WT Study: Use the Word of God It is Alive!

– posted by meleti

"The word of God is alive and exerts power." - Heb. 4:12

This week's study is a simple one, instructing us on how to use the tracts in our door-to-door preaching work.  There is not much that we can add to the topic given its nature, so we leave this post as a placeholder for comments should any of our readers wish to share their thoughts on the study article.

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  • Comment by jane on 2014-10-05 16:16:02

    you guys seen tv.jw.org?

    • Reply by BeenMislead on 2014-10-08 14:01:36

      The new website “tv.jw.org” just facilitates the continued idolatress worship of the 7 popes (the Governing Body) of the Watchtower Society.
      “If Jesus laid such emphasis on this method of preaching in order to make disciples, why do many evangelists prefer TV as their medium? The Courier-Mail of Brisbane, Australia, notes that TV evangelists “make up to $120 million a year selling salvation. They appear in a blaze of electrified power and glory on 300 TV stations, and are worshipped like pop idols. . . . For all their tactics, these men who claim to manipulate even God, come down in the end to a straight business deal. Send them $10 and they will send you to heaven.” – (Watchtower 1986, 11/15, Pg. 21, Insight on the News - TV Evangelism—God’s Way?)

  • Comment by imacountrygirl2 on 2014-10-05 16:26:41

    Jane, I have seen it, but it won't actually be operational until tomorrow, Monday, October 6th.

  • Comment by menrov on 2014-10-06 04:23:48

    Just read the WT article. Amazing to compare the proof Jehovah provided Moses with to confront Pharaoh. I know the bible is powerful but not to be used in the same way the miracles were performed by Moses (par. 6 and 7). It would mean anyone who has a bible in his hand, can compare this with the exclusive miracles Jehovah provided to Moses???
    But the next paragraphs (8-13) are all about the tracts. Are tracts as powerful as the bible? And are we to assume that tracts are provided to us like the miracles provided to Moses??
    As a side point, in par. 14 1 Corinthians 9:19-23.is mentioned. The first words from Paul here are: For though I am free from all people... I presume this means Paul did not belong to any organisation.
    If you want to become a good saleman/woman, par. 14-20 might be beneficial.
    Article ends with the statement that the message in the bible is powerful. Fully agree and it would be so nice if the article would have pointed at least one or 2 times to the WORD in the bible (john 1:1) who will lead you to the Father (Jon 14:6).

  • Comment by menrov on 2014-10-06 04:26:50

    This sentence "Just read the WT article. Amazing to compare the proof Jehovah provided Moses with to confront Pharaoh" should read "Just read the WT article. I find it amazing to compare the tracts in particular and bible in general with the proof Jehovah provided Moses with to confront Pharaoh and bring the warning from Jehovah. "

  • Comment by kev c on 2014-10-06 08:24:50

    I think they overplay the scriptures at 1 corinthians 9 about paul becoming like a jew to the jews ect .I believe that these verses have more to do with action .than in a spoken word .The context shows that he didnt want to place any cause for stumbling by expecting to be financially reimbursed for his work of preaching the good news . Im not sure i has much to do with tailoring the message of the good news to suit an individual .1 corinthians 2 v 1 and 2 show that the message was direct and simple all about christs death and ressurection .Also acts 17 v3 shows this message was his custom on entering the synagogue Even at the areopagus in his reference to the unknown god he soon spoke of christs ressurection .this was the constant theme of his ministry .according to acts . I commend the brothers for their zeal in the ministry but we have to be careful with this approach because in the end we can be preaching about anything and everything except the good news about the christ .

  • Comment by Vassy on 2014-10-08 04:23:02

    What I write here is a little off-topic but since the tv.jw.org was launched, I took a closer look at the appearance of the GB members. Some of them, particularly Stephen Lett and Gerrit Losch and others in the Bethel top, wear conspicuous rings on either the little or the fourth finger. Is this not a sign of self-importance?

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2014-10-08 09:19:35

      Based on the counsel from our own magazines, it is proper, even recommended that we wear pinky rings.
      *** w73 3/1 pp. 138-139 par. 17 Rights or Duties—Which? ***
      You could ask, ‘Do I wear the style because I think it makes my appearance better, or is it because of the people with whom I associate? Are these people associates in the congregation, or in the outside world? If others in the congregation wear the style, is it the mature ones, the elders or ministerial servants, those zealous in their ministry who do so?’ In thinking about this, keep in mind the apostle’s admonition to “remember those who are taking the lead among you, who have spoken the word of God to you, and as you contemplate how their conduct turns out imitate their faith.”—Heb. 13:7.
      Nevertheless, the same article stresses the importance avoiding giving the wrong impression by our dress and grooming to those on the outside.
      How does the world view the use of pinky rings on males?.

  • Comment by imacountrygirl2 on 2014-10-08 14:30:29

    BeenMisled, thank you for posting that, it's been the best laugh I've had all day.
    It must be "New Light" they received!

  • Comment by imacountrygirl2 on 2014-10-08 15:46:31

    "I think they overplay the scriptures at 1 corinthians 9 about paul becoming like a jew to the jews ect "
    kev c, It's amazing to me that you mention the 9th chapter of 1 Corinthians as I just earlier today read an article about Paul "Becoming All Things to All Men to Save Some"
    The article's topics are:"Should We Imitate Paul's Strategy?"; " What Is Paul's Aim?"; "To Win Others"; "To Save Others"; "To Be a Partaker of the Benefits of the Gospel"; "Saved from the Wrath of God"; "Partaker of Eternal Life"; "Do We Really Believe the Wrath of God Is Coming?"; "What Is Paul's Strategy for Winning Others?"; "The Strategy of Love"; "His Relation to the Law"; and finally "And What Does It Look Like?"
    If you want to review this information, I found it at: http://www.desiringgod.org/sermons/becoming-all-things-to-all-men-to-save-some
    Sometimes we can benefit from other Christians who also study God's Word.
    I appreciate your comments, kev.

    • Reply by kev c on 2014-10-08 18:08:55

      Yeah thanks sister i read the article its quite good isnt it .i would say a pretty accurate sermon of what paul meant when he penned those words . If we keep reading the letters like we would read any other letter .we then get the real sense of the message. And your right we can benefit from the study of other christians Especially those who have renounced the hidden things of dishonesty not walking in craftiness nor handling the word of god deceitfully but by manifesting the truth commending ourselves to everymans conscience in the sight of god 2 corinthians 4 v 2 appreciated kev

  • Comment by Katrina on 2014-10-09 01:12:49

    ipad bibles.

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