Ecclesiastical Authority Is Everywhere

– posted by meleti
I watched a documentary by Ben Stein titled Expelled  which exposed what happens to sincere, open-minded scientists who dared to challenge any aspect of the doctrine of Evolution.  I say doctrine, because the actions of the authority structure within the scientific community was equivalent to that of an ecclesiastical hierarchy protecting its domain.  Censure, expulsion, discreditation.  Does it not sound familiar?
Socrates was one of the great philosophers of history.  However, when his ideas threatened the rulers of Athens, he was sentenced to die, though they allowed him the dignity of dying by his own hand.  He was allowed to drink poison rather than suffer the ignominy of public execution.  It seems that anytime a human authority structure comes into existence, it follows a precise pattern identifying it with Satan's rulership, not God's.  Ecclesiastical authority is the most flagrant example of this abuse of power, since it lays claim to divine appointment and thus has committed in God's name some of the worst human rights atrocities of history.
The latest entry in the arena of secular authorities that mimic religious orthodoxies can be found at this link:
I'm not prompting a pro or con position on Global Warming, so please, no comments on the subject. I put this link here simply by way of example.  As you read the two lists it is not hard to see a frightening similarity with another authority structure we are all too familiar with.  What we say is one thing, but Jesus said that we can identify men of a certain type by their works.

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  • Comment by Urbanus on 2014-04-11 21:54:47

    What a contrast is presented between human ecclesiastical hierarchy with authoritarian schemes for enforcement of its power, with that of the Christ, who had true authority and power:
    (John 12:46-48 rNWT)  I have come as a light into the world, so that everyone putting faith in me may not remain in the darkness. 47 But if anyone hears my sayings and does not keep them, I do not judge him; for I came, not to judge the world, but to save the world. 48 Whoever disregards me and does not receive my sayings has one to judge him. The word that I have spoken is what will judge him on the last day.

  • Comment by imacountrygirl2 on 2014-04-11 23:49:22

    Meleti, this is quite a revelation of an ecclesiastical hierarchy protecting its domain, and the common sense needed to refute it using those 14 easy steps. All we have to do is change the name.
    Comment 25 fits almost to a T.
    The link on comment 26.1 has a great article on "Arguing in the absence of good will", for dealing with people who refuse to engage in "dialogue", when they will not address the issue, are outright dishonest and engage in personal attacks. In other words, dealing with people who simply won't be reasoned with.
    Thank you for sharing this article.
    Sheer Genius!
    In light of all your responsibilities, when ever did you find the time to discover this little gem?

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2014-04-12 01:07:29

      It was contributed by one of the regular readers.

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