WT Study: Do You Appreciate Jehovah’s Watchful Care

– posted by meleti

[Watchtower study for the week of June 30, 2014 – w14 4/15 p. 27]

 Study theme text: “The eyes of Jehovah are everywhere,
watching both the bad and the good”—Mat. 6:24

 While this article is intended to show Jehovah’s loving care for Christians, the foremost expression of that love, his Son Jesus, is not mentioned even once in the entire article. In fact, Jesus is only mentioned 11 times in the entire April issue, and Christ is found only 3 times. However, Jehovah is to be found 167 times. Think about what that means: 167 vs. 11 occurrences. This is just one more example of how our Organization has removed Christ from the position of prominence given him in the Christian Scriptures, relegating him to the mere status of teacher and exemplar.

A Watchful God Warns Us

In paragraph 5 we are told: “Through his Word, the Bible, he warns us when we are headed in the wrong direction. How? In our daily Bible reading, we often come across a passage that helps us to overcome bad tendencies and unwholesome inclinations. In addition, our Christian publications may shed light on a problem with which we may have been struggling and show us how we can overcome it.” Paragraph 6 continues: “All such warnings are really evidence of Jehovah’s loving, watchful care for us as individuals.” [Underlining added]
That being the case, what about publications from other Christian denominations? If a Baptist publication offers counsel based on Scripture about avoiding the snare of pornography or improving marital relations, is that not also evidence of Jehovah’s loving care? Or do we feel that only our publications can offer such evidence? If we are to esteem the Organization for the use to which it is put by Jehovah to help us, should we not esteem other Christian religions for the help they provide through their publications and discourses? If not, if we say that Jehovah does not speak through them, then how do we know the same doesn’t apply to us? If we say, they teach falsehoods like the Trinity and Hellfire, and that negates any good they can do…well, we also teach falsehoods as we’ve seen from our studies, so where does that leave us?
Wouldn’t it be better to give all credit to God, his Son Jesus and to the inspired Word, rather than use these opportunities to focus attention on an Organization run by men?

Our Caring Father Corrects Us

(First of all, we just had a Watchtower study article telling us that only the anointed can call him Father. For the rest of us, he is only a friend. Why do we teach one thing, then blur the line by implying he is something we are taught he is not. He’s the Father of roughly 0.1% of all Jehovah’s Witnesses and the friend to the remaining 99.9%. That is what we teach.)
Paragraph 8 opens with the words: “We may become especially aware of Jehovah’s care when we receive correction. (Read Hebrews 12:5,6.) The next two paragraphs show us how Jehovah offers this correction through human counselors.

A Friend Who Helps Us Endure Trials

Building on the foundation of paragraphs 8 and 9, paragraphs 13 thru 16 show how resentment against one who has counselled us can hurt us. This is a valid point. Paragraph 14 uses an example, which has been previously expressed in past articles, of an occasion when former GB member Karl Klein was reproved by Brother Rutherford. Now it may be that the reproof was unjustified, and even if justified, it is altogether likely that it was delivered in a tactless manner. Brother Rutherford’s history would certainly incline us to that notion. After all, the man was sued for using the publications to shamelessly libel a fellow elder. The Society lost that law suit, appealed, lost again, appealed again, and lost a third time. Nevertheless, the counsel in our magazine is valid. Resentment is a poison you concoct for another and then drink yourself. Jesus will judge. It is regrettable that to make this valid point, they choose the Rutherford/Klein story again, given that Rutherford is such a spotted character historically. With the exposure his antics have been given by the internet, this may be a poor attempt at damage control.
The point the article fails to make—the one many us would love to see acknowledged—is that this correction from Jehovah given through “human counselors” is not vertical and unidirectional—from the top down. Rather, it is horizontal and omnidirectional for we are all on a level playing field. (Ro 12:43; Mt 23:8)
If those who so often encourage us to humbly accept the counsel from God delivered through human counselors would themselves humbly accept counsel, we would be far more disposed to listen. However, if we offer counsel up the chain of command, we will be rebuked and accused of being presumptuous.

A Final Point

Paragraph 6 makes an excellent point: “True, the words of the Bible have been there for centuries, the publications are written for millions, and the counsel at the meetings is intended for the whole congregation. Still, in all these cases, Jehovah directed your attention to his Word so that you could adjust your inclinations. Thus it can be said that this is evidence of Jehovah’s loving personal care for you.” It is entirely true that Jehovah’s loving care is expressed personally for each of us. It is not expressed through an Organization, but individually. Likewise, our relationship with him does not depend on an Organization, nor does our salvation. If we can take anything away from this week’s study about Jehovah’s watchful and loving eye upon us, let it be that.

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  • Comment by Anjinsan on 2014-06-30 11:13:02

    Your comment in paragraph 5 reminds me of a fine Christian publication I read some years year. I initially came across this book from a colleague some years before then, i turned a blind eye. When I came across it again I could not resist the urge, the cover title just appealed to me. When I finished reading, it was a fine read!. On my library it ranks as my second best Christian Publication.
    From it i came to learn that they are good morally/spiritually up building publication to be found in "Christendom"..

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2014-06-30 11:25:46

      I'm curious. What's the title?

      • Reply by Anjinsan on 2014-07-01 05:26:15

        I have sent the name to you as a private Message on the sister site.

        • Reply by BeenMislead on 2014-07-01 08:45:38

          Anjinsan said
          "I have sent the name to you as a private Message on the sister site."
          So why is the title to this publication a secret???

  • Comment by kev c on 2014-06-30 14:11:36

    Ha ha ha thats right meleti The loving counsel or correction only travels downward if it goes upwards or across the loving counsel then becomes apostasy . dead right brother thanks for your articles kev

  • Comment by imacountrygirl2 on 2014-06-30 19:01:34

    "Wouldn’t it be better to give all credit to God, his Son Jesus and to the inspired Word, rather than use these opportunities to focus attention on an Organization run by men?"
    Of course it would be better to give all credit to God, his son Jesus and to the inspired Word....but then we wouldn't need the organization, would we? They are not about to put themselves out of a job....that is why they HAVE TO focus the attention on a man made organization.
    God, Jesus and the Bible don't give them the attention they crave, how else will they get any focus unless they do it themselves?
    They more truthfully could re-name this article "Do You Appreciate the Governing Body's Watchful Care"?

  • Comment by Chris on 2014-06-30 22:24:29

    So true youracountrygirl :)
    Numbers 20:10 comes to mind
    The GB is building up to having a Moses at Meribah moment methinks.
    It's long overdue.

  • Comment by robcrompton on 2014-07-01 07:59:09

    "...should we not esteem other Christian religions for the help they provide through their publications and discourses?"
    Indeed. A little reflection will quickly reveal, for example, that producing the NWT would have been entirely impossible without the prior work of the huge army of Jewish, Christian and other scholars in preparing the texts from the myriad of manuscripts and fragments, and in studying the ancient languages and passing on their expertise so that the rest of us may benefit.

  • Comment by Anjinsan on 2014-07-01 09:47:07

    hahahahaha..... Beenmislead, It is just a popular mainstream Christian publication a best seller. Just don't want to advertise any human publication on the forum, even if it is bible based. Or are you inquisitive to know?(Smiling)

    • Reply by BeenMislead on 2014-07-01 13:09:59

      To Anjinsan:
      Whatever floats your boat!
      I am not dying to know the title … Just Curious.

  • Comment by maxwellsmartjw on 2014-07-01 09:52:13

    Meleti, very nice summary, thank you.
    Your point regarding the disparity in the number of occasions Jehovah's name is found vs Jesus or Christ is telling. I imagine we'd find this true in just about any publication (exception the Greatest Man or Listen To The Great Teacher). It is a fact that a number of those who leave the organization lose faith in the existence of God and the Bible. I've pondered why this is the case?
    For some time I've been doing an exercise in my head: When I see Jehovah's name used in a paragraph in the WT, I replace it with organization. When I see the word organization, I exchange it with Jehovah. Interesting how often after the exchange, the sentence still fits the context.
    Yes, "Jehovah" and " organization" are often synonymous in our publications. This is not the case with Jesus or Christ and the organization. So, it becomes difficult for most to visualize Jehovah without thinking organization. Conversely, it's more difficult to visualize organization without thinking Jehovah. We've been indoctrinated to think this way.
    While I understand the objective of the indoctrination (connecting Jehovah and organization) I believe there is a major downside, becoming manifest in thinking R&F. Leadership has created a mindset that one's faith depends upon the performance of an earthly entity. Leadership has created the unrealistic mindset that the organization itself is perfect. When one comes to the realization that the organization is far from perfect, he finds his faith on a slippery slope. One that can ultimately result in loss of faith in the very existence of Jehovah and Jesus. I've noticed that a number of those who have faded have become agnostic or atheist. Eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow we are to die. Very sad. I think this mindset explains why some have experienced total shipwreck of their faith.
    Leadership has placed far too much emphasis on the myth that our organization is perfect, and that Jehovah has appointed it to be the go between in our relationship with him and Jesus. This perpetuates an environment of misguided allegiance. This is very fragile, what happens if the organization should disappoint? Did Jehovah and Jesus let us down?
    In my mind, I now view the "organization" as a corporate structure, a physical entity. The organization (corporation) has significant tangible assets, and has become a media business managed by a boardroom of officers and directors. While we claim that the organization and brotherhood are one, the fact is, we the brotherhood are not shareholders. We have no voice whatsoever in corporate decisions, election of directors, policy, corporate mission, code of ethics, official belief system. No vote, no ownership, no voice. In fact, we no longer have ownership in KH's paid for with our personal funds.
    I find INC's designation for their management team to be much less ambiguous. They call it the "administration". Their administration is clearly separate from the brotherhood. No one mixes the two in their mind. Their administration is defined as the corporation and the administration who receive material support from the corporation. In our case, those receiving checks, lease cars, luxury lodging (some with homes off site), quality dining, health insurance, international travel, and numerous other perks and benefits. These few privileged individuals are our administration. We are the brotherhood.
    It would be healthy for the R&F to separate our corporate "administration" from Jehovah. If more are able to do this, imperfections of the administration won't impact faith in Jehovah or Jesus.

    • Reply by Anjinsan on 2014-07-02 11:41:52

      Your are quite on point Maxwell on the reason why some that fade end up agnostics/atheists.
      And the last paragraph is a very fine advice.

  • Comment by maxwellsmartjw on 2014-07-01 10:30:53

    To add to my last sentence, one's trust should never be placed in any man (or man made entity) to whom no salvation belongs. (Ps 146:3) I anticipate imperfection and I am increasingly more disappointed, but not in Jehovah or Jesus. In fact, my faith has grown ever stronger that he will teach us and direct our steps in the future, wherever that may be. (Ps 23:3; 143:10)

    • Reply by on 2014-07-01 18:06:25

      Maxwell this point about jehovah and organisation being synonymous in some brothers minds this could be true .Last year i heard one of the elders in our local congregation gave a very emotional local needs talk where he claimed that some in the congregation were speaking against jehovah . In reality they just had issues with the organisation . They do think to speak against the organisation is to speak against god . Its incredible to me but i know one brother an elder who told me he was dedicated to the organisation .I was left stunned . This brother used to use psalm 146 v 3 and 4 alot on the work but could not seem to make the connection that he was trusting in men . I couldnt understand why thanks for your thoughts . Kev

  • Comment by search4truth on 2014-07-02 00:09:12

    Excellent example of Jehovah's Watchful Care administered through his appointed channel on Earth. http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Vy3ZlxLEy6U

  • Comment by BeenMislead on 2014-07-02 08:22:22

    Because the new book “God's Kingdom Rules” released at the convention says: the second generation of anointed ones of the overlapping generation of Matt. 24:34 are getting up in years now, that means that “very soon” the great tribulation is going to start.
    This is a “New (Cut to the Chase) Field Service Presentation” that I am recommending.
    We know that in 1919 Jesus inspected all religions and found ours to be the one true religion, the only religion that is God’s channel of communication.
    So I am here to offer you a bible study so you can become a Jehovah’s Witness.
    Because if you don’t, then “Very Soon’ you are going to die at Armageddon.
    So, what do you think?
    Would that make you want to become a Jehovah’s Witness?

    • Reply by Vassy on 2014-07-02 08:59:29

      Is the new book "God's Kingdom Rules" propping the 1914? Is is released on Friday? Because if it is, then I won't go to the convention on Friday.

      • Reply by BeenMislead on 2014-07-02 10:48:00

        I have not read it all ... I only read the first few pages that talked about the overlapping generation of Matt. 24:34 and used the words "Very Soon" about the great tribulation coming. That was enough to make me sick.
        The preface is a letter from the GB and talks about Russell saying "The gentile times have ended, the Kings have had their day." So yes, it does seem they are 'propping" 1914.
        The Book is released on Saturday.

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