The Governing Body Loves Us!

– posted by meleti
In this month’s TV broadcast, Governing Body member Mark Sanderson concludes with these words:

“We hope that this program has assured you that the Governing Body truly loves each one of you and that we notice and appreciate your steadfast endurance.”

We know that Jesus Christ truly loves each one of us. We know this because he has the capacity to know each one of us. He knows you down to the number of hairs on your head. (Matthew 10:30)  It would have been one thing for Brother Sanderson to give glory to the Christ and assure us of Jesus' love for each of us individually, but he makes no mention at all of our Lord in his closing remarks. Instead, his entire focus is on the Governing Body.
This raises several questions. For instance, how are the members of the Governing Body capable of loving each one of us? How can they truly love persons they have never known?
Jesus fully knows each one of us. How reassuring it is to know that our Lord, our King, our savior, fully knows us as individuals. (1Co 13:12)
Given that wondrous is truth, why should we care one iota that a group of men we have never met claims to love us? Why is their love so important that it deserves special mention? Why do we need to be reassured about it?
Jesus told us that we are all good-for-nothing slaves and that what we do is only what we ought to do. (Luke 17:10) Our faithful work gives us no basis to boast nor to exalt ourselves above others. That means that the members of the Governing Body, just like the rest of us, are – to use Jesus own words – good-for-nothing slaves.
Brother Sanderson’s closing remarks, well-intentioned though they may be, will simply serve to exalt the position of the Governing Body in the minds of the faithful rank-and-file. Most will not miss any mention of Jesus’ love for us.
It appears to this particular writer and long-time Jehovah’s Witness that this is yet another step in the slow but steady progression we have been witnessing for the last few decades from worship of God to worship of creatures.

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  • Comment by Kamil Levi Pyka on 2015-04-10 11:56:13

    The salvation are not coming to worship Governing Body or proving them or anybody anything.We received grace as a gift from Jesus.Not works but faith in Yahushua.
    It is very evident many people waking up and leaving.

  • Comment by anderestimme on 2015-04-10 12:09:08

    It sounds so Orwellian. It's very off-putting. No wonder the kids are leaving in droves.

  • Comment by Christian on 2015-04-10 18:12:42

    They have become so deluded by their own perceived standing before God that they have adopted a papal disposition.
    What's next? Will we have to kiss the pinky rings they have taken to wearing? :)
    So mind numbingly patronizing and arrogant.......they are fulfilling the scriptures exactly
    "It is not good to eat much honey: so for men to search out their own glory is not glory" Prov.25:27
    "When you pray, you are not to be like the hypocrites; for they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and on the street corners so that they may be seen by men. Truly I say to you, they have their reward in full ". Matt. 6:5

    • Reply by Wild Olive on 2015-04-10 21:47:33

      The GB are leading faithful people down a dangerous dead end.
      They have created a "visible organization/ golden calf " for everyone to see with their eyes,as was pointed out in this article by Meleti,nothing is said about Jesus and his role,He is virtually redundant in JW theology,it won't be much longer that Jehovah will be as well and the only reality will be the organization.

  • Comment by Skye on 2015-04-10 22:49:43

    There is nothing loving about the Governing Body of the Organisation of Jehovah's Witnesses. Many of us here know that only too well, but we belong to Christ, and it is him that we serve now and soon to be with him in his Kingdom.

  • Comment by katrina on 2015-04-11 08:20:22

    sorry to say but they make me sick, I can't stand watching them.

  • Comment by life2come on 2015-04-11 11:39:53

    Romans 1:25.
    Aramaic Bible in Plain English
    And they exchanged the truth of God for lies, and they revered and served created things more than their Creator, to whom belong praises and blessings to the eternity of eternities, amen.

  • Comment by smolderingwick1 on 2015-04-11 12:46:24

    Ditto to all the above. With my additional caveat that the rungs of their heavenly ladder are so rapidly disappearing, their mind-bending descent will be beyond comprehension. Limiting their exclusive love for us to the exclusion of the rest of humanity is a delusion only Christ can awaken. (Matthew 7:23)

  • Comment by kev on 2015-04-11 14:27:54

    we hope this programme has assured you that the governing body truly loves each one of you .... mark sanderson ....... little children let us love neither in word nor with the tongue but in deed and truth . The apostle John ........ 1 john 3 v 18 kev

  • Comment by yobec on 2015-04-11 22:57:10

    It would have been more appropriate for them to say " Christ appreciates". Ironically, they acknowledge that what the rank and file are doing, they are doing it as if "for them". This can be observed by their statement " WE, appreciate".
    Let us also not fool ourselves. The love they claim to have is for those who do their bidding and follow their commands without questioning. They are in fact as Jesus said " fond of what is their own"
    As for us here. You know... the mentally diseased...affected by Satanic rabies.... the ones acting like molested bees... There is obviously no love for us which incidentally, I find comforting.

    • Reply by Skye on 2015-04-12 06:24:59

      Matt 10:24,25 "A disciple is not above his teacher, nor a slave above his master. It is enough for the disciple that he become like his teacher, and the slave like his master. If they have called the head of the house Beelzebul, how much more will they malign the members of his household."

  • Comment by kev on 2015-04-12 03:10:03

    Yes .what i have found with many members of the religion is that the love they have seems conditional .Everthing is ok as long as you are ticking the right boxes so to speak . This does not seem to be the same type of love that jesus has for people . Jesus taught us to love even our enemies. He died for us while we were sinners . Paul said that love does not keep account of the injury .and is long suffering . And bears all things . From what i have read in the scriptures the only real condition that jesus placed on us was that we have that same type of love for others .Of course its a balance There are some people we have to be on our gaurd against but that should not make us rude or unkind to them .our good works toward all should be there for all to see . So to as to give glory to our father and his son jesus . Kev

    • Reply by smolderingwick1 on 2015-04-12 12:42:08

      Considering that the very leaders of the only true religion of Jesus' day (the Law covenant), they would have executed Jesus sooner had he been any more open (considering how many times he strategically showed and hid himself), how much more would those of the New Covenant today wish him dead if he were to return in the same manner.
      “Not everyone saying to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter into the kingdom of the heavens, but the one doing the will of my Father who is in the heavens will. Many will say to me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and expel demons in your name, and perform many powerful works in your name?’ And yet then I will confess to them: I never knew you! Get away from me, you workers of lawlessness.
      (Matthew 7:21-23) . . 
      "Then they also will answer with the words, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison and did not minister to you?’ Then he will answer them with the words, ‘Truly I say to you, To the extent that you did not do it to one of these least ones, you did not do it to me.’ And these will depart into everlasting cutting-off, but the righteous ones into everlasting life.” (Matthew 25:44-46)

  • Comment by kev on 2015-04-12 09:40:42

    Yes .what i have found with many members of the religion is that the love they have seems conditional .Everthing is ok as long as you are ticking the right boxes so to speak . This does not seem to be the same type of love that jesus has. ;
    for people . Jesus taught us to love even our enemies. He died for us while we were sinners . Paul said that love does not keep account of the injury .and is long suffering . And bears all things . From what i have read in the scriptures the only real condition that jesus placed on us was that we have that same type of love for others .Of course its a balance There are some people we have to be on our gaurd against but that should not make us rude or unkind to them .our good works toward all should be there for all to see . So to as to give glory to our father and his son jesus . Kev

  • Comment by Ray on 2015-04-12 15:17:00

    I can remember once not even knowing who any of the GB members were. Now, especially with the JW TV they make sure to display their names with the subtitle of Governing Body Member underneath so we are sure to be aware of them. I feel that doing so is mean't to make their words carry more weight with the general populous of JW's who adore them. I was in a car load of bros & sis on Saturday doing RV's & the subject got onto the GB. Well they were all saying which GB member they loved the most. I felt like gagging as all I could think of was what I've been reading here & on other sites.As you say Meleti, where is our Lord & King Christ Jesus in all of this???

    • Reply by Wild Olive on 2015-04-13 07:29:10

      I seriously doubt that the GB loves anyone who views or participates on this site lol

      • Reply by Ray on 2015-04-14 00:41:54

        Or any other site that isn't governed & scrutinized by them. I remember how the GB kept pushing on us that the internet was a place that was to be avoided like the plague. Until they started using it for their own purposes

    • Reply by Barnabas on 2016-04-21 13:37:03

      I remember many years ago, being told that the writers of the New World translation remained anonymous in order to avoid receiving attention that was due God. How things have changed with so much emphasis now placed on the governing body. I am increasingly sickened by what I learn - but am taking heart in my discovering so many new things. Thanks for your articles Meleti.

      • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2016-04-21 14:11:34

        Welcome Barnabas and thank you.

  • Comment by kev on 2015-04-13 13:32:36

    Im sure i remember readiing somewhere in the JW literature that the JWs were not a cult because they do not follow any earthly charismatic leader or leaders . Was it the reasoning book . ? I accepted that reasoning years ago Fred franz never had his face up in lights far as i know .

  • Comment by Nick O. on 2015-04-14 15:26:25

    The governing body claims to be the faithful and discreet slave. Yet for for one who is a faithful slave of Christ, responsible to their master, you would think responsibility to their master would be on their lips, speaking of the desire to be found faithful to him. (Matt 12:34, 15:18)
    Instead the responsibility before Christ is rarely mentioned. In the article eulogizing Guy Pierce, he is spoken of as being with Jehovah and his anointed brothers. No mention of his master.
    What is this doing to the flock? I will cite a comment made in our congregation recently: "The governing body pleads to Jehovah for us."

    • Reply by Ray on 2015-04-19 06:45:55

      Jesus seems to be slowly being forgotten. That comment is terrible but no doubt most of your congregation saw no problem with it.

  • Comment by agapeheartvisions on 2015-04-16 14:47:25

    Reblogged this on agapeheartvisions.

  • Comment by agapeheartvisions on 2015-04-17 19:23:24

    Guys, I think I may have made a mistake reblogging this to my weblog. If anyone is concerned that somehow, someway their identity may be revealed, than by all means Meleti, please remove this post. I personally don't care.

    • Reply by Meleti Vivlon on 2015-04-17 19:58:17

      Thanks for reblogging. We all use aliases, so I don't think there's any risk.

  • Comment by Ray on 2015-04-29 15:32:41

    I'm not sure if I read it here or on another site but it talked about how so often in the meeting's closing prayers the brother offering the prayer often thanks Jehovah for the F&DS. I previously never paid much attention to it but have since noticed how true this is. At out meeting last night the elder closing in prayer before anything else first thanked Jehovah for the F&DS & went on about how wonderful they are for providing us so much spiritual truth. Then thanked for all those who had meeting parts & the brothers worldwide etc No mention of thanking for all Christ Jesus did for us especially through his ransom sacrifice. He got a brief mention as usual as in the automatic "in Jesus name" at the end.

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