nehmen - Bruderinfo-Aktuell on 2019-10-01 08:32:51

    […] Artikel ist eine Übersetzung des Artikels “A New Partaker” unserer Brüder und Freunde von Beroean […]

  • Comment by gavindlt on 2023-03-08 07:31:26

    This was so beautifully written. Well done Eric.

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