WT Study: You Must Love Your Neighbor as Yourself

– posted by meleti

[Watchtower study for the week of August 11, 2014 – w14 6/15 p. 17]

This is the follow-up article to last week’s study on the need to love our God, Jehovah.
It begins with a review of the illustration Jesus gave of the injured Samaritan to show who really is our neighbor. To show that we, as Jehovah’s Witnesses, are like the Samaritan, paragraph 5 uses the example of the relief aid we provided to “our brothers and others” who suffered loss from Hurricane Sandy in New York in 2012. There is genuine Christian love at work in many of our brothers who willingly give of their time and resources to help others in such times. However, is that due to our Organization or to the love of the Christ? No mention is made in the article of any other relief efforts made by other Christians who are not Jehovah’s Witnesses as this might tend to negate the underlying teaching that only Jehovah’s Witnesses are true Christians. If love of neighbor is to be a criteria, then it is only of us to widen our search.
A simple google search reveals that many other Christian denominations engaged in relief efforts. [i] This is relevant in light of the illustration we are using to make our point, because for the Jews, a Samaritan was a despised individual. They were apostates who didn’t recognize the temple as the center of worship. Jews wouldn’t even talk to them. They were the ancient equivalent of a disfellowshipped person. (John 4:7-9)
The Simplified Edition states, “Jehovah’s Witnesses were different. They organized help for their brothers and others in the area because true Christians love their neighbor.” A witness child reading this will be led to believe that we were the only ones showing love of neighbor then, when in fact our relief efforts for those poor and suffering have long lagged behind those of other Christian denominations—ones which we view in the same way as the Jews did the Samaritans.

How We Can Show Neighbor Love

Paragraphs 6 thru 10 show us ways in which Christians can show love of neighbor. These are all valid, scriptural methods. However, they are not limited to the activity of Jehovah’s Witnesses. There are Christians in virtually every denomination who display these qualities. There are also those who call themselves Christians in every denomination (including ours) who do not display these qualities.

A Special Way to Show Neighbor Love

It seems we can rarely have an article which does not in some way promote the door-to-door preaching activity. Paragraphs 11 thru 13 do this. Paragraph 12 opens with: “Like Jesus, we help people to become conscious of their spiritual need. (Matt. 5:3)” Our translation offers an interpretive translation. What Jesus actually says is “Blessed are the poor in spirit”. The word he uses is ptóchos which is derived from ptōssō meaning “to crouch or cower like a beggar”. (Helps Word-studies) A beggar is already aware of his need. He doesn’t need anyone to tell him about it.
The Simplified Edition puts this differently. “Jesus helped many people to understand that they needed Jehovah.” Here we are giving Jesus’ message a subtle twist. Jesus preached only to Jews. The Jews knew they needed Jehovah. What they didn’t know was how to get reconciled to him. Some thought themselves rich, and so were not begging for the spirit. Others were intensely aware of their spiritual poverty. To these, Jesus preached the way to fill that need. (John 14:4)
Paragraph 12 (Simplified Edition) goes on to state, “We imitate Jesus when we tell people about “God’s good news. (Romans 1:1) We teach them that Jesus’ sacrifice makes it possible for them to have Jehovah’s approval and friendship. (2 Corinthians 5:18, 19) Preaching the good news is truly an important way to show love for our neighbor.”
The first sentence can only be considered true of us if we are really telling people about “God’s good news”. We have good news for people to be sure: Eternal life in health and youth on a paradise Earth. But is that the good news God gave us to declare? We cite Romans 1:1, but what of the following verses? Paul describes this good news in verses 2 to 5, then continues in 6 and 7 to show that the Romans were called to belong to Jesus Christ as God’s beloved ones, called to be holy ones. The beloved ones are also holy ones. Paul speaks of holy ones again in Romans 8:27, after showing in verse 21 that such ones are children of God. He makes no mention of friendship with God. So the good news we declare is not God’s good news. Jesus never preached a good news about become reconciled with God as his friends. A familial relationship with God as a child with a father is what he was preaching.
We cite 2 Corinthians 5:18, 19 as proof that we are correctly teaching that Jesus’ sacrifice makes it possible for our neighbors to gain God’s approval and friendship. It makes no mention of friendship. What Paul refers to in the preceding verse is “a new creation”.

“Therefore, if anyone is in union with Christ, he is a new creation;. . .” (2Co 5:17)

Paul tells the Galatians:

“For neither is circumcision anything nor is uncircumcision, but a new creation is. 16 As for all those who walk orderly by this rule of conduct, peace and mercy be upon them, yes, upon the Israel of God.” (Ga 6:14-16)

This new creation is the Israel of God. These are not God’s friends, but his children.
If we preach a good news other than that which God gave Jesus to preach, we are misleading people away from the Christ and from God. How can we consider that to be a loving thing to do? The Samaritan’s love for the injured Jew was manifest by his providing the needed care. A nice bowl of chicken soup would not have done the trick. It would have been an ineffectual display of love.
We excuse our lack of social services for the needy and poor, even among our own ranks, rationalizing that our preaching work is of greater importance. (w60 8/15 Social Reform or the Good News; James 1:27) But if our preaching work amounts to teaching another good news, then our love for neighbor—as sincere as it may be—is of little value. In fact, we may be working against God. (Ga 1:8)

An Inspired Description of Love

Paragraph 14 thru 18 offer good scriptural counsel on the application of Paul’s definition of love found at 1 Corinthians 13:4-8. Unfortunately, the application from our Organization given in paragraph 17 comes across as hypocritical. “Genuine love…”does not keep account of the injury,” as though we were making entries in a ledger when others do something unloving.” The Simplified Edition has a sidebar that states: “We should not keep a record of all the times that a person hurts us.”
The congregation and branch service desk filing cabinets are full of “ledger entries” recording the wrongs done by brothers and sisters. If a brother is disfellowshipped, those records are preserved even long after he has been reinstated (forgiven). We most definitely do keep a written and filed record of all the times a person has hurt us as an Organization. If a brother or sister sins, the files are consulted to see if he or she has done this before. Any past sins, though “forgiven” are not “forgotten” and may be used against them as a means to determine how genuine their repentance may be. We can all be so very happy that Jehovah does not keep an account of all our past sins. (Isaiah 1:18; Acts 3:19)
There is no scriptural basis for this policy of ours which has much in common with the criminal record- keeping practices of Satan’s world.

Keep on Loving Your Neighbor as Yourself

Jesus chose a Samaritan to make his point, because this was a man the Jews would consider as an apostate; one they would not even approach. What if the shoe were on the other foot? What if it were the Samaritan lying unconscious and injured on the road and the average Jew walking by?
Applying this to our day, how can we show love for our JW-equivalent of the Samaritan, a disfellowshipped one?
Back in 1974, we had this to say:
But consider a less extreme situation. What if a woman who had been disfellowshiped were to attend a congregational meeting and upon leaving the hall found that her car, parked nearby, had developed a flat tire? Should the male members of the congregation, seeing her plight, refuse to aid her, perhaps leaving it up to some worldly person to come along and do so? This too would be needlessly unkind and inhumane. Yet situations just like this have developed, perhaps in all good conscience, yet due to a lack of balance in viewpoint.
(w74 8/1 p. 467 par. 6 Maintaining a Balanced Viewpoint Toward Disfellowshiped Ones)
That such situations developed back then wasn’t really due to “good conscience”, but to a conscience that had been trained by article and discourse to hold an unloving attitude. Many acted this way out of fear for themselves; fear of the possible repercussions if they were seen talking with or assisting an disfellowshipped one. I recall this article as a breath of fresh air, yet, that was 40 years ago! There has been nothing similar since. We get “reminders” upon “reminders” of what we should and should not be doing, yet we get few if any reminders on how to lovingly deal with disfellowshipped “neighbors”. I’ve personally seen too many instances where the love the Samaritan showed has been sadly lacking in our dealings with disfellowshipped ones and their families.
[i] While not endorsing any institution or church, here are the top three I found with my google search:

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  • Comment by Mailman on 2014-08-10 09:46:53

    Hi Meleti, good morning! I was surprised to see W74 presenting a balanced viewpoint about disfellowshipped Christians. Sorry to the WT writers but I just felt loving thy neighbor, as Jesus taught us, is the opposite of shunning disfellowshipped (DF'd) JWs. While these people have sinned and were removed from the Congregation, I think they remain to be our "neighbor", or within the meaning of neighbor in a sensible perspective. Hence, there is lack of basis for not speaking to them at all, totally ignoring them like mentally diseased patients or despising them like people suffering from leprosy.
    Imagine seeing a DF'd JW after he became victim of tragedy - fire, crime, or any natural calamity. Think of a DF'd JW who knocks on your door, wet, shivering, and seeking for shelter after his house was displaced by rushing floodwaters? How about a DF'd JW friend who is so depressed who needs somebody to talk to to ease his emotional burden and avoid hurting himself physically?
    Applying the Good Samaritan principle, we know which action to take that heeds Christ's teachings on this matter. Snob the DF'd ones and let them feel more the burden of their sin and guilt or show understanding, concern and LOVE to them for they are also our "neighbor"? Jehovah God knows very well our hearts. Christ's apostles have undeniably supported Christ's view of love of neighbor:
    1 Corinthians 13: 13 And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.
    Galatians 5: 22-23: 22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. (If I may add to emphasize, AGAINST such things, e.g. LOVE there is NO LAW.)
    I believe the above are 2 of the most powerful verses about LOVE which no directive from human organization, including the Governing Body, can refute and shatter its true meaning. Let our readers use discernment.

  • Comment by imacountrygirl2 on 2014-08-10 12:32:06

    Mailman, I appreciate your heartfelt comment.
    How kind and compassionate Jesus is to teach us how to show love and who our neighbor really is.

    • Reply by Mailman on 2014-08-10 20:53:36

      Hello imacountrygirl2, good Asian morning. Hope you had a great weekend. Thanks for the kind appreciation. :)
      It's our pleasure to contribute. It's like the Master's clever reply in Luke 19:40: "He answered, “I tell you, if these were silent, the very stones would cry out.” In a similar vein, I could not help myself but let this thing out and break the silence in me. Let Jehovah and Christ's words lead us to wisdom and discernment, independent of the dictates of an authoritative body.

  • Comment by Chris on 2014-08-10 16:16:25

    I don't think we think that only JWs will be saved thus question was posed once and the WT answered.
    Here is the WT answer.
    "No. Many millions who lived in centuries past and who weren’t Jehovah’s Witnesses will have an opportunity for salvation. The Bible explains that in God’s promised new world, “there is going to be a resurrection of both the righteous and the unrighteous.” (Acts 24:15) Additionally, many now living may yet begin to serve God, and they too will gain salvation. In any case, it’s not our job to judge who will or won’t be saved. That assignment rests squarely in Jesus’ hands.—John 5:22, 27."
    It does say that "many now living may yet begin to serve God, and they too will gain salvation. In any case, it’s not our job to judge who will or won’t be saved. That assignment rests squarely in Jesus’ hands."
    I see this to mean that many who are not Jehovah's servants will gain salavstio a me this it's up to jesus toto decide who they are. Our elder mentioned this at the platform. That we will also have many non witnesses make it through Armageddon. With us. Those whom Jesus determines.

    • Reply by Christian on 2014-08-10 17:32:33

      If that attitude pervaded the publications Chris then that would be noble.
      But if we dig into the publications, even a little, you will find an extreme and self righteous tone.
      It is somewhat disingenuous to claim that this assignment falls squarely in "Jesus' hands" yet actively promote the governing body and the organization as the key to salvation.
      I sometimes wonder if there is a rogue element in the writing committee because the society seems to suffer from a personality disorder when it comes to this subject.
      At one point making soothing comments as you quoted above and yet actively stating otherwise as below (a small sample of quotes)
      "Only Jehovah's Witnesses, those of the anointed remnant and the "great crowd," as a united organization under the protection of the Supreme Organizer, have any Scriptural hope of surviving the impending end of this doomed system dominated by Satan the Devil." Watchtower 1989 Sep 1 p.19
      "Similarly, Jehovah is using only one organization today to accomplish his will. To receive everlasting life in the earthly Paradise we must identify that organization and serve God as part of it." Watchtower 1983 Feb 15 p.12
      "Consider, too, the fact that Jehovah's organization alone, in all the earth, is directed by God's holy spirit or active force. (Zech. 4:6) Only this organization functions for Jehovah's purpose and to his praise. To it alone God's Sacred Word, the Bible, is not a sealed book." Watchtower 1973 Jul 1 p.402
      "And while now the witness yet includes the invitation to come to Jehovah's organization for salvation, the time no doubt will come when the message takes on a harder tone, like a "great war cry."" Watchtower 1981 Nov 15 p.21
      "But Jehovah God has also provided his visible organization, his "faithful and discreet slave", made up of spirit-anointed ones, to help Christians in all nations to understand and apply properly the Bible in their lives. Unless we are in touch with this channel of communication that God is using, we will not progress along the road to life, no matter how much Bible reading we do." Watchtower 1981 Nov 15 p.27
      etc etc

      • Reply by on 2014-08-10 22:29:08

        Remember that must of what you quote is Old literature. We used to teach that homosexuals were mentally diseased. We don't anymore. So quoting me old literature doesn't change what I stated which was only a few years ago.

        • Reply by Christian on 2014-08-11 00:11:05

          So "God's Channel of Communication" got it wrong?
          They still say that so called 'apostates' are mentally diseased.
          Will they at some point turn around and adopt a Biblical understandings that these ones have been placing in front of them for years?
          In some respects they have been adjusting small things gradually, such as their perverse interpretation of the misuse of blood. But they never candidly, humbly admit they were ever wrong in the first place, because that would be to lose face and the prestige they crave.
          They make a mockery of all the humble servants of God who have made mistakes yet have admitted it, repented & petitioned Jehovah for forgiveness.
          This has more value in the eyes of God and men than arrogantly continuing down the path of blindness and ignorance.
          These men are Pharisees!!!!

        • Reply by BeenMislead on 2014-08-11 09:41:51

          Here are some recent quotes that are strongly implying that only Jehovah's Witnesses will survive Armageddon:
          “For the security and survival of true worshipers, an arklike spiritual paradise exists. (2 Corinthians 12:3, 4) To be preserved through the great tribulation, we must remain in that paradise.“ - (Watchtower 2003, 12/15, p. 19, par. 22, Our Watchfulness Takes On Greater Urgency)
          “Soon, Jehovah’s day will come. Now is the time to return to our heavenly Father’s loving arms and to the congregation—the only safe haven in these last days.—Deut. 33:27; Heb. 10:24, 25.” – (Watchtower 2013, 11/15, p. 14, par. 17, How Can We Maintain “a Waiting Attitude”?)

        • Reply by deleted on 2014-08-11 20:48:41

          Remember that many times the apostles had incorrect thinking. They correct their thinking and move on. Christendom continues to believe in their traditions even when proven wrong will still believe them. Like baptists with once saved always saved. Totally unbiblical. But they still believe. At least JWs will be humble admit they are wrong and move on. The Catholics killed many that challenged that the earth is in the center and the sun revolves around it. Even though it's proven false today. Did they apologize. No. JWs are imperfect.

        • Reply by Saskawoo on 2014-08-13 15:31:07

          No, deleted, they do NOT "humbly admit they are wrong." When has the GB ever humbly admitted they were wrong? At best they blame the brothers and sisters (1975) and at worst, they say "wait on Jehovah" which to my thinking is a most unbelievably blasphemous statement. "We screwed up, but really, it's Jehovah's fault for not giving us the right info". Seriously? And no, no scripture in the Bible justifies this, but there is a scripture in Deuteronomy that condemns it...
          Also, it is a misconception that the Catholic church suppressed all scientific thought. Throughout most of the middle ages, it was often monks who preserved learning and conducted scientific experiments. They also provided medical care for the poor and disabled, and educated unwanted children. Yes, they did a lot of bad things too, especially in their backlash against the renaissance, but I've given up the black & white thinking of the GB and remind myself that God judges individuals, NOT organizations. We can't use "but... the CATHOLICS!" to justify our own shortcomings. By the way, the Catholic church DID at least officially apologize for its handling of Galileo in 1992.

      • Reply by deleted on 2014-08-11 20:44:36

        The Apostles had incorrect thinking at one time it another they correct their thinking and move on.

        • Reply by menrov on 2014-08-12 07:18:24

          If the apostles had a wrong concept or idea, it was Jesus who corrected them. But once they started to write letters to the various congregations, their understanding was correct. Otherwise their letters are not to be used anymore.
          Stating JW are imperfect is correct and so it is true for everyone else. Nothing special.
          Stating that the organisation is humble is not correct. If you claim to be the only organisation through which Jehovah speaks and educates and that te WBTS holds the truth (and by consequence, all others are bad and false) (humble??), one must expect that whatever they print, or say MUST be 100% correct. History has proven the opposite. However, they "blame" that the light was not bright enough yet....in other words, Jehovah did not give them the whole or not even the correct message.... Sorry but I do not see anything humble in this.
          Other organisations have their own traditions and doctrines. Some are incorrect, or less correct, but they are convinced it is correct. In that sense nothing different. The WBTS has quite some doctrines which are not biblical (eg. generation, 2 hopes etc).but are still presented as "biblical truth".
          The WBTS does not physically kill but shun everyone who openly disagrees with the official doctrines. To some, this policy is equal to emotional killing.

      • Reply by Chris on 2014-08-15 19:13:56

        If a doctor says ( hypothetically) that we can cure AIDS then why say "No you can't because you said in the 1981 Medical Journal you can't."
        My point for saying that is when I stated that the GB says that not only JWs will be saved you go on to say "Well the 1980 WT blah blah blah". If they say it now then that's the current understanding. Why quote old understanding. Religion is like medicine. It changes with time and understanding.

    • Reply by on 2014-08-11 14:43:39

      Daily text for Tuesday, July 29, 2014
      "...If a person clings to false doctrines, such as the Trinity and the immortality of the soul, he cannot benefit from the ransom.
      But we can. We know the truth..."
      WT 13 2/15 2:15,16

      • Reply by on 2014-08-11 20:43:34

        And I totally believe that. If I worship a trinity then it is not the correct god of the Bible. It would be a false God.

        • Reply by menrov on 2014-08-12 07:24:35

          Every devotion to a pagan god is wrong. However, not giving the right devotion to by God appointed people is also wrong.....in other words, where some denominations have adopted a Trinity God, the WBTS has downgraded the Son to merely an angel.that hardly deserves any honour.
          John 5:23 says The one who does not honor the Son does not honor the Father who sent him.
          IN addition, John 14:6 says I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
          Just remember that anyone who want to come to the father, must FIRST come to Jesus. That is not the message that is preached by the WBTS.
          So, before blaming other organisations, one should first look in the mirror.

        • Reply by GodsWordIsTruth on 2014-08-12 09:54:46

          I can't say that I know of any christian denominations that worship "false Gods" . It may be more correct that mainstream christianity worships Jesus....who is not a "false" God. Is.9:6 Titus 2:13 John 20:28

        • Reply by InNeedOfGrace on 2014-08-13 13:00:18

          just a question out there. Is Jesus a false God? Is Jesus an Idol? Can he be?
          Just rationally think about what you are saying about your Lord and Savior.
          It's easy to get into these easy stabs at trinitarians for professing what they feel is biblically accurate, even though it's very hard to understand.

        • Reply by menrov on 2014-08-14 05:57:19

          If you read Matt 28:17 (And when they saw him, they worshipped him...), what do you think? The 11 Apostles were mislead into false worshipping? Did Jesus correct them at that moment?:
          17 When they saw him, they worshiped him, but some doubted. 18 Then Jesus came up and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
          This is not my claim that we all should now worship (bow down for) Jesus like the Father but it shows that it is perfectly alright to provide some kind of worship to Jesus.

        • Reply by Someone on 2014-08-24 18:20:18

          1 Chron 29:20 says King David was worshiped so is he God? No. So worship to Jesus is not the same as worship to God

    • Reply by lightflashup on 2014-08-19 13:47:59

      My brother it is amazing to see how we are able to teach two things at the same time, they may say one thing there and another here, you and i know that what they wants us to believe is that we are the only one that will be save base on the fact that we are apart of the Org., that is the point i have always seen promoted and even i myself have told others that from the plat form.
      Thank you for your comment.

  • Comment by imacountrygirl2 on 2014-08-10 18:20:43

    "It does say that “many now living may yet begin to serve God, and they too will gain salvation. In any case, it’s not our job to judge who will or won’t be saved. That assignment rests squarely in Jesus’ hands.”
    I see this to mean that many who are not Jehovah’s servants will gain salavstio a me this it’s up to jesus toto decide who they are. Our elder mentioned this at the platform. That we will also have many non witnesses make it through Armageddon. With us. Those whom Jesus determines"
    Chris, At first glance, it seems to imply what you state "That we will also have many non witnesses make it through Armageddon. With us. Those whom Jesus determines".
    However, what they are really saying is that CURRENTLY only Jehovah's Witnesses will gain salvation. There's a stipulation that “many now living MAY YET BEGIN TO SERVE GOD, and they too will gain salvation."
    So they put a limit on those non witnesses who will make it through Armageddon by EXCLUDING ALL PEOPLE/CHRISTIANS except those who earn salvation by somehow CHANGING WHAT THEY ARE DOING RIGHT NOW.
    That's some pretty clever word play to trick people into believing something that is not supported by God's Word, the Bible.
    If we believe the GB, either God has already told THE GB a secret different from the Bible that no one else knows, or THE GB is telling Jesus to make a decision based on their criteria.
    As the saying goes, "the Devil is in the details".

    • Reply by Chris on 2014-08-15 19:15:01

      If a doctor says ( hypothetically) that we can cure AIDS then why say "No you can't because you said in the 1981 Medical Journal you can't."
      My point for saying that is when I stated that the GB says that not only JWs will be saved you go on to say "Well the 1980 WT blah blah blah". If they say it now then that's the current understanding. Why quote old understanding. Religion is like medicine. It changes with time and understanding.

      • Reply by Christian on 2014-08-16 00:26:43

        There is a big difference between dealing with a difficult disease and Scriptural truth.
        They could say that “it appears to mean” or “as we understand it”
        That is reasonable and modest before God, because they don’t know for certain.
        And if you apply that rule then you must also allow others to hold a differing view unless that view goes directly against what is Scripturally apparent.
        The WTS allows no dissent, no matter how polite or respectfully it is presented to them because they see themselves alone as dispensers of Bible truth.
        If I say I am “God’s Appointed Channel of Communication on Earth” then there is an expectation that I am privy to knowledge beyond what is obvious, or my understanding is superior or more accurate than others.
        I cannot make definite statements as if they are revelation to me then pretend that I was misunderstood when these things fail to come to pass as I have predicted. This flies in the face of Deut. 18:22
        No excuses or mealy mouthed double speak can get them out of the claims they have made in God’s name.
        So you give them too much credit for their sincerity Chris.
        They are liars and false prophets, and that is a fact you can be sure of.

        • Reply by Chris on 2014-08-16 10:15:59

          So of every denomination that has ever said anything false must disband?

        • Reply by Chris on 2014-08-16 14:45:58

          And no there is no difference. Biblical interpretation changes. Medical discovery changes. You think that because you're on the outside looking in that you have all this wisdom. NO ONE HAS 100% Truth. Just because someone has a belief that isn't said in Gods name is not any better. They used the bible to back their claims up. That's why they said it was Gods words. It's not like the LDS religion who says things that are not in the bible and they fail. At least the WT had the bible to back if up. Also when you get on here to debate do you not consider 2 Tim 2:23,24
          Further, reject foolish and ignorant debates, knowing that they produce fights. 24 For a slave of the Lord does not need to fight, but needs to be gentle toward all,qualified to teach, showing restraint when wronged,

          • Reply by menrov on 2014-08-16 15:40:07

            If one claims to be or hold the truth then there is no room for failure. If still failure occurs that means the claim is false. This is valid for everyone and every organisation who made or make the claim to be or hold the truth.
            I can accept failure unless one makes the claim to be or hold the truth.
            Discussion around biblical views are healthy as it sharpens and will avoid that I am telling people incorrect biblical views.

        • Reply by on 2014-08-16 15:31:42

          If one claims to be or hold the truth then there is no room for failure. If still failure occurs that means the claim is false. This is valid for everyone and every organisation who made or make the claim to be or hold the truth.
          I can accept failure unless one makes the claim to be or hold the truth.
          Discussion around biblical views are healthy as it sharpens and will avoid that I am telling people incorrect biblical views.

        • Reply by Christian on 2014-08-16 20:25:27

          There is a very BIG difference.
          While you claim JWs use the Bible to back-up what they are saying in contrast to other religions this is simply not true. Sure, like other denominations we can point to a line of scriptural reasoning on some subjects and some of these hold validity but the WTS is equally guilty of making things up by trying to link unrelated scriptures together to support a distinct belief.
          1914 is a classic example of a carefully woven belief that does not hold up under scrutiny. Sure you can make it work as a doctrine by doing chronological and scriptural somersaults but that’s not what truth is, is it?
          Like many of the Adventist religions of the 1800’s their motivations were sincere and from everything I have read CT Russell was zealous for truth yet he made genuine mistakes in trying to predict Christ’s presence.
          I firmly believe that had he lived he would have humbly acknowledged his presumption on both 1874 and 1914. Yet 1874 was clung to even after his death until the 1920’s when JF Rutherford & Co. reset the clock to make 1914 the year of Christ’s invisible presence instead of Christ’s arrival.
          So what’s wrong with that you say? Calling it an adjustment, new light or increased understanding is not reasonable in light of the firm scriptural admonition that “No man knows the day or the hour” because they are attempting to set a date as if they have inside knowledge. This is divination!
          And they did not stop there, 1925, 1941 and 1975 were all promoted as ‘scriptural’ dates. If it was Jehovah’s intention to give obedient mankind advance warning by using His “channel of communication” then why would he feed them false information on various dates?
          This is not the action of God of truth but the Father of the lie!
          Even if we don’t know the full truth, what we do know will stand up to the tests we can apply without full knowledge. But if we add to something or try to fill in the blanks dogmatically to make it more ’true’ we are going beyond the things written.
          Worse still, if we actively promote a ‘truth’ as coming from “God’s channel of communication” then we are acting as a false prophet.
          There is no getting around this!

    • Reply by Chris on 2014-08-16 10:14:39

      That's your opinion in what you think is a stipulation on " those who've yet to serve Jehovah" means. I see that as those who are predisposed for everlasting life. ( Acts 13:28). But that said that only Jesus can judge.

  • Comment by yobec on 2014-08-10 18:51:17

    The Watchtower reported that some of our brothers can only afford 1 meal per day.
    If genuine love of neighbor is truly that importsant amongst the Watchtower Clergy Class then why don't they do like the apostles did in the first century and sell off all their corporate assets and distribute it throughout the brotherhood so that there can be an "equalization "?
    If they w'ere asked that question, they would probably say that they must use their funds to fulfill their preaching commission. Isn't that similar to the reasonings of the Pharisees when it came to the use of the children's monies beeing dedicated to the temple and therefore no obligations for the children to help their parents ? Jesus harshly condemned them for it.

    • Reply by menrov on 2014-08-11 08:05:37

      I fully agree. I noticed that one of the links Meleti included (samaritan purse) published a financial report. I do not believe the GB would ever do that.

  • Comment by Christian on 2014-08-10 20:06:17

    That is so true Yobec
    They are more concerned with their real estate empire than the rank & file.
    It was the same during Rutherfords tenure during the Great Depression.
    The brothers and sisters, and especially the pioneers, slaved away with pennies while Rutherford lived an opulent privileged lifestyle while making overtures of his own humility and sacrifice.
    Yet astonishingly with the exception of a few forthright brothers he went unopposed.
    Like the WTS today they use God as their weapon and wield his word as their personal dictionary.
    I have nothing but contempt for these hypocrites and false apostles!!

  • Comment by smolderingwick1 on 2014-08-10 22:06:57

    "Love your enemies" heads up Par 8 quoting Matt. 5:43-45, “However, I say to you: Continue to love your enemies and to pray for those who persecute you, so that you may prove yourselves sons of your Father who is in the heavens.”
    Harking back to "Who Is My Neighbor?" in paragraphs 3 & 4, weren't the Pharisees and Samaritans such enemies? Had the Samaritan's compassion been witnessed by another Samaritan or had Jesus been illustrating a "Good Pharisee" helping a Samaritan, neither would have remained popular among their peers. And to say such kindness was in any way predicated by the desire to convert either one to the other's religion is insulting to Jesus to say the least, since he was talking about unconditional love, i.e., "Not contingent; not determined or influenced by someone, something else," or someone else's religion.

    • Reply by menrov on 2014-08-11 08:07:06

      Fully agree with this:
      And to say such kindness was in any way predicated by the desire to convert either one to the other’s religion is insulting to Jesus to say the least, since he was talking about unconditional love, i.e., “Not contingent; not determined or influenced by someone, something else,” or someone else’s religion.

  • Comment by yobec on 2014-08-10 22:09:31

    I also wonder how many would consider it to be a privilege to show their "LOVE "if a request similar to the first century came into effect. Namely that all brothers and sisters cash in their assets so that it could be divided equally amongst their brothers and sisters ?

  • Comment by JimmyG on 2014-08-10 23:10:37

    The 1974 quote was written by Ray Franz,which explains the more balanced tone used. This was, as most on this forum know, overturned by the hardline Sept 15,1981 WT articles. As for the jw.org website quote, this is the WT presenting its 'public face'.

  • Comment by kev c on 2014-08-11 02:28:28

    I wonder if the good samaritan did all those good works and then went on to ask if was insured to reimburse the costs .???? Ive no doubt though that there among the brothers those who have geniune love for others but does that prove en bloc that the organisation is the only true religion .No it just shows that those individuals have love for others . Thanks for sharing with us more of the full picture .meleti .

  • Comment by kev c on 2014-08-11 05:00:46

    And they can talk about the preaching work as a proof all they want but isnt it true that at the end of the day its just words .We can talk about how lovely its going to be in a paradise earth where everyone loves one another and gets on great. The real truth is though unless we are living that type of life now they are just empty words . Christianity is a religion of action not words . 1 JOHN 3 v 18 dear children we should not love in word nor in tongue but in work and truth .Im happy for the brothers who can look back and count the experiences of the love and care they have been shown while in the religion . But sad to say if the new world is going to be anything like the experiences ive seen and experienced in the religion it seems more like a nightmare to me .sorry to be so negative i dont want to be im just saying what i see .kev

    • Reply by Billy on 2014-08-11 17:23:38

      Hello Kev I so agree with you about the nightmare of the wt paradise to look forward to I say to Jehovah - I'm so depressed being in this religion - people outside of the wt act more like Good Samaritans - no freedom of speech, very little support, no social life, made to feel guilty if I have interests outside of meetings and preaching, self righteousness, hypocrisy etc. sister billy

  • Comment by menrov on 2014-08-11 08:26:32

    A few of my observations:
    Par. 4: says that Jesus’ illustration surely teaches us to show compassion and love for our neighbor. No, it teaches us who are neighbor, as this illustration was a response to the question Who is my neighbor?
    Par 6 starts with the question How is our preaching work related to being neighborly?
    To me, playing with words as Jesus said we must love our neighbor as yourself,and not how to be a good neighbor.But such a question is required to introduce the activities a JW is involved in and to make a JW feel he is living according this command.
    Par. 7 suddenly includes the golden rule and ask HOW BLESSED we are. Jesus command to love your neighbor was not to acquire a feeling of being blessed but to act as a true christian.In fact, this par deviates from the essence of the command given.
    Par 11 is to glorify ourselves again as it starts with We want to show love for our neighbor in a unique way. Why in a unique way?? Just show love, modestly, without anyone to notice except your father in heaven.
    Par. 19: If we are not sure what to do in a certain situation involving our neighbor....
    why would a baptized JW not know what to do.....??? peculiar ....
    Par 21: mentions that an important way to show such love is to share the Kingdom message with him. What else to expect of course. The fact that the samaritan never intended to change or evangelize to the victim. He just provided the help the victim needed at that moment, without expecting anything in return.
    To me, that is actually to love your neighbor as yourself. As loving my self, means I do and give myself whatever I need to live or to remain healthy and happy.

    • Reply by anderestimme on 2014-08-11 15:25:46

      "why would a baptized JW not know what to do…..??? peculiar..."
      It certainly is peculiar, but lack of spiritual depth is not uncommon. Take, for example, the "Questions from Readers" article on cremation in this same magazine. Notice why this article needed to be written:
      "Whether a dead person is cremated or not, Jehovah is not limited in his ability to restore the person to life with a new body." "Jehovah does not have to reassemble a person’s former body in order to resurrect him." "Our hope in the resurrection rests, not on what might be done with the physical corpse, but on faith in God’s ability and desire to fulfill his promises."
      Why would any Christian with even the most modest 'powers of reason' need an article on this?
      I can only see these examples as indicating a failure of the pre-baptism education system. No wonder it wasn't mandated in the scriptures. And no wonder this week's study article has to explain what it means to love one's neighbor.

      • Reply by deleted on 2014-08-11 20:52:56

        The reason why is because pagans cremated to ensure that the spirit would not inhabit the dead persons body. The peoples wanted to know this to see if they should do it because it was a pagan custom.

        • Reply by anderestimme on 2014-08-14 22:41:15

          I don't think so. That pagan custom is never mentioned in the article. Rather, the phrases I quoted indicate that some fear that cremation will obstruct resurrection. However, even if it were as you say, a mature Christian shouldn't need Big Brother to render a verdict on it to know what to do.

      • Reply by Mailman on 2014-08-11 23:17:13

        Hi anderestimate, good morning. You mentioned why there's lack of spiritual depth among JWs in general. Well, I think it's because of voluminous publications that literally surround them, making them complacent. There was a time when I unwittingly became overly dependent on Society's publications. Now think of an average JW. If he is showered by numerous WT literature, is he going to have the time to research outside of the Organization? He might even justify: "If I cannot even read all of our publications, then why spend time researching using other sources, other versions of the Bible included?" :)

        • Reply by anderestimme on 2014-08-17 16:03:28

          One brother told me not too long ago that if it wasn't published by the WTBTS, he hadn't read it. That would explain a few things.

  • Comment by Jannai40 on 2014-08-11 13:12:33

    In view of the fact that this term comes up from time to time, I would like to say that if there is one thing that makes me angry about the Society it is there name calling, to call a person mentally diseased is wicked, cruel and can be very damaging to an individual. It's bad enough to call anyone that, but what if a person actually did have mental health problems and someone called you mentally diseased.

    • Reply by Mailman on 2014-08-11 22:49:36

      Where in the Scriptures can we find a verse that says or implies that Christians with questions and different opinion on matters of their conscience are to be called mentally diseased? The Governing Body (GB) is protecting WT doctrines with Jerusalem-like walls, as if they are so sacred, that nobody should come out in the open and question for fear that this will cause divisions and sects, thereby threatening the unity of the organization. While this may sound logical on a leadership perspective, on a long-term perspective, it would not be healthy as suppressed problems would just linger and remain unsolved for as long as WT leadership remain silent and evasive.
      Why not address the issues head on instead of branding people as apostates, mentally diseased, and questioning the loyalty of JWs to the GB? Why persecute, silence, and demolish brothers with sincere doubts and questions? If the GB has the correct answers from the unadulterated truth, as they claim they are being guided by the holy spirit in a very special way, then should they not come out and dispute all the false accusations against the ever changing JW doctrines and scriptural understanding?
      With the cyberspace a click away, any person - JW and non-JW - can research about WT and JW outside of the JW.ORG and would uncover tons of information against the Society and its questionable doctrines. And the GB knows this trend. If they do not make drastic measures, it may just be a matter of time before hordes of loyal members would begin a historical exodus.

      • Reply by BeenMislead on 2014-08-12 09:38:03

        Yes ... If the truth is the truth ... and there is nothing to hide ... then the GB should not fear scrutiny. In fact they should invite scrutiny!
        They like to say that the information control that they employ is to protect the congregation. But in reality it is to protect their (the GB’s) ecclesiastical power. They don’t want you talking to those “Christians with questions and different opinions on matters of their conscience” because you might just find out that what they are saying in solidly based on the scriptures.

  • Comment by Billy on 2014-08-11 17:13:18

    It bothers me how the focus is on the preaching to the "neighbor" and not the actions of love shown. This is one of the differences with the wt vs other Christian groups. They focus on actually helping people ie the salvos, Joyce Meyer foundation to name a few they set up support groups to actually help the poor, needy, homeless, depressed etc. I'm sure they have made many disciples in this way because they share Christs message along with their Good Samaritan approach. Actions speak louder than words

    • Reply by deleted on 2014-08-11 20:54:47

      Joyce Meyer is a fraud. She may give money but she lives high off the hog. She's being investigated for violating the non profit laws. Take free give free. Millions of dollars in salary doesn't say free, humble , or truthful.

      • Reply by kev c on 2014-08-12 14:03:36

        Thanks billy for your comments i agree with you about other charities seem to do better at christian giving Dont know about the joyce meyer foundation . And the investigation . I do know this though even if the organisers are living the good life .they still are at least in some way practically helping disadvantaged ones . So to me they still seem to be beating the witnesses in this field .By the way i was looking at the chrarity commission website in UK the other day and guess whos also being investigated . Kev

      • Reply by Billy on 2014-08-12 17:02:32

        I know non witness Christians personally who have dedicated their time and money that they work for themselves to help poor destitute people and share the message of the bible with it - I have very high regard for them - they have acted like the Good Samaritan, in my opinion -
        You mention Joyce Meyer is a fraud - It maybe true or not I don't know - but when I see her helping people ads on the television it stirs my conscience that we should all be helping and supporting everyone - if some is discovered as a fraud ie: judus iscariot , that's no excuse for not being a Good Samaritan

      • Reply by Christian on 2014-08-12 17:18:39

        Like most of those TV preachers Joyce Meyer loves the sound of her own voice and the worship of the masses.
        I say worship, because it is exactly that!
        While they make overtures of devotion to Christ it really is all about their own egos.
        It is the stuff of ages. The early Christian were repeatedly warned about this attitude.
        If we take up the mantle of a teacher of God's Word then we will suffer a greater judgment if we misuse or abuse that trust.
        Jesus illustrations about the gathering of his sheep (Wheat & weeds, Dragnet) makes it clear that the sifting and selecting of those approved and rejected occurs over time and genuine Christians will recognize the Master, NOT false Christs.
        All the smoke and mirrors around their apparent genuineness of their 'giving' will be become apparent.
        If we do not recognize Christ we will be stumbled.
        When the WTS collapses under it's own hypocrisy Who will we go to if we do not recognize our Master?
        Joyce Meyer really needs to get her money back on her face lift though. UGHH!!
        Maybe lay off the male hormone pills too :)

        • Reply by Billy on 2014-08-12 23:21:54

          Joyce Meyer will have to answer to God not you or I - I don't go to her church
          I think cruel personal attacks on her looks are uncalled for and rude

        • Reply by Christian on 2014-08-13 04:34:38

          Obviously 'vanity' got the better of her because she looked fine before she felt the need to mess with her God given face.
          Perhaps she hasn't read 1 Peter 3:3 or all of 1 Timothy 2
          The woman has an ego problem and too much money.
          I'm not judging her, it's a psychological fact!
          Rude, maybe, but I would say it to her face.
          I have no time for these pedestal craving charlatans who want us all to know just how wonderful they think they are.
          There are many who do fine deeds who do so modestly without focusing on themselves.
          If they become known as a matter of news then they defer to Christ not themselves!
          They do not name their ministry after themselves as she has done!
          "So when you give to the poor, do not sound a trumpet before you, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, so that they may be honored by men. Truly I say to you, they have their reward in full. "But when you give to the poor, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, 4so that your giving will be in secret; and your Father who sees what is done in secret will reward you.
          - Matt.6:3

  • Comment by Jannai40 on 2014-08-11 19:23:25

    How many times do your hear brothers and sisters quoting John 12:8 as a reason why they do the preaching work and not give to the poor and needy! To be fair though, in order to understand the scriptures you need to read them for yourself and not rely on others to interpret them - Jesus did not say that for everything he said you would need someone to explain what he meant; if we really listen to Jesus, we will understand what he is saying quite well. When I used to attend the KH, I used to think how nice it would be if we could just read the Bible together, but it was always the Society's publications - so disappointing. So I don't go there anymore, thank goodness.

    • Reply by deleted on 2014-08-11 20:56:50

      What's the difference between reading the bible and having a preacher say what it means vs already having it written down. At least in the KH we get a chance to say what we think vs having a preacher tell us with no input.

      • Reply by menrov on 2014-08-12 07:05:29

        JW's are being presented with a pre-defined article with pre-defined questions of which the answer is pre-defined in the article as well as selected bible verses. There is hardly any input from an individual. If one answers that is not in line with the article contents, that answer is dismissed.
        I do agree however that simply listening to a preacher telling his audience what the interpretation is, is nothing better. It is absolutely the same as with JW's, only methodology is different.
        It is therefore recommended to read the bible on your own and review the bible (and bible only) with others, using only the bible.

        • Reply by deleted on 2014-08-12 19:33:26

          I can see where you're going with that but wouldn't people not be in unity?

        • Reply by kev c on 2014-08-13 06:28:21

          I think its incredible when a person puts aside all the opinions of organised religion and just reads the bible as it is on face value with no interference from outside sources how many people come to the same conclusion about its message .Of course im convinced that while we live in this world there always will be differences of opinion . We have different backgrounds and outlooks different experiences in life . We are also at different stages of learning are these not the thoughts of romans 14 The brothers harp on about the importance of speaking in agreement but a close scrutiny of that scripture in 1 corinthians shows that the first century christians were starting to tend to put faith in men hence i belong to paul apollos ect . This wasnt a trivial matter . Its a foundation of christian doctrine hence paul said they should all speak in agreement . Again on these types of concepts its getting the right balance .how far to we take the statement . To be extreme should we all like the same type of women or men the same type of employment the same style of hair the same clothes ? We are not clones god has made us to be individuals who are different from each other .and unity should not be forced on us but unity is cemented by love despite our differences for love is a perfect bond of union .kev

      • Reply by on 2014-08-12 16:53:33

        "At least in the KH we get a chance to say what we think" - Are you serious ?

        • Reply by Jannai40 on 2014-08-13 03:39:47

          Unity is motivated by love of truth.

        • Reply by InNeedOfGrace on 2014-08-13 13:20:41

          I think people confuse unity with conformity. JW are conform. True unity like Jannai said is found in love, which is from above. We have a hard time loving those who are not exactly thinking and looking like we do.

        • Reply by alskadedotter on 2014-08-13 15:54:50

          I have to agree with KevC and anonymous on this. We are provided written material that we study, underline, and answer the questions posed. No one in my KH ever disagrees with anything, or gives a totally different opinion than what the paragraphs express. This is no free speech nor unity. It is truly conformity.

        • Reply by smolderingwick1 on 2014-08-13 19:11:43

          *** g03 5/8 pp. 26-27 Does Christian Unity Require Uniformity? ***
          Unity, Not Uniformity
          In another of his letters, Paul urged Christians to serve God with their “power of reason.” (Romans 12:1) Certainly, then, he would not have been trying to turn members of the Corinthian congregation into unthinking automatons. But why did he tell them to be “fitly united in the same mind and in the same line of thought”? Paul gave this counsel because the congregation in Corinth was experiencing a serious problem. Factions had developed, so that some viewed Apollos as their leader while others favored Paul or Peter or held only to Christ. Such disunity was no trivial matter, for it threatened the peace of the congregation.
          Paul wanted the Corinthians to “observe the oneness of the spirit in the uniting bond of peace,” just as he later admonished the Christians at Ephesus. (Ephesians 4:3) He was encouraging the brothers to follow Jesus Christ unitedly, not to be split into disunited groups, or sects. In this way they would enjoy a peaceful harmony of purpose. (John 17:22) Paul’s counsel to the Corinthians thus served to readjust their thinking and promote unity, not uniformity.—2 Corinthians 13:9, 11.

      • Reply by Saskawoo on 2014-08-13 15:36:43

        I don't think other Christians are expressly discouraged from studying the Bible "alone or in small groups", are they? Are Witnesses? Why?

  • Comment by BeenMislead on 2014-08-12 11:21:25

    The Chicken Little Organization strikes again!
    More motivation through FEAR !!
    “A sense of urgency must be cultivated, and it is necessary to have it to survive the end of this system of things.” – (October 2014, Our Kingdom Ministry, Pg. 3, How to Cultivate a Sense of Urgency About Preaching)
    So if you don’t have “a sense of urgency” ... Then you are not going to survive the end of this system of things!! You are going to DIE!!
    Can you please show me the scriptural backing for this?

  • Comment by Saskawoo on 2014-08-12 15:17:28

    Does this advice apply to the internet? Because I have seen some pretty pushy, obnoxious, rude, JWs online, even pushing the jw.org in CNN comments and insulting anyone who disagrees with them. How can that possibly be a 'good witness'? No one sees that and says "wow, I want to be like them, they are so like Jesus!" It's really embarrassing and even borders on creepy. "Loving" isn't exactly the first word that comes to mind.

  • Comment by on 2014-08-13 02:06:39

    Just read this statement:
    it is getting very serious this Ebola issue. i am very scared.
    i pray Jehovah looks after us (the brothers and sisters).
    The whole message is here: http://www.jw-archive.org/post/94580338858/please-read-all-the-way-down-this-email-is-from#sthash.u1cYnvng.dpbs
    So much for loving your neighbor, if we pray for Jehovah to look after us only.....

  • Comment by on 2014-08-14 04:24:32

    The sad reality about Luke 10: 29 - 37 is that the ' exemplary jw' is only trained @ best 2 be the 1st 2 in the scenario. The term 'good samaritan' is universally used by people ranging from the most devout, 2 atheist who dont even know the story's origin. We are no exception. We often miss the whole point of the parable. Jesus used the example of an outcast 2 show up the flaws of so called exemplary ones. Fact is @ least 80% of jw's wouldnt know what 2 do if a disfellowshiped person started choking in the kh ! Their non-Biblically trained conscience would tell them 2 take the course of least resistance & remove themselves from the situation. Hows that 4 neighborly love??

  • Comment by ¿Wheresenoch? on 2014-08-14 08:43:47

    The sad reality about Luke 10 : 29 - 37 is that the 'exemplary jw' is only trained @ best 2 be the 1st 2 in the scenario. The term 'good samaritan' is universally used by people ranging from the most devout, 2 atheist who dont even know the story's origin. We are no exception. We often miss the whole point of the parable.Jesus used the example of an outcast 2 show up the flaws of so called exemplary ones. Fact is @ least 80 % of jw's wouldnt know what 2 do if a disfellowshiped person started choking in the kh! Their non-Biblicaly trained conscience would tell them 2 take the course of least resistance & remove themselves from the situation. Hows that 4 neighborly love??

    • Reply by InNeedOfGrace on 2014-08-15 12:59:43

      Haha don't take it too far ;) You can't believe what you wrote here yourself. For all the mind control the society has, it only goes so far. I record an experience of a GB member announcing in a Texas stadium that football was bad. Do you really think they took that advice? haha.

    • Reply by smolderingwick1 on 2014-08-16 10:47:32

      ¿Wheresenoch? you actually make a good point when you say:
      "We often miss the whole point of the parable.Jesus used the example of an outcast 2 show up the flaws of so called exemplary ones. Fact is @ least 80 % of jw’s wouldnt know what 2 do if a disfellowshiped person started choking in the kh! Their non-Biblicaly trained conscience would tell them 2 take the course of least resistance & remove themselves from the situation."
      Your %ages might be a little off since I know what people agree to openly often do secretly. Even the disfellowshipped fear to be helped by us as one I give a ride to is paralyzed in her ability to communicate since the elders have already taken her to task on how much she can and can't say to me. As much as I try to ease her fears, she is so inhibited, nothing I say gives her comfort. Interestingly, she suffers from a mental illness that already keeps her away from most meetings and that is also counted against her.

  • Comment by on 2014-08-15 13:27:43

    What about the nonsense involving hugging your spouse or embracing someone you love during a prayer. Some spiritual policeman must have been watching these shenanigans and decided it was not "Theocratic". These are the kinds of things that indicate how much control these people have over the lives of the brotherhood.

    • Reply by kev c on 2014-08-16 16:35:53

      Heres some more things that ive encountered my son wasnt allowed to share a bible with his girl at the meeting going to the meeting on the same car no good using another bible other than nwt on the ministry and at meetings .my other son gave a great talk in the school but his tie was crooked i got it in the neck for that one A rocket for sitting at the back of the hall . sideboards banned never mind beards .one young pioneer couple counselled about living in a caravan .that was no good ..complaints about my six year old daughter wearing A trouser suit her mum bought her .she was also told her mum was going to die unless she became a witness . Oh man i dont miss it . Kev

  • Comment by Christian on 2014-08-15 23:15:34

    That was absurd! Yet another example of the Governing Pharisees at work

  • Comment by imacountrygirl2 on 2014-08-15 23:31:41

    Chris, you said to me: "If a doctor says ( hypothetically) that we can cure AIDS then why say “No you can’t because you said in the 1981 Medical Journal you can’t.”
    My point for saying that is when I stated that the GB says that not only JWs will be saved you go on to say “Well the 1980 WT blah blah blah”. If they say it now then that’s the current understanding. Why quote old understanding. Religion is like medicine. It changes with time and understanding."
    Chris, I don't think you read my comment, or Menrov's either, since you gave us both the identical reply. I merely showed how misleading the GB statement's can be, whether it's today or thirty years ago. You may think you hear what they are saying, when in fact, if you pay attention to the wording, they are meaning something else entirely. They have mastered the art of playing around with words designed to distort their true meaning.
    I totally agree with Abraham Lincoln when he said "You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time."
    I believe your statement "Why quote old understanding. Religion is like medicine. It changes with time and understanding." is COMPLETELY ACCURATE AND APPLICABLE, BUT ONLY TO MEDICINE. I believe that we cannot compare medicine to God. God cannot lie. Titus 1:2 God has perfect knowledge. Job 37:16 God does not change. James 1:17; Malachi 3:6 While WE may change our old understanding of God, can we at least agree that God does not change?.
    When the GB claims to be speaking for God, and then they change their message over time, you have to ask yourself "Did God make a mistake? Did God misunderstand His own truth? Why would God reveal his light in such a way as to make himself appear not to know what he is talking about? Why didn't God get it right the first time?"
    Chris, even you can see the folly of asking God those questions. Finally then you are left with one question, did God make a mistake and change, or did the GB make a mistake and change?
    How can anyone possibly think that God made a mistake? That has to mean that the GB is the one who made the mistake....of thinking they can speak for God. The GB is not qualified to speak for God, anymore than they are qualified to speak for Mickey Mouse.
    God does not need anyone to speak for Him. HE speaks clearly to us in his inspired Word, the Bible. Proverbs 30:5 HE does not speak to us through the Watchtower or any other man-made publication.
    Chris, my brother, you seem to be a man of faith, I ask you to please open your heart and your mind to the truth as it is revealed in the Bible, which is inspired of God himself. Hebrews 4:12; Romans 8:2-6. Pray for God's Holy Spirit to help you. John 14:26

  • Comment by blessednubian on 2014-08-20 16:09:12

    First off, it's me SilverTop, I have a WordPress blog which I'd forgotten about. Anyway. Just wanted to let everyone know that blessednubian and Silvertop are one and the same. Agape!

    • Reply by menrov on 2014-08-20 16:18:55

      Like the Father and the Son are one :):):):):)

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