
– posted by meleti
It was just brought to my attention that there is a site out there which looks somewhat like ours.  I won't post the link as it is not the type of site I wish to promote.  The similarity comes down to the fact that it uses the same header photo as you see above.  However, it is in no way affiliated with us.
The only site affiliated with Beroean Pickets is Wordpress offers many layout themes and stock pictures for blogs.  I chose the one above because it fits with our theme in a number of ways.  For many of us, our journey is a solitary one like the man strolling down the lane.  We have been freed, yet we walk beside a flock of our brothers still penned in by religious dogma and obedience to the traditions of men.
There is also a picket fence in the picture and picket has the connotation of a lone soldier taking point or standing watch at a station marked by, well, a picket.
"Pickets" is also an anagram for "skeptics", and while a good Beroean should not be a doubting Thomas, neither should he be a blind believer, so a reasonable degree of skepticism is healthy.
To all who regularly read the articles and to the many who contribute their thoughts and research, I would like to extend my sincerest thanks.  I know I speak for Apollos as well.
Meleti Vivlon

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  • Comment by imacountrygirl2 on 2014-04-12 18:56:27

    Meleti, Thank you for explaining the picture on this blog. I wondered if it had some special significance that I was ignorant of. Your explanation makes it very appropriate for many of us too. Now when I see it, I will remember how fitting it is.
    It is we who thank you and Apollos for the hard work that you both spend on behalf of us.

  • Comment by imjustasking on 2014-04-13 04:18:23

    I would like to second IACG2.
    This is by far the best site of its kind (IMHO) that I've come across. After a two year hiatus in signing up to these kinds of sites/forums - yours was the one that drew me in because of the depth and honesty of the discussions.
    I've always wondered about the picture. Thank you for explaining.
    Yourself and Apollos do well to keep everybody in check (myself included) when sometimes our emotions can get the better of us and you remind us of our duty to be dignified in our responses.
    Keep up the good work. I've learnt so much and it is has been a real interchange of encouragement (Romans 1:12)

  • Comment by Sargon on 2014-04-13 09:53:25

    I agree. This site is excellent. It's not angry or hateful and there are not trolls. Also the authors of this blog do not expect you to agree with them and do not have blog disciples who attack anyone who disagrees with the authors.

  • Comment by GodsWordIsTruth on 2014-04-13 10:44:32

    That's a beautiful and fitting description of the picture for this blog.....

  • Comment by Alex Rover on 2014-04-13 12:16:51

    Jesus warned to not become leaders and lord over your brothers. Today there are brothers, who demand blind obedience using unity as excuse. Thereby they are taking the best seat at the party. The shame will be, when our master returns and assigns the humble a spot on his right hand.
    Thus far, I can vouch for this website and authors, not because they ever demanded me to follow or they ever claimed to know better. Truth speaks for itself. Simply present the evidence from the Scriptures.
    This community is not of of bitter, angry, or mentally diseased individuals, but one of respectful, god-fearing and truth loving sisters and brothers. Many of them are anointed, or recently discovered that some have unlovingly tried to discourage them from responding to their calling. Some have been anointed Christians associating with JW congregations for 30 years, like Daytona. Others, like me, just a few years.
    We are like the Israelites who didn't bow to the Golden Calf erected by Aaron. Our union stems from union with- and obedience to- our head, Christ. Our religion is obedience to Jehovah's appointed king. We left Egypt, the world, and are on our way to Paradise. Our Moses is Jesus Christ, and we do not fall down for those who want to place themselves in 'the seat of Moses', whomever that may be throughout history.

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2014-04-13 12:38:16

      Beautifully expressed!

  • Comment by brendaevans32 on 2014-04-15 06:14:10

    Hello everyone, Lovely thoughts, lovely sentiments but most importantly lovely and loving reading, discussing and following the words of our loving Lord, in a peaceful and loving environment, where natural and heartfelt thoughts can be expressed.
    So thank you to you all. Much much love to you all.

  • Comment by Anjinsan on 2014-04-15 11:19:12 is a fine website. I love the fine reasoning from the scriptures, the freedom of expression with all due respect to the holy book. I love you all on the site and as we continue to strive after freedom in the Christ, may the father and son through the holy spirit make our paths firm.

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