WT Study: Follow the Golden Rule in Your Ministry

– posted by meleti

[Watchtower study for the week of July 14, 2014 – w14 5/15 p. 11]

This study is just about being considerate of others we meet in the field ministry.  It is very basic and there is nothing new here.  So this post is merely a placeholder to provide a place for anyone wishing to make a comment on this topic.

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  • Comment by menrov on 2014-07-14 08:26:40

    Agree, rather basic and would expect all baptised JW's alredy apply this if we take into account the long training one receives before becoming a JW.
    WHen reading these paragraphs, I wonder about 2 things:
    - are we treating so-called apostates like this as well? Do we treat like how we would like to be treated when you disagree with the formal JW doctrines?
    - Are we "working" for a sales company, that requires more sales every time? Are we being training to become better sales people of our religion? Why can I not see a similar approach when Jesus sent out his apostles or disciples out?

  • Comment by saskawoo on 2014-07-14 17:14:35

    I know ATHEISTS who cite the golden rule as one to live by, and for the most part, they do. It's good advice for anyone and everyone has heard the saying, although many probably don't know its origin (I make sure to tell them :)
    Has the organization reached a point at which they have so stripped people of their natural, God-given consciences and reasoning abilities that they now need to try to "reprogram" some morality in? Or should I be even more cynical and ask "why only the ministry?" Did Jesus make a distinction as to WHEN we should apply this rule?. I know I should try to find the good in things, and this article is a nice respite from the litany of OBEY US, but mostly I just find it sad. I mean, a lot of it is just basic manners. Any customer service or sales job is going to have guidelines like "don't bother people when they're busy" "tell them why you're there" "be polite", etc.

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2014-07-14 17:26:46

      And don't peer in their windows.

      • Reply by GodsWordIsTruth on 2014-07-14 20:28:48

        This WT study can be condensed into a couple paragraphs in the KM. A whole hour this week dedicated to being polite in field service -_- Yippee.

  • Comment by Katrina on 2014-07-14 23:29:41

    come a long way from putting ones foot in the door, some still knock on peoples windows, have had complaints from HH about this annoying habit by a few.

  • Comment by Harrison Webster on 2014-07-15 03:54:30

    The Golden Rule was of course espoused by many great thinkers long before Our Lord walked the earth.
    A modern thinker expressed the idea that it does not go far enough, simply to treat people in a way in which we would be happy to be treated shows no empathy, we need to deal with others as they wish to be dealt with.
    This may involve not calling at their home when it suits us, but when it would be more acceptable to them.
    To think of the needs and wishes of others is truly Christlike.

    • Reply by GodsWordIsTruth on 2014-07-15 12:10:08

      "This may involve not calling at their home when it suits us, but when it would be more acceptable to them."
      Or insist on leaving tracts in their doors....
      I am severly annoyed when the Mormons in my neighborhod leave papers in my door. They are always on my street!! But I have had really nice discussions with them and I love their pleasant demeanor.
      But Mormoms please give me a break... Let me miss you a little bit geez .

  • Comment by Lawrence L. on 2014-07-15 11:47:13

    I noticed that in paragraph 8 of the article there's a mention of "career-focused individuals".Sort of discouraging the J.W.s from pursuing a career(secular one,I might add) by lumping it with politicians(crooked implied),religious leaders(again,crooked implied).In fact,"career-focused individuals" is almost in the category of thieves,drunkards,gang members,or drug addicts mentioned in this same paragraph.
    I have no doubt that the word of God,the Bible,changes lives - and always best for us.The motive of the WTBTS here seems to be that of discouraging even a moderate pursuance of career(secular) & encouraging pioneering once someone has come into the "truth".

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2014-07-15 11:59:07

      Good catch. It is sideways comments like this with its obvious implications that program our thought processes into thinking as the GB wants us to.

  • Comment by yobec on 2014-07-15 14:13:09

    Another article that emphasizes what WE must do so as to make disciples. Apparently it is US and OUR skilled performances that is of prime importance. Jesus however said that it was the ANGELS that were in charge of the reaping.
    It was an ANGEL that directed Phillip to the eunuch and JEHOVAH who opened up Lydia's heart wide so as to make her understand.
    We can brag all we want about having divided the entire globe into territories and the printing of billions of literature but in the end, no one comes to Jesus unless the father has drawn them.

  • Comment by lightflashup on 2014-07-15 16:16:54

    Well this is a great principle to apply in all aspect of life, in fact by so doing much of the major problems mankind face today would be solved.
    But look at this, if a person from another religion knocks on our door to give us their bible base publication would we take it? Most would not, yet we want them yo take ours, let us practice what we preach.

  • Comment by Jannai40 on 2014-07-16 02:03:50

    When we had our meetings on Sunday afternoon, we would go out on the ministry in the morning and wake everyone up - we were not popular!

  • Comment by Katrina on 2014-07-16 07:06:48

    It is all about image, having good manners or being considerate surely is a Christian quality, one has to look and act the part in sales.

  • Comment by on 2014-07-16 14:39:09

    I have a friend who makes her living through a multi level marketing company. She always compared the door to door ministry to her business - same tactics used in successfully promoting her "product".

  • Comment by ibroatsc50 on 2014-07-18 15:29:11

    One of my favorites was always the "encouragement" to use our day off from work during holidays to promote literature that showed how evil the HH was for celebrating Christmas, Easter, Thanksgiving...etc

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