WT Study: The Last Enemy, Death, Brought to Nothing

– posted by meleti

[A Review of the September 15, 2014 Watchtower article on page 23]

“The last enemy death brought to nothing.” – 1 Cor. 15:26

There is an interesting revelation in this week’s Watchtower study article which will likely be missed by the millions of Witnesses participating in the meeting. Paragraph 15, quoting from 1 Cor. 15:22-26 reads:

“By the end of the thousand years of Kingdom rule, obedient mankind will have been liberated from all enemies introduced by Adam’s disobedience. The Bible says: “Just as in Adam all are dying, so also in the Christ all will be made alive. But each one in his own proper order: Christ the firstfruits, afterward those who belong to the Christ [his joint rulers] during his presence. Next, the end, when he hands over the Kingdom to his God and Father, when he has brought to nothing all government and all authority and power. And the last enemy, death , is brought to nothing.”

All are made alive in the Christ, but “each one in his own proper order”.

  • First: Christ, the firstfruits

  • Second: Those belonging to him

  • Third: Everybody else

Now those belonging to him are made alive during his presence. We have already proven that didn’t happen in 1914.   The resurrection of those belonging to him has not yet occurred. It will happen just before Armageddon. (Mt. 24:31) They are made alive by being granted immortality and freed for all time from the second death. Theirs is the first resurrection. (Re 2:11; 20:6)
The Bible speaks of two resurrections: one for the righteous and one for the unrighteous; a first resurrection and a second one. No mention is made of a third. (Acts 24:15)
Jesus showed that his anointed followers would be in the first, the resurrection of the righteous.

“. . .But when you spread a feast, invite poor people, crippled, lame, blind; 14 and you will be happy, because they have nothing with which to repay you. For you will be repaid in the resurrection of the righteous ones.”” (Lu 14:13, 14)

This creates a conundrum for our JW theology, because we have eight million “other sheep” who we say are righteous friends—not sons—of God. Many have died and await a resurrection. Since the Bible only speaks of two resurrections and we’re saddled with three groups, we are forced to divide the resurrection of the righteous in two. The first—call it the Resurrection of the Righteous 1.1—go to heaven. The second—the Resurrection of the Righteous 1.2—go to earth. Problem solved!
Not quite.
Paul clearly states that those who do not go to heaven to be with Christ are made alive only at the end of the thousand years. This fits with Revelation 20:4-6 which also contrasts those who rule in heaven with the rest who are only made alive when the thousand years are ended.
This creates a real problem for us. Two weeks ago we studied how the reward “for the “other sheep” [is] everlasting life on earth.” (w14 15/09 p. 13 par. 6) But it isn’t, is it? Not really. Actually, when you look at it objectively, the other sheep get no reward at all.
According to paragraph 13, “The majority of Adam’s offspring will be brought back to life.” According to paragraph 14, those of the first resurrection in heaven “will provide assistance to those on earth, helping them to overcome the imperfection that they could not conquer on their own.” (Par. 14)[A]
Let’s illustrate this from a real life experience. Both Harold King (anointed) and Stanley Jones (Other Sheep) endured the tribulation of years of solitary confinement in a Chinese prison. Eventually, both died. Based on our teaching, King is already in heaven with immortality. Stanley will come back in the new world and have to work shoulder to shoulder with the unrighteous and ungodly who are resurrected until both he and they “overcome the imperfection they could not conquer on their own” after a thousand years of slogging in out.
So how does our brother Stanley get a reward that differs from that accorded to, say, Attila the Hun? Are they not both resurrected to the same eventuality? Do they not both have equal prospects? Is a good head start the only reward poor Stanley gets over Attila? Of what value then faith?
We are told:

“. . .Moreover, without faith it is impossible to please God well, for whoever approaches God must believe that he is and that he becomes the rewarder of those earnestly seeking him.” (Heb 11:6)

It is vital to believe that Jehovah becomes the rewarder of those earnestly seeking him. We have to believe that God is just and that he keeps his promises. Paul alludes to this when he says:

“If like other men, I have fought with wild beasts at Eph′e·sus, of what good is it to me? If the dead are not to be raised up, “let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we are to die.”” (1Co 15:32)

If God isn’t the rewarder of those earnestly seeking him, then what are we enduring for? To illustrate, let’s paraphrase Paul’s words.

“. . .If like other men, I have fought with wild beasts at Eph′e·sus, of what good is it to me? If the dead are to be raised up righteous and unrighteous equally, “let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we are to die.””

The Denarius and a Day’s Work

In Jesus’ illustration of the denarius, some workers labored the whole day while others for only one hour, yet all got the same reward. (Mt 20:1-16) Some thought that was unjust, but it was not, for they all got what they were promised.
However, our theology requires that all work the same amount, but some get a wondrous reward, while the rest, the majority, get no reward—for the “reward” they do get is also given to everyone who didn’t work at all. To change Jesus’ illustration to fit our theology, a few workers get the denarius, but the majority get a contract that stipulates if they work an additional two weeks and if the master likes their work, they get the originally promised denarius. Oh, and everyone who didn’t work at all on that day, also gets the same contract.

Our Hellfire Doctrine

We have argued that the doctrine of Hellfire dishonors Jehovah; and so it does! A God who would torture people for all eternity for a brief lifetime of sin, or even a single sin, cannot be just. But is not our dual-hope teaching also a God-dishonoring doctrine? This is our very own Hellfire doctrine?
If Jehovah doesn’t reward those who are faithful in a world of ungodly men, then he is unjust and cruel. If the same reward given to those who labor out of faith in the hot sun of oppression and persecution is also given to those who disobey God and live a life of licentiousness, then God is unjust.
Since Jehovah can never be unjust, it is our teaching that must be false.

“Let God be found true, even if every man be found a liar.” – Romans 3:4

[A] This statement creates a paradox, for if the resurrected earthly righteous ones also need help to overcome imperfection that they could not conquer on their own, how is it that the resurrected heavenly righteous ones never needed such help? They are resurrected and transformed into incorruptible beings immediately. Those alive at the end are transformed in the twinkling of an eye. What is so special about those righteous ones destined for heaven that distinguishes them from earthbound righteous ones?

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  • Comment by Chris on 2014-11-16 08:13:18

    Have you ever asked yourself what is the reward for being obedient to Jehovah in this life just to be presented with the same judgement-trial as those who didn't know Jehovah in the millennium? Why be obedient in this life to end up under the same trial as those who werent servants of Jehovah? Are we raised to everlasting life as John 5:28,29 says? It has two groups of people righteous and unrighteous. What's our reward to being righteous. If we are under the judgement trial becasue we are on earth then are we unrighteous when resurrected? Unless we come to life after the 1000 years which would mean that we were never supposed to be tried again if we were obedient in this life!

  • Comment by BeenMislead on 2014-11-16 10:27:23

    Yes that is so true Meleti.
    Why do we teach that the “great crowd” are subject to double jeopardy?
    We say that the “144, 000″ who prove faithful until death or who are faithful through the tribulation are rewarded with eternal life. However, those of the “great crowd” or other sheep who prove faithful through the exact same tribulation or until death do not receive eternal life, but must once again prove themselves worthy at the final test! This seems unfair.
    Why do the 144, 000 get to “pass Go and Collect $200”, but the other tribulation survivors must wait 1000 years?
    This to me is just another flaw in a Rutherford teaching that we hold to and teach as doctrine!!
    Jehovah’s Witnesses do not teach the “Hellfire Doctrine” that other religions teach. They have their own twist on a “Hellfire Doctrine”. Tony explained it this last weekend:
    Anthony Morris III said this:
    “He reads - Ezekiel 33:8-9:
    “When I say to someone wicked, ‘Wicked one, you will surely die!’ but you do not speak out to warn the wicked one to change his course, he will die as a wicked man because of his own error, but I will ask his blood back from you. 9 But if you warn someone wicked to turn back from his way and he refuses to change his course, he will die for his error, but you will certainly save your own life.” - Ezekiel 33:8-9
    “So whats the point. Well, the warning work. We share in the preaching work … The fact is, this is bloodguilt. And you take a good look at your hands. So you families, and the single folks to will benefit. And the kind of bloodguilt that is spoken of here is figurative. You don’t see it right there, but if your really not actively sharing in the warning work, when God looks at your hands, could well be seeing blood. So, if he sees blood on your hands, were going with the ones we were supposed to warn. It’s that serious. Not a light matter…”
    Wow! What a ridicules guilt trip!! Tony’s talk was riddled with guilt and fear.
    And he basically imposed his conscience on over one million JW’s.

  • Comment by kev c on 2014-11-16 10:30:51

    In reality what they are saying is correct there is no difference beetween the vast majority jehovahs witnesses and the people of the world who lack faith because they are not part of the new covenant and do not proclaim allegiance with him by parting of his flesh and blood through the emblems .they are there fore still in thier sins and will get the same reward as the unrighteous . I just hope they get a second chance but im not so sure about that either .hebrews 10 v 15 to 18 hebrews 9 v 20 . These verses seem to show that forgiveness of sins is through the new covenant and we are judged on our actions in this life not not in the new world .also see .2 corinthians 5 v 10 . Kev

  • Comment by markchristopher on 2014-11-16 12:18:12

    Prematurely claiming that the resurrection has already taken place has certainly produced the mother of all paradoxes.Essentially JWs are knocking on doors inviting people to the second resurrection.A resurrection that is reserved for those who reject the first and which they would need no invite anyway.
    It makes me wonder.Most JWs seem to have genuine faith and repentance, would God grant them the first resurrection regardless?

    • Reply by Jannai40 on 2014-11-16 16:11:58

      I wondered about that too, but John 3:3-5 says "unless a person is born again he cannot see/enter the Kingdom of God." JWs (who believe themselves to be of the other sheep class) do not consider themselves to be born again or Christ's brothers and sisters.

      • Reply by markchristopher on 2014-11-17 09:30:09

        Yes.There is a turning point, when we are led by Gods spirit.

  • Comment by ilovejesus333 on 2014-11-16 14:12:17

    Responding to the ressuerection of the righteous and unrighteous it's hard to imagine people like Abraham who was a shining example of faith and loyalty having the same reward in the new system along with Attilla the hun as has already been mentioned. JW's do not address this. Yes ok he would have a "head start" but Abraham just like Attilla would still have to wait 1,000 years to gain eternal life (when the last enemy death is brought to nothing). Doesn't seem fair does it.Yet the annointed get there reward immediately at the end of the tribulation. The annointed are freed from the second death immediately but the likes of Abraham and other bible faithful have to wait 1,0000 years to be freed from the second death. Would they be "better people than Abraham? Well that isn't for us to question Jehovah knows best but this issue is certainly thought provoking. I particularly liked your example Meliti of the denarius being paid as a reward to the worker. The denarius wouldn't be paid if the worker only worked for an hour that day. Why? Because it would be unjust! Jehovah is a just God and rewards us accordingly.
    There's more to this topic than meets the eye methinks.
    Is it possible we have the whole bible concept wrong, are we still influenced from years of Jw doctrines which may still be influencing our thinking.

    • Reply by ilovejesus333 on 2014-11-16 14:46:28

      Sorry just another thought, If armageddon were to happen tomorrow what would be the criteria for survival. Would it be allegiance to the GB or would it be adherence to the two greatest commandments - Love.
      Do JW's alone have the "franchise on Gods love, do they alone have the franchise on the "truth"
      Did Mother Theresa of Calcutta love God and her neighbor as herself.
      Does any religion fully have the truth.
      It beggars the question, who really are the righteous and unrighteous
      Ok then, Just for a moment supposing a person today is fully following everything in the old Law Covenant given to Moses and applying it in their life would that person have a good relationship with Jehovah. Just think now about the two greatest commandments and what they represent.
      On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets Mat 22;40
      I really believe if we sincerely follow those two greatest commandments then not only have we fulfilled the Law but we also have the truth, AND THEN WE CAN BEGIN TO GROW IN IT (even if you are a Catholic like Mother Theresa)
      Sorry about the caps.
      Eagerly awiting your thoughts

    • Reply by menrov on 2014-11-17 10:29:46

      You said "Is it possible we have the whole bible concept wrong, are we still influenced from years of Jw doctrines which may still be influencing our thinking."
      I tend to agree. I feel that very often we start to view a doctrine on the basis of what we have learned as a JW, not as one who just opens the bible for the first time, has no religious background and starts to read unbiased.
      For example, why do we think Abraham is not one who goes to rule with Jesus? He was declared righteous based on his faith. Isn't that the key criteria in order to be granted eternal life with Jesus?
      I also believe that many of the JW doctrines are driven by their (original) drive to distance themselves from mainstream Christianity. For example the original founders had to decline the general doctrine in Christendom that everyone is going to heaven. The current doctrine (2 groups, one group blessed other group not blessed) is in my view a result of that. The bible verses used is more to support the doctrine instead of using bible verse to develop on that basis a doctrine.

      • Reply by menrov on 2014-11-17 10:32:25

        To add, the same with the over attention to Armageddon. As we need to survive Armageddon. But that is not what the bible teaches. The great crowd needs to survive the great tribulation, which happens before and is separate from Armageddon, which is a was between kings/armies and God.

  • Comment by GodsWordIsTruth on 2014-11-16 19:36:58

    Great thoughts Meleti!
    I never understood the gradual "perfection" teaching. Adam and Eve didn't gradually become "imperfect" once they sinned . The only way that this has been explained to me throughout the years was by comparing it to when Jesus healed the blind man. Jesus lovingly ( but gradually! )restored that man's eyesight.
    Based on our current theology , Job will strive for perfection for a 1000 years and once he attains it he will subject to be annihilated for one transgression . (despite his record of faithfulness and obedience under intense trial by the devil )
    On the discussthetruth.com site I've said :
    "We teach that those of the “other sheep” even if they are counted worthy to survive Armageddon on this side on the system (works, obedience to the "slave")....they still may not be saved at Armageddon (Zephaniah 2:3) If by some chance a person makes it pass Armageddon, you will be judged worthy after the 1000 year reign with a final test where you will either Pass( eternal life) or Fail ( second death). (Unlike the 144,000 who are declared righteous and receive their reward by going straight to heaven after death )
    I no longer believe that the scriptures teaches that we have to attain perfection first , pass a test and only then will we be declared righteous by God. (Romans 3:24,28) Everyone gets the same “deal” as the “144,000” IMO based on the scriptures. " (1 Corinthians 1:30 Romans 5:9, Romans 5:10 John 3:36)
    The articles on this site regarding what it means to be anointed and adopted by God enlightened me so much! That was the key I was missing in understanding the NT. If I never learn another thing about God this pearl is more than enough for me. I am so grateful that I was freed from fear of the Millennium Reign Sudden death round doctrine that we (JW's)teach. :)

  • Comment by GodsWordIsTruth on 2014-11-16 19:59:05

    ".....this statement creates a paradox, for if the resurrected earthly righteous ones also need help to overcome imperfection that they could not conquer on their own..."
    Say we agreed with the GB on this teaching...
    In line with the statement above Meleti this teaching dishonors Jesus IMO. No mention of the ransom sacrifice follows these kind of statements in our publications. It is not by special mightiness or the survival of the fittest that anyone will "grow to perfection ". Nor is it by the TMS, Gilead etc. that the JW's will have the extraordinary ability to teach someone to perfection. (how does this work exactly? If people don't accept Bible studies and become baptized JW's they miss out on growing to perfection ?)
    It's Jesus' shed blood alone that's saves, grants everlasting life and the opportunity to attain perfection.
    Also it's actually a thousand years plus an unknown "little while" period.(Revelation 20:3)They never mention that in the publications....

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2014-11-16 23:47:13

      Good observation, GodsWordIsTruth. Our doctrine dishonors Jesus by treating his sacrifice as of little or no value. The very thought that we can "work toward perfection" has always troubled me. If the kindness God extends is truly undeserved, there can be no "working toward it" as if we can earn it to even a small degree. To say otherwise is to imply that the kindness of God is at least partially deserved. Even if done with the best of intentions, we are still undermining the teaching of God.

  • Comment by FutureMan on 2014-11-17 05:38:10

    Perfection is relative to God.
    Jesus once stated emphatically, "Why do you call Me good? No one is good except God alone." Luke 18:19 [NIV]
    So even Jesus perfection was relative to his Heavenly Father.
    And our perfection therefore would be relative to Jesus, being a follower of his.
    But we all strive to be perfect as the Heavenly Father.
    Matthew 5
    43“You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ 44But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, 45that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. 46If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? 47And if you greet only your own people, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? 48Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.[NIV]
    So anyway the point I want to make here is that even if we were not sinners we still would fall short of Godly perfection.
    For us all here on planet earth, it is a long journey towards Godly perfection that requires effort an diligence on our part.
    God is not going to wave a magic wand, and then presto we are suddenly perfect. Not at all.

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2014-11-17 08:07:14

      An excellent point. Perfection is another English word which is overloaded in meaning. Apollos has had some interesting thoughts on the subject. I've also thrown in my two-cents worth. I used the words "perfect" and "perfection" in this article more in line with the common understanding of JWs so as not to detract from the main article point, but really when Jehovah's Witnesses speak of being perfect what they are most often referring to is being sinless.
      I do believe that sinlessness can be and must be granted. Just as Adam went from being sinless to sinful with a single decision, so Jehovah can grant sinlessness to whom he wishes without any gradual process being involved. Perfection on the other hand isn't granted out of undeserved kindness. It must be earned. Jesus was made perfect by the things he suffered, and humans will also be made perfect by passing the final test after Satan is released.

    • Reply by markchristopher on 2014-11-17 09:00:49

      I had a recent discussion with a very well respected brother about Matt 5:48 “Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect” He complained that a WT article was misapplying the meaning of the word “perfect”.Which ended up putting unnecessary loads on the reader.
      To be perfect tends to mean, fully committed, complete.,fully assured, whole.
      To say it would take a thousand years to be fully committed (perfect) does not make sense to me.In reality, it may take some time for us to realise the futility of sin.Then ,there has to be a turning point of understanding and genuine repentance, then we are fully committed to God.Yes, we endure until the end. But, our hope to be complete and finally free from sin and death is at the resurrection.

  • Comment by Jannai40 on 2014-11-17 06:06:50

    "There is going to be a resurrection of the righteous and of the unrighteous" Acts 24:15. I have some very dear friends who are JWs, and a few of them have very kindly stayed in contact with me even though I have left. It bothered me to think that these ones will, if they are not in the first resurrection will then be included in the resurrection of the unrighteous, and so I looked up the definition of the word, and as far as I can see "unrighteous" in relation to the scripture doesn't necessarily imply badness, though of course it can, but it can also mean that a person only hasn't met the requirements of being righteous.
    The point is, of course, that we have to be on hand to help these brothers and sisters when that time becomes apparent and always be ready. I was thinking too, that a Christian would never knowingly direct a person to a place where they could learn dangerous false teachings at the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses. "But I tell you that everyone will have to give an account on the day of Judgement for every empty word they have spoken." Matthew 12:36

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2014-11-17 07:53:52

      I've read that Scripture before, but it never jumped out at me before. Thanks Jannai40.

    • Reply by InNeedOfGrace on 2014-11-18 10:34:42

      That's exactly right. We are all inherently wicked according to scripture. Romans says no one is righteous, not even one. (Rom 3:10, Ecl 7:20). If we were righteous by our deeds, we wouldn't need the sacrifice of Christ. Indeed, our "righteous" deeds are like filthy rags in Gods eyes. (Isaiah 64:6)
      Now from a Human standpoint, sure, I will agree a lot of witnesses are living a more wholesome, righteous life, then man others. But even the BEST witness morally has sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, which is punishable by dead.
      It is only through Christ becoming sin so that we could become God's righteousness (2 Cor 5:20) and that our deeds could be "counted" as righteousness.
      In the lineup of worst to best human there can be a range. But if we put the best human versus the required standard of God, oh boy, we realize how far off we all are.
      In that vain, it's kind of sad to see how legalistic a spirit there is at times in the organization, and how brothers from the governing body put so much emphasis on our own righteousness as being our way to salvation and talk so few about the finished work of the Christ.

  • Comment by menrov on 2014-11-17 11:28:55

    If a testimony is based on an assumption, the whole testimony becomes vague. Looking at par. 14, it reads:
    Jehovah provided for a Kingdom government made up of “the last Adam” and chosen associates from among mankind. (Read Revelation 5:9, 10.) Those associated with Jesus in heaven will have experienced what it means to be imperfect
    It is assumed that if a JW reads these verses, that JW person will think it is the 144.000. But it hat same person would start reading in chapter 4, as that is where the whole scene starts, it becomes clear that the ones worshipping are the 24 elders and the one who is worth to open the seal is Jesus. And yes. Jesus bought with his blood people from all tribes and the become all together a kingdom (not kings) and priests and they will rule on earth (not over the earth, unless one only uses the NWT)
    My point is that with this doctrine about the resurrection of 2 groups which is based on the assumption that only a selected few (144000, mostly JW's) will be saved without judgment, and that this group is far more special then all others, then everything else that is written in the article on this, becomes blur and complex.
    It is at times rather frustrating to see the reasoning applied in these studies, which are in principle aimed to motivate the R&F. However, the reasoning tends to blur things and confuse. It tries to appeal to a general sentiment with people (peace, no harm, no war etc) but at the same time, pictures a route tha is almost undesirable to follow.

  • Comment by Jannai40 on 2014-11-17 15:02:27

    "Actually, when you look at it objectively, the other sheep get no reward at all."
    So then the other sheep (misquoted by the Society from John 10:16) are not even in the Bible. What a serious and dangerous environment the Society has provided for millions of unsuspecting JWs. Let us pray for them that our Heavenly Father and our Brother, Jesus Christ will open their eyes and help them to find a way out.

  • Comment by kev c on 2014-11-18 13:30:54

    The witnesses base this theory that a person just has to have faith in god for salvation .they qoute the accounts of those who died before the christian era .before the initiation of the new covenant .but consider hebrews 9 v 15 he is the mediator of a new covenant so that death having taken place for a redemption of the transgressions against the first covenant .and consider this in a way the hebrews did partake of the christ in a way every passover which was a shadow of his greater sacrifice .1 corinthians5 v 7 also 1 corinthians 10 v4 . As for the gentiles .what of acts 17 v 30 therefore god overlooked such times of ignorance god now commands all men in every place to reform . Because he has set a day in which he has set a day in which he is about to judge . This was the whole point of the preaching work to get others to have faith and enter the new covenant . He overlooked such times of ignorance and it probably will be reflected in the way he judges those of the pre christian era . The witnesses are not ignorant of the new covenant like those in ancient times .but reject it every nisan 14 . Also consider this they teach that those who die at armageddon will not get a ressurection what of those who die before . What of those who have rejected the good news all thier lives and then die before if they get a ressurection in that of the unrighteous they get the same reward as the so called great crowd . If that is so what has been the point of the preaching work for the last 100 years or so .Is this why they have had to pull the armageddon card out of thier sleeve . It just doesnt make much sense to me .sorry kev

    • Reply by Jannai40 on 2014-11-19 03:13:37

      kev, I think the problem that we all have is that we have been so misled by all the false teachings from the Society, and we feel so let down. And it goes on for a while because you go on to discover more and more false teachings than you could have ever have thought possible. What helped me was talking to Jesus and reading about him in the book of Matthew, and finally learning what it really means to be his follower - that was where I started, and it was then that the scriptures began gradually to open up to me and I began to find peace and was able to learn that God truly was my Heavenly Father and I was able to see Him and get to know Him in that way.
      "To the Jews who had believed in him, Jesus said, If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." John 8:31,32.

      • Reply by kev c on 2014-11-19 05:58:33

        Thanks jannai ill start doing that .in our bible study .had plans to go through one of the gospels .thanks for the encouragement . And its true what you said .every single week in our study i now see things that are at odds with what we have been taught . Cheers kev

  • Comment by on 2014-11-18 15:17:33

    Actually, the "other sheep" are rewarded, if we follow the true interpretation of the scriptures in identifying them as Gentiles. They are brought into union with the Jews, and adopted as Christ's brothers who receive a heavenly reward. We have to trash Rutherford's outdated interpretation for it to make sense. The Bible will interpret itself!

    • Reply by ilovejesus333 on 2014-11-18 20:36:26

      Now c'mon Anonomous, how can we trash the Judge's interpretation after all wasn't he the faithful discreet slave that God chose as his channel of communication. Who else was there, didn't he get rid of the body of directors and the writing dept.
      No seriously! As witnesses we are still entrenched in the teachings of this man. Certainly bible doctrines have been altered down through the years but never the main significant ones that we still cling to and constantly have to shore up as our knowledge of the scriptures grow. Like for example the two sheep classes Jesus mentioned in John 10;16 and as you said also. It's blatantly obvious they are the Jews and the Gentiles, and what do they have in common, John 10;25,26 they become of the one fold, they both hear the masters voice and follow him, there is no scriptural evidence to say otherwise. Jesus was talking directty to the Jews, his preaching work was directed toward the Jews then after Pentecost the other sheep entered the fold and all became one flock, what could be simpler? The Witnesses however need their two tier system To give credence for the absolute right to govern our lives. They say it isn't the GB your rejecting but Jehovah, and who really would want to reject Jehovah so basically then they can do and say whatever they please.
      But changing the main doctrines like for eg. 1914, faithful discreet slave, 1919, 144,000, Jehovah Witnesses (surely we should be witnesses of Christ) great crowd etc.would not only open a can of worms for the Witnesses but also discredit the religion. Rutherford has a lot to answer for.

  • Comment by Dani on 2019-04-18 04:56:49

    Hi all, I’m new to this site and have been reading non stop. I’m a bit confused however as to this point.
    The belief section of this site states as follows:
    There are two resurrections, one to life and one to judgment.
    The first resurrection is of the righteous, to life.
    The righteous are resurrected as spirits, in the manner of Jesus.
    The unrighteous will be resurrected to earth during the millennial Reign of Christ.
    According to Rev.20:5-6 the second resurrection doesn’t happen until the end of the 1000 years. This doesn’t tally with point 4 above.
    If all the dead righteous ones are resurrected as spirits (rather than on earth) per point 1 and the unrighteous are destroyed at Armageddon and all of the righteous survivors of the tribulation are changed to spirit creatures and taken to heaven, effectively that leaves nobody on earth until the end of the 1000 years when the unrighteous are resurrected.
    This begs the question: who will the kingdom reign over?
    Hope somebody can clarify this for me.

    • Reply by Berean72 on 2022-02-20 03:03:42

      Hi! i am also new to this site. Reading your comment, however, I had a doubt too. Are you sure the unjust will be destroyed in Armaghedon? can you show me in a write up? thanks.

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