WT Study: Imitate Jesus’ Humility and Tenderness

– posted by meleti

[From ws15/02 p. 5 for April 6-12]

 “This people honors me with their lips, yet their heart is far removed from me.” (Mt 15:8 NWT)

“Therefore, all the things they tell you, do and observe, but do not do according to their deeds, for they say but they do not practice what they say.” (Mt 23:3 NWT)

You may wonder why I’ve broken with custom by not citing this week’s Watchtower Study theme text above. I felt that with this particular study, there was something more important worth focusing on.
This study article contains many fine scriptural points. It is a really good message. Unfortunately, there is a danger that the reader might confuse the message with the messenger. This would not prove beneficial.

Jesus is Humble

The opening paragraphs of the article focus on the need to imitate Jesus. There can be no argument that as a role model, he is without peer.
First we examine his humility.

“Humility begins with the way we think about ourselves. ‘Humility is to know how lowly we really are before God,’ says one Bible dictionary. If we are truly humble before God, we will also refrain from estimating ourselves to be above our fellow humans.” – Par. 4

We cannot always control what people say about us. The Pharisees had many negative things to say about Jesus. Others praised him. However, when it was within his power to do something about it, our Lord did not hesitate to adjust the thinking of those he taught. He displayed humility by rejecting undue or inappropriate praise.

“And one of the rulers questioned him, saying: “Good Teacher, what must I do to inherit everlasting life?” 19 Jesus said to him: “Why do you call me good? Nobody is good except one, God.” (Lu 18:18, 19)

As a ruler of the people, this man was accustomed to titles himself. He chose to apply one to Jesus, calling him “Good Teacher”. In all probability, he thought he was rendering due honor to the Christ, yet Jesus knew that such an honorific was inappropriate. Any title or distinction we get should come from God, not men, and certainly not from ourselves. Jesus rejected it and thus avoided the bad precedent it would have set. He immediately took the opportunity to correct the thinking of the ruler and all those present who might otherwise fall into the easy human pattern of exalting others over ourselves as rulers.
In this regard, what pattern is the present Governing Body setting? Simply put, a governing body is a body that governs or rules. This title alone puts them at odds with Scripture. (See Mt 23:8) This current Governing Body has now claimed the appointment of “Faithful and Discreet Slave” for themselves. “The Faithful Slave” or more simply, “The Slave”, has taken on the characteristic of a title among Jehovah’s Witnesses. Commonly uttered phrases like, “We want to obey The Slave…” or “Let’s find out what The Slave has to say on that…” are proof of this fact. All this they have done despite the clear indication in Scripture that the faithful and discreet slave isn’t identified until the master returns. (See Mt 24:46)
I was raised as a Jehovah’s Witness in an era when we disdained creature worship. We were uncomfortable with praise. Even sincere comments of appreciation following a public talk made me uneasy. We were all good-for-nothing slaves, just doing what we ought to do; thankful that God’s love was so extensive as to encompass even such unworthy creatures as we. (Lu 17:10) If you feel similarly, then perhaps you too are troubled by the amount of praise that is being heaped upon the Governing Body in recent years. One only has to watch one of the monthly broadcasts on tv.jw.org to see numerous examples of speakers and interviewees waxing on about the “privilege” it is to serve with and learn from members of the Governing Body. Since the content of these broadcasts is wholly within the GB’s scope to regulate, it would appear they are not imitating our Lord Jesus in correcting those who would give them undue praise. In fact, they encourage it.  These are, after all, their broadcasts.
None of Jesus’ disciples ever referred to his or her time with him as a privilege. This term, so often used by Jehovah’s Witnesses to describe any form of special service, is inappropriate because it creates a de facto class system within our brotherhood. The Bible speaks of assignments, not privileges. We do what we do because we can and we ought to. (1Ti 1:12) Privilege bespeaks exclusion. A privileged class and a non-privileged one. Yet, access to Jesus was open to all. The offer to serve with him in his kingdom as one of his brothers is likewise open to all. The hope of being God’s son was not for a privileged few but for all who are willing to drink of the water of life.

“…To anyone thirsting I will give from the fountain of the water of life free. 7 Anyone conquering will inherit these things, and I shall be his God and he will be my son.” (Re 21:6, 7)

One final word about all this. It is by our expressions and ultimately our works that we manifest what is in our heart. (Lu 6:45; Mt 7:15-20) If a Jehovah’s Witness publicly denies that the Governing Body is the Faithful and Discreet Slave, he will be persecuted with the greatest punishment at our disposal in a  modern world that enforces human rights. By public announcement, he will be declared untouchable. Thus ostracized, he will be forced to live, cut off from all Witness family and friends, unless of course, he should recant. Is this imitating the humility of our Lord Jesus Christ?  Is it not the way of the world?  The way worldly rulers in less reputable regimens enforce their authority?  The way the Christian part of Babylon the Great used to enforce its clerical authority?

Shunning Materialism

Another evidence of Jesus’ humility is mentioned in par. 7: “Jesus chose to live in humble circumstances unencumbered by many material things. (Matt. 8:20)” This is an excellent message for us to apply to our own lives, adjusting our mental attitude to be content with what we have so as to better serve the Lord without distractions. (1Ti 6:8)
However, what of the messenger? Is he "unencumbered by many material things"?  There was a time when I took great pride in explaining to the Catholics I preached to in South America with their block-spanning, town-dwarfing churches that the Watchtower, Bible & Track Society didn't own any of the Kingdom Halls we met in.  Each hall was wholly owned by the local congregation.  Not anymore.  The Organization has unilaterally and summarily assumed ownership of all Kingdom Halls.  It has directed all bodies of elders to "donate" to headquarters any discretionary reserve funds saved up by the local congregation.  It has also directed all congregations to pledge a fixed monthly amount to the Kingdom Hall construction work.  It has built Patterson and is now building a new luxurious headquarters in a resort-like setting at Warwick, NY.  It just purchased a multi-million dollar FAA training facility in Palm Coast, Florida and tour groups there are told of ten other properties across the U.S. which are being purchased.
We have seen the “rental” for the use of our own assembly halls soar in the last year. In our own area costs have almost tripled.  One circuit was told they had to come up with $14,000 for the hall rental for their one-day assembly. Ostensibly, the sky-rocketing increases are to be used for the construction of new assembly halls, but wouldn’t it make more sense to save these monies and return to the older and cheaper method of renting high school auditoriums?  Do we really need all these possessions?  Think of the savings and convenience that would result from not having 1 or 2 hour travel times to distant assembly halls.
Whatever the case, the ongoing call for more donations is putting a significant financial burden on the brotherhood, and for what?  Throughout North American and Europe we see the work slowing down.  We are at stagnation regarding growth in many countries.  Unless the trend unexpectedly reverses, we'll soon see negative growth, despite the Organization's recent efforts to redefine the statistical indicators.
The excuse often given for all this construction and real estate investment is that we are merely following the leading of Jehovah’s spirit, trying to keep up with the fast-moving celestial chariot. But if that is the case then how do we explain fiascos like the abandonment of the Spanish branch? After consuming an enormous investment of free labor and donated funds amounting to millions of dollars, the Governing Body decided to close down and sell the Spanish branch facility because the government wanted them to contribute to the country’s old age pension fund—which incidentally would have been to the benefit of our own aging membership.[i] Our claim requires us to accept the belief that this was all what Jehovah intended to happen.

Lowliness of Mind

Paragraph 7 also mentions how Jesus’ humility was evident in his willingness to perform even menial tasks. Then, to bring this forward to our day, the “messenger” refers to a traveling overseer from the year 1894 who after many years in the service was called to work in the henhouse of the Kingdom farm in upstate New York. There can be no doubt that this brother was a fine example of one who imitated the humility displayed by Jesus Christ. But why do we have to go back over 100 years to find such an example?
Paragraph 10 carries the excellent message: “Humble Christians are not interested in seeking prominence in this system. They would rather lead a simple life, even doing what the world might consider menial work so that they can serve Jehovah to the fullest extent possible.”
This is the message. Is the messenger complying with the message? Across North America, and one presumes around the world, millions are being spent to purchase and set up huge projection screen systems for all the regional conventions. The purpose of any gathering should be to draw us closer to Jesus.  However, if the purpose is to draw us closer to the Organization, then one can see the justification for projecting sky-high images of Governing Body members and other prominent organization leaders.
There was a time when we did not even know the names of the Governing Body members, much less their faces. We felt no need to. They were just men like ourselves. We worshipped God and praised the Christ. That has all changed. Now it is all about the Organization. We walk around with jw.org badges on our lapels; hand out business cards with the jw.org logo affixed; make sure that we only use the latest literature that carries the jw.org logo; and tell people to obey the Organization – a.k.a. the Governing Body.
Imitating the humility of Jesus does not mean we must submit to men.  As Jesus humbly submitted to God, so we must humbly submit to him.  He is our head.  (1Co 11:3)
This is not the message which the Governing Body is conveying however.

“Above all, we can show humility by our obedience. It takes lowliness of mind to ‘be obedient to those who are taking the lead’ in the congregation and to accept and follow the direction we receive from Jehovah’s organization.” – Par. 10

"It takes lowliness of mind...to accept and follow the direction we receive from Jehovah's organization."  No mention is made of Jesus, yet 1 Corinthians 11:3 says nothing about a fourth "head" in the chain of command.

Jesus Is Tender

The message for the rest of the article concerns imitating Jesus’ tenderness. It is a truly fine message and many scriptures are quoted to support what is said. Let us hope that those reading and studying this article together will not be distracted off message by what many may see as hypocrisy.

“Hence, an elder who is tenderly compassionate does not try to control the sheep, making rules or using guilt to pressure them to do more when their circumstances do not permit them to. [sic] Rather, he endeavors to bring joy to their hearts, trusting that their love for Jehovah will move them to serve him as fully as possible.” – Par. 17

Well said! But if this is how the elder is to act, how much more so the elder’s elder, so to speak. How often do we hear of brothers and sisters going to a district (now regional) convention only to come home depressed and guilt-laden that they are not doing enough and are unworthy? In this, the messenger is demonstrably off message.

In Summary

The Bible-based message in this Watchtower Study is excellent. The principles found in the numerous scriptures cited demand our serious consideration. Let us not be distracted by the actions of the messenger. This is yet another occasion when the words of our Master ring true.

“Therefore, all the things they tell you, do and observe, but do not do according to their deeds, for they say but they do not practice what they say.” (Mt 23:3)

[i] If we are to claim that Jehovah is guiding this work, then what can be said for the lack of provision made for those many long-time servants who ministered to the flock as circuit overseers and district overseers, and who are now turned out to pasture at the age of 70 to fend for themselves on the pittance which is given to special pioneers? These ones trusted that "mother" would take care of them, and many are now living in abject poverty. Let us not blame Jehovah for our failure to provide for such ones. (2Co 8:20,21)

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  • Comment by miken on 2015-04-06 10:38:50

    “It takes lowliness of mind…to accept and follow the direction we receive from Jehovah’s organization.” No mention is made of Jesus, yet 1 Corinthians 11:3 says nothing about a fourth “head” in the chain of command.
    Well 1 Corinthians 11:3 or not your everlasting life depends on obeying your governing body.
    "In effect, Jesus also conveys Jehovah’s voice to us as he directs the congregation
    through “the faithful and discreet slave.” (Matt. 24:45) We need to take this guidance and direction seriously, for our everlasting life depends on our obedience".—Heb. 5:9.
    Watchtower August 15, 2014, page 21
    "Get out of her my people" Rev 18:4 and surrender your life to Jesus Christ, John 14:6, Acts 4:12.

  • Comment by katrina on 2015-04-06 11:25:19

    Excellent commentary, one can't help but feel distracted the hypocrisy stinks, but the message is a sweet odor and will endeavor to concentrate on that, thank you.

  • Comment by katrina on 2015-04-06 11:26:11

    “Therefore, all the things they tell you, do and observe, but do not do according to their deeds, for they say but they do not practice what they say.” (Mt 23:3)

  • Comment by Gogetter on 2015-04-06 11:56:00

    Great analysis of this study article as always, thank you!
    If I remember correctly the GB applies Matt. 24:46 to Jesus "invisible" return in 1914 and inspection of slave in 1919 so they don't view this as future.
    They also teach (most R&F don't realize this) that the NT is for and applies to ONLY the anointed ruling class (144,000) in the new covenant and applies to the "other sheep" by extension only. (we are not part of the New Covenant)
    The reason I think the GB has come out from behind the incognito curtain is much like when the nation of Israel wanted a visible King. Humans are visual, they like to see their leaders.
    This is a Smart move on the GB's part especially after consolidating the FDS to their current number of 7 GB members neutralizing any concerns of the ever increasing partakers each year at the Memorial who are now considered part of the domestics.
    The R&F want to "see" the individuals that are making more and more increasing demands of obedience to them as they supplant the true head of the congregation.
    They also need to give the appearance that they are just like us, but with special "privileges" and truth be told they are just like us, mere imperfect humans.
    I have more comments later on the "material possessions and privileges".

  • Comment by umbertoecho on 2015-04-06 12:43:21

    At what point do we get our of "her"? I too, have come to realize that the GB are taking the place of Christ as so many others in the congregations do. They are quiet for all the reasons you have mentioned. But I really wonder how long we must attend meetings that have become so far removed from what we were supposed to do and how we were intended to learn and encourage each other.
    I went to the special meeting last month, the one directed from Bethel to Australasia. I could not have chosen a worse day to attend had I thrown a dart at a calender. I was confronted with edicts about not recording, not taking photo's (okay, that is reasonable to some extent) However, we were then told we could take notes, but were forbidden to hand them on to others. What!?? I could not believe it. I noticed ministerial servants pacing the aisles watching everythiing the congregation was doing. It was disconcerting for me to have one brother pay quite a lot of attention to my frantic writing as I tried to commit all I heard for later reflection. Even my sister was seemingly uncomfortable with my note taking.
    I was refused a watchtower at this meeting, for I had not been attending regularly. It seems I did not qualify for a photo copy of one either. I was supposed to have downloaded it from a printer I do not have.
    The boasting and shallowness made me feel heavy and sad. The requests for more donations were embarrassing. Interestingly, I noticed at one point when the Bethel speaker was expounding the societies needs for more and more money and time; there came a sort of....pause in which one could hear those at the Sydney Bethel clapping. But not so in the hall in which I sat that day. No. There was a smattering of claps a desultory sort of "clap because it was expected", but nothing convincing to me.
    Even my sister and brother inlaw sat quite mute at this point, their hands in thier laps, or busy with tablets.
    I know I may be off topic hear to some degree, but perhaps not. For, I noticed how the talk went on to say how Paul was ......"brought into the truth by Jehovah". No mention was made of the actual experience that really happened through Christ Jesus or the fact that Paul preached the good news of the Christ thereafter.
    Then somehow the date 1914 was thrown in, completely out of context, for it was not relevant to the subject we had by now approached. This stunningly inadequate meeting was fraught with back slapping and praise for the GB. I left with my notes, disgusted and wondering. At what point do we get out of her?
    My kind regards to all of you for your efforts on this site. And please do forgive me for the somewhat lengthy nature of this post. I cannot support this empty shell that is what this religion has become. I feel very sad at this realization and wonder....Where can I go?

    • Reply by kev on 2015-04-07 03:04:30

      Whats this special meeting ive never heard of such a meeting with an environment such as you describe . Ive been out for about 3 years now it sounds like its really gone down hill . Kev

    • Reply by menrov on 2015-04-07 03:48:27

      Sorry to hear about this experience, But it is what can be expected nowadays in the organisation. I understand that some decide to remain in for family reasons. I tried but mentally and emotionally I could not longer do that. That route was far more damaging to me than to become inactive, no longer attending etc.
      Where to go? true, that can be a challenge. An answer will come, in due course. But in the meantime, protect yourself and your spiritual health. Cheers

  • Comment by noble_minded_thinker on 2015-04-06 13:54:31

    One can't help but laugh at the transparent irony (hypocrisy?) of it all. On one hand we have the constant call for the R&F to keep our eye simple and forgo good paying jobs and careers. Meanwhile the WTBS is
    * Taking ownership of all kingdom halls and instituting required donations - anyone can recognize this as a tithing arrangement at the congregation level
    * Profiting immensely from the sale of valuable real estate in Brooklyn and building a new sprawling combine in Warwick.
    * Embarking on an expensive five year plan to build new kingdom halls in a country that is experiencing a slowdown in membership. The new buildings are commercial to ensure they remain liquid assets that can be easily sold in favorable market conditions. If the reason for building new halls was to keep up with growth shouldn't they start this building initiative in, gee I dunno, Africa?!
    I was raised in the truth and am still an active member. I don't want to sound conspiratorial but it doesn't sit right with me.

  • Comment by Dorcas on 2015-04-06 15:24:47

    Thank you for a very sobering post and one with which I completely agree. While growing up and attending meetings, I didn't even KNOW there was a Governing Body let alone their names. At that time there was an all encompassing humility in the organization that is simply not there today.
    I echo umbertoecho :) in that I am so completely unhappy when I attend meetings that I too am wondering when it is time to leave. It's become painfully obvious to me that the religion I loved from my youth is not even close to what we have today.
    I find myself praising the Pope, sort of, because at least he uses Jesus' name. Did I just say that? What a sad state affairs we are facing. My religion used to be my strength but now it has become a great burden to me because I know it is not pleasing God and Christ. I wish I could compartmentalize things better.
    Thank you for maintaining this site, Meleti. It's keeping me sane, I think. Don't think this is praise it's simply what you should have done. LOL! I'm feeling my oats today.

  • Comment by Skye on 2015-04-06 19:58:07

    Luke 12:42-44 "The Lord answered, 'Who then is the faithful and wise manager, whom the master puts in charge of his servants to give them their food allowance at the proper time? It will be good for that servant whom the master finds doing so when he returns. Truly I tell you, he will put him in charge of all his possessions."
    Compare the parable of the ten minas, Luke 19:17 "Well done, my good servant!" his master replied. "Because you have been trustworthy in a very small matter, take charge of ten cities."

  • Comment by Gogetter on 2015-04-06 21:20:15

    It is truly disturbing to all who are "awake" in the congregation to see the above mentioned real estate holdings and sales including the building of the Warwick HQ that will certainly be resort like in many ways, and to wonder why Jehovah is permitting this to take place.
    We can truly see that we are so far removed from the first century Christian congregation example and even the simplicity of Jesus teachings that we may find ourselves very frustrated, confused, and even depressed.
    We should remember that the scriptures contain a full history of very similar situations with God's covenant people who finally became so corrupt that they failed to even recognize the Messiah they had waited so long for.
    Yes to use the famous “catch all” response “we must wait on Jehovah” to correct these situations although disturbing we accept they are totally out of our control other than non-financial support.
    I sincerely believe the ones taking the lead as well as the GB are under the misguided assumption they are being directed by Jehovah with every step they take. We must remember most have lived the bulk of their lives in the organization and to quote a book title, are themselves “captive to a concept” that has morphed into what we see today.
    Jehovah in my opinion, is now disciplining the brothers, allowing them to make predictions that are not supported by scripture, making up nonsensical “new light” teachings like overlapping generations,and taking almost 100 years to figure out who the FDS is (the GB only) etc. all in an effort to try to pinpoint what Jesus clearly stated “no one knows the day or the hour, not even the Son”
    The lost court cases with child abuse, and the many more to come will be impossible to keep from even the most loyal of the R&F due to the large multimillion dollar settlements with its media coverage!
    There are many more areas I could point to, but you get the picture.
    I say we take the good scriptural information from the WT articles like this one as Meleti pointed out,
    and do our best be Christ like examples in our congregations all the while, we keep “waiting on Jehovah”
    “This people honors me with their lips, yet their heart is far removed from me.” (Mt 15:8 NWT)
    “Therefore, all the things they tell you, do and observe, but do not do according to their deeds, for they say but they do not practice what they say.” (Mt 23:3 NWT) ,

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2015-04-06 23:45:42

      Today I found the perfect response to those who say we should wait on Jehovah to correct a wrong teaching.
      "Therefore, if someone knows how to do what is right, and yet does not do it, it is a sin for him." (James 4:17)

      • Reply by yobec on 2015-04-07 10:50:44

        There is also Paul's admonition to " overturn powerfully entrenched things " No mentioning of "waiting on Jehovah" before doing this.

      • Reply by GodsWordIsTruth on 2015-04-07 18:40:33

        I love it Meleti! I can't wait to use this scripture the next time I'm questioned about the stand that I have taken...

    • Reply by menrov on 2015-04-07 04:01:34

      I agree fully with Meleti comment on the statement that "we need to wait on Jehovah" . Such a view is still based on the assumption that the organisation is somehow managed / directed by Jehovah. The concept that the Father will appoint an organisation to be His Own is not found in the scriptures. The only master of the christian congregation is Jesus. But such a congregation is not synonym for a global lead religion.
      If things are unclean, do not touch it. Your comment: I say we take the good scriptural information from the WT articles like this one as Meleti pointed out,
      and do our best be Christ like examples in our congregations all the while, we keep “waiting on Jehovah”
      Would we recommend this to attendants of other denominations as well?
      In reality, we should ask ourselves, who do I serve by remaining in and be known as a JW? Is it Jesus and His Father?
      Also, will it bring me closer to Jesus and through Him to the Father by remaining in and as such, supporting the organisation?

  • Comment by katrina on 2015-04-06 23:35:38

    I think most of us have already left spiritually speaking, but go for what? I get so confused as to what to do, I dread going to the meetings because it creates confusion, love for the brothers, some good points then the stink bombs, I don't think it is good for ones emotional or mental health, can't eat at the table of demons and at the table of God, that is a clear message and I think this is what we are doing, maybe some may think I am being harsh but that is what I feel and can't handle the hypocrisy,
    This is not the religion I came into there has NOT been a progression of truth but a huge regression into idolatry of the org and its GB, I feel Satan is right at the helm, and often wonder what of the other anointed if they have Gods spirit why can't they see why can't they be guiding the rest, where is their voice?
    I feel they are robbing JW of any spiritual growth, and are slowing taking any sort of love for God away, as it is Jehovah that has given all authority to Christ, they ignore this so in reality they are not honouring Gods arrangement, sometimes I feel this is bordering on anti Christ.

  • Comment by katrina on 2015-04-07 00:22:19

    Gogetter, I used to think that the Gb were also a captive of a concept, well maybe to a point however there is no excuse for their lies, and yes they have lied outright to the flock, they have been deceptive in their changing of their history and their misquotes of others, they have blamed the sheep for their expectations and have never taken any responsibility for their own failures. They throw faithful ones out of the congregation for disagreement and for mostly wanting to worship in spirit and truth. They are only interested in the organization survival and have themselves not waited on Jehovah but ran ahead, a child could understand Jesus straight council on not going beyond what his written, usurping Christs headship and predicting years of the end, the desperate deceitful generation concoction.
    While they expect a little child not have a crumb of birthday cake to be loyal and have courage, you have the GB member Losch disobeying the superior authorities by refusing to attend court on a subpoena causing a punishment of millions of donated money from the b/s that they entrusted to be used for the WWW. Now you wont see that on JW. org, they are doing there best to hide any dirty washing from the b/s, and I believe Jehovah is exposing them, what will it take admittance an apology, I doubt most b/s would never trust them again, and once all that is out, only a click of the keyboard for those searching for answers will take them to the truth about this organization and its GB.
    The judgement starts with Gods house first they can't get away, they must know this, are they that corrupted they can't see this, or has it got to the point where they don't really believe most of what they teach and are just saying whatever sound reasonable enough to keep the b/s hoodwinked enough to continue to donate to their property business.

    • Reply by menrov on 2015-04-07 04:44:57

      Good points Katrina. Most wonder how this could happen? Well, a bad tree brings bad fruit, right? I guess most current JW's ask themselves that question because of the concept that the organisation was the ONLY organisation on earth that is His own.
      Is it because most of us who are/were JW's (myself included) wanted to believe that God is truly in charge of all the good things in the world and that Satan was in charge of all the evil? Such a concept sounds so clarifying and is easy to grasp, right? In the beginning, all to-be Christians are like little children (regardless if you were a real child or already a grown up),hom is sweet, soup is good, candy is wrong etc.
      We got to hear the WBTS was good as they did not teach things like hell and immortal soul. We (the followers of the WBTS) do not steal, get drunk or use drugs, which is good. Other denominations were bad because the taught hell and immortal soul. And therefore also their members were bad because they get drunk, smoke and steal. At least, so was the impression was made and we, as small children believed it. We started to see it that way.
      That is how I think most of us accepted the concept that this organisation was led by God. And God cannot and does not lie. So, by extension, the organisation cannot be wrong.
      Well, little by little you come to see that the foundation on which our concept or view of the organisation is built starts to break. But somewhere in our minds, there still exists the concept that the organisation was/is lead by God and all other organisations are bad. Compare it to a situation where you find out that actually the person you trusted turns out to be a person not to be trusted. That hurts, can be very confusing or even damaging. At first, you might want to avoid the topic, you do not want to believe or accept it, until when denying is no longer an option.
      With regard to the organisation, I think that is were we try to comfort ourselves and find a compromise by saying that we "wait on Jehovah to set things straight".
      After all, our minds cannot accept they idea yet that if also the WBTS is a bad organisation, like all the others, then there does not exist a 'good' organisation. Then, where to go??
      In all fairness, also people from other denominations struggle with the same. They see the wrong things in their organisation but often remain for family/friends and where else to go?
      My answer is: go to Christ. The only way to get to the Father and be His child. In addition, I suggest a new approach. Ask yourself not "where to go" but ask yourself "who wants to join / visit me", meaning that you can show you christian hospitality and lifestyle to those who want to follow Christ as well. Show love to your neighbour / fellow man and consider to use your house to gather where appropriate.
      When we read about Babylon the Great and to get out of her, it does not say where to go as there is nothing on earth to go to.

    • Reply by GodsWordIsTruth on 2015-04-07 18:43:06

      Excellent thoughts Katrina!

  • Comment by kev on 2015-04-07 04:35:37

    Its a really good scriptural study apart from one or two points . We would do well to cultivate these lovely qualities in our lives as christians . The big problem as i see it and experienced first hand is this .There are those in this religion who have no intentions of cultivating them .and those who try to put on humility and be obedient are easy targets for those who want to be top dog and use and abuse the brothers ..Ive had it first hand and when i started to resist I was branded as no good and disobedient .you cant win .The theme scripture is apt thought christ suffered for you leaving you a model to follow his steps closely . The point peter was making here was not so much about imitating jesus personality but to accept persecution just as christ did see the context 1 peter 2 v 19 to 25 . And when we do put on christ that is exactly whats coming our way . also it should not suprise us that it comes from others inside the religion for did not jesus say that there are weeds sown in among the wheat . Do not be overly concerned though the big boss is watching . Take the counsel .and god will exalt you in due time and after we have suffered a little while will finish your training . 1 peter 5 v 6 to 10 .kev

  • Comment by Skye on 2015-04-07 05:06:58

    Matt 7:21-23 'Not everyone who says to me, "Lord, Lord," will enter the Kingdom of Heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Many will say to me on that day, "Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?" Then I will tell them plainly, "I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!"
    Is it possible that a person could find themselves in that situation through "allowing" themselves to be deceived?
    2 Thess 2:10 "and in all the ways that wickedness deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved."
    We must have a passion for truth if we are going to be a true disciple of Jesus Christ and avoid the very real danger of being deceived.

  • Comment by menrov on 2015-04-07 05:36:48

    Thanks Meleti, when looking at the text used in the opening (1 Pe. 2:21) I noticed only a part of this verse is quoted; The who verse reads:
    21 In fact, to this course you were called, because even Christ suffered for you, leaving a model for you to follow his steps closely. (NWT)
    Funny of course as the model of Christ was meant to ALL WHO WERE CALLED.
    Par 1 is actually saying that we should imitate Jesus as it will draw as closer to the Father. There is no scriptural support for this statement provided, as of course there is not one. In fact, it is by FOLLOWING Jesus and providing the same HONOR, one can come to the Father.
    Par 2/3 is setting the idea that the example Jesus left us, is what Jehovah want Jesus to leave us. In other words, focus is on the Father and not on Jesus.
    Par 6 is very much pushing a doctrine regarding the identity of Michael and I fund it strange to use that as an example for being humble.
    Par 6 seems fine although agree with observation that these examples are not found in the acts or attitude of the governing body and often not in the congregation either.
    It is like in Rom 2:17-24, just change the word JEW with Jehovah Witness and LAW with Gods word in verse 17, and I believe it is a perfect description of the attitude of the gb.
    Par 7 has this on the right of the article: "Jesus humbly did everything that Jehovah told him to do, even “to the point of death”. I presume this statement is to make the R&F aware that they can show their humbleness by obeying the organisation until death.
    However, for Jesus that was not an act of humbleness but out of love for His Father and for the joy that was waiting for Him (Heb. 12:2).
    Par 11 has a well known type of reference: one Bible reference work says..
    I always wonder, which bible reference???
    Par 14 suggests to read Col. 3:9,10 and 12. I wonder, why not also 11 as it is probably part of the idea behind these verses and verse 11 is not a new sentence but a continuation of verse 10? Verse 11 reads:
    11 where there is neither Greek nor Jew, circumcision nor uncircumcision, foreigner, Scyth′i·an,* slave, or freeman; but Christ is all things and in all. (NWT)
    I guess verse 11 is a bit inconvenient .......
    Par 15 is trying to call on the love among the R&F for their fellow R&F. I like to apply Rom. 2:17-24 again here.
    Overall, on the surface it seems that the article will draw one closer to Jesus but in reality after reading the whole article it does not do that. It is a mix. It presents Jesus as an example for Christians, not as their leader. It gives the impression that the two aspects are key characteristics of Jesus and therefore should be of all Christians.
    Although this is true in some aspects, the real driver is love for their neighbour. That will drive these behaviours. However, in the article only Matt. 22:37 is mentioned. Verse 39 is not included. It is all very internal focused.
    I did a search on IMITATE in the NET bible and it gave me 13 occurrences. Here is the list:
    Joh 8:41 You people are doing the deeds of your father.” Then they said to Jesus, “We were not born as a result of immorality! We have only one Father, God himself.”
    Rom 11:14 if somehow I could provoke my people to jealousy and save some of them.
    1Co 4:16 I encourage you, then, be imitators of me.
    1Co 11:1 Be imitators of me, just as I also am of Christ.
    Eph 5:1 Therefore, be imitators of God as dearly loved children
    Phi 3:17 Be imitators of me, brothers and sisters, and watch carefully those who are living this way, just as you have us as an example.
    1Th 1:6 And you became imitators of us and of the Lord, when you received the message with joy that comes from the Holy Spirit, despite great affliction.
    1Th 2:14 For you became imitators, brothers and sisters, of God’s churches in Christ Jesus that are in Judea, because you too suffered the same things from your own countrymen as they in fact did from the Jews,
    2Th 3:7 For you know yourselves how you must imitate us, because we did not behave without discipline among you,
    2Th 3:9 It was not because we do not have that right, but to give ourselves as an example for you to imitate.
    Heb 6:12 so that you may not be sluggish, but imitators of those who through faith and perseverance inherit the promises.
    Heb 13:7 Remember your leaders, who spoke God’s message to you; reflect on the outcome of their lives and imitate their faith.
    3Jo 1:11 Dear friend, do not imitate what is bad but what is good. The one who does good is of God; the one who does what is bad has not seen God.
    We can be imitators of GOD like dearly loved children...but of course,we are not His children.
    We can imitate the apostles and Christ with regard to
    - joy for the gospel (1 Th. 1:6,)
    - suffering for the gospel (1 Th. 2:14, Heb. 6:12)
    - how apostles did live, not asking for money, but working for it (2 Th. 3:7,9)
    - imitating the faith of your leaders while looking at the outcome of their lives.
    - good and bad things
    Not one of these verse stress the importance to imitate Christ for HIs humility and tenderness.....
    I am not saying it is wrong to address these characteristics, but in reality it is not a scriptural theme but more a man-made theme. That is what my overall feeling is.

  • Comment by Gogetter on 2015-04-07 07:40:48

    Excellent comments and debate, I knew using the "wait on Jehovah" quote would raise some eyebrows, and I agree with your feedback!
    To be sure I'm in the same situation as most of you brothers and sisters on here who are "spiritually awake" or like I have said before out of the cell mentally but still in the prison for the sake of family and friends.
    So I'm just trying to cope with the reality I find myself in and this site has been a blessing in that regard.
    I must confess that because of the respectful manner of everyone here and the brotherly love for those who feel abandoned and fearful of what is taking place in the organization , I am confident that Jehovah and his Son would not condemn us for being here.
    I must comment that I find it interesting that we all have come to relatively the same conclusions about the organization and the GB, but yet I like many of you come here daily to read and discuss the latest Watchtower article or other JW issues and wonder why do we do this if we truly feel that Jehovah and Jesus have nothing to do with them? (JW ) Why not leave and have nothing at all to do with the Wt Org.?
    I have seen others on various sites that have been "out" for over 20 years, yet they still post comments on scriptural topics or just make outright attacks on all things JW displaying some sort of connection albeit a negative one after many years.
    If just leaving and going to another group of Christians was easy wouldn't we already be there?
    I would sincerely like to hear your comments on this.
    I do offer my opinion and admit it may just be my coping method.
    But is it possible God wants us to be here to learn,be built up, support each other, and more importantly be a "reformer" from within. Doing so with a quite and mild spirit, doing our best to set a Christ like example in our congregations?
    Believe me there are many like minded brothers in most congregations that would respond.
    Thank you Meleti and others for allowing me to share my thoughts from time to time,
    This is certainly a place of refuge for many of us!

    • Reply by menrov on 2015-04-07 08:19:17

      Hi Gogetter ( like that name). You asked "I must comment that I find it interesting that we all have come to relatively the same conclusions about the organization and the GB, but yet I like many of you come here daily to read and discuss the latest Watchtower article or other JW issues and wonder why do we do this if we truly feel that Jehovah and Jesus have nothing to do with them?"
      Well, it is because my wife and daughter are still in and I like to maintain informed about the information being discussed every week (as I do not attend anymore). If that was no longer the case, I would not read the WT material anymore but continue on sites where bible topics can be openly discussed, like on Discussthetruth.com. Many sites that are managed by former JW's are not so much about bible topics but more a channel to "blow of steam". I understand but that is not what I personally a much interested in.
      You also asked: "But is it possible God wants us to be here to learn,be built up, support each other, and more importantly be a “reformer” from within"
      I do not know any scripture that would support this view. Nothing wrong of course if by ding this, you help others. If that is truly the only reason one stays in, it is like Paul saying "to the JW's I have become a JW although I am not a JW nor accountable to a governing body". It would be a personal choice.

      • Reply by yobec on 2015-04-07 10:58:23

        Menrov,I can relate with you on this. It is the same with me, my wife still thinks that this is Jehovah's organization. I come here to see what it is that they are filling her heads with. Sometime, I see something of which I can reason with her about . It is usually small in nature but I am hoping that in time it will sprout some independent thinking abilities.

      • Reply by Gogetter on 2015-04-08 08:21:34

        Thank you for your comments. I would respectfully like to point out that all the prophets from Isaiah to Malachi worked from within the corrupted nation of Israel and suffered at the hands of their brothers. Jehovah never commanded them to leave the situation but kept them their not only to be prophets but to be a witness.
        I believe that "the wheat and the weeds" are to be found in every man made group or organization and it matters not for the most part where you choose to go, as long as you are known by Jesus and his heavenly father and considered part of the "wheat" by them. Just don't personally teach others what is not based solidly on scripture.
        Where would we go to associate with like minded Christians that do not have some form of organizational arrangements, someone taking the lead etc. in order to fulfill John 13:35, Heb 10:24-25 although very helpful in many ways we can't use this site to accomplish this.
        So to stay or go is absolutely a personal decision. I stay because of family and friends that I have spent well over 40 yrs. shoulder to shoulder with, and can not abandon them.
        Yes this would be much easier if the fear of being labeled an Apostate and disfellowshipping was not hanging over our heads. We could for sure help many more see the errors of what is taking place right before their eyes.
        Be that as it may, we can still have a major influence by God's help, one brother at a time.

        • Reply by menrov on 2015-04-08 09:18:13

          Hi Gogetter, as Jesus is our judge, it is up to HIm to judge our decisions. I respect your choice even if I personally might disagree with the reasons. Each decision comes at a price. I wish you all the blessings ! cheers

        • Reply by miken on 2015-04-08 15:43:17

          "I stay because of family and friends that I have spent well over 40 yrs. shoulder to shoulder with, and can not abandon them.
          Yes this would be much easier if the fear of being labeled an Apostate and disfellowshipping was not hanging over our heads"
          Surrender your life to Jesus Christ and follow him John 14:6, Acts 4:12, the rewards, Matt 19:29, will out weigh the cost. Matt 10:35-40.

  • Comment by kev on 2015-04-07 14:40:51

    One of the problems with the wait on jehovah concept is this . The jews im sure in both Jerimiahs day and jesus had the same feelings . They trusted that they had the true religion and trusted that god would never abandon his temple things got that bad though that god had to go to extreme measures 2 chronicles 36 v 14 to 21 .also ..matthew 23 v 37 to 24 v1 .God tried to readjust the religion and its leaders but they would not listen to those he had sent . The leaders like pashur and the pharisees had become arrogant We all know what happened in the end . The point im trying to make here is that if anyone thinks the healing is going to come from the inside it seems to me any way to be against the form book . And in the end the true worshippers had to get out in both cases . . It will probably happen again Revelation 18 v 4 But like i say in the end . Kev

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2015-04-07 15:51:24

      I couldn't agree more, Kev.

  • Comment by BN on 2015-04-07 21:14:57

    That's why it's so important to identify the 'distgusting destroyer' (gr. bdelugma* tes eremoseos**) .. because when each of us see it , we have to flee .. and like in the first century, at one point it will be too late ...
    As we know, it was the roman armies / gentiles in the temple in the first century ..so are there any 'gentiles' in the temple today ? 1Cor 3:16, 17 ..
    *'a foul thing, a detestable thing, of idols and things pertaining to idolatry'
    Is there anybody we put on a pidestall ?
    **'a making desolate, desolation'
    Deut 29:17, 18; Jer 7:30, 34; 2:4, 11; 6:15; 4:4; 8:12; Eze 8:5, 6, 9; 44:7, 8, 9; 2Chro 13:9

  • Comment by katrina on 2015-04-08 08:28:07

    Faithful prophets were often outcasts.
    God’s prophets—faithful individuals—often found themselves outcasts, reproved and disfellowshipped by the governmental and priestly organizations.
    Jeremiah, for example, was accused of disloyalty when he urged fellow Jews to leave the ‘organization’ of his day, telling them “that everyone remaining in Jerusalem would die…but anyone surrendering to the Babylonians would live”.(Jer. 38:2 LB)
    Those loyal to the organization viewed Jeremiah as an apostate rebel and turned a deaf ear to his advice. Rather than join with the Babylonians as God commanded, they felt safer staying within Jerusalem, the headquarters of Jehovah’s organization where His king and His high priest were. But the prophet told them,“Do not put trust in lying phrases,‘Jehovah’s temple, Jehovah’s temple, Jehovah’s temple they are.’”(Jer. 7:4 Byington)
    The fulfillment of Jeremiah’s words proved that there are times when men must chose between loyalty to an organization and loyalty to God Himself. That unfaithful organization was dissolved when the Jews were carried captive to Babylon. Hundreds of years later, when Jesus Christ came to earth, worshipers of Jehovah were found to have re-assembled an organization centering on the rebuilt temple in Jerusalem. But Jesus applied to them Isaiah’s words,“These people honour me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. They worship me in vain; their teachings are but rules taught by men.”(Matthew 15:8-9 NIV)
    The leaders of God’s organized people “decided that anyone who acknowledged that Jesus was the Christ would be put out of the synagogue”—i.e., disfellowshipped.(John 9:22 NIV)
    As soon as the followers of Messiah had formed their own congregations, there appeared “weeds among the wheat”– a condition Jesus said would continue until “the end”.(Matt. 13:25,40 NIV) Already in John’s day some congregations were in the hands of men like Diotrephes:“he refuses to welcome the brothers. He also stops those who want to do so and puts them out of the church.”(3 John 10 NIV)
    So, while God has always had faithful individuals on earth, the organizations claiming to represent Him have often failed to live up to their names. In fact, such self-serving power structures have often become the persecutors of individuals faithful to God. (sorry can't give my link to this, not sure which one)

    • Reply by Wild Olive on 2015-04-10 19:15:50

      The GB are looking and behaving more like the religions they have been critical of,just on the amount of money that's flowing through,very little is spent on the bro and sis,I've been around the truth since I was 5 and Ime about to turn 53, in all that time I have never heard of financial help given to anyone to get them out of trouble,to help with hospital or aged care,sure some is given for disaster relief but when the realisation of how much coin is being collected,the disaster relief is a very small portion,it's costing a lot to maintain the infrastructure and I suppose the embarrassing situation with child abuse is also costing a lot.
      I feel the GB have lost the plot spiritually,money has become too important.

  • Comment by Meleti Vivlon on 2015-04-10 21:55:57

    Actually, disaster relief is yet another revenue stream. Brothers donate their time to rebuild homes. Brothers donate the materials to rebuild the homes. When the insurance money comes in, the home owners are expected to sign it over to the Organization.

    • Reply by Wild Olive on 2015-04-11 04:20:51

      I thought that was a rumour,can you confidently say that's true Meleti?

  • Comment by Meleti Vivlon on 2015-04-11 08:03:06

    I have been told this by people with firsthand knowledge, but these ones will hardly expose themselves on our site. So it must remain in the realm of rumor until someone is willing to confirm with proof. However, perhaps the Organization would be willing to quell the rumor by telling us what really happens to the insurance money. This would be only fair because they derive a lot of good press--mainly from our own publications and broadcasts--from the disaster relief work they organize.
    There is nothing wrong with being reimbursed for disaster relief efforts by monies derived from paid insurance claims. However, do the brothers donating their own time and money get first dibs on this money, or is it assumed that it must all go into headquarters? Perhaps all the brothers want the money to go into headquarters. Good for them! But if that is the case, if the work is done by outside volunteer labor freely contributed and the money from insurance claims goes to headquarters, should the Organization be blowing its own trumpet?
    But there is one very important point in all this that I have missed, so let me correct that oversight right now. Whatever the financial arrangement, there is no circumstance that justifies our tooting our own horn.
    “But you, when making gifts of mercy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, 4 so that your gifts of mercy may be in secret. Then your Father who looks on in secret will repay you.” (Mt 6:3, 4)
    Whenever the Organization lauds itself over its disaster relief efforts, it is paid in full. There is nothing left in Jehovah's accounts payable ledger marked as owed to the Organization of Jehovah's Witnesses.
    As for the many selfless Jehovah's Witnesses who freely give of their time and resources to help those in need in such situations. They are building up a credit with the one who can and always does pay what is owed. (Mt 6:20, 21)

    • Reply by kev on 2015-04-11 08:59:49

      Good comment meleti thats spot on . Im just not convinced that the the organisation is a real charity . Who benefits from it. Of course i cant say for certain i dont know what goes on on secret but in all my years as a JW i dont think i wItnessed even one charitable act from our congregation as far as i remember ...it was just about preaching . All this while the born agains in our area were going around our nearest city at midnight providing hot food and drink for those who were down and out . Im not trying to run the religion down im just basing that on what i have seen . Kev

      • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2015-04-11 09:13:09

        I have seen brothers come to the aid of someone in need, but when I served as an elder and the topic came up of whether we should do something as a congregation, the direction from the C.O. was always not to get involved. Let the local publishers act on their own, but organizationally, we do not set up a charitable relief effort. The only thing we ever did using congregation funds was to buy flowers for the funeral of a congregation member and even that generated some discussion as to whether it was a proper use of dedicated funds. Way in the past I remember a part on the service meeting using the book of Philemon to show that we are not to be engaged in social works. The fact that the first century congregation had an official fund to provide for widows in their need is completely ignored by us.
        I think our focus on the nearness of the end has helped us justify this attitude as akin to arranging deck chairs on the Titanic.

        • Reply by kev on 2015-04-12 05:18:11

          Meleti from what ive seen apart from the odd brother they seem to be against charitable works . My son was sponsering a child in south america he did it off his own bat he was only a young man in his early twenties he didnt have a lot of money . When he told me what he was doing i felt so proud to be his father . In fact i felt so proud that i mentioned it to one of the brothers who was a well respected figure in the congregation the guy had been an elder for many years had been a witness all his life . The response i got shocked me i was told that my son was misguided i was sickened Obviously not all have the same mindset But this is a common attitude among the brothers you get the excuses oh your wasting your time the money doesnt get to those in need or the proverbial saying they have about about give a man a fish and you feed him for a day but teach to fish and you feed him for life .To me they are just lame excuses because we dont give to charity . Its not what jesus taught he said give to the poor and have treasure in heaven . . It seems to me its the likes of our brother whom i mentioned and others like him who are severely misguided on this point . We have to ask where does this attitude come from ? Kev

          • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2015-04-12 07:39:30

            It comes straight from the organization. I know, because I had it myself. It is not printed directly, but it is passed down as part of our oral tradition, which is often stronger than the printed one, because it is reiterated frequently and can be brought to bear on any situation instantly. To my shame, I remember encouraging a publisher about to get baptised to see his volunteer work at a local community center because it would detract time from his preaching work which was of course far more important. By keeping us with the expectation that the end is just around the corner (five to seven years out is the norm) and reminding us that we are in a life saving work, it makes sense that there is no greater work we can do. But that was never the message Jesus wanted us to preach. Yes, our work is urgent, as it was in the first century. But it is not the urgency of impending doom now any more than it was in the first century. Yes, salvation is the message, but it is not the do-or-die salvation that we preach.

  • Comment by anderestimme on 2015-04-13 16:38:24

    *** w03 6/1 p. 4 What Is Happening to Charity? ***
    To Give or Not to Give
    It would be a shame, however, to allow the actions of a few individuals or organizations to squelch our genuine concern and compassion for others. The Bible says: “The form of worship that is clean and undefiled from the standpoint of our God and Father is this: to look after orphans and widows in their tribulation.” (James 1:27) Yes, active concern for the poor and disadvantaged is an integral part of Christianity.
    Still, you might wonder, ‘Should I continue to give to charity, or should I simply try to help by personal gifts to individuals?’ What kind of giving does God expect? The following article will discuss these questions.
    *** w03 6/1 pp. 6-7 Giving That Pleases God ***
    What About Organized Relief?
    Sometimes personal efforts are not enough. In fact, Jesus and his apostles kept a common fund for the poor, and they accepted contributions from caring people they met in their work. (John 12:6; 13:29) Likewise, first-century congregations took up collections when the need arose and organized relief on a larger scale.—Acts 2:44, 45; 6:1-3; 1 Timothy 5:9, 10.
    One such occasion arose about 55 C.E. The congregations in Judea had fallen into poverty, perhaps as a result of the great famine that had recently taken place. (Acts 11:27-30) The apostle Paul, always concerned about the poor, enlisted the help of congregations as far away as Macedonia. He personally organized a collection and used approved men to deliver it. (1 Corinthians 16:1-4; Galatians 2:10) Neither he nor any of the others involved took payment for their service.—2 Corinthians 8:20, 21.
    Jehovah’s Witnesses today are also quick to help when disaster strikes. During the summer of 2001, for instance, torrential storms caused major flooding in Houston, Texas, U.S.A. In all, 723 homes of Witnesses were damaged to some extent, many of them quite badly. A disaster relief committee made up of qualified Christian elders was immediately formed to assess individual needs and to allocate relief funds to help the local Witnesses to cope with the situation and repair their homes. Willing volunteers from neighboring congregations performed all the work. One Witness was so appreciative of the help that when she received payment from her insurance company to cover the repairs to her house, she immediately donated the money to the relief fund so that it could help others in need.
    When it comes to organized charity, though, we need to be cautious as we evaluate the many appeals we receive. Some charities have high administrative or fund-raising costs, leaving only a small portion of the collected money for the intended purpose. Proverbs 14:15 says: “Anyone inexperienced puts faith in every word, but the shrewd one considers his steps.” So it is the course of wisdom to examine the facts carefully.
    Giving That Does the Most Good
    There is a kind of giving that is even more important than charity. Jesus alluded to this when a rich young ruler asked what he had to do to get everlasting life. Jesus told him: “Go sell your belongings and give to the poor and you will have treasure in heaven, and come be my follower.” (Matthew 19:16-22) Notice that Jesus did not just say, ‘Give to the poor and you will get life.’ Instead, he added, “Come be my follower.” In other words, as commendable and beneficial as charitable acts are, Christian discipleship involves more.
    Jesus’ chief interest was in helping others spiritually.

    • Reply by anderestimme on 2015-04-13 16:46:31

      The above articles are subtle, but not very. Two easily perceived points are that preaching is more important than charity and that appreciation for disaster relief should motivate us to donate our insurance checks to the organization.

      • Reply by kev on 2015-04-13 18:12:10

        As we all know on this site christian discipleship does involve more than giving to charity but it also involves much more than preaching and thats where the Jws have it wrong . To be his follower we must love god and our nieghbour like jesus did ... . .and love is manifest in deeds and truth . . Jesus said many will say to me did we not prophesy in your name but he said get away from you i never knew you .matthew 7 v 21 to 23 . As for the policy of donations to the organisation Its the worker that deserves the wages . And they sickened me at the C O s visit when they used a scripture that was all about giving to widows to justify making donations to the organisation .. The fact is even on his preaching tours jesus healed people helped them and fed them and then died for them . It wasnt just about preaching it was about LOVE ..kev

  • Comment by Ray on 2015-04-14 01:09:18

    "We were all good-for-nothing slaves, just doing what we ought to do", I took the opportunity to read this scripture during the WT study & refer it to ALL JW's, saying that none of us deserves any praise or reward for anything we do. I remember an elder telling me not so long ago when a bunch of bros & sis' were aux pioneering that one particular sister tore shreds off him after the meeting because he missed reading her name at the service meeting. She missed out on a bit of praise & special attention & became angry because of it. I could but shake my head in amazement.
    I remember during the WT study when we got to par10 about being obedient to the organization I thought "Tada!!! There it is!!!" They just always have to get an obey us mention in there. Remember on the Ministry School how often we are reminded to use repetition for emphasis. They just keep plugging away at us & so many just absorb that command & apply it. We must obey the F&DS, if we question them or disagree then we're going against Jehovah etc etc etc...Don't think just obey.
    "Hence, an elder who is tenderly compassionate does not try to control the sheep, making rules or using guilt to pressure them to do more when their circumstances do not permit them to." But it's perfectly OK for the GB to at so many meetings, assemblies & conventions. If you're not pioneering, aux pioneering at certain times, reading all the mags, books brochures, doing all prestudy, personal study, weekly Bible reading, being at all meetings, keeping up with all the stuff posted on JW.org & watching/adoring the GB members on JW TV then the guilt is piled on. Then we're expected to be joyful in our service to Jehovah when we're always made to feel guilty that we never do enough.
    PS We arrived at our hall on Sunday to find that our long standing "Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses" signs on the front gate & the front of the hall have been replaced with new ones bareing huge JW.org logos. Seems like that logo is becoming our substitute for christendom's Cross symbol

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2015-04-14 07:22:20

      I think you're right. I heard about a brother on vacation who wore his jw.org badge on his baseball cap wherever he went. (Mt 23:5) We look down on others who wear the cross prominently as a sign of their faith or religious affiliation. We may even criticise it as a showy and inappropriate display of piety. Yet they might counter that the cross represents Jesus, specifically the life he sacrificed for us. The question then is, What does the JW.ORG logo represent?

      • Reply by Ray on 2015-04-14 07:33:18

        Good point Meleti. It certainly isn't representing Jesus. I think the cross represents faith in Christ more than the JW.org logo does. I now tend to think so what whether Jesus died on a stake or a cross. It's not about the implement of torture & death but what Christ accomplished on our behalf with the ransom sacrifice he made in love for us all. I always considered the stake/cross to be a bit of a nit picking issue.
        I was actually surprised the other day when I came across a statement in the Insight books on "Mediator" that Christ isn't our Mediator if we aren't claiming to be part of the 144000 club. I was rather shocked as I never knew they had that view. I have come across so many hidden things since I've been searching online for TTATT.

  • Comment by katrina on 2015-04-14 09:24:26

    JW. org logo reminds me of a business plug, where as the cross reminds me of Jesus.

  • Comment by agapeheartvisions on 2015-04-20 15:08:44

    Reblogged this on agapeheartvisions and commented:
    ..."And the truth will make you free!!"

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The New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures gets a lot of flak. Many people accuse it of being a very biased translation. Now, there's two of them, of course. There's the 1984 version, and there's the 2013. The 2013…

Hello everyone. This is the second to last video in this series on shunning. Thank you for your patience as it has taken a while to get to this point. For those of you who haven’t seen the previous videos on shunning as…

Hello, everyone. I have something truly bizarre to share with you this time. It comes from a rather innocuous place, the July 2024 letter from the Governing Body to all the elders in North America and, I assume, around…

Statement by Brother Joss Goodall To My Brother and Sisters, I am writing to you to bring to your attention some very serious concerns that have been troubling me since August of last year when I listened to a morning worship video by Kenneth…